Bilal Philips – Making Every Second Count Uk

Bilal Philips
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of maximizing one's time and maximizing their benefit in order to achieve their goals. They stress the need to identify the time and plan to utilize it effectively, even if it is not in a regular schedule. The importance of maximizing one's time is emphasized, and setting goals is emphasized. The speakers also emphasize the need to set clear goals and educate Muslim people, as it is crucial for achieving Islam. The challenges of maximizing time for learning and the importance of helping children spend their time learning are also discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah

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operates due to a law and we lost Peace and blessings beyond the last messenger of Allah.

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Making every second count

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is a title which calls us to reflect on the seconds that we do have

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the seconds about which prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had said, Now mahtani might have Born on fee Hema Catherine Menendez

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there are two blessings about which many people are deluded

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as to how to weld for all

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good health and spare time.

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The delusion with regards to spare time

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is the idea that there is in fact, time to spare

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reality is that there is no time to spare because we will be asked about every second of our lives. So if that is the case, then really there is no time to spare. If we if there's time in our lives, we will not be asked.

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It was vacation time.

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It was spare time. Then,

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in that period of time, we will be free to do whatever we wished. However, Prophet Muhammad said Lata Zulu, Adama Aberdeen, Yeoman chiamata had to use an armbar

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the two feet of a slave of a law will not move from their place

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on the Day of Resurrection, until he or she is asked about four things

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an anomaly he

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FEMA afnor

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first on his life

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and how he spent it while I'm Shabaab he, FEMA Allah and and his youth

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and how he utilized it.

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And it goes on to speak about his wealth from where he obtained it, and how he spent it.

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What concerns us most is on his life, the period of his life

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and how

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he spent it how he utilized it.

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So that's

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the whole of our existence.

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From the time we've come into this world

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and we have control over our time,

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till the time we leave this world,

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we will be asked about every minute, every second, every hour, every day, etc.

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So, there really is no spare time.

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No free time.

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A lot tells us find out find out

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found sub.

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If you have completed

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your worship,

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the act of worship which was required of you at that particular time, we just completed the form of

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salata, zohore

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What is the next thing to do fun swap means go on to your next act of a bada.

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This one now reading Quran,

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the Quran, Allah, whatever.

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We just transfer from one act to another. That's how our lives are supposed to be. And that's why Prophet Mohammed.

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Often oftentimes, he told us to seek refuge in a law at the end of our prayers were told to seek refuge in a law from the trials of living and dying.

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fitna tilma hiya Walmart. The trials of living

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refer to utilizing

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That time, according to how Allah subhanho wa Taala told us in the Quran

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in Salatu, WA new Suki Rama hyah Rama Mattila, horrobin alameen say indeed, my

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sacrifices, my prayers, my living and my dying are for a law, the Lord of all worlds. So, for the believer, all of his or her life is supposed to be dedicated to Allah.

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Meaning there is no spare time, if all of the life is dedicated, there is no spare time.

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If we are supposed to shift from one act of worship to another, there is no spare time all of our life is supposed to be transformed into worship.

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If we successfully make that transformation, then we will be fulfilling the commandment father for after fansub but if we don't make that transformation,

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where we invent engage ourselves in apps, wherein we don't remember

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Quranic command

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and Al Hassan bursary

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he was known to say,

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whenever a new day

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it says to humankind,

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I am a new day

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and I am a witness to your deeds.

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And if I go, I will never come back.

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If I go, I will never come back with each new day

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that day becomes a witness to the deeds that we do in those days

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and every minute which goes every hour,

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we cannot bring it back again it is gone. So, either we make the best of that time or

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we waste it, we kill it.

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We spend it on that which will not benefit us in this life or the next

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in another statement and the hustle and bustle worry and and has an adversity is among the top player in tablet I've been

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was known for his Zod

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most of the various Sufi orders,

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which developed

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contrary program of worship

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parallel to the shady, which they called the haka when they trace their practices back, they always are usually will trace it through Allison Alba, three. So if one last remaining is from Basra, his name is Allison.

