Daood Butt – Parents The Keys To Jannah Paradise

Daood Butt
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The speaker discusses the importance of teaching children to be praised and not use force when they do so, as it is important for parents to be mindful of small practices and not use force in Islam. They emphasize the need to teach children to be praised and not to use force when doing things, and to be mindful of small practices and not to show negative behavior. The importance of treating parents with respect and not waiting for special events is also emphasized.

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			Manda Rahim al hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah. While early he was happy woman
Wallah, and my bad. My brothers and my sisters in Islam Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh I
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			would like to begin by thanking the brothers and the
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			the organizers or the management of this mustard for inviting me and having come to this mustard is
a it is a pleasure on my behalf to be here. And you know, it is really nice to see especially a
large number of youth in the mustard.
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			You know, many, many countries that you go to, you don't really see a lot of youth in the masjid.
And this is something that is becoming more and more scarce. And so Panama when I walked in, I saw a
good number of youth praying solder all together. And it was just something that touched my heart.
because it reminded me of my childhood. When I was growing up in the mustard, there were a lot of
youth, you know, we were there we would play in the masjid, and enjoy ourselves after Koran class
and so on and so forth and go outside and do some sports. And now when you go to the masjid, you
don't really see many youth, at least in my community where I come from in Canada. So it's really,
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			really nice to see this. And this topic today. Because there's a lot of a large amount of youth in
Sharla, I'm going to tone it down a little bit so it's more to their level. Okay, so it's more to
their level because this topic is mainly for the youth mainly for the the children growing up and
how they can develop and learn how to respect and the importance of respecting parents and what it
means to us in this life, as well as in the hereafter. So Allah subhanho wa Taala You know, he
clearly teaches us in the Quran, after the obedience of Allah subhanho wa Taala. After the obedience
of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he commands us to be obedient to our parents.
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			And we see in a very, very common Hadith, very common Hadith that many people quote, when the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was approached by one of the companions, and the companion came
to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. And he was asked, Who is most deserving of my obedience?
Or who am I most obliged to, you know, to fulfill my obligations and so on and so forth, other than
or after a loss of Hannah Montana, and after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
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			And what did the prophets in the Long Island who are seldom said, What was his response to this
companion? Who can tell us
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			your mother, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told this companion, that your mother is the
one who deserves most of your attention and your love and your obedience, after Allah subhanho wa
Taala, and after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So this companion, he asked the profits on
the long run, he was, again, after my mother now who is most deserving of my obedience. So the
Prophet sallallahu wasallam said,
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			my mother, right, he said, your mother. So this is the second time now. So he's telling the
companion the second time, after your mother, your mother again?
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			And so then the Companion of the prophets on the lower How do you ascend them? He asks, okay, after
a loss of handle with the head, and after the profits on the long idea of sentiment after my mother,
and after my mother, then who next?
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			And the profits on the long earlier send them said, Your mother,
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			again, the third time. So then, the Companion of the Prophet sallallahu, earlier send them asked
again. So after my mother, now, the fourth time who is most deserving of my obedience, the prophets
on the long run, either send them set your father. Now who was this Companion of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. In fact, more importantly, who were his parents?
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			His parents were not even,
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			you know, they were not amongst the Muslim men at that time. They were not even Muslim. At that
point in time, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was telling this companion, your mother,
your mother, your mother, and then your father, this companions parents were not Muslim.
