Daood Butt – Essential Fiqh – July 26, 2020

Daood Butt
AI: Summary ©
The speaker advises against gatherings at specific places for condolences and avoid large gatherings. They suggest giving good words and bringing positivity to the family of the deceased. The importance of praying and not mentioning negative remarks about the deceased's death is emphasized. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not abandoning prayer at a cemetery and not visiting family members for a regular visit. The importance of not devoting one's time to the grave and not going to the cemeteries for prayer is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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All right, let's begin. Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim salatu salam ala rasulillah where you are suffering he

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said Mr. Allahu Akbar cattle, my brothers and sisters, today is a special day simply because of course we are within the first 10 days of the picture. But also because we are going to conclude the chapter of the funeral prayer at the funeral prayer, the janazah prayers.

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So we're going to look at finances.

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And if it's the deceased after they pass away visiting the graves and what's forbidden to do at the gravesite, which brings us to the end of the chapter on the funeral prayers. Next Sunday, we will take a break from the class inshallah, next Sunday is a weekend. And we know that he did his 10th 11th 12th and 13th. So we're gonna take a break from the class, we'll also take a break from the essential fit class at night

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on Sunday story, as well as the Friday night program.

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And mainly because a lot of people are gonna be busy with family and friends, and you know, just enjoying the weather and kicking back and relaxing and I'd like to do a little bit of that myself. So we'll just take a little bit of a break from next week

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from the class next week, and then when we come back in two weeks, we will begin the chapters or the chapter of that chapter of zecca. So today, we continue

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paying condolences. So within our Deen we see that it is something permissible to pay condolences to the family of the deceased, that have passed away and no one's going to school me on my lighting for some reason, it was fine. I know why it isn't good. Hold on, I forgot to raise this up.

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There we go. Let me just do this quickly. You know, when a lot of people hang in, there we go.

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Alright, so it is permissible epistemically to give condolences to the families

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or the relatives of those who lost a loved one.

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And that is by saying what is permissible within the machete Yeah, of course we can look at what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say as well. And we see that with some that even Zaid are the Allah and he said we were with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when one of his daughters called for him to come to her and informed him that her son or daughter had passed away. Remember, this was pre WhatsApp, pre Instagram, pre Facebook, pre YouTube, pre text messages or cell phones and so on. And so you'd have to send someone to go and get a person to bring them to you in order to give them the news. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam receives this news in the messenger

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of a loss of a lager it usnm said to a love longings, what he takes, and what he gives, everything has an appointed term, tell her patience and hope for reward. You know, the response of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I'll say that, again, to a law belongs, what he takes and what he gives, everything belongs to a lot what he takes, and what he's given, belongs to a loss of habitat. Every thing has an appointed term.

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Tell her to have patience, and hope for word.

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With respect to condolences, though, there are two aspects that should be avoided. Even if the people typically do this. So if it's the culture or the custom of people, this should be avoided. I know a lot of people, especially from the Indian, Pakistani, you know, backgrounds will probably get fired up right now. Or be like, What, really? So there are some practices that we see happening or not for some of the profits and a lot of us, first of all, we should avoid gathering together at a specific place. Like there's no need to gather for the sake of conducting winces okay.

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Like at someone's house or the cemetery of a mosque. And like I said, for the purpose of condolences itself, so we don't need to have these large gatherings. The reason why is what happens in that gathering. So what ends up happening, what takes place, when people gather, usually something is taking place together. And this is why it's discouraged islamically to gather for the purpose of condolences. And what we mean by that is not the immediately we need like friends and extended, you know, relatives and so on. Just coming in gathering and getting together is discouraged because usually something needs to take place. And what we see happening is that people start doing things

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that were not from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And one of the things that people do is they sit there, they start to weep and they start to cry and everyone keeps crying and crying and crying and the positivity doesn't come into it. Right?

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To remember the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Tell her to have patience and hope for reward. So try to be positive. And that's why it's important for us to give good words and to bring some positivity into it. Encourage the family members of the person who passed away to be patient with the decree of Allah Subhana, WA, tada, whatever A lot has, you know, decided for that person.

