Dawood Sampson – Jumuah 30524
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Allah increase us in beneficial knowledge.
And may Allah give us a deeper understanding
of the beautiful
Deen of Islam.
With that intention,
May Allah let us become practicing believers.
But such practicing believers that whatever we do,
it must be accepted
by you or Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
And may Allah grant us well-being,
good health
of all kind of ailments.
And it remind for us that how fast
and to be.
Mention that the human mind
can be repaired
and rebooted
from all the viruses of the heart,
and mind,
but only with the software
that is known as the Sharia
and iman.
Because the strength of one's iman
and Amalu Sadiqah, good deeds
will serve as the best antivirus
against all the bad and wicked viruses
that the world
brings forth on a daily basis
of Shaitan
and the evil forces.
And reflect of the message
that Allahu Ta'ala lay for us in the
Quran and the sunnahat Rasulullah.
In other words, every Jumuah
and every advice to the believers
how does believer can reconnect himself to the
If we look at the the religion,
it's derived from a Latin word which means
to reconnect,
And that is what deen is about,
to reconnect us to Allah.
So every when you scan the Quran,
you will see every page practically Allah reminds
us. O people of imam
and practice righteous deeds.
The famous
world boxer back in the seventies, the eighties,
Muhammad Ali.
He was Christian of faith service,
but a principled man.
Allah loved him so much that Allah put
in his heart the noor of guidance that
he be He chose the name
from his Christian name. He chose it to
be Muhammad
and to be Ali.
And he used to say in his boxing
ring, I am the greatest.
Until that door of divers came to his
that he mentioned to
a massive congregation.
Those years he was the highlight in the
world where there was no really,
but he was in every newspaper to be
And he said,
he once made a prayer to the Almighty
and he said,
I ask Allah for wealth.
And you know what wealth Allah gave me,
He says?
Al Islam.
And He says, That's a priceless gift that
the Almighty has given me.
The Nur of Hidayah
of Guidance.
So at the front page in 1 newspaper
that came out, waves made the statement.
I came to realize Allah is the greatest
Allahu Akbar.
Allah is the greatest.
He understood when Rasul
that person has tasted the sweetness of Iman.
Within your heart you are satisfied that Allah
is the greatest.
And Mohammed Salas Lam is your role model
and Islam is your way of life in
your everyday, in every aspect of your life.
That person has tasted the sweetness of Iman.
May Allah grant us that sweetness.
That good deed that every day you try
to come close to Allah
and your ibadah becoming a slave, a servant
of Allah,
it will take you to Jannah.
But the scholars of the soul says there's
a fine line where you add
That add
up your mannerism,
your etiquettes with people, with Allah's creation
comes before everything.
It is after everything. It is everything.
When we look at Ibrahim alaihi salatu was
Yaqub alaihi salatu was salam,
these were great great giants of Islam. They
were known as Olila Azami Minarusu,
the great outstanding prophets.
Allah left in the Quran what was the
advice for the offspring to come. They had
a concern
of the offspring to come that they all
must be raised with Iman.
Reminded the children, the offspring, the grandchildren,
Allah favored you with deen.
Be proud being a Muslim.
Live with Islam.
Let every breath of yours be Islam.
Die with iman
and be raised by Muhammad as a proud
Allah Ta'ala says
Ibrahim alaihis salaam had a concern.
Yaqub alaihis salaam had a concern.
How important
is iman, your development, nurturing that iman,
protecting yourself to the creator Allah
And therefore, my dear friends in Islam,
we see the great sacrifice
because we are now in the days of
People are making preparation throughout the world. Allah
Allah selects certain people
to be the ambassadors
wherever they find themselves,
to be the ambassadors
of this beautiful
Dean of Islam.
Hajj being the 5th pillar of Islam.
Hajj is a journey
to take out
the dulhumath, all the darknesses
that we're surrounded with
and to bring us through the to the
true Noor, the true light.
That light that Ibrahim alaihis salatu was salam
was searching.
When he looked to the moon, he said
this is by Allah.
When the moon vanished, he said that is
not Allah. When he looked at the sun,
he said that's my Allah. When the sun
disappeared, he said that's not my Allah.
And he came to realize
He came to realize
that that Allah is greater than the sun,
than the moon, than the cosmos, than everything.
