Bashar Shala – The Story Of The Two Sons Of Adam 5a
![Bashar Shala](
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The history and significance of the Bible is discussed, including the importance of acceptance of a deed and avoiding arrogance. The use of "has" in a particular context for reference is also discussed, as it describes a situation or action. The speaker also mentions the use of "has" in a particular context for reference.
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What's never been a healthy
long enough jumping
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Can you be whiny?
message me
hamdulillah salat wa salam O Allah.
Wa shadow Allah Allah Allahu Allahu la sharika what shadow Ana Mohammed Abu hora Sula, Medina Ma and founder on Fatima alanson our sytner element of config geniale Bella alameen Allah whom dr Halina hc medica one shalina medica angelelli Welcome smilla Rahmanir Rahim.
Nana Rahim.
We shall continue on our studies and reflections on the stories of the Quran. And in the last few sessions we have been reflecting on the story of Adam, the creation of Adam alayhis salam, these story of the first sin of lease Lana law and the story of the first human sin of Adam alayhis. Salaam and descending from the falling from heaven to earth, for the human race. And one of the things that I would like to review today and elaborate a little bit on something that inshallah will, we will see that there is a continuum. These lessons that we learned from the first few sessions will repeat themselves. There is a direct relation between the sins of families, the ways
of families, the tactics of families, and the story of the stories of the Koran in general. The first sin of at least we studied that there are several factors that led to this sin to direct disobedience to the orders of Allah subhana wa Taala. But he believes the animal law and we studied how there were four or five factors. The first factor was the pride and arrogance and Cuba and how any kebab any arrogance is walking in the footsteps of beliefs than Allah and Allah subhanho wa Taala directly warned us from that. He said do not follow in the footsteps of these four letters have you could walk shape on do not follow in the footsteps of shaitan the second factor is the
ungratefulness code for Nirvana, the not recognizing the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the third factor was an acid envy. How at least envied Adam for what Allah subhanho wa Taala bestowed upon Adam and he
felt that he is more worthy of that
honor that Allah Subhana Allah gave Adam and he envied Adam and that led to disobedience that led to sin and that led to the the falling of a blease than a whole lot. The fourth, the fourth factor was the lack of submission, direct defiance to Allah Subhana, Dallas orders, whatever the order is, whatever Allah subhanho wa Taala commands us to do, as long as it is coming from Allah subhana wa tada it needs to be done. Whether it made sense to us or not, whether it is something that we like or not, and that is called submission that is called tasleem. And that is the essence of Islam is to follow the commands and obey Allah subhanho wa Taala. And at least did not do that. And the fifth
factor was the stubbornness, being abstinent. Just Allah subhanho wa Taala would
ask sublease, and would direct employees back and obliques would would stay insistent on his disobedience or loss of Hannah what that we will see these themes repeating itself in almost every story that we will reflect upon, because most those who follow in the footsteps of families, they will fall into the disobedience of our last panel with that.
And also, we studied some of the tactics of sublease, some of the things that shape on uses to make us fall into sin. And one of it is the worst was that the persistent whispering in the hearts and minds of believers. And then Tenzin the beautification make things look better, make things look good. Like the three the forbidden tree, we saw how Billy's called it, the three of eternity, the tree of eternal kingdom.
And at least we'll do that because he said, while he's vowing and promising, to mislead all humanity, he said, let him fill out, I will beautify for them on rfl and make things that are forbidden for them beautiful, look good look desirable for them.
And that is one of the most
fierce weapons of oblique stanovaya. And then, to use the the human greed, to use the human desires, to use things that are instantly present into our, into our creation, and use that to magnify it and use it to control human beings with
so the fear of death that human beings have, at least would use that, and the desire to learn to live an eternal life. That's how he used to that's what he used to bring Adam and Hawa alayhi wa sallam to obey Him. And He said, If you eat from this tree, you will shall never die. This is the tree of eternity. So using those human needs, the human desires, things that you want, at least we'll try to put that as a goal for you to drag you into the misguided path that he wants you to be on when he has a villa. And then using scare tactics, using, like we said, our natural fear from poverty, natural fear from death.
Please always would remind you, that you should never spend your money in the way of Allah subhanho wa Taala because you will be poor. Unless a parent Allah said that in the Quran, Daddy comerciais found you have a phobia, that is the shape on his splitting fear in the hearts of those who follow them. Following shaytaan lead to more fear, and more adherence to the, to what it believes offers. And far farther away from the path of Allah subhana wa Tada. And the last tactic that we used, that we learned is, is the tactic of deception of deceiving. And we will see that those things coming back and again and again in these stories. But it's important to understand this initial story, the
initial story of Belize, the initial story of Adam and his seller, because that is a very important story. That is the the initial story of the initial sin, the initial forgiveness, the initial repentance, all of that is really magnified and summarized in the story of Belize. And the story later on Adam alayhis salam
and just a few points before we start on today's reflection inshallah,
that when we studied the
when we reflected on the story of Adam alayhis salaam, we need to understand there are some some really important differences between Islamic beliefs, Islamic creed, and especially that of the people of the book because they do have similar
stories in the scriptures that is in the hands of the Jews and Christians today, but there are really very important differences. And one of the important differences is Quran Allah subhanho wa Taala does not blame Hawa does not blame the female for the sin that was committed. Allah subhanho wa Taala set as a level misshapen, the shade pond deceived them both the shape and made them both fall into that sin. And Allah subhanaw taala said what I saw Adam would have fell over and Adam disobeyed his Lord. So it is not to blame the female for what Allah Subhana Allah has ordained to mankind It is, it is both that they fell into the sin and it is both that they repented to Allah
Subhana Allah, Allah subhana wa Volendam Susannah feminine and when they repented, they said, Oh Allah, we have transgressed against ourselves and the speech figure and the Quran, it's clear that it's doable. It's we're both repenting to Allah subhanho wa Taala.
