Bilal Philips – Ramadan
![Bilal Philips](
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The importance of following Jesus's words during Easter Sunday to avoid confusion and mindful of one's actions is emphasized. The use of negative emotions and faith in God is also discussed, along with the use of cutting-edge technology and electrical devices in religion. The speakers emphasize the need to avoid negative actions and avoid false assumptions in prayer, and to be careful in combining actions and not just play by oneself. The importance of following Jesus's words is emphasized, along with the need to be careful about combining actions and avoid getting into trouble.
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And he was suffering he understands
corporates due to alarm, there must be some blessings on his last pocket Mohammed from among them and all those who follow the path of righteousness until the last day.
The topic of today's clip
basically was Ramadan Greetings,
the Imam which is all of us who are fasting
and ask the Lord to bless our fat
and the various righteous deeds that we may do during Ramadan.
And among those deeds,
he reminded us
of the importance of completing the recitation of the Quran
not as a ritual.
But in following the Sunnah or the way of the Prophet Mohammed arrived.
It was his practice in the month of Ramadan, to revise all of the forehand that he had with him.
And as such,
we are encouraged now we have the complete plan, were encouraged to revise that for undoing Ramadan.
Also, the Imam encouraged us to take part in the night prayer, which comes after the compulsory prayer of Asia.
Though these prayers are not compulsory,
there are only recommended.
Again, there is great reward in them
from the benefits that we get out of the prayer personally, as well as the reward of following the way of the Prophet Mohammed civilize Allah.
And he mentioned that the Prophet Muhammad salam, during
the first Ramadan in which these prayers came into being
that the black mothers have done, Lama had prayed in the masjid.
And some of the companions, time praying there after he shot and began to gather around him. The second night, when he came back, he did the same after a shot and
the companions gathered around him.
And by the third night, when the word had spread, that he would be praying
after he shot, and the large group of the companions waited there for him, he did not come out.
He didn't come out of his house until the next morning.
And in fact, when they asked him about this, he explained to them that he feared that if he had come out and continued to come out, that night prayer would become compulsory for them. So, out of mercy
and compassion, of the darkness has some thought
he ensured that these light prayers would only be recommended for us to do or not compulsory.
And of course, from the action of assume that here, we know that these light prayers may be in the masjid with any mom or they may be in one's home
with one family or with a group of one's friends, is not compulsory that it be in the masjid, but that we should strive each of the nights of Ramadan to spend some time out of that night in prayer.
And we should remember
that our efforts to reduce Ramadan
and to awaken at night for prayer
should not be something which we do only in Ramadan.
But something which we do throughout the rest of the year
that that which we do during Ramadan is really only a training is a form of training for us to get us into a particular mode. Wherein during the event for the we will recite the Quran read the Quran on a regular basis. And we will get up though not necessarily every night, but a nice sum of the nights. You know of every week. We get up by our thumbs and pray in the night for which a lot
is a moment that seldom, as described as the best effect,
outside of the compulsory prayer, the best of friends, is that prayer made in the middle of the night, when one gets up, all by oneself, because there is no way that one can do so for,
you know, showing loss to others, the others may think that you're pious, or whatever, you know, it's when one gets up in that point, in the nights when everyone else is asleep, and in just between us or allow
for sure,
we will find in those prayers,
a level of sincerity, that we may find difficulty in finding in our other prayers.
So this is why it is recommended for us
to purify the quality of our worship.
So that the rest of the prayers, the compulsory and the other,
which are recommended, during the daytime, would take on a quality
of sincerity, which would earn us the kind of rewards that Allah has set aside for us.
And the amount in with us,
with all of our giving us his congratulations
for the coming of Ramadan. And being among those who
was following the sooner the way of the Prophet,
which was to read his companions with the coming of Ramallah.
And this is, this is an important point, because it may enter in the minds of some of us that perhaps, this weekend that people tend to do, when one of our incomes maybe in some way and innovation
this weekend for Ramadan, maybe in some way and innovation, what is known as a big gap.
And what comes along with it, of course, with the ease the end of Ramadan, people congratulate each other, you know, we
It is important for us to whether it is in fact, what's from the way of the Prophet Muhammad, Allah, Allah guide to something which people have added as time went by.