That is the Allah, the originator of everything.
That is the Allah that I am longing
And he was tested.
He was tested with his old guardians.
When his mind could not perceive, how can
you worship
a idol?
And he challenged
the people,
worshiping idols
as a young man,
and he developed his iman in Allah that
he became known as Khalilur
The close bosom friend of Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala.
Allah has honored Ibrahim
alaihis salaatu wasalam to that extent
that every Muslim,
your salah does not conclude
without you making salawat
on Ibrahim and on Mohammed
So Islam and his beloved family
and then also on Ibrahim
and his illustrious family.
The true spirit of Ibrahim alaihis salatu wasalam
is found in Islam, therefore he was proud
being a Muslim.
And he is known as the father of
all faiths
because he really laid the foundation of the
oneness of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
So Hajji, when he goes to Mecca,
he goes with a detention for Hidayah,
For guidance not only for himself
but guidance for humanity to come.
Because Allah says
Allah gives Hidayah. Allah guides whom Allah wills.
Allah gives us his examples
how to find that door.
It reminds me once when the priest raised
his hands to the sama and he would
say, oh,
Allah, put in my put in every limb
of mine your light.
Put on my tongue your light. Put in
my eyes your light. Put in my ears
your light. Put in my mind your light.
Let I be surrounded with your light, oh
Allah. Put on my right light. Put on
my left put in front of me put
me put in my cupboard
Let my every flesh be
noor The real light that we ought to
bring in our life
is the noor of Allah.
And once you bring that life, the more
you bring la illa illa illa Allah within
you will see the dulumaat, the darknesses will
disappear. It will fade away. It will vanish.
This journey,
it's a journey that the Hajji undertake
to come onto a path of Hidayah, of
It's a journey where generally we'll make Tawba
between him and
Tawba of every evil of the past, of
every sin of his past.
Evil that knowingly unknowingly
he was indulging in
whilst at work, whilst
with family, etcetera.
You will ask Allah for pure forgiveness.
Because the Huja that Allah has
invited to be the guest of Allah. They
are known as wafdurrahman,
the guest of the most merciful kind Allah.
They are representatives
to Allah's house.
Therefore, my dear Hajjis,
your actions
will either have a good impact
or a negative
on you, your family,
your society,
and the Ummah at large.
What lab bake of the guest of Allah
says Rasulullah.
It goes, your voice echoes to the 4
corners of the world.
Like one
book's headings says, change your word, change your
Yeah. Rasool Salat Islam is teaching us one
word of saying, here I am, oh Allah.
Here I am finally, oh Allah.
That's a statement what Ibrahim alaihis salaam, the
friend of Allah made.
With all the testity underwent in his life.
Finally, he says,
I am walking. I'm going. I'm leaving.
Whatever environment I'm leaving,
That's how the Hujaz also live from everything
they've been attached to all their life. They've
got to now detach that.
And they are going now with the soul
logs and to be
on the holiest of journeys.
The great migrate,
like the like like nature migrate,
the birds migrate once a year, the buffalos,
the beast migrate in Africa.
From as far as Australia, they migrate here
to South Africa to Africa.
Allah affords once in a lifetime for man
to migrate
to a place
that you once were.
The loins of the father Adam, alaihis salaam,
on Arafa.
Where we all will have small ends from
the loins of Adam
scattered on Arafa, and Allah the creator just
announced to us, let's to be a big
and I your Lord.
And we all said, Bala,
No doubt
you are our Lord.
And Allah says, this earth
will be a testimony
that you all said,
of course
you are our Lord.
Therefore, the hearts long for those grounds of
There's nothing
there. There is immaterial to sand dune there.
Not gold, not dinars, not dollars, nothing.
It is basically
Allah that wants you to to be there
in remorse
and anticipating
Allah's mercy,
Allah's forgiveness
so that when you leave that space,
you must live like the day you came
out of the womb of your mother,
completely pure
and innocent.
May Allah grant it to us all Insha'Allah.
A Hajj Magul and Hajj Magrul Insha'Allah.
Therefore, there's a hadith
where our beloved Rasool
That my Ummah
will remain
on good
as long and until they still show respect
to the great sanctity
of the Kaaba.
This great sanctity
of the Haram of the Kaaba.