The other important difference is really the story of struggle, the story of what is life about,
and in many
thinking and many thinking of the People of the Book, it is a struggle between God and evil, between good and evil, good being represented by God, and evil being represented by Satan. And an Islamic believes it's important to understand that that's not how Allah subhanaw taala praises Allah subhanho wa Taala is above all of that Allah believes is a servant of Allah, whether he liked it or not, although he admits to it and without any, without any problem. And in near half Allah on the tongue of at least in the Quran said I fear Allah. This is not about fight between Allah subhana wa ala and the devil. At the fight is between a human being and the devil. Allah Subhana Allah clearly
says, a bit amin hi Jamie and bow become the burden for both of you down from it from heaven, you are enemies to one another. So human beings and the devil obliques and those who follow these are enemies of us. And Allah subhanaw taala said in the shaytaan electrum I do want to do what I do. Shaytan is indeed your enemies, so make an enemy of him. So that is an important point. And Allah Subhana Allah then said they will be guidance that will come to you and those who follow the guidance, then then shall not fear and they will be following the right path. And those who reject the guidance that come from Allah subhanho wa Taala they they are the dwellers and and the Hellfire
is their abode when he has a villa.
The last and third important comment that I had for the last few session we have is that first sin
that a human being committed the sin of Adam alayhis salam and hawala his alayhis salaam, there is no sin that that transferred to all of us and the Christian believe that every human being is born with his with the sin of Adam. We are every human being is born with the burden of that sin that Adam committed and therefore, there is a need for atonement, there is a need to relieve that sin and that atonement was achieved by what they claim as the crucification of Isa alayhis salaam. In Islam, it is clear that Allah subhanho wa Taala does not put the burden of any of one sin on anyone else. Let us it was urutan whistle la hora. There is no sinner shall carry the burden of another sinner.
And Allah subhanho wa Taala yet clearly in the Quran said that he's already repentant on Adam alayhis salam, that that sin was forgiven by Allah Subhana Allah to Allah when Adam repented back to Allah subhanho wa Taala Adam will not be he can imagine poteva lay in the hallway.
And Adam receive words from his Lord and he repented back to his Lord Allah Subhana Allah forgive him Allah and Allah accepted the repentance of Adam and Allah Himself.
So that takes us to the next story. The next reflection and the next story that we inshallah will try to reflect on tonight is one of the most important stories in human history. It is a story where the prediction of the angels
was achieved in America the angels when Allah subhana wa Taala said in the giant fill of the halifa I will put vicegerent on Earth. I will put a halifa on Earth. What did they say at that geography how many you've seen up How is he could Dima Are you going to put lays there the
Who will corrupt on earth and shed the blood. And unfortunately, the story that we will reflect on his story of the first bloodshed, his story of the first murder that happened on the face of the earth, and in the first crime, and the first crime was about bloodshed. And according to most scholars, the first dead human being on the face of the earth was inverted person. And the first mechanism of ending anyone's life was a murder. inshallah, we will study how that happen. And how Allah subhanho wa Taala told us this story and that is the story of the two sons of Adam.
This story is narrated one time in the Quran, this is recited only in one position in the Quran like we would we studied the story of Adam alayhis salaam, we've seen many referrals and at least seven detailed re citations of the story of Adam. But this particular story is narrated only one position in the Koran and that is in Surah Al Qaeda. And that is in verses 27 to verse 31. Sharla will recite those and we will go into details as much as the time permit trying to reflect on these verses and reflect on that story as it is narrated in the book of our last panel with that I was a blessing the shaytani r rajim.
Elena abney and and I'd be happy if kobelco burner. Taco Bell I mean hajima new Taco Bell minella Holland up to the neck, Paula
pin, lane bussaco la de Cali tequila NEMA and a diversity a de la kaliakra. India have Mohamed el amin in order to Ansible if me What if we get a spoon I mean us having a will the leakages volley mean fatawa who knows who could see the Oscar Hamilton ha Siri.
Allah Subhana Allah said,
O Muhammad sallahu wa sallam recite them the story of the two sons of Adam and truth. When each offered the sacrifice, it was accepted from one but not from the other. The ladder said to the former, I will surely kill you. The former said Verily will accept from those only from those who are on the home. If you do stretch your hand against me to kill me, I shall never stretch my hand against you to kill you. For I fear Allah, the Lord of the worlds all that exists. Verily, I intend to let you draw my sin on yourself, as well as yours, then you will be one of the dwellers of the Hellfire well as a villa, and that is the recompense of the wrong doors. So the next, the soul the
self of the other, the latter one encouraged him and made fair seeming to him the murder of his own brother, he murdered him and became one of the losers.
And when you start looking at these verses and analyzing you see the first the very first phrase is a very striking phrase, something that wants a loss of balance and we hear I need your attention. What do I have la he never abney adamsville
and the word is how
Allah subhanaw taala could have said what La La him Nebuchadnezzar Adam is horrible for Bannon precise for them, tell them the story of the two sons of Adam as they, Lhasa pantalla said that
there is a matter of how it's coming here. And it'll help is one of the names of Allah subhana wa Tada. And just to translate it as the truth is really, it's not doesn't convey the entire meaning of the word. This is about really the ultimate truth. It's about justice is about something that Allah subhanho wa Taala wants us to pay close attention to. And unless the panel at the LSE tells his prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recite abundant this tell them this, because that tells you immediately there are lessons there are important lessons to learn from these verses to learn from these stories. So what is the story?