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One would think that he was a leading Sufi, but reality. When one goes to see who he was. He was one of the leading scholars of mainstream Islam, he was not a Sufi, the practices that have developed in all of the various

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Thurrock or today cause of sufia cannot be traced to him. He was not known to teach these things. But people will put his name there in order to give validity to their practice, like Christians will put the name Matthew, Mark, Luke and john on the Gospels to give validity to these gospels, though Matthew, Mark, Luke and john had nothing to do with these gospels at all.

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And they're not really even sure who was Matthew, Mark, Luke and john.

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In the case of Hudson bursary, we know who he is, but point is, they will use his name. He said,

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All son of Adam, you are only days you in the totality of your existence is only

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As a group of days,

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if one day passes,

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a part of you is gone.

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It is our reality. We are only a group of days, when one goes, we have lost something of ourselves.

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We can't bring it back, as we said.

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So, it means then that we cannot afford to allow any day to go to go by, without having maximized our benefit. From those days

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of delight and Omar, he was known to say

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it as barter for Latin America.

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If you wake up in the morning,

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don't wait until the evening, don't put off anything that you have to do until the evening. Because the evening is not yours. What is yours is the morning, that morning in which you exist, that is yours. You can utilize it or you can allow it to escape you don't put it off until the evening.

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And he said whether I'm saying for Latin tabula rasa,

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and if you are in the evening, you reach the evening, then don't wait until the morning, the next morning. Don't put off what you have to do that evening that you're able to do. Don't put it off until the next morning. Because again, the next morning tomorrow morning. It's not ours.

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This evening is

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this evening, this afternoon. We are now in Alamosa.

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after noon, noon, as past we're now in the afternoon, this afternoon is ours.

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So whatever we can do now, whatever we have to do now

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we should do it.

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Because none of us can guarantee tomorrow.

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Make every second count.

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And there's a famous statement.

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You could call it an Arabic proverb.

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I'll walk through cuz safe

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time is like a sword

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and lamb takedown attack. If you don't cut it, it will cut you.

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Time is like a sword.

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Either you cut it

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and benefit from it or it cuts you and you lose.

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So we're talking about the importance of maximizing our time.

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And Prophet Mohammed Salah Salaam had reinforced that, in the Hadith in which he told us to be like a stranger or a traveler. In this world we should be like a stranger or a traveler.

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The stranger is keen, the traveler is keen to utilize the time that is afforded to him or to her.

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So, what we are addressing here, if we tried to put it into practical terms, how do we practically now maximize we've understood from the Quran from the sooner we are supposed to make every second count.

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We're how do we do it in practical terms? Well, it means that we must plan

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we must have a plan.

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We must identify the time that we have

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and plan to utilize it effectively.

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However, some people argue that

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if you're planning then in fact, you're not really trusting in a law

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that you rarely

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Shouldn't plan work things out in detail? Because who's to say it is going to happen as you plan it?

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So it is better to just go with the flow. Take things as they come be spontaneous, rather than planning out every second, every hour. They say no, it's not good. In fact, to plan is really to challenge a law

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is attribute of being al-mada better.

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Some scholars hold that this is one of the names of a law, that there is the law said insurance sajida 32nd chapter, verse five, you Deb Biddle Amina sama lol,

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he plans the affairs of the heavens to the earth. So planning is a law, it's for a law leave the plan to Allah, we just work within whatever a law has planned for us.

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though, this may be a point of argument.

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And those who tend to argue this come from the toorak.

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The Sufi path,

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reality is that we plan

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we plan all the time.

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In fact, even the simplest acts that we have to do to do them effectively we plan for them. That's reality.

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You want to go to the store, you write out a plan of the things you want to go and buy there. Otherwise, you go there and you will Bumble around trying to remember what should I buy something, you end up buying things you didn't even come there to buy. So you have a plan, you make a plan, you make a list.