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			And so us as Muslims, you know, it goes to show us that even if our parents are not Muslim, or our
parents are Muslim, but may not be practicing Islam as much as we are, or we feel as though you
know, they do certain things in Islam
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			That, you know, sometimes they pray and sometimes they don't pray, or they pray often, you know most
of the times, but you know, they may have some other habits that we know is not against, not
according to Islam, and displeasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala even though they may be doing these
things, we still have to be obedient to our parents. So this is a prime example. My, you know, my
children, my youth in Islam, of how the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam taught us that we must be
obedient to our parents, and we will see how the doors of gender and shout Allahu taala can open up
in front of us. If we were to turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala Hannah's pleasure through pleasing our
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			parents, so when we please our parents, we are also pleasing Allah subhanho wa Taala because we're
doing something which Allah loves, you know, when you pray your Sana, Allah subhanho wa Taala loves
that. So he's, he's pleased with you. So you pray. And you know that while you're praying, and
because you pray often and regularly, that wants to handle it, Allah is pleased with you. But also,
by pleasing your parents, Allah subhanho wa Taala becomes pleased with you, because he tells us in
the Quran, to please our parents to be obedient to our parents. So this is another way that we can
get closer to Allah subhana wa Tada. And this is something that we must fulfill, and we must try to
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			gain and earn, we will take a very simple example. This is for the parents. I want to ask the
parents Now, which one of us knows a very, very popular Hadith, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam tells us, if a child reaches the age of seven, then what should we do with this child?
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			encourage them to pray, call them to pray, and so on and so forth. And when the child then turns 10
years old, what should we do?
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			Small I love this how, you know, our grandfather, he tells us, you know, small smacks is very good,
and even demonstrates for us just a pat. But yet we asked ourselves, the profits on the lohar it was
seldom do we have any Hadeeth? Or any narration that shows us that he ever raised his hand to any of
the children? None, not a single one. Now, what does this tell us? This tells us that when it comes
to the tibia, or the, the way that we raise our children, with their development, and so on and so
forth, we must use wisdom before we think of even using force. But today in today's society, they
tell us don't use force. But yet, there's no wisdom involved. So it automatically leads to force.
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			Right? And so Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us through the life of the profits on Long Island will
send them that As parents, we must teach our children the importance of what they do and why they do
it. A very simple example is this hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is talking
about Salah. He's telling us that, you know, when it comes to a child, who's seven years old, we
must train them to come to salah and be regular in their prayers so that when they reach the age of
10, they should be able to do it. And if they don't, then it's okay for you to discipline them. Of
course, in these countries now, there's different rulings. So we have to abide by those as well. But
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			the point here is that we need to use wisdom with our children. Now, children.
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			If you don't understand anything, and you don't understand why you're doing what it is you're doing.
So you just finished praying. Why did you pray? We just finished praying awesome. Why did we pray?
What was the point of praying? Why do we do it?
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			to please Allah subhanho wa Taala? Very good answer. Some people say we do it because my mom and dad
say I have to do it. Right. Some of you pray because you say my mom and dad say that I have to pray.
Other people say we have to pray because Allah says we have to pray. But there's a greater reason
why we pray. There's a greater reason why we do everything in Islam. And as youth we need to
understand why we do this. And your key to understanding everything in Islam is your parents. Your
key to understanding why you pray. Your key to understanding why you fast, your key to understanding
you know why it is that we do certain things during Ramadan, and what is the purpose of Hajj and so
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			on and so forth, is your parents. Now this is where you have to make your parents your best friends.
You have to try and make your parents your mom and your dad your best friends. Because when we get
closer to our mother and our father
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			We are not getting closer to them as human beings only, we're getting closer to the pleasure of
Allah subhanho wa Taala. And through the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala everything in life
becomes easy. You want to, you know, have a fancy car when you get older. Right? Who here likes
cars? Just raise your hand.
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			All right? You like cars? Which type of car would you like to have? When you get
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			a Lamborghini? What color Lamborghini yellow Lamborghini? How fast? Do you want it to go?
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			as fast as it can go? Right? You'll take anything as long as it's a yellow Lamborghini. Even if it
goes five miles an hour. It just looks good, right?
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			But the point is, that in order for you to achieve that, Allah subhanho wa Taala can give you things
in this life and in the Hereafter, if you seek His pleasure.
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			Or you can get things in this life, but not in the hereafter by seeking his displeasure.