And the Imam has confirmed for us that it was from the sins of the past,
to greet his companions with the coming of Ramadan. And to also he didn't mention this, but I'm adding it to read is compiled with the coming of the eighth, it was their practice. So, it is one reason not to do so, however, when this greeting takes on a particular form,
using particular phrases, which people feel must be said,
then it starts to turn into a bit
though in its origin, it is from the center, when people start to make it in a particular way,
insisted on that particular way, when you are greeted in a particular way, there is a particular emphasis and when it takes on that ritualistic format, which is expected from you by people, and you expect from people, then it starts to change into beta. And especially when the origin Ramadan when
I said, Ramadan, Mubarak carbs and eat carbs. Now, this practice is clearly a practice of the Christians
who give out Christmas cards with the coming of Christmas. And during Christmas, this is their practice.
And now I look them shift and take that practice and instead, you know, Ramadan, Mubarak or eat on it instead is a list that carries over into the area of business.
So we have to be careful. That's what may be summed up
what is
what has been
decided by God as a part of the Divine Law.
As conveyed to us by the prophet, which we call the signal that this if we do not follow it, as it was blocked, then it become what is cursed by God and innovation in the religion which has been cursed by God, which is known as
the curse innovation. And the Prophet Muhammad had said that
We should fear the worst of appearance is the innovation.
And every innovation in religion is a curse, innovation.
And all such innovations need to help.
Surely, when we look at what has happened to Christianity, we see a classic example.
wherein the teachings of Jesus,
mail our peace and blessings be upon him.
And through the innovation introduced by Paul,
the masses of Christianity Today follow what can only be called
They follow a religion, which in no way resembles what Prophet Jesus brought, the last peace and blessings be upon him.
And what is the result? The result is that those who claim to be following Jesus today, worship Jesus.
idolatry, the greatest possible him The only thing which God will not forgive, which guarantees one a place in health.
This is the classical example
of innovation leading to health
and Muslim faith face that same possibility, innovation,
I want to make the very simple the giving of greeting cards as
it may seem simple, how does this take work. But what happened is that the changes which took place in reality, it didn't take place. At one instant in time, it was a series of little things, little things here and there, which accumulated and cause them to deviate.
So, the lesson in that I
can say Ramadan is that we greet each other with the coming of Ramadan, we greet each other on the eve. But we stay within the bounds that the Prophet Muhammad SAW Salaam, etc, we can greet with any Greetings, there are no special.
And we should not add on to these practices, other practices which may come from other religions.
And the Imam advised us to take the opportunity of Ramadan.
Because in it,
there are many opportunities for us to gain the pleasure of Allah.
And in the end, and he quoted a Hadith,
or statement on the platform,
wherein Allah has said,
concerning one in the next life,
afternoon with life,
that if you find good,
then he should take a lot.
When he leaves this life, if he finds good, you should thank him.
And if he find evil, he should only blame himself.
Because he was given ample opportunity, opportunities were there. And if he finds evil, at the end, it's because he did not take advantage of these opportunities, and instead, allowed himself to fall into evil, and as such earn for himself a terrible punishment.
Then he reminded us concerning fasting.
How many of those who fast
and they're fast
with, however,
alone, how many of those who go through
the practice of fasting, but they get out of it is hungry?
And how many of those who pray they have been at night in prayer?
And all that they get out of it and tiredness,
their legs become tired.
What do you think,
is to be aware of the ritual
to be aware of the lifeless ritual
that fasting is not merely giving up food and drinks between dawn and sunset?
But it is a spiritual process
wherein we seek to purify ourselves
our evil thoughts
And he will leave
with the aid of physical abstention.
That the physical abstention the physical giving up is not the end the goal, it is a means
a way for developing this spiritual abstention, because we as human beings are made up of both the physical and the spiritual, there are these two aspects which which constitute our being.
And when we strive to develop ourselves, or one aspect of ourselves, the other aspect has to come into play.
Now, the goal of the fasting was to develop ourselves spiritually. But this is not done
in the absence of physical news. So, the giving up of the food, the giving up of drink, the giving up of sexual relations, all of these are to help to prepare us spiritually, to give up the evil
and the evil deeds which results from our thoughts.
So, this was advice to the amount from the mom, to us to reflect on the spiritual goals of fasting
and to strive to attain them, so that our class does not merely become
a physical state of hunger, and thirst.
And similarly, the prayer
the mind said, in the salon shall
prevent us from evil speech and evil deeds.
So the physical movements that we go through
the words that we say, it is there, to have an effect on us in such a way as to create
a righteous individual who speaks righteousness,
and he does righteousness.