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So that you can use maximize your time you go in there, buy what you need and get out.

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That's where life as we do this Masjid, didn't come about without a plan.

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We want to change the carpet, we make a plan.

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We want to build anything, you have to make a plan.

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If you don't have a plan,

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what do you end up with chaos. In the real world, we plan all the time.

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And in fact, it is so important that

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business people developed a proverb.

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If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

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everybody recognizes that you fail to make a plan, then you have in fact planned to fail.

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And researchers looking at this whole issue of planning.

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They concluded that in a non planning environment where you do things without a plan 80% of your efforts will tend to produce only 20% of the results you're seeking. Whereas in a planning environment, it's the opposite 20% of your efforts will produce 80% of the results.

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it is clear from research.

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practical life, we know that planning is necessary. If we are to utilize our time effectively, then it needs to be in accordance with some plan.

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in order to remove the doubts that may be there,

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concerning whether practically islamically we should actually plan things out or not we need to look at Prophet Mohammed Salah Look at his life.

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What was his life? Was it a spontaneous existence? Where he went with the flow however things came? Or was he planning

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was he constantly and systematically planning?

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We need to know that from the Sierra this will give us the confidence to say yes, we must be planning. If we are to succeed if we are to effectively maximize our time, then we must plan systematically. reality of course is when you look into the life of the prophet SAW Salaam you'll find that he planned he was a meticulous planner.

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When he had to go to his to Medina to make the Hydra

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Delicious wake up in the morning and just said, Give me my camera, let's go.

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No, he planned it ahead.

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He figured out the path. He got a guide. We had arrangements for people to bring supplies for him. He had to actually stay back in his house to make the courageous thing that he was still there. He planned that whole process out.

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And when you look at the battles that he fought,

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whether bother or or hurt, you see planning, he was planning all the time. Of course, sometimes the plans didn't work out

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in the Battle of battery plan to meet, catch the caravan. But Allah had another plan. And he had to deal with the army of Porsche.

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But he still planned for the Garmin.

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In the case of 100, he planned for the crash, and he met them in battle.

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And his plans involved putting the archers on the hill to protect his flank. But again, the archers didn't obey Him.

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So plans didn't work out exactly as he wished. But that didn't stop him from planning. So we know then, that planning is from the Sunnah.

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And this was further emphasized by that well known Hades, in which Prophet Muhammad wa salam is sitting with his companions, and a man comes in the mustard to join them one of the Sahaba and before he could sit down, he remembered he left his camel outside and forgot to tie him up.

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And he was caught in between what should I do here? Should I go back in time up?

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Or should I put my trust in Allah

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going back in time and up is applying a plan.

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A plan to make sure the camel is there when he gets back out again.

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Trusting in a law is saying leaving the planning to Allah.

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So he asked the prophet SAW Selim, in this case of doubt, what should I do? The rasa lemon said Akela.

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Tie the camel, and then trust in Allah.

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And this is the reality of the problems or someone's life that he would make those plans. But then he would trust in a lie put his trust ultimately, in Allah.

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what is in front of us to maximize our time,

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we must plan properly.

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Planning requires first and foremost setting goals.

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We have this time, our lifetime.

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If we are to plan to utilize this time, which we have this lifetime consisting of a few days, a few hours,

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then we must be clear as to what our goal is. If we're unclear about the goal, then how can we effectively utilize our time? We can't because we don't know what the time was for.

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So setting the goal is the starting point. We have to clearly set our goals. And Prophet Mohammed Salatu was Salam. He gave us advice, clear advice about how do we set our goals, so that we can maximize the time that we have, he said in a hadith narrated by zeytinburnu sabot

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men candidate dunia hammer for Raka La la la la la cara who Banda na de Mina dunya in Makati Bella, whoever his greatest concern is this world. A law will scatter his affairs plays property between his eyes and nothing of this world will come to him except what was already written for him.

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That is the wrong plan.

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The wrong plan is to make this world our goal.

