Daood Butt – Drops of Guidance – Episode 1
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The transcript discusses the history and significance of the Hadith collection, a collection of WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp
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set Mr aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Brothers and sisters, welcome to this series on the drops of guidance. The drops of guidance is a series where we will go through a number of Hadeeth that were narrated by a mom and know where we are hammer home law, and put together as Hadith that are important for every single Muslim to implement in their life. Before we get into the Hadith, though, we will need to have a short introduction on the importance of seeking knowledge. Why is it that we seek knowledge? And for what reason? And what are the benefits of seeking Islamic knowledge? How can it help us in this life as well as in the hereafter? We start with a hadith that was narrated by Abu
Dhabi. And this hadith goes where a man came to Abu Dhabi. He traveled from Medina to Damascus, and upon his journeys when he arrived,
he was questioned, why did you come here? And he said, I came here just to ask you about one Hadith Subhana Allah we look at ourselves today. And how many of us will travel a distance from Medina to Damascus, in order to listen to one Hadith from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Many of us will not even take on this journey, going from our house to the closest mustard in our locality. But a Buddha was welcomed by this man who came and he was questioned, why did you come? He said, I came to hear one Hadith. So I would have told him, he said, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned one time, whoever travels a path, seeking knowledge, sacred knowledge, the knowledge of Allah subhanho wa Taala, Allah will place for him a path or make his path towards paradise easy. And that is just the beginning of the Hadith, the Hadith continues, where he says the angels lower their wings upon the person who seeks knowledge or set out to seek Islamic knowledge.
Now, this is a very important
topic, or a very important part of the Hadith, where it is mentioned that the angels lower their wings upon the seeker of knowledge, I want you to picture a bird, for example, a bird who goes and gets food for, you know, the little birds, the baby birds, and then comes back to the nest, and gives the food to the birds. And then that mother bird sits on the the little ones and puts her wings and you know, protects those, those little birds. Similarly, the angels, we don't compare the angels to birds. But in a very similar way, the angels are protecting those who seek Islamic knowledge. And this is from the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala, that they protect those who are
in the path of seeking Islamic knowledge. Now we continue in this Hadith, the Hadith continues on by saying that
the creatures in the heavens in the earth seek forgiveness for that person, the creatures in the heavens and the earth. What does this mean? It also means that the fish in the water, or the ants, for example, in the ant hole, or the bees that are flying around us, they all make dua for that person, and they asked for forgiveness for that person. Now imagine how many how many of us walk down the street, and we see an ant for example, or an ant comes into our house and we are very quick to kill it, or very quick to remove it, or we just walk over it and we don't even care that we're stepping on an end. Well, Subhana Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala if you are seeking Islamic
knowledge, places in that end, or that insect or whatever animal whatever creation it is, to make dua for the person who seeks Islamic knowledge and your forgiveness could be in the drama of that creation. So it is very important for us to the next time that we see insects next time we see animals next time we see any of the creation of a loss of handle
mentality that we respect it, just like we would respect another human being. So that is another important part in this headies. But the Hadeeth continues, I would continue saying that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentions the superiority of the religious scholar over the devout worshiper is like the superiority of the full moon over the other heavenly bodies. So the full moon, for example, when you see a full moon, and all the other stars that are around it, what exactly is the moon doing to this earth, it is lighting up the ground for us so that we can see where we're going. Now imagine if the moon were to be removed, you would not be able to see where you are going.
Similarly, if the scholars of knowledge, those who seek Islamic knowledge, were to be removed from our societies, we would not be able to see where we are going with regards to our religion to our Deen, we would have a very difficult time. Therefore, we need to have scholars around us we need to have students of knowledge who are learning this Deen and can help us in seeking Islamic knowledge and guide us through that path.
And then the Hadith continues. It continues on by saying that the religious scholars are those who inherit from the prophets. Those who inherit from the prophets in the sense that we don't take money or wealth from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we take knowledge from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam were the ones that learn Islamic knowledge. And we take it and we implement it in our life, and then pass it on to those who come to seek knowledge. Those who are interested in seeking knowledge and when we see someone who is in need of Islamic knowledge in need of some help and guidance, those who have knowledge help them and benefit them with the knowledge that they have.
The Hadith then continues this is still the same Hadith from a Buddha, where the man came to him, he continues to tell this man and he says the prophets leave no money. They only need leave knowledge. And whosoever seizes it, meaning whoever takes this knowledge has taken a bountiful share. This person has acquired something which is far above and beyond monetary value, the knowledge of Islam, the knowledge of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his life, his surroundings, the issues and things that went on at that time. And the knowledge of the Quran which is the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala Hannah now we must get into mmm and Noah wheeze biography and speak a little bit
about who mm and Noah we was before we get into the collection of the Hadith that we will be discussing. Mmm Noah we Okay, he's known as a meme and Noah we for short, okay, but his name was email mohiuddin Abu Zakaria Yeah, even shut off. And never we imagine now where we are Mmm. And Noah we for short, I should say, was born in the village of Noah in the year 633. This was a village or town in the vicinity of Damascus. Now that was the year 631 after the hedger of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which coincides to approximately the year 1233 of the Christian era. Okay. And mm and nowhere we was considered to have been one of the greatest scholars of our time.
