Ebrahim Gabriels – Hilaal live interview Chairman ISFO Ansaar Issak and special guest .
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Assalamualaikum. Welcome back to Hilal live. Thanks for watching us
on channel 347, and allowing us into your space, into your home on
the Hilal live show. We like to focus on organizations that
support the community, and in return, the community supports
these wonderful organizations, and one such organization just down
the road from us, called the Islamic Society furnace Autry.
They currently have a Salah khana, and they wanting to expand this,
because the community has now grown over the years, and they
would like to build a masjid in the area as well. From the
committee, the chairman in studio. Brother Ansar Isa, Assalamu
alaikum, and welcome. Walaikum. Salaam Warahmatullah, how are you
doing? Looking very suave, and, you know, very, very TV. I need to
watch my job here. And also, no stranger to our Hilal TV family,
Sheik Ibrahim, Gabriels, Assalamu alaikum, walaikum. Salaam man,
it's once again, a great honor and a privilege to be with you on
allow TV honors all by check. JazakAllah, so much brothers for
coming in.
Brother Ansara, the salah khana that is currently in your area at
the moment, it's been there for a number of years. Give us a little
history around that.
Just the last week, we had a session on on radio, and I was
listening to one of the former chairman,
or chairpersons, have a just a brief discussion of the history,
and he recalls the day that they started at the at ISO, and the
doors open, and it was still pretty much a butchery that the
authentic butchery kind of environment, right? One could
imagine what, what it was like cutting meat in there, and that is
where we started. I joined about two years later as musalia, and
then slowly got involved with with the Working Committee and so on,
and moved up. And Alhamdulillah, today, we year, but definitely
next year, it will be 10 years in existence. So, Alhamdulillah,
we've grown from a tiny little establishment to now a facility
that houses about 200 to 250 musalis. And even so, you've just
mentioned very correctly that we've expanded, and we've matched
or met that capacity of our facility, and now we have the need
to expand amazing. And it's so nice when you hear and see growth
like this is all which means that people are drawn to your
environment in drawn to your community, and obviously the
committee that needs to upkeep this type of establishment as
well. But for those of our viewers that don't know too much about the
Salah khana itself and the wonderful work that you've done
over the years, I'm sure by now, 10 years in existence, you've
built up some annual programs that people look forward to tell us a
bit about about that. Well, Inshallah, let me try and do the
best that I can at doing that, because we have done quite a bit.
Alhamdulillah, if I can maybe start at the the more recent ones.
And one thing that we've been planning, and we all are doing
annually, is we've done something quite unique for a masjid
environment as such. But we have a annual Fun Run, fun walk. Okay, so
which we call the community together. The first one was this
year, and it started off with about 400 entrants. Beautiful and
nice to see that the people congregated with their families.
My kids are somewhere in the mix and needed to be rescued towards
them. But alhamdulillah, it kicked off very well, and it was very
well supported by about the community. And these are events
that we use to build the organization to build the name and
invite and attract families to participate. So that is one of the
things that we do, and we try to do very out of the box, thinking
in terms of, how do we keep the masjid environment active, and how
do we keep people, people connected to the masjid, which is
very important thing in this day and age. So because we do find
that there are challenges amongst our youth, and not only our youth,
even even our older, grown folk folk, in a way to stimulate them
and keeping them in this spiritual space and also making it fun at
the same time. Of course, we've also gone through the process of
making it even more fun and having games night. And I think out of
the fact that it was introduced for getting the kids to the
masjid, I think more of the adults had a cup of coffee and a time to
socialize. And it's a social circle that they start building up
as well integrating various families and, you know, coming
together, yes, and and it was so lovely to see that this was
something. It was appreciated. In fact, when we're done with the
event, they wanted to know when the next event. But we've
obviously been sidetracked with a bit of fundraising and a bit of,
you know, deadlines that we need to meet currently. So we've been
focusing across the board, Alhamdulillah, and through the
years, we've obviously participated in fund.
Raising initiatives for the less fortunate. We've done some
cooking, we've done a lot of community outreach in ensuring
that what we do as an organization also caters for the needs of the
greater community. And it is very important that in trying to
establish our organization, this picture that we're looking at
currently was one of the massive tasks that we that we did this is
in the Parkwood area. Just added into yes means place Yes. And this
was actually a collaboration with the the local neighborhood watch
that we set up this event, and it was so well attended and
definitely appreciated. And it is amazing that when you set your
heart to doing things like this, how the support comes from the
community in giving and supporting. And it was just
completely amazing. I can guarantee you the next one you
have, Hilal TV will be there to cover that one as we look forward
to that check. It's always nice to have you in studio and also listen
to you know brother Ansar speak passionately about their
community, the work that they do, the camaraderie amongst families,
the youth, especially coming back to the Maastricht and growing that
community as well. And I'm sure Sheik has seen something like this
in various other communities in the Western Cape or in South
Africa, the challenge that communities like this often face
is, how do we grow? Where do we grow, and how do we accommodate
our community? What advice do you have for isfo, on the best way
forward, but also encouraging our viewers on how to get more
involved? Inshallah, first of all, look, my I agree with you that
your job is in danger. Of course, not only is
beautiful, he's also got a voice like your voice. Oh, no, no, no,
no, you've got a voice better than mine. Definitely, definitely. So.
