Ebrahim Bham – Hadrat Umar RA

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The transcript describes the struggles of thecece Islam during the years of the Islamist movement, including beating up their brother-in-law and reading the Surah Taha. The transcript describes a harsh and compassionate ruler who used to complain and make people accept Islam, and how he faced persecution and eventually became a Muslim. The transcript also describes a time where the ruler threatened his son's behavior and threatened his reputation, causing his reputation to be punished. The " exercises" in the presence of people have become a "has" in Islam, and the "has" in Islam has become a "has" in Islam.
AI: Summary ©
Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah wa Ahla wa Salatu wa Salamu
ala man la yadabiyya maada.
Amma ba'du fawmu min ala ibn al-shaytan
Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim.
Fala warabbika la yu'minuna hatta yuhakkimuka fima ash
-shadara bainahu.
Thumma la yajidu fee'an al-afusi ma
harajan mimma qarain.
Wa yusallimu tasliman.
Sadaqallahul Azeem.
My dear respected elders and brothers, Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala in the holy Qur'an
has commanded us to follow the people who
accepted Islam in the beginning.
They are known as sabiqoon al-awwaloon.
So Allah ta'ala speaks about the sabiqoon
al-awwaloon and then Allah ta'ala says,
wal-lazeena taba'oohum bi-ihsan.
Those who follow them in righteousness and guidance.
Allah is pleased with them and they are
pleased with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Last week we spoke about Hazrat Abu Bakr
r.a and following up from there.
Today I would like to speak on the
life and glimpse us from the life and
take inspiration and lessons from the life of
Umar r.a. Umar the Great.
And there is no doubt that he was
a towering personality.
He was a very great personality.
He was born some 10 or 11 years
before our beloved Nabi al-Karim s.a
.w. He was from the tribe of Bani
And he used to look after sheep in
the initial stages.
He used to look after sheep for the
people of Makkah.
And even for his family.
His father used to beat him up a
lot while he was young.
Something that Umar r.a used to recollect
in his later days.
But, you know, Umar r.a was amongst
the very few who was literate in the
time of Makkah, in the early stages of
And we all know that one of the
aspects that he was known for, that he
was known for his hostility towards Islam.
What did Umar r.a say about him?
What did he say about him?
He used to say, Islam said, Everyone
knew with regard to it.
One or two examples with regard to it.
There used to be a slave woman by
the beautiful name of Zanira.
So Umar r.a used to beat her
And he used to beat her up so
much that afterwards he used to stop beating
her and he used to tell her, I'm
not stopping because I got Raham.
I got compassion for you.
I'm just tired.
Therefore, I stopped beating you.
Otherwise, I would have continued.
Just to know how he was is a
very interesting incident of Ummi Abdullah ibn Hantamah.
Ummi Abdullah ibn Hantamah with her husband decided
to leave Makkah after she accepted Islam because
of the hostility of the people of Quraysh,
including Umar r.a. So while she was
waiting to leave Makkah, Umar came past and
Umar just said, May Allah preserve you.
May Allah protect you.
So when the husband was born, he came
back and the wife said that Umar seems
to be coming soft on Islam.
He told me these beautiful words.
He told me these words.
You know what the husband said?
And Ibn Kathir has made mention of this.
He said, leave Umar.
The donkey of Khattab can accept Islam.
The son of Khattab can't accept Islam.
The donkey of Khattab perhaps can accept Islam.
How can Umar accept Islam?
But Allah gives guidance to whom He wills.
So Nabi Karim s.a.w. used to
make dua.
Allahumma ease Islam Oh
Allah, whoever is more beloved to you, between
these two people, make them accept Islam.
Either Umar ibn Hisham or Umar ibn Khattab
r.a. Why he said that?
It was a difference of one word.
Amr is spelt in a beautiful, in a
particular way.
And Umar is spelt in a particular way.
Amr ibn Hisham and Umar ibn Khattab.
So Nabi Karim s.a.w. made dua.