Allah subhanaw taala says it is the story of the two sons of Adam. So here Allah Subhana Allah does not give you the details of who are exactly these two sons of Adam. They're really not no names, no authentic names. Neither neuron neuron is another prophet sallallahu eurosender. Now we know that the famous two names that is recited when you look at many books of Tafseer, and many books of Islam, it is heavy and heavy. And even if you look at the scripture that's in the hands of the people of the book, it's Abel and Cain, but truly, there is no
authentic hadith
that tells you the story by the names, even when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam refers to the story, he will say, Adam was the son of Adam, the first son of Adam. So the name in particular is not truly mentioned in any books of Hadith or in any authentic hadith and it is an Allah who lm could be a billion heavy could be other things of luck. We said the book of Allah Subhana Allah is not about the citation of facts. It is not about history. It's not about dates. It is the book of guidance. Allah Subhana Allah to Allah said, Delhi, Calcutta Valera de houda. Allah Subhana. Allah said there is this is this book, there is no data that its guidance. And what is important of any
story is not the details. It's not who's the son of who and the name of the Son, the Father, the mother, the aunt, it's all about the guidance. It's all about what do you derive out of that story? So there's really no importance to know. And if there is any need to know the names Allah subhanho wa Taala would have mentioned the names. But just to let you know that when we see say the story of our being unhappy, most scholars accepted that most scholars use that, but there's really no evidence, no authentic evidence from the Quran, or the sooner that these are the names of the two sons of Adam.
From the story, it is
derived that they are from the very early generation and most likely, according to that one Headey from the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Oh, well, they are really the direct sons of Adam. We are all children of Anna right? Every human being is a son or a daughter of Adam alayhis salaam. So when you say Eben Adam, son of Adam, it could be any anybody at any time. But this particular story, most scholars accept that these are from the first generation of human beings, the direct Children of Adam and Hawa la mesilla.
But again, you will see in some of the fasciae Some will say they are later on from the people of Israel, from the children of jacobellis, salam, and that is present in the books of the serum there is nothing to contradict this too much. So it is not. Again, it's really not that important, but most scholars accept that this is the first generation of human beings. The story goes as a last panel to Allah narrate.
Allah subhanaw taala said his quarterback O'Bannon for 2 billion in a Heidi Hema while I'm used to a 10 minute, Allah subhanaw taala summarize the story said, when each offered a sacrifice, each one of these two children, each one of these two sons of Adam, they offered an offering they offered a sacrifice to Allah subhana wa Taala. One offering was accepted and the other was not.
So the details of that how it happened. What are these offers? A lot of that is again, is not known with very authentic transmission.
Some scholars and of them have been Jerry robbery and then Katherine Katherine narrates the story, that this was a competition for to marry a woman and the habits of the children of Adam alayhis salaam, that Hawaii would bear twins every time she gives birth. And it's always a male and a female and it was ordained that that is the family and each male cannot marry his twin sister, but they can marry a sister of another twin that was born on a different occasion because all were children of Adam one. And if all these are brothers and they cannot marry each other, then no human beings would exist today. So they had a different criteria. And the story that had been Kathir narrates that they
compete for that one woman and have have been who is the supposedly the younger son and he is the one that ended up being murdered, was rightfully going for the, the the daughter of Adam, that is his holiday. That is his, the way that he should be marrying. And Avi, who's the other brother was going for his own twin sister, which is not allowable for him and Add to add them for Adam to solve the problem. He tells them both to give a sacrifice and whoever the sacrifice is accepted. Then he that person will marry that girl that Daughter of Adam and of course the sacrifice of havebeen was accepted in the sacrifice of Fabien was not accepted. And he got mad at his brother and he killed
him. A lot of professing would not accept
The story, and they will they say there's really no authentic narration for this and it transforms the whole idea. But for our own purposes for reflection purposes,
this story doesn't become as important and you will see that the other story that had been Janina, Parvati narrates. And he clearly and this is he clearly co quote and this is a direct quotation from the book of injury recovery. And by the way, this quotation is also presented in kathiawar, both of injury recovery and living Kathy, they both admit that they got the story from the people before so these stories did not come to us from Islamic sources. So again, that's why it's important to understand where these stories come from, and what to accept and what to accept with that precaution that these great scholars have put in the FFC. And they put in their books. I mean, Jerry tabari
said, and Bobby lllp, Bill kitengela, what I took this from the people have knowledge of the first book, so he doesn't reference this to Islamic sources. And the other story that evangelina narrates that the,
the murder hub, which was named was reported as copied. Willow lm was asked to give an offer and happy who's the victim was also asked to give an offer, and have been brings in who was a shepherd, he brings the best sheep he had in his flock, it brings the best he has to offer the last panel with that. And Bobby, who is the murderer as the story, brain, he was a farmer. And he brings the things that he doesn't need, he doesn't want that has no use for him. And that's what he offers to Allah Subhana Allah, and Allah accepts the sacrifice of heavin and rejects the sacrifice of poppy.
And this particular meaning, the meaning of this of this particular version of the story is really has Islamic authenticity in it, meaning the concept that when you offer whatever charity, whatever you give to a last panel, what Allah has to be the best you have. It has to be something that you desire, your heart desires, and you give up for the sake of Allah subhana wa Tada, it's not something you want to get rid of. And he said, Okay, well, here's my sacrifice to Allah subhana wa Tada.
It is not something that you don't want that say, I'll give that to charity, it's the code that there is just no use for it anymore, and I just can't wear it anymore. And that's what I'm going to give in the way of lots of hammer with that. It is you always give up the things you like you love, you have to feel that you're sacrificing for this way for last panel data analyst said lengthen annual commitment to a boon or metaphysical mission, in fact, no Mojave, by no means shall you attain righteousness unless you give freely of what of that which you love. And whatever you give of the truth, Allah knows it well. And let me just clarify that point a little bit, it doesn't mean
that you
cannot give things that you have no use of, instead of throwing it away, if someone can use it, you should definitely give it to someone who can use it. And if the Muslim needs it, you can definitely you should definitely make use of it for your brothers and sisters in Islam. But that should not be the only thing that you would give up. You have to give in charity to give in the way of Allah Subhana Allah, you have to give up the things that that are dear to you. For example, money, money is dear to people, nobody can say why this $10 are useless, you know, or that you give that an oil for less time to Allah. But yes, if you have something that you don't use anymore, and you know, you
know, you just instead of just throwing it away, of course you should make use of it. A slam doesn't like waste at all. A lot of profits on a lot isn't empty, just not to waste anything. Not to waste water, not to waste energy. There is no waste in Islam, everything recycling as an Islamic concept. I'm not going to go into that too much. But Islam doesn't does not waste
Muslim is is very nature friendly. Muslim is very society friendly. So just to clarify that point. We when we spend in charity when we intend to sacrifice for the world for las panatela we should spend things we like things we love, give things give out and feel that you are sad that you're contributing and Allah Subhana Allah inshallah will accept that charity and Allah subhanho wa Taala said it has to be good money, good offering good charity, and it is not bad. Oh last time I thought I said let the MMO hobby Theremin do not aim that which is that the spend from it. And that just emphasize the point I just said don't just limit or just anything
Go to the things that you don't want that there are bad things in your house bad things in your money, bad things in your wealth. And so that's what I'm going to give in the way of our last panel with that.
