Naima B. Robert

Episodes: 320

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Biography Naima B. Robert

Naima B. Robert
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Na’ima B. Robert is a distinguished author, speaker, and advocate known for her contributions to literature and the arts, especially within the Muslim community. Born in Leeds, England, to a Jamaican father and a British mother, she has lived in various countries, including Zimbabwe, Egypt, and South Africa, which have all influenced her multicultural perspective.

Robert holds a degree in Arabic and Middle Eastern Studies from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. She converted to Islam in her early twenties, which profoundly influenced her personal and professional life.

As an author, Na’ima B. Robert has written several acclaimed books for both adults and children. Her works often explore themes of identity, faith, and culture, and include titles such as “From My Sisters’ Lips,” “Boy vs. Girl,” and “Far from Home.” Her children’s books, such as “The Swirling Hijaab” and “Ramadan Moon,” aim to provide positive and relatable stories for young Muslim readers.

In addition to her writing, Robert is a dynamic speaker and advocate for Muslim women’s voices in literature and the arts. She has delivered talks and workshops around the world, inspiring audiences with her insights on faith, creativity, and empowerment.

Na’ima B. Robert is also the founding editor of “SISTERS,” a magazine that caters to Muslim women, offering a platform for their stories and experiences. Her work in media and publishing has been instrumental in highlighting the diverse narratives of Muslim women globally.

Her dedication to her craft and her community has earned her numerous accolades and a reputation as a leading voice in contemporary Muslim literature and advocacy.

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