Daood Butt – Essential Fiqh Class – Sunday October 10, 2021
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Alhamdulillah Abdullah alameen wa salatu wa he was Salam ala and V Hill Karim Allah who have gone to Salah to attend with tasleem rubbish Ronnie Saudi way acidity Emily occidental melissani of gahoo Kohli, my brothers and my sisters, a Cena and where la comunidad y he will buy cattle.
So it is Sunday, October the 10th 2021. And we gather once again to learn more about the fic of this Deen, right. Basically the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how we are supposed to do certain things, the method with which we as Muslims go about conducting them, carrying them out, and so on and so forth. And we finished the chapter of inheritance, we looked at blocking and preventing, we talked about a lot of numbers, right? Different things that how many of us probably didn't really think about when it comes to inheritance and when it comes to family, when it comes to life and death and so on.
Today, we're starting a new chapter and this is an interesting chapter. Really, this chapter is about the hurdles, the punishments that one is to face within the deen as in what Allah Subhana which Allah has written for us, or legislated for us through the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to take place, as a punishment, should someone do something wrong. But I'm going to
tackle this topic from a slightly different angle. I'm going to tackle this topic from the angle of looking at major sins, and how Allah subhanho wa Taala.
has mentioned, punishments for us or the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned, you know, certain punishments for those who commit sins, I shouldn't say for us last Halloween, how to protect us. But for those who commit those sins, right, this is a slight correction of the tongue that changes a huge, huge amount of the meaning of what we're saying. So
I need to close my door. But I'm going to hopefully it's not bothering you the beeping. They're doing some work out there. So yeah, so what I'm going to do is I'm going to focus on instead of the Hadoop instead of the punishments, I'm going to talk about the sins right how these are sins from a loss, that that could that human beings do, right? And how a punishment is mentioned. For that, of course, we need to remember to make Toba and repent to Allah subhana wa jal and ask for forgiveness. So let's start in sha Allah to Allah, first of all, this word, dude, it is plural for had had is like a boundary or a border. In fact, I'm going to close the door before we go any further.
Sorry about that. So her dude is plural for had had is the border or the boundary? It's a barrier between two things. For example, the hoodoo between Canada and the United States is that border that you see, right, that line that's drawn that that border is the barrier between these two countries, that is the head, it's the head, the limit of one country and the limit of another country, okay?
The head or barrier in my room is this wall, right? I can't go past it. Even if I tried to, I can't go past the wall. This is the barrier, it doesn't allow me to go any further. So this is a had it's a barrier, okay? That's what it means technically, if we look at the the meaning of head or hadoo, we get a total different meaning. So linguistically barrier, you know, border between two things or two objects.
linguistically, we could also see that it implies prevention, right? So this barrier prevents me from going through the wall. Okay, a head as in a punishment from Allah subhanho data, if someone does something wrong, prevents them from going and committing that sin. It stops us from going any further, okay? And doing that or committing that sin.
islamically this term had
refers to prescribed punishments, right? So for example, someone doesn't wear their seatbelts, police pull them over, they get a ticket. That's their punishment. Someone you know, is is breaking a law of some sort. And they have to go to court and the judge says, Hey, this is the punishment
For you, okay. So that is the head that is the punishment. But islamically we see this as a prescribed punishment for sinful acts implemented to prevent such acts from occurring. Right. As we mentioned, a head does not just a border, a border or a barrier, it actually prevents someone from going any further. And this is why it is done, we look at the head or the hadoo as something that stops us from doing that sin from going any further. What is it? Well we know that Allah Subhana Allah mentioned certain punishments, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam talks about certain punishments and so we are discouraged from doing those sins and committing those sins because we
know that if we go closer to it, it's how long for us and there's a punishment that could be in place and so we stay away from it see the way Allah subhanho wa tada
you know, put this Dean forth. And I was talking to a brother earlier today and he you know, just before leaving asked me what the topic was for tonight. And I was telling him how in certain countries like in Singapore, for example, there's there's public shaming, if someone steals a chocolate bar from like a 711, right? There's public shaming, that person could be shamed publicly, by having to wear something, you know, a jumpsuit that says, hey, this person committed such and such act on so and so day, and so and so place, and stuff like that. So
there are,
there are countries that
you know, have certain laws in place, and every country has its own law, and its own method of going about punishing people who commit crimes. Now, we're talking about crimes according to Allah now, okay. That doesn't mean that the crimes that we commit or could commit that people commit in society is not a crime according to Allah subhanho data, but there are certain things that Allah holds us to a higher standard, right? And if we fail to meet that standard, then it could harm society and harm lots of other people and so we stay away from them.
