Faraz Rabbani – The Rawha #209 New Beginnings

Faraz Rabbani
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AI: Summary ©

The podcast discusses prophetic guidance for the new year, including monthly donations to be a monthly supporter and the return to the home of Allah Subhan Ali Ali. MACIF, a member of the Church of Islam, emphasizes achieving high success in one's life, including aiming high and taking means, emphasizing a clear heart and a clear chest, and not losing faith and letting fear control behavior. The podcast encourages listeners to become a monthly donor and to support the message of peace and blessings.

AI: Summary ©

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			This podcast has been brought to you by
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			Seekers Guidance, the global Islamic Seminary.
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			Help us spread the light of prophetic guidance
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			to millions around the world by becoming a
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			monthly supporter.
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			Make a small donation at seekersguidance.orgforward/donate.
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			For as little as $10 a month, you
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			can help people find life changing guidance.
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			It is truly
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			as Imam al Busiri said that
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			by the mention of the chosen one, do
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			hearts come to life.
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			We've entered as you may be well aware
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			into the new Muslim year.
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			you know, as we've entered the month of
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			are opportunities to be reminded of what really
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			Right? And the and the
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			and Muharram
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			comes right after
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			the month of pilgrimage.
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			And Muharram comes right after the month of
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			And it's not just an accident
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			month of pilgrimage,
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			which is an
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			You know, the pilgrimage,
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			the hajj
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			is an explicit act
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			of journeying
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			the house of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
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			the hijrah
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			of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam,
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			which is an act
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			of journeying to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
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			Allah's pleasure
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			over any other consideration.
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			Right? Now,
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			the prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam tells
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			us There is no migration
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			the Fath of Makkah.
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			However, there remains struggle for the sake of
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			and one's intentions.
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			Like a jihadunwaniyah.
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			That which one struggles
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			for the sake of Allah and intentions.
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			if we look
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			at what we can take inspiration
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			right, with respect to the new year, many
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			things could be said,
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			but something unexpected happened
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			last night.
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			The the son
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			of one of the
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			truly great scholars of recent times,
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			Sheikh Abdul Zaq Al Hallaby, has just moved
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			to Toronto.
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			And he came
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			we've met
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			both significantly younger
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			in the late nineties.
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			So we are talking
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			and he mentioned three things that give us
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			much to reflect about
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			when it comes
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			to new beginnings. Right? And this lesson
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			from the month that has passed by
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			of the the Hajj,
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			which is that we commit to journey to
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			Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. And the Hijra, which
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			the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
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			sallam described, the Hijra was not
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			the migration of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
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			sallam was not from Mecca from Mecca to
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			That was just a form of the Hijra.
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			The reality of the hijra
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			Whoever's migration
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			was to Allah and His Messenger. Their migration
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			was to Allah and His Messenger.
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			That's the month
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			that that passed us by, the month of
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			Hajj, and then the Hijri calendar commemorates
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			the Hijra of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam,
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			which is a migration to Allah and his
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			Usad Zakkon
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			mentions that in the last days of his
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			father, Sheikh Abdul Zaq Al Halabi, he asked
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			what summarizes
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			what would how would you summarize
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			And just to give a context, Sheikh Abdul
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			Azak Al Halebi,
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			when I
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			spent a little bit of time in Damascus
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			in the late nineties, he was already in
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			his seventies,
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			and his schedule was that he would be
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			at the Umawi mosque
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			at the Grand Umayyad mosque half an hour
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			before the end of fajr of fajr.
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			And Quran classes would start. Drop in Quran
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			Half an hour before fajr,
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			and they would last
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			into the first half of the time between
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			the adhan of fajr
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			before the i'ma. Then there is time to
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			do the sunnah, do some and
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			after the prayer
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			after the prayer, there'd be the same thing.
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			There'd be some time for
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			and then he'd start lessons.
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			And these lessons
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			Omar, can you lower the echo?
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			There would be lessons
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			all the way
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			into an hour after sunrise.
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			Then he'd go home, rest a little bit,
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			have breakfast, and by 7:38 AM, he would
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			be at the madrasa.
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			And he would teach till
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			or be at Darul Ifta till
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			And then after he'd have about an hour
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			for you to go and ask him questions,
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			which would be the worst time to go
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			to him because he'd be up from half
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			an hour He'd be at the masjid from
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			half an hour before fajir, and he'd be
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			up well before that in his own worship.
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			Elderly sheikh,
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			really tired,
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			and people would go with spectacular
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			Like the kind of questions we ask here
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			are boring.
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			People would come for the villages
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			and ask crazy questions,
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			and the sheikh would get quite annoyed.
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			It'll be quite interesting. We'd we'd have a
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			dares outside his office
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			with one of his students,
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			and every 5th questioner would get kicked out.
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			They'd come to say Mohammed Juma. And he'd
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			continue teaching like this
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			till after Isha,
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			7 days a week.
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			And that's let alone his personal reading and
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			his time for his family and his time
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			for for guests who would come to visit.
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			Like I asked one of my friends, do
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			you know who said, you know, the do
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			you know his son? So not that often
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			except he'd always be there whenever he went
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			to visit Sheikh Abdul Razak. So how often
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			would you go to visit Sheikh Abdul Razak?
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			Said quite frequently.
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			And this sheikh doesn't even consider himself a
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			student of Sheikh Abdul Razak. I'm thinking when
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			would he have time to go visit him?
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			he asked So the son of Sheikh Abdulazakh
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			Sheik Abdulazakh asked him,
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			what is the summary of your life?
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			How would you summarize your life? And that's
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			something we should ask ourselves that if you're
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			saying, okay, tomorrow