Given Having said that, there is again, no, no evidence that that was, what the story was about. And what we do inshallah, in these sessions we will depend heavily and reliably on the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And when you go to the seminar, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and what most of the professor he said, It is simply that they both offered to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that offer was accepted from one and was not accepted from the other. And one might ask why. Why was this offer accepted from this brother and was not accepted from that other brother? It is not arbitrary. Allah Subhana Allah is all just, and it's not about favoring one
over the other. It's not about tricking one and slipping that person into sin. And the answer of why Allah subhana wa Taala accepted from one brother and did not except from the other brother is present in the same verse. At the very end of that verse, what does the brother tell his other brother? He said in the Kabbalah, human and machine, Allah accepts truly accept from Allah.
Meaning my offer was accepted because I had what that quote, and your offer was not accepted because he did not have it. It's as simple as that. Now, what are the details of this story? Again, that doesn't matter. So it didn't matter. What mattered is, is when we offer any vi to Allah subhanho wa Taala. That deed and that offering, whether it's charity, whether it's something we give, whether it's a Bader whether it's Allah, whether it's a car, whether anything we do in the way of Allah subhanho wa Taala has to be accompanied by taqwa what is the taqwa that makes our deed accepted? And our deeds if they do not have that, they will not be accepted? That is the important reflection.
That is the important message of this area. It is not about what are the details of this story why they had this conflict. The what is important to hear is the taqwa the idea of taqwa is any deeds you have. Any offering to Allah that you will offer has to be accompanied by taqwa.
And what is this taqwa? And even now Vitaly was asked about toccoa he said, define taco for us.
And he said a taco bell how fulminant jelly? Well I met with Tenzin while canal to build Colleen, what is their daddy Dr. Melba, he said there are four things about taqwa first fear Allah subhana wa. And Allah subhanaw taala described the leavers that they do what they do. They do the good deeds. He said, you know, after waku magilla they do the good deeds and their hearts are trembling with fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala is when when someone do does a good deed and do something good shouldn't feel like I've had it nailed. I've done this now I'm, you know, I'm the best Muslim there is on the face of the earth. Every righteous person that have Taqwa, when they do that the deed they
have trembling in their heart, we ask Allah to accept our deed. We asked a lot to give us a floss. We asked a lot to give us the sincerity. He always accused yourself of not being truthful, not being sincere. You have always review ourselves when we do any deeds. Not to let the shape on any any door slipped to come into our heart, because how does he come into our heart? What is the first sin of shape on arrogance, kibble. So whenever the worshiper, the righteous person, whenever they do something, they always have to, to make sure when they do it, there is no arrogance in that deed. And any good deed has to be accompanied by the fear of Allah subhana wa Tada. And the worst fear
that we should have when we do something good is to fear that Allah subhanaw taala will not accept that deed for a sin that we have done or something that is not making our offering, pure offering.
So that is part of the alpha male jelly. The second thing will and that will be Tenzin to, to to do to model our deeds after the bulk of our last panel
after the guidance of Allah subhana wa Tada. And the third thing is to be content with what Allah Subhana Allah has given us connection will lead
Then the fourth thing is there that the owner is always thinking about the Day of Judgment, always preparing for the day of departure from this earth.
And Allah Subhana Allah Allah said that the taqwa has to do with total submission to Allah subhana wa that complete submission to Allah. Yeah, Latina Manu lead to a demo by Anya de la hora su de la Ilaha Semyon le, do not to cut the movie, having some argument, having some discussion, having some issues with what Allah Subhana Allah and His Prophet ordains Allah Subhana Allah said do not do that have taco taco has to do the submission also to the orders of Hamas panel.
So the reason why the sacrifice or the offering was rejected is because it was not accompanied by taqwa.
So what happened?
What was the response when that offering was rejected? What did he say to his brother, pile up to the neck? I shall kill you. I will surely kill you. The act to the neck. It's a a form of speech and Arabic When you add the lamb and the beginning and the noon at the end with the deed with this emphasis. I mean, certainly, you know, you're a dead man. What he told his brother.
Now we need to analyze that position.
We need to reflect on that threat that we know we all know the story. I mean, the story is not there is no surprise there. But what we're doing here is we need to reflect we need to understand we need to avoid the pitfalls that led the son of Adam to be the example of murderers and the leader of murderers in human history.
He said I shall kill you.
His brother basically said,
I have done nothing that will deserve that you would kill me who rejected the offer? And did his brother the victim brother? Did he have anything to do with the rejection of the offer has nothing to do is completely innocent. So what are the motivations You know, when you go to analyze a crime, and this is if you go into criminology, this is a premeditated first degree murder.
Because you see that there is a predetermination after the intention was clearly declared by this brother, he said luck to Lenin, I shall truly kill you, I will surely kill you. There is pre determined there is premeditated murder, you know, murders. There's the first degree and second degree murder and involuntary manslaughter. Even in Islam, there are differences between the types of killing there's Ahmed Alam, it basically is a premeditated murder. And there is Chapelle Ahmed, that is doing something that is harmful that may lead to death. But there is no intention of killing. But that action led to death. And there is hope there is you know, something that is just
had no intention and killing the act itself may not lead the kill, usually to death. But it happened. And that is called Hudson hopper.
