Bilal Philips – Seeking Knowledge after Ramadan

Bilal Philips
AI: Summary ©
The importance of learning from Prophet Muhammad sallali Alayhi wa Sallam is emphasized, as it is essential to fulfill one's physical needs of life. Set aside time to gain knowledge and reassess their day-to-day lives is also emphasized. The speakers stress the importance of knowing one's religion and applying their principles in their day-to-day lives, as it is essential to achieve their goals and save time. They stress the need to assess progress and make adjustments as needed to achieve their goals, as it is a source of distraction and destruction. Lastly, the speakers emphasize the importance of learning and teaching the Quran to others as it is a source of distraction and destruction, and discuss educational opportunities available through online programs and a referral program.
AI: Transcript ©
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Brothers and sisters

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have been completed

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with its prayers

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its spiritual, emotional, psychological social demands.

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consider that the lessons learned from Ramadan

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should not remain in Ramadan

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but that they should be implemented throughout the year.

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And that was indicated by the fact that Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to fast throughout the year and he recommended fasting six days of shorewall etc etc, we talked about different

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recommended fasts.

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So, as a general principle,

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what we see in Ramadan

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is applicable to all of the various instructions, which Islam has made us responsible for

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you whether it is Sala, whether it is

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whether it is had all of the lessons that are there are life lessons. Islam, we often hear repeated is a way of life. And truly it is all of his teachings address, human need.

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They are not geared to merely

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appease the gods in the way that other religions treat religious practices.

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But they have direct implications in our lives

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in our day to day lives,

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not specifically for the time when it is obligatory. But throughout the day, 24 724 hours a day, seven days a week.

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Islam all of its principles are applicable, they have meaning they have worth they have benefit

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in each and every aspect of our lives.

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But the problem is that most Muslims don't realize it.

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Most Muslims treat Islam as rituals,

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customs and traditions done because we are Muslim.

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So Islam doesn't have

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a day to day impact in our lives.

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And when you read the stories of those people who have passed stated from Islam who left Islam,

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and they blame Islam. What you hear them blaming are the customs and the traditions of Muslim peoples in different parts of the world, which have actually nothing to do with Islam at all.

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So much of the problems which face Muslims, whether it is in the application of Islam in their day to day lives, or on a political scale internationally where Muslim resources like the rest of the third world are exploited.

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And the masses of Muslims don't really benefit from them.

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All of this goes back to an ignorance of Islam.

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A widespread large scale ignorance of what Islam rarely teaches. What it is what it really means in our lives, or what it should mean in our lives.

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And this is why prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made seeking knowledge,

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a religious obligation. When he said tolerable me for it Allah Allah Muslim seeking knowledge is compulsory.

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A religious obligation a Florida and every Muslim.

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implied by that, that every Muslim should understand the religion sufficiently to be able to apply its principles in his or her day to day life.

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So that whenever that knowledge was needed, we had access to it.

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And of course, the knowledge is the notion, there is a vast ocean.

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And we cannot make that an obligation and each and every person to master all aspects of Islamic knowledge, people spend their whole lifetime die and still haven't, you know, encompass that knowledge it is massive, but at least the aspects which are particularly relevant to us in our day to day lives, we should know

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that much Allah is going to ask us about

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he is going to ask us on the Day of Judgment,

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about five things after resurrection.

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Among them is

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Did we acquire the knowledge

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and apply it?

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Allah warns us in the court

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not to be like those before us.

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Either they didn't have any knowledge and risk misguided so we seek refuge from their way

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not to be among the dollar lien.

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Or they had knowledge, but they didn't apply it.

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They only used the ritual.

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So they are the muffle dubya lay him those on whom is a law's displeasure.

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So we need to make a full commitment to gaining knowledge. We need to set aside time to gain knowledge. Most of us are busy with the dunya

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we're busy acquiring what is needed to fulfill our physical needs in this life. And we can't seem to find time to devote to gaining knowledge.

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But Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam made it an obligation.

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And Allah clearly states in the Quran law you can live for long enough son in law was, Allah does not

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burden any soul beyond its capacity.

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Allah doesn't ask us to do anything that we can't do.

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So if seeking knowledge has been made an obligation on us, it means that each and every one of us is capable of seeking.

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But it is an issue of priorities. What do we consider to be most important? So, knowledge is down on our list of priorities. So everything else takes priority and then we in the end, we don't have time to seek knowledge.

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But Prophet Mohammed wa sallam told us that seeking knowledge is a path to paradise.

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He said man, silica today, the ultimate Sufi elmen Sahil Allahu Allahu taala an agenda, whoever takes a path in which he or she seeks knowledge, a law makes the path to paradise easy for them.

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So, if really, Paradise is our goal,

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the way there has been made clear,

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if we want to achieve it,

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the road has been identified.

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It is a road on which knowledge is sought.

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sought in everything that we do.

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So we need to take out some time to reassess our day to day lives. Where are we now?

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Where are we before a loss

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in our daily prayers

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in our work,

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In our dealings with our families, children

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in our spare time, how do we handle our spare time?

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About which Prophet Mohammed says Alan wonders, be careful. Now mahtani mother Boonen, FEMA Kathy romanes. There are two blessings from Allah which people

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are fooled and deceived about.

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A see how to one for good health and spare time.

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We need to assess.

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We have the health now to do things,

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make Hajj, but we are delaying it for the wrong reasons.

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We have the time now spare time to seek knowledge. But we're not we're filling it with other things.

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So we need to take stock, we need to stop for a minute. and assess where are we, before I lost my balance and this obligation of gaining knowledge of understanding the religion.