They say great sanctity
to the Maqam Ibrahim, to the Safa Marwa,
to everything that the Hajj entails.
For as long as the Ummah will remain
on good, as long as it's so that
respect to the entire haram
of. May Allah grant us that respect
because the respect goes a long way, my
dear friends in Islam, Allahu Akbar.
My dear friends in Islam,
a family's
That's why it's called Qurban
because the root that is Koruba. In other
words, in essence, for the soul to draw
close to Allah.
But Allah used Allah chose
a family
and what better family
than the closest friend to Allah, Ibrahim alaihis
Allah chose them.
Allahu Akbar
chose them. First of all, Allahu Ta'ala chose
his second wife,
and she's an African.
She he was gifted, this lady Hajar,
and she became the best model
mankind. Imagine.
Nur of Hidaya she had in her heart.
When she was there
in Makkah,
there wasn't a a blade of green grass,
no water.
Ibrahim left her there,
and she just
asked, That's the only statement that you will
find in Bukhari, in Muslim, in Muwata.
Is this Allah's command. She understood Allah.
Ibrahim just nod his head
then she said,
that those don't prolong. This is now me
and my Allah. So he said in desert,
Says Aliyah,
but a papa baby,
no resources,
leftover water in a in a leather bag
and a few rations, whatever she was surviving
But she started to walk the walk.
She's walking those hillocks and
she's looking for any side of any caravan
because it's human nature's survival.
And while she's doing that, she's talking to
a maker.
Put all the Hujaz on Arafa
and all their cries and all their appeals.
It cannot and will never ever come to
this one lady
of Africa
that was appealing to Allah,
that Allah made a decision
that Allah could just fill her her breast
with milk.
Allah brought
as a hidayah
for mankind till the end of time. One
of the greatest wonders and miracles
that you can ever witness on earth.
We're talking about the great ten of the
world or the big this and the big
That is one of the greatest
to witness
because of the Qurban, the great sacrifice
that that lady did for Tawhid Allahu Akbar.
Allah loved that act so much,
and the act of that little innocent child
that Allah has
made it compulsory.
Whatever mother you are from,
no matter what Muslim you are,
Hajj is not completed, no umrah is completed,
but you got to walk. Safa wal Marwa.
The Allah did send the verse to say,
That Safa and Marwa
is of the symbols of Allah.
There's no sun upon you, you come for
Hajj Umrah to walk that walk. To our
Majors, but this is a walk
of a lady that walk for water.
Allah wants you to feel that walk
even though it's marbled, even though it's air
Allah want you to reflect on the walk
of guidance. What are you walking for there?
Allah wants you to appeal
and so we could go on and on.
May Allah give us understand.
So Allah love the sacrifice of this family
that Allah has left in the Quran Surah
And in Surah Ibrahim, I want you for
almost just to scan it.
You get to see 8 to 9
What do we learn?
He became such afraid of Allah whatever he
asked Allah.
Allah granted him.
He was genuine in his talk when he
While I'm here,
it's only desert.
But here Allah,
do you want me? Because no armsmen,
even no bold in construction,
even no duggery and a mitzvah tree and
proper rocks tree. It wasn't easy. It was
an added,
but he had the order
to build, to reconstruct
and he was assisted with a scaffold.
Only the build builders will understand how important
that scaffold is that the scaffold would straight
And that what he did
basking for basking.
The hydral also was like a meteorite
that came from the heavens above.
And Allahu Ta'ala there to go seek for
that stone.
A little Ishmael found that stone
and he called his father to assist him
to bring her there and therefore for loss.
When they finished the building without Ibrahim alaihis
salatu was salaam knowing,
Allah loved this act so much because he's
saying in the duas, Allah must accept it
and Allah did accept it.
Then Allah told him in this haramiah of
you must call Capetonians
for Hajj.
There was no surround sound, no system, nothing.
just call that soft voice of yours,
but we will respond to
He called with the heart of Hidayah,
and he said in the dua,
Oh Allah,
Like a child
wants to every time sip sip the mother's
Likewise, Yeah. Allah,
let mankind
always want to come back and back to
this Beitullah
to hold unto the Beitullah.
