169 Feb 3, 2017
Faaik Gamieldien – 169 – Jumuah
![Faaik Gamieldien](https://artwork.muslimcentral.com/faaik-gamieldien-150x150.jpg)
AI: Summary ©
The conversation covers the history and significance of Islam, including its importance in shaping behavior and the use of clothing during events. The segment also touches on topics such as the implementation of Islam laws and the use of clothing during events. The segment ends with a discussion of the COVID-19 pandemic and the lack of information and victory.
AI: Summary ©
hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah in Idaho and Australian who wanted
to be here wanna talk Hello Ollie when we learned him insured and fusina
Marina de la, la la
la la la
la la la la la la la sharika wanna shadow Ana Mohammed Abu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallahu alayhi wa he was having a woman who was he lived with him and allied brothers and sisters in Islam Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
allows for HANA what are the speaks to us in the Holy Quran? Allah says
hello Mark melt. Welcome Dina come to la comida MIT por el de todo como la Medina. Southern Cali. Very famous verse. Iran. I think all of us know this verse, where our last founder says, Aloma Melton accom Deena calm today and this was the day of the Avada when evisa, salaam, Sudan arafa for the first time and the last time the only student arafa once in his lifetime. And here this verse was revealed and Amari
knew that this verse meant that this was going to be close to the demise of the Navy sallallahu wasallam cozia Laos founder tells him today I have perfected for you completed for you your faith
and completed my favorite upon you and chosen for you Islam as your faith.
So in all Murthy his words he cried. And the Jews of course later on when they met hamari say to Omar, there is one verse in your book, which if it was revealed to us, we would have declared that day I'd national holiday
and our house which was adverse. And the Jew said the rabbi said that verse was a Leo merkmale colloquium dinner, the day when the revelation came to Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam that Allah had today completed and perfected the faith and chosen Islam as the religion for the whole of humanity.
Last week we spoke
on the track that allows wahana what Allah calls us, not to a destination, but Allah called us to her way to Atari to a Seville
call in a hurry, Sabina adore Illallah he
alaba theoretischen anomaly and we saw Selim says say oh Muhammad, Allah tells me so Salaam to say Say O Muhammad, that this is
my way. Or the Sabina This is my other only llama I call to this way
to allow Swan with Allah Allah basura clearly without leaving anything out, everything that Allah has given to me I have called towards set. That's why one of the things that may be said on arafah was albula. Three times they asked us to hobble Bella and Bella Bella, have I given you the message Have I given you the message Have I given you the message and the people all said banaya Rasul Allah, Allah Rasool Allah balaia. So certainly you have given us a message. Which machines which message was that that message was the complete message? Absolutely. xml allow us to work Come on, come on, it's complete.
Everything which Allah gave to him he gave to us first because he gave to the Sahaba and from the Sahaba Kanda. This includes the Quran the revelation
was a revelation was the revelation after the death of Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. Anybody put up your hands or you say the revelation came after the death of Allah.
Okay, so at least we've established that fact. In your head, he came out of the Navy so salaams death
was not very clear. It was later on I'll speak about this again. So you have to be very clear about these concepts.
So last week, we spoke about the Seville.
The study of
the Iraq War, another filati. Allah says we're under irati This is my
this is my way.
Alphonse kotova is in South Africa. In a sirata Mr. Kim, we should call for guidance. Oh Allah to the safe path.
And we say that Allah does not call us to a destination, Allah calls us to the path. So any person and every person that finds himself on the path he is Mashallah on his way to Jannah
with ease in the beginning of the path in the middle of the path at the end of the path, where there's an alley monogamy knows Arabic does know Arabic, we knows what the called Kala is in touch with or doesn't know what are called Kala is where they says Bismillah Bismillah doesn't matter
where they can say the car for the eye doesn't matter if he's on the right path.
And we said that path
is celebrated
in a very important kisser in the Quran.
And it is the case that is told to us by Allah subhanaw, taala and surah Yusuf.
