Ebrahim Gabriels – Response to the Khutbah of Which was filled Deception and Lies! Part3

Ebrahim Gabriels
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the misguided shameless actions of the Iranian president, including his actions with therow, which were supposed to be the holy fire god. The segment also touches on the confusion surrounding the wedding of the Gani, where the woman gave mail to her husband, and the date of the wedding of theharem of the Gani, where the woman gave mail to her husband and the wedding was not from Islam or a deity. The segment also touches on the confusion surrounding the wedding date, including the fact that the woman gave mail to her husband and the date of the wedding of theharem of the Gani, where the wedding was supposed to be from Islam or a deity.
AI: Transcript ©
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Subhanallah, actually, I repeated that same statement to him

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on Wednesday night on the 17th, right before he gave his one, two

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nights before he gave his Utz and yet his kuzbai is still life. Imam

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will be lean. The misguiding Imam. Imam will be lean. The misguided

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Imams. Imam Al mubane, the misguided Imam, misguided Imams.

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After 25 minutes,

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the shaykhline said,

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still in the context of law, came at 24 minutes. Why not did you

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think Buddha Ibrahim Rasul, whatever the case may be. Then he

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says, Why did the Imam

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not verify the facts

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and not make sure about the facts

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before he gave the

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before he spoke,

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if we didn't see the fact before the how could we speak about it,

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if we didn't see what occurred before the khutbah,

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and this was days before the khutbah, how could we speak about

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the imam who gave your foot by him,

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he spoke about it because, unlike you, he knew the ruling.

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I say this.

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He spoke about it because, unlike you, he knew your rulings.

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Because when you were here the day after, the Quran still didn't know

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When we asked you, did you know

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what the rituals of the mushriks contain?

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Did you know what it means? Do you know in honor whom it is? He said,

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so isn't it enough for you that a Hindu priest,

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a Hindu priest,

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is overseeing these rituals and fulfilling these rituals. Is this

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not enough for you?

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We are going to get a to this issue of sanitizing.

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What did you tell the Hindu priest?

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How did you sanitize the Hindu priest from ship?

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SubhanAllah? This is how they fool the Muslims, he tried to sanitize

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it from Shir

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In fact, I would still commend him to a degree, because at least he

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tried to do something about the sheik just said, at

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least He tried to sanitize it from

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Yeah, they didn't know what was happening.

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So we spoke about it because we knew the ruling

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and because we witnessed Yani, the scuffle and the Shi as other

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people witnessed it

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firsthand. The maybe when you see on the video, I don't want to say

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that's first hand, but we saw it like other people saw it,

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and it was all over the place. In the ayah,

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he mentions the Subhanallah mentioned the issue of four, four

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with regards to sinner, obviously

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forgetting that the matter you want to liken to eat was witnessed

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by all.

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What you talking about for witnesses

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he claims

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that the Imam gave the

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he based his

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on the fact that the boy never said the shahada, and he called

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him a mushrik and a Hindu

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when shebrahim was here

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in The presence of Abu as brother Zahir the imamia and other

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witnesses that were here,

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we said to shakiba Rahim, even though the news of the shahada

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reached us after the was not based

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on thinking that there was Adam A shahada, because the first thing

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We said was they're gonna say he took shahada.

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First thing we said after the just watch they gonna come and say he

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took shahada,

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what they did. First thing he did when he came in here, you know

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that he took shahada,

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became Muslim.

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so if i mushrik,

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live his entire life upon shiv,

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and then the night before, he wants access to someone's

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and they tell him, look here you need to say the Shahada.

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He says the Shahada. And tomorrow he continues with Hinduism.

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So Subhanallah,

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the shahada, that he made that in our parented behind you or

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this makes a world of difference if he continues with Hinduism.

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So you can be

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a Muslim Hindu,

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because you said

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doesn't matter that you did the rituals of the mushriks in honor

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of the fire god,

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you know, and that the Hindu priest did this ritual for you,

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which is a a requirement for the marriage in the Hindu religion to

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be established,

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we are all supposed to just like, Okay, we don't know about that.

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You're supposed to pretend that never happened. A

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Hindu marriage took place,

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a solemnizing of marriage in accordance with Hindu religion,

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performed by a Hindu priest took place.

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They circumambulated a holy fire.

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There's no holy fire. What the Hindus believe is a holy fire.

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They made the walk around it seven times,

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seven times like we made around the Kaaba.

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So we said to the Shaykh when he came,

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what you want to say this about the shahada makes no difference.

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It makes no difference.

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Even if he said the shahada, and he was sent saying, the shahada,

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this is not up to us. We don't know. We don't know. We judge by

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what we saw.

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We judge by what was apparent. We judge by what he did

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and we gave a ruling on that, when

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we say we judge, we're speaking about ourselves.

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We judge by what we saw.

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When we say we gave a ruling.

