Ebrahim Bham – Abdur Rahman bin Auf RA

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The speaker discusses the negative impact of the material world and the importance of staying true to Islam, emphasizing the importance of being a successful businessperson and being a hearty person. The wealth of Abdulatch hour is around $106,000, and the importance of making the right choice of one's wealth is discussed. The three principles of Islam's wealth are given, including giving charity, being easy to travel, and not waiting for greater profit. The importance of traveling and giving charity is also emphasized, along with the need to reward individuals for their choices.
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My dear respected elders and brothers, last week,
we spoke about the positive and the negatives
of this material world.
And we ended off with a quote of
with difficulty and poverty, and we were steadfast.
Then we were tested with
wealth, and wealth has its fair share of
And in and
And, of course, he was saying because of
his humility and that
that we could not
achieve steadfastness. So this week I thought
that how do we get the balance
between the positive and the negative of this
material world?
So I want to speak about a Sahabi
who had tremendous amount of wealth,
more wealth than you and I can ever
But yet Allah
gave him steadfastness,
and he was
amongst the Asharai
and he was the people destined for Jannah.
And he is Abdul
said that he was one on his trade
in Yemen.
When he spoke to someone, one of the
one of
the religious leaders,
and he came and asked him for something
about trade.
So he told Abdul Rahman, what are you
worried about trade?
Go back to Makkah.
The last prophet of almighty Allah
is about to come.
So he went back to Makkah,
and he asked his friend Abu Bakr radiAllahu
ta'ala what is new in Makkah?
So Abu Bakr radiAllahu ta'ala said,
has has announced his prophethood
and he invited Abu Ubaydah ibn Jarrah I
mean, Abdul Rahman ibn Nawf to become a
Muslim and he became a Muslim.
He was the 8th person to become a
So came
to Mecca, and he became a Muslim.
at least
5 of the at least 5,
5 of them
became Muslims,
became Muslim, and then and came to Islam
because of Abu Bakr radiAllahu.
Can you imagine Abu Bakr radiAllahu to lose
rank? Yeah, Allah. 5
besides so many became Muslim because of him.
So became
a Muslim
and afterwards he became among the Sahaba.
He also went through the difficulties. Sahaba went
in the early stages of Islam. He made
Hijra to Abyssinia.
He came back, and then he made Hijra
to Madinah and Munawara.
And that is where the lessons of his
life that we are going to make mention
of. So when he came to Madinah, Nabi
Karim saw Islam paired him with.
Now Sad bin Rabi also was wealthy.
I just heard when I was listening to
I was listening to a speech of 1
alim, so he was saying even in the
with other
looked at compatibility and looked at wisdom.
So paired
with Sad bin Rabi who was also wealthy.
So Sad bin Rabi
this was the sacrifice of the people of
Said, Abdul Rahman
made you my brother.
This is my wealth, half you take.
I got 2 wives.
You Allah, I got 2 wives.
one of the wives, whatever you like, I
will give a divorce after he did you
get married to her.
So Abdul Rahman
said, Allah give you in your wealth.
Give you in your wealth. I don't want
anything of yours. I want to become independent.
Show me the marketplaces.
That time there was a very famous marketplace
in Madinah by the tribe of the Jews.
So Abdul Rahami
went to go and start trading them. And
he became a very, very influential
and wealthy businessman.
So what did he trade him? So ulama
said, first, he traded in butter and ghee.
So that time people only used to have
either butter, either ghee, or the dates. They
never used to have mixed.
So the rahman
mix the things together and is sold.
You see, all these today you have fusion
foods, came from the time of Sahaba.
So they also used to bring, and he
brought the things together and people found it
amazing. Oh, now there's mixture of things, so
he sold them. Allah gave him in there.
Then he started trading in horses.
But the most of his wealth, the came
from the settle of the horses. So that
time there wasn't a culture of having settles
of the
And Allah gave him so much wealth,
so much barakah,
he used to say that, Even if I
pick up
a stone, Allah will put gold and sell
a 100th stone. This was
the gave him. So this was it also
teaches us in
Don't just sit on your laurels and say,
No, now 20 years ago I had this
particular shop, now no one is buying from
me. But look at what the market wants.
Maybe the market doesn't want what you are
selling 20 years
ago. So you must become innovative in business.
had this.
perfume on his clothes.
Abdul Rahmah. Now, normally, that time when you
had this particular type of
perfume which had saffron on it, it was
a sign that you got married.
you got married?
Yes. You're a. So how did you get
married? You just stay now from from Mecca.
You only migrated now. He said, yeah. You're
a gave me barakah.