May Allah
The Ullama explained for once,
why is Ibrahim alaihi salaam only him as
a prophet
compared to thousands of prophets that Allah's handpicked
with Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam in at
the shahootsala?
Why not the other prophets
having zoom into every prophet was unique in
its own way?
But we've come to Ibrahim alaihis salatu wasalam
at the baytulah.
There this time 5000
years ago we're talking about.
You said, oh Allah,
you send amen.
And they understood who it is. Ahmad Mustafa
Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
The seal of prophets
that's going to revive this deal to humanity.
You said the prophet, you zakihim that will
go internally
and cleanse to purify the heart of mankind,
and he will come with a divine book
that will stand
the test of time, the Quran
that will
he will become a malaam. He will teach
them and he will be the practical demo
for that Quran.
When he say establish salah, he will say,
the way I perform salah.
When it says go for Hajj, you will
say, do
the Hajj the way I did it.
Not only for Hujats going to Makkah,
when they leave behind their family,
the families will engage also in the days
of tashriq with the Qurban.
Well, the Hujat will say,
On the day of Eid ul Adha back
home, the family will sit and they will
That's a classic,
You will only understand
that once you undertake this journey.
So this Ibrahim alaihis salam,
there's so many verses. Time doesn't allow me
but imagine just look at Allah. I like
the Ibrahim.
Indeed for you all, there's the most noblest
of examples in Ibrahim's entire life.
And those that were close to Ibrahim alaihis
It is Ibrahim alaihis salaam on the night
of Mirage,
No prophet.
He came right to salah in front as
is thou leaving.
Ibrahim alaihis salam got hold of Muhammad sallallahu
alaihis salam.
And then the second thing he said, and
tell your that
the Jannah's ground is fertile.
They must
continue with. DSD bros cup
from the friend of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Therefore, the Ulamas say, and deeper than that,
why his name is special with his family
in the itself.
How Allah singled out his name in the
Because if we look at
this is the that Ibrahim alaihi salatu wasalam
visited to us. The baqaam Ibrahim,
you know, the most virtuous place in the
tawaf when you read salah is by the
Maqam Ibrahim. Any aspect there is the Maqam.
It's a stand for
Make your salah by
that footprint there.
You could be look if I had not
seen Muhammad sasoolam
kiss you. I would never kiss you. You
Now be abolished all shirk, all idols, you
know. But that
is not that is like the push button
for you when you start your
you know.
So the answer tumble dryer.
I said it's a tumble dryer.
Safa Marwa
goes back to Ibrahim's family.
The romeu jmar to throw the pebbles
goes back to Ibrahim and his wife
and his son. When the Iblis
tried to take them away from Allah,
they cast the the pebbles there.
What are you casting today? They say, when
you are walking with those peoples.
Whatever is in the old DNA
and you're throwing, Allah will let you remove
all the major sins of your life.
Just by your casting at the Jamarat Bismillah
At that very exact sight the Hujaat will
where there's a little tomb to show us,
there is where
Ibrahim had to go with it was asked
oh, Ibrahim, you say you love me so
I am putting to another test. The most
at your old age that you've got for
I want you to sacrifice him only for
my love. If you really claim that you
are loving me,
my dear friends in Islam, he was ready
for that sacrifice.
When they laid the blocks of the Kaaba,
but the most
important thing he left in the Quran
Please accept it from us.
And Allah accept
it. You know, it is the most oldest
house in the
world. There's a new church that open up
in the Claremont.
For any of you, if you go for
burial, they buy new lives for us. It
comes dual time on a Saturday or Sunday.
Just leave the burial, the men folk. You
just go under the tunnel from the highway.
On the other side
there, there's a church in there. You see?
Not far just there. On the left side,
there's 2
garage, a petrol station cleaner.
The government said is turned down to a
But the government said it will be a
masjid, a place for for Muslims,
but leave it like a church on the
outside because it is what? Heritage. Heritage,
You know, my dear friends, that's heritage, that
church is still 300
years old.
our beloved Rasulullah,
he loved Ibrahim and his family so much
that when he came for his Hajj,
he came by the age of 63.
He made Qurban himself with his own hands
of 63 sheep
With a detention,
he's 63 years old.
3 days. 3 days, I may bruise for
a normal.