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			Did you understand that? If you're pleasing Allah subhanho wa Taala you will get good things in this
life and short of long time, and you will get good things in the hereafter. But when you display is
a loss of handling data, you can still get good things in this life, you can get a nice yellow
Ferrari, right? Or a Lamborghini, you can get a big house, you can move to your own island, where
you have a boat with sand outside, you know, and you can go swimming in the blue waters. But on the
Day of Judgment, you will stand before Allah subhanho wa Taala and you may not get Jenna, which is
what you probably want. Right? Why? Because you did not seek the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa
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			Taala. And it was only through the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala that we get the things that
we want in this life, as well as in the hereafter.
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			Now you have to remember, as children, your parents, right? Sometimes they discipline you, sometimes
they you know, I don't know what the term you use here. But in Canada, we say you get grounded,
meaning, you know, you get put in your room.
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			And you can't, you can't go out and play for five days, for example, you can go to school and come
home and do your homework, but you can go out and play with your friends. All right, so you're
limited to the fun activities that you can do. Now, one of the things that you need to keep in mind
is that your parents, right, even though they may act very strict with you. That doesn't mean that
they don't love you. They act this way with us because they love us more than anybody else.
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			They treat us in a way that is very stern and disciplined because they want us to see they want to
see us in the future as the best people that ever walked on this earth during these years. Obviously
we know the prophets, Allah hemocyanin came and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam walked the
face of this earth. But this, you know, time that we live in our parents would love to see us
amongst the best people on earth. And this is why they treat us very strictly sometimes. But you
have to remember, what is the reason for the the day to day lifestyle that your parents go about? Or
let me say this differently? What is the most important reason for your parents to live on this
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			What is the most important reason after pleasing Allah subhanho wa Taala after being obedient to
following the sun, then the Sharia of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam what is their most
important concern on the face of this earth?
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			What do you think it is?
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			looking after their children correct? looking after their children. This is one of the most
important reasons why our parents even live. In fact, when you can ask when you ask some parents,
they will tell you, they wake up in the morning and they go to work. And they do their work so hard.
And they come home and they bring food and they bring clothing and they bring all of these things
home only to see their children live happy. They want to see the children live happy. And sometimes
when they don't have enough money to buy food, they'll buy food for you and they want to eat enough
food. They'll make sure that the children can eat but they will you know, sacrifice a meal here and
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			there. And everyone is different in their standards of living. But parents sometimes when they wake
up in the morning, the only thing they think of after they pray their salah and everything is to
make sure that their family is okay. This is the number one goal on their mind. And their most
important thing I know because I'm a father
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			As well, the most important thing is to make sure that your family is safe. Make sure that your
family is okay. Make sure that they have what they need. And when you're not there, they're being
taken care of. And so this is one of the reasons why we need to return the favor to our parents. We
have to return the favor. If they're looking after us. Don't you think that it's fair that we should
look after them? Doesn't mean doesn't it make sense? If somebody you know one of your friends, he
buys you something nice. You know, he buys you a new pair of football shoes, right? I don't know
what you guys come here to come football shoes. cleats in Canada, we call them cleats. Right? So
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			someone buys you a new pair of shoes. So you can play football with right? Don't you think that you
feel happy towards your friend. And at the same time, you want to do something nice for your friend.
So next time when you go out, you see something, you buy it and you give it to him the same thing
for our parents. But a lot of the time today what we do is we take from our parents, we take we take
we take and we never give anything back to them. And we have to remember that our parents, they
don't want us to buy them things. They want us to just do the things that makes them happy, which is
doing the right thing for the for the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So your parents send you
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			to the masjid, they want to see you praying in the masjid, they want to see you reciting the Quran
and learning that that read of the Quran and memorizing the Quran. And these are the things that
make them happy. Why because they know that it's going to make you happy in the hereafter.
