Ebrahim Bham – Free time

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The current unrest in South Africa is causing people to feel sad and unhappy, leading to negative behavior and negative reactions. conspiracy theories and negative reactions have caused negative behavior and negative reactions. The importance of living in a healthy lifestyle and the "work ethics" of Islam's mission is also highlighted. Costs and productivity improvement opportunities for one's life are also emphasized. The use of negative emotions and prioritizing good deeds can impact one's success and progress.
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Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillahi ala khidmihi ba'da ilmihi wa ala
akhwihi ba'da qudratihi wassalatu wassalamu ala sayyidi al
anbiyaani wal mursaleen wa ala aalihi wa ashabihi
wasallama tasliman katheeran katheera amma ba'du khawmu min
alimin ash-shaytaani alrajim bismillahirrahmanirrahim wa idha
rabbika faraghaba sadaqallahul azeem my dear respected elders
and brothers we are at this time of
the year especially in South Africa where people
talk about having free time it is a
time for a break, it is a time
to chill it is a time for holiday
people's offices are closed, businesses are closing down
in many instances people who are in the
corporate world they are closing their offices and
they say it is now a time for
us to take a break so I thought
today I will speak about the aspect of
time how are we as Muslims supposed to
look at time free time the aspect of
retirement Allah Ta'ala in the Holy Quran
takes an oath on time Allah Ta'ala
takes an oath on time and the reason
why Allah Ta'ala takes an oath on
time because it is most valuable so Allah
Ta'ala in the Holy Quran has taken
an oath on many things and ulama say
that in fact there is Kitab written on
the oaths taken by Allah in the Quran
وَالسَّمَارِغَاتِ الْغُرُوجِ وَالشَّمْسِ وَالضُّحَاهَا وَالتِّيلِ
وَالزَّيْطُونِ وَتُورِسِهِ all of these are oaths of
Allah Ta'ala and every one of these
are things that are valuable so Allah Ta
'ala takes an oath on time because it
is most valuable Allah has given us a
formula of success in Surah Al-Asr and
that formula of success has to be done
within the context and within the framework of
time Imam Hassan Basri used to say Sahaba
used to value time more than money they
were driven by a different metaphor for time
they valued it as an amanat whose proper
or improper use would determine the outcome for
eternity they had listened to Nabiya Kareem Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam when he said there are two
blessings of Allah Ta'ala that human being
don't value one is time and one is
health two things that human beings don't value
those is so in this way, if you
waste your time, you waste life if you
master time, you master life in time, there
is a great book written by Sheikh Abu
Al-Fattah Abu Quddah one of our great
ulema who comes from Syria and let me
just go and make mention of this in
passing that it has given us very very
great happiness to see what is happening in
Syria people have come with different theories there
is different conspiracy theories Sheikh Abu Al-Fattah
Abu Quddah was originally from Syria and he
has given us great pleasure and happiness to
see what is happening in Syria Allah knows
best with regard to the motivation we are
people who are all the time in conspiracy
theories this is happening, that is happening Syria,
there are so many ahadith on the blessedness
of Syria Nabiya Kareem Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam used
to make dua for Syria Nabiya Kareem Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam said our Sham, our Syria but
now to see people who have been in
prison for 20-30 years Ya Allah, when
I looked at the whole situation the person
who saw a mobile phone and he was
so long in prison he never knew that
people had mobile phones first time he ever
saw this and look at how people were
tortured you know, in that particular now that
they have got some form of freedom we
must make dua instead of passing judgment we
must make dua that oh Allah the way
you have given them some form of relief
some form of dignity some form of happiness
Ya Allah, continue it, Inshallah we are all
the time, you know, we always look at
yeah, it's good, but we are all the
time looking at certain levels of negativity that
is how our whole life has become like
that and the social media sponsors negativity it
has become positive let us make dua for
positivity anyway, Sheikh Abdul Fattah Abu Hudab made
mention, he said time is like a sword
either it will slay you or you will
slay it what does it mean?