Allah talks about the young men that took themselves to a cave.
And they were in that cave, approximately 300 years they slept in that cave.
And the reason they took themselves to the cave was that they were the only believers in that city in which they which they came from all the other people who shikun their worship idols. They were the only few teenagers that decided that we are going to worship none but Allah subhanaw taala there was no prophet, there was no book. There was no Allah. There was no Salah there was no fast there was no Zakah there was only one thing all they knew was that there is none worthy of worship except Allah subhanho wa Taala La ilaha illa Allah, and they live. These stories tell us closer to the time of Muhammad sallahu wa salam about 100 to 120 years prior to the coming of Muhammad Sallallahu
wasallam. And since the beginning of this revelation, this for the greatest scholars have studied the surah and study the history of these heroes of La ilaha illAllah, these young teenagers who because they could not find themselves to submit to anyone besides Allah
took themselves out of the community.
And Allah put him to sleep in this case and the story is clear. But what is the central theme of the story? The central theme of the story tells us that that is the ciroc Sabine allows for how Allah is Allah nabooda illa Allah, that we should worship none except Allah.
When the king of Persia when he when he was conquered in this harbor came
to him
having taken him off his throne he asked him what did you come into here? You Arabs coming there from the middle of the desert people will say no last month and last year, suddenly European our doorstep and you come to our country so Pinilla Why did you come we know that you know the after money you don't have to women, you don't have to conquering territory. So why did you come? He said, Our Prophet told us
that our major task in the world is one tough
region in Southern Maine, I bought it and I bet Eli Bharati.
He says our job as the hava hamato salaam and this is what he told us, that we should take mankind from the worship of mankind to the worship of the lord of mankind.
So we've come here to offer you Islam,
and not to allow your people to worship you because we know that in the time of the ancient Persians, people worship the kings and queens of that time, same with the Roman Empire.
So this is the objectivist of Islam, which was completed by Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. That was basically last week's lecture. So these young people were heroes. For one reason only. They didn't know that we didn't know that. They knew nothing.
In Nagato, Allah, Allah says, In Lavina kalu Rahman Allah,
Allah says, and knows people who say Allah is our Lord.
what is required of us to stay with
La ilaha illa Allah, Allah is our Lord, to Messiah calm and then nothing but nothing but nothing major
deviate from saying those words allies our load Tata Nano Allah, Allah Allah was an angel down to them when they die
Allahu Allah will give him the glad tidings because in death we are most fearful of what will happen. They will come with one message to us Do not be afraid and Do not be sad
Why michiru Bill janati Latika
we bring you glad tidings
of Paradise
Who are those people alladhina Carlota buena Lhasa Mr. hub, those who say allies, our Lord and then his firm upon them. I'm not saying this man.
Unless he says
in the Quran
whatever she will be generated.
And then Allah goes further and says Nana Olia Hayato Nia,
we are your only
your friends, your protectors, your helpers.
for dunya was
in this dunya
because some people think it is done and they need other earlier and in an era this earlier. No, Allah says, I am your friend. I will protect I'm your helper in this world and they are we don't need other earlier. Now No, only I'm not saying that you can go.
Although we've been misled by trying people say well, this one's own. This one is a worldly and that one is a world in this other they know that they get revelation.
how we live our dreams later on.
Not only do you have an ashram
walakum Fie hammer Tasha and fuku Paula coffee her motto in the Los Angeles is in that Jana for those who say the Robin Allah will be everything with which the heart desire.
The desire will appear in front of them. They don't have to say anything in general you just have to think about something. So Pamela Angela appear right in front of you. Whatever you think of Allah
wa Kofi her motto. And also in the agenda will be everything that you ask for, that you wish for and asked for.
So hold on.
that is basically introduction tore down to speak about today.
