Daood Butt – Ramadan Tafseer 2015 Day 25

Daood Butt
AI: Summary ©
The use of "tank" in English is used to describe actions or words, and the negative impact of the pandemic on people's beliefs and expectations for wealth and success. The importance of avoiding fraud, verifying one's belief in Islam, and not giving up on one's past is also emphasized. Leading women should be present in the workplace and being seen as valued and respected, and women should be considered leaders and have a positive attitude towards women. Additionally, the speaker discusses the importance of avoiding sexual engagement and building a healthy romantic relationship, and the need for women to be present in the workplace and be seen as valued and respected.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah HeMan handed in now hidden behind me in was Salatu was Salam O Allah shawfield and the UN Mr. Nene Nabina Muhammad Allah He after masala to attend the tasleem and buried my brothers and sisters in Islam Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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Today we have a lot to cover in short a lot, we're going to be doing a Jizan a quarter again, which does you know, make it a little bit challenging to do in an hour. And the added challenge is that we're not doing one or two sodas we're doing 1-234-567-8910 11 service so it makes a little bit challenging to keep the you know, keep going over reasons why this was revealed and what happened and what's the context of what's going on in this one what's different from that. So you'll notice this one we're not going to be in so much detail specifically about each sorta as we were as opposed to you know, the previous weeks and that's simply because we go through so many different sources of

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the Quran and we'll do you know more tomorrow and even more the next day inshallah tada because that's what I was just getting much shorter.

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So, we start with, with sunan number 58, which is sought out which are dinner, and Allah subhanho wa Taala. Here,

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sold out to Medina

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revealed these verses simply at the very beginning for us to learn a lesson a lesson of something that happened during the time of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam between a whaler bin Thurber and aos,

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I was in assignment, I was in assignment. Is that what you said? Yeah, I didn't hear you. Sorry.

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So Allah subhana wa, tada, you know, highlights the story here of what happened. Now, there was a dispute between the two of them as husband and wife, okay, they're husband and wife. And she, you know, they're having a dispute amongst themselves, and the loss of Canada to Hannah, you know, steps in and reveals verses with regards to this situation. So to let us know what happened, they're arguing and disputing amongst themselves. And then her husband owes, he gets upset with her. And he says, you're just like, you know, the back of my mother, you're just like, my mother's back. And he gets upset and walks away. Now, at the time of jaha, this was a term that was used to mean, you

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know, you're, you're, like, useless, you're, you're good for nothing. And it was also used when someone would divorce their wife, they would simply say that term. And that meant that you know, what, the husband doesn't want to keep you anymore, didn't want to be married with you doesn't want to be with you. And that meant divorce. And so this happened at the time now, they were both Muslim, right? Both believing a loss of power, which they had, and he was much older than her as well.

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So, he goes out, he leaves the home. And then he goes in, he chose with his friends, right? He goes, and he hangs out with his friends. And then after some time, he comes back home, and he expects to now have you know, intimate relations with his wife. And so she refuses, right, she refuses, she's like, No, I'm not going to get into this, you know, you said such nasty things to me. And then you walk out and you know, you say a statement, that's basically a statement of, of divorce, and then you expect to go and chill with your friends and then come back and everything's gonna be fine. And you want to have, you know, this intimate relationship with me. You know, that's just not gonna

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happen. But he, he's very persistent. And he tries to push his way, you know, through it. He's like, no, he, that's what he wants. And so some Hannah law she keeps refusing keep, you know, kept refusing to the extent that she, you know, ends up escaping like getting getting herself out of that situation, goes to the neighbor's house, asks for some clothing, and then you know, goes over to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and started to complain to him about this situation. And she complains to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying, you know, look, I've given him so many children, right? He's, he's benefited from my womb. And then she says, you know, he's taking my

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money and he's, you know, has the children he doesn't really, you know, regard the children as well doesn't look after the children as well as he should be. And then this happens and then he makes this statement, and then he expects to just come back and you know, do what he wants inside of the house. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala reveals Subhana Allah He Matthew somehow it will up or who will Aziz will Hakeem. Sorry, run the wrong surah

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reading the wrong slide.

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Why am I not getting in this?

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could send me a lot

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And we have internet issues here

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is anyone connected to the internet?

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Yeah, it's working fine

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there we go. I got it.

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So Allah subhana wa tada reveals a verse. I thought I had her open and reading step ahead in that doesn't make sense. for lots of candidates, Allah reveals God's Son Yamaha Colella, T to J De Luca fee fees Oh jihad. Watch tequila Allahu Allahu yestermorrow to Howard Akuma in the law has Semyon buslee if so Allah subhana wa Tada, you know, reveals a verse saying that he hears the complaint of the person who's complaining to the prophets on a long way on a usnm right, he hears that complaint, and here almost always abolishes The, the the use or the ability to use that term where someone you know, comes to their wife and tells them you know, a statement other than a divorce you and you