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			I'm just gonna walk into my grave.
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			Right? There's the exit door from life.
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			How would you say, okay, this is the
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			summary of my life.
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			Sheikh Abdulazak's response was, I could summarize my
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			life in one verse.
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			Say, this is my way,
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			I call to Allah,
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			is Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala commanding the prophet
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			sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. Say, this is my
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			way, I call to Allah. The rest of
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			the verse,
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			with insight.
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			I and those who follow me.
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			But Sheikh Abdulazap
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			was telling his son that this is what
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			I have lived for.
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			This is what I've lived for. This what
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			I can say was the summary of my
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			Right? But can we say that?
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			Can we can we say that? And that's
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			that's what's worth living for. Right?
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			Who do we call to Allah? 1st person
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			we call to Allah is ourselves.
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			Have I truly called myself to Allah?
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			Have I called others to Allah?
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			Have I?
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			That's the first thing.
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			Now his son's a smart man.
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			So then he said, okay, father,
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			what is success?
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			So sheikh Abu Zarzak Al Halabi said,
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			in this life or in the next, what
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			are you asking about?
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			His son said,
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			in this life and in the next life.
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			So sheikh Abraza said,
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			as for success in this life, it's in
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			high resolve.
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			High If you want to attain anything in
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			this life,
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			aim high and take the means that will
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			get you there.
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			And that's what's beloved to Allah Subhanahu Wa
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			Ta'ala. The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam tells
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			Allah loves high matters and he dislikes poultry
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			matters. If you wanna eat organic
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			organic meat, don't just say, okay, I'll I'll
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			find an organic farm and do some oneself.
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			Aim high.
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			your organic,
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			your your own,
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			you know, ethical, organic
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			butcher Practice. Practice.
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			Right? Because aim high.
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			People think you're crazy.
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			Even your friends may take years to be
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			you'll be correct and take the means for
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			So what success in this life?
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			Aim high
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			and take the means.
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			And so then his son asked,
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			what about the next life? And Sheikh Abdul
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			said, what is success in the next life?
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			He said,
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			to keep a clear heart, to keep a
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			clear chest literally.
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			Meaning, so his son asked him,
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			how would one have a clear chest?
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			He he said,
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			It's the
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			that the day of resurrection is a day
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			when neither wealth
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			nor offspring
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			benefit 1.
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			Nothing of this world
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			and no worldly ascriptions
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			will benefit 1.
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			Neither will the wealth you amassed
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			or the family and
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			and status that you gathered
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			or the things that you are concerned about
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			or what you talked about about wealth
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			and the worldly,
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			none of it will benefit.
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			Except one who comes to Allah with a
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			sound heart. Except the things that led you
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			to have a sound heart.
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			Right? Just how do you make good
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			your hearts
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			relating to Allah
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			and how do you make your hearts
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			relating to Allah's creation?
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			And that's what, you know, we have to
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			ask ourselves. Right? Those are 3 questions to
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			ask ourselves. Right? That
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			what is the summary of my life?
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			What is the summary of my life?
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			Right? What I want to aspire
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			my life summary to be
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			and But also, what is it right now?
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			What You know.
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			That That's number 1. Number 2.
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			Aim high.
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			Right? Let go of all those fears and
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			insecurities. I can't do it. You can't.
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			Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's messenger tells us
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			There's no ability nor power
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			except by Allah. You can't do it because
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			you don't have any ability or power.
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			But by Allah,
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			you can get there.
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			And the third is
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			how is my heart,
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			you know, how is my heart in its
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			relationship with Allah?
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			And the question to ask oneself there as
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			there's a beautiful poem.
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			Oh, you who long to understand the meaning
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			of our beauty.
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			Right? At the end it says,
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			that if you reach seek to reach
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			that state
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			of closeness
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			and love,
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			Remove that which is between us, from between
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			And what is it that is keeping you
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			from Allah? Get rid of it. That is
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			a a heart that is clear with Allah.
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			But also what is preventing good
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			in your relationships with your parents, with your
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			children, with your spouse,
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			with your family,
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			with your neighbors, with your friends?
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			And commit to that change.
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			And commit to that change.
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			If you seek, then pay the price.
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			So we ask Allah to
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			make us
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			of those who are honored to have moments
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			of reflection,
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			of moments in which you gather our resolve,
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			moments of commitment
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			because that is
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			joy in this life.
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			And as
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			the one of the great poets of Islam
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			Talking about
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			the divine presence,
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			the experience of knowing Allah,
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			the experience
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			of closeness to Allah, the
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			the experience
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			the love of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
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			He said,
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			on their own self let cry one
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			who squandered their life.
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			And who doesn't have a fit, any share
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			nor portion.
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			So in that,
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00:14:47 --> 00:14:48
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			those who would compete. We ask Allah Subhanahu
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			Wa Ta'ala
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			to direct ourselves
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			to him and to take the means
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			and for him to facilitate for us
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			closeness and attainment.
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			Thank you for listening.
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			This podcast was brought to you by Seekers
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			Guidance, the Global Islamic Seminary.
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			Our beloved prophet,
00:15:59 --> 00:16:01
			peace and blessings be upon him, said, whoever
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			guides someone to goodness will have a similar
00:16:03 --> 00:16:04
00:16:05 --> 00:16:07
			So don't forget to share this podcast and
00:16:07 --> 00:16:09
			spread prophetic guidance.