Ebrahim Gabriels – Shaykh How to reach True and Perfect Righteousness and Piety
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the people closest to me on the Day of Qiyamah, says Rasulullah
Sallam and The people first in line to enter the Jannah through
the shafa of Rasulillah. Ali said to assalam. Are those Muslimeen
who have put the most Salawat under Rasulullah sallallahu,
sallam. So my beloved chama, to Muslimeen, my first advice to your
honorable selves today is, please be consistent and increase your
Salawat Allah, beloved Nabi Muhammad, sallAllahu, sallam, and
join me because of limit, Muhammad, time just once to put
together Salawat. Rasulallah, sallAllahu, sallam, Allah.
Um salliya, Allah,
say Dina
Muhammad, Mohammed Nabi Mesabi was
Ali mashallah, so beautiful.
And about Allah after that,
our beloved servants of Allah, Itta Allah, always be conscious of
Allah, always be mindful of Allah and be obedient to Allah. For
indeed, in the whole world, no one is more happier and no one is more
successful than the one that is obedient to Allah and obedient to
our beloved Nabi Muhammad, sallAllahu, Sallam wa Alamo and
Allah akuh Kami, tanzily and know well that ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala
says in the Holy
Quran but
lamination lentana, to
Shay in Allah, habihi Ali sadaqah, may
Allah increase Our love for the Quran.
Allah says to us,
you will never you will never reach and attain piety and
unless you spend
and sacrifice of that which you love and that which is dear to you
and whatever you spend, says Allah.
Allah is certainly aware of it,
my dear ones, all of us,
we strive in our lives to become of the righteous.
Us to become of the true makhmin. We strive to get closer to Allah.
We strive that Allah must be happy with us.
And allow me to say, if that is not the case,
if we don't strive to get closer to Allah, if we don't strive to be
of the true meaning and of the righteous, then this life is
It's no meaning because Allah says in the Quran, the reason why Allah
has created us, Allah, kalmouta wa Hayata Li yablu, wakum, ayukum,
asanu, Amala, Allah says Allah has created death and life only for
one reason to test you. Who of you are going to be the best in good
deeds? Who of you going to be the best in piety?
So Allah is saying to us in this ayah, and Allah has decreed that
this is the beginning of the fourth juice, lantana, ulbil,
so that we can focus on it.
Allah saying to us, I want you to become
of the righteous and the pious, but you can only reach that rank
if you are prepared to spend and to sacrifice of that which is most
dear to you.
So most translations in the Quran, most translations translate Hata
tumfiku, mimma tohim,
referring to your wealth and your money,
that which is most dear to you
We would like to look and focus and concentrate
on the more deeper meanings of land and all bir hat, tumfikumi,
remember that Allah says in Quran,
wala, Anna, Maa, Phil Audi means shajarat in akala moon, while
Bahru, yamudum, Bahati, Saba, ATO, Abu hum mana, Fiat, kalimala, if
all the trees in the world. And you know, there are millions of
If all the trees in the world were pins and the ocean and seven
oceans were ink, it wouldn't have been enough to explain the words
of Allah.
So yes, my dear ones,
I think most of the people in the world don't have lots of money.
So if the ayah is confined and restricted and limited to money
and wealth, then how and when will most of the Muslims achieve piety?
Another proof in the Quran that is not only to do with money.
Allah says, la Yana, laha luha wala di Maha, wala ki Yana. Lu
takwa minkum, it is not the meat and the blood of the animals that
you sacrifice and you could ban. It is not the meat and the blood
that will reach Allah wala ki ya Nalu Taku wa minkum, but it's a
piety in your hearts that will reach Allah subhana wa taala.
So, so now let us go to other things besides money that are dear
to us. But before I'm going to go there, let
me remind you that there is something more valuable and more
precious to Allah than wealth and money,
and I am speaking about time.
Yes, time is much more valuable than money. For example,
if you have lost
500 million pounds, and that's a lot of money, it is possible to
recover and to regain and get back that 500 billion or 500 million
but if you've lost one hour or even one minute, you can't recover
it. You can't get it back. In fact, even if you have all the
money in the world, you can't buy back and recover just one minute
that you've lost.
So let us now come to the other things in life that is dear.
To us,
we love to sleep,
and my evidence for that is
that Muslims, or many Muslims, are not prepared to sacrifice the
time. Time is more valuable than money. They not prepared to
sacrifice that time of their sleep, even to stand up for Fajr
Salah, their
is more dear to them than standing up to stand in front of the King
of kings and to meet Allah,
we are going back, my dear ones, to the words of Allah. And
this is what the Juma is all about. The first ayah of the
fourth Jews, you will never. Allah says you will never.