But this is murder of the worst type. There is no doubt about it in the last panel data which will show us that only four verses Pamela and I know I don't have time to go over them. I know that it's only four verses that Allah subhanaw taala put so much lessons in so much, so much
things to learn from these verses Pamela?
So he said luck to luck. What are the things that cause them to do that?
Now remember what we talked about in the beginning here? We were talking about the footsteps of uglies. The things that lead Chopin to his disobedience to his sin, you will see these things playing each the same theme again and again. And every major this obedience to Allah Subhana with that
first thing that happened, envy
Iblees had envy against Adam, because Allah honored Adam, and he felt that he is worthy that honor, and he wished ill to Adam.
He said Allah hi aeroadmin I'm better than him. How come he is the one that the angels are prostrating and I should prostrate to him. So he had envy against Adam and the same thing, that the murderer in this story had envy against the victim. How would Allah accept your offering and not accept mine?
So he was envious, what is envy? envy is feeling, feeling hatred and bitterness towards another and that other
A person has some bounty, some gift, and has said the one that that is doing that act of envy,
the envious, the person that is envying. The envious person wishes that that gift should be completely gone from that person. So, just an example if someone envies another inshallah there will be no envy among Muslims, we shall always have to recite those verses that that turn away envy in our hearts towards others and from others towards us. So when we go into something that are well, something that is a bounty that Allah subhanaw taala has given us with our children, people health, whatever it is, we say Masha Allah, La quwata illa Allah, Ma sha La La quwata illa Allah, that is taught in Surah Tikka and that inshallah We'll protect what Allah Subhana Allah has given us and
it's an admittance that it is only given to us by our last panel with Allah and it is a gift from the last panel with that and to repel has said, polarity Robin Fela Sharma Hanako Michelle reverse Juanita Lacombe, Charlene photography robot, Kwame Shara has it been either has said was that to say to recite them our that protecting sha Allah against hazard.
But that is hazard and that is a very serious disease.
That is an extremely serious disease don't take that as the evil eye it's a myth. You know, you put this it is very serious illness that afflicts the heart and it turns the heart into an evil heart when he has to be loved. And we always have to be watchful, and I'm not saying watchful of others against us, we have to always the Muslim always accuses himself or herself. First. We have to watch our heart not to be afflicted by that illness. The illness of an hazard is a very serious one. And many books have been written about acid and Allah subhana wa Taala said while at a time when nomads Abdullah la Habibullah come back, the retail industry booming accessible. Well, he said in a booming
Mecca CEP was published in the LA County coalition in an email in Surah Nisa, verse 32, Allah subhanaw taala do not wish to not desire what Allah subhana wa Taala has favored some of you over others. Allah Subhana Allah knows that desire in people's heart.
But Allah said I Allah has given each and every one of us different gifts, different things. And Allah subhanaw taala takes us into accountability according to what he has given us. So Allah subhanaw taala said do not have this desires in your heart for what I have favored some of you over others, they rejected me Mecca Sabu when he sat in Mecca, seven men has a share of what they have been given and what they have acquired. And women have their certain already pre determined by Allah subhanaw taala share for what Allah Subhana Allah has given them. So men should not envy women women should not envy men, men should not envy each other and women should not be envious of each other.
And Allah subhanaw taala said if you want what what you if you desire something was a little more harmful fugly. don't envy the other person don't look at what the other person has. Just ask Allah subhana wa tada Min fogli ask Allah from his bounty from his gifts and Allah shall bestow bounties upon you in the law cannot be conditioned in Alina. And here it's very beautiful ending of this verse and I'm digressing a little bit, but really has said is a very important thing that we should have to think about a lot. And Allah Subhana Allah when he's finishing this verse, you might think Allah would have said in the La hochanda, Karina Alize, all generous, allow him to give you ask
Allah allow and give you right? But Allah didn't say that in that ending of that verse 32 of any sound said Allah is all knowledgeable of all things. Why is that? Allah gives you what he knows is better for you.
Allah knows better than you do, what is better for you, and leave it to the wisdom of Allah subhanho wa Taala to give you what he thinks is the best for you. And this dunya in this temporary world, that he planted you in for a test, because Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
Allah makes some people wealthy. But if they had been poor, they would have been bad for them, they would have gone into ways of harm and so a lot for that he would give them wealth. And that would be better for them and along with make people poor, and that would be better for them. How come? Well, some wealthy people they go and spend their wealth and head on things and they transgress upon others and they have pride and they have arrogance, and they do things that are not allowable. So if Allah subhanaw taala wants good for them. He
deprives them from that well.
So in Allah How can I be condition Allah, Allah gives each and every one according to his wisdom and to his knowledge. Yes ask Allah. But always thank Allah for what he has given you. And and so he Muslim and also have Muslim. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in this beautiful Hadith narrated on the authority of Abu hurayrah.
He said, The Prophet sallallahu Sallam and I wish you know why I wish my heart can always apply that and I wish that for all my brothers and sister, prophets, a lot of them said although element spelled minko, one Zulu alien men who are falcom for our agile and lettuce, tomato, Mahi alikum, the prophet said, always look to the people that they are a little bit lower than you in status, whether it's well, whether it's health, and any bounty, Allah Subhana, Allah gives us different bounties, different things. Sometimes, if you just look at the people that have been deprived from this, I mean, you have two legs to walk on. Right? And how many of us have always get up in the morning and
said, Hamdulillah, I just cannot thank Allah enough for these two legs. When do you always see that it's if you see some double amputee, that's when you really think about that bounty that Allah Subhana what Allah has given us, Allah give us hearing Allah gave his side Allah gave us health, and even the wealth and some people may get a little bit tired, said, You know, I just can't buy this new car, and I'm just not doing too well. But just think about the billions of people that don't have anything to you know, but their feet to under some people that don't even have that we just we just mentioned. So the Prophet said, always look at those who are a little bit less, they're more
deprived than you in any certain well, so you can appreciate the Nana, she can appreciate what Allah Subhana Allah has given him and the examples are really limitless.