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know, that refers to divorce. So let's handle it at, you know, in our city, it shows us through the son of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam if you're going to divorce someone that you have to divorce them in the ways in the method that is shown to us by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and we will touch upon divorce very shortly when we cover sort of bollock. So unless some kind of attachment mentioned that, you know, he hears he hears the complaint of this, this idea of the prophet SAW the one liner he was sending them.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala makes it very clear that no money, no wife, is the mother to another man, that every single person has one mother, there's no way that you have another mother. And this term was used during Gen Ed, as we mentioned, that you're just like, you know, my mother's back, you're just like my mother you like use this, I don't want to be with you in that way. And so Allah subhana wa, tada highlights here that every single person, male or female only has one Mother, you can't have two mothers, right? And so this is important for you know, people to understand, especially when they throw insults back and forth. That there is there's there's a way of dealing

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with things and even when a person is upset, they should still be individuals who control their speech. People who control what we say, right, and that's important for us to highlight in our deed. Let's look at verse number 11 of the same sort of Allah subhanho wa Taala raises the people of knowledge in rank as Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions

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here in the surah

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you have a foreign law will Latina woman woman come while Latina who to Lima, the Rajat, there are lots of hanway Johanna raises us as believers in rank. We are raised in rank and status, and then in gender as well. He raises us in status, when Latina Oh to Lima, those that have been given the knowledge those that that are connected with the knowledge that Allah subhanho wa Taala reveals to us either through the Quran or through the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam digests, higher levels, higher ranks, you're raised even higher, showing us the importance of seeking knowledge showing us how Allah subhana wa Jalla himself in the Quran highlights the aspect of

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learning and seeking out knowledge. And the very first thing that was revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was it called read. And some people like to debate and say no, it's not saying read and sing recite, right because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam couldn't read. Either way, read, recite the Quran, read, learn, go and educate yourselves, right. And Allah subhanho wa Taala is, you know, putting an emphasis here, not only on the aspect of knowledge, but knowledge itself gets you closer to a law so that you can raise yourself in ranks in gender. So here that is highlighted from a loss of power of attorney and verse number 11. We'll move on to the next

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ruler. As you'll see we literally jumped from SWAT disorder disorder. In the next word, Allah subhanho wa Taala, which is sort of the hash of the 59th surah of the Quran.

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He talks about the Jews, and how the Jews of Medina, they had made this peace treaty or this agreement with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when they had gone to move to Medina from Mecca. And so there was an agreement between them. And they were to obviously, you know, come to certain agreements in terms but the the treaty, the peace treaty, or the agreement between the Muslim Ian and the Jews was breached by the Jews. So they had broken the country.

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tract that they had made with a profit on the long line a US senator. And this obviously caused tension between them. And then we notice a loss of bandwidth Allah mentions that from amongst themselves, they destroyed their own homes. So they started to build, you know, like fortresses, they started to barricade themselves or start to have their own area. And you know, wouldn't let anyone into that area and that was just their space. And we noticed that a loss of Hamilton in the next verses if you read through the sorta, you know, he mentions and highlights how they themselves contributed to destroying their own homes, right, they contributed to destroying their own homes

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from within, in verse number 16, Allah Subhana, WA tada talks about the hypocrites, and how the hypocrites are like the shouting. Now, obviously, a lot of the tension that happened between the Jews and the Muslim in was because of the hypocrites of the time. And here, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions that the hypocrites are just like, the shape on how are they just like she thought.

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Allah mentions that they discourage sorry, they, they encourage disbelief. They encourage people to disbelieve in Allah subhanho wa Taala had it, then when they actually disbelieve. They say, Oh, you know, I'm distant from you. I'm not with you. Right? I have nothing to do with you. And we saw this example throughout the Quran when shaitan on the day of judgment will tell those that disbelieved. It's not me you disbelieved on your own.

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Right. He just encouraged them. But they were the ones that made that step. They were the ones that took the or made the decision to disbelieve in the loss of Panama to Allah. So just like shavon encourages people to disbelieve in Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. And then when they come in front of a loss of Hamlet, Allah and say, Hey, it was shaped Vaughn's fault. He was the one that you know, made us do this shape on comes in, says, No, I never made anyone do anything. You did it yourself. Right? I didn't do anything. You made the decision. It was you wasn't me, it had nothing to do with me. And similarly, Allah subhana wa, tada, you know, gives us the example of how the hypocrites are

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exactly the same way that they discourage people from believing in Allah subhanho wa Taala. And they discourage people from believing in Allah, while at the same time when they actually come out and publicly, you know, show that they that they disbelieve, and so and so people amongst the hypocrites are the ones that encouraged us to disbelieve. They say, No, we never did this. What are you talking about? We never, we never said that.

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What's your proof? Right? So let them handle it. And it uses that example there to show us how the hypocrites are now hypocrites, obviously, we know they're people who hide and conceal within them. What they don't show on the outside, and Allah subhana wa tada says, for them is a painful punishment, right for them as a painful punishment.