Nobody says else. Allah says you will never reach piety and
righteousness unless you spin of that which is dear to you.
So I today,
I want to go into the deeper meanings and deeper understanding,
because I'm not referring now to the Fajr Salah,
because recently Fajr was 636,
26 o'clock. It's easy to stand up for Fajr,
but I am referring to the preparedness of standing up in the
middle of the night.
So going to the ayah,
and in the context of the ayah, you will never reach true piety
and righteousness, unless you are prepared to spend that time in the
in the middle of the night, to stand up in front of Allah subhana
wa taala, our
beloved Nabi Muhammad Ali said to us,
used to stand up every night
for long, long hours,
until the feet of Rasulullah Ali said to Islam was swollen up.
Madhya wants Wallahi
Allah. Don't want us
to be mediocre. Muslims,
mediocre is a big word, but it means ordinary. Allah don't want
us to be ordinary Muslims and average Muslims. Allah wants us to
be extraordinary.
Allah wants us to be remarkable. Muslims, A
is like Allah says in surah to Sajida in NAMA, yok, meanu, be
Aya, Tina,
la Dina, either Haru, Sujan was Sabah, Hamdi, Robbie, Mama,
yesterday, boom. Now, if Allah used the word in NAMA,
it is called in Arabic, ADAL has a letter of restriction.
Allah says, Only the following people have got true Iman,
when they are reminded by the words of Allah,
they go into sujood, and then Allah says, and the other
qualities are that a Java janubu they sacrifice their womb beds and
they stand up. Yada, oh Na Rab, in the middle of the night, while the
rest of the world is sleeping, these people are up. Yada, oh Na
RAM, speaking to Allah hofan wa Tama an out of fear that
they're not going to make it the devkiyama,
our Tama an and hoping that they're going to go to Jannah.
Allah speaks about Allah's special, remarkable slaves,
extraordinary slaves. Allah calls him a bad Rahman.
What do they do ya be to nali Rabbim sudjan wakiyama. They
overnight. They overnight
in sujood and in qiyam, standing in front of Allah
Mada ones another thing that is dear to to mankind, or to be more
specific, the men of the world
is women.
Men. The nature of men is they love to look at women.
And they love, they love to look at certain.
Parts of a woman,
and if you may be doubted, Allah says in Quran zu Hela, Nina se hub
Bucha, hawati, Mina, Nisa,
beautified, has been made for mankind the love of impatience and
pleasures for women.
So by spending your time, you will never reach piety unless you spin
that is what is most love to you, for the sake of Allah. So by
spending your time to work out and to plan how you're going to lower
your gaze, how you're going to remove your eyesight softly,
because we are in a world. Every second woman in the street is
dressed up for you to look at her.
That's the reality.
So by spending your time to work out and plan how you going to
remove your eyesight softly. Because that is the advice of
Rasulullah Nabi Muhammad says istriv basarak, remove your
eyesight softly.
So by doing that,
then you will achieve piety and righteousness.
We know for a fact that the person a Muslim, he has built up Iman and
Taqwa for five years, for seven years, with one purposeful look at
the woman and the different parts of a woman. It brings down his
Iman, right down, just by one look. Now, if that is by one look,
what about Muslims that look at *?
So what was mean?
So, yes, that is how you can achieve true piety and
righteousness to spend your time
fully and lowering your gaze our beloved, Nabi IB Muhammad says,
Ali said to us. Then Allah says in the Hadith al qudasi Another atu
sa mun mas mumun means Manta, Raka, who mean mahafati, Abdul to
E man and yet you to Hala. What a fikal be he
that purposeful look, that second look, or that first long look.
Joati Muslim. I am of those people that promote
that you mustn't make jokes of the words of Rasulillah,
don't say that the first the NABI Muhammad says, The first look is
yours to have a long look. That is what, what is meant.
Harsha leela,
don't make jokes. The Nabi Muhammad meant, if you walk out of
the masjid now and unfortunately, and you didn't mean it, your eyes
fall on a woman. Allah's not going to write it down for you, so don't
say it's so used to have a long look. So I'm saying that long
look, first look and that second look. Allah says it is a poisonous
arrow from the Iblees poison. Why is it poisoned? To kill your iman,
to kill your shame. There are people looking at *.