But we always have to appreciate every time you feel like things are a little tight. You're either a little more sick, there is some affliction there is some problems. Always think about who doesn't have the things that you have.
And that really just makes you makes all of us appreciate the bounty of Allah subhana wa Tada. I mean the the water. You know, we live in a country and hamdulillah you just open the tap and pure, clear water comes out.
And you you turn the tap one thing it's called and the other It's warm. You have soap you have water, you take showers. I mean, do you know what is the percentage of people on the face of the earth below poverty level.
The majority of people that live on the face of the earth are below poverty. The majority of human beings do not have sources for clean water.
And we should appreciate the bounty of Allah Subhana Allah. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said always think of those who are lower in the venue. Don't look up look at the ox in the palaces said I'm just not doing well at all.
That's the profit teachers is different ways to do that. appreciate our last panel Tyler loves the Shaku. Allah loves those who have gratitude towards him, and they appreciate them. And that's what preserve the NEMA the gift of Allah subhana wa tada Mullah said, Only few of my servants do that what polynomially very, very few of my servants that actually do that and appreciate that man
and the Prophet sallallahu wasallam warned against acid he said in famous Hadith in Al Bukhari and that Hadith takes multiple sessions to just go through but profits a lot to send them is teaching the Muslims manners in this beautiful Hadith. Jaco was one ninja in one XML Hadith letter has sexuality just says who will attend address you will at the house edu. Wonderful. Babu Babu Babu mahana this headings to summarize how to have relationship between Muslim brothers and Sharla the chance may come in and we will go over that but part of that Hadith the Prophet size and and do not be envious of one another. Don't look at what the other person have done. Look at what your brother
has what your sister had. What What does look what Allah Allah has given you. And if you want more as Allah from his bounty, but don't be envious of one another.
And that's just one of the things that the things that led to his disobedience, and let the son of Adam to his murder his sin to the capital sin that he committed against his own brother, when he envied his own brother. Envy brings hatred.
In the heart, towards the person that is being envied. And the murder became easy like we saw
he it was easy for him later on to kill his own brother because of envy, so beware of envy.
The other problem and again, following right into the footsteps of families, is the lack of submission to Allah subhana wa Tada. What they would have been more proper for him to do and to say, it is a law that rejected his offering, right? What would have been more proper it's to review himself to say why. Why was my offer rejected? What was my offer rejected. His brother told him though, he said in the middle of the law hominem attacking Allah accept from the pious people. So his brother was trying to help him the victim brother was trying to help him to find his way back to Allah subhana wa Tada. And instead of him accepting what Allah Subhana Allah and take that as a
warning sign, and work to her to go back to Allah subhanho wa Taala. He just took it with anger towards his brother, he reflected anger towards his brother. And that is just again from the shape on when the shaytaan this obeys Allah subhanho wa Taala. He didn't take responsibility. He didn't review his own actions. And say, he said to Allah fabula, whitening the way you you plug me into deception, I will lead them all into misguidance. And here the same concept. Instead of taking responsibility and reviewing his own action, he projected blame against two against his brother, his brother, his brother did nothing. His brother did nothing that would cause his offering to be
rejected. It was his own leads, that made his offering rejected. But yet he would not accept that responsibility. Again, following in the footsteps of Trayvon Willie as a villain. That's why I repeat myself when I say that first story is extremely important.
The third thing is pride. arrogance. Again, the footsteps of shape are how would a lot accept your offering and not mine? I'll tell you, there is no better person that's gonna walk the face of the earth who's better than me. So if I kill you, I'll become the better person that is living there.
He has arrogance.
He was he was tyrant.
Kala aktuellen his transgressing against his own brother. And he started comparing like, please like shape and started comparing and Hiraman. And that what why me not him, Why him not me. start comparing these two position and not leaving that up to Allah subhanho wa Taala. What Allah bestowed upon one person, one servant, it's only a last panel with Alice issues. And it's only the wisdom of Allah subhana wa Tada.
So what was the response of the victim?
And we will see the response of this pious brother, the first thing he did, is he told his brother the way back, he's telling his brother, you want your offering to be accepted. It doesn't
have Taqwa in America.
So, because when we go through these responses of the brother, the victim, brother, he can start from the end, because it went through stages. This was a premeditated murder that took a lot of back and forth discussion. And this this position taken by both brothers so you have to take one take it with strides one at a time. The first response is the victim brother victimized for a brother, he told his brother You know what? It tequila, he gave him advice.
And the prophets Allah to send them in Hades that we will show us a little bit more later. He recommends for people to be like the victim. I said, Be like this person. If you have the Choose what role you're going to play in life. Take this role, although he was a victim and prophets a lot. He said do what he did.
And the first thing he did is he gave mostly he gave advice to his brother and his brother is was not worthy of his advice did not take his advice, but the one the victim is worthy of giving advice. So lasallian Selim said a dino naziha. Religion is all about naziha is about advice. And they said to Rasul Allah, Allah Allah Allah He will surely well they are Hassan, Amina and Matthew, He said for Allah for his prophet and for the the leaders of the believers and for the general belief
Do you give advice to everyone? We give advice meaning advice to a lot of parents and and that's again, a hadith that needs more explanation is by following the advice of Allah Subhana with Allah and following the advice of his prophet, and then taking that and spread it among people and advice, the leadership and advice to your family and Nadine is all about tawassul bill happy, whatever sober, sober, recommend to each other, remind each other with help and remind each other was sober.
And here's what this brother is doing first is given advice back to his brother, he said, half the Aqua, tequila.