Okay, so let's look at a few things here.
First of all, the importance of implementing fixed prescribed punishments, okay.
of whatever are, the longer I narrated that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, a legal punishment that is implemented on earth is better for the inhabitants of the earth than if it were to rain for 40 mornings. Okay, rain for 40 mornings. Now remember, these are people of the desert, right? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi. wasallam is someone who's living in the middle of the desert to have rain for 40 mornings is such a blessing from Allah and 40 not necessarily specifically 40 in number, but lots of rain as in a rainy season. We here in Canada Alhamdulillah, we benefit from a rainy season, we benefit from the snow in the winter, and it melts and there's
lots of water that goes into the ground and we have produced it grows from it, the trees take their nutrients from it, we get leaves, we get bugs, we get flowers, we get all this beautiful agriculture that grows and we need that water. Without the water, it doesn't grow, right, like a friend of mine in in Africa and Asia. For the months of the year, when it's dry. He has this this massive headache, like a farm, huge farmland. But nothing is on it looks like barren desert land. But then in the few months, like now, when the rain falls these these rains, the rain season for them was like the last few months. When the rain falls Subhanallah It looks like a beautiful garden, like the description
of genda, right like green and lush and you're like whoa, this wasn't here, like this was completely barren land. So if rain comes regularly, we benefit so much from it, but look at the profits and along with it with some of them says a legal punishment that is implemented on earth is better for the inhabitants of the earth than if it were to rain for 40 morning's showing us that it's important to take care of the society that we live in, if someone is going to be breaking rules, breaking laws, crossing the head, the Hadoop, the limits of society, then that person needs to be stopped, and that person needs to be corrected, or that person needs to be punished in some way, shape or
form, whatever, you know, punishments are in place in the countries that you reside in. And, you know,
hopefully that that you know, doesn't affect or infect the society that that person lives in. Right, that person's actions. We don't want anything negative to infect the society that we live in.
So that's a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu. It was something that shows us the importance of implementing these rules on Earth, implementing laws to have in place for those who break
The law, okay.
It's obligatory to implement the law upon relatives and non relatives, upper class and lower class, right, rich and poor. And this is where we need to be fair. And so Islam encourages Justice
arroba that even assignment or the alohar and said that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, implement the fixed prescribed punishments of Allah upon the relatives and non relatives. And do not fear for the sake of Allah. the blame of any reproach or as in someone who expresses their disapproval, don't be worried about them. Okay? So we learn here that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam encourages us to have laws in place, with some sort of consequence for those who break the law. Okay. All right, shout out the Allahu anhu said that Osama, for the long run, spoke to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam about a woman who had committed
theft. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said those before you were destroyed, simply because they would implement the fixed prescribed punishments upon the weak. And they would leave the rich
by the one in whose hand is my soul. He says, If Fatima had done that act, he would have taken action upon her. Right, he would have requested that the law be applied to her. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam shows us in this example, that we are not to implement laws of punishment upon only the weak or the poor, but the rich if they break laws as well, just because they're wealthy, just because they may be in some countries there are there are caste systems, or classifications of society, right? People who are in one societal bracket and another in another, right? In Canada, we kind of have that in a way sort of right, we have the lower class, middle
class, upper class, right? Where you have in some countries, two extremes, you have the ultra rich, and then you have the extreme poverty that exists within certain countries. So every country has, you know, its own demographic and sort of breakdown of society. But here the prophet SAW longer it was some of the showing us that even he as the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, if his daughter had done something, he would make sure that she was also, you know, charged in or taken into accounts in terms of a punishment for having done something wrong
disapproval of interceding in such crimes after it has been taking to the authorities. So once something has reached authorities within Islam, right, it is not encouraged to go and to try to intercede in order to drop these charges or whatever it is. And this is after someone has been accused and even sentenced. Okay. So we look at, we basically just took part of this, so it'll be a lot her and her said the Quraysh we're worried about a woman from the tribe of masoom, who had committed theft.
They said who can speak to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and who dares to speak to him except Osama immunise eight. The beloved of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sermon on the lower end spoke to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said, and he said to him, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to Osama bin Zayed, do you intercede in one of the prescribed punishments from Allah? Are you interceding? As in are you interfering as well? In what Allah Subhana Allah has stipulated and mentioned? Then he stood and said, Oh people, those before you went astray?