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The second we should avoid is having the family of the deceased prepare food for their visitors who are coming to convey their condolences. Okay, so that's very interesting, because usually what we see is the family of the people who passed away the ones who already preparing food to serve to the people who come to sit there and tell you know, stories about the person who passed away, to help the people who lost their loved one, right? It doesn't help them, it doesn't assist them. So we are encouraged to do what will help the family to move forward to be more positive to think of, you know, the future and to think good thoughts and to make dua, and so on and so forth for the person

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who passed away. So two things, as we mentioned before, to gather at a specific place for the purpose of condolences specifically, and avoid the family having to prepare food. And we see the into some of the profits along there. I think he was telling them

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that he purchased the habit of the lawyer to do right, of course, that's from the Sunday is for the relatives of the deceased and their neighbors to prepare food. So those who are related to the family of the person who passed away, they should be the ones who prepare food and send it to that family. Because that family right now shouldn't be looking after taking care of preparing food and serving it to you know themselves or certainly to anyone else who may stop in.

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So, we see the hadith of Abdullah bin Jaffa about the man who said when the news of Jaffa came, so this is his son, right narrating the Hadith of the time that his father passed away. So he says when the news of Jackson's death came, when he said, sorry when he was killed the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said prepare food for the family of Jaffa. Four news has come to them, that shall preoccupy them, specifically a spouse, a spouse, specifically the children of the deceased, prepare food for them, give them food as it will capture them take care of them, they shouldn't be the ones looking after others who come in, you know, mourn and grieve over the loss of that families. You

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know, the closest relatives, closest relatives of the deceased person shouldn't be the ones that are serving food to others. In fact, we should be looking after them. So what benefits the deceased person if someone passes away, what benefits? Well, the deceased can be benefited by the deeds that are done by others by those who remain behind and these actions include so these are things that we might be able to do that will benefit the person who passed away. First of all, the Muslim making supplications or making two out for the person who passed away and this is based on the words of Allah subhana wa tada which is verse number 10 of swords.

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When letting me

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borrow money,

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in a set up on a beach in

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Singapore, follow Deena

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he must have had with Alice's and those who come after them say Our Lord, forgive us and our brethren, who have preceded us in faith right those who preceded us in faith, and do not put in our hearts any hatred against those who have believed our Lord, You are indeed full of kindness most merciful. So we are to make up for the Muslim brother or sister of ours who has passed away and I don't mean blood brother or sister, right as an athlete.

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I'm talking about the Muslim whether

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a brother or sister, men or woman, you know a child doesn't matter the Muslim who passed away, we should make do out for them and that benefits the deceased person if you make you're out for their forgiveness and loss of handling data, forgives them and accepts your do out and furthermore, we see that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said the supplication of the Muslim for his brother in his absence is responded to at his head is an angel. Interesting

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to that person.

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And every time he supplicate something good for his Muslim brother or sister, the interested angel says mean and for you the same mean and for you the same so you when you make up for others, remember there's an angel there that is that is responding to your door out and saying mean throughout, which is stirred up out of asking a lot of for to

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and for you the same.

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The second thing that benefits the deceased person is any worse than repaying the debt of the deceased. So any Muslim who chooses to repay the debt of the deceased person. And we saw this previously, when Abu Qatada

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repaid to Dina on behalf of the deceased person, we took this example two weeks ago, okay, so you can repay the debt person, or sorry, we should say, pay off the debt of the person. And, third, any Muslim fulfilling the vow of fasting or any other type of battle on behalf of the deceased. So for example, if someone says, well, law II, I'm going to come see you tomorrow. And if I don't have to fast for three days, right, or someone who takes an oath, and says, I'm going to do so and so thing and doesn't end up doing it and they pass away. Now they have a fulfillment that needs to or they have an obligation that needs to be fulfilled, I should say. And that person that passes away, the

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people will remain that are aware of this oath that was taken, they can repay or fast those days for the person who passed away.

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In the long run, unsaid, I asked the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about my mother, who had died while she had yet to fulfill a vow. She passed away before fulfilling it.