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			After we pass away, when you get 5067 years old, when they are no longer here, when our parents pass
away, and they're gone, they want a reassurance they want a guarantee, you know, when you buy
something new you buy like a new iPad, there's a little guarantee form, or you buy a new TV, or
whatever it is that you buy it, there's a little card there, which is a guarantee this product has a
five year guarantee, it's not going to break. So your parents want to guarantee that they raise you
correct you correctly. And after you pass away or they pass away, I should say they want to make
sure that you're going to continue living that way.
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			Not only is it a way for them to guarantee your protection in this life and hereafter, but it is a
method of protecting them as well. So don't you want to protect your parents, because when your
parents pass away, the good things that they take with them is their good actions, right, the good
actions that they did in their life, and a sadaqa jariya, which is you know, you help someone or you
you built a mustard and people come in, they pray here for 100 years, 200 years, 300 years, and you
continue to get the reward for this. And the third thing that they get is a child a pious child who
continues to make dua for them.
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			So you can make do after your parents or loved Please forgive my parents, even after they passed
away. Allah subhanho wa Taala can forgive them. And so this is one thing that they want, they want a
guarantee. And their guarantee is you. Their guarantee is you
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			that you're sitting here, you're listening to a talk, you're understanding the importance of your
parents, and you are the guarantee that your parents have that inshallah in the future, if you live
your life correctly, then inshallah they on the day of judgment will also be able to experience the
mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala they will also be able to feel the the sweetness of having
beautiful children, and wise children, children who remembered a loss of Hannah with Hannah, when
they saw someone doing something wrong, they remember a loss of hanworth hana and they stop and they
don't go and take part in those actions.
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			And so, by doing good things, your parents they have a guarantee in sha Allah to Allah on the day of
judgment that they will be from amongst those who will benefit from glad tidings and be entered into
Jimena insha Allah data and all of you will enter into agenda and you'll be able to enjoy yourselves
and see your family members and so on and so forth.
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			You know, when we talk about the word, son
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			who knows what this means,
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			what his son
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			Exactly, so
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			the profits on the lower eyelid He will send them tells us in a Hadith, and terrible de la haka,
Anika Tara, who fell in love and token Tara who for in Iraq.
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			The profits on the Long Island he was sent them tells us that son is to do something, a type
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			Have worship, any type of data. And it could be anything, anything at all. Even when you're outside
on the street, and you see someone crossing the street and they need assistance, you go and you help
them, not because you want them to give you a pound or two pounds. So you can go to the store and
buy some candy. You go and you help them because you know that Allah subhanho wa Taala is watching
you, you know that he can see you. And you know that whatever you're doing is going to be pleasing
to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So this word is an is something which is very important that you do
everything as though you can see Allah subhanho wa Taala, meaning that whatever you're doing know
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			that Allah Subhana, Allah sees you.
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			Right? When your parents are around you, we tend to do things differently. Right, we tend to do
things very differently. We speak differently, you know, we play differently, we treat people
differently. But when our parents are not around, or we can, you know, relax a little bit, we can do
things more relaxed, we can have fun with our friends more and talk differently. And this is
something that we have to try and learn that we don't do things only to please our parents when
they're around. We do it when they're not around as well. Why? Because of
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			because a loss of handler to Hana sees us, even though we don't see him, even though you don't see
Allah subhanho wa Taala he sees you. So even though your parents are not around, you should be doing
things as though your parents are aware of what you're doing. Why? Because you're doing it for the
pleasure of Allah. You're doing it to please Allah subhana wa Tada. So you don't need to do it for
your parents. You do it for the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And because a lot put your
parents there to show you the right way to show you the things that you should be doing correctly in
your life. You listen to them, you follow their guidelines, and by being obedient to what your
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			parents tell you, you're being obedient to Allah subhanho wa Taala had no know. Why do we say this?
in a
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			in a statement, in the Quran, and also through the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
we know that we should not say what is mentioned in Arabic as of right, if your parents tell you to
do something, while they're talkin lahoma, often don't say both to them. What does that mean?