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And there'll be at the lowest levels of jahannam as well. And, you know, we read through the sutras and we'll see the verses in sha Allah Allah, but Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us that the hypocrites are people who on the outside show as though they believe they prayed, even though inside they hate to pray, they might fast but then when when they're alone, they eat something. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about the hypocrites in the world and time and time again in many different verses and many different sources, especially martial when it comes to, to sacrificing oneself in giving up from your wealth giving up from your, your desires of this dunya and your

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possessions, sacrificing from the things that you love so dearly for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala, the hypocrites come and they start to whisper to those people know don't sacrifice, right? Don't give for the sake of Allah. Right? Don't Don't waste your money. Right? Don't give it away. It's yours. You work so hard for it? No, none of our money belongs to us in the first place. Right? When we die? Do we take the money with us? No, the money remains behind. And so panela for many people, the money ends up becoming lost. Right? The family members sometimes can't even benefit from the money because it's so tied up in different things, different assets are stuck in the bank or

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something and there's no trace of it being left to anyone particular. So it gets taken away by, you know, whether it's governments or banks or institutions or, you know, land owners in many different countries. We know Mashallah many people come and ask that question. When someone passes away, we noticed there's dispute dispute amongst family members over land over property over wealth and SubhanAllah. You know, because of so much dispute, it ends up going away in the hands of people that don't even deserve it like lawyers, and you know, going through court system trying to get the money and the family, none of them get the money because they use all the money trying to argue over who

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was right and who was wrong. And then they end up paying so much money to the court systems and the lawyers that they get no money themselves as well. So it doesn't really matter who's right or wrong because no one ends up with the money.

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Then we move on to verse number 18.

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The last panel what Allah says

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yohanna Nina

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pandem at Nevada

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law in hobby room NEMA.

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here Allah subhanho wa Taala encourages us to believe Oh, you will believe it took a long while turns on nevsun la dama tree hut. have Taqwa and Allah subhanho wa Taala. And look at yourself analyze what is it that you've done to prepare yourself for tomorrow. And we're just talking about wealth and passing away and leaving either something behind and what we take with us. What we will take with us are our good actions are not that we've done, right, any sort of setup or jatiya that we've contributed towards. And so so Canada, we noticed that a lot is warning us to prepare yourself for what you leave behind for tomorrow, or what you do or get yourself ready for what you've

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prepared for tomorrow. Right? What are you what are you doing, that is going to get you ready for the day that you're going to stand in front of us accountable without it, and it's not money? It's not money, right? You can't come and stand in front of a law and say, You know what, I earned $3 million, one year, and then the next year, $10 million, and the following year, $15 million, and I gave 2 million to the mustard. Whoo, wow. Right. That's great. That's great. But what did you do to earn that money? How did you spend the money that you that you didn't give to the mustard, the money that you used for yourself? The money that you spent on your family was that spent, you know,

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property, the money that you traded with? Right, let's say you did business transactions? Did you do proper business transactions? Did you earn that money through interest? Right, so kind of I remember the other day, just yesterday, my wife called I don't remember, I think it's Enbridge, right one of the companies. And because we just moved from one home to the other. So we have to put the, you know, the utility bills under our name.

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And one of the options they give because they give you options in terms of payment, one of the options because you're you know, newbies starting out as someone who's got a new account with Enbridge, you know, they need a security deposit of $250. Right, and then they keep it for six months, I think or till the end of the year. And they give it back to you with interest. I told my wife I said, well, so Pamela, that's amazing. Like you give them $250, they give you back more, right? That's amazing. And it's amazing how some people take the money, and then they just invest it in places, right? invest their money in places, and simply give it to people and say here, take my

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money, take my money, and give it back to me with that interest. And people are like, wow, you're gonna give me 50,000. Yeah, take 50,000. But then there's interest on it. And you notice people get so caught up with interest, like $250 as a deposit, and then they give it back to you. And they say we give it back to you with profits, what profit, you're giving it back to me with literally like, that's jahannam attached to it, right. So go with the other option. The other option is, you know, direct deposit in their account monthly deposit, it automatically gets withdrawn from your account. And you don't have to give the $250 deposit, which is a great alternative. Because some kind of law,

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it's either you can buy jahannam or you can you know, do the right thing and get done. And it's very simple. You can go to them for $250. Right, look at how, how easy it is to go to john doe. Right. And I'm saying that little sarcastically because so kind of like it's like it's an auction that people look at and say oh, okay, no problem. Let me just do that and then I'll make some profit and you're not making profit, there's no profit on interest, interest is not profit. Interest is very dangerous to the extent that Allah subhanho wa Taala warns us from getting close to it from dealing with it those people that interact with it you know people that work in in certain situations where

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it's all involved in like interest and you know, interest money Allah subhana wa tada warns against this. So we asked Allah subhana wa tada to help us and just to allow us to stay away from that. So, here in verse number 18, Allah is telling us to prepare ourselves for the hereafter. What have we prepared for the next life? The life after the death that we will face? What have we prepared? When we stand in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala our thought Are we here for example, is it going to be something that is heavy on that scale? Like we look at this the top is like the bottom is heavy. Is it really going to be heavy on the scale? Or is artillery like the opposite where it just literally

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just flows away? just flies away in the air? Right? How is the prayer that we're praying being prayed? Right? Are we praying our salah and it's heavy on the scale or not? are we are we paying ours account and it's heavy on the scale or not? Like we're cheating. We're, Oh, you know what I'm using this amount. So you know, I don't have to pay this amount.