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To make this world our goal, that is the wrong plan. We will waste our lives

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we will waste time

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energies, I will not be able to answer those questions coming at us on the Day of Resurrection

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as the province our sentiment said,

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if we make this life our goal, then

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Allah will scatter our affairs he will not aid us,

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He will not aid us in successfully achieving the goals that we set in this life.

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If we make this life our goal

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we will be constantly running around from pillar to post, here and there, Helter Skelter

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destabilized, ups and downs, distress running to the psychiatrists, psychologists,

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counselors will not find stability.

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So much time will be lost

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few tile a life a few times in life.

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And in spite of all of our running around, and whatever we're able to accumulate, a law will put between our eyes, poverty, meaning all we'll be able to see, as we run around, is in front of us poverty, no matter what we gather,

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no matter what riches we have, we will not find the net satisfaction, though the media tells us

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happiness is having lots of money, houses, cars, vacation to the Caribbean, you know, all of this image these images that are pumped through the television, the newspapers, magazines pumped at us, happiness lies in the dunya.

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But it doesn't, that's not where it is.

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Because as we strive for the dunya we will never find

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calm peace, our hearts will not find rest.

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That is why a few months ago, about three months ago, four months ago, there was an article in the newspaper about a German industrialist 74 years old

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who was the 47th richest man in the world according to the standards of the world, he had $14 billion.

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That was his sum total of his riches $14 billion 74 years old when the financial crisis started in America.

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And it hit Germany.

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He lost in one day $9 billion.

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And why one day, he had spent so much of his life, accumulating 14 billion. And in one day, he lost 9 billion.

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Do you know what this man did?

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He killed himself.

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He committed suicide

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74 years old. Having worked all these years, he loses $9 billion

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and commits suicide.

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Of course,

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all of you realize that he has still how much in the bank.

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He still has $5 billion.

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Fine $5 billion.

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And he takes his life because all he can see is the loss of the nine.

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It doesn't compute in his brain that you still have five and if you try to spend $1,000 every day, you would be dead and gone and you still hadn't even dented the five.

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That's reality,

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but he couldn't see it.

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Because a law had put poverty between his eyes. That is the reality.

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No satisfaction.

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On the other hand, Prophet Muhammad SAW Solomon said

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Woman candidates are here to Nita. Gemma Allahu Allahu Allah, wa Jalla. He now houfy can be

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well attached with dunya or here or Hema. But whoever has the next world as his intention, his focus his goal is the next world allow will gather his affairs and place richness in his heart and the world will come to him submissively

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where the goal is the Hara, then Allah gives his heart

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contentment, richness as Rob said, lesson Hina Min capsulotomy

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true wealth richness is not from many having accumulated many commodities, like in the Lena Renan knifes. However,

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true wealth is wealth of the soul.

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allowed by decree law, he taught my Indian Polo This is the wealth

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to have in one's heart, the remembrance of Allah to be connected to a law. So the heart finds rest.

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And a law will gather his affairs.

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He can plan and implement his plan or her plan successfully. A law will aid us in

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successful successfully utilizing our time maximizing time management, we will be effective when we look back at the scholars of the past. And we wonder how many of them died at a relatively early age because the length of people's lives were limited in their 30s, early 40s they died. But when you look at the works that they completed, you wonder how in the world could they have written all of these people like even Tamia? Am and others? How could they have completed all of this, Mama Shafi

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made in the humble gathering 40,000 Hades, how? Where did they have the time? Today when we look at it, we say it's impossible.

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But Allah put Baraka in their time, he blessed their time,

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and the world will come to us, instead of us having to chase it, whatever we need, will come as our need arises. That is the promise of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam, but don't have to focus on it. We focus on the African

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youth utilizing our time effectively.