So you spoke about the history. I want to speak about the future of
the furnace artery community, and I'm so happy to see all the
beautiful things that they've done. Beautiful. It really brings
the community together.
That community, what is it? Camaraderie? Oh, for sure. And for
the children to see that my daddy and my mummy and my grandmother
grandfather are busy, you know, it develops them to be community,
community orientated. So from my experience in Al Mazi, I mean, we,
me and my wife, we had a swarma stall on a Friday night, really,
and we call it a Madina shawarma, nice and be busy with a swarma,
and the smoke is coming out, and I would shout,
you know, it's Allah. It's, for me, amazing. And some of the
people that have passed on in our community, we make a lot of dua
for them, because I saw ladies, for example, standing in front of
that stove, and the fire goes up and, you know, and it's hot in the
summer, but they are there, so I am sure that they are going to
make a great success, sure. So part of our program tonight is on
hilao tv, is to encourage people to help them. They are still short
1.3 million to buy the land, right? You know, and they are
really working hard. So I'm here to appeal to the community from
all over South Africa and even outside South Africa, you know, if
you have the numbers, I'm sure the number will be on the screen, and
they can contact Ansar and say, I will give 1000 or 5000 maybe
there's somebody's going to say, I'm going to get half a million.
Inshallah. Because you know the famous Hadith I want to say to the
viewers of ilaal TV that Rasulullah says, Whosoever builds
a masjid Allah will build for you a palace in Jannah. Can you
imagine Allah? So the Sahaba said, yeah, rasulallah, but we're not
rich people. We can't afford to build amazing so the amazing words
of Rasulullah was, even if your contribution is a bird's nest the
size of a bird's a bird's net is the size if that is your
contribution, if you you gave 500 then 1000 Rand Allah will still
build for you a palace in jannah inshallah. The banking details on
the screen as well. The contact numbers for the isfo community is
on there as well. That's the beautiful that is utilized right
now. And that's the new plot inshallah that
okay, so how big is that plot, more or less, and where is it
located? So it's 2600 square meters, it's on the corner or just
behind the corner of Columbine and Ailes roads, okay? So literally,
just down the road from where we currently are, right? And if we
look at the space, and we look at so the plan you saw was just the
draft plan to get things into perspective and see what can we do
with the land. So literally, down the road, as the picture depicts
there. And the idea is to do as much with the space as possible.
Okay, and our prospectus currently has got a huge write up in terms
of what we what we'd like to do with the space. And as we've just
spoken, myself and Sheik, is that
everything that we've we've done or.
Written in our prospectus is encompassing community
involvement, or at least giving back to the community, helping and
facilitating all the needs within the community, as well as, most
importantly, a place for brick. That is the one thing that we
we're trying to do, is to build the center around
our salah, our deen, giving. Using the center as a platform of tower.
It's very important that we try and do the best with these last
couple of days to secure this piece of land, if, if I can go
back into a slight bit of the history in terms of of the the
purchase of this property, and this has started almost at the
inception of isfam. So it's approximately nine years now that
we've been trying to take this piece of land that you've just
pointed out and actually make it the reality, make it our home.
When we secured this property on auction,
we had our very first Janaza that left, and this particular person
asked that when she passes on that we actually have her salatul
Janaza on in she actually made to her that she would be the first,
that is the Janaza. She that she would be the first person to leave
from from this land.
We couldn't put the matter within the building, for sure, the best
we could do was to take it from this property and depart from
there and to this entire community. It was so
heartbreaking, because this, this particular person, was like a
mother in this community. And it is indeed a great loss, because we
are we without people to us, especially our elders, of course.
And this was a huge loss for us, and we still feel it till this
winter. So much. Brother Ansar and shaky brain, we want to take a
very quick ad break when we come back, we're going to find it a bit
more how our community at Hilal TV can get involved as well.
Inshallah, you're watching Hila live. We'll be chatting to the
good people from the Islamic Society for of furnace and Autry.