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All right, our fasting is our fasting heavy on the scale. Are we simply fasting insane man, this is annoying. I don't know why we have to fast Why does Allah make us do this? You just complain all day long. And then you notice that it's handled that some people are backbiting all day. And then at night when we're supposed to be doing good, amen and good actions and worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala even more as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did, he would strive hard and you know, not sleep throughout the night so that the last 10 nights of Ramadan? Are we those that are saying, Man, I gave it all I got the first 10 nights. That's it, I'm going to sleep now. Right? Where is the

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weight in our actions? Is it just going to be piles of fluff, like I gave the example you know, a few weeks ago, piles of feathers that are just fluffy, and you can go and it just blows away? Or are we putting on like heavy stones, heavy pieces of weight on the scale, that you can blow on it, and it's not gonna go anywhere you try and push it and it's not going to move. It's heavy on the scale, and you need people to come and lift it off of your scale. So we asked the last panel to add it to make it easy for us to be sincere in our actions and to prepare ourselves for the day that we come in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala we might have a little bit of mud, a little bit of actions. But

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those few actions were done with sincerity, that they're so heavy on the scale. Right? make sense and shallow. In verse number 21, to 24.

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of sort of to hash out Allah subhanho wa Taala affirms and continues to affirm the greatness of Allah subhanho wa Taala going over his names and attributes and signs and blessings that Allah Subhana Allah has given us and you know, basically just highlighting the greatness of the loss of Kanagawa to Hana in these verses,

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we move on to the next one shot a lot. Sort of number 60

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which is Seward, Montana, and a lot of people tend to say Montana, but it's Montana. And is the soul I'd known as the who can tell us what it means. I love this. This is where people were reading the English translation and getting it confused. Okay. The woman who's examined What do you mean by the woman who was examined? That's what it says. I love that. That's what it says. Right?

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Right. So the women whose faith were tested right, the women whose faith was tested, and a must pan with Allah here shows us the word Medina, MD, Han means test. So if you're going into an exam, you're going into an empty hand, right? Mom tahina are those women who are being tested. Right? So

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in this world, our last panel with Allah will move to verse number eight inshallah, Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights the permissibility of being kind to the disbelievers, right the permissibility, of being kind to the disbelievers. I will read through it in sha

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Allah Subhana Allah says, Allah does not forbid you from dealing justly and kindly with those who fought not against you unaccounted for religion, and did not drive you out of your homes. Verily, Allah loves those who deal with equity. So here, Allah Subhana, which Allah gives us an example of the non Muslims, the non believers, who deal with us in proper manners, who don't fight against us, who don't throw us out of our homes, because we're believers, right, we still have the ability to own a home, rent a home, you know, and live comfortably. They're not throwing us out of our homes, like in various other places around the world, and they're not fighting against us. They're not

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killing us, they're not throwing us out on the streets. They're not harming us in any way. That is very severe. Of course, it is a difficult lifestyle that we go through sometimes tests sometimes, you know, new bills are passed in the parliament and stuff like that, which becomes a little more uncomfortable, but at the same time we're not being fought against as in arms are not pointed our way.

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So Allah subhana wa tada here shows us the permissibility of dealing with them nicely and kindly, right, that it's allowed. And so a lot of people will say, Why do you live in the lands of the profile? Why do you live over there, you know, you should travel the go and migrate and do his law and stuff like that. But somehow when you look at the so called Islamic countries and Islamic states and stuff like that, actually, I should stop using that word Islamic State. Right? Because that that's referring to ISIS and we're not talking about ISIS here. We're talking about countries, okay, countries that have borders that are found on the globe and the maps right, and not movements. And

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so our last panel

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Tyler, you know, shows us that panela in different parts of the world different countries that are known to be so called Muslim countries or Muslim majority countries or Muslim run countries, as in the the government's and the and the, the the, the legislations are according to the shitty hours, somewhat according to the shitty, we noticed this kind of lead sometimes you find less Islam in some of those places, right you find less Islam in some of those places or you find more hardship or you find killing. Right? You find people who claim to be living as Muslims yet they're killing people. Right? You find people like look at the look at the Muslims in Syria today. Right? Where are they?

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They're running to their borders. Why? Because Syria, everyone thinks sham. It's it's Syria. It's Muslim lens. And the whole world is seeing it on the TV and the media saying look, Muslims are fighting against Muslims, Muslims are killing Muslims, right? But we don't consider that to be Muslims killing Muslims. We consider it Muslims being killed by tyrants, Muslims being killed by people who are pretending to be Muslim for whatever worldly benefits they want to get. So we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make it easy for us to live comfortably as we're living over here and handle law comfortably. And we ask Allah to make it easy for many of the Muslims around the world as

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well as non Muslims to live comfortably amongst each other. Now we noticed that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would enter different lens and conquer a different lens, they would respect the religious, you know, places of worship, and religious people of other religions. As long as they weren't fighting against the Muslims, they would respect them. So why can't we do that? We can. It's islamically. Correct. There's nothing wrong with that. You see a you know, a Jewish priest, sorry, Jewish priest, a Christian priest, or a Jewish rabbi, right. I've been out of Montreal for a long time. Now in Montreal. There's a lot of Jewish big Jewish community and a lot of

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rabbis, you know, a lot of religious Jewish living in Montreal.