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Prophet Muhammad wa sallam, he gave us

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this piece of guidance for effective planning. The second element, which we have to consider, in terms of planning to utilize our time effectively, is that we must determine our prerequisites, what are the prerequisites

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to be able to achieve the goals that we have set, we set goals goal is the after, what is the prerequisite? What do we need to achieve those goals? We have to identify them. Again, if we haven't, if we just have a goal in our mind, okay, this is wonderful goal, but we haven't figured out what we need to do to get there. Then what is the use of that goal? It means you're going to be doing many things which will not help us to get to that goal, they will not put us on the right path. So we'll still be wasting time and energy. So if we have identified our goal as paradise, this is what it is. When we say the era, we're talking about paradise because it also has *. That's

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not the goal, the goal is paradise. So if that is the goal in the next life, then we have to identify the prerequisites to achieve that goal. What are the prerequisites? What is the fundamental prerequisite what is required that we must achieve?

00:34:28 --> 00:34:34

That we must utilize in order to get to paradise in the next life? What is it

00:34:36 --> 00:34:37

one word?

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salad prayer

00:34:55 --> 00:34:58

tauheed still looking for one word

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00:35:04 --> 00:35:04

duck Wha?

00:35:13 --> 00:35:14

How about Islam?

00:35:17 --> 00:35:26

How about Islam with sums it all up right rather than the bits and pieces. The thing that we require prerequisite is Islam

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that we must do Islam in order to achieve the akhira. In doing Islam we must have Taqwa we must establish Salah. But it's not just Salah we also have to fast we have to do all of the things which Islam requires of us. In other words, all of our lives should be governed by Islam is to bring Islam completely into our lives. Most of us today are, as they say, in the West, half stepping,

00:36:05 --> 00:36:10

half stepping, meaning we have one foot in Islam, we got one foot out.

00:36:12 --> 00:36:22

So we've only made a half step we have made a complete step. Whereas a lot tells us Oh talofa, Cilmi calf,

00:36:23 --> 00:36:26

enter into Islam completely.

00:36:27 --> 00:36:49

That's the Islam that is going to get us to that goal. That is the prerequisite that we are completely in Islam. There's no aspect of our lives, which is in fact, outside of Islam, meaning practically speaking, that we must identify

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through Islam, which encompasses all our lives and distinguish it from cultural Islam, which most Muslims today practice.

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Because cultural Islam, with its legacy, its baggage will not carry us to paradise, because it contains so much which is against true Islam. So for us to succeed, we must identify what in fact, is true Islam. Otherwise, we're no different from Christians, Sikhs, Hindus and others who are following their cultural traditions. Inside of those cultural traditions. There are some truths.

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There are some truths, but it's not going to take them to paradise.

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Because the cultural traditions dominate, divert, and so people will not achieve the goal. So it is essential that we realize that the true prerequisite is Islam, which was brought by Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu, alayhi wasallam.

00:38:12 --> 00:38:18

The true Islam, the pure Islam, which is free from innovations and deviations,

00:38:19 --> 00:38:21

sincere Islam,

00:38:22 --> 00:38:32

and that sincere Islam is, in fact, real submission through submission to the will of Allah.

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It is known through submission to Allah.

00:38:39 --> 00:38:47

And that submission is submission where where is that happening? It is happening first and foremost, in the heart.

00:38:48 --> 00:39:03

This is where our submission takes place. First and foremost, externally, we might submit, we comply with the rules. But if we haven't submitted internally, will that external

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action take us to paradise? No.

00:39:09 --> 00:39:53

It must be fundamentally internal, then that internal is transformed to the external. Now as children of course when we teach Islam, we teach them externals because to be able to grasp the internals of the early age, not so easy, as we tried to keep them aware of a law relate things back to a law we're trying to develop a consciousness within them, which links that external to the internal. But ultimately, we must understand that the Islam which is going to take us to the era, which will aid us in utilizing every minute of ID

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is the one based on submission to Allah subhana wa

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And that submission, I'm sure you will agree with me cannot be inherited.

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You cannot inherit from your parents submission. That is a spiritual act, which each and every one of us has to do, himself or herself. Nobody can do it for us.