So Nabi Kirim saw salam, see, that time
you were such a beautiful he didn't say,
why you're gonna invite me?
Nabi Kirim saw salam only told him, holy
be shot.
You know, make
even if you slaughter a ship.
here, maybe we heard we see the
him Baraka. His wealth,
You Allah, what was I saying? Sometimes when
you read about his wealth,
you sometimes wonder, You Allah,
at that time how Allah
gave him wealth. So he left behind it
is said when he passed away,
he had 13,000
tons of gold,
which you don't know those who had gold
The dinar was 4.365
grams of gold in 1 dinar.
The amount of gold he left behind, the
amount of gold coins he left behind,
they counted
it. In today's time,
few I think 4, 5 years back, I
gave up my hand. It was $528,000,000,000
In today's time, that same amount of well,
that same amount of gold,
he had wealth.
So to collect wealth is not wrong, but
look at afterward what happened that you must
Today, the wealthiest person,
if he's got wealth, $106,000,000,000.
That's the wealthiest person in the world today.
Abdul Rahman in the home was 6 times
more wealthier
than the wealthiest person today.
And such was his wealth
that when he died, he made.
Give every
Now is only in 1 third, below 1
Now can you imagine
below 1 third,
he's saying, first of all, he gave 5,000
gold coins in, not not in his not
in his,
not in his in his inheritance.
He gave 5,000 gold coins and every
400 gold coins. Why? Because Nabiya Karim saw
Islam loved Badri Sahabi.
He loved the people of Badri,
so he gave him that amount of gold
coins for, you know, 500. And there were
100 Badri Sahabas alive at this time.
So a 100 of them got 400.
This was the amount of wealth Allah, subhanahu
wa ta'ala, gave him. But
you see, with that wealth, we must most
always make
Give me that that that heart also to
be able to spend that wealth correctly.
sir, on the day of
will ask 2 questions about wealth.
One is how you earned it and how
is the one you spent it. So
First, how you spend,
how you earn, and how you spend.
So this is important.
Allah gave him the heart.
What a heart Allah gave him.
He used to say, in my well, there
is a share for the people of Madina.
I'm giving them I'm not doing any particular
type of favor upon them.
Who is known
as He's also amongst Asharai Mova Sharah. He
said, listen to these brothers. He said, Madina
In Madina, there were 3 types of people.
1 is the people who took loan from
Abdul Rahman if Ni'of
that he gave them loan and he forgave
it. 1 is those people who took loan
from someone else
and will help them to pay the loan
And the third type of people, those who
benefited from his and his charity.
He gave them charity just like that. Without
them being needy or not, 3 types of
people that Abdulrahman of. One amazing type of
is that one day, Hazrat
says, you know, there was, you know, camels
coming, and there was such a rumbling in
Madina and Munawara.
700 camels coming into Madina. And it made
such a noise
that the people of Madina, initially, they felt
So someone said, who is that? What is
it? So
sitting in
What is this happening? Someone said 700
camels laden with goods
coming, and it is a good job Abdulrahman
in the off.
Subhanallah, he was so wealthy. 700 camels. In
previous time, you say containers coming. Containers coming
with goods from abroad.
So he had the 7. So said, said,
Abdul Rahman will have lot of wealth. He
will go to Jannat, but he will go
crawling into Jannat.
Did you listen to this Hadid? Yes. I
heard it myself.
In a.
I heard this hadith from
Abdul Rahman will go to Jannah, but because
of his wealth, he will give his up,
and he will have to go, you know,
delayed in Jannah.
So he said, wow. What is a way
of me going quickly into Jannah?
So she said, give charity.
Give as much charity as you
can. Oh, bear witness.
700 camels of goods, I have given it
I have given a charity to the people
of Medina. The people say that day there
was heat in Medina
So one thing we must remember,
here in this world, you got wealth, there
is ease and privilege.
You go, you go to travel, you travel.
Sometimes, business class because you got wealth. Sometimes
you're not traveling business class. You got gold
card. So you got gold card. There's no
queue. Right? So you have privilege. You get
easy. You get easy in traveling. You get
all of these things. So here when you
got wealth is ease,
there in the year after will be exactly
the opposite.
You got nowhere after past Monday.
So there you go no queue because you
got wealth. There you go dwell, stay in
the queue. You have to give me some.
500 years before the rich. You're going to
Jannah. So people who are don't have wealth,
you mustn't get angry. You mustn't feel. Will
give you there. But if you have wealth
but you must now worry with regard to
Used to look after the wives of,
Used to send
them. One day, he sold a land.