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Allah has made the path very easy for us in our times, when we read about the scholars of the past, how they had to travel huge distances to gain this knowledge, the sacrifices that they made, that in the end, brought that knowledge together for us, and is now presenting it to us on a silver platter. We don't have to make those kinds of efforts. It's readily available

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at our fingertips, on the internet.

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In phenomenon, the classes, the lecture halls, the lectures, public lectures, Katanga Center,

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the Merriam Center for Women,

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the knowledge is available, but we need to take time to get it.

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I asked her last month Allah to put in our hearts a true desire for that knowledge

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and to make our limbs act on that desire and strive to gain that knowledge. And ask the Lord to help us to sacrifice for that knowledge. Because if not, it requires sacrifice.

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As a law, to make our intention sincere. And getting that knowledge or praises you to alarm allows Peace and blessings beyond the last messenger of Allah.

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As I said,

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knowing that the seeking of knowledge is an obligation, we do have to prioritize aspects of that knowledge.

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We have to systematically approach seeking that knowledge if we go to the Islamic bookstore, and perhaps the most extensive Islamic bookstore in English

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can be found at the Carter guest center. As small as it is, there is a very wide selection of books there. But when you step in there, there's so many

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where do you start tafsir Heidi arcada fit

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Sera, so many books when you start. And of course, you may choose a book because you like that title, it sounds good.

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The night the moon split, that sounds interesting when you get that book,

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or whatever, you know, we see some attractive title, you end up choosing books according to titles. When we take them home, we look at them look at the covers,

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then we put them in the shelf, too many of them.

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were good at collecting books.

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But reality is that if we really want to study, we must follow a plan.

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As we've heard so many times, if you fail to plan,

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you plan to fail.

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If we don't establish a system of study,

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then we'll be taking bits and pieces from here there and everywhere and it won't come together in our minds. After a year's time of study. somebody asks us something. I'm not really sure.

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I think it said this in one book and I think it said that in another book and then the other

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that's where we end up years past we're just getting bits and pieces but it never just

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Else, it never comes together as a solid portion of information that we can pass on Because ultimately, if we're not able to pass that knowledge on, we really haven't understood it. And the prophet SAW Selim had said hey to comenta, Allah, Allah, the best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it to others. It didn't stop at learning the Quran, but and teaching it to others.

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This process of learning, teaching is a blessed process problems as element said, at dunia Manor owner. This world is cursed Malarone mafia and everything in it is also cursed.

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Curse meaning it is a source of destruction.

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That if we don't understand properly, it will distract us and take us to *.

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illa decorilla except for the remembrance of Allah, wa Allah and whatever helps us aid us in that remember, it's why alleman momota Allah

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and the teacher and the student.

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They are blessed, the teacher, the student, one who is passing on the knowledge, one who's learning the knowledge, who is themselves, passing on the knowledge, it is a continuous cycle.

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it is important for us

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to follow a system, the teacher and the student, we need to attach ourselves to a teacher.

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Teaching ourselves we said very difficult pulling books from everywhere, we end up nowhere.

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But with a teacher, one who has learned

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has mastered to whatever level he or she has mastered. They're then able to guide us on that path of seeking knowledge.

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So that we can tackle it systematically and build the foundations and then build on top of solid foundations, this is the correct process. So it is very important for us

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in spite of the ready availability of knowledge out there, to attach ourselves to some form of institution, whether it is a circle in the masjid, where there is somebody of knowledge who's teaching regularly, or it is in from our institution, our half or quarter guest center from the charity or Marcus Moza, Marcus Maryam for the women, etc. There are institutions where knowledge is being imparted. So it is important for us to attach ourselves to these institutions. When you actually go to the institutions and you see the number of people who are attending you. You're surprised why so few.

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This is available, you know, making knowledge, putting knowledge at our fingertips, but so few people avail themselves of this knowledge.

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And this is, as I said, a part of the sign of the times where we have become so engrossed in gathering the things of this dunya

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we can't see anything else. And Hakuna Matata castle. As I said, this trying to accumulate. We're thinking about building that house back home, buying so many cars and the children, generations education of our children's we're caught up in all these things. So we're just here there, whatever it demands, our time is gone.

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Had to mama

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until we are taken to the graveyards.

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That is the time when we finally wake up and realize

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that life just escaped us. We were caught up in the wrong things. Because now we're in a situation where those things are of no benefit of no use.

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So were warned by Allah not to let this happen to us. Take advantage of the time that the law has given us.

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And this was the example of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam

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Why Allah has told us to ask for his peace and blessings to be upon him because he was an example of a dedicated life.

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A dedicated life, to the devotion to the worship of Allah.

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And that is what we are created for, to worship Allah, that should be our focus.

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That should be the goal to dedicate our lives in that way. As the Lord said, holiness alati when Suki Rama hiremath

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say, indeed,

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my prayers, my sacrifices, my living and my dying are for a law, the Lord of all the worlds. This was Prophet Mohammed sauce islands example.

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In all aspects of his life, he showed us dedication to worshipping Allah.

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That the religion of Islam is indeed a way of life. It is so practical, that it has value everywhere, anywhere, at anytime.

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So I asked her last month Allah to bring to our minds the example of Prophet Mohammed salatu salam, and to make our love of him and love to follow the way that he has shown us and that we would seek knowledge to understand that guided way and that we would apply it in our lives, to know his religion, to know the religion which he brought, which lowered the religion which last month Allah sent to us through Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam that we may live lives which are indeed blessed, by Allah pleasing to Allah, that we live this life.

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remembering him with our last breath,

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Seeking Knowledge after Ramadan
Khutbah – Friday Sermon
@ Masjid Fanar

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