So again, these physical restrictions which come in the prayer, the movements which are limited,
these are all part and parcel of a system, which will help us to spiritually limit ourselves,
to spiritually stop ourselves from evil speech. As in the power we strive to say, what is pleasing to God, and evil deeds, as in the plural when we strive to do the movements, which are pleasing to God, and these movements when we stand for God, when we bow, for God, and when we frustrate for God, all of these movements
are demanded by the objects of worship in this life.
The President,
the leader,
the king,
morals, individuals have power in this life, they demand it from their subjects, stand in my presence.
When the judge comes into the court, you have commanded all rights
for the honorable so and so and so on. So
the powerful leaders have their subjects, bow to them.
And the more powerful they are,
the more they're able to make that bowing, evolve into frustration. This is the ultimately powerful leader who subjects prostrate themselves
for this is only due to God, because he is the only thing through King mannequin that
he is the only true king, and he is the only one that we stand for. That we bow for, we prostrate for. So when we are doing these actions in Salah, we are confirming that Allah is the true king of mankind, and the only one who will do the standing, the bowing, and the frustration.
And as such, we would not submit ourselves outside of prayer in such ways as to do what has been prohibited by God for the sake of these powers that be around us.
And the mom
also pointed out
and to tell you the truth, this whole balance he made
was filled with many, many, many different ideas and concepts, all of which are very important for us to reflect on not only number one, but throughout our lives.
on the different levels
of people. And those of us that are most afraid that there are a variety of different levels,
from those who get nothing out of it except for thirst and hunger,
and tiredness out of fear to those who earn
the maximum,
to the maximum as men can attain.
And ultimately, he says, this returns are the reasons for this difference in the level can be seen
in the intention.
Ultimately, this is what we call the bottom line.
The intention is the intentions of those who fasts and those who pray, which determine the value of the fast and the prayer.
And naturally determines also the reward from the past and the prayer.
Then he went on to say,
want to say
it was the mercy from Allah,
and continues to be a mercy
that he has placed in certain
locations on the earth.
And in certain seasons of the year,
added reward for the deeds that we do, normally, righteous deeds that we do normally
is a blessing.
That prayer
in Mecca is worth 100,000 times.
And righteous deeds done in Ramadan
are multiplied
by Allah as you wish.
This is fun, the grace of God
had it been that he gave us only an individual reward for every good deed and counted against us.
And then individually, for every evil deed,
then none of us would attain.
It is only through the grace of God by multiplying the good that we do
many times and by only holding up to two accounts on the evil that we do, one for one, that some of us
and I pray all of us may attain paradise
and in good keeping that in mind.
He reminded us of overall during Ramadan.
When the Prophet Muhammad, Allah had said
to make the minor pilgrimage to Mecca Joe
is equivalent in value to making Hajj along with the Prophet Mohammed
to make Omar during the month of Ramadan
is equivalent in the eyes of God
to those who made had along with the Prophet Muhammad.
So this is a great encouragement.
If we have the way in the means to go and make over
to Mecca during this month, we should try to do so
to increase
our life.
if we manage to make it there, whilst you're making fell off of the monster,
and we experienced
tiredness, we should remember the day of judgment when we'll have to stand before God.
And when we drink Zamzam waters from the wealth
we should remember a lot of liberty
to profit
and his mother, Hagar hajer.
And as we go through size between
walking in large crowds
we should
Remember, I returned to Allah.
And we see there
in Orion Mecca,
mankind in all shapes, colors, sizes.
And remember the unity of the oma
unity of faith,
which keeps us together as one brotherhood.
We strive with each other to do good.
And we treat our brothers as you would have ourselves, we cheated.
And in the second part of the hooked up,
the mom congratulated us on our faith,
our faith,
to be within the bounds of Islam,
to have found Islam,
to be striving to practice Islam.
And as Muslims, you reminded as I look at my Muslim indissolubility,
that the Muslim, the true hustlin is one from whom Muslims are safe,
safe from his hands.
He doesn't harm them physically, nor is he harm them in terms of spreading rumors and slander.
And that the mohajir one who makes hedra, and he drives up is, is a requirement of us until the day of judgment, the two muhajir is the one who emigrates from what Allah has prohibited.
And then he went on, to look at some verses from the Quran, where Allah described men in a particular way.
These verses began with a lot of things to the angels that he was creating in the earth.
One would
be put in power over the earth.