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			Both basically, is like your father or your mother, let's just say your mother, right? You come home
from school one day, and you're outside playing, and your mother needs something from the store. So
she tells you, you know, can you just run to the store for two minutes and buy something and come
back? And you're like, Ah,
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			that's it. That's,
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			that is like saying of by showing a sort of displeasure, or a sigh? Like,
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			do I have to go now, this is like saying of an Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us not to tell your
parents off. Don't ever show them as though you're displeased with the things that they asked from
you. And obviously, sometimes we'll get annoyed, right? Even when we get older, for those of us that
are older, and our parents are elderly, right? Sometimes they ask us to do things, and we're busy.
You know, you might have children of your own, and you have to go shopping, and you have so many
things that you have to do after you come from work and take the kids to the masjid and so on and so
forth. And then your elderly grandmother or grandfather calls and says I need this thing. And you
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			say I don't really have time right now, I'll try and do it tomorrow.
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			This is something that we need to be careful from, we need to watch out. And remember that when when
when we get older, we will be in the same shoes that our parents are in right now. So when we get
older, right, our parents who are trying so hard to raise us correctly. Now, when we get older, we
will do the same thing. We will be trying to raise our child our children correctly also. And this
is from the Sunnah of Allah subhanho wa Taala that the way that you treat your parents, your
children will probably treat you the same way.
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			The way that you treat your parents, your children will probably treat you the same way. So if you
lie to your parents, just know in the back of your head, that your children are probably going to
lie to you too in the future. And if you steal money from your parents, you know sometimes you take
five pounds and want to buy something so you just take it without letting them know. Then remember
in the back of your mind that your children will probably do the same thing to you as well.
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			As we say, a statement in English, what goes around comes around the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam taught us that whatever we do towards our parents, that will be done to us as well by our
children. So we have to remember that whenever we do, Allah subhanho wa Taala sees us. And not only
that, whatever we do, out of, you know, disobedience, thinking of loss of Hannah with Allah is not
going to see me, our children will give us a taste of our own medicine. When you're looking for your
wallet one day and it's empty, you know that, oh, I did this once to my father. And now my son
probably just did it to me too. So whatever goes around, comes around, and Allah subhanho wa Taala,
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			he knows that we get frustrated sometimes with the things that our parents may ask us. This is why
Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us while at home, often, so don't show that you're frustrated to your
parents. But Allah subhanho wa Taala doesn't say, don't get frustrated. Because naturally as human
beings, we will get frustrated, right? It happens. You know, we're tired. We don't want to do
something. But our parents asked us to do it. So you know, don't want to do it. No, don't show your
frustration. This is what is meant that you don't show your frustration. Yes, you may be frustrated.
And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows that naturally, you will get frustrated. But you have to try and
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			show your patience. Show your patience by not showing frustration. This is how we should try and be
in shut allowed to add.
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			when we look at the lives of the companions, the Sahaba that were around the Prophet sallallahu,
alayhi wasallam. At one point in time when they were going out for a battle, all right, the
companions, they were getting ready to go for a battle. So all the companions were getting ready,
they're getting their armor ready, and they're gearing up to go for a battle. And one of the
companions came, and he started to boast in front of all the other companions, he started to show
off. He started to say, you know what, I left everything behind. And I came and I'm going to fight
for the sake of Allah subhana wa Tada. And this is what he was saying, you know, I came, and I did
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			this. And I did that. And I left everything, and I don't care, this is who I am, I'm going to go
forth. And he started to say all these things. And then he said, and I even left my parents behind,
even though they were crying, and they wanted me to stay. And they're crying so much and weeping, I
didn't care, I left them behind, and I'm going to go, I'm going to go forward with the battle and
help out. And when the Prophet sallallahu wasallam heard this, he called this companion. And he
said, Come.