keep your soul occupied with good keep your
time occupied in doing something positive and good
otherwise, it will occupy you in evil and
it will occupy you in things that are
useless so, you know, this is something what
is amazing is time is priceless but it
is free time is most valuable but it
is free so, have you ever heard someone
saying you can go and say someone I
am going to the market places I am
going here to go and buy this type
of jeep I am going to buy this
type of clothes this brand of jacket have
you ever heard anyone saying I am going
to go and buy time from Central City
Mall you never heard?
time is most priceless most valuable but it
is free let us ponder over this for
a moment you will never see anyone say
I am going to go and buy time
today, amazingly it is we have got gadgets
to save time so, everyone has got gadgets
to save time we have got computers we
have got laptops we have got spreadsheets in
the kitchen you know, the woman got magic
mix they don't have to even chop the
onions they don't even have to make the
masala they get it ready made all of
that is there but you ask the people
what have you done with your time show
us the end result of your time what
have you done with regard to the time
that all of these gadgets that are supposed
to have saved your time what did you
did it make you a better human being?
show me what have you done in terms
of something that is beneficial to you or
your community you will find it very difficult
to put a value to the time that
we were supposed to save for the time
gadgets very difficult Muhammad Ali lived in a
small village wrote 1200 books in his lifetime
1200 books it is mentioned about Ibn Jarir
Tabari he wrote 358,000 books and pages
in his life 358,000 and you see,
therefore they say that bad news is time
flies bad news is time flies but the
good news is you are the pilot bad
news is time flies everyone talks about flies
look at how quickly time you know, one
month Jummah comes the other Jummah is already
here you just go one more time bad
news is time flies the good news is
you are the pilot you can use it
correctly or incorrectly you can make it beneficial
or otherwise now this concept of free time
is very very interesting what is the aspect
of free time I got free time I
got holidays what I am going to do
with the time to it so there is
no doubt whatsoever there is some accommodation with
regard to entertainment but it is not an
objective in itself it is a time that
you need some time to rest you need
some time to take a break you need
some time to go for a holiday as
Ali r.a used to say the mind
gets tired the way the body gets tired
it is impossible for you to do 24
hours Ibadah so you can't do 24 hours
Ibadah you also can't work all the time
24-7 so the minds get tired the
way bodies get tired so refresh it with
something trivial refresh it with some break refresh
it with Jummah refresh it with some reading
of wisdom this is what Ali r.a
said Abu Dawood r.a used to say
I want more something that is also more
you know in this particular regard I entertain
my heart with something trivial with some humor
some you know taking a break from something
in order to make it stronger in the
service of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala so
just do it but what is the purpose
it is not an objective in itself you
know I must have entertainment as an objective
in itself and today we have made it
an objective in ourselves and one of the
things that happens is we see that bloggers
are there they are posting that we are
going to this particular place we are going
here we are going to this resort, that
resort and everyone wants to do the same
thing by all means go and do it
as long as it makes you stronger in
the service of truth it's not an objective
in itself this one beautiful statement I always
used to tell you know people, many a
times people used to ask me that we
want to retire so I always told people
that we only retire in the qabah there
is no aspect with regards to us retiring
when a person ever takes this whole particular
aspect that I'm going to retire you see
many a times he goes into a decline
because once mentally you think that I've got
nothing beneficial to do then automatically you go
into a state of decline therefore Umar r
.a used to say I dislike a
person when I see him doing nothing when
I see a person he's doing nothing for
the benefit of his deen nothing for the
benefit of his dunya I start disliking him
that what is this person?
he's got no purpose in life he's got
no vision in life he's just you know,
whiling his time away we are never like
that even in holiday you do your break
but at the same time you've got a
vision you are doing it after this whole
particular break I'm taking this break to make
me strong to do whatever I'm supposed to
do we have a vision with regard to
it and just to give an example with
regard to this aspect of free time let
me give you two ayats of the holy
quran which stands for something very very amazing
so Allah ta'ala says now look at
this verse when you have completed your task
now what is our mindset?