And the angels alone,
would you put one on the earth, who would spill blood
and create corruption
while we
pay you,
and glorify
and the law informed them,
that he knew what they knew.
And that in fact,
or some of the needs
to be put on the earth would be superior, even to the angels because of knowledge which Allah gave them, beginning with Adam.
He gave Adam knowledge
and demonstrated to the angels that Adam was superior to them.
And as such, he had
the angels bow to Adam.
And the man question
this quality which was given to other which was inherited by his descendants, is this a fact? For all of our descendants?
If so, why are people then in two different groups?
Those who follow guidance from God.
Believe who love good
strive to do good, who remember Allah, worship him fast. Now charitable, those who recite the
They are rewarded, if they recite them with ease.
And if they find difficulty in reciting them, but continue to recite them, their reward is doubled.
And they seek forgiveness from the Lord for whatever it is that they do. This is one group and we have at the same time another group
strive to do evil
and will corrupt the earth.
These are all among the descendants of Adam.
Are they all superior to the engine
superior to the angels are those
who follow the commandments of God.
And it is false.
So long to claim, closeness to Allah, and one does no good
to say I'm a Muslim,
my passport says on my apartment, that I am a Muslim.
one is a Muslim, if one does what a Muslim is supposed to do,
and believe what he was supposed to believe.
So the Imam
went on to remind them
that we should remember a law as much as we can allow the decree law, he
is only to remember the law that hides, fine.
And it is in the numbers of the law, that we do righteousness,
and avoid evil.
And allow those are in
what is the end of this life where we will be what we will do,
and has not given us any burden which is too great for us to bear in this life.
So we must reflect
that all that he has commanded us to do, and all that he has prohibited us from doing, it's for our benefit. It is to bring some good for us, and to prevent some evil from the fallen.
Though we may see in something which allows prohibited something which may appear to be good to us, as an individual.
For the community, as a whole will be there.
And though we may see
in something which has been commanded,
what may appear to us to be something harmful, as an individual, the benefits for the community as a whole will be there, if we reflect.
And you reminded us of the case of Moses in the followers of Moses,
that they had been prohibited
the fact of the animals
that they sold the fact and at the price,
when in fact,
if something is prohibited, the sale, and the benefits from that sale is also prohibited.
So it is not enough for us as Muslims to say, well, we are prohibited to drink alcohol, but we may produce it and sell it.
It's not enough for us to do privacy for worshipping idols, but we may make them and sell them.
And he went on to point out that after most people were saved,
by taking them across the Red Sea.
That's in response to that blessing of God, that huge, magnificent miracle, the parsing of the love of the Red Sea, these people went back to worshipping idols in imitation of the people from whom they had come, and the people from whom they met in their travels.
And these are reminders for us.
And he goes,
reminding us that the sweetness of faith
has visit the happiness
that nothing in this world can compare to.
The happiness that we find,
when we have tasted the sweetness of face
is beyond any other happiness that we may experience in dislike,
the happiness of wealth and the family.
They come and they go.
But the happiness that comes
from realizing faith in God is something which is everlasting.
It never goes
and the blessings which come from it
are multiplied.
By God,
that God
blesses those around us, our descendants, etc, because of the attainment
of true faith.
And he gave the example from
the case of Moses, and
teach Moses, Prophet Moses, may Allah blessings be upon him,
was sent to teach him something,
something of the ways of God.
And one of the lessons
after Moses had been maltreated by people, and on their way out of the town, they found a wall which is crumbling. And they rebuilt that wall.
And Moses asked why you would do this?
After the people have treated so badly, why would you do this and could inform them
underneath where they treasure
monies which had been buried by the parents, of two orphans,
and that by rebuilding the wall, that treasure would be protected for them, when they reach the age when they could benefit from them from the treasure to be available to them.
And this was for them, because their parents were righteous. They were righteous parents. So Allah, do His mercy,
protected and provided for their righteous children.
And he goes to footbaww, asking Allah
to beautify us with the beauty of faith.
If there are any points from the footbath,
which I missed,
as I said, the Imam spoke on many matters.
Perhaps I didn't catch everything.
So if there are any points, which I missed, anybody would like to add?
If not, if there are any comments, if you'd like to make concerning
the thoughts on Ramadan, the greeting
and the importance of
utilizing the opportunity of Ramadan, to avail ourselves of the grace of God.
You mentioned that
And I don't think no one was
in line.
Some of us most of us
come from different countries,
family or friends.
How do we do that without some way, one way or the other.