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			And he asked, he says are your parents weeping? Because you're leaving. And he says, Yes, I left
everything behind. Even my parents and they're weeping. They're crying. They want me to stay, but
I'm going to go with you. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells this companion, go
back to your parents, and make them laugh, the same way that you made them cry. So if they were
crying so much, and tears were coming out of their eyes, make them laugh, make them be happy, so
that they totally forget that they were just crying. make them laugh, just as though you made them
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			Make them forget the things that you just finished did, and the way that you broke their hearts. And
this teaches us something. First of all, it teaches us that we should not break our parents heart,
we should not make them feel sad. Second of all, that the obedience of a loss of our parents, and
being dutiful, towards our parents, and respecting our parents is even more important than it was
for the companions to go out and fight the battles with the profits in the long run a lesson
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			that even to go and fight with the profits on the Long Island or send them in the battles bud are
heard and so on and so forth. It was more important to stay with your parents, if that's what they
wanted from you, to remain with them and to help them and they needed your assistance. It was more
important for you. And it is more important for us today to do that than it was for the companions
to go out and fight with the profits on the lohani your center. So this shows us the importance of
staying with our parents and helping them and treating them nicely and not, you know, hurting their
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			One of the things that the profits in the long run today who are sending them shows us is that the
largest door to gender and the easiest way to get to gender is through the pleasure of our parents.
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			When our parents are pleased with us, it is one of the easiest ways of getting into Jenna. One of
the easiest ways, but yet, when we look at, you know, our lives and the way things are, we feel as
though it's very hard to be nice to our parents, and to please our parents, and to help them and do
good things for them. But this is something that is our test. It's our test in this life. And we
will be tested in the hereafter when we stand in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he questions
us, and we say, oh, Allah, I did everything that I could possibly do to help my parents. And what
does the loss of bandwidth Allah give you? What does he gift us with? He tells us to go and to
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			choose this door, and enter gender. And we will in sha Allah tala enter Jenna from this story.
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			Also, my children and my youth,
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			you have to ask yourselves, how many here have lost one of their parents, what either your mother or
your father has passed away anybody
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			from amongst the youth.
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			I'm asking from amongst the youth How many have lost either one hour, you know, either the mother or
the father has passed away.
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			So Hamdulillah, none of you. And this is something that you should take full advantage of. Take
advantage that both of your parents are here. Why? Because you see that door to Jenna that opens up
for you. It remains open, so long as your parents are alive.
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			Because you can continue to please your parents. So the doors of gender are open to you, the more
you please your parents, the more Allah subhanho wa Taala is allowing you to enter Jenna, but the
second one of your parents dies, one of the doors of genda closes to you.
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			And when both of your parents die, both of the doors close. And so now, the amount that you could
have pleased your parents doesn't exist, because your parents passed away.
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			So this is why we should take full advantage now, as our parents are still alive from amongst the
youth and Hamdulillah, their parents are still with them take full advantage of it. You know, last
weekend I was in Birmingham, and the others teaching of course. And in the course, there were these
two children, these two youth who are teenagers proximately. And there are two girls.
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			And I was talking about parents, right, and taking advantage of how your parents are still around,
because there will come a point in time where your parents will pass away, you know, they will die.
And so while I was talking about this, you know, as soon as I finished the two girls, they went to
their uncle, who's the brother of their mother. Right, and their mother had passed away. About nine
months ago, the mother died. So they went to their uncle and told their uncle, you know, your mother
is still alive, which is their grandmother, your mother is still alive, you know, you're 30
something years old, take advantage of the time that you can please your mother, because you won't
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			regret it until she dies, you will never understand what it means to lose a parent until they are
actually gone. And so that was an example for us that we heard from two, two girls, you know, young
girls, maybe nine years old and 11 years old. And they were telling their uncle who's over 30 years
old, you know, take advantage of this time that you have now, because you don't know what it feels
like to lose your mother. You have no idea what it feels like to lose one of your parents. And so
this is an example for us. You know, I myself, I'm 32 years old, I still have my parents, but what
am I doing to please my parents? Have I said thank you have I said, you know, Jazakallah to my
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			parents for changing the diapers that they changed on me. Think of it. Can any of you tell me right
now, how many times your parents changed your diaper?