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And you see them walking down the street. There's nothing wrong with them living there and there's nothing wrong with you living there as well. Right? You can live as long as you're upholding your deen right you're praying you're able to pray you're able to fast you're able to believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala and easily say I believe in Allah I believe in God. Right, the one true God to be worshipped a lot. And so if you're capable of doing that, there's nothing wrong there's absolutely nothing wrong with with that. And no Subhana Allah this is being recorded. It's going online and I know some people are going to watch it in a year or two years and three years and probably say hey,

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look at what dode said, hey, look at this. Look at that. May Allah subhana wa tada guide those people that are misguided.

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In verse number 10, Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us

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the the actual wording or the the title of the surah. And how the prophet SAW along the idea he was Salaam was to examine or to verify the belief of those women that were coming and trying to live in the city of Medina.

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So those that claim to believe, and we're coming to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam is believers. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked or told by Allah subhanho wa Taala to verify their belief. Why?

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Why were they asked to verify Why was he asked to verify their belief? Does anyone know?

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Because it was not permissible at this point in time for them to go and live with their non Muslim husbands. So if they came to the Muslim mean, and they came to Medina to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he verified that they were believers, they could not return to their husbands to their families who were disbelieving husbands right? It is not permissible at that point in time anymore. So they could not return to their husbands who may be non Muslim.

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We move on to the next one inshallah Tada, which is sort of a soft,

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the 61st surah of the Quran.

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And here a loss of cannibal what Allah talks about the ranks, right, that's the title of the solar the ranks, and it was named so because Allah subhana wa tada in the surah mentions how he that he likes those who were fighting with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they were in their rows, and they stood together firmly upon what they believed when they were, you know, pushing forward and conquering land. So they stood together in ranks, and they weren't disunited. They were not, you know, pulled apart in any way, shape or form.

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Why does the last panel at NSA sorry, last panel, China says in verse number three

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cavora McDonough in the law he and Taku mela tofana right.

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Before that last panel with Anna says, Yeah, a young Latina man olema Tahoe Luna man turfan on Cabo Ramapo. 10 de la, taco alumina turfan one. So Allah subhanho wa Taala asks us, why is it that you say that what you don't do?

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Why is it that you say, what you don't do. And so it's a warning for us as believers is what we need to know and understand that we have to believe and say what we believe, but act upon that as well. And that there should be no shame in our Deen there should be no shame in our belief, those from amongst us who believe in Allah Subhana Allah to Allah don't feel ashamed when people see you doing something, don't feel ashamed when you wear clothing, you know, some kind of a lot of people they can feel very comfortable wearing the traditional clothing, right traditional clothing as in clothing from back home, like some of us are wearing. So it can be some of the soaring thoughts from

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you know, different cultures, different types of clothing Some of us are wearing Mashallah clothing that you'll find in Bangladesh, which is a different type of Kota. And then you have others who are wearing shallow the Canadian culture clothing, which is pants and shirts, and all these different types of clothing, right. And we feel comfortable wearing that. But somehow sometimes we feel very ashamed when we pray in public. Why we feel comfortable wearing so a lot of companies but we feel ashamed, praying in public, we feel comfortable wearing a hijab, but we feel ashamed, praying in public, right or publicly saying that I'm fasting, right, letting people know our friends and

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colleagues that were fasting. Were saying, You know what, I need to go to pray, or I need to take the day off, because it's our day of celebration, AIDS, right, which is coming.

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And so Allah subhanho wa Taala asks us, why is it that you say that what you don't do, right, that you, you might sometimes also preach about Islam and tell people about Islam, that this is what we have to do as Muslims as well, we believe this is what we do. But then we don't do it as well. And we're not doing that you don't find us doing that. Now, you might say, oh, as Muslims, we have to pray five times a day. And this is what we believe in you. You're so passionate about it. And so how do I remember, you know, some of the when you deal with some of the youth and young adults, when they come to talking about their stories at college and university and even High School, they're

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like, Well, you know, there's there's this girl in my class, right? And she's interested in Islam. And I was talking to her about this and talking to her about that and talking about praying. She's totally intrigued about it. And then you notice this other like, the next week or a month later, they come to you and they're like, you know, it's cool. I want to pray but kind of feel shy in front of others. Oh, wait a second. What about that girl in your class that you were talking about so passionately? Because you want her to accept Islam? Mashallah, right? And then all of a sudden, you're shy to pray in public? Well, where did that passion go? Because now you actually have to show

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what you're talking about and do it. Right. So you're talking about it now when it comes to actually doing what you're talking about? Where's that? Where's that action, and here a loss of Pamela Tanis highlighting it. And it works both ways for the sisters that are listening as well. And you know, they ask those same questions also. So it's not only the brothers in verse number six, a last panel with Hannah

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mentions how Isa alayhis salam is given the good news of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and read the verse inshallah tada What if god are you sir? No, Maria Maria Benny is saw ina in me Rasulo nahi ne Sunday con Nima, Albania D Amina

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Muslim De Lima a Amina tomahto, mubasher Brr Sunni Teemu Baron de su

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phenom Jaya

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beaten by Geena to

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see her be in. So here Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us eSATA has sent him he's given the good news that there will be a prophet, a messenger of Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala loss of control to Allah who will come and his name will be that of Arnett. And we know that I'm Odin Mohammed. I mean, they're both, you know, Mohammed and they have the same root meaning, right? So Allah subhanho wa Taala here shows us that eSATA his cinnamon was given this glad tidings and it was also mentioned in the Torah as Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights in this verse.