We live in a world and we know that we live in Cape Town is a very small place. All of us knows what goes on. We have social media. We have banners being strung out to St. Paul's, we have everything that tells us what is happening around us. And this weekend is going to have is going to be happening and why they have to do it next to a dead man's grave. Allah knows what the dead has got to do with the living. So panela I have no idea.
But its parts become part and parcel of the deen of many people.
We forget
there is the ever loving
Why should we want to exchange the ever living for those who are dead?
no dummy people are not dead when they did. I mean that doesn't make any sense. So don't even come with an argument to stupid, silly argument that doesn't exist anywhere in any religion.
Maybe in other religions or non Islam.
So it is important for us to
in this dunya on which side of the line we stand for those who have stood on the fence.
Sit on the fence.
It's your choice. Every man in Islam is going to choice Allah gives everybody a choice. You have a choice to be on this side of the fence that choice to be on dice.
You have a choice to defend this Deen you have a choice to do nothing about it.
And we know that the people who did nothing about defending this Deen in the time of Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam called Manasa Kuhn those who refuse to go for jihad. They were called munafo.
In Illuminati akona Illuminati Trina feeder kill us Philomena and Allah says the Mona Kona will be in the lowest part of Jana.
Because when they have the opportunity to defend his Deen, they say
I don't want to
be involved.
I don't want to say anything. So I
I want to give a very brief outline.
This of course this occasion that is going to happen days and occasionally it's called a spiritual retreat.
Muslim zeva retreat and spirituality is our Salah, Osaka, Hajj, Ramadan given to us by none other than Allah subhanho wa Taala and practiced by Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The only receipt which Nevis Salaam did was to spend the last 10 days of Milan in the ministry. That was the nearest and furthest retreat the Navy's ever made in his whole life. And the last month of Ramadan, he spent 20 days in the masjid, although you could have spent the whole month in the budget. Why did he only spend 20 days because everything he did was by instruction.
Everything Muhammad Hassan did was that he was instructed to do it by Lowe's pinata.
And everything he did came by jabril from allows
and therefore the Navy sasaram says therapy coma in Temasek to me my lamp of the loo. A Buddha said, I have lived for you two things if you hold on to these two things you will never go astray. You will never go to the sirata Mr. P
Kitab. Allah He was in the book of Allah Fountainhead mine, Sana
and he
was also inspired by Allah subhanaw taala anticolonial Hawa in Hua Illa.
Allah says about Mohammed Salah Lara Salaam, he never thought from his house from his own desire
for my young people in who are in law, except for me, he said came from allows Muhammad
was later confirmed by our last panel, but nothing came from him Mohamed Salah Allahu alayhi wa sallam.
Now, this question of
Sufi ism was spirituality
started in the Christian Church in the third century of the
third century Innovator of that century,
Christian sage.
And it started around the shores of the Mediterranean.
And it was called mysticism. And mysticism
is a Greek comes from the Greek word mystays, which means one with initiated into the mysteries.
And the Christians then decided that they're going to have monks and nuns,
to form these spiritual movements within Christianity, particularly within the Catholic Church. And they gave themselves different names, the Franciscans, the miniguns, the Templars.
And each one had their own way of worshipping God getting married to the church, marrying or not marrying, withdrawing themselves from society. They were in permanent spiritual retreats.
And in the seventh century, when Muslims conquered places like Egypt, North Africa, and all the other places around the Levant, Jerusalem and all those places, they came into contact with all these
mystical movements that is found in the church.
And there were those Muslims who decided that we could use this also within Islam, that Islam wasn't enough for them as well. They also decided, like the Christians decided that the Bible wasn't enough for them. praying and being obedient to Allah wasn't enough for them. Muslim decided that they also didn't have enough
of the dean that allows you to declare to Muhammad on the day of Baraka was not enough.
It was not enough that to come in and they also divided themselves into groups like the Franciscans and the Dominicans in the templates, they divided themselves into the Kataria and the teacher, Nia in the nakhchivan, dia, and all these different various groups calling themselves Sufi groups or spiritual groups. So the model of these groups are based on the Christian model. And the Christian model has three basic elements.