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And he said something along with it, he was not them fulfill it on her behalf, fulfill it on her behalf. And this is reported in Makati Muslim Abu Dawood, Timothy and an essay, okay, quality Muslim Abu Dhabi with a tirmidhi and unnecessary, so fulfill the vow on her behalf, you need to fast for that person, you know, to to fulfill an oath that they took that they were not able to

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follow through with them that is permissible and that benefits the decision as well. Fourthly, righteous deeds performed by the pious children, the children of the person who passed away. So, we know very well, the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam where he stated the best that a person consumes is from what he has earned

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and his child is from his earnings. Okay. So, loss of habitat has blessed us with children. And that is from the best of the things that we earned. And profits on longer it was seldom said the best that a person consumes is from what he has earned, and the child is one what we earned. So, we should, you know, raise pious children because we will consume as in we will benefit from the rewards that we

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you know, earned. Also also kind of with Anna says,

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in any in law, love, Sarah, first number 39 is sort of to nudge them along with our services and that men can have nothing, but that for which he strives right. So, what we strive for, in terms of raising our tools, and giving them a proper training and look after them, and teach them good morals and values and so on and so forth is important, we will benefit from that as well. So start to benefit from that later on. chalon.

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Number five, what the deceased left behind in the form of righteous deeds and kindled charity. So we know that all of the above are mentioned in the Hadith Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that the Messenger of Allah He was seldom said, when the human dies, his deeds come to an end, except for someone the human dies, his deeds come to an end, except for

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a continuing act of charity, saga idea, knowledge that is being benefited from and a pious child who supplicates for him. Okay, so a child who makes to offer their parents blessing, also sadaqa jariya doing some stuff

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Have charity and contribute in building a Masjid and people continuously come and pray here until you pay up, you're still going to reap rewards for it. So building a mustard is important too For example, a well or as we see in the knowledge you teach people beneficial knowledge that will be a reward for us on the judgment, you know, when the people benefited from it and they continue to benefit and they continue to teach others they will benefit they will share that with others and they will benefit they will share it with others, and so on and so forth. So it is like a southern Nigeria that continues on and on.

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So those are five things that we benefit the deceased person, no.

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Visiting the grapes, okay.

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It is sanctioned within our Diem to visit the graves as a kind of

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reminder of the Day of Judgment. Okay, it reminds us of our position on earth reminds us of who we are reminds us of where we're going reminds us of the importance of obeying the loss of Hannah which punishment to Allah if we do something that's wrong. Okay.

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Abu Sayyaf, Cody are the lower and narrated that the center of law some longer alayhi wa sallam said I forbade you from visiting the grapes. I forbid you from visiting the grapes. But visit them as in I forbade you in the past, but now you can visit

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Just give me 10 seconds I'm just going to open my door I think the internet connection is weak.

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So opening my door might strengthen the internet connection but it will

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continuously beep in the background you're going to hear a continuous beeping

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Give me a second.

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What is what is going on?

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I just need to refresh my internet here.

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I'll just start it up again. There we go.

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Okay, so visiting the grave we said the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says i forbade you from visiting the graves but visit them for Oh there is a lesson but do not say anything that displeases the Lord. So the prophets Allah, Allahu Allahu wa sallam traditionally had forbade the people from visiting the graves. And more specifically, you know,

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as time went on the profits and a lot of it was settled a lot of them

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to visit the graves. And this is why he says I forbid you from visiting the graves in the past, but now visit them right now you may visit rates

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for in doing so there is a lesson but do not say anything that displeases the Lord. So when you go to the, to the graveyard, or you go to the cemetery, don't say anything that is going to display the loss of Hannibal, whatever, okay.

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Women are also

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permitted to visit the graves, just as men are with respect to it being recommended that they visit the graves

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as they benefit from the same reason of that which is encouraged, you know, for them to visit the grave. So women can go and visit for the exact same reason because there's a lesson in it reminds us of the day judgment reminds us of a loss of data. You know, we don't say anything that's not permissible that we shouldn't say that just freezes a lot. And we also see the battery shut off the alarm that we took, I think three or four weeks ago,

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where the prophets

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taught her what to say at the grave when someone goes to the grave if you want to, you know, go back and review that you can go back and watch the videos from a few weeks ago. What is forbidden to do with the graveyard? What is not permissible to do when we go visit a person's grave? First of all,

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and I'll mention how many things will be 13 Okay, 13 things. So from the things that are forbidden to do at the graveyard is sacrificing an animal for the sake of Allah, sometimes people you know, especially during the time of diabetes to sacrifice an animal for