We don't simply we may call them
if it's too expensive, we can afford to call them or we like them. And in our letters,
it gives them without having to resort to the card, the card which becomes like a ritual
every year at that time, an expected return as expected and you judge people by whether they respond to your card or respond to your card I mean, this is not everybody does this, but this is what tends to build up out of it as it does with the Christmas cards. So we may read them in lightning electric to them. We may begin with Ramadan. You know and I have received letters from people in different parts of the world. In the course of the lecture talking about all the things they know Ramadan is coming, and they greet me with the coming of Ramadan. And it's done without resorting to the card which has become a which has which is directly out of the practices of other religious faith
which has a connection to the religious practices. Because as we said before, when we talk about innovation,
if the innovation in things which are not connected to the religion, Islam has no
problems or objections, with such innovations, the innovations which come in the masjid, we've got carpet on the floor,
No innovation
is not against, you know, putting fans in.
They didn't exist in the time of the Prophet Muhammad Abdullah, Islam does not want this you know, as you have some sects of Christianity, you know, like the Amish and others, who take a particular dress in a way and holding some of them they refuse to use electricity, because for them this is innovation. So, they will drive around and buggies and you know,
in that way that when we feel that we cannot change anything, no, we are clear those things which are directly related to the religion, this is the area where change is not allowed, because the religion came from the Prophet Muhammad Allah,
Allah to the problem
whereas, the appearance of our material life
this is subject to change, development based on the improvements in technology etc, which ultimately comes from Allah.
If we use these instruments to improve the quality of our lives,
then it is good, if we use these instruments are evil and evil
you never
you never know what is
because cars are
religion, granite that came from the roots
of the elephant that came from that group, we use that
for what is
that from there
I think that
the Christmas card the card which is sent at Christmas, a card which is prepared and sent this Christmas, this is a religious practice on their parts
and Easter you know, Valentine's Day, the other
The point is that these are closely connected with the religion they are introduced as such,
it is true that because may be used as a get well card that a person is sick, and the card may also be sent, you know to as a get well card etc. But the sending of the cards particularly for that religious
festival or the villages, seasonal occasion. This is from their practices. So for others not the religious practice. Even the practice, but not
a religious practice.
A good law car, happy birthday car. You graduated from high school or university or mothers these are all new faces, they have cards for every
anniversary birthday, new birth promotion, all these things. Are you religious? No, I'm saying that if you send a card for get well write a get well card. This is okay. No problem. Because the getwell card has no connection with the religious and religious occasion for you to send a card congratulating somebody on graduating, there is no harm. But now the sending of the card on the religious occasion which resembles they're sending the card on their religious occasion. This is what then, in my estimation,
involve a imitation of people in a religious matter which becomes when we do it as innovation, in my opinion.
That's you know, as far as I can give you for myself, you know,
that there is you are always welcome when it says you know to ask others because I'm not the leading authority on anything.
Please ask some of the other scholars who are here, you know, to get further feedback on the subject, if you feel you know, some doubts still within yourself concerning it, you know, please do so. And if you have other feedback, please bring it next week and let us all share further. So in summary,
not anything to do with
what I think concerning
some of these other times, New Year's Day, no other times, which become a festival
which are
not accepted for a Muslim to take part in to see these other times you stay out of, you know, Mother's Day which becomes like an eat these things which are coming regularly every year at that particular point, we cannot take pride in those either. But the ones which are, you know, which have no
distinction between the
mother, congratulations.
I mean, this is your mother is a non Muslim for sending you the time, you know, the law. I mean, this is nothing. I mean, if she accepted Islam, you know, for you to write to her and, you know, congratulate her.
I bought this question was, how do we relate
the intention to greet somebody
with the practice of giving the card or intention if the intention is not to imitate the practice of another people in giving the card, but our intention is to believe that you are doing this practice, okay? How you say, if our intention is to beautify our home,
and there's nothing wrong with the intention of beautifying our home.
But we do defy it by
the idols of other people in our home, we can see obviously, that this is not acceptable. Though this may be a valid and acceptable intention was really powerful
for us to take pictures of human beings an animal, and they hide those causes you never called it. I didn't call them statues, you know, figurine
animals and we bring them into our homes beautiful, very beautiful.
is wrong?
It's not acceptable.
So intentions and truly
says that these are judged by intentions ultimately, you know, however,
we are also required to comply with the commandments of God.
behind them,
ultimately, our intentions will be
used to judge how we fulfill those commands.
