Farah Islam – Invitation

Farah Islam
AI: Summary ©
A doctor, Dr. Ferrara, is hosting a virtual meeting called the bricks of faith where people can discuss the end of the year and receive a special interactive Holika. He also mentions a registration process for the meeting and hopes to see people there.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamualaikum My dear be me sisters. I'm Dr. Ferrara. Hi Sam,

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please do join me tomorrow Thursday at 11am Eastern for a

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very special halacha called the bricks of faith. We'll be having a

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special interactive Holika where we can have a discussion at the

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end all about what it takes to build on OMA together please do

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registered attend to be m.com and hope to see you there inshallah.

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So then why don't we go

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