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the deceased person, right. And so, do this at the cemetery. Right so it is not permissible islamically to sacrifice an animal

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said there's no sacrificing at the gravesite in Islam as in at the gravesite itself indicating or referring to the cemetery to the graveyard. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that there's no sacrificing in

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number 2345 and six are found in a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam narrated by Jabba the long run. And these are actions described in one Heidi's write about the graveyard things that are prohibited at the cemetery. So job, it would be a lot more unsaid, the Prophet sallallahu, it was condemned for being plastering a grave, sitting on it, building upon it, adding to its height, or writing upon it, writing something on the grave. So we'll go back to things that are mentioned here in this piece that says the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, are sort of the prophets all along, I didn't send them forbade

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plastering, rave, as in building like a stroke around putting cement around that grave to get off, for example, sitting on it, it's not permissible to sit on the grave. Okay. And remember, we said that the greatest will be, there'll be a mound on top of it right to indicate that there's a graveyard. And that's permissible to have a little bit of movement, see out the window there, right, there's a mound of stuff, just a little hill, to indicate that there's a grave there. Okay. And also, remember, when the dirt is removed from the ground, and you put it back, it doesn't fit perfectly there, and, you know, come flush with the ground above, it usually settles and a bit of a

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rounded mound on top. So

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he forbade plastering a grave sitting on the grave, building upon it. So building something on it a structure, for example, adding to its height, as in raising it higher, right, higher, raising the grave,

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higher the others, for example,

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or writing upon it. So we're doing something on the grave. Now, for the purpose of identification. Remember, we took this last week that it is permissible to identify a grave by putting a stone there, right or rock or something that will identify that there's a grave here and the family can locate this grave is a grave, or, you know, the person passed away. In some other countries, we do have to put something like a plaque or something that indicates the plot number, the grave, who's there who's buried, you know, passed away, and so on and so forth. So we should have like something that's high up, it could just be something like a plaque that's on the ground or low, you know, just

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to serve as an indication, of course, within the laws of the land that we live in. Number seven, praying towards the grave. So we are not permitted to pray towards a big, okay.

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And that's, you know, can can give the wrong impression to people who see us with these Muslims, they pray to the grace. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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do not pray towards the graves. There are eight praying at sight, even if it is not towards the grave. So it's not permissible to pray at the cemetery, even if you are not praying facing the graves will say those are the alohar narratives that the Prophet sallallahu added to send them or sorry, the Messenger of Allah. Some of them said, all the places on earth, right, all the places are a place to pray

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for a graveyard and a bathroom.

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graveyard in a bathroom. These are two places that we don't praise Allah as we don't eat. We don't stand in Salah or namas right? We don't do that in the bathroom. We don't do that in the graveyard. Number nine building mosques

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at the cemetery is not permitted, or to be more specific, building a mosque on the grave. Okay, on the grave and some people will say what about the grace of the Prophet sallallahu I'd even send them the mustard is actually built around it. Remember the wall of mustard

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was the was was like the partition or bordering the house of a shadow of the alumna and just behind it house of the prophets along with us. Okay, so he had his own home and just in front of his home in the direction of the Qibla was the house.

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And to the right of that is facing the Qibla her house was in for this house. And to the right was Mr. Deputy. So it used to stick his head out

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of his house and he'd be in in the mustard or when he was performing empty house he would come over to the house of a shadow of the love on her and stick his head out into her home. And she would come the hair of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam while he was performing so he didn't leave the masjid. But he just went over for her to comb the hair of the Prophet Solomon

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It wasn't

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so much the novelty is not built on the grave. It's built around the grave. And this is why you'll see no one preys on the actual spot of the grave of the prophet SAW on a long ladder. He was

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taking the grave site as a place for funerals, okay, taking the gravesite is a place for funerals is enough funerals. Obviously, we take the gravesite as a place for funerals.

