Faraz Rabbani – Weekly Q&A Am I Allowed to Fall Behind the Imam in Prayer

Faraz Rabbani
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The speaker advises against doing certain steps without one's prayer being invalidated and the rakah rising. They suggest studying Fi t year's analysis and leaving caution with the one with misgivings if one struggles with these kinds of things.

AI: Summary ©

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			There's a question,
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			how do how many
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			steps can you
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			fall behind the imam
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			without your prayer being invalidated
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			and without you missing the rakah?
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			The first thing is don't do that,
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			don't do that, don't fall behind the imam,
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			So if you are
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			doing tasbih
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			for example
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			then if the imam
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			from ruku you follow the imam without delay.
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			Right. You follow the imam without delay
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			Likewise, if you are reciting your tisha hood
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			at the at the and
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			the imam rises if you can finish it
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			right away
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			and follow the imam you do so
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			If you fear that you'll fall far behind
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			then you just follow the imam and leave
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			the tashahhut.
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			Right? And that's the basis.
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			Otherwise it can get complicated because that's the
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			math the issue of
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			the one who falls behind the imam.
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			And for that,
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			you should study
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			your Fiqh and you would have clarity, but
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			just don't do that. Right. Don't don't do
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			that. And if
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			one struggles with these kinds of things very
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			often it can be a sign of what's
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			called was wasa
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			of having misgivings.
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			And the way of having misgivings
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			is to
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			ignore doubts
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			and leave all attempts at caution
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			to leave all attempts
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			at caution
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			for the one with misgivings
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			in leaving
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			Caution for the one with misgivings
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			in leaving
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