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We move on to the next surah along Tera vaada, the 62nd surah of the Quran, who knows what sort of it is

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similar to the Juma surah to Juma now we're not going to go through the entire sort of but we will speak about a few things

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With regards to the etiquette of Friday, the etiquette of Joe Mara, and here almost kind of without us highlighting the Juma prayer, the prayer that happens on the day of Friday. And so from verses nine to 11, which are the last few verses of the surah, Allah Subhana Allah says, Yeah, You're hilarious Latina either no de la Asana Timmy Amelia marotti fossero. First, Isla de la he was

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then he can come

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on panel in Thailand says yeah, you're Latina and either new do this or that to me young melodrama if it's called out and you hear the sound of the calling of the Juma prayer. First out in a victory lap rush, rush towards the remembrance of Allah subhana wa tada now when Allah says fests our rush towards the remembrance of Allah does it mean to literally rush as in Run quickly get there go as fast as you possibly can? Is that what Allah subhana wa tada means here? What does he mean for those that are shaking their heads? What does the last kind of metallic mean?

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come early good.

00:36:18 --> 00:36:18

Just leave

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leave off. Right leave off what you're doing and get yourself ready right start preparing yourself for Joomla what else

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Anyone else? That's how you know victory lap rush in terms of your belief in terms of your your your your attention, your attentiveness now, I'm going to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala Yes, you feel pleased inside of you. Your heart is content. Allah subhanho wa Taala is calling me This is the call to prayer. I have to go this is it and you feel so content inside of you. You like everything as our you know, brother was mentioning some kind of law. Get yourself ready, start preparing yourself for Juma. And as brother always mentioned, get there early. So some handle that you prepared yourself and you came early for the prayer. not wait until the last minute. And then you're like, Okay, the

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man was gonna take 22 minutes to do is hooked us so I'm going to leave exactly at this time. So it takes me 22 minutes to get there and then I'll catch the prayer. right because it's quick was so so boring. Right? So some had a lot some people you know, they timed it so that they rush and get to John's like yeah, I need to go and boom, they're speeding down the highway and they're getting to john, like Yes, I'm doing what Allah Subhana Medina says rush to Jamaat No, that's not what's meant. It's prepare yourself. And we notice in the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah subhana wa tada would sorry, in the, in the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, the

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Prophet would get himself ready for Juma take a shower, you know, and even tell this a habit to shower themselves to bathe the right be clean and put on perfume and he would room himself he would trim the hairs that needed to be trimmed. And then we noticed the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would clip his nails right before Juma. He would prepare himself and he would make sure that he looks good, he was dressed good, he smelled good. He came in a nice presentable manner. And then he would you know, enter into the masjid and he would you know, ascend or climb up the, you know, walk up the member and then he would deliver his sermon his speech, right? So prepare yourself for

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that Juma prayer, get ready for the message that also kind of want to add is going to give us through the Imam and his quotes but

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then for either boulia to sila to Tasha, you will feel the Lima beta whom you fall in love you he was going on la caphyon en la laguna to flee.

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And when the prayer itself, we didn't mention in the previous verse first archeologically la he whether it was Bay or leave off your business and your transactions don't do business during Juma even if you know you're on a phone call and the hook was going on and you're sealing a deal, no, you should be sealing that call because sealing the deal while the footwork is taking place is part of the sauna. So we noticed that for Juma al we pray only to America. But typically at lunchtime we pray for for Vogue, right where did those two Cara go in the hooked up? So listening to the hookah is part of the Juma prayer. It's part of the Juma prayer so we should listen to the hookah as well

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and take part in the prayer.

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Now as a side note, just so that we know for those of us that that are unaware, you have to come for the last rocker of the Juma so let's say you're getting late and you're delayed from your prayer. You know, you're getting the

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Late from leaving work, right and you could not get to your prayer on time and you catch the last Raka of your Salah as in you made it for the poor in the second record. So you got there, Allahu Akbar and you had time to also be in the report and say so cannot be lousy once, then you caught your jomar if you came after that, then you completely missed July. But you can also miss Juma if you came early for it. How?

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How can we miss Juma if we come early? Does anyone know?

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Don't listen to the hook but don't pay attention to the hook. But to the extent that you're not paying attention, or you might be distracted by doing something as an YouTube, Facebook, something that you're doing on your phone, Twitter, right?

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You might be talking to someone and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam emphasized paying such close attention to the gym on foot. But to the extent that if someone was doing something wrong, or you know doing something that you want to simply correct them or tell them you know what to do, you shouldn't just forget about it, pretend like it's not even happening and just focus on the football. Because if you say something, then it's as though you missed out on paint your attention, your attention with the football and that's what's needed. Right so it's important for us to pay close attention to

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to the football as well.