Remind reminders. That's the first reaction of that good brother. And then he said something that is extremely beautiful and important. And there's a lot of debate generated and a lot of discussion generated from this particular phrase in Islamic history. He said lamba sobre, la Caleta toolani ma de bas de la actually any more horrible I mean, if you do stretch your head against me to kill me, I shall never stretch my hand against you to kill you for I fear Allah. So here is he is adhering he said, you want to swerve from the right path of Allah. I'm staying on the path of Allah. If you do wrong, whatever it takes, even if it if it cost me my life, I'm gonna stick to Allah subhanho wa
Taala wants me to do.
He said you even if you kill me, I will not kill you.
At the next session, inshallah, we'll go a bit more detail about what that exactly means. It's not against self defense, past special circumstances, and has a special meaning for this particular verse. After remember, it's the brother against brother.
the last thing he said, he gave him the clear warning,
the last restart so you see it went through phrases, and if you read it from the end, you might think he's really trying to get his brother to help. He's not he said in the arena and Sabu as if me What if Mika Fattah Konami is happy now for the leakages.
He's given him the very final and last warning, but that before that he gave him a reminder. And he told him the enormity of the killing. He said, because this sin is so ugly, and this crime is so enormous that even if you are coming to do it against me, I will not engage in that crime against you. And then the last thing is he reminded him in a final way, when it is time to commit that crime. He said that you if you do that you will be of the dwellers of the hellfire. Verily, I intend to let you draw my sin onto yourself the sin of murder, as well as yours as the sin that led you to be rejected from Allah. They asked, he said, If you kill me, not only you will have the sins, that
length you're offering to be rejected. Whatever you have done before that let the rejection of your offer you will add the sin of killing me. You will add an enormity to that and then you will end up in the Hellfire where daddy can resell volume.
So he had three stages of response.
And of that,
the adherence to the to the last panel Dallas command is the most important message here. When he told his brother, he said let in bussaco
let him basato la de la to La Nina and the best thing you can you stretch your head onto me to kill me I will not do that against you. I indeed fear Allah subhanho wa Taala
he will adhere to what Allah subhanaw taala recommended no matter what. And he said this killing this murder is so enormous that I will not accept it against myself I will not accept myself to do it. Even if it means that I'm killed. And the the interpreters of the Quran and interpreters of the vs of Allah subhana wa Tada. They have two different opinions about that. The first opinion they said that killing any killing for whatever reason. Whatever reason there is was haram completely forbidden even in self defense, because of that early communities the preservation what Allah subhanaw taala ordained as the Sharia as a law as whatever is is recommended for that first family
of human beings is no killing is absolutely allowed no matter what. And this was the first murder ever. So according to some scholars, that even self defense was not allowed any type of killing Allah subhanaw taala did not meant for people to kill each other for human beings to
Red blood.
And any killing was hot. And then later on, it was allowed self defense was allowed. And they drove some examples like the Muslims in Mecca were not allowed to carry weapons, they were not allowed to fight, they will not allow, although they were being attacked, some of them were being killed, many of them will be nurtured. But not they were not allowed to carry weapons, they were not allowed to take arms. And Allah subhanaw taala has his own wisdom for that.
The second opinion and
seems like we have to leave the second opinion Till next time, because we're a little bit out of time. But inshallah we will go back to this particular subject, and it's a very important subject. We're talking about the most heinous crime that any human being can commit against human being. And the unfortunate and the sad thing is that this heinous crime that Allah subhanho wa Taala recites the story for us, particularly, so we can be aware of the enormity and the seriousness of it is being committed in a very unrestrained way. And it's so common, but we remember the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that some of the signs of the Day of Judgment is they will be
too much killing, that even the victim doesn't know why he was or she was killed, and the murderer doesn't know why he is killing. And we see subpanel last summer that we see so much killing, that sometimes our senses is becoming desensitized to that. And inshallah we will stop here. And the next session, we will restart again, with the meaning of murder and the enormity of this capital sin that a loss of Hannah what the other one human being against, who probably has our stuff for loyalty many welcome, fair, wholesome sufferings panoramico billions if emlc phone for salmonella mousseline Al hamdu, lillahi, rabbil, aalameen,
we have some time for questions and comments from 15 minutes.
Rather muscle.
Right? The question is, what was the sign that this particular sacrifice was accepted, and that other sacrifice was not accepted, according to most, most scholars, that and it is in the Quran, actually, from the people of Israel, that the people before us, when they would offer to a loss of habitat and they put their offer on an altar, and a fire with come and eat the the offering that is accepted by Allah Subhana with Allah, and the things that are not accepted by Allah subhanho wa Taala will not be consumed by that fire. And what happened is fire consumed the sacrifice of the victim brother, and did not consume the sacrifice of the murderer, brother. So according to most
scholars, that's what what happened. It was a clear sign that this is accepted and that's not accepted.
And the one of the things that the People of the Book challenge the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they said, if you're truly prophet bring the sacrifice that would be eating consumed by fire, and it's in the Quran. He said, The Covenant aku neuron, show us something that the fire will consume. And the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. Allah subhanaw taala respond to them. That's that's over a different different time.
and then.
Right, very important messages, like a lot brothers and man, I can't repeat everything you said. But basically, it doesn't matter. He said he attending attended a program that was basically Catholic Protestants and Jews. And they were trying to reflect on that particular story as it's narrated in the Gospel, and in Torah, and they were spending hours trying to extrapolate meanings, and they couldn't really get come up with anything that is significant. After a long discussion, and there were scholars and those * and religion. And it's upon Allah, you see, when you look at the Quran, although the Bible for example, will will tell you the names, like I said, and the names are not
here. There is no more details in there, then there is it actually the Quran is so filled with wisdom and guidance, and you can see every word you can analyze, and, you know, I'm really just not any knowledge whatsoever. And I'm sure many most scholars would come up with hours upon hours upon books of the wisdom and the lessons that could be extrapolated and extracted from these verses. The other thing is we have to really not only take those and and reflect on them as a story. We have
To reflect as like I said the Prophet solo audio send them said behave like the son of Adam, behave like that victim. So how many of us respond that way understand that way and go over what what the you know what the the victim said that to give advice not to react by for threats he said you'll kill me I'll kill you and kill your father another new job, you know just this is not and this is what how human beings are working today today, you attack me with a bullet I'll throw a nuclear bomb over your house, you know, people and Muslims among amongst each other. I mean, I'm not we're not talking about only Muslims, non Muslims international conflicts, humanity has lost track
of what Allah subhana wa Taala wants us to go. And we have there is no other way but to reflect back on the book, the only book of guidance that Allah subhanaw taala sentiment.
paraphrase it all well, but c'est la jolla.