Those before you
went astray. Because if a noble among them would do, they would let him go. Why are they for poor person among them stole they would implement the punishment upon him by Allah. If Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad were to steal, Muhammad would have that punishment placed upon her. And so we see here another extension to the example that we took. But this shows us that we are not to intercede as in if Allah subhanaw taala stipulated something, and the person that either confesses or you know, whatever it is, then the legal system is there in place for a reason. Don't enter fear, right?
ask Allah subhanho data to protect us all. And to make it easy for every single one of us. I mean,
it is preferred to conceal the faults of a believer, before we get into any of the major, you know, issues that that we might see arise. We take this lesson that it's encouraged within Islam to conceal the faults, a fault of a person, right, someone is going somewhere they shouldn't go doing something they shouldn't do. That, of course is not major that's harming society. If something is major, that's harming society, then we have to do something about it as Muslims, we should take action. We look after the greater good of society, even if one person is you know, it's going to harm that one person. It's better for it to harm one person than to harm many people in society. But
what if someone is like, sleeping through fudger? It's not a it's not a law that, you know, people will implement some sort of punishment upon them here in Canada, if they're sleeping through fudger. Should you Heil, Heil. Hide the fault of the believer who's doing that? Yes, but you go and you talk to them, you advise them, right?
If a Muslim, you know, finishes salah and the masjid comes outside, lights up a cigarette starts to smoke.
Should I go and advise them? Yes. Should I announce it to others? No. And so we learned this in our drama football this last Friday, about what I wrote on the Allaha and reported that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said whoever conceals the the faults of a Muslim, Allah will conceal his faults in this life and in the Hereafter a lot. Right? Like, how many times do we do something and we know someone might know about it, and they conceal it, that person's faults are concealed as well in this dunya, as in Allah subhanaw taala hides their faults, their mistakes, their shortcomings, and not only in this dunya but in the hereafter. And so we are encouraged to do
the same for others towards others, right? We encourage one another in goodness. Well, my eldest son NACA, Illa, rock, Metallica. I mean, we encourage each other in goodness, we discourage one another from evil, right?
What's the verse I'm looking for?
I'm going to be model for nanjiani Mancha
quantum clear on matino collegiately. NASA morona will narrow if you attend Honda and anyone want to know Nebula? kitabi. Mechanically you're on loan? minimum? No, no external manifestation. Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us right quantum higher Almighty reject leanness.
You are the best of the people who came to this world, right? quantum clay met in some of the scholars say this is specific for this habit of the Allahu anhu but we also see that through the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam through his Sunnah We are from the people sent to this world to spread goodness. Right?
And that doesn't mean that we are sent from some other place No, we're human beings that Allah subhana wa tada has given he daiya he's guided us to something that is pure that is divine. That is true. And we need to hold on to it. Right I blue I know you have been our village as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says abu allah like hold on dear son.
Even if you have to bite down with it with your molar teeth, right?
How do I lay her been Nawaz Ige now as it is your your molar teeth right? Hold on to it bites on to the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
He also mentions
another Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where it's recommended for the individual themselves to keep their own faults to themselves. And we took this Hadeeth as well. This last Friday, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Every one of my oma every one of the followers right is
to be forgiven, except for those who commit sins openly.
Included among those who commit sins openly is where a person performs a deed during the night. And although Allah had concealed that sin
in the morning, he gets up and says to people he meets oh so and so person. Last night I did such and such thing last night I did this last night I did that. Did you know last night I did this.
And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam says he spent the
Night being concealed by Allah. And in the morning, he uncovered a laws concealment from himself for Allah's shield from upon him. He ripped it up, tore it up, removed the shield of protection concealment that Allah subhana wa tada put in place over that person can you imagine?
Last Penwith Allah protect us all? I mean,
okay, the fixed prescribed punishment is expiation, okay?
Rebecca in assignment, said, we were with the Prophet salallahu, alayhi wasallam in a gathering, and he said, make the oath of allegiance to me, that you will not associate anything with Allah, pledge allegiance to me, right? take an oath, that you will not associate
anything with Allah subhanaw taala not.
Yeah. And that you will not steal,
and that you will not commit fornication. And he continued, quoted an ayah of the Quran that we'll see shortly, inshallah.