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Then Allah subhana wa tada says, In the next verse that we recited, and when the Salah is over, then disperse, go right and

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fuss, sorry, fantastic, we'll fill out what to whom in the law go and attain, acquire what Allah Subhana Allah has placed there on Earth. So the scholars say at the in the previous verse, Allah subhanaw taala says stop your business transactions don't do any business don't work during the time of Joomla right leave it and then here it says though the scholar say Allah is telling you go out and now go and engage in some sort of business go and make a transaction of some sort. And subpanel I remember when I was in Medina, our teachers used to encourage us when you come out of the habit and see something buy it even if it's a miswak or something like Mashallah, you know, there's always

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mangoes or some sort of fruit and vegetables being sold, go and buy something, get something for your family, bring it back home, it's the day of eight, it's the day where you should be happy so purchase something for your family or purchase something for yourself. Even if it's a miswak when I was in Medina, I used to love that buy a nice fresh miswak we used to do it on the way going in and also on the way coming.

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It was kind of like you know, buy something nice, even if it's small and enjoy the the blessings that Allah subhanho wa Taala have placed for us.

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We'll move on to the next rule inshallah Tada, the next quarter. I'm hoping everyone is reading through these verses on their own as well

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throughout the month of Ramadan.

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Surah number 63 which is through what ethical and solar to an African, the hypocrites and here from verses one to four, Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights the reality of the hypocrites and I just want to read through the first two verses inshallah, when the hypocrites come to you or Muhammad, they say we bear witness that you are indeed the Messenger of Allah. So they come to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and they constantly are going to declare their belief that he is the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Allah, you know, continues to say Allah knows that you are indeed His messenger and a lot bears witness that the hypocrites are liars. Indeed.

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They have made their oaths a screen for their hypocrisy, so their oath, their testimony, right, showing that they believe in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is only a barrier something that they put in front of them to conceal their real beliefs on the inside, right? It's only something that they use to shelter their oath, their belief or to screen hide their true belief inside of them. Thus they hinder from the Path of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Are they turned away from the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala surely evil is that which they do so what they do is evil and disliked and displeased by Allah subhana wa what to have. So here in this sword, Allah highlights the

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the reality of the hypocrites in their actions, and we'll move on to the next one inshallah. Tada. So we're on number 64, which is sort of a tabon, the 64th sort of, of the Quran, the mutual disillusion some of you are reading in English translation, the mutual disillusion. Now here in verses seven to 10 the machine think that there will be no resurrection as a loss of power. What Allah tells us, they think there's going to be no resurrection. Bye

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The day of Taha one. So that's one of the names of the day of judgment on the Day of Resurrection. When they will be raised again, they will then realize the truth, which is that they are resurrected. So they didn't believe and they don't believe that there will be another life. The life of the hereafter that is infinite, that will never end as we've touched upon throughout the Koran. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions to the you know, in the in these verses to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam let them know that they will be resurrected on the day of Vauban the Day of Resurrection the day when they will be shown that they had only fooled their own selves. They

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only fooled their own selves from verses 14 to 18 Allah subhana wa tada talks about the wives and children and how they are a distraction. So verse number 14 to 18 you'll notice that our last panel what Dan is telling the men the believing men, that your wives will be a distraction for you Yeah, you are Latina woman in them in as word you come. What Oh, lady, come I do and look on further on. So Allah subhana wa, tada says that they're your enemy. Be careful of them, right? Why does he say they're your enemy? Now we have to understand the context of what was happening, of course, but to begin with,

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we look at how men are weak. Right? How Men are weak, that as men, our wife, or our children, when we're with them, and we're spending time with them, we start to feel so comfortable that we forget that it's time for Salah. And we might even live very close to the mustard but we just don't even go because we're just busy with the family. Right? And so it must pan with Allah here in a way as mentioning to us that the family distracts us from the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala had also at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what had happened was that some of the companions that made the hedra with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they had gone forward

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with him and you know, they were in Medina and they live there and they acquired knowledge by spending time with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, those that didn't make the Higgs at all right away. And they remained behind because their families said, You know what, let's not go let's stay here, our family's here, our homes are here. Everything we have is your businesses are here, everything is here and monka Let's stay here, those that did not go because their wife and children held them back with you know, by saying let's stay here when they eventually made the hedgerow or they went into Medina and they saw their friends that were with them. Those that used to be from

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Makkah and went over to Medina and spent time with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from the hills onwards, they had acquired so much knowledge by spending time with the prophets and a lot more it was some of them that they then realized some kind of law. This was a distraction from the remembrance of Allah that I could have gone. Look at them now. They're so knowledgeable in the deen and we stayed in Makkah secluding ourselves away from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they've gone so much further in terms of their knowledge of the deen. And so that's, you know, the incident that happened at the time of the prophet SAW a lot more. I think he was setting up in the

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next one. I saw a bollock.

00:48:19 --> 00:48:39

Sort of Bala bollock, the divorce are beleiving armo divorced his wife during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Right, the son of Armagh no thought he divorced his wife during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And at that point in time she was it was during her menstrual cycle. So she had her period, right.