First was poverty.
The second was
From mankind, and the third was
and participation and obedience meant to say things 1000 times over 2000 times over 5000 times over.
The exact template was adopted by the Muslims
except the poverty part
or the to be the rich.
They haven't taken the path of the Christian people who just became nuns and monks and gave everything away, etc.
we've adopted the litanies recycle of 1000s of this and 1000 of that.
And I read
on YouTube, or the YouTube somewhere in there somewhere on social media, on social media,
that this man was in charges manner comes from Yemen, is our country's in disaster. People are starving to death say
he's he gets the dreams of the Prophet. He's of the Prophet seven Raiders he come. He comes here to Cape Town when it's when his own country needs him. One of his you know, the oldest powers that these people have, they would be in amongst the people, guiding the people, helping the people. So easier.
And he says that he dreamt
that the Prophet spoke to him
and told him
a new way of putting Salawat on Mohamed Salah.
And he said to his followers, that this Salawat he was bringing it either 1000 times or 80. I mean it's amazing it the number of times 1000 times 800 times and then every day after you've done that you've done 300,000 of that even make it 50,000 55,000 times every day.
Let's examine this
with anybody which is really a martial art is related to the profit.
So he didn't have the profit center he can remove the profit,
propagating the Salawat
which means that first of all,
the hadith of Jabir of Abdullah minimus road with a profit or loss celebrated the debri came to tell him Casa haba Asante Salam Yara to Allah, Kato, Solomonic.
How much we put out on you.
Alex de la Torre salam, Salam O Allah Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam.
So Neville says no need to wait for Jabari to come and tell him Yasser Allah This is tell your companions This is how they should put Hello out on me. Tell them to say Allahumma salli ala Muhammad
Ali Mohammed Come on later Allah Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim wa barik Allah Muhammad Ali Mohammed Kamara tala Ibrahim. Ibrahim philomene in the Camino
when there's a habit he was very happy sahab was very happy because not confirmed this is the sooner way that we as muslimeen till the end of time to put salado navy seal on.
Now we know that he gave had been after his death, he gave it to this Yemeni who's here today that he got a drain and the Prophet says don't worry about that. I am still a prophet I'm still getting this is a new hobby from my grave.
This is a revelation from my case, this is Sherry Cooper and all the rest of it together.
It means that the command of a law the villa the completeness of the deen not found wasn't given to Hamas or Salama Devaraj that the people today still dream The other thing about the dream thing is that why didn't Abu pocket remember the Navy so Salaam Omar Osman Ali, the greatest man who ever lived
greatest men after the ambeo ever lived in the best of luck, they were confronted with so many issues. Never is a prophet come to them in a dream and say Abu Bakar you know these people don't want to pay the car. You want to make an army to fight these Muslims. I tell you, you know you should do this.
Because then at least Allah Allah he had done that he would have gone against his own body.
Which was what? Maybe Sam says, when you die only three things you learn to believe that
the catanzaro
element in Taka Obi
Wan one of the sokkia dolla, Nafisa Salam said, when you leave the dunya only three things you leave behind one
soccer you made which is continuous like lack of review. Secondly, and money into hobby knowledge which would have behind any kind of knowledge doesn't matter if it's fickle, fickle your history of mathematics, anyway taught something to cook or somebody to go, every single knowledge that you transfer that is sadaqa to God. And thirdly, a pious child who makes to offer you
maybe since Allah never said don't worry, by how to continue after money,
because everything
so this means this Salawat was navigate to the single man, traveling he gave it all to one mentions when his heart is only given to one man. And how do we confirm that he dreamt, there's no confirmation, no witnesses, nothing.
entranceway, then I wouldn't be so solemn in Tel Aviv, we should make 5000 or 10,000 200,000 of one particular.
So that is the one issue.
The Christian model of spirituality.
It's also based on the idea that those who are blessed by God and take the path of spirituality, they will eventually merge with God.