So the concept of intention is not one way we say,
Don't question me about the evil that I do. God alone knows my intention. No,
You do evil,
Islam have a system to deal with you. When it is implemented.
The one who commits adultery or fornication it was asked what was your intention when you are doing it?
That is what the law but in this life, what you have done is wrong and you will be punished for it.
I mean, this is to the extreme of the question of intention and practice, just to try to, you know, because when you look at it in the extreme, it's very obvious, right? When you look at it is very simplified. Sometimes it doesn't become too clear. But now you see what is prohibited in large amounts.
This is
actually the statement was made in reference to alcohol.
But you can use it as a general principle, that what becomes prohibited in the obvious when you see the various, you know, open sense, when you take it down to the, to the more hidden sense it is also
the principle here.
intention doesn't make an evil act or incorrect act, correct.
If we know something is not correct, it is imitation of what people have said to us that we must avoid it. But truly, and I'm not negating the fact that our law in his great can take the incorrect action of a person, one who has done something
good, give reward for that. And the classical example of that is the case mentioned in Sahih Bukhari
of an individual who feared God was when the time came for him to die.
He was so afraid
of meeting God with the things that he had done.
He did, right. But he knew
the thing he had done that he had no explanation for God, so fearful of this. So fearful of God, that he asked his children that when he died, to burn his body, burn it up into action. So quickly down the line that
sort of allow us to be able to bring it back together and hold into account.
Okay, this concept is a long concept. To think that a lot Can I bring you back together, you know, and surely when, when his children did it,
and allow cars, all the pieces on the earth and in the seat to come back together and bring him back, and are lost in life, it was no wait, without them just to build off this concept for us. He said, I did not appear of you. And Allah
So this isn't a case of ignorance. Then when it was done this, but it is motivated by fear of God which is greater to Allah forgives him of the long action
and that pinpoints fear.
This is an exception, when we're dealing in a circumstance where things are clear,
then we have to avoid what is wrong, what we have done out of ignorance in the past, with good intentions, but it was out of ignorance, we didn't have an opportunity to realize that it was in fact wrong, then we have an opportunity, Allah willing to take out his grace as that individual
Hello. The question was
in regards to the the added blessing, for making ombre in Ramadan,
Is there even greater blessing for making Omar on the 27th which is which has been identified by the masses of Muslims as being the day or night of what is known as Laila to other the Knights of power which Allah has said you know, the worship in it is equivalent to 1000 worshippers without money
know if this had been told in the past Mohammed masala would have said
and he didn't go for one to incense incense in the head out for for Alma at that particular day. You know, and for people to now make this that particular this has become
this something which Obama Obama's nominee was perfectly okay recommended. Addressing once it got distorted into a practice, which is no longer according to the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed Abdullah turned over and became something
when you know, the question again,
after so are we the nightmares, commonly bad Judas Priest?
Sorry, it's great. That is the odd number of units of prayer to complete the prayers on the night. If one then later on gets up in the night for prayer on his own. What does one do that
there is already statements of the Prophet
Moms I love that the winters are this odd numbers should be the last prayer, let us be your last fear of the night, we have already done. What if you get up for God's word in the night to get up later points in the night to get up for the night prayer, then you do so without repeating. Listen
to at a time, whatever you wish you knew
you could do that. But he was saying in the case where you've already done it, what do you know?
So you know, for example, is your intention, for example, to get up at a later point in the night as brother was adding?
Then when you finish that added prayer at night, you don't do the wicker along with the mom. But when you get off of the night, then you can add it at that point.
the question is, when the mom raised the wizard, if you have played a trade along with him all the way to the place of Witter, and he makes Salaam completing it, can you then get up?
And, you know, as if you had missed one record, and make another record to make it again? Well, I don't know she had chicken Yes, yet. But I would, I would
leave a big question mark on that one, you know, I would not feel comfortable with that. Because
I understand that. I understand that. But you know, you know, when you think about it this way, right?
When you're playing behind any man,
you're supposed to follow that process and then it says the mom is set to be followed.
So you are then required whatever the circumstance, whether it is the rain flare, or you know the prayer for fear or the the the political
Eclipse or whatever prayer, which are not Google slippers, you are supposed to follow the email,
you don't go on the floor and make your own version.