And when we come back after this short break, we will continue with the biography of him and now we
said American brothers and sisters, welcome back to the next session. And we were discussing the biography of Imam and Noah we, as we mentioned, he was born in Noah, which is a village within the vicinity of Damascus, and he was born in the year 1233 of the Christian era. During his stay in Damascus, okay, he studied with a number of Islamic scholars he studied with over 20 very famous Islamic scholars. And he also had this thirst for knowledge. He had this way of wanting to seek more knowledge and some handler this goes to show us you know, today we have so much technology, we have TVs that we can benefit from we have the internet, we have videos and DVDs.
And things that are being recorded audio. And we don't even need to leave our houses, we could just turn on our computer and seek Islamic knowledge that way through local scholars and so on and so forth. Of course, the best way to seek knowledge is to go to an to a scholar, sit with them, and learn the knowledge from them. This gives you a personal interaction with that scholar, it allows you to learn from their behavior, from their manners, from their etiquette, the way they deal with one another, the way they carry themselves, the way they speak, the way that they eat the way that they do many different things. So sitting with a scholar is very important when you're studying
Islam. Now, amendment nawawi, he went and studied with the scholars, and his love for Islamic knowledge was so strong that he wrote a number of Hadees. And we'll get into that shortly. He led a life which was a pious life, and he then passed away. After studying for over 20 years, he returned to his hometown, and he passed away in the year 676, after the higit of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which coincides with the year 1278 of the Christian era. Now, the collection of Imam and Noah was 40 Hadith, what do we need to know about this collection? How many Hadeeth are in it? Is it really 40 Hadeeth or are there a different amount of Hadeeth within this collection, and
who started this collection, so this is what we will discuss now. To start off with.
mm and Noah we he continued this trend from Eb Insider, even Salah who passed away in the year 643. After the hidden of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he used to have a comprehensive collection of Hadith. And he had a series of 26 Hadith that he had compiled and put together, these discussed a number of very, very important matters that were completely relevant for every single Muslim that they should know, understand and try to practice these Hadeeth implement them in their life and try and teach it to their families and friends.
Now after installer had compiled those Hadees amendment number we added to them making it 42 Hadith. And these 42 Hadith most people think are only a collection of 40. When in reality, it is a collection of 42, Hadeeth and innominate. Well, we call it a barbarian, the 40, which actually had 42 IDs. later on. Rajab came along and he added to the collection of 42 Hadeeth. He added eight more heavies, making it a collection of 50 Hades and this book is a well known book, which is titled as jammy under normal Hakan. And it is also available in English for those of you who would like to read it. So it was a collection of 50 Hadith in total, that were put together by these three
scholars. And like I said, the book is available for those who are interested in reading this book. Now we should get into the first Hadees that we will be discussing today. The first Hadeeth is
one of the most famous Hadith that most people in the world have heard of, at some point in time, within life. The first Hadees goes like this. It says on the authority of immutable meaning, the Commander of the Faithful, Abu hafs armor, eternal football or the Allahu Han, who said, I heard the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say, actions are but by intentions and every man shall have only that which he intended. Thus, he whose migration was for Allah and His Messenger, his migration was for Allah and His Messenger, and he whose migration was to achieve some worldly benefit or to take some woman in marriage, then his migration was for which he migrated. And this was narrated by
Mr. Al Bukhari, as well as a man Muslim. Now what do we learn from this hadith to start off with? Ahmed had nikopol, who was he? He was known by four different names to start with ameerul momineen and he was known as ameerul momineen from the time of his califa Okay, so he was the second halifa in Islam, after Abu Bakr
Third rhodiola one, which is also the second name that he was known by halifa of the halifa of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So he was the halifa after the halifa, which was Abu Bakar, or the Allah one of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was also known as Abu hafs. Okay, Abu hafs, what does this mean? The father of the lion? Was he the father of a lion? No, but this term in Arabic is used sometimes, for example, today, if you go to Saudi Arabia,
and you want to buy credit for your cell phone, okay, you go up to the, you know, the 711, or the store where you buy credit, and the guy will ask you, what amount of credit Do you want, and he won't necessarily say it that way. He might just say, a bhumika, or abrahamsen, he might end with this basically translates as the father of 100, or the father of 50. You know, you're not really buying the father of 100, or the father of 50. But it's a term that means something which is associated to, so I will house the father of the lion means that he was a man who was associated with courage. He had courage and boldness. Okay. The fourth name that he was known by is Alpha Dog.