They've got no shame. They don't know shame. For Allah, looking at
*, for example, or a man every day he walks in the street
and he looks at women as if he's looking at the Wimbledon tennis
Listen to what Allah says, Whosoever leaves alone that look
mean mahafati, out of respect for me, out of love for me, out of
fear for me, Allah says, I will replace that look that he avoided
with iman in his heart. He will find, listen to this, you will
find the sweetness of the Iman in his heart,
the dear ones,
allow me to share with you. When I told my wife this morning that
I'm going to speak about this ayah,
amazingly, she said to me,
this ayah is not only to do with money, it is to do many other
things. And even more amazingly, she told me, what about spending
time we talking with we agree now that time is more valuable than
she said to me, now, what about spending that time,
quality time with your mother and your father?
And then she went further. Allah speaks about lantana ulbil.
And she she connected with birnwali Dane, the goodness to
your parents. How can you reach piety and you are rude to your
parents? You're not dutiful to your parents.
we also another thing that is very dear to us. We love to eat.
Nobody will disagree with me. We just love we are human beings. Me
too. We love to eat. But how many of us are prepared to sacrifice
that eating on a Monday or a Thursday or just three days for
the month that Rasul has advised how many Muslims are fasting,
sunnah fasting,
Allah says you will never reach piety and through righteousness
unless you spend that which you love most
tomorrow is the 13th of Safar Rasulullah advised us fast the
white days, the 13th, 14th, 15th. So make an effort, or whenever you
decide. But life can't go on like this. We can't be stagnant.
One of my teachers told me one of the worst things in life for him
is to stay stagnant. Says, imagine your level of Iman and
spirituality is the same for the last 20 years.
My dear ones, I must look at the time I almost finished, Allah,
I quickly want to go through this one another thing that is very
dear to us, and that is sports and entertainment.
People just love sports. They're even more crazy for Liverpool and
Arsenal, Manchester United. What you ask for the Quran? People cry
when the team lose, but they don't cry when they didn't read the
Quran for a year or for two years.
People are so crazy. Sports and Entertainment is so dear to them.
When the call of Allah goes, hay, Allah, Salah, Hail, alah, come to
the salah. Come to the success. No, no, no,
the sports entertainment is more dearer to me. You're not saying
about your tongue, but actions speak louder than words. You don't
respond to the call of Allah. You respond to the sports and
entertainment. So you will never attain piety unless you spin and
sacrifice. That is what was most dear to you.
Just imagine spending that time that you use the sports to read
the Quran and study the Quran. Just imagine you use that time to
make the Quran Allah to repent to Allah, using an hour to say a
little Allah. Just imagine you using that same time to speak to
Allah, a dua hula ibadah. The main purpose, or the main form and
essence of ibadah, is to speak to Allah, subhana wa taala. So what
must mean? In conclusion,
allow me to say, to reach piety and to reach a Jannah, we need to
work very hard. The Nabi Muhammad says,
Salah Salam sila Abullah Aliyah, the commodity of Allah is
It's priceless. Rasulullah is referring to the Jannah. The
Jannah is not cheap.
You must work hard for the Jannah. Amhasi, Batum, antatul, Jannah,
walamaya, Allahu, Alain, Ajay, domin kumaye, sabirin. Allah is
asking the question, do you think that you're just simply going to
Jannah? And listen to this, and you haven't shown Allah yet that
you are serious to go to Jannah. I'll just take another two minutes
to say to my dear brothers and sisters that for the last 34 years
I end of my Jumah, were the following words of Rasulillah Ali
said to us, each and every slave of Allah, all human beings, they
make mistakes, but the best of them are those who return to
Allah, you could have been the worst of sinners, sinners, but if
you come back to Allah, you are the best in the eyes of Allah. And
whenever I come to this part of the Hadith, I say to my beloved
if you are still neglectful to Salah,
please make that decision today, that from today onwards, you're
not going to miss one salah. All of us, we want to go to Jannah,
but how can you enter the Jannah and you didn't perform your five
times Salah? So for the second time, my time is very limited. I
would have loved another 10 minutes, but unfortunately, I
haven't got the time. Shaykh Brahman, need to make important
announcements. But I ask you, my brother, if you are.