And we finding out how, and we letting you know our viewer, how
you could get involved in establishing and building this
wonderful Masjid in the Cape Town area. Thanks for watching us on
Hilal live. Assalamu, Alaikum. Welcome back to Hilal live. Thanks
for joining us on channel 347, remember, we have a very special
interview today, and as a viewer, as someone watching this
interview, you can get involved. We're gonna bring up some details
on the screen very shortly, letting you know how you can get
involved in building a masjid in the Autry area. You're welcome to
also WhatsApp us, oh, 7908525,
double, one, if you'd like to maybe add a comment, contribute or
maybe let us know what advice you have, maybe you have. You've been
part of a committee where it started as a Salah Khanna, and now
Balto masjid, brother ansad and Sheik Ibrahim Gabriels is in
Studio, and I'm so honored to have both in in my company as well.
Brother Ansar, the salah khana during the year has annual
programs. You've got Ramadan coming up now as well. And I can
only imagine how busy that's going to be. But during the year, Have
you attempted to host any fundraising events? So yes,
Alhamdulillah, 2023 has definitely been a year full of fundraising.
Okay, so much that right now, it actually is a little bit easy as
to where to start. But just with the last event, which was on the
19th of November, we've had a very lovely lunch, formal lunch, and
this was very well supported. We had about 450
tickets available, and this sold out a month before the so out of
the event, I think our target was in the region of about 100,000 and
we managed to reach 145,000
and with this event,
and all the funds that was raised with us was directly put into this
land fund that we're looking to purchase. So alhamdulillah, that
was definitely one of our major events throughout the year. As
we've said, we we constantly keeping busy, whether it is food
sales or whether it is doing special days of just awareness and
fundraising. We are constantly fundraising towards our event, and
as I've said earlier, our fund run that we had last year, I must
invite you seeing that you you prevailed your services to be
there. So Inshallah, on the fourth of February,
I see you've got your shoes on, so keep them on. Inshallah, on the
fourth of February, Inshallah, we will have our next fun run, and
we're hoping to be busy that day, but I'll check. I'll be sure to
phone you. But it is definitely a an event that we're trying to up
our numbers and up our game. And Inshallah, we have some
professional people on board in in coordinating, coordinating our
races. So we've got a full team. In case you got a gap, we can get
those sorted out. I think my cramp will come.
Even before the race, and just thinking about it as well, but
it's always nice those events is what brings communities together.
Gives you an inclusive way of accommodating what people like and
are interested in as well. I think that's what communities need, and
I think Sheik can attest to that, with regards to the various
programs that happens at so many different massages as well, but
more importantly, the religious programs that happens at a
salahana, for that matter, that has over 200 people for now, I
would imagine this is so integral in building a community. What are
your thoughts? Yeah, so before I come to that point, I fully agree
with you the most of the massage in Cape Town have been built by by
communities and by hard work, Selling Assistance, for sure, buys
in some Musas. And I'm really, I'm really taken with the story of
this lady that wanted the Janaza on the field, absolutely. Because
I must admit, as a religious leader in Cape Town that the
ladies, they are the foreigners when it comes to raising funds for
the masajid, isn't it so and so, 100% and
let us go back to history, OWL masjid, the first Masjid in South
Africa was the land? Was deleted by a lady Sarki vanikap, yes,
that's correct.
So shukran to our mothers, you know, sisters, you know, in in
Cape Town and coming to the religious functions at the Mazi as
an imam of for 35 years, I've learned to love so many people,
and most of the people that I love is because of the Masjid. You
know, it's like your own family. We call, for example, our Fajr,
not jamaa, Fajr family. And we have just started a new program.
It's just called Fajr awakening, a path to liberation. Nice, I call
the youth together in al Azim, and I said, we need to do something.
Because the one of the young people that were at the
conference, a Palestinian conference, Johannesburg, he said
they bombed most of the masjids in North Gaza, because they know and
they believe, I'm talking about the Zionists, that if, if the
Muslims are going to fill the masjid for Fajr, the time is over.
You understand? So we want to, we want to do it in Cape Town now
Inshallah, that 162 mosques in Cape Town to fill the masjid
Inshallah, but, but coming back to the religious activities, you
know, it's amazing how a community, and I think that is the
wisdom and the Allah has made it compulsory for us, not compulsory,
but to make of Salah, instead of making it at home, making it in
the masjid, because it's about building community, building
society. And what I love about this project, and maybe Ansar can
liberate this Masjid in furnace. Atri is not meant only to be a
place of worship. It's a multi purpose center, for sure. It's
going to be a library, a computer Library Development Center. And I
would love to believe Inshallah, and that must be part of a near
Ansar to develop great leaders in all fields. Yeah, inshallah. Oh,
beautiful. I think Sheik, you, you've nailed it there when you
you've mentioned the integral part that how Masjid plays in our
community as well. And Sara,
if you need a shawama stand, I know someone willing to come
through and raise that funds. Sorry. There we go. Remember the
shawama King Guy
as well.