I have completed my task that's how you
and I we think for Allah ta'ala
says you have completed your work tire yourself
in remembering Allah subhanallah
who thinks like that?
you have finished your work now tire yourself
in remembering Allah subhanallah let me give you
another example just look at
this Allah ta'ala says when the help
of Allah ta'ala comes and the victory
of Allah ta'ala comes and you see
people coming into Islam in droves and now
when this ayat was revealed this surah was
revealed people like Abu Bakr r.a started
crying why are you crying?
Allah is giving us great tidings people are
coming into Islam you know whole delegations and
delegations tribes after tribes are coming into Islam
why are you crying?
it's a clear indication that Nabi A.S.
purpose and his mission in life is coming
to an end Allah ta'ala is announcing
that very soon he's going to leave this
world but now look at this after this
people have come into Islam in droves now
is the time you could think now is
the time to relax what did Allah ta
'ala tell Nabi A.S.? now is the
time to glorify Allah now is the time
to come closer towards Almighty Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala just look at this example two
examples now you think that now my work
is finished let me make haram what Allah
ta'ala says?
your work is finished go and tire yourself
and make yourself tired to remember Allah ta
'ala let me give you two other examples
you ask an airline air flight pilot you
ask a pilot he dedicate his entire life
to travelling initially he's very glamorous afterwards the
fatigue of travelling takes over but he has
to do it for the sake of his
sustenance if you were to ask him how
many more miles how many more flights you
are going to do what will be his
he won't be able to give an answer
because he's got no time limit I've got
to continue flying for the sake of my
risk ask a doctor or dentist sometimes you
look at a dentist all the time 7
-8 hours a day he's in the mouth
of someone sometimes you know we all know
the situation right?
sometimes a person might not have the most
palatable type of breath but 7-8 hours
a day he's all the time there and
if you were to ask him how many
more patients are you going to see how
many more patients do you intend seeing are
you going to stop?
he will give an answer that there is
no specific time limit I have to continue
it because it is my risk now I
ask you this question if this is our
work ethic for financial stability if this is
our work ethic for financial stability and sustenance
then what should our work ethic be for
the year after?
if this is our work ethic for our
financial stability and risk ask the person opening
up the shop he starts at 9 o
'clock and he finishes at 5 o'clock
sometimes you look at the Facebook people who
got restaurants they're opening up Friday night Saturday
night holidays they are more busy and what
they've got 10 o'clock, 11 o'clock
and they do it no one asks them
what is your time limit?
so that is the work ethic for your
risk what is your work ethic supposed to
be to please Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
one of the most amazing things when are
we going to be really free?
when are we really going to be free?
someone asked Imam Ahmad bin Muhammad rahmatullah Ali's
question when are you going to be free?
when will you rest?
what an amazing reply he gave ira wada
'a rijlahu fil jannah when are you going
to be free?
he said when my first step enters jannah
then I'm going to be free then I'm
going to be resting does anyone ever think
like that?
when are you going to be free?
when are you going to be resting?
then I will rest when my first step
enters into jannah Allah in the holy Quran
says wa qaala alhamdulillahi allathee allahaba annal hazara
when a person enters into jannah will say
ya Allah all of my worries and all
of my parashanis and all of my apprehensions
are only now free that is now real
freedom not now when you got two weeks
of freedom and say rahmatullah I'm very happy
I got holidays I'm not saying you mustn't
do it but that is not the real
freedom real freedom is inshallah when we get
into jannah inshallah now what are we supposed
to do with our time?