Well, it depends on what the question may repeat the question is, you know, and this will come again and again in many of these stories, because there will be some details that are not in the Quran. But some people will will say no, but I know this is what happened to the woman of Lucci turned into, for example, a salt column, whatever. But and the name of these people are very well known, it's copied and heavy, but they're so brother john is saying, usually the things that are not in the Quran that are not understood, and they're really not necessary, they're not necessary for the understanding of the story. They're not necessary to take the lessons and I brought from the
stories. So what is the opinion of the scholars about complementing these stories, you know, adding the names and adding some events that were not narrated in the Quran, from the suraiya from the books and the Gospels and the people before us? And there is again, difference of opinion on that.
I think Kathy, yes.
Okay, well, I will do that next. Yeah, I think Casio in the beginning of the day. And the high end, in the beginning of in his introduction is pre phase two
of social media. And I forget exactly where he put it. But there is one study, that he said, when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, had the thorn Benny swallow and
bring on the stories of the people of Israel, I have no problem with that. And he said, then you take, you have to go into the authenticity of these stories from the bar, and I've been asked use them. And many of the Sahaba learned those from their contact of the with the people of Israel in Medina and some of the Jews that became Muslims, like Karbala, bar and another and they were just scholarly do Jewish rabbis that turn into Islam, they brought some of the details into the Muslim
tradition. And that's how we find its way to have injury and even Kathir. This is the source of these things. Now you have other you have modern facilities and other facilities that say, for example, if you read a few lalala Koran
say, Rahim, Allah will not he will say, we don't know the time we don't know the name. And we'll just go think about the the extrapolate the wisdom out of it, and you There is no need to use any of that. So there is there is conflict there is and there is only reason I mentioned the stories is because it is narrated by big scholars in our tradition, like I've been married for berean in kathira domestically, and you cannot ignore that and but you have like they did to tell the source, and like they did and then I took liberty to say that what that particular story is not going to add to what I'm going to reflect upon
my reflections. What Allah subhanaw taala opened for me has nothing to do with those stories. I mean, whether the the conflict was over a woman over a sheep or over a field doesn't matter. It has to do clearly like Allah said with taqwa. He didn't have the koala did not accept for me Whatever it is, whether it's defying the traditional homeless parents Allah gave to the children of Adam to the first generation or it is offering things that are not befitting to be offered to Allah subhanaw taala. its lack of taqwa. Whatever it is, it's like a stopwatch. So in my opinion, it's better to speak about that, but Allahu Allah. Does that answer. Yes, yes, comment.
It's very important common just for the people online shuffling this road with his argument here in the minister.
He said that the taken from the people of Israel was not without any guidelines, these great scholars like when we say even our best and others when they took from the people of Israel, there were certain conditions, one of it was most important one, there is no contradiction with Hadith, the sooner or any contradiction with the Quran, the Book of Allah subhana wa Taala. So when you hear, there is a conflict between the story that is written in the Bible and the Torah, and what is recited in the Quran, there is no doubt we cannot take from that we cannot take from the people of Israel. The other thing there is certain information that does not contradict, and we will not
reject it, nor we would take it as part of our Islamic tradition, we will just stay silent. And he said part of that just like the names of Calvin and Hobbes, that came to us from the people of the book, Abel and Cain, we we don't reject that we don't know if it's wrong. We don't know if it's true. We just take it as it is just a summary of what he said what was the question online?
Right. The question is about self defense and whether a majority of the scholars say self defense is okay, self defense to protect your life to protect you well, to protect your honor, is by my not the majority of this color unanimously by all this color is allowable and Islam to protect the protection of your of your family, the protection of your wealth and the protection of your life. But we will talk about that a little bit in more detail next session what is what when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recommends in certain situation to not even take up arms even if a war is going around you and you feel like if you take up arms, you might be protecting your family. It's
specific and the types of fitna, when there is a fitna among Muslims, when there is a Muslim killing another Muslim, to rot, really not to incinerate not to add to this fitna, then the Prophet sallallahu wasallam in one Hadith decided whenever you will pass, he said, just lock your house and stay in there and said, What if they come to me and they get into my house to kill me, he said, Be like the son of Adam, the victim. So the past I said and said in certain situation, when it becomes Muslims are slaughtering other Muslims, it's just better not to do anything. Although most scholars, you know, would say self defense in some of these situations as well, is allowable but not to fight
is better. But to fight to protect your house to protect your family, protect your honor, to protect your life, there is no doubt that that is allowable below Allah.
Yeah, the checker, like I said, The example is not even a fan and the scholars, actually, when you read it, that seer of these verses, they said, the first first person in Islam, that took up the position was a man of an asset of an offensive, no killing for my life. If I am to be killed, I am to be killed, and they can come to my house and they can kill me. But there will be no arms to defend my life. So he will not let the Sahaba kill those who are surrounding or fight those who are surrounding his house. Don't think that you know, Ali and Hassan and Hussein are the ones who there were there were all the greatest fighters in Islamic history. Yet they could not they didn't do
anything because earthman insisted that that is the position he will take there will be no bloodshed for his life. If it's because it's a fitna because those are standing outside are Muslims and the inside are Muslims, and they will find each other Muslims will be killing Muslims. So he said whatever happens at the end, there will be no bloodshed and his life was sacrificed and he was according to most scholars, the Islamic the Islamic example of this particular position, I guess we have to conclude inshallah, because it's solidly shared, there's a common law here for your attention, shoreline shala. We will continue next weekend.