And he mentioned everything in the verse, Then he said, Whoever fulfills it among you will have his reward upon Allah.
If anyone falls into any of those things, and is punished for it, that will be the expiation. So if anyone commits, these acts that he mentioned, like, you know, stealing, or you know, committing sins that are meant that were mentioned by the prophet sallallahu sallam, and the punishment is placed upon that person, whatever the crime is, whatever the punishment was,
or is to be, he says, sort of longer, it was seldom that that will be expiation for that sin.
If anyone falls into any of them, and Allah conceals it for him, then it is up to Allah. If he wills, He will forgive him. And if he wills, He will punish him.
So that shows us that when someone does something wrong, let's say you were speeding, and you got caught, and you got a ticket hamdulillah pay the ticket, you were speeding, you're doing something wrong, right? Let's say you were, you know, somewhere doing something wrong, right? in another country, you didn't know that this was a law, you did it, you did something, you broke that the law of that country and you got some sort of fine, or something of that sort and Hamdulillah, right, take it, pay it. And that is expiation for that. Okay. So, this applies to the other sins that a person could think of a believer might think of that they remember in the deen when you're studying
of certain things that we may commit, and a punishment that could come from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so Allah has the ability to forgive if a person let's say, is speeding, cut someone off, not even cut someone off, just breaking the law in general, they don't get caught, right? They're not wearing their seatbelts intentionally, or they're speeding, and the police doesn't catch them. Right?
along has
the will, if he wills, He has the right to punish that person for it. And if he has, and he has the ability to also forgive that person for that sin that they committed. So who now is to implement these punishments
upon society?
within Islam, we see that it isn't the average Muslim, it's not us as Muslims to go about and say, Oh, you did this wrong, we're just, you know, let me write you a ticket or come here, let me like, hit you or something like you punch this person, you punch them back? No, it's not. We're not in any position to do that. Right? It is those who are in positions of authority, that have the right to apply a punishment upon the society that they rule over or that they are leaders over right. And so that falls within Islam as well. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to implement certain
punishments upon the people who committed crimes in Medina, for example, and have them carried out by someone else. Right? He would say, okay, you will carry this out if you do this. You did that because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had so many people that were conducting so many different like, he had a government system, right? We look at it and think, Oh, it was just one prophet doing everything. No, he had people he delegated and had a whole bunch of people that were doing things
Looking after the society, and so within Islam, it's not the the general public, that is to implement any punishment upon a criminal or someone who breaks the law. Okay.
And when we say law, we could mean the law of the land, but also the law of Allah subhana wa Tada. Now here in Canada, we don't have, you know, like, I know, when I was living in Malaysia, there was a court, and a judiciary system for non Muslims. And then there's the court and judiciary system for Muslims. If you were Muslim, and you broke the law, you would have a different sort of, you know, punishment that is placed upon you, and a different one for the non Muslim. And it don't think in your mind that Oh, the Muslim is getting away with something and the non Muslim gets punished harder. No, they're fairly similar. But it is the Islamic Shetty out of court system. So if a Muslim
knows he's not supposed to do something, and he does it, so for example, a non Muslim
goes to a restaurant and drinks alcohol, okay?
That would not be breaking the law for that person, not Muslim. But a Muslim goes to the restaurant in x country that may have an Islamic judiciary system and drinks alcohol, that Muslim would be held accountable if of course, you know, that ends up in court, right? So these are things that somehow a lot you find in different countries or different judiciary systems, different laws that are placed upon the people, you know, have the law every single country has its own and we ask Allah subhanaw taala once again to protect us all and keep us all safe and allow us to always do what's right and what's good and what's best for society and for us in the way of pleasing Allah subhana wa Tada.
Okay, so let's start with one of the sins that we'll look at in sha Allah Tada, and the punishment from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Adam,
from the sins that we'll look at, and of course, there's so many, you know, things that are considered sins, but we don't need to look at every single one of them.
We'll look at some major ones, things that affect the rest of society as well. So the first one is adultery or fornication.
Zina which is unlawful sexual *, okay? being intimate with someone who is not halal for you, is forbidden within Islam and is one of the greatest of the great sins as in one of the worst of the worst sins, right? Allah Subhana Allah says, One telco was Xena.
