Ebrahim Gabriels – Palestine Needs YOU

Ebrahim Gabriels
AI: Summary ©
A representative from the Al Quds foundation South Africa has announced a pledge line on Hilal TV on Sunday, which will focus on immediate needs like medical aid and humanitarian aid. The representative asks the listeners to confirm their duty to support the people of realistic needs, such as the medical needs of the Guinea people.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah, Rahman Rahim as salaam alaikum, Rahmatullahi Barakatu, my

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beloved mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, we are all

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aware of the current genocide that is taking place in Gaza Palestine.

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It's a sad time, not only for Muslims, but for the whole world.

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So I'm duty bound to announce that the Al Quds foundation South

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Africa will be having a pledge line on Sunday on Hilal TV from 10

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o'clock the morning. And my dear brothers and sisters, allow me to

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say that you are also duty bound to be part of this pledge line.

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And allow me also to say that you are duty bound to inform all your

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family members in all your contexts before this very

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important pledge line. There are so many needs in the Gaza, but the

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immediate needs are the medical aid and the humanitarian aid. So

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I'm asking you, in the name of Allah, do your duty to support the

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people of Palestine, the people of the Gaza on Sunday morning at 10

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o'clock on Hilal TV channel 347, DSTV, we are looking forward to be

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with you, and you be with us for this crucial and very important

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pledge. Line with salaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi, wabarakatuh.

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