Oh Allah, accept either one of them.
One word of difference, Allah accepted Umar ibn
Now there were several incidents that happened.
One day he came to the haram.
He saw Nabi Karim s.a.w. reading
So he stood behind to listen.
And Nabi Karim s.a.w. recited, you
know, al-haqqa.
And he was impressed.
And he said, what beautiful words, ya Allah.
I mean, he was now inclined, becoming inclined
towards Islam.
And then he said, no, this can't be
This is poetry.
And al-haqqa is wa ma huwa bi
qawli sha'in.
This is not the words of a poet.
And he said, ya Allah, I was just
about, I was saying that this is the
words of a poet.
And yeah, Nabi Karim s.a.w. in
the Quran is saying wa ma huwa bi
qawli sha'in.
Slowly he was starting to come closer towards
But his hostility was still known.
So one day in that hostility, because Umar,
there was no half measures with him.
It was either this way or that way.
There was no like in between fence.
So then, in that particular way, when he
took out his sword, and he was going
in the streets of Makkah, Nuh ibn Abdullah,
who had just recently accepted Islam, seeing his,
you know, his seriousness, where are you going,
I'm going to go and kill him.
I'm going to go and execute Muhammad.
Once and for all, I'm going to sort
out this matter.
So now, of course, you know, the incident
of Islam is, you know, the Islam of
Umar ibn Khattab is always been inspirational, no
matter how many times you hear it.
So Nuh ibn Abdullah says, leave Muhammad.
Your sister has accepted Islam.
And in that rage, Umar r.a went
to his sister's house, and he knocked.
Khubaib was teaching them the Quran.
Khubaib r.a. And then they came, he
came in, and he told his sister, I
heard you've accepted Islam.
And the sister, you know, and the brother
-in-law, Sa'id ibn Zaid, also amongst
the Ashra'i Mubashara, he said that what
if the religion that we have followed is
better than your religion?
Umar started beating up his brother-in-law.
Sister couldn't take it.
She came to protect, you know, the husband.
He started beating her up.
So much so that she started bleeding.
And then she said, Umar, go and do
whatever you want.
Kill us if you want.
We will not revoke.
And we will not reject Islam.
Umar then started having some form of compassion.
He said, tell me what you are reading.
Tell me what you are reading.
They were reading Surah Taha.
And they read that Surah Taha.
Umar started listening.
And when they came to the verse, I
am Allah.
Worship me.
No one is worthy of worship but me.
Umar said such beautiful words.
Take me to Muhammad.
Then I must become a Muslim.
He comes to Nabiya Karim sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
When he comes to Nabiya Karim sallallahu alaihi
wasallam, Hazrat Hamza r.a is there.
And Hazrat Hamza r.a said, Let him
If he comes with peace, we will welcome
But if he comes with any intention, we
will deal with him.
Hazrat Umar r.a comes and says, I
have come to accept Islam.
Umar r.a accepts Islam.
Umar r.a's Islam was a great victory.
So much so, that it is made mention
in the books of Ahadith that even Jibrail
a.s came down from the heaven.
Ya Muhammad, فَقَدِسْتَبْشَرَ أَهْلُ السَّمَاءِ بِإِسْلَامِ عُمَرٍ The
angels in heaven, they have deputized me to
come congratulate you on the Islam of Umar.
That was Umar's Islam.
Abdullah ibn Masud r.a used to say,
that this Islam, you know, what a beautiful
thing he used to say.
That Islam, the Islam of Umar was a
major crime.
His migration was a reinforcement.
And his Khilafat was a great blessing.
Now Umar r.a was, you know, that's
why Nabiya Karim sallallahu alaihi wasallam gave him
the title, Farooq, who distinguished between right and
When he became a Muslim, he allowed, and
the first time, he was the first person
to openly declare his Islam.
He was the first person to take the
Muslims and bring them into the Kaaba to
be able to read, you know, to read
Because of the force of his personality and
his greatness.
And, you know, because of his towering personality
and his greatness.
