RIC brings to you an 8 week in-depth intensive Tafsir, Linguistic analysis and lessons learnt from Surah Fatiha with Ustadh Asim Khan
Asim Khan – Tafsir Surah Fatiha – Part 2
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The speakers discuss the meaning behind the title "Ok, You're Right" in Arabic, including its intended meaning and linked to other verses. They also discuss the importance of praising and setting boundaries in one's life, as well as the history of the church's religious practices and its importance in pursuing spiritual help. The speakers also touch on the concept of "has been spoken of" in various Surah language, including the use of "has" to describe situations and the importance of praise in English for the sake of others. They end with advice on achieving success in life and protecting oneself from shay bills and the influence of others on one's behavior.
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middle path radio, your number one online Islamic talk station.
And hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen salatu salam ala COVID mursaleen Nabina Muhammad in early he was a he was married to mama God, Somali, Kumasi, Lonnie barakato. Their brothers and sisters, and welcome to the second episode of the seed of sort of Russia.
Last week, what do we learn last week last week we learned that sort of Fatiha is what we can call a panorama of the whole Quran. You know what that means? It means that sort of gives you a view of the entire put on. And he also said a sort of 31 is like a summary of the message of the whole Quran as well. And this lesson, inshallah, we will try to cover two verses, or sort of the first verse Bismillah Rahim, as well as the second verse, I don't think we'll complete the second verse. What is a verse? The transcript what was the word for verse in Arabic?
I, yeah.
The translation of verse from Isaiah is actually not an accurate translation. Anyone know what the actual translation should be?
At the back,
sign, very good sign. And that tells us that an ayah is more than a verse. It's a sign. And what that means is that each and every eye of the Quran has its own message, which is pointing towards some greater meaning. Okay. And what is amazing is that though each and every single ayah has its own meaning and coherent message, it is at the same time, linked with the verses around it. And this is what they call into Manasa. Yeah, as a link between the verse that came before, and the verse that came after. So not only does it have its own intended message, but the message is linked beautifully and in harmony with the verses that can come on either side as well. So the first verse
is Bismillah R Rahman Rahim. But before we get into the first verse, there's one very special
status that sort of out there has over all the others who are and that is that when someone reads sort of Fatiha, he begins a conversation with a loss of one or the other. And that cannot be said about any other verse. So, the professor has also told us about,
sort of add to her, and he said in a hadith in Bukhari Muslim, reported by Abu huraira, the long run that Allah subhanho wa Taala says the following that whoever says Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah horrible al amin Hamad any Abdi that my slave has praised me and whoever says R Rahman r Rahim athanor Aliya Abdi, then my slave has glorified me.
And when he says Maliki Ahmed, Dean, Majid, any of the he has magnified me.
And then when he says he cannot do what kind of standing until the end, Allah says, and this is my slave asking me and for him will be whatever he asked for.
And you really have to appreciate that if you just let your thoughts run with that. Imagine how many people can pray in the huddle in Makkah at one time. Anyone know how many people can fit inside the huddle moussaka
is close to a million they saved 900,000 900,000 900,000 people reading Photoshop, in one go. And every single person who says that hamdulillah Allah responds to every single person is actually unimaginable to to comprehend that taking place.
That is the first thing. The second thing is that we said sort of 30 hair is not just the first word of the Quran is an introduction to the Quran is an intended placement it was placed at the beginning. So the one who receives the most have and once you read it from cover to cover, the first thing Allah wants him to read is sort of Fatiha. And now we're being taught that the one who does read it in the Salah, then Allah
speaks back to that slave and that sends a message. The message is Allah once his slave to speak to him.
And what could be a greater encouragement
Then for Allah to speak back to that slave. Unbelievable, isn't it? A law wants us to talk to him and the first surah he gave us. He then told us that if you read that in your Salah, I will speak back to you.
And then in this hadith we learned something else that Allah subhanaw taala I forgot the beginning of the Hadees which is that a lot of fantasies for some two salata baby ouabain Abdi, I have divided the prayer into two between my slave and myself, and then the rest of the Hadith. So last fall divided sort of 30 into two parts. The first part is about a lot. And the second part is about
the sleeve, right, it's about the sleeve. So in the first part, almost pants on I said that when he says hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen then he has praised me when he says, Rahim, he has glorified me when he says Maliki, Maliki or Medina he has magnified me then the slave asks, If you know serratos 13 Yeah, he cannot really be able to send a stream.
And that second part is to do with the slave which part came first the part of praising God for the part of asking from God
praising so what does that teach us?
before you ask you praise first.
And that is true. Before you ask a loss of Canada first you praise Allah. And even that is a sign of respect, right? I mean, some of you youngsters when you want to ask your dad for something, some money or go somewhere, you can come to them say Dad, you know, need this money. Maybe that is in a continuity say Okay, no problem. But sometimes, you know, you're gonna have something big.
So you need to