Farah Islam – Virtual Qiyam #01
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Salam wa
Aliko My dear being me, sisters, Giselle colloquia. And for joining
me, I'm your host, Dr. Farah high stem for a very special session on
the beauty of PM. And I wanted to start out by sharing how if I
think about if I reflect upon what is a Surah or verse of the Quran
that really changed my life, I'd have to say it was surah and Musa
mill, which is the 72nd chapter of the Quran. When I read the Tafseer
of this surah honestly, and I'm not exaggerating here, it changed
my life. And so if there are any sorrows or any verses from the
Quran that changed your life, please do share them in the
comments below because it's always beautiful for us to learn from
each other to be inspired by each other. And so, in Surah, and Musa
mill in the tafsir of it in tafsir Ibn kefir, there is a great
account from Arusha, the Mother of the Believers really love what I'm
here in which he states how in the beginning of Surah, and Musa mill
night worship or pm was actually made obligatory upon the
believers, it was actually a fun with prayer.
Right so the the messenger so low, it was sent down, and his
companions are the Allahu Anhu actually stood for an entire year
in night worship, until their feet swelled. This is how I showed her
the Allahu Allah describes it. And it was only later after an entire
year had passed, that Allah has put it with the honor revealed the
last part of this surah where he lightens that burden, and says
that, that worship is actually only optional. Now. It is only
voluntary prayer now and when it used to be obligatory.
Honestly, when I read that, the companions and our beloved
messengers, hello, I Neva send them that they would stand in
prayer for so long. And basically Allah Spinoza Anna says in the in
that story, you know, to stand to pray all the night, except a
little half of it or a little less than that. So basically, they're
saying almost the entire night in worship, right, so much so and
with such dedication, and with such love, that their feet are
swelling, and in one narration, it said that their shins would swell
as well as panela. Honestly, that shook me when I read that,
consider the lives that they lead the companions that early
believers at that time, right, it was a time of extreme fear of
extreme persecution, where they had to hide their Deen had to hide
their faith. And at the same time, many were probably being
discovered and being found out and being tortured. Or it's panela. We
cannot imagine honestly, what the early believers must have gone
through and what that time was like. And so they're spending the
entire day in that kind of persecution. And then almost the
entire night, it was fun with the Isla has made it obligatory,
followed upon them to spend it in night worship, spend it in PM.
That's amazing, right? When I read that I am
I'm shaken by the love the dedication that those early
believers had. And when I read that, I couldn't not have this act
of worship in my life. I just I had to have it. So it's panela I
worked you know, really hard little by little to bring it into
my daily routine to bring it into my acts of worship throughout the
day. And it changed my life. I mean, I really did Subhan Allah
and so you know, what is it then about night worship? You know, why
would Allah spend with the Allah make this one of the early
commands, you know, right after soon after the first revelation?
Why would this be the the obligatory prayer upon the early
believers? What's so special about it? What's so amazing about it?
And so, let's begin with the honor actually gives us an answer to
this answer and Muzammil. in it. He says, in the nursery at the
lady here, I shared what Oh, Maquila. Verily rising at night is
better for understanding and more suitable for speech or for
recitation, right? That the purpose of standing at night for a
prayer is better training for the heart for the spiritual heart for
the club. And the tongue is more conducive to recitation. I mean,
it's so true, right? When we're going through the day, oftentimes
panela you know, whether we want to or not, and, obviously, I don't
think we want this to be the case. But oftentimes, we are rushing
through our prayers. It's often we have to pray to something else to
tick off our task list because we have to rush off and go to another
meeting or go to another
or obligation. And that's kind of how a rat race kind of day often
goes. But Subhanallah The night is an entirely different beast, it's
an entirely different time.
For example, in the, in the commentary, you know, Abdullah
Yusuf Ali, who I think has one of the most famous translations, most
famous English translations of the Quran, in his commentary of surah
and Muslim men, he says, The soul must stand bare and open before
Allah in the silence of the night. And that's so true, right? It's
exactly that at night, when when you are getting up from your bed,
forsaking your warm bed, especially in the cold and dead of
winter. Right, when you're getting up at night, solely for the sake
of Allah subhanaw taala solely for his divine pleasure. That's,
that's big, right? That's,
that's honestly powerful and incredible. And it's only in that
stillness in that serenity in that calm of the night, that we can
really commune with our Lord, where we can really have those
intimate conversations with our Creator,
which we can't have, when we're in that rat race that we go through
during the day. The night just brings this halwa brings this
beautiful seclusion, this stillness, where we can really
feel it's just me and Allah. It's kind of what kind of was dialer
and how powerful that silence can feel that stillness can feel.
For example, as well to add to that, you know, steady Tamia
Zubair who is of course, a big favorite, a fan favorite of being
me, oh, we always love to have her as a speaker handed in there may
Allah have mercy upon her and her and her family. May Allah bless
them during this time. She said once in her Tafseer class, you
build your spiritual stamina through nightmare through pm, your
knifes or your ego is trampled by night worship, this is the only
way you contain your knifes the only way you can lead it rather
than having your knifes lead you.
I thought that was such a powerful statement and so absolutely true.
Right? You are leaving the comfort of your warm, wonderful bed to get
up and to pray, get up to pray only for Allah subhanaw taala.
That is a powerful statement is a powerful punch in the gut to your
ego, your ego, your neffs, which only calls you to comfort only
calls you to hedonic pleasure, right only calls you to
just satisfying lust after lust, desire after desire. That's what
our neffs asks us to do. But when you say you know what, no, I'm not
going to sleep I'm not going to, I'm not going to dream comfortably
in my wonderful warm bed. No, I'm going to get up because my lord,
my Creator, my akhira my hereafter is more important than this.
That's an incredible and powerful statement, and incredible and
powerful way to train your nafs
Subhan Allah just, again, what night worship is just so powerful,
and so life changing, I think we cannot I think we can't fully
appreciate how amazing this act of worship really is. And, and I want
to end and I want to leave you with the beautiful quote of one of
the Debbie rune who said that the angels look down from the heavens
upon those who pray tahajud as you look at the stars of the sky.
Isn't that such a beautiful, such a beautiful image that he paints
in that beautiful quote? Basically, he's saying how, just
as we look up at the stars of the sky, how the stars of the sky
illuminate the dark night. We as though are those of us who as
worshipers who are getting up at night to pray in our homes. In the
dead of the night in the stillness of the night. We are illuminating
the dunya we are illuminating the earth and the angels from the
heavens. The beautiful angels look down upon us to see us worshipping
Allah Subhan Allah What a beautiful and incredible image to
think about and to aspire to May Allah spawn with the honor allow
to headjoint allow pm allow the beauty and power of night worship
to illuminate our homes.
Xochimilco low clearance for Subhanak and Houma will be handig
I tried to enter ILAHA inland SL Furukawa to the lake please do
join me me as we will be having
In a pm
and the details will follow right down below Giselle Qumulo here and
again for tuning in for this special session. And hopefully
inshallah we'll see you for the next webinar s&m Lani Kumar
rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.