So this Umar, you know, he was amongst
those who had some amazing qualities.
One of his qualities was that, I'm going
to make mention of it, وَأَشَدُّهُمْ فِي عَمْرِ
اللَّهِ عُمَرٍ His firmness and strictness in adhering
to the command of Almighty Allah subhanahu wa
One day Nabiya Karim sallallahu alaihi wasallam was
sitting with a group of women, right?
And Nabiya Karim sallallahu alaihi wasallam was speaking
to them.
And then Umar r.a came.
And when Umar r.a came, they started
And then he said, يَا نِسَىٰ يَا أَدُوَّاتِ
أَنفُسِكُنْ Oh, enemies of your own soul.
You know, the Nabi of Allah is talking
to you.
You don't scatter.
I come, you scatter.
What is the situation?
And then they said, You are more harsh
than the Nabi of Allah.
Apparently, you are more harsh than the Nabi
of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
So Umar r.a, you know, Nabi sallallahu
alaihi wasallam started laughing.
And he said, Oh Umar, leave them alone.
Even when you take a road, when you
take a road, shaitan takes another road.
Shaitan doesn't go to the road in which
you are going.
اَوْ اُبْنِ خَطَابُ وَالَّذِى نَفْسِ بِأَدِينَ مَا لَقَيَتْكَ
الشَّيْطَانُ صَالِكًا فَجًّا قَدْ إِلَّا سَلَكَ فَجًّا غَيْرَ
فَجِّكَ When you go on the road, shaitan
takes another road.
He was أَشَتُّهُمْ فِي عَمْرِ اللَّهِ وَأُمَرٍ He
was among those who was very firm.
One day a person went to Nabi A
.S. And he asked for a decision.
Nabi A.S. gave him a decision.
And then he came to Umar r.a.
Because he wasn't happy with that decision.
So Umar r.a. said, You came to
me with this problem.
Did you go to anyone else?
He said, I went to Nabi A.S.
And what did Nabi A.S. said?
Nabi A.S. gave this decision.
Umar became so enraged.
You went to the Nabi of Allah.
He gave a decision.
And then you still coming to me.
Umar executed him.
Then day Umar r.a. executed him.
He was a great, you know, uproar in
Allah Ta'ala revealed the verse, فَلَا وَرَبِّكَ
لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ You can't be a believer until
you make Nabi A.S. and Allah Ta
'ala and have a traitor in your matters.
أَبْمُسَلْمَانِهِ نَيُّ وَسَدْكَ جَلْتَكْ أَبْنَبِي وَأَلَّا تَعَالَى
تَجْوَهَنَا سَبْسَفْتَلْهَا مُقَتَّمْكَ وَجَوْبِهُ فَاسْرَكَرِ أَبُسْتَرَازِهُ
You are happy with the decision of Nabi
A.S. This was Umar.
Nabi A.S. said in a hadith, ذَكَتْ
كَانَ فِي مَا قَبْلَكُمْ مِنْ أُمَمٍ مُحَدَّثُونَ There
was amongst the people of the people of
the past, there were people who were inspired
by Allah.
That they used to speak the truth.
Allah used to bring truth on their tongues.
If there had to be one person in
this Ummah, it would have been Umar.
And Umar was such that Nabi A.S.
said, إِنَّ اللَّهَ جَعَلَ الْحَقِّ عَلَى لِسَانِ عُمَرْ
وَقَلْبِهِ Allah has planted truth in the heart
and tongue of Umar.
And Umar used to say, many a times
I used to say something, I used to
give an opinion, and then my opinion used
to coincide with the wahi of Allah.
And he used to say that out of
Because many times he used to give an
opinion and then wahi used to come.
In the matter of purdah, in the matter
of azan, in the matter of making maqam
-e-Ibrahim a place to read salat after
you make umrah.
Today go and see there.
In umrah there is so much crowd.