You know, he used to be very vocal and attract people as well. I
mean, beautiful soul, the community itself
must be so excited to get involved to build this Masjid very soon, as
soon as possible. Bill Inshallah, but for our viewers sake, maybe
reiterate, where are we right now, with regards to the land, to the
amount that's raised and what is outstanding? Okay, so currently
we, we've launched the campaign, which we call the 10 day campaign,
okay? And we've, we've gone through various avenues of trying
to raise funds, okay, obviously, trying to look at those who are
taking off big chunks, and those are contributing smaller bits. And
we do believe firmly that all little bits fill the bucket, of
course. And we've decided that we're going to do a 10 day
campaign, which started a couple of days. I think we on day three.
Now, at least we have three days left till to the end of the
campaign, and we currently so the purchase amount was just over 3.5
million there okay for the property and including all other
costs and legal costs, etc. And we've raised, to date, two point.
I think it was about 2.1 million, 2.2 million. We are obviously
short of quite the chunk still, even though it's a big amount that
we've raised, and that's just to purchase the land, and that's just
to purchase the land, then there's building costs, and there's That's
correct. I'll get to that in a moment. Okay? And currently, just
to end off, we short on about 1.3 million. As we've got a couple of
CEOs. Their bonuses are coming in now. They're going to get paid in
December, inshallah. You know, 10% of that regard
that that happens. So we're currently appealing to
1004 1004 and the campaign started 1600
people at 1000
and you could easily reach out, reach, reach out, target that way.
And also for the person taking the pledge, it's easy for you to call
up 10 friends and say, Can I get 100 bucks please? Here we go and
use that as our effort. And my place is not where Sheik would
would be able to advise and and give some nasiha about that point.
But even for the person that's making that intention to support
this. I can't, but I'm going to make the effort to contact others
who can help me, and this is all paving the road towards the
akhirah. So let us take this opportunity and make use of the
opportunity to afford ourselves that that benefit of an
everlasting reward. And that is that is one thing that that we
need to do to point out to the community, as as I mentioned, I'll
get to the other point later, the second phase, or rather the bigger
phases, of the project, is, once we've acquired the land, is then
to finalize the building plan and then to start with a bulb. But
this we looking at a budget. We have some architects and people on
board already. So we've got a an estimate cost of about 25 million
that this project would cost us. But obviously we being wise about
this, and we need to do it in phases in order to to attain the
goals within within the near future. Inshallah, check. In
closing, any last message you would like to pass on to our
viewers and how they could actively get involved in making
this project a reality. Yeah, so I would love to look at the viewers
now. There we go. Camera is all your Sheik. And I would love to
say to them that this is a great need. And as you've heard, you can
give a 1000 Rand and be part of this great project. Alhamdulillah.
And I liked what Ansar said.
You know, it's because of people like Ansar that communities go
forward. I love this young man, but after today's interview, I
love him even more the way he articulated himself. Very much.
Yeah, so I want to appeal to all the viewers, please, you know,
please, 1000 Rand. And like Ansar said, If you can't, if you can
give 100 grand, you can't take your friends or your family and
say, give 100 grand for furnace Autry. And if they are, like you
said, the CEOs and our rich people that ALLAH is blessed with give a
half a million. Give a million, because there's also a building
that's gonna so I hope, Inshallah, after this program, in a week's
time, Ansar will have all the money inshallah for that.
Everyone drives past that area. Somebody needs some time or the
other. They need to stop to make Salah on your way to some of the
big supermarkets, big centers in that area, visiting family. So so
it's a definite need for our community as well. Brother Ansar,
I wish you all the very best to you and the isfo community.
JazakAllah, for everything that you do for our community, because
we all benefit from it as well. And may all this future projects
go from strength to strength. Inshallah Shukran, for the
opportunity absolute pleasure. We really appreciate it, and we hope
that we've touched the hearts of the of the listeners. I'm sure
inshallah made this materialize, and maybe all reaping the benefit
of this. It's always nice having you in our company. JazakAllah, so
much for being part of this project as well, and I'm sure with
your help, we can get there. Definitely have a great evening,
and that's how we end Halal live. JazakAllah, so much for joining us
from the Cape Town studio. So * Barnes and myself. Luqman
Shadrach, have a great evening. We now cross over to our Johannesburg
studios. You.