Because we become one with God, that why Amanda like her Lodge,
who said, who reaches levels of so called spirituality, they said, I am God.
And Allah, these worked in the trees instead and Allah then of course, he was executed for the Muslims executed for saying there.
And the two of you orders they one of the goals in life is what is called financial villa. First financial rhassoul and then financial law What does it mean for you, you become one with
the Navy so a lot of
then you get this extinguished final pillar in Allah you become one with a lot
it's called the director of Wu solar, in Sufi ism,
the daraga of reaching the highest point where you become one with a low the lower level.
And of course the two V's expand the majority of them, not all of them expand the philosophy of what to do.
That there is no difference between alignment creation the creation is Allah and Allah creation. Because they say allies every wish all the allies in me new everywhere is always in this bricks and mortar in the watch in the clock in the fence everywhere.
So soon, and if you read the label of the soul, in love When you become one with a La La La La quwata illa Billah Mandala mela Samus and says this woman says this community
from these deviant views
once you reach the level of
the obligations do not become an obligation in you anymore. Salah is in an Excel it will use that as a way to go beyond Salah. So those who have gone to
visit the Naqshbandi guru they in Cyprus was passed away now who
one of them where they told me that when it came time for Salah,
the Naqshbandi chef didn't make Salah with them no in the masjid, never in the masjid. They never went there.
There is a
leader of a Sufi group in this in Cape Town who lives in Constantia he never goes to Juma
turns him anyway in Cape Town in any Juma
but he has 1000s of followers here in Cape Town,
Rabbi Masjid in Cape Town which they bought you never go to jumada
because they have reached a level of who soon
there become one with Allah Allah, Allah Allah
And the people who follow those are not the ordinary people. These are professors, doctors, lawyers,
millionaires, billionaires, people who want the shortcut.
they'll accept this
one why now Sierra Nevada sarathi mister when Allah says this is my way they say no. We follow the 35 that is our way.
You follow our share, this is our way.
Han Solo.
And of course those who release some level of soul they say we've seen Allah
whenever he moves to Allah, Allah wants to see you.
I have spoken to you.
I've received your revelation. I now want to see you please show me
please I want to see this.
Allah said to me,
don't you believe
we will try to deceive you don't you believe can become one with Allah Don't you believe?
of Allah to me? This was not
the leader of the Naqshbandi This was musalla
This was one of the greatest who ever lived walked on this earth Moosa la salatu salam.
So he said, y'all, I just want to you know, satisfy me
Just give me a glimpse of yourself maxima.
Allah, Allah says, Yeah, masala Irani.
Allah says you can never see me.
But Allah says, I'll do you a favor.
I will send an array of my new onto the mountain.
Look at the mountain. You'll see my new rave my new rock come onto the mountain.
And when I looked at the mountain, the mountain mountain crumbled into dust and he felt sorry
for the car, please.
Any matoba after that, of course, buddy, the only people
who can ever ever reach the level of No,
never mind and the water musasa
like all these claims, that goes against the very
basis of our faith.
You may know
Allah says, you may know and I've been arriva is the fundamental pillar that is the Quran is the third verse of the Quran says that Muslims are those who believe in the unseen not want to see the unseen not know the unseen but believe in the unseen This is part of our Deen
but these people tell us and may make us believe that they can see the unseen
they make you believe that they can tell you what's gonna happen in your life tomorrow or next year.
We believe yet Allah says
those who believe in it
well you Keem una sala
and make their Salah.
This is these are the qualifications of a of a believer.
And so the love that was made between Mohammed Salah Sahaba was based on this kind of belief that they all believed in the same fashion.
Today Today we have Allah ma who know that we are two students.
But what do they tell the people?
We tell the people what they all are telling you must follow.
Through Allah says you must follow it Allah meaning what
they what they say.
knows what Mohammed says what they say. Omar said
you didn't know that insalata Shia three things will destroy this Deen
Zilla told me
the mistakes of the Allium.