People were still going to read salat after
Because Umar r.a came to Nabi A
.S. يَا لَسُّرِّ اللَّهِ Make maqam-e-Ibrahim
a place where you can read salat.
وَاتَّقِذُهُ مِن مَقَامِ إِبْرَهِيمَ مُسَلَّةً الله تعالى revealed,
make maqam-e-Ibrahim a place of salat.
Now you see sometimes you get angry.
People are sitting there.
People are making tawaf.
But because of that people are still there.
Sometimes you are making ruku, the people who
are making tawaf in umrah, they take you
with your ruku.
With your ruku you are good.
But people still go and read namaz there.
Because Umar r.a came with that particular
When the rumor came with regard to Hazrat
Aisha r.a, immediately Hazrat Umar just said
one word.
This is a great huma.
This is a great slander.
Allah revealed the verse, سُبْحَانَكَ هَذَا مُخْتَعْنٌ عَزِيمٌ
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has given him.
You know this was, one day Nabiya Kareem
s.a pointed towards Umar and said, you
are a barrier for fitna.
جَبْتَكْ آبْ هُمْگَةُ كُي فِتْنَا نَيْعَيْبَ Today we
need someone like Umar but there is no
And the reason with regard to it is
because of his quality.
He could be a barrier because he stood
firm on his principles.
Now the amazing thing is that he had
a towering personality.
An intimidating personality.
A towering, you know, figure.
He was a very great figure.
Abu Musa s.a one day was called
You know, Umar summoned him for something.
So he came very very worried.
And then when he came out he was
قَابْنَلَا What's wrong?
He said, out of awe of Umar.
Out of awe of Umar.
One day a woman came to him, she
was pregnant.
Because of his personality she was scared.
This was Umar s.a. Now you see
sometimes you think that a person like that
who has this quality, he could be sometimes
arrogant, he could be harsh.
Amazing with regard to Umar s.a. You
know he was harsh whenever he required.
But he was very compassionate.
He was very kind.
He used to cry very easily.
Umar used to cry very easily.
He used to cry when he used to
read Salah.
One day a person came to him.
And said, I came to ask you for
some need.
So Umar became very angry.
He said, I was sitting in the masjid.
And asking people to come to me for
my need.
You didn't come now.
And now you come after I'm sitting now
in my own private quarters with my own
So Umar took out his, you know, whip.
The whip of Umar was very famous.
So he hit him across the back.
So he went away.
Umar then afterwards had a lot of regret.
So he went looking for him.
And when he came looking for him, he
said, You take the whip and hit me
He said, no way I'm going to do
So Umar then made dua to almighty Allah.
What an amazing thing.
He said, Umar, You must guide Allah guided
You had no izzat, Allah gave you izzat.
Then Allah made you the leader.
And when people come to you for assistance,
Is that the way you treat them?
For a long time he cried.
Until people saw him actually crying.
So this was Umar.
Despite his, you know, firmness.
He had this kind and compassionate nature.
And then Abu Bakr r.a made him
Made him the khalifa.
And some of the people, Hazrat Talha r
.a, Abdul Rahman ibn Hawf r.a, They
were worried and concerned.
They said, Umar is so harsh.
While you were there, he's so harsh.
And he's so strict.
What's going to happen is he'll become the
So as Abu Bakr r.a said, When
he becomes the khalifa, Allah will moderate his
You will see Allah will moderate.
That's exactly what happened.
But you know, his khilafat was a great
mercy and boon to the ummah.
He 23 lakh square miles from Makran in
Right in Sindh in Pakistan.
Right up to, you know, North Africa.
From Yemen till Azerbaijan.
He was a ruler.
Two great superpowers fell in his time.
Ten years of khilafat.
Two great superpowers.
The Roman Empire, Persian Empire.
He was the one who set up new
Kufa, Basra, Fistar, Cairo.
All of that was set up.
Was set up in the time of Umar
r.a. He had such a wonderful system.
He created a postal system.
He created a qaza system.
He created a system.
Today we have a situation when we go
from traveling from one place to other.
