Festivals, Friday, Gatherings, Generations
Bilal Philips – The Best In Islam #21
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AI: Summary ©
The importance of graduations and celebrations in Islam is discussed, as well as the use of emiths to celebrate the birth of the Prophet Muhammad. The confusion surrounding his birthday is discussed, as well as the importance of the upcoming weekend, which is recognized as the day of the fall. The speaker emphasizes the importance of following the generation of the Prophet waarim and preserving their teachings. gathering in public is also emphasized, along with following the generation and preserving their teachings.
AI: Summary ©
Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh I'd like to welcome you dear viewers to another in our series, the best in Islam. In this episode, we'll be looking at the best with regards to festivals. And also with regards to Friday, the first Hadith, which was narrated by Anna's, that when the Prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him, came to Medina, there were two days in which the people of Medina used to play during the time of ignorance. That is the time before the coming of Islam. He told them, cannula comio amanatullah, Abu Nephi Hema pocket Abdullah Kamala, who beat him Hiren min Houma, Yeoman Fitri or Yeoman Aloha, you have two days in which you used to play but Allah
has replaced them with something better, the festival of sacrifice, you will add her and the festival of breaking the fast he will fit her. So this hadith
is a fundamental Hadith telling us about festivals in Islam it would be called the eighth and these festivals which which are called Eid are ones which are done every year at the same time. They are repeated, such which existed in Medina. When the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam came there.
He instructed the people of Medina to cease and desist from celebrating them. And some narrations. He asked them what they were about, and they told him anyway, he told them to stop all of them. And they were all replaced by two Islamic festivals to Islamic aids, one known as Adel Aloha, and the other Adel fitter, it allowed her being the sacrifice the day of sacrifice for people making Hajj as well as people and their homes, and Adel fitter is at the end of Ramadan. These are the two aids that Muslims were supposed to celebrate. What this meant is that
the celebration of other days,
which were not prescribed by Rasulullah, sallAllahu wasallam, especially those having religious significance should not be done, they will be considered Bidda, or innovation in religion.
For example,
people celebrate the birthday of Prophet Muhammad, because peace and blessings be upon him. However, the Prophet himself did not celebrate his birthday.
Neither did his companions. Neither did the generation the follow them. It wasn't until the time
of the Fatimid caliphate in Egypt, governing Egypt and neighboring countries. In that time, they began the state celebration of the birthday of Prophet Muhammad, may God's peace and blessings be upon him. And that is some 400 years after the death of the Prophet. So we know that it has no foundation, in the practice of the first generation of Muslims for a second third generation of Muslims. And as such, it is classified as innovation in religion, besides the fact that we really don't know the actual date of the birth of the Prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him. Historians, Muslim historians differ as to what day the Prophet sallallaahu Salam was actually born
on they don't know. They don't have the date. There is no evidence to confirm any date and they vary in suggested dates, possible dates. It's just that the general masses of people have
are a bit of our, because of it having started in Egypt with that month, and they haven't accepted the date, by tradition, but it is actually an innovation in religion. Similarly, in Indian Pakistan, there are celebrations of the night of the ascension of Mirage Alliser, our Mirage, and the middle of Shaban, they also have celebrations and the beginning of the new year in many parts of the Muslim world they celebrate. But all of these celebrations are actually unacceptable Islamically because people do them believing that they're pleasing to Allah, believing that it's a part of the religion. And it's not. As we can see, the Prophet, may God's peace and blessings be upon him himself, he
cancelled those aids that were being celebrated in Medina when he got there and replace them
with what was better,
which was a little fitter, and a little odd ha. So this is what Muslims are supposed to celebrate on a regular annual basis, other celebrations which might take place on an occasion or not having any religious significance to them, then this area differs. If it is imitation of other nations because they do it we do it, then it's not recommended, disliked, because the Prophet, God's peace and blessings be upon him had warned us against imitating other people saying Manta Shabaab Holman, for who among whom, Whoever imitates a people their way is from among them. So, on the basis of that, scholars have recommended, you know, that we avoid the imitation of the practices, social practices,
in our which have no real value, they are just pure imitation of the dominating and domineering culture of the West. So,
as I mentioned in the beginning, as the Prophet SAW Salem made this decision, he left behind for us a methodology, a way by which we will determine what is acceptable and what is not acceptable with regards to celebrations, festivals, AIDS. And we should note, that, actually, the knowledge of the Prophet's birthday was deliberately hidden from the OMA by Allah. Because how the Lord wanted us to know the date we would know it. But as he hid the date for the birth of Jesus, but in spite of the fact that it was hidden. Christians created a date the 25th of December, and made it a day of celebration, celebrating the birth of God, which itself is a unacceptable concept that God was born
on a particular day. And the roots of that celebration, which is now called Christmas, the roots of it are from the pagan practices of the Greeks and the Romans. And added to it were the practices of the Scandinavian Europeans, introducing the Christmas tree and all the other things that came along with it. So that's their practice. And as Muslims were encouraged to avoid them, to stay away from them. In closing, because we're now going to take a break and continue to look at the issue of days that are celebrated days. And the day most important for us, is that a Friday we'll be looking at that after the break. So now what a come Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh.