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			How many diapers? Did they change on you? Does anybody have an idea?
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			No one knows. Can you give me a rough idea? Okay, let's just say you wore diapers for three or four
years. Right? So how many diapers did your parents change for you?
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			Just give me a rough amount. Let's just say everyday they change five diapers. Right? They change
five diapers on you. Every single day for three or four years. You do the math
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			That is a lot of diapers, a lot of diapers to be changing on your children. Now ask yourself, How
many times did you thank your mom and dad for changing your diapers?
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			How many times did you go to them and say, Oh mom or dad, thank you for changing my diapers when I
was young. If it wasn't for you, I would have you know, stinky pants, and I wouldn't smell good. And
my friends wouldn't be around me and so on and so forth. And how many times did you actually go and
thank them for it?
00:35:30 --> 00:35:35
			Now ask yourselves, how many times do your parents make food for you and serve it to you?
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			Do you say thank you?
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			When you go home, do you say thank you to your parents to your mom, especially for cooking the food.
And she makes nice food roti and pinata in the morning, you know, a nice sweet jumped on ladoo and
all this special things and symbolises, you know, and on special occasions, you get Barfi and
rasmalai Mashallah, you get the good stuff, right? But how many times do we say thank you for these
things, we just go and take it, I don't want it. Don't give me this, give me that. I want more. You
know, we don't even say, Mother, can I please have some more, we just say I want more. You know, we
just go and put the plate there and say give me more. You know, this is how we do it in North
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			America. Give me more. Right. And we don't even say thank you, we take it and we go and we eat. But
our parents are still happy that we're eating it. They see us and like, oh, if they're asking for
more, that means they liked it. So they're happy with that.
00:36:33 --> 00:36:48
			But they would be more happy. If you would say thank you, or you'd say does alchemilla you know, may
Allah Subhana, Allah bless you, may Allah grant you a bigger agenda in the Hereafter, because of all
the sweets and the food and stuff that you made for me.
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			And this is something that we should do today, we should go home and surprise our parents and say
thank you for changing my diapers when I was young. Thank you for cooking me food every day. Thank
you for giving me you know, a napkin or a tissue inside my lunch bag. When I go to school, you give
me a napkin or a tissue. And my friends, they don't get that. And I like it because I get to clean
my hands and wipe my mouth afterwards. You know, sometimes we have to think of the things that our
parents do for us that we never thought that, you know, we never thought to thank them for. And
those are the things that if we do it, we get closer to the pleasure of Allah subhanahu wa Tada. And
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			he is happy with us,
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			I can see that the youth are tired of sitting down.
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			You know, when it comes to talking to youth, after about 20 minutes, 25 minutes, their attention
span is gone. And this is what's happened now, it's been over a half an hour, and their attention
span is gone. They want me to stop talking. And I'm going to stop talking and shut a lot of data.
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			I know I and this is what I understand they come from school to the masjid to learn Quran. And it is
one of the reasons why
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			I don't want to take a lot of their time in sha Allah to add, I just want to finish on a small few
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			One of the things that you have to remember as youth, right?
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			Treat your parents with respect, because your children will treat you with respect.
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			And we see in this society, I don't know how it is here in the UK. But in Canada, most children are
putting their parents in old folks homes, right retirement homes. And this is something which is
wrong. And against the some of the profits on the long run. As
00:38:47 --> 00:39:35
			you see when your children, your parents take care of you. When your parents get older, you're
supposed to take care of them. Because when you get older, your children will take care of you.