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And when she divorced when she was divorced by her husband of the login arm of the Obama and Obama, this information or the news had reached the profits of a lot more I think he was sending them and he got extremely upset. He got extremely upset with Abdullah even arm or the alarm. And he told him take her back. Take her back until she's, you know, she's clean as in her menstrual cycle is over. And then in the narration, the amount that's that's found in the body the explanation of So hey, hon. Bahati. You mentioned that the prophet SAW longer I think it was some of them told him to take her back until she's, you know, done her menstrual cycle and until the month passes, and she gets it

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again and she's clean again, then if you want to divorce her than divorcing it, right? So take her back don't divorce her during that time. Don't divorce her during that time. And here I'll have some kind of way to either reveals these verses because of that yet. Because of the divorce.

00:49:46 --> 00:49:54

Yeah, Johan W. el producto Mandisa for Politico 100 the hinda y was

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actually like thinking of another sorta and reading this right. So

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I have so many photos going on in my head right now. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, if you divorce any of your wives, divorce them properly, according to the the timings as well as the, the period, and so on and so forth. Now read through this, this is an important source for anyone who's married are looking to get married, which means every one of us has to read through this little, almost kind of metallic clear the state's, you know, specific matters with regards to marriage, and anyone who gets married should not have gotten married unless they've learned about divorce. And I say that, again, anyone who gets married, or is

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looking to get married, should not get married, unless you've learned about divorce. And those of us that are married and have not learned about divorce, we should read this list up to begin with learning about divorce, not because we're all going to divorce our wife. But because divorce is part of marriage. And so you can't learn about marriage if you haven't learned about divorce. So you have to learn about divorce, before you get married. It's important because you might get married and realize minutes after you get married. You don't want to be married to this person. How do you get yourself out of that situation, you will know if you studied divorce, right. And it's important for

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us to do that, in verse number two, a loss for how to add it tells us to be kind to towards the divorce woman. And here it's actually referring to the husband that divorces his wife, when you actually come to the point where you're divorced, and you're splitting Be kind to each other. Don't treat her badly. And that's important because many, many people when they get married, or when they get divorced, they don't treat their spouse or their ex spouse correctly. To the extent that for many years, they'll treat each other very badly, and the children will recognize that and the children will actually, you know, become very divided in two sides because the parents had done

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that. So we ask Allah subhana wa tada to make it easy for those that go through hardships to parts on good terms. In the 66 footer of the grants order to define

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the prohibition we notice here, an incident that happened during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he shoveled the lava and her becoming a little bit jealous. Now the scholars differ as to whether the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had gone and spent more time in the house of Zeno, or the Ola and her or in the house of, of how some of the alumni now. And so the scholars differ as to which one of the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, he had spent more time in that house. And what happened was, you know, the other wives had become a little bit jealous, he shall be a lover, and he was a little bit jealous. And you know, there was an incident

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of asking him, what did he drink because he was being given honey, right from Xena about the love or for those that different opinion? Say that was hafsa. And so he said, I will never drink this again. And then a loss of pan of water and I said yeah, and you and you will be mad too heavily will not have a lot more luck, who bought the US logic robot afforded to him? So why is it that you that you make her own something that allows Pam that Allah has made Helen, why do you prohibit something that is permissible? And so it's a warning for us not to do that in our Deen? Because many of us do that unknowingly. Many of us especially leaders of communities, hmm sometimes they tend to get so lost

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and caught up with trying to make sure that everything is done right, that they follow what this thing says rather than falling what a Lost Planet Allah and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had done right so it's important for us not to make hard on what Allah subhanaw taala has made Hello. In verses six to eight, Allah subhana wa tada tells us to protect ourselves and our families. Yeah, you know, full and full circle. Legal nada. Aku Johannes, will hedge Allah to Allah, Allah eternally love and she does a layer so you can read through the verse in sha Allah Allah, verse number six to eight, protect yourselves and your family members from the fire. Okay? That's

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important for us to contemplate over.

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And then in the next verse in verse number eight, Allah subhana wa tada highlights sincere repentance. sincere repentance is absolutely important. We move on to sorta to Mark I know you're all looking at the clock, right? So we're about to like,

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what time is the 904904 Okay, so we have time 902 today.

00:54:27 --> 00:54:31

Okay, we have a few minutes in shop. What time does it say they're

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57 right. Okay, so we have five minutes.

00:54:39 --> 00:55:00

We'll stop here. inshallah, we'll stop here. Right. We'll stop here to give us some time. We're about to enter into the 25th night in sha Allah, Allah, make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala that he accepts your efforts throughout this night in sha Allah, we ask Allah Subhana Allah to make it easy for us to ponder over the verses of the Quran that we covered Vasco bas pedowitz Allah to make it easy for us to have

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understand and to implement these verses and the lessons that we learned inside of our our lives. We ask Allah subhana wa Jalla to forgive us throughout this month of Ramadan and to accept all of our actions and statements and our need for someone else. Send them all back out of Vietnam come Medina out. He was off he was second

Explanation of the 28th Part (Juzz) of the Quran

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