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Each and every one of us has to decide,

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if we haven't already decided, has to decide right now, before our last breath comes we have to decide

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to accept a law in our lives, that we truly submit to Allah.

00:40:47 --> 00:41:08

That decision we must make, because Prophet Muhammad wa salam had said there are people who will do the deeds of the people of Paradise, as it appears to people externally, they're fasting, praying, zeca, Hajj, all the different things. But he said, they will be of the people of *.

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Externally, they will appear to be the people of Paradise, they're doing the x, Islam, they're doing it.

00:41:18 --> 00:41:32

But prophet SAW Selim said, they will be of the people of *, because internally, they had not internalized Islam. It was an external facade.

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So this priority, what we're talking about, is to practice Islam, in its purity that requires, of course, seeking knowledge.

00:41:44 --> 00:41:56

This is to achieve that priority, we must have knowledge of what Islam is true or true Islam, and so we'll be able to distinguish between cultural practices, and what in fact is true Islam.

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having identified the prerequisites of

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Islam, now, Islam has many parts to it.

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There are many issues in Islam, it's huge, it's an ocean, it covers every second of our day,

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every act that we can do, every thought that we can make.

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It's huge, vast. So where do you start?

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Obviously, we have to start with the five pillars of Islam.

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Prophet Mohammed Solomon said, Those,

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here's how he'd that brother spoke about how he'd that has to be in place, clear through the heat, we need to know what our heat is.

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Having known properly what our heat is, because some people I'm saying this just to give a little bit of clarity here, Tao heat, which means

00:43:02 --> 00:43:05

maintaining a laws unity

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in everything that we do, we say, and we think, with regards to a law,

00:43:15 --> 00:43:20

allows unity is manifest in every aspect of our lives.

00:43:21 --> 00:43:22

This is true.

00:43:24 --> 00:43:25

That's true.

00:43:26 --> 00:43:31

However, you have some people who say Tao heed means believing that only a lie exists.

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There's only one existence, Allah.

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Everything else is an illusion.

00:43:45 --> 00:43:50

That sounds like oneness. But in fact, it is

00:43:52 --> 00:43:55

a false belief. It is the essence of idolatry.

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To believe that only a lie exists, that this creation

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is an illusion. It's not real. Everything is a lie means you are a law. I am a law. He is a law. She is a law.

00:44:13 --> 00:44:22

That's the reality. Then what is the conclusion? You don't need to pray to allow outside yourself? As you've been araby says you can pray to yourself.

00:44:25 --> 00:44:25

Everything is a law.

00:44:27 --> 00:44:28

So why pray external?

00:44:29 --> 00:44:31

internal is much closer.

00:44:34 --> 00:44:37

So we have to be clear, what is the heat?

00:44:38 --> 00:44:43

It's a term but we need to know in fact, what it is and what it isn't.

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00:44:47 --> 00:44:48

following our heat, we have salah

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and we have to ask ourselves

00:44:53 --> 00:44:56

how many people this morning

00:44:57 --> 00:44:59

prayed Salatin fudger

00:45:01 --> 00:45:06

People who live near the masjid prayed it in the masjid.

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We see the masjid full on Juma. We see the Masters full in Ramadan coming up.

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But when you go to most masjids for Salatin fudger you only see a handful.

00:45:23 --> 00:45:24

What does that mean?

00:45:25 --> 00:45:33

When the prophet SAW Selim had mentioned that Salatin fudger is most difficult on

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People who pretend to be Muslims, difficult. That's why spies, you know, it's difficult for non Muslims to function as spies in the midst of Muslims. They can put on the outer garb, grow a beard, everything else, but foger. difficult, very difficult. And they can be exposed easily if the community is practicing. Because we won't see them there for five years, maybe they'll come one time but consistently, no.

00:46:11 --> 00:46:20

But then we have to ask ourselves, where are we? Are we like those spies unable to come for fudger. Except occasionally,

00:46:21 --> 00:46:24

the hypocrites have to live in Oh, babe and saloon.