Second point, don't wait until Mother's Day or a special occasion to buy something nice for your
mother or your father. You see in these countries, the Western world, we have Mother's Day and
Father's Day. And as Muslims we discourage our children from you know in from celebrating these
days. Why do we do it? Why do we discourage them from doing this? Because in Islam every single day
is Mother's Day and Father's Day, every single day. So every single day, you should be thinking of
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			one thing special that you can do for your parents an extra thing. You know how people on Mother's
Day they come and they give their mother a box of chocolate and they say thank you. So what you're
trying to say is your mother is worth a box of chocolate for everything that she's done for you.
She's only good, you know to an amount of or a value of a box of chocolate for the entire year.
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			Yet as Muslim children, we treat our parents as though every single day his mother and father's day,
every single day. So we buy them nice things, even if it's something small, you know, very, very
small or we we speak to them nicely, or we make them a card, or we just take a piece of paper, very
simple, small piece of paper. And we write I love you.
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			And I want to ask No, because usually ask adults who does this, but I want to ask the youth, how
many of you say I love you to your parents?
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			First, they have to look at their friends, if my friend doesn't do it, I'm not putting my hand up.
Right? How many of us say I love you to my mother and my father?
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			Mashallah, good. You see, when one person puts their hands up, then everyone wants to do it. So now,
this is an example for us. Every single day, we should be telling our parents that we love them.
Don't feel shy. And make it a habit. Because when people write when, when children like you, when
you reach the age of myself, and some others are around 25, or even 2025 3035 years old,
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			you you you know, you never tell your parents that you love them. But if you're young, and you make
a habit of doing it, when you reach 18, and you're in front of your friends, you don't care, you
tell your parents I love you. Why, because they deserve it. And you will only realize it when you
get older. So make it a habit now, to tell your parents that you love them. You know, you don't have
to give them a whole essay or a big story, you know, just say, you know, just from a low height and
for cooking the good food, I love you mom and dad, simple, Zach and a lot of hate and for dropping
me off at school. Before you leave the car. I love you and you close the door. Right? Make it a
00:41:53 --> 00:42:10
			habit, make it a habit. Because when you get older, you will realize the importance of it. And you
won't enjoy that benefit unless you start now. And these are things that a lot of us we forget to
do. So ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to make it easy for us.
00:42:11 --> 00:42:49
			You know, I thought that it was going to be a little bit older crowd but when I saw the youth were
here, Mashallah. I toned it down a little bit for them. And I think it was, you know, a good
reminder for the youth in sha Allah as well as for us, those that are elderly as well, you know, as
a last point, for those that, you know, their parents have passed away. Or, you know, we're elderly,
and we have some parents or our parents have passed away, and we're old, and we have children or
possibly even grandchildren, what we can do towards our parents, there's a number of things. First
of all, we make do a half for our parents, right? As we said earlier,
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			something that a parent takes with them is the good actions and the drama that their children make
for them. So make do a half for your parents, that inshallah Allah subhanho wa Taala, forgives them
and grants them success in the hereafter. And also be close friends or take care of the people that
took care of your parents. So for example, if you're, you know, 80 years old or 75 years old, and
your parents have passed away, but the Friends of your parents, you know, their grandchildren are
alive today take care of those grandchildren, the grandchildren of the Friends of your parents, do
things like that, because that's what Allah subhana wa Tada, loves, and wants to see from us. We ask
00:43:33 --> 00:44:01
			Allah subhanho wa Taala to make it easy for us to implement the sum of the profits on long value and
sell them in our lives so that we can get closer to a loss of Hannibal attalla and we meet a loss of
Hannah Montana on the Day of Judgment, and he's pleased with us and he opens the doors of Jelena for
us and he allows us to walk through and enjoy ourselves and Jenna Sharma data, which is a criminal
hymen was something that was sentimental about a gun and it being hammered right and he was happy.
He was selling