How many of you have thought about polygamy?
It's a topic which
the Western society the Western world, sees as something negative Islamically Of course, it is a part and parcel of the Islamic marital system.
It is not something harmful to society, in fact that there's something beneficial to society.
It has rules it is not just any man can marry any number of women, under any circumstance, there are rules governing it, you know. So it is important for every Muslim to understand
why Polygamy In Islam, Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam was polygamous. He had multiple wives. And if we don't understand what polygamy is, when people speak about the Prophet, may God's peace and blessings be upon him, they denigrate him, they speak ill of him, etc, etc, as in especially in this area, then we have nothing to say. I mean, we may react emotionally, but we really don't have a proper defense, because we haven't understood this part of Islam. So from this perspective, it's worth taking this course, to get some insight into how polygamy functions within the Islamic system are how it's supposed to function.
We don't judge it based on individuals we see or know etc, and what they have done, or are doing, and have said, we judge it according to what Islam actually says. So, enjoy this course. And share the knowledge that you gain from it to others. So you are rewarded both for your effort in gaining that knowledge as well as the effort in conveying that knowledge as the prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him told us all, but level and he will have either convey whatever you have learned from me, even if it is only a single verse from the Quran, Baraka Luffy come so I want to live by God.
Welcome back from the break, before the break, we were looking at the celebration of festivals or AIDS, and the fact that the Prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him, limited them to two, he canceled all of those celebrations which were going on amongst the people of Medina. When he got there. They had their own traditions, cultures, etc, cultural practices customs of celebrating certain days for a variety of different reasons. And he basically canceled them all and said, This is all replaced. Now with two, these are the two for you. It will filter the aid of celebrating the end of Ramadan, which is a feast after Salah and Adel or the HA the slaughtering of animal
commemoration of Prophet Abraham's willingness to slaughter his son at the command of God. It allowed her for the people in Hajj as well as for the people at home. So any of the other celebrations that people have invented, have produced an imitation of the West that has a variety of different celebrations throughout the year. Muslims were not content to just go with what Islam has basically provided and prescribed. They started to include and to make up other celebrations so that their year was filled with other festivals, something like that of the colonizing countries that colonize their lands. Anyway, progressing on to what has been said about Friday. And we have looked
at Friday to some degree before.
We have a narration from Abu Huraira in which he quotes the prophets Allah Salam is saying hydro Yeoman Talad fie his shrimps. Yeoman Juma fie Holika Adam will fi o hibbett watever la FEA here COVID Or fi heater como sa the best day on which the sun has risen is Friday.
On its Adam was created on it. He was placed in paradise on it, he left paradise on it, he was forgiven. And on it he died and finally on it. The final hour will take place
So Friday has a special series of events connected to it. Many of them are most of them we haven't experienced. But the Prophet SAW Salem has told us, they will come. And many of them were before our time, which have to do with the beginning of humankind on the earth with Prophet Adam. So, the Prophet sallahu wa salam, based on Revelation, had said that this was the best day Friday, Adam was created on Friday.
The first human being, that gives it further significance. But still, we're not talking about being a day of celebration, we're not celebrating the day, or just recognizing this is our day of congregational prayer, which has been prescribed for us. And there is greatness in that day.
He was placed in paradise on that day, and on that day, he was also removed from paradise.
And significantly on that day, he was forgiven. It was also forgiven on that day. So his leaving of Paradise was not an evil. It was a way through which he would be forgiven. And on that day, he died, his life ended. And finally, on that day, the final hour, the end of this world, would begin regarding Friday, the prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him also said
as narrated by Samara Mantova, the iomadh Giamatti. fabby, haven't yet met on Monday tessen for who have been, whoever makes will do on Joomla has done well.