You know, you have this ultra shells.
Or you have this place where you stop.
Umar r.a. created that.
There are 22 reforms that was set up
by Umar r.a. in terms of administration.
He was not only pious.
He was a great ruler in terms of
He created all of these beautiful things.
You know, and he was the most just
Perhaps in the whole history of humanity.
Other than the Anbiya a.s. All citizens
were equal in his eyes.
All citizens.
One day someone made a complaint to the
Qazi against Umar.
Umar r.a. went to the court.
The Qazi got up out of respect.
Umar said, Who gave you the right?
I'm not coming here as a khalifa.
I'm not coming here as a khalifa.
I'm coming as a defendant.
Who gave you the right to stand up
in my respect?
He was such a person.
And of course when it came to be
known that one of his sons, Abdurrahman ibn
Abu Bakr you know, had committed something that
he required punishment.
So the governor of Egypt did punish him.
But he punished him behind closed doors.
When Umar came to know about it, he
said, Send my son to me.
Let me be the one who will inflict
the correct punishment upon him.
There was no favoritism.
He inflicted punishment upon his own son, Abdurrahman
ibn Abu Bakr.
And then of course the famous thing, sir,
time doesn't allow me, that he even brought
the governor of Egypt, Umar ibn al-Asr
r.a. Then he came to know that
a non-Muslim came to complain about him
with regard to an issue.
Umar r.a. gave the governor of Egypt,
you know, gave him punishment.
And then he said, I'm the governor.
You know, how can you be doing this?
You're humiliating me.
He said, I can't remain a governor.
Umar said, If you want to be a
governor, remain.
If you don't want to remain, don't remain.
But I'm going to inflict punishment upon you.
And I'm going to bring Islamic justice upon
This was of his.
Because of this, even the forces of nature
were subservient to him.
Even the forces of nature were subservient.
The people were going out in jihad.
While they were going out in jihad, the
enemies created an ambush.
They wanted to attack the Muslims from the
And the sahabi came back to Medina and
said, Oh Umar, we were there.
The enemies were about to ambush us.
All of a sudden, we heard your voice.
All of a sudden, we heard your voice.
Umar was in Medina.
Umar was in Medina.
On the Khutbah.
While he was on the Minbar.
He said, Ya Sariah al-Jabal.
Ya Sariah al-Jabal.
The wind took his command.
They heard it several thousand kilometers away.
They heard, Ya Sariah, look at the mountain.
There's an enemy waiting to ambush you and
attack you.
This was Umar r.a. Because of his
justice, even the forces of nature, they listened
to him.
He wrote a letter to the Nile.
In the Nile, the people used to, you
know, sacrifice a woman for the sake of
Nile and said, I'm sure you don't sacrifice
a woman.
Then that particular Nile will not continue.
Umar wrote to the Nile and said, If
you are flowing with the commands of Allah,
continue to flow.
If you don't go flow with the commands
of Allah, we don't need your water.
And when that letter was thrown, none of
the Muslims came to see what spectacle is
That letter is thrown.
And before the letter is just thrown, the
Nile started you know, flooding its banks.
This is Umar r.a. And one of
the reasons was because of his justice, accountability.
Ya Allah.
And his concern for the subjects.
Ali r.a one day saw him running.
Umar, where are you running?
He said, One camel of the Baitul Mal
got lost.
I'm running to avenge that camel.
Umar said, We have set such a typical
example for rulers after you.
Who's going to be able to follow you?
Who's going to be able to follow you?
Huseyma ibni Khabib r.a used to say,
Whenever Umar appointed a governor, he would write
to him and stipulate a commission.
He will not ride a Turkish horse.
In today's time, you will not you will
not take a 4x4 Mercedes.
You will become a governor, you will not
ride a 4x4 Mercedes.
Just to give an example with regard to
You will not wear eat delicacies.
You will not wear luxurious clothing.
You will not lock your door against people
who want to come and ask you for
Otherwise, I will give you appropriate punishment.