So now the only time that you are allowed after the mom completely failed to get up and add some more is when you have missed something in joining. That is the norm that is what the
now once you're introducing when you're saying now while we're playing around with him, but I don't really want to make it with him, I want to make it sharper, I wants to take it back to being a even number again, he questioned it This says I don't feel comfortable with this. Personally, I don't feel
is always in Islam. Our thing is not what many people do, because many people do all kinds of things over looking at here is the principle the principle here as I said, you know what I said right? I have given you what I have, what I how I feel, you know, you have to choose you go after the people and you choose for yourself and you do what you feel like if you don't
know what is right is what you know you feel comfortable in your heart. What is wrong is you will feel uncomfortable about it no matter what fact was whatever rulings have been given by this one or that one the other one is to feel uncomfortable, then the thing is is that yes.
I mean, what is better to leave the things in which there are doubts, for the things about which you are sure
as a general principle,
combine between
see the danger of this kind of reasoning,
we have in the Hanafi madhhab, a way in which they make a lot when they hold their hands like they're taught
that when you place your right hand and your left hand, what you do is, you grab your hand, by putting the thumb around and the little finger, then you place these fingers on, explain why we should hold our hand in this fashion. This is something which is not recorded from the Prophet Mohammed Abdullah.
He said, Pray, as you see me pray.
And how they explain it is that the Prophet Muhammad SAW them use the gospel.
And he used the place of handsome
combined between the two, we will grasp with the workplace.
The thing is that we have to be very careful about this line of reasoning, in an attempt to try to combine between this and that we create something which was not done by the prophet.
You know, what I'm suggesting
is that
we have to do
something which we had to do, then we have to work out something, but this is something which is absolute,
we have the option to why not take the other options, which we are certain about, which are clearly okay. Instead of going into something which our customers
no matter who argued and explained the sticks together, I will say there is danger here. And it was just my advice to
I would suggest whether you see that those two things cannot be combined. It is not always the two things that you may want to do that you can command.
Remember, that we may wish to do, but sometimes you just can't combine them. I'm sure if you think about individual, remember that we would like to be able to combine the
two they just don't come together. Because there's a point at which you can put them exactly together.
If you go all the way to
the lady next to the Can you move up the wall to make a pile of lumber and you continue to
it exactly, exactly what he did is not compulsory.
It is not compulsory, he This is what comes up, for example, in the same issue we have
that you play by yourself behind the line. Your prayer is not accepted. Right? If people are looking for you to choose and go and pay off, you're by yourself behind the line.
You're not playing with the Jamaat you have been commanded to play in the group together in the masjid. So for us to choose to go off and play by yourself. This is like effective.
The parasympathetic,
okay, we have this person,
an individual who comes to the prayer after the lion is complete.
he found
the pair by yourself behind the line.
What do you
know, what some people have suggested is that you pull somebody from the middle of the line back to line up with somebody from the end of the line. That's
it all. This is a practice which is commonly done here. You don't find it
mess up the
part but look at the effects of your actions.
We have to look to see, here's the problem.
So what do you then have to look back at this had a
look at it in another line.
With the intent of the
person who follows no state, or person who chose to play by himself
is for somebody who chooses to play by himself.
Deliberately, because we feel you know, I am a doctor, I'm a doctor, all the people in the lineup. I prefer to play by myself, you know, wearing nice clothes or clothes or little, you know, I'm gonna play back by myself.
If the prayer which is not accepted, but when you come to
the doctor, of all the people coming to
China, the other people coming to Google come in, I met with him. So
you know, estimation
is the death of practice.
general principles
to the degree that you're able to avoid which has been prohibitive to the degree that dream.
I didn't quite get
their attention why they were staying for that.
The amount
they want
during the week what they would normally do.
Yeah, because they do actually, or that informal prayer, which is made in wicker? Is this something for London with the province of Balaam did not do all the
work has become a standard people feel like every time you make Witter you make the block, it was not the sum of the top but tell him to do it every time. Sometimes, sometimes.
He didn't do it all the time.
So even that kind of an intention, you know, it is wrapped up in something that really wasn't from December anyway. And, you know, that's why for us, ultimately, we tried to stick as closely to the sun as possible, you know, to avoid these kind of combinations where we're trying to get the best of both worlds and end up with nothing of either world.
Sharla and from I think we should close up now and thanking everybody for coming and congratulating everybody on the Ramadan and we pray that the law accepts your Ramadan fasting and rewards you all as fully as
you deserve and closes the drive the
mechanical ovum will come digger shadow in
the south