firstly don't procrastinate in doing something that is
beneficial don't procrastinate if you get a job
that is beneficial do it as soon as
possible go and do it as soon as
possible don't wait nabiya kalim sallallahu alaihi wasallam
one day after asr nabiya kalim sallallahu alaihi
wasallam used to wait for a little while
nabiya kalim sallallahu alaihi wasallam used to make
tasbeeh so we got this whole particular way
that after asr after fajr we make a
little bit of tasbeeh we wait it's not
compulsory we see some people walking out other
people who are sitting and then afterwards we
make it what there is nabiya kalim sallallahu
alaihi wasallam used to sit after asr for
a little while remembering Allah ta'ala speaking
to the companions one day immediately after asr
nabiya kalim sallallahu alaihi wasallam went to his
room went to his house and he came
back and the sahaba said ya rasulullah you
normally sit today why did you go immediately
oh my companions there was a little bit
of gold in my house ma'atam al
-dharma and I thought that before something happens
to me before something happens to me let
me give it away what will happen if
my death comes and there is gold in
my house so before that happens let me
go and give it away there was once
a muhaddith he was telling his ustad he
told his ustad teach me ahadith you know
you got a lot of ahadith so the
ustad said I got the books of ahadith
I got all my ahadith written in a
manuscript and the manuscript is in my room
let me go and take it away let
me go and bring it and then I
will relate it to you what an amazing
thing he said he said what happens if
you go there and something happens to you
you die there first relate whatever you know
from memory first tell me all those ahadith
that you know then you go and bring
your manuscripts and then you repeat it to
me then there might be one or two
things that you might have left out but
first relate it to me and then afterwards
go and bring your manuscript don't procrastinate Nabi
Karim Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said don't waste time
in doing good deeds before seven calamities overtake
you one is starvation hunger which may impair
your wisdom secondly is prosperity and wealth all
of a sudden you become wealthy and it
must lead you so all the time now
of course you didn't have wealth now you
got wealth you have to worry about this
portfolio that portfolio you have to worry about
this investment that investment return on investment ROI
now all the time you don't have wealth
you don't have wealth you don't worry now
you got wealth you got no time an
ailment which may damage your health right now
maybe you become sick and previously you used
to do things now you can't do things
because you are sick so therefore don't wait
for ill health and sickness to overtake you
don't wait for old age which may harm
your senses don't wait for a sudden death
what are you waiting for?
to do good deeds I will do it
when one of my legs is in Kabab
and the other one is on the banana
peel also going towards the Kabab then I
will do it and I know there was
a lot of times in the past you
know now it has changed to a great
degree there used to be a time when
people used to say we will do Hajj
when we are old we will do Hajj
when we are going to become old what
guarantee do you have when you are going
to become old?
so don't wait for good deeds go and
do it maybe a sudden death overtakes you
and then Nabi A.S. said the sixth
thing is Dajjal might come and the last
thing is Qiyamah might come don't procrastinate with
regard to good deeds then prioritize and be
consistent out of your time see what is
most important you got a day see what
is most important that I have to complete
have a vision at least at least you
know even in this particular holidays or this
break take two things I said two things
today I am going to do as a
priority even if I go around maybe telling
you here and there two things I am
going to do which is positive two things
I am going to do for example I
am going to read Quran I am going
to read or I am going to take
a good book I am going to read
10 pages Maulana Anwar Shah Qasimi I read
in his halaq he used to read 500
pages a day and you know what he
used to tell his students after 500 pages
I read 500 pages I never found anything
new which I didn't know before subhanallah now
we don't know learn something that is new
so prioritize and be consistent and look at
try to make your life more meaningful look
at the life of our beloved Nabiya Karim
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Nabiya Karim Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
had you know from the prophethood 23 years
but what did he do in 23 years
he conquered the whole Arabia the whole tribes
of Arabia came under the influence of Islam
people who are most difficult to deal with
Nabiya Karim Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam changed them not
only did he change them he also found
time to worship Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
he also found time to spend with his
family his family used to love him because
of the time and the consideration and the
kindness that he gave to them how did
he do that in such a short period
of time learn from that make your life
meaningful make it purposeful and some of the
things that very quickly I will just make
mention of identify how you spend your day
currently and see how I can make it
better in terms of productivity make a list
of what you can improve what are the
things that you can keep and what you
can add on to make your life even
more productive organize your routine organize your routine
make your life be around Salat make your
life be around Salat and organize your routine
including your worship your work your responsibility your
interest your family time your resting time make
it such that there is something that is
beautiful and lastly let me say learn something
new everyday learn something new everyday don't allow
a day to go without you doing something
that is beneficial Abdullah ibn Masud r.a
used to say the greatest regret I have
is that I spend a day in which
I have not been able to increase my
goodness May Allah keep you and your family
staying wa akhirun da'wana wa rahmatullahi wa