That land he sold, which is made mentioned
40,000 dinars. In today's time, 40,000 dinar is
One day, he gave charity of all of
that $6,000,000.
they say 40,000 dinar for us. He gave
everything. He gave to the family of Nabiya
Karim, sasoolam's
mother. He gave to the Ansar, and then
he gave to the wife of Nabiya Karim
salallahu alaihi wa sallam. When Hazar Aisha got
her share, she started crying.
So someone said, why are you crying? She
told me once, oh, Aisha,
after I die,
only the righteous will look after you.
The person who has will look after to
you. So when she caught it, she said,
Nabiya Kareem was referring to this person.
How he used to look after the wives
of Nabiya Karim after Nabiya Karim passed away.
Anyway, many such
and incidents about his charity.
And one is sometimes you get wealth, and
even if you give charity, you got you
got the couple.
You got arrogance. And there's no doubt to
when you start giving, you sometimes can get
the evidence.
So look at Hazrat Abdul Rahmani What
great humility
he had. It is made mentioned that many
a times, one day, he was sitting at
the time of Iftar,
and he had called a lot of people
on his table cloth, and there was food.
And all of a sudden, he said, Muslim
bin Umer passed away.
Passed away. He didn't even have enough to
make his scuffard.
And look at what Allah is giving us.
Is it does it mean that Allah is
giving us reward in this world?
Can any wealthy person sometimes even think that
maybe Allah that he's giving us here, there
will be nothing for us in the year
after. It wasn't like that, but just look
at his fear.
So much time there was this type of
that one person said, I
saw making tawaf.
And all the time he was making while
he was making.
Oh, Allah,
save me
from my besides.
Yeah, Allah. I said the whole tawaf, he
was making this dua. Yeah, Allah. Save me
from my desires. Save me from my desires.
Such a great person, my dear respected brothers.
It is made mentioned. There were many things.
Now one of the other things they said
why gave him so much in his wealth.
There were three principles about his wealth. One
it was a cash business.
Secondly, it is said that he never waited
for greater profit.
I'll I'll audit then next time next year
I'll get more profit. Whatever profit he got,
he sold it.
Don't wait for tomorrow something to come. And
the third thing was amazing,
he never ever he avoided
and he avoided any type of uncertainty in
the business.
So many times, there was a business transaction,
there was uncertainty, he walked away from it.
So these were 3 of his business principles
that I may mention with regard to how
granted in Barakah.
Then towards there was another amazing aspect,
He was very well respected amongst the Sahaba,
very well respected,
so much so. And this is this is
a privilege.
This is a
There's a difference of opinion.
At a time of Tabuk,
perhaps to relieve himself. People were waiting. Nabiya
Karim saw a salam didn't come back. They
were worried about the time of salah. They
put up to Rahmah to
make him mad.
came back. Nabi Karim saw Islam read behind
Abdul Rahman.
This is definitely established. The last
passed away on Monday,
Saturday, Zohar time.
Came into the Masjid.
And wanted to stay behind. To
read behind Abu Bakr, or did Abu Bakr
in front and Abu Bakr stood back?
But this one here, there is no.
So after
the got up to read the,
so now everyone is looking, and they're all
Also, he's worried. So after
performed his salah that he could read, Nabiya
Karim saw some said,
you could have done correctly.
the only Sahabi that is definitely established that
his. He played a very major role even
with regard to after Abdul. Umrah
on his deathbed said,
6 They must choose the Khalifa amongst themselves.
So Abdul Rahman ibn Oof said, I won't
become the Khalifa. I will go and find
out from everyone.
So he went to Madina.
You know, he went to go and ask
everyone in Madina. He went to ask the
woman, the children, who must become the Khalifa?
He found that most of the people in
So you see also in that, in choosing
the leader, he took into account
what the people wanted.
So he asked everyone, and then he came
and he announced
to be the Khalifa.
had lot of
trust in him. To one day, someone saw
Usman had written
that after I died, Abdul Rahman
must become the Khalifa.
So someone would tell him
great tidings.
Usman wants to appoint you as a Khalifa.
So he said, you Allah, immediately.
You Allah,
Make me die before the time.
his his life before before that time. In
the time of
before he passed away, he saw a dream,
He saw a dream that he was in
when he looked behind,
he saw the whole. He
saw the whole.
And then he passed away.
And ulama say that the reason why the
dream was
because the whole city of Medina were indebted
to him.
So when when he was his janazah was
such a lot of people came because so
many of them were indebted as I made
mention with regard to
statement that what are the 3 types of
category of people in Medina and Munawarra, and
he passed away.
May Allah give us the ability to learn
from these inspiring lessons that they left behind.
They had well.