Morad Awad

Episodes: 110

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Biography Morad Awad

Morad Awad
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Morad Awad is a multifaceted Islamic scholar who serves as the Youth Director at the East Plano Islamic Center (EPIC). Born and raised in New Jersey within a Palestinian family, he is proficient in both Arabic and English. Morad began his engagement in Islamic outreach during his time at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), where he graduated with a B.S. in Civil Engineering. His active involvement at university included leading and initiating various youth programs across different mosques, aiming to unite and inspire Muslim youth.

Morad Awad’s journey in seeking Islamic knowledge took him to Riyadh and Madinah, where he studied a variety of Islamic sciences with scholars, receiving Ijazas in Quran, Books of Hadith, and Fiqh. His role at EPIC encompasses not just leading the youth but also being actively involved in the broader community activities and services provided by the center.

Apart from his educational and leadership roles, Morad enjoys martial arts, traveling, and cooking, particularly making a traditional Palestinian sweet dish called KUNAFA​.

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