Allah says, I don't want your meat. You
gotta get distributed to the poor and your
family for yourself. You can also eat the
But Allah said, I want your heart. That
is it. Allah want you to celebrate
Islam connected to those ambassadors and going for
When they're gonna be an Arafat Mirah, Allah
want you all to partake
and be busy with that beer, but Allah
want you to smell like sheep.
Allah wants to hear in your homes there
If you had the means
and you don't make a sacrifice for the
days of Tasharikh,
then those will cover the nice garb and
the nice dark beer for it.
don't forget what's the essence of
because that one sheep at your Koroban,
it will protect you on any mishap in
this world and the next.
There's no money given better
for the days to come with the Huja
just in Makkah
than to go get the best sheep.
As Aisha says
that there's no deed on the day of
Eid ul Abha, more beloved to Allah, than
blood being split for the sake of Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
And every part of that sheep,
every part of it is going to be
for you a witness.
Allahu Akbar.
The rewards of it. Therefore, choose the best
of sheep. Then Allah is gonna give you
the best of the rest.
Sahaba asked, what is this kurban
said? It's a sunnah of your father Ibrahim
What did we get in the deal, oh,
prophet of Allah? The Nabi
said, for every hair, there's good into your
account, your.
I have heard people
They've said every year, I just do one
Allah has opened up so much doors. Allah
has prevented so much of Balaz.
May Allah
accept it, Insha'Allah.
Bruce was aimed off, was it to remind
the force?
We look at this week, the media is
reporting that the protests are becoming violent.
of the violence is coming from the police
spread of outside
of Gaza throughout the world.
The forthcoming youth abuse of bruise in Islam.
It's pathetic they are scared of students whose
only crime is to stand with Palestine
armed with their voices.
Therefore, all can sit at the club
at South California University.
Muslim students,
they're busied in camping,
and the police has stopped with tiyakers and
Allahu Ta'ala that non Muslim people
are surrounding the Muslims at the same way.
It's waqtu time, it's our salah time, and
they're engaging in prayer.
And the other armies that the police forces
the crushed the men
Our Muslim brothers are praying.
They were denied passage to Gaza.
Allah say we are not fighting against Zionism.
We are also
against their slaves.
The Palestinians are struggling since 75 years,
but they've never lost their iman.
So we are not going to lose our
hope, Say Allah. We will go together.
One solution,
one revolution.
There's only one solution.
Not in conflict, not a whore. Say it
loud. Say it more.
Free free. Palestine.
Free free. Palestine. Free free. Palestine. This
is a battle of for humanity.
The world
is changing.
It is the most darkest stage in Palestine
but it is pre
dawn darkness.
They are mujahideen
above the ground.
They are mujahideen
above the ocean.
Saying to Gaza and to the Palestinian
that oh, our people in Palestine,
you are not alone.
The Zionist should know that no matter where
in the world
we are,
for as long as we are breathing,
Palestine will always belong to the Muslimin.
We make dua for Ayan Dolly, the grandchild
of Marwan Barouchi, son of Yusra Barouchi.
He's sick in hospital.
We are and
are Ubaka's
place. Ubaka and Adela Jacobs going for Hajj
Abu Bakr Adler Jacobs, Sunday 26th,
leaving 2 o'clock from 11 Pretoria
Street, South
Better known fully known in pocket as Bubi.
19 Steel Road, Grassy Park,
At Oak,
just wanna mention, the international Istema is taking
It's in the camper camper down,
Darul Ulum,
and it will be taking place the 18th,
19th, and 20th October.
Anybody who's interested in wanting to participate in
this at mile and to partake in the
the estimate,
you can contact our brother Aziz sitting here,
and he's a contact person. The cost will
be now initially, it might come down. But
the current cost now, so long, while they
are still searching for buses and transport, is
now R2,000
per person. I think that include meals and
So, it might come down also, inshallah. So,
the more people is applying, the more the
lesser it will be, the cheaper it will
be, inshallah.
Also, yeah. So make the intention, brothers. It's
the national,
and, all the
across the world will be there. So there's
a lot to be learned, inshallah. Here's one
notice that came in now.
I'd like to request
the the Masih to make dua for
Wazir Wazir
and, his wife, Zaynab
leaving for Umran next week, Friday,
with the children.
Kindly regards
and that is for
was here and Zaida going for.