Who can if he shut him
SAP Allah, Allah subhana wa tada says, and do not come near the unlawful or Do not come near unlawful sexual *. Verily it is immoral and an evil way. Okay, so Allah subhanho wa Taala warns us and tells us Don't come near it, don't do it. Okay. I've never been much rude or the longer and said
I asked the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Yeah, so we're going to look at what's done before marriage. And in fact, we're not even going to look at what's done before marriage and after I'm just going to keep it general. Okay, so fornication, what's done before marriage? adultery done after marriage? Yes, as in two people who are married, right? We would call that adultery, and or Zina and fornication, those who are not married. Not in a legally binding marital relationship. I believe in Masaru rhodiola or unsaid. Now again, I'm just talking about these as sins in general. This is why I said yes, I know the punishment is different. But again, we're not talking about the punishments, okay, we're not going
to be talking about the punishments we're going to talk about what Allah Subhana Allah says, or what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, about the punishment given by Allah, not societal, by Allah, okay? And even less rude or the Allah and said, I asked the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what is the greatest sin?
What is the greatest sin? He replied, that you make a partner with a law while he created you. Shift, right, the greatest sin that you worship other than Allah subhana wa Jana, when it was Allah Who created you,
he replied, He then said, then what? Right so he asked the Messenger of Allah what is the greatest sin? He replied, that you make a partner with Allah while he created you? I then said, then what he said some longer anyway.
sanlam, then is that you should kill your child out of fear that he will eat with you.
I said then what he said that you should commit Zina with your neighbor's wife.
So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shows greatest sin, right from the greatest sins, but also the greatest sin is shipped. And then he mentioned sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, something that was done in the time of jania. Pre Islam, right pre Islam.
The people of Arabia, what they would do is out of fear for losing wealth. If they had a child, right? That daughter wouldn't provide an A son might eat our food, right? But it was mainly the daughters, who Subhanallah they would bury alive. They would bury alive, because they felt that it wasn't beneficial for them, right would take their wealth. And Islam came in stop that. So that's also from the major sins. And then he asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then what? And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that you should commit Zina with your neighbor's wife, that you have sexual * with your neighbor's wife, when you're not even married to her.
It's your neighbor's wife.
Allah subhana wa tada says,
surah Furqan, verse number, 6869, and 70.
I'll just read it in English and charlo to Allah and those who invoke sorry, and those who do not invoke any other God along with Allah, nor kill such life, as Allah has forbidden, except for just cause as in if that person is part of a military, and you know, their their task is to carry out going and fighting and someone dies. That's a different story. But if someone just randomly kills or murder someone, you know, that's what what has been meant here, nor commit illegal sexual *. And whatever does and whoever does this shall receive the punishment, the torment will be doubled upon him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will abide there in in disgrace, except those
who repent Allah Subhana Allah says, well maybe if I was Erica young ricotta therma Okay.
There should be a punishment upon those who commit these crimes. Your bar, hula, hula as Allah Subhana Allah says, You will follow hula Yamanaka Yama way occlude the fee mahana was fine with Alice's on the day of judgment will be doubled the torment the punishment will be doubled upon them and that person will abide there in in disgrace.
Illa accept
man turbo man our me laminins saw the HA except those who repent and believe and do righteous deeds
for those Allah will change their sins into good deeds and Allah is most forgiving most merciful law
a manner where I'm you know, Roman
saw me
for wound.
He came back bet Dino long who say he team has
for us. He
must have had a way to Allah is giving us encouragement. You may have made a mistake you may have done something that you regret. seek forgiveness from Allah, repent to Allah Subhana Allah believe as in repent and continue to believe when we believe we know that we're not going to commit a sin.
right we're going to stay away from that sin
and do righteous deeds. The more good deeds we do, the more good deeds are written and they wipe away the in the senate you hiddenness yet right? The good deeds wipe away the bad deeds. And a lot is off forgiving, most forgiving, Most Merciful.
In the lengthy hadith of some or even john dub,
concerning the vision of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam had, okay, this is like a dream or a vision of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he's explaining this journey that he went on where he's seeing punishments of people in Jannah
Okay, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said we proceeded until we came to a Baking Oven, tun move, right an oven baking with a fire underneath it.
Somewhat I said, and I think the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that there were noises and voices there in that we're coming out from that big oven. That was huge, like a massive oven. Don't think like a little oven, a massive huge oven with a fire of random roasting underneath it.
We looked into it, and found the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, we looked into it and found naked men and women. And then there was a flame of fire reaching them from underneath. When the flame reached them,
they cried out loud.
I said as in some way or the other and said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Who are they?