But if one takes a whistle, a bath full bath, it is better to
do a normal Joomla
is necessary for the prayer. The Hustle is not necessary. The Hustle was recommended because this was a time of congregational prayer, a time of major congregational prayer. In Medina, there was the main mosque of the Prophet, may God's peace and blessings be upon him and then there were smaller mosques in other
corners of the city. On Juma everybody came and prayed in the mosque of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam so the largest congregation was then on Joomla and of course with the shortage of water, etc, then people are not able to bathe as often. Naturally, there will be some unpleasant smells,
which people could not help or whatever. The Prophet Muhammad wa salam encouraged his followers to bathe on that day because it's the day when they're coming contact, in a close contact with a large number of people. And to make that gathering a pleasant gathering. They were all encouraged to bathe on that day. Of course, Muslims in general men in particular, were encouraged to
use perfume to further enhance the pleasantness of that gathering. So, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam advised us, it is preferable on that day, to make a reversal, it is not obligatory but preferable. Moving on to another statement of the Prophet Muhammad wa sallam speaking about what is in fact best with regards to gatherings. We have a narration from Abu Zeid, allegedly, in which he quoted the Prophet sallallahu sallam was saying, head on modality outside Aha, the best of gatherings are those most spacious that when we gather in sittings with people that we should not limit it, and block others from joining us. But it should be open that other people could
come and sit with us comfortably. So this was what was intended here because of course, there's a tendency for people when they make the gatherings to have different gatherings is to keep it private, keep it personal and exclude people. Whereas the Prophet Muhammad Salem wanted us to be inclusive to bring people in and let people feel comfortable to be a part of our gatherings when
not plotting or planning anything secretly. But we're open, transparent, people are welcome to come and visit. Further, we have a statement of the profit regarding the best of generations. And that statement narrated by Imran bin Hussein. The Prophet sallahu wa salam was quoted as saying, hi to Nancy, pardon me. So Medina eluna home. So Mullah Dina eluna. Home, the best of people are my generation, then those in the following generation, then those in the following generation.
What he was speaking of here was the example,
who should we look forward to, as an example for us, we are a generation now, should we look at the generation that preceded us, as our example whatever they did we do, or the one which preceded them, people tend to base their practices their ideas on their forefathers, the prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him, encourage Muslims, at least from an Islamic perspective, we're encouraged to look back at the very first generation, the generation of the Sahaba, that they were the ones who lived at the time of the revelation. When Islam was being revealed.
They had the best understanding. They were with Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. They learned directly from him. So naturally, that generation had a special blessing of being in the presence of the Prophet of Allah, may God's peace and blessings be upon him. So we should use them as a guide, as a generation as a whole, not necessarily each and every person from that generation. But as a whole, they represented the best of generations, then those who followed them, they're called the tabby Irwin, students of the sahaba. That generation is the next best they lived with, studied under the companions of Prophet Muhammad, may God's peace and blessings be upon him, meaning that they had
a closer contact with Revelation. They were one generation away from Revelation. And then the Prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him went on to say, then that generation which followed them, they're referred to as at bow Tabby, or those who followed the successors, who were students of the companions of the Prophet, may God's peace and blessings be upon him. So those three generations are looked at, as the blessed generations as guides with regards to the practice of Islam. So their understanding of Islam we take to be the best understanding when we're looking at issues in which there aren't any clear Quranic or Hadith ik rulings. To clarify for us, this is
better, that is better, we should do this or should do that. We look to them, what did they do, and if what they did, appears to be something not limited to their time, but containing general principles, and they lived in the time of the revelation, then we take their example, as a good example to follow.
And especially among them, the righteous caliphs, the four righteous caliphs, Abu Bakr, Omar, Osman and Ali, because the Prophet Muhammad wa sallam himself had said, Follow my sunnah and the Sunnah of the righteous caliphs after me. So he gave sanction to taking the righteous caliphs as an example for us to follow. Those were among the closest of his companions, who learned directly from him. So they had insights into the meanings and the depths of Islam, the generation that came later would not have had. So we are encouraged to follow the generation the example of the generation of the Prophet, God's peace and blessings be upon him, and the two generations following that. And this is
important in preserving Islam, in its pristine purity, preserving it from change through interpolate
tion, misinterpretation, etc, which could change the very face of Islam. As Christianity was changed from the message which Prophet Jesus brought, may God's peace be upon him, and how it was distorted and changed in time to they became something altogether different. It became another religion altogether different from what Prophet Jesus brought this principle of the best of generations and following their guidance, their understanding. This serves to help preserve the original teachings of Islam from any form of change, innovation, distortion, misinterpretation. With that the viewers would like to thank you for being with us on this episode of the best in Islam, and we hope that you
will continue to follow the best in Islam benefit from the wisdom of the Quran and the Sunnah. Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh