Ebrahim Bham – Tamim Daari RA

AI: Summary ©
The story of Jassasa's story is a series of disconnected stories, including a woman named Jassasa who found them in a storm, a woman named Jassasa who met a woman and found them, and the "oppressive ways" of cutting trees and oil. The "oppressive ways" of cutting trees and oil are discussed, and the "oppressive ways" of cutting trees and oil are also discussed. The story of Jassasa's story is a series of disconnected stories, including a woman named Jassasa who found them, a woman named Jassasa who met a woman and found them, and the "oppressive ways" of cutting trees and oil. The "oppressive ways" of cutting trees and oil are also discussed, and the "oppressive ways" of cutting trees and oil are also discussed.
AI: Summary ©
Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillahi wahdahu wa s-salatu wa s
-salamu ala ma la nabiyya ba'dahu wa la
ummata ba'da ummatihi wa la kitaba ba'da kitabihi
wa la shari'ata ba'da shari'atihi amma
ba'du fahuwa min allahi minash shaitanir rajim bismillahir
rahmanir rahim.
Ulalika hisbullah, ala inna hisbullah yawmul muqlihoon.
Sadaqallahul Azeem.
My dear respected elders and brothers, inshallah in
today's talk, I want to speak about a
sahabi which in many ways is very related
to the events that are happening in this
And he is a sahabi who has got
an incredible story and an incredible experience.
And who I'm speaking about is Tamim al
-Dari r.a. Tamim al-Dari r.a.
is a very famous companion.
In fact, he is known in the books
of hadith as the Palestinian companion.
And before anyone says that Palestinians are something
that is new, firstly he tells us that
it has been part and parcel of our
And none other than Imam Zahabi r.a.
Imam Zahabi r.a. is the imam of
Asma'ul Rijal.
He was the one who knows most about
the narrators of hadith.
So he has termed it as someone who
comes from the Palestinian region.
And he is from the tribe of Banu
Dar, a clan of the Laham tribe, which
is near the city of Khalil, near the
city of Hebron.
And he was very interested in Islam.
And narrations make mention, he was on his
way to come to Nabiye Karim s.a
.w. to inquire or to pursue Islam when
an incident took place that is nothing short
of extraordinary.
An incredible incident.
He is the sahabi, the only sahabi who
met and conversed with Dajjal.
Tamim al-Dari r.a. is a sahabi
who met and conversed with Dajjal.
He was the one who spoke to Dajjal.
Now what happened was, narrations make mention, he
was on his way to come to Medina
And then he was on the boat when
the boat met up in a storm.
And the boat was carried in that storm
for almost a month.
Eventually when the storm abated, he found himself
near an island.
He found himself near an island.
And he took a small boat to get
to this island.
When he came out of that boat towards
the island, he met a person known as
And that is why this narration is known
as the narration of Jassasa.
He met something like a person, a creature
who was known as Jassasa.
He was almost like a beast-like creature.
He was completely full of hair.
So much so that you could not distinguish
his face from the back of his head
because everything was covered in hair.
So Jassasa told him that you have come
here to this island but more than seeing
me because of course they came to an
island, they had been tossed aside for a
They were, you know, what you would say
apprehensive, you know.
And in this particular way, they met this
He said, I want you to go to
a building in this island, a top type
of a monastery.
And there you will find a person, he
is very keen to meet you.
So this Jassasa, that is why the hadith
is known as hadith of Jassasa.
And Jassasa comes from the root word which
Allah in the holy Quran says, that the
Jassasa do not spy.
So perhaps some narrators have said he was
a spy for Dajjal.
So they come and they come and meet
this person.
He said he was a huge, the largest
man we had ever seen.
He was bound in chain with his hands
tied to his neck in chain and his
knees and his feet also chained.
So when they saw him, they were apprehensive,
Who are you?
So he said, before I tell you who
am I, let me ask you questions and
who you are and where you come from.
And then they gave the background.
We come from this particular tribe in the
Middle Eastern region near Palestine, near Hebron.
And we were met up in a storm
and eventually we landed in this island.
So then he asked them certain questions about
what is happening in the world.
So first he asked them, tell me about
the dead trees of Bessan.
Because Bessan was in Jordan and it had
a lot of fruit trees and dead trees
and dead palms.
Tell me about Bessan.
Does it still have dead palms and fruit
And they said, yes, it's still full of
trees, dead palms and full of fruits, etc.
And he remarked and he said, very soon
it will not have any dead palms and
any trees.
And nowadays the same thing has happened as
he had made mention of.
Then he said, tell me about the lake
of Tiberia.
Tell me about the lake of Tiberia.
Does it have water?
And he said, yes, it has plenty of
The people irrigate their lands with that water.
The lake of Tiberia has a lot of
And he said that very soon it will
not have any water or it will have
very little water.
Some narrations make mention that that particular lake
is known as the river of Galilee.
And today it is reduced to a trickle.
Very, very little water.
Anyway, he said, he asked them, tell me
about lake Tiberia.
Does it have water?
They said, yes, it had water.
And he asked them another question.
Tell me about the spring of Zughar, which
is in the south of Syria.
Does it have water?
They said, yes.
Then he asked them the question.
Tell me about Nabi-e-Ummi, the unlettered
Tell me about the unlettered prophet.
What has happened to him?
Then they told him that he has, as
I tell you, that Tamim-e-Dari was
on his way to go and meet Nabi
So he said that he has migrated to
He said, what is the relationship between him
and the Arab tribes?
So he said, well, initially there were wars
in which some, you know, there was alternating
victory and failure with regard to those wars.
But eventually, because this was now towards the
end of Nabi-e-Tanisa's life, he has
managed to convince and he has control over
his neighboring regions.
And the Arabs are following him.
And then he makes a comment and he
said it is in their interest to follow
It is in their interest to follow him.
Then after all these questions, they asked him,
who are you?
So he said, I am Dajjal.
I am Dajjal.
And I am Dajjal.
I will make my way before the time
of Qiyamah into this world.
I will travel the world.
And of course, we know that Dajjal will
deceive people.
He will take them out of Iman.
And he said, I will travel throughout the
Besides two places.
Two places.
One of them is Makkah and one of
them is Taybah.
Taybah refers to Madinah-e-Munawwarah.
So this is what he has made mention.
Now when he made mention of it, they
eventually came out of this and they made
their way to Madinah-e-Munawwarah.
And because of what had happened, Tamim-e
-Badari r.a became a Muslim.
And he related this whole incident to our
beloved Nabi-e-Karim s.a.w. And
he became a Muslim and he reverted.
So Nabi-e-Karim s.a.w. then
called all the Sahaba.
Come, come.
Now whenever Nabi-e-Karim s.a.w.
used to say as-salat-o-jamia, it
used to be a means of calling the
people to the masjid to declare and to
narrate something very important.
So Fatima b.
Qais is the one who has narrated this
hadith, which is in none other than in
Sahih Muslim, which is the second most authentic
book of hadith.
It is in Sahih Muslim.
So Fatima b.
Qais makes mention of this whole incident.
That Nabi-e-Karim s.a.w. narrated
that Tamim-e-Badari came and he narrated
to me that he saw Dajjal and this
is what had happened.
And when Nabi-e-Karim s.a.w.
came to that part and said, he will
enter into all cities except Mecca and Taiba.
Nabi-e-Karim s.a.w. took his
staff and hit it upon the minbar and
said, this is Taiba, this is Taiba, this
is Taiba.
And this is what I have always been
telling you about Dajjal.
That Dajjal will come and he will not
be able to enter into Mecca and Madinah.
Now that is how Tamim-e-Badari r
.a. became a Muslim, met Dajjal and what
was the conversation and how he came into
Madinah-e-Munawwara and after coming into Madinah
-e-Munawwara, how he became a Muslim and
he related this to Nabi-e-Karim s
.a.w. who related it to the companions
of our beloved Nabi-e-Karim s.a
.w. Now before we go on to making
mention with regard to Tamim-e-Badari r
.a. few points on this particular incident.
One of it is very interesting.
That Dajjal, the root word of Dajjal comes
from the word Dajjal which means an imposter,
a fraud who will work on deceit.
Dajjal will make things appear to people but
it will not be real.
It will be deceit, it will be complete
So Dajjal is someone who will rely upon
fraud and deceit in misleading people.
And is it not amazing that the Sahabi
who met him comes from that region, comes
from Palestine and comes from the region where
today the country which is in the forefront
with regard to deceit and fraud.
So that country which kills over 50,000
people and still tells the world that it
is a victim.
So amazingly he comes from that region where
today the epitome of fraud and deceit is
displayed and manifested.
And the Sahabi comes from that particular region
and that particular place and he is the
one who saw Dajjal.
And Dajjal as I said is the one
who is full of fraud and the people
who are following him and of course we
know that there will be this group that
will follow Dajjal.
So the first point we would like to
make mention of.
The second point is something that is very
very interesting.
Many a times people will say if there
is such an island and Dajjal was in
there, what happens?
Today the scientists have explored all different types
of islands.
They have just uncovered every island.
So if Dajjal is alive and he saw
him in an island, what happened to that
And some of us even will say why
can't we find it on Google Maps?
Why can't we find it on Waze?
Why can't we find that particular type of
island on Google Maps and Google Waze?
Well first let me tell you it's a
well complete must to say that humanity has
uncovered all islands.
It's a complete must.
Only in Indonesia there are 17,500 islands.
Only in Indonesia.
17,500 islands.
So for some people to say that we
have uncovered all the islands is a must.
And there are many islands only in Indonesia
that have not been uncovered.
So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, we believe
in this because it comes in Sahih Muslim,
it's an authentic narration and the muhaddithin have
authenticated it.
We believe in it.
So we must not become, you know, explorers
or people who want to travel and try
to understand the hadith of our beloved Nabi
A.S. And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
there are many situations, there are many, you
know, civilizations that have been in the past
that existed that Allah ta'ala makes mention
of it, civilization makes mention of it, history
made mention of it, but it has been
covered by dust, had been covered by other
land and later on through the means of
digging, in archaeological type of digging, people have
come to find out about it.
So it is not uncommon that it could
have been there, it could have been covered,
but however, whatever it is, it is for
us to believe in this particular type of
And for us, we submit to this, you
know, a hadith which makes mention with regard
to the signs of Qiyamah, and there are
many similar type of hadith.
One of them is just that, you know,
Tamim-e-Dari r.a. saw the Dajjal,
one of them is in Yajud Majud, that
they have been trying to get away from
where they have been, you know, imprisoned and
put under a barrier by Dhul-Qarnayn, where
it is, we believe in it.
The Quran makes mention of it that they
are there, they will come before Qiyamah as
one of the signs of Qiyamah, the Dajjal
will come as one of the signs of
The hadith makes mention that Tamim-e-Dari
saw Dajjal, and this was a conversation that
I have narrated to you.
Now, Tamim-e-Dari r.a. came to
Nabi-e-Karim s.a.w., he became
a Muslim, now either in that journey or
other journeys, Tamim-e-Dari r.a. became
very close to Nabi-e-Karim s.a
.w. And one of the things that he
did was, he was a very generous person,
and he was a person who used to
have great amount of love to help humanity.
And this is one of the cornerstones of
our deed.
The best of people, Anfa'u min-nas,
is the one who is of benefit to
So this was Tamim-e-Dari r.a.