Alinea is not using the sense of somebody who had gone to
$1 alone for six years now.
For even for 10 years.
And Avi, Mia is one who knows a lot, who knows his core and who knows?
Who knows his shiratama stack, imagine it and teach it to the people
will not only me, why are the mistakes desirable? The Why will it destroy the dean, because we will not even say something which is wrong
1000s of people will follow him. And if he does not retract what he did and admit that we say it was wrong,
all those people in the children's children's children were all do the wrong thing.
And what do they say? They said to
me, Mama to my man are not too fussy.
And he's Muslim. He will tell his children that and his children carried on until the death and that argument carry all that sort of every single person does. And so the dream is a story.
What on earth is beautiful? And the second one is the minority who argues with the poorer, uses the Koran to make an argument. I've listened to so many of them.
And the third
imitable below him model, leaders who are misguided Balu Waterloo, they're misguided and misguided and they must guide others and Ms. Garrett for one reason only
the people we do what the people want us to do, we say what the people wanted to say.
Because there's money in a test number one, that's the bottom line.
Today, many of them will say
what they believe to be wrong, but because they what they call their bread and butter belong depends on it they will say or they will say up to a point and then keep quiet
or they refuse to say
they will say B that is haram because Mohammed Hassan said his beta is haram those who practice without in Nairobi in Ghana, but they will not say what beta they will not say what is
the greatest of them say this, especially the international ones.
They will say everything about me but they will not say no to this be done. Do not say
they were not saying
these pejabat is to be done. They will not say that. Because they know they say that. Whoa, the trouble they lose are the people
that support them.
But answer ability and accountability is not you
hamdulillah when I leave this dunya I'm not going to see any of you.
Only in generals view.
I mean,
even if you have Korean I wouldn't see why not. Because I'll be too busy with mountains and you'll be too busy with you also.
You'll have no time for me and I'd have no time. Sorry man.
So what is this dunya dunya is from year to year, the dunya from Yeah, from the left to the throat This is the whole of the dunya the best of the dunya is only from the left.
Once it goes down yeah, you know that is good.
So why should we worry about this?
too near so short.
If you adonia so short, then from the day that you don't have to live here on the beach, it will be like a wink of an eye.
You think you're gonna lie long in the grave?
There's no there's no time Libra this time stops
no Tarbell laws from Allah created time.
So gnarly.
He says he's an alum.
His words
must not contradict the Quran nor the tsunami.
I'd even had him was a non Muslim who came to the Navy sofala
To become Muslim
and when it came to the Navy saw salamina he was he was he was in two minds and he had a big cross eyeing silver cross lying on his chest when he came to the Navy slowloris and
and the Navy saw Salaam looted in abisko salaam said to him,
allow us to handle it says in the Quran, a todos bada boom bada bang O'Meara Baba Mundo Nila
that the Jews and the Christians take the rabbi's
and the monks
at our bath as long
as God's beside Allah.
So at the end we had him was very upset when he heard the Prophet say this. He said how can you say that? How can you say that we Christians we have make our priests as Gods beside God. We don't worship our priests. When the Jews don't worship their their rabbis. How can you say that? How can you go to
them said because
been in Nome hora lu li mo halaal han Lula da da da da da Matta. Tamiya so you never saw some say.
You people. When your rabbis or your mom says something is haram, you say you say Tara, when they say it's halal, you say it's hollow.
You don't say God said that is prohibited and God said this is this is allowed. Now, you said now the rabbi says is allowed to access this and the rabbi says that. And now this is from say two in fact about you follow them. And that means the same as worshiping them.
So if you say Misha to proceed, then you worship Yoshi to just like the Jews in the church.
Unless we learn as Muslim to say, Allah said this, my chef said what Allah said, My mole on earth is what Mohammed Salam says,
Allah salatu salam, then on worshiping Him,
and there are people who will justify anything.