This was Umar r.a. But yet, he
had such concern for his subjects.
Ya Allah.
We all know the famous incident.
Umar r.a used to patrol the streets
of Medina, looking for people with regard to
any of their problems.
And one day, he came to a woman.
And the woman was, you know, didn't have
any food.
And she complained about Umar.
And Umar said that, How is Umar supposed
to know what you are doing?
And she said, He's a ruler.
How is he not supposed to know?
Look at the rulers of today.
Look at the rulers of today.
Look at what is Umar r.a. Umar
r.a used to say, Even if a
sheep, a lamb, or a camel die under
my law, under my authority, I'm afraid Allah
will question me.
Today people are dying.
The world cares nothing.
So then, you know, he went to the
Baitul Mal.
He took a bag of flour.
He took other things.
And he told his servant Aslam, Put it
on my back.
Aslam said, How are you going to take
You are the khalifa.
I said, No.
I'm going to take it.
He came and he fed the children.
He fed that Umar.
This is Umar r.a. And don't let
us only go to the rulers.
Don't let us only go to the rulers.
Once there was famine.
There was famine in Madinah and Manawarah.
So Umar r.a said, I'm not going
to eat ghee.
I'm not going to eat delicacies.
I'm not going to eat fruit.
His son one day was eating fruit.
And Umar became so enraged.
He took that fruit away from him and
said, Do you have any shame?
People are dying of famine and you're eating
in front of them.
We only like to say let the rulers
that are following Umar.
Are we following?
Do we have kindness and compassion to the
This is how it is.
When the time came with regard to famine,
he took an oath.
I will not eat any delicacies until it
comes freely available in the market.
One day the servant said, It has come
available in the market.
Go and buy it.
So he went to go and buy it
and he came back and said, Tell me
how much it was.
He gave him a price.
He said, Can the poor people afford it?
He said, They can't afford it.
He said, Take it away.
I don't want it.
I don't want it.
This is how Islam became Islam.
That is how Islam became such a great
This is something I can go on making
mention with regard to it.
Jarir ibn Abdullah r.a says, I think
one day Umar gave me a Dawah.
Now today, if someone give you a Dawah,
you expect the best of, you know, food.
I mean, he gave me a Dawah, you
know, give me some of the best of
Jarir ibn Abdullah said, I came to that
I couldn't eat his food.
The Khalifa, he said, I couldn't eat his
It was so false.
This was Umar r.a, his simplicity, his
greatness, you know, and yet, you know, his
beautiful freedom of expression.
One day he was making mention with regard
to dowry and a woman said, you know,
you can't stop a woman taking dowry.
Allah has given them the permission to it
must be reasonable, but it is their right.
So Umar r.a came down, he didn't
get angry, he came down from a minbar
and said, Everyone knows more than Umar, even
a old woman knows more than Umar.
This was his last gift.
Despite all that, he had so much fear
of Allah.
His son, one day said, I saw him
taking a sand, and he said, how I
wish I was the sand.
How I wish that my mother never gave
birth to me.
Despite the fact that Umar is in Jannah.
Umar is in Jannah.
You know, and we all know that he
was you know, he was martyred by the
Persian, and then the last stages of his
life, he told his son, he was lying
on the lap of Umar Abdullah ibn Umar
r.a, his son, and then he told
his son, Oh my son, don't put me
on your lap, put me on the sand.
And then he put his sand, and he
put his you know, his cheek on the
sand and he rubbed it.
And what a beautiful thing he said, May
you be destroyed, O Ibn Khattab, if Allah
doesn't forgive you.
May you be destroyed, Ibn Khattab.
If Allah doesn't forgive you, what's going to
happen to you, Ibn Khattab?
Brothers, this is how Islam became great by
such personalities.
We make mention of it.
We know that sometimes we cannot live up
to this idea, but these are the ideas
that we must aspire to.
We make mention of it, that we create
that yearning, that we want to be like
such great people.
May Allah give us the tawfiq.