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It's not a place for festivals, it's not a place for festivals, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Do not turn by grave into a place for season festivals. Do not turn your houses into graves. Okay, so do not abandon prayer in your homes, and do not come to the cemetery to pray, you know, on occasion, and this is why

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I really encourage that we go to the graveyard every single night someone goes once or twice and say they're visiting family and they decide to go to the cemetery close by to visit the graves of their family or relatives that way, because they don't live there. And it's their only opportunity to do something that's fun. But to make it a regular routine to go right after that a prayer, as you know, like a regular thing. That that is not something that is encouraged by the prophet sallallahu wasallam. And he says do not turn your houses into graves, which means we don't pray in the cemetery. Right as we learnt, just a few minutes ago, the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, we don't pray in the cemeteries in the bath.

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So he says don't make your home like a graveyard. And then in prayer inside of your homes, make prayers upon me for your prayers reach me wherever you are, so that Hades continues in the profits and a lot more I need to send them says

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upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wherever you are, because that reaches the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wherever you may be. Number 11 traveling for the purpose of visiting the Wraith

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what is the love narrative? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said do not undertake a journey except three mosques Lata should rehab Lolita tema sajida.

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It must be the harem.

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The mustard where the Kava is right in Mecca, Masjid al Haram, and the mosque of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam which is in Medina, mustard

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and mustard which is in Jerusalem. So these are three places that we are to embark upon a journey. So for example, we should not head out on a journey for the sake of Riba for the sake of worship except to these three touch it Okay, some people go for Hajj or we go for I'm gonna we always go to

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go to the D for the purpose of visiting the grave of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam No, that's not the purpose why we go there, we go there to pray and busted the number we and what do we do when we go there to pray, then we have the opportunity or the ability to go and give them

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visiting the grave of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and give some of their into the grace Okay, so we don't go to Medina for the purpose of visiting the grave of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam we go there for the purpose of worshiping Allah in that mustard why the reward is multiplied by 1000 times when we pray and typically it is multiplied by 1000 times. Okay.

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And when we busted the duck saw it is multiplied by 500 times

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number 12 and 13. So number 12, lighting lamps on the grid. Okay, lighting lamps on the grave. The prophets longer I think it was seven discouraged anything that is not from the sun. And we know that we mentioned last week it is permissible to light a lamp to put it down in the grave when burying something after dark or if it's already dark, or early in the morning after Salatu fudger.

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So it is permissible

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to have a lamp down there or some light to see in the grave. However, to light a lamp at the grave after the person is buried and light a lamp or people light candles, that is not permissible. And you'll see that people just like go to a grave and they will light a candle and it'll burn and they say you know, as long as it's burning and the spirits are protecting and all these different things that are being said, this is not permissible in our Deen. It's not something that we do, and it's something that was innovated or started after the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And the last thing that we will take number 13 is breaking the bones of the deceased. A lot of people think well what do you mean by breaking the bones of the bones of the person who passed away? Well, their person or

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First of all the profits are long it was some of them said, very the breaking the bones of the deceased believers like breaking it while he is alive. Okay. And when we go to the cemetery you'll notice sometimes when the body is placed in ground, it'll people just start throwing dirt on top of the body might damage the body might do something to the body. And so this is an encouragement for us to take care of the body of the person who passed away and be careful look after that person's body even after they pass away and after they're placed into the grave that we do not break any of the bones of the person who passed away so we put the dirt on the sides around the body, and then as

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it builds up higher and higher, it slowly will come on over it and then it'll be raised up higher We ask Allah subhana wa tada to accept from every single one of us, brings us to the end of the chapter on the funeral prayer that does a prayer. Like I said next week, inshallah we'll take a break because it is a read. So we'll take a little bit of a break from the online class. However, we will still resume this class on a weekly basis in two weeks so two Sundays from today and we are going to begin the chapter of zecca the next chapter is actually on Ramadan fasting sorry the next chapter is fasting and whatever relates to it so for example fasting during Ramadan you know the time was and

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is followed and T calf and you know, things to do with Ramadan. But we if you remember we studied that

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we studied that just before Ramadan began by about four or five weeks, I think four weeks before Ramadan started. We're actually I think four or five days before Amazon started we went through the whole chapter on a daily basis right? So we're not gonna be going through the chapters of fasting we already did that in the videos already up there online. So when we do come back in two weeks, inshallah we will have the

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sort of will begin the chapter of

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in sha Allah. Just a couple Okay, then for all of you who attended, may Allah Subhana, Allah accept from you and your family? Forgive me for the weak internet, you know, this is going to be a muscular all the time. This is the way that things are much like a problem, something that's different hardship.