This book is the Bible of many of the alum of Cape Town.
The name of the book is my faheem taggi.
Unto Sahaja
understandings which need to be rectified.
Now look, where the long term emotional, upgraded, written by say Muhammad Ali Al Malik al Husseini,
you will word of Allah Maliki the guru of many of the shares in Qatar is now dead. And so they all die. But Allah will always be there. And Mohammed Hassan Hadi will always be there.
I haven't got all of time, so I can't
remember there was a time when I spoke on tabarrok. We people use the hair of the prophet to rub on the grave of the Prophet do all kinds of things about the Prophet, they say that Baraka from these things.
And we talk about a ceasefire, asking people to intercede for you by Allah go to the date, Carmen is a ask Allah for the so going to the prophet and saying, ask Allah for this. And so forth and so on. We spoke about all these and there was a whole roadshow done by the alum of Cape Cod go around all the magnitudes to confirm this stubborn rock and say no, this is part of Islam as part of Islam part of Islam.
Now, before I give you an example, in this book, and this book is written in such a way that you can't, there is no references in the book.
So if you try to look up something that is meant coach in this book, there is no difference in the book. Not even a bibliography
but it's considered to be one of the big scholars.
I want to ask your question first two questions. Two questions.
Is you read nudges.
Anybody got any other view?
If you're clothed the full of urine Can you make soiled
his blood 90s goes to the reason if your clothes are full of blood you comprehensive to take home wash.
Can you drink during that Islam allow you to drink you Really?
You seem You seem to be
Islam as you get told in madrasa that you read is
all your holiday so today only all Amato today
from waiting to get that
that P is energies From where did it come from who couldn't come along to Mohammed Susannah and he taught us how to inform them we can all agree and every Muslim from the time of Muhammad aptina believe isn't itself
and you believe like that, isn't it?
If I could you read in this couple you drink it
even if it comes from wherever it comes, even it comes from your manual drinking.
Even if
you drink it,
I would read your Hadees which he quotes
in his book,
trying to establish about
that is Baraka in certain things.
He says
only a man
whom a man who was
the witness
Yes, somebody looked after the profitsystem the honor brace wedding was
ami. I'm an honor to meet a man says karma Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Mina La Ilaha in Fiji and it will wait.
Mohammed says
in the middle of the night, Nafisa Salam went
found a clay pot next to the house, Fabiola Thea and he really urinated in the pond. Lisa,
come to me and I Elaine, and she said I got up in the middle of the night to Anna, Shanna. And I was very, very thirsty.
finale to mafia and I drank what was in that
clay pot.
She says she knew that Abby urinated in the pot, meaning she knew that he was in the pub. She says I got up late I was very, very, very
What did she do? She drank? We read ordinary.
And then he taught all of them that is
didn t What did they make exception? Do they say excluding my read all of the machinery needed except mine is not.
That's not the
point. The point the fella of Baja. She says
when I woke up the next morning
as to who I told the Messenger of Allah what I did
what do you think was the was the response of the Navy so Lawson
for the HCA he laughed.
Or Bella
will call now she's supposed to be narrating this will call and he said she says he said the Prophet says in the Quran. tacky Baka bada yo myka hada Buddha
she said the Prophet told us that your stomach will never give me trouble from today until
now you know the
the man came to the prophet and complained about his brother's stomach
and what his enemies say to him
can give it to him and he came back and he said my brother stomach is not I still not ready to give him more money.
And eventually after a few sessions of unease stomach subsided.
I've learned to be in doubt maybe the Navy said that maybe the Navy didn't say that. Now he tries also in his way this man May Allah forgive him. I mean this is I mean imagine you tell this to a non Muslim
panel. We already saw much on the imagine anonymous engage all of this. Now let me read the second How do I know I'm late but I'm sure you not mind a few minutes.
This is Abdul Razak and even the jury
Call us to
bill to add in Abuja Salam. He says I was informed. I was told I didn't say who told him. The main owner he doesn't say who told him. He is I was told that the province has an uncanny ability to attain that the property is to urinate in a container
from someplace. So are you Dr. C, D.