And Pharrell, what does this mean? This means the one who distinguishes and we have to remember the story of when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made dua, that one of the tuamotus should accept Islam. And when amagno hubub accepted Islam, the Muslims came out, and they could now practice Islam openly. And this was at a time where the Muslims were going through a very, very hard time in their history. And this was a time where Allah commanded them to practice Islam openly to preach it openly and let others know about it. So in order to even in football, or alpha rock, accepted Islam, it distinguished the time prior to his Islam, meaning the time when Islam was being
kept quietly, and practiced amongst a few. And now a photo came along amado de la Horan. And he practiced or he allowed the Muslims to practice Islam openly because he was very courageous. And he the Muslims knew that no one would stand up to him right now hop up. So we take a short break, and we will come back and share a lot within a few minutes.
Welcome back, brothers and sisters to the next segment of this program. We had just finished mentioning the first Hadees of the collection of Imam and no always had it. And we'll look into some of the importance of this Hadith, Amanda sheffy. He said regarding this Hadith, that this hadith is one third of knowledge and it enters into 17 chapters of fic Subhana Allah that tells us a lot 70 different chapters are thick. And this one Hadeeth can have a portion of all of those rulings relate back to this hadith. So that in itself shows us the importance of this one Hadith that was narrated and mentioned in a moment now always collection of Hadith. Mmm a Buddha would he says I wrote from
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam 500,000 Hadith. Thereafter, I chose from it that with which I have filled this book, meaning his son and the Sultan of Abu Dawood, however, I saw that only four Hadeeth are enough for a person and his religion. And these four Hadees are mentioned in the book of Imam and Noah we and it is part of the collection that we will go through in sha Allah who tada and many scholars have spoken about the collection of Hadith that Imam and Noah we wrote about, and this just goes to show us that as I mentioned earlier, these Hadith tie in with every aspect of Muslims life, everything that you need to know everything that is relevant to you as a Muslim, you can get
out of these Hadees in sha Allah hota Hana. Now what are some of the points of benefit from this chain of narration? First of all, this hadith is a hadith which is referred to as a head Okay, it is a hadith that is a head and we don't want to get into some of the technical details with regards to the
sciences of Hadeeth are the most balaghat because then it will complicate
the series for some of the viewers so it is a Hadeeth which is known as a head and they Heidi's which is our head is one which is not mutawatir. Okay, so for those of you that know some of the sciences of Hadith, this just gives you a basic understanding of this Hadith, regardless of it being a hadith which is known as a Had
it been Narayan and hanbali. He says all the scholars have agreed to its authenticity and its acceptance. Okay. Regardless of it being ahead, all of the scholars agree to its authenticity, and its acceptance. So therefore is a hadith which is widely looked at and widely accepted by the scholars of Hadith, and the scholars of Islam. Now, what are some of the other proofs for this hadith for example, in the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions through some of the verses where he talks about sincerity, for example, in Surah, Al anon, Allah subhana wa Taala says, say, oh, Mohammed, verily my prayer, my sacrifice, my living and my dying for our all for the sake of Allah
subhanho wa Taala, the Lord of the creation, he has no partner with this, I have commanded and I am the first of the Muslims. So as we know, this is a very famous verse in the Quran where Allah subhana wa tada says, well in Psalm 31 Uzuki one, yeah, 180 Lillahi Rabbil alameen Len Cherie Keller will be there, the cat will mirror to what Anna? Uh, well muslimeen also in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. We see some examples, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, verily mankind will be raised upon their intentions. Also, there are a number of other Hadees we don't want to get into too many of them. Some of the statements from the scholars, okay,
the pious predecessors in our religion, they mentioned for example, mm sofian authority, okay. He says, Rahim Allah, He says, I have not struggled with anything more severe upon me than my intention Subhana Allah, this is Sophia an authority, Rahim Allah who died in the year 161. After the hidden of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says that he had not struggled with anything more than struggling with his intention. Now this is very important, because as we will see throughout the series, that our intention and the sincerity behind our attention are completely related to what we do throughout our life. every single aspect of our life is important to look at and co related
with our actions and intentions.
Also, we can look at from some of the other righteous predecessors in Islam who have said whoever desires to complete his actions, then let him perfect his intentions. So if you want to do an action correctly and have it complete, such as you wash your car and you end up finishing washing your car, by pouring water over and getting rid of the soap and then finishing off by drying your car. If you want to complete any action, you must finish it by making sure that your intention to do that action, whether before you started during it or after you finish the action, your intention is solely for the sake of doing it for the for Allah subhanho wa Taala Firstly, and then for whatever
reason comes after it. So brothers and sisters, I bid you farewell SNM or Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Until next time, when we see each other again, which is Akuma la hyaluron
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