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00:46:30 --> 00:46:31

we have to

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set our priorities and deal with them. What the prophet SAW Selim identified as priorities, we deal with them, and do them the way he told us to do them. So Luca, Mara, tamanu, Salah prayers, usami, pray Hosanna Manasa contact, your rights have heard from me, etc. So we need to do Islam as Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam did Islam.

00:46:58 --> 00:47:14

And we have to, After establishing those priorities of the pillars, because that's where the prophet SAW Selim started, then we apply the rest of the teachings of Islam in our lives, we have to fulfill all of our various obligations

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to a loss Montana.

00:47:19 --> 00:47:37

In this way, if we are systematically dealing with what is required of us, as Ron Solomon said, Good luck, I'm Ryan poco, loco masala hanratty. Each and every one of you is a shepherd responsible for his flock, then we are focusing on our responsibilities.

00:47:38 --> 00:47:41

If we think about our responsibilities,

00:47:42 --> 00:47:49

we will have no time to spare, we will know that our responsibilities are more than the time we have to do them.

00:47:50 --> 00:47:54

So we won't cannot afford to waste time.

00:47:55 --> 00:48:08

There are no holidays, from Islam, we have Holidays from work, but no holiday from Islam, we have to be on the job, as they say 24 seven.

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That's the bottom line.

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So if we're able to put those in place,

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then the timeframe that we have, which are the few days about which has an adversity, spoke, and Sharla, when any of them goes we will not lose every day which goes will be days added to our scale of good deeds, we have to be clear, we have a timeframe these few days which Allah has allotted us.

00:48:42 --> 00:48:50

So if we are to be successful in achieving the goals, then we must deal with

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our Islam, what is required of us systematically, we need to be clear on what it is and what it isn't. We need to be focused on what is required of us and our responsibilities. We need to fulfill all of the duties that have been put on us. And among those duties in these times.

00:49:15 --> 00:49:22

As a closing thought is the importance of educating our families.

00:49:24 --> 00:49:25

educating them

00:49:26 --> 00:49:27


00:49:29 --> 00:49:40

first and foremost, and this is one of the areas that the Muslim community here has fumbled stumbled and failed.

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Because we haven't taken this responsibility of conveying Islam to our children properly. It is the right of each and every Muslim child that they be educated in Islam

00:50:00 --> 00:50:02

Make institutions of education.

00:50:04 --> 00:50:09

It is haram. And I know this is a hard word. It is haram

00:50:11 --> 00:50:15

to put our children in government schools,

00:50:17 --> 00:50:20

it is primarily Haram, no scholar

00:50:21 --> 00:50:22

will say halaal.

00:50:24 --> 00:50:28

no true scholar of Islam will say it is helpful for you to do this.

00:50:30 --> 00:50:38

It is an exception, where you have no other choice, you're forced, etc. Truly, you had no choice.

00:50:41 --> 00:50:47

You were not able to set up alternatives, that

00:50:48 --> 00:50:53

it would be permissible for you as a permissible part of the Haram.

00:50:55 --> 00:51:14

For you exception, otherwise, it is the right of our children, to be in Islamic institutions, to put our children for the majority of each day of the year, in the hands of non Muslims, to be educated,

00:51:15 --> 00:51:31

to be inundated with their culture. Their secular idolatrous culture is primarily haram because what we are committing here is what we call spiritual suicide.

00:51:33 --> 00:51:36

That's what we're doing. And of course, some parents will argue.

00:51:38 --> 00:51:40

But the Islamic schools are

00:51:42 --> 00:51:43

inferior academically.

00:51:45 --> 00:51:49

The available Islamic schools are inferior academically.

00:51:50 --> 00:52:07

Well, I asked you, if you have the choice between an inferior academic school, but Islamic nonetheless, that your child will come through graduating, knowing a law,

00:52:09 --> 00:52:36

knowing their relationship, knowing what Islam is who they are, but they're weak academically. If that is your choice between that and putting them in the government schools, where they will come through strong academically, or private schools, will they come through strong academically, but spiritually islamically, they have been wiped out?