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everyone knows, in the qurba, there was references given for the

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Imam Al nawabi. References was given for the ruling Sheik bin baz

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was mentioned. She fozan and others were mentioned. The

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reference was given for the fatwa. But

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he says, No, you know someone here which is what is judging?

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there's a lot of things which

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we had to make clear.

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So the Khutba, first and foremost, was not based

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on the fact that the person didn't say Shahada.

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The khutba was based on what took place, on what happened

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a person took shahada, Muslim, Mushrik

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Muslim, Hindu, okay, but for who was the Hindu wedding?

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The girl didn't grow up as a girl,

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but there was a Hinduism, a Hindu solemnizing of the marriage. So

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either you say this is for the Muslim girl, or this was for the

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Hindu man,

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one of the two.

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Or we need to now verify which solemn solemnization of the

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marriage do you consider

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the Kabul and the hijab of Islam, or walking around the fire for the

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ugly God in Hinduism,

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which to then be solemnizing the marriage. For us, the acceptance

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of the of the niqab Gani that is solemnizing the marriage. So So

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which one do you consider,

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besides the fact that she also gave to her husband

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from Islam, not

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from Islam, from Hinduism,

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from Hinduism, where the girl gives mail to the husband.

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So this was also done.

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Vows were exchanged.

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Vows were exchanged. Is

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this from Islam,

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subhanAllah, beginning students of Deen, it's not from Islam.

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It's not from Islam. So the

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was based on everything that took place. Amazing, really, didn't

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touch one of those things.

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His own.

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He didn't mention one of the things that took place at the

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wedding. That was not from the deen of Al Islam, and that was not

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from the Sunnah of Rasulullah, sallAllahu sallam, not one.

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Then he said, and this was the real point, and why he wanted me

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and the witnesses, some of them are here, why he wanted me to say

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that I only received the news of the shahada afterwards

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Subhanallah, a more narcissistic individual I've never

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met. He said, I'm here for me, my

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if you only receive the news of the Shah that after the khutbah,

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then it means whatever you said about Ash is wrong.

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Whatever you said about Ash is wrong, even if this was a Muslim

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wedding, what I said about your stroke, even

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this was a purely Muslim wedding, even if this was at a clear

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competition, or Harvey competition. And I said, what I

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said about you, it's true. He

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said, so you must retract.

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This is the meeting I'm referring to, the meeting of the mahapad.

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You must retract that you said we are al imma al mubari, the

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misguided Imams,

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the witnesses. They know how many times he

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was here for the purpose that if you didn't know about Tasha had

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means what you said about us hasn't right. You must reflect

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what you see is about us. So in his husband,

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he says

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he defamed

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were prison, and he called him Kafi. I don't use the word. I said

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He said he called him Kafi

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SubhanAllah. He when we sat here in the meeting

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after the

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I said to the sheik, Sheik,

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there is a difference between what taqsir al Muay, there is

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a difference.

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This is a difference. This is the Saturday after the Friday. There's

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a difference between a general declaration of takfir and making

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takfir of an individual. I don't know. Everyone was there.

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I don't know there's a Muslim sitting

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there. He says that he sees that he doesn't know what's going on.

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He has no knowledge of Islam, no knowledge of tahit, no knowledge

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of the Quran.

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Can I say

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So I said the rulings that I gave, it was General rulings. It was

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principles of the Sharia. He said, Yes. You said, Man Raja, of

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you said the one who is pleased with kufr is a kafir

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You find that, you find that strange to understand. The one who

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is pleased with kufr is a Kafir. Is

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that strange to understand? No strange to understand.

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So you must make a

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between a taxi, a

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difference between a general tax fear, everyone who is

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and taxi of the individual, this one you knew, that one you knew is

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not excused, we acknowledge,

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is not excused due to ignorance or anything like this. So there's a

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Subhanallah, actually,

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I repeated that same statement to him

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on Wednesday night

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on the 17th,

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the night before he gave his kuzbach, one two nights before he

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gave his and yet his kuzba, he's

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still right.

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I said, in my message,

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I said,

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I say again,

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there is a difference between General taksir and takfir upon the

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I said, and there is

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a difference between the ruling on the action and the ruling on the

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stand that this is from the kawaid of the Sharia and from the kawaida

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You can't make takfir without applying the Kawaii And

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Alhamdulillah, we know this.

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He doesn't know

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it, either he doesn't understand it, either he couldn't distinguish

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or he lied in

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so you can choose. He

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said, I call them kafir and I call them Imam Mubi. I said they are

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misguided Imams, misguided leaders

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and I need and they lead people to jahannam.

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When Sheik Ibrahim came on Saturday,

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he said, he said, right there.

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And he says, You call us misguided leaders,

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evil, misguided leaders.

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I said, You are evil, misguiding leaders.

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I said to him, she You are evil misguiding leaders, and you are

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called as to friendship.

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And you are calling us to buffer. And she

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said, Why?

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Why say this? You.

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