And my sister, if you are here today prison
and you are not making your Salah five times per day, I beg you,
from the bottom of my heart, please make that decision that
from today onwards, you're not going to miss one salah. And if
you're going to do that, you're on way to Jannah and make dua as
Allah grant us to meet you today, and Mazal quts that Allah grant
all of us to meet. And the devkiyama in Jannah, wasallah,
Muhammad, Alhamdulillah,
Allah, Akbar, Wali, Lal, Hamd, masha Allah, JazakAllah, khair,
shakran, Kathir and Bayer payatra magasi to our beloved Sheik
Ibrahim, Gabriel, for a very profound nasiha. May almighty
Allah grant us understanding and may Allah grant that we be of
those who will continuously strive inshaAllah to attain, to attain
true piety and righteousness. Amen, may Almighty Allah preserve
you for dilatationbrahim and keep you the very good ambassador for
Islam that you are. May Allah preserve you for many more good
years. Amen, Arab balameen, I just have a few announcements.
We have been asked to make dua for Mrs. Rashida raqnudin. She is not
well. Make dua shifa for her inshaAllah and also Karim a Thais
from Bon devil requested that we make dua for grand 95 year old
grandma AJ salah, naseeb, nislam din also for duas far Amin May
Allah grant shifa to all our Sikh people at home and in hospital,
Amini Arab balamin. And then, of course, we may dua for Sayyid
Ashfaq Qadri of karda son of kardawale, Sayyid Sahib, who
passed away with janazah, took place already, also for Mrs.
Kuhlsum, Ibrahim khandilkar, for whom we made dua last week, she
said we also passed away. May Allah grant this disease, Jannat
al ferdows. We also may dua from my father in law, Haja Ahmad
Miller, from wustah is 100 days today. 100 Days today. May Allah
grant him, Jannat al ferdows. And also from Muhammad Salim Motley,
the nephew of Hajj Hamza mutlika, whose janazah was on Monday, May
Allah have mercy and grant Mahara to all our disease
and make the qubits from the gardens of Jannah Amin. Then, of
course, we also make dua.
No, we will. We have, we are continuing today, our collection
for the floods in Pakistan, and I hope everyone has again today,
donated generously last week. Alhamdulillah, we have collected
plus minus 60,000 Rand. And we hope, with a balance, that we
intend to fill the to fill the 100,000 we will send that to
Pakistan Inshallah, and make sure that it gets where it is most
needed inshallah. Then, of course, I want to remind you, as I do
every week for the 24th of September of this month, we will
have the maharajan tifla Aksa, the Maharajah, or the commemoration or
celebration of the children of Palestine, creating more and more
awareness of the situation of Masjid Al Aqsa in Palestine. That
will be on the 24th of this month, September. And we are already
selling our vouchers,
braai vouchers and Gatsby vouchers. It is available. I have
the coordinator, * Ali, Yunus Ali, as well as I want to welcome
the Honorable Sheik Shahid eso, our national administrator of the
Al Quds foundation of South Africa, sitting at the back Masha
Allah. May Allah grant success to our endeavors for Palestine. Amen
And we pray for the liberation. Say, Amen, the liberation of
Masjid Al Aqsa and of the whole land of Palestine. Occupied
Palestine, amen. And last but not least,
today is a very sad day for Siraj Parker and his family. Is a
trustee of the masjid. And of course, the whole committee and
the Imam are really feeling it with him. Just this morning, at
about 11 or before 11, there was an attempted kidnapping on him,
and it ended up in these criminals, these animalistic
criminals, shooting him in the head
it's Siraj, just only son, we say in lalilahi, wa INLA Ilahi. Raja
on and I don't want to start another lecture here today, but I
will add on again next week, appealing to our community over
and over on a Friday.
They say before you go out of your home, read your ayatu Kors, ask
Allah's protection.
But more than that, it is by time that we as a community start
getting mobilized and galvanized, we are seeing too much as a soft
target and as an easy target. Why don't these criminals go to other
communities who are billionaires? Why do they target Muslim
businesses, mostly our business people. You are our asset. You
upkeep the masajid. You support the endeavors and the efforts of
the Muslim community. We need to get mobilized, and we need to tell
these criminals,
these brutal, animalistic criminals, don't think that we as
a Muslim community are going to remain a soft target. It's time
that we need to stand up.
I hear someone said earlier to me, I'm rather going to get my family
and run out of this country. I say, Why do you want to run away?
Wherever you turn Muslims are the recipients of injustice and
oppression, be it New Zealand, Australia, America, Britain,
wherever you go, you are going to find the same problems. We need to
put our home right. This is our home. Don't run away from your
home. We are not cowards to run away, we will stand firm as a
community and must our strength together. And I'm not calling for
I'm not calling for lawlessness. I'm not calling for vigilantism.
I'm not calling for people to take the law in their own hands.
