Our Story – A Chronological Overview of the Muslim Ummah
Prophetic period
575 CE
– Sassanid’s reconquer Yemen ending Christian Axumite rule
576 CE
– Death of Aminah
591 CE
– Pact of Chivalry
595 CE
– Muhammad (saw) marries Khadijah bint Khuwaylid
605 CE
– Ka’bah rebuilding & arbitration
610 CE
– Heraclius crowned Emperor of Constantinople
– At the age of forty Muhammad (saw) receives the first revelation
The historical context and historical significance of Islam are discussed, including the loss of the father of the nation, the rise of "ar lie" and "ar lie" in the western world, and the return of the Red wedding to the throne and the True Cross to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The transcript also describes the loss of families and reputation, the rise of the "ar lie" and the return of the Red wedding to the throne, and the True Cross to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.