And when the problem new with new revenue, write it in this ball used to put it under his bed.
But if either alcohol is a fee, shake, and the next day the Prophet came in, he looked into the container and there was nothing in the container. And he asked the woman, her name was Baraka. What happened to the re
Allah mechanical cup that was in this? And she said, I drank it.
And Carnaby said to her sahaya
health news.
Now, what's wrong with this honey? What's wrong with this?
Ayesha tells us that one night in the middle of the night, it was extremely dark.
It was so dark she could see zero in the room where they were sleeping, she and the prophet and she put her hand out
trying to flee the way it was. And he had landed on the feet of the Nabi salam wa Salatu was Institute
Did any of you know that the post that the Prophet slept on a bed
a bed it's got four legs.
To the marathon it was several back in the front of atrophy in the province feed when she was sleeping on the bed. Or maybe the property when the baby ladies was sleep on the floor.
This confirms there isn't any solid sleep on the floor we know that
how now
can you imagine a bee urinating in a bowl and putting it under his bed
but even if no bed and rain was the blue
and those were supposed to be one of the greatest colors of Sufi of the Sophie's and whatever else came to take many times we infection on table man and one day and challenge me to come to table mountains to jump off first Can you believe
you may laugh?
but this is what we have to deal with in order to establish the needle on loss.
This is what people write they write it in books data before tomorrow, you know oh this is poetry. This man can write poetry spirometric great, man. Every single stupid atom in the Middle East can recite poetry. I can make up a poem not in English. And you can do it for me also, we just make the last word that I'm
wearing in Spanish that's a great man you know he can affect Arabic both?
What about the recitation of the Quran? What about doing research on us and not writing this rubbish
in books of so called Deen
when it is rubbish because doesn't make any sense, goes against everything we know of
everything we know the packet of how we live and who he was.
So not to say that we are
just saying things and we just criticizing this my duty to bring and make your way is my policy and ask me you didn't tell us about this. Why did you keep it away from them? Why didn't tell him about it.
And today they doing it today they bring the jury
because ultimately it's what happens. an offspring of the profits.
If I wash my hands, it's a hobby to catch the water of the prophets of Salaam and used to drink
karnala Yes, mixture of their faces with it today. What happens? These these people who are leaders of America they come and they follow us catch the water also. They put themselves in the same place as Muhammad Sallallahu in the same place exactly the same
level. They say well they got this what comes down is a chain that comes down
from homosassa.
So my allows for hunter to guide us and this is a feature that
Challenges of the time in which you live and
that job will come from these people
that don't want to be stupid it can be one of the biggest albums that the world has ever known. More than that, you will make the rain come down
you say, you say rain comes the rain will come he will lead weaker in the desert and green grass grow in the desert.
Oliver giving us power to do what? Why will that give that to him to test the amount of the Muslims
will you go there when you stick to the Quran and Sunnah
when you go to the manual, tell the future we can do make all these kinds of claims or will you stick to the Quran?
So you go to the managers to you know what? Your mother was born in 1953? Right. Spamalot? Did you know that
how did you know that?
And in that he becomes your God. Because he said that and you tell the world Allah 724,000 profits but what means is one thing by chance is right, by chance, you know that revelation came from Allah but amazes me my jobs and it becomes your guru.
Unless you change 124,000 prophets I was in the basement Mohammed with a basic look. And the best companions struggled for 23 years and we say
the man to the man
is the man
So my message to you is nothing but the way
because nobody was a warner he was a bring up glad tidings but he was a warner two things he did cabling abroad as of late Ryan's agenda, but he warned us for that job, but oh this so May Allah give that we take this warning and we learn from it and we stick people say that you said no, no. Hi, man. Hold on sooner. Sorry brother salaam aleikum.
wa rahmatullah wa salam alikoum.