There's already no law. But what I'm saying is we have got the
to defend ourselves as a community and every individual, we have a
right to self defense. It is time that we stand up, and we need our
lawyers, our legal experts, our medical fraternity, our people of
every profession come forward. I don't have all the answers as the
Imam, but I'm prepared to stand in the forefront and give guidance,
but I need every person of every profession to come forward and
say, Yes, this is our community, and we are going to set matters
right here for my and your children and our grandchildren and
our great grandchildren. This will be part of our legacy that we will
leave behind. Ameen ya rabal, Alameen, Do I have your support?
Only 10% is answering. Do we have your support? Barak, Allah, tabir,
Allahu, Akbar, Wali, Lal, Hamd, may Almighty Allah help us, May
Allah guide us, may Allah protect us. Make us through mukminin and
through the passionate plea that Shaykh Ibrahim Gabriel's made,
that Allah make us of those people who find time and stand up during
the night, one o'clock, two o'clock, three o'clock, four
o'clock, stand up when the whole world is sleeping. Stand up and
cry before Allah. We need to cry to Allah. We need Allah. We need
Allah. We need Allah. We need to stand up and do something about
our situation, please, I beg you, in the name of Allah and in the
name of our beloved husu report, Sayyidina Muhammad, Rasulullah,
sallAllahu, sallam, let us stand up and be a community to be
counted for a community and a force to be reckoned with that we
will not continue to be soft targets and easy targets anymore.
Wa dawana, an Alhamdulillah, Ya Rabbi Lamin, a
In Allah Nabi ya you aladina
slima, Allah AJ Islam, Abu Asmaa mean, Wadi la should go on
shirking. Rob matika, Rama Rahi mean, murham, Dali, Lai, Ramin,
Allah Abu Asmaa,
Allahu, Akbar, Allahu, Akbar, Allahu, Akbar,
Allah Abu Asmaa, Allah ILAHA, illAllah,
ashadu, anna Muhammad, Abu Allah
Allah, Ayal
all I
all Alhamdulillah.
To Alhamdulillah.
Alhamdulillah. Wala na Abu dhaqu ahadun Siwa,
Allah ILAHA, illallah wahdullah,
Shariq Allah Abdul Rasulullah, Al qawil, Owen, nasibia, Yom al
Qiyamah, Akhtar hum Allah Ya Salatin, Allah, musalhi wasallam,
wabari, Allah, Han Nabi Hil Karim wa Allah. Ich Wan Hill, ambi al
mursaleen wa ali kuldin was Sahabi Kulin ajma ain Wah Salahi Tami,
Wakita, makum, wahi tam Al muslimin waha,
Shelton, your rajim, you will Lavina, welcome at what time cool
law in Allah,
Barak, Allah come From any way to a decree. Hakim, a cool look.
Name around the Allah
Alhamdulillah Ali, when I will be learning say a Melina in the home
For who do me? Mama,
recombinda, Maya, Alamo, akum wala, Moana, Moon, Watu, baka,
Mata, state ki Dun, wallet, sanyasu, Amaya, malimi, Kala, ver
rat in Hai, Ram with color routine, Abu Ibrahim, wabarika,
Ibrahim, wabari, Sayyidina, Muhammad in wala Ali. Singh,
Muhammad, kamabta, Allah. Singh, Ibrahim wa Allah Ali. Singh,
Ibrahim, philharmon, Abu bakrin wa Umar wa atman wa ali WA and Sir
Iris, habi Wan Kabi Abu Asmaa Deen WA, ANNA ma Abu as Afghanistan.
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, illallah, Muhammad, Allah, Allahu
Akbar, Allahu Akbar,
all I
smell your Rahman, your Rahim Alhamdulillah, your
man, your Rahim
Maliki Omidyar
mean, Rahim, Maliki, Omid,
Deen, Abu dhaim
In Dino, surato, luqin.
a the Sami, one, Alina, Fila Na intawab, Rahim, Allah, Azza,
waliwana, mean,
a mean we're going to make dua for all those we've requested for
a special dua for the son of Sirach. His
name is Khalid. Brother, Sirach is very close to my heart.
Must be difficult for you and for his wife and his children and
the whole family, and for all of us, Allah says, if you kill one
is as you kill the whole of humanity. And that is how we must
feel that we make dua muhallid. Allah must grant him highest
reason, Jannah, Amin, and be reunited with his beloved family
and father and mother, Amin, Allahumma, rahamu, askinud and in
Allah begin, I will see the 18 awash In your medical or hammer,
He mean in Allah
ekaterma, Dina
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