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Some people may have questions to the system and to ask a question, please feel free. I'll open it up for some questions just for a few minutes in trouble.

00:32:52 --> 00:32:54


00:33:15 --> 00:33:17

until there's someone else there we go.

00:33:18 --> 00:33:40

So the question is about the soul of a non Muslim, as we know Muslim souls go to the bursa. Where do non Muslim souls go? So the bozarth is the time of the grave. Okay, the body is the time of the grief. And there's the time of the great for the Muslim in the time of the great for the non Muslim.

00:33:41 --> 00:33:45

And we took that Hadeeth last class last week, I don't know if you were there,

00:33:46 --> 00:33:51

which explains a little bit about the soul and what happens to it when a person passes away.

00:33:52 --> 00:34:04

So you can always go back to that I do plan to do a course on the life of the Buddha itself. Okay, so I do plan to do a course on the life of the Buddha

00:34:06 --> 00:34:30

and trauma, maybe in a few months, we'll get to that have to put it all together in sha Allah, but that is something that I do want to cover inshallah, so the button is the time of the grave. And there's, you know, the, the goal of the believer that we'll be enjoying and the soul of the non believer that Allah subhana wa tada will treat as he sees fit.

00:34:32 --> 00:34:36

Can we bury pets in our backyards? If the city allows?

00:34:37 --> 00:35:00

Yes, so anything that dives or anything, even our hair, you know, technically when we train our hair, or clip our nails, we're actually supposed to dip our nails and then take the nails and go outside and bury them. So that's the Sunnah is that we take those nails, we take the hair and we bury it and we're supposed to respect it and not you know, flush it.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:11

down the toilet or you know, put it in the garbage. Now I know it becomes a little bit problematic for us especially here in Canada with winter being so cold you can't dig the ground the ground is frozen.

00:35:12 --> 00:35:23

So this is why we suggest you know, if you're going to wrap it up if you're garbage, wrap it up into something or place it in the garbage separately with something else if you're not able to,

00:35:24 --> 00:35:26

to bury it. Okay.

00:35:30 --> 00:35:37

Normally, I'm going to look into that in shallow tab. I don't remember any prohibition on it, but I'll look into it.

00:35:41 --> 00:35:46

Okay, so I think that's it for today. As I come along, phailin someone lawless, and

00:35:47 --> 00:35:50

Vina Mohammed do it yourself. Mila Selim.

00:35:52 --> 00:35:58

Oh, okay. Yeah. Here's a good question. Yes, yes, yes, this person is asking a good question. Sorry. I know I was wrapping it up.

00:35:59 --> 00:36:12

I should have mentioned this because it is a fifth class is Juma prayer obligatory when that read prayer is on the same day. If read falls on a Friday, do we have to pray the Juma prayer?

00:36:14 --> 00:36:16

And the answer to that is

00:36:17 --> 00:37:02

no. There is a concession given by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for those who attended each prayer, you do not need to return for the Juma prayer. The prayer was sufficient for that person for the day. Now for this aid, because many massages are trying to accommodate as many people as they can, and it's difficult as it is with COVID-19 and physical distancing, and so on and so forth. That we encourage people who attend the Juma prayer and who attend that each prayer to leave the spots for tomorrow available to those who are not able to come for it or eat it. That's what we're encouraging or I personally am encouraging a lot of people to do, whoever is able to leave off

00:37:02 --> 00:37:10

the Juma prayer to allow spots for those who did not attend their age prayer to be able to go and pray their drummer.

00:37:13 --> 00:37:15

But if someone remember if someone wants to pray both,

00:37:17 --> 00:37:20

right, it's not how long is they want to attend both

00:37:22 --> 00:37:23

jazak and Willow Haven,

00:37:27 --> 00:37:42

Sr Saima watch last week's class right at the end of it like the last 15 minutes we explain that. Okay, so in the last 15 minutes of last week's class, we explained what happens to the soul in the grave after the questioning

00:37:43 --> 00:37:44

happened happens in the grief.

00:37:46 --> 00:37:48

All right. Take care.

00:37:49 --> 00:37:52

Send out medical records while you're back out

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