Later, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recounted, recounted and told us and he continued to the Hadith is lengthy and he came back and said, what was happening? What punishment was being given to these people who like what did these people do to deserve this punishment? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam says, As for those naked men and women you saw in the building like an oven, right, the tenor of that massive oven,
they were the male and female fornicators
they were those who had
been intimate with someone that they were not married to.
the last Hadeeth that will take even a bus or Viola and narrated that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said a fornicator, while committing illegal sexual * is not a believer. And in brackets we can say not a true believer. He continues and says sallallahu It was a thief, while committing theft is not a true believer, a drinker, while drinking alcohol is not a true believer. It karema of the long run said, I asked even abus How does the faith remove itself from him? Like how does a person lose their amen? When they're doing these sins? How like, see to them, they just can't think of it like, how does this make sense that their emotion is lost? They're
not a true believer. If they're committing the sin, we know it to be something that's sinful. But here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying they're not a true believer. So our equity melody asks, even above some of the Allahumma.
I asked him, How does the faith remove itself from him, he replied, like this.
And he intertwined his fingers, and then release them, and then intertwined his fingers and release them. And he continued, if he repents, it returns to him like this.
And he intertwined his fingers again.
If he repents,
so when he loses his faith,
it's there, but he's separated from it. And then when he repents, it comes back to him. What does this mean? Well, in many years of studying and asking many teachers kind of love this refers to person being ignorant of Allah subhanho wa Taala, in the midst of them committing that sin. So while a person is committing a sin, right, they are so focused on the sin, it's like their mind is so I can't get this out of my mind. I can't focus on anything else. This is the only thing that I'm thinking of, ah, why can I get this out of my mind, right? And they're stuck in that sin. Right? And of course, this is usually when a person is committing a major sin something like great and they
have even it gets to them knowing they're struggling with their faith, they're struggling with their emotion. So they go ahead and they do it while they're doing that are they thinking of a lot. The scholar say, if a person was conscious and aware of Allah subhana wa tada and it was in their heart, they would get up and walk away from that sin, they would not stay there. But the fact that they're forgetting Allah, they are sort of ignorant of Allah Subhana Allah during that time.
It's as though they're forgetting Allah subhanaw taala and just going ahead with this since their main and entire focus and concern is to get that or to commit that sin
and their focus is not on Allah subhanaw taala because Had it been than they would not commit that sin and loss of Hannah we try to protect every single one of us. And last 100 Allah grant us the strength to stay upon the deen and to do what is right and true and Allah Subhana
I've always had to forgive any of us that have committed major sins or anything that is displeasing to Allah subhana wa Tada. We all need the forgiveness of Allah Subhana Allah Allah, Allah subhanaw taala except our tober except our repentance and make it easy for every single one of us to live as true believers upon email in Islam, just like on the love or hate on America log of Yukon, or something along the way, some of our kind of, you know, Mohammed while you're suffering, you're Salim. That brings us to the end of today's class, like I said, we're not going to get into the nitty gritty, or the specifics of the Islamic legal system that is to be implemented, because we
don't have that here. And so we will look at this chapter from the angle of the sins that we need to make sure we don't commit because they are considered major in front of us, Japan, what to add, I'll give you an example of what else we're going to cover in sha Allah.
Next week, we're going to look at slender, okay,
or slendering another with a false accusation. Right? That is something that we could look at as well. Leon, we'll look at the punishment for consuming alcohol. Right? What Allah Subhana Allah says about it, we'll talk about theft, as a crime in Islam, and so on. So there's a few things that we'll look at, and how Allah Subhana widad is not pleased with these things, we need to stay away from them. Of course, we know as human beings living in society, that we ourselves are not pleased with them, none of us would want this to happen to any of us, none of us would want you know, a crime or some sort of robbery to happen towards someone else, or upon another person's home or business. We
are people that want to goodness and hire, and we are people that encourage others towards it and to apply it. And we ask Allah subhanho data to strengthen us in our affairs and our deeds. I mean,
alright, I don't see any questions. So I'm assuming that
there are none. If you do have any questions, I'll give you another minute or so to type something out. And then we'll break for selected a shot. Anyone who's coming to the mustard for a shot tonight's the night. It's a special night.
Night when you don't have work tomorrow.
So you should be able to make it very sure. So
any questions?
All right. I don't see any
second Hello. Faden for attending. I'll see all of you soon. Santa Monica Monica de la obra. Katelyn