00:52:38 --> 00:52:52

There, Islam is confused. If there is any left. This is your choice. You say but I'm concerned about my child's future. What future IRA, or dunya.

00:52:54 --> 00:53:22

Because in the case of such a choice, we only have one choice to put them in that Islamic school with inferior academics. Because when the child graduates with inferior academics, we can hire a tutor work out somewhere or another to get something to help them improve their academics. But when they come through the government schools, and they are wiped out confused, islamically they are now teenagers are grown, you want to try to teach them Islam and makeup and correct

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to failure, you're not going to be able to you have lost the opportunity, that time is gone.

00:53:32 --> 00:54:06

This is one of the biggest challenges with regards to maximizing the time that the law has given us. The time that that child our children are with us to maximize their understanding their appreciation of Islam so they can grow up Muslims not grew up confused, and maybe maybe later on in their 20s and so on. So they may come across a good Muslim or whatever. And you know, it helps them it wakes them up and they come back to Islam, but much of their youth they were outside of Islam.

00:54:09 --> 00:54:10

How many does it happen to

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for each of the youths that are amongst us today? Ask them about their classmates.

00:54:18 --> 00:54:32

You know, we can point and say yes, they're more used in the monster today than they were 10 years ago. More there's an awareness but our numbers are greater. In general, the population of Muslims has increased through immigration, etc.

00:54:34 --> 00:54:43

Ask the better judge the better way to judge what is happening here is to ask that young man how many of his classmates

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are where he is today.

00:54:48 --> 00:54:59

And you will find consistently throughout the country that 80% 90% of his classmates are

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00:55:03 --> 00:55:21

and that sin, because there is a sin that is a product of a sin, a sin of putting our children to be educated by atheists, secularists, Christians, others who will promote their own culture and their own ideals.

00:55:23 --> 00:55:30

That is a sin, which the whole community bears. And for those who say, well,

00:55:31 --> 00:55:33

this Islamic schools are too expensive.

00:55:36 --> 00:56:02

Well, how much money are we spending? Remember, we'll be asked on the day of judgment about our wealth, how we earned it, and how we spent it. If we go back into our lives and look at the money that we waste, for a variety of things, and we say, let's sacrifice those things, and put our children in the ceramic school. For many of us it is still possible.

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And for those of us who can't, what do you do? You homeschool. There is homeschooling, even amongst the Westerners, many of them have taken their children out of school. So we have a whole homeschooling network available on the internet, people teaching their children at all at home in the primary grades, to give them a good moral foundation and Muslims is a Muslim homeschoolers on the net, you can contact them. And they have been working over the years, developing very good programs, etc, for education at home. And then there is establishing more schools.

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Even the schools we have if they were filled, and many of these schools, they have empty spaces, they're not full.

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Even if they were filled, it wouldn't be enough to deal with our population. So we need many more schools. This is the challenge.

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We need

00:57:13 --> 00:57:34

to make the most of our time, our time here. The time that our children are in our care, we will be asked we have to answer about how we spent our time and how we help them spend their time. What have we actually done? What have we sacrificed?

00:57:36 --> 00:57:45

Brothers and sisters, I asked the last one to Allah to give us the tofik to awaken from our sleep

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and to submit ourselves truly to Allah subhanaw taala

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to leave this Masjid today, with our faith renewed,

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coming back to true Islam

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fulfilling our responsibilities not only to ourselves, but to our families.

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To raise a generation that will know Islam,

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as the exception will be those that went astray, not the norm.

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So that Islam can really be established in this land

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and be conveyed to the people of this land.

00:58:38 --> 00:58:39

I ask Allah

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to bless our gathering

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and to guide us to what is good and to forgive us.

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Our deficiencies, our witnesses, our sins of the past, and to help us to turn over a new leaf.

00:59:01 --> 00:59:04

Baraka Luffy comme salaam aleikum, wa rahmatullah

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