So Tamim-e-Dari, either in this or
one of the other subsequent journeys, brought certain
gifts to our beloved Nabi-e-Karim s
.a.w. On one occasion, he bought a
horse, he bought five slaves, Nabi-e-Karim
s.a.w. freed all those slaves, and
one of the things that he did was,
he brought olive oil and oil candles from
Palestine, you know, to Madinah-e-Munawwarah.
Now this is significant, because you would recall
that Maimuna bint Sa'd r.a. one day
asked Nabi-e-Karim s.a.w. that
Ya Rasulullah, tell us about Masjid-e-Aqsa.
So Nabi-e-Karim s.a.w. said,
it is a place of blessedness and a
place of resurrection.
So he said, what must I do?
Nabi-e-Karim s.a.w. said, go
and visit Masjid-e-Aqsa.
If you can't visit Masjid-e-Aqsa, send
olive oil to be used in the lamps
that will illuminate Masjid-e-Aqsa.
Send olive oil.
Go and do something.
Keep your ta'alluk of Masjid-e-Aqsa.
So we must always keep our ta'alluk
of Masjid-e-Aqsa.
And this Masjid-e-Aqsa and its surroundings
has been known as a place of olives.
And one of the oppressive ways that they
do to hurt the Palestinians is to cut
the olive trees.
And olive trees take a long time to
And it needs a lot of care to
be able to bring its fruit.
And of course, it is a blessed tree
and a blessed oil.
Nabi-e-Karim s.a.w. said, eat
olive oil and massage your body with olive
oil because it's a blessed oil.
So that is the place.
And we make dua, brothers.
Just as Allah Ta'ala has grant a
degree of freedom to Syria.
Allah Ta'ala one day, inshallah, will bring
freedom to Masjid-e-Aqsa and the place
of olives also.
Say ameen loud to it, inshallah.
So now he brought olives.
And he brought olive oil and he brought
So once he came to Masjid-e-Nabawi,
now that time up till the 9th year
of Hijri, up till the 9th year of
Hijri, one or two years before Nabi-e
-Karim s.a.w. passed away, never ever
was there any type of light that was
lit in Masjid-e-Nabawi.
So the first person, the first person to
light a lamp in Masjid-e-Nabawi was
this very saint of Ibn Madari r.a.
So he brought this lamps and he brought
olive oil.
So when he came after Maghrib, he lit
up the lamps and Masjid-e-Nabawi was
So when Nabi-e-Karim s.a.w.
came, Nabi-e-Karim s.a.w. saw
Never before did he see this.
And he said, Who lit up my Masjid?
Who illuminated my Masjid?
And Nabi-e-Karim s.a.w. showed
Although there were circumstances that he'd not lit
before, when he saw this, he said, Who
lit it up?
So he said, Tamim-e-Dari.
You know what Nabi-e-Karim s.a
.w. said?
Nabi-e-Karim s.a.w. said, May
Allah illuminate and give you nur and light
in this world and in the hereafter the
way you have lit up my Masjid.
The way you lit up my Masjid.
Just like you illuminated my Masjid.
May Allah illuminate you in this world and
in the hereafter.
May Allah illuminate you in this world and
in the hereafter.
So sometimes we get happy with just the
So we get happy with this new teacher
that came.
So he brought this whole particular aspect.
And he said, May Allah illuminate you.
And then Nabi-e-Karim s.a.w.
gave a testimony to his character.
What an amazing testimony.
He said, If I had any unmarried daughters,
I would have given it to you, O
If I had any unmarried...
All my daughters are married, right?
Some of them passed away, some of them
are still alive.
If I had any unmarried daughters, O Tamim,
I would have given them to you in
Because Tamim was such a generous person who
had such good akhlaq.
And then narrations may mention that Abu Bakr
r.a. gave him his sustained marriage.
And one of the cousins of Nabi s
.a.w., I think it was the daughter
of Harith bin Abdul Muttalib, also gave him
the daughter to get married.
Now Tamim-e-Dari r.a. who was
also known for few other things.
One is he narrated many ahadith from Nabi
-e-Karim s.a.w. The famous hadith,
Deen is Naseeha, Deen is well-wishing.
So it was also narrated from Tamim-e
-Dari r.a. And together with this, he
was a manifestation of that.
Tamim-e-Dari r.a. was known amongst
the sahaba to help people.
People loved Tamim-e-Dari because he used
to help people.
Whenever, even the reverts who used to revert,
Nabi-e-Karim s.a.w. used to
put them under the tutorship of Tamim-e
-Dari r.a. And unfortunately we have to
make mention, we don't pay much attention to
Many times we make judgment calls, they revert
for some reason.
We don't dare to judge them, brothers.
We don't know what is in their heart.
We must be able to welcome and embrace
them into the community of Islam.
That's what Tamim-e-Dari r.a. was
known for.
And he was also known for his ibadah.
Normally he used to complete his Quran in
seven days.
And it is said that occasionally in Ramadan
in particular, Tamim-e-Dari r.a. used
to make khatam of the Quran in one
And then also another important aspect of Tamim
And today we are following it.
I'm following it right now.
I'm following that right now.
Tamim-e-Dari r.a. used to give
advice in the time of Umar r.a.
in Jummah, before Umar used to come and
give the khutbah.
So Tamim-e-Dari used to give advices
to the Muslims before Umar used to come
and give the khutbah.
So many times people say you're giving the
snow talks and then you give the khutbah.
What is the jaleel for it?
Tamim-e-Dari r.a. used to give
advice to the Muslims before Umar used to
come and give the khutbah.
And then lastly, a very amazing thing with
regard to it.
When he accepted Islam, he told Nabiye-e
-Karim s.a.w. Ya Rasulullah, I know,
you are the last Nabi of Allah.
Allah is going to give you authority and
victory over Masjid-e-Aqsa and its surrounds
and the blessed land.
I implore you, I'm from that region, allot
a piece of land for me in that
blessed land near Bethlehem or near Hebron.
Give me a land from there, allot a
land from me.
So Nabiye-e-Karim s.a.w. allotted
a land from him near Hebron or near
I don't know the exact details.
Now this is a miracle of Nabiye-e
-Karim s.a.w. that Nabiye-e-Karim
s.a.w. is allotting a land to
him prior to even conquering it.
Out of the miracle, this is the miracle
of Nabiye-e-Karim s.a.w. that
he knew one day Allah is going to
grant him victory over that land.
And at the time of Umar r.a.
when that land was conquered, the Sahaba gave
it over to him and his family.
It was not used for his own purpose.
It was known as a waqf.
And he used to use it for the
benefit of the people.
And historians make mention that that particular land
was in his family till recently.
Now we don't know about the Zulman oppression
that is carrying on, what actually happened.
But one of the very, you know, Egyptian
historian, Ibn Lahya has made mention that for
centuries it was in the family and the
lineage of Tamim-e-Dari that they used
to look after that land.
Tamim-e-Dari went to Palestine in 655
of the common era and he died in
And according to the tradition, he passed away
near Hebron in a place called Beit-e
In a place called Beit-e-Jibril which
is near Hebron.
And it was destroyed by the occupying forces
after 1948.
His cover is there.
His cover is neglected.
He's abandoned just north of the Kibbutz Beit
-e-Huvrin in one of the settlements in
Around his cover is all settlers.
But of course, that doesn't diminish the status
of a person.
A cover doesn't increase or diminish the status
of a person.
It is what he had done that increases
his status and his honor.
And Tamim-e-Dari radiallahu ta'ala is
one of those great Sahaba who had such
a remarkable legacy.
The only Sahabi who met and saw Tajjal
and he came to give a report with
regard to what he had seen.
And that is one of the signs of
And that is one of the forecasts and
the predictions of our beloved Nabiye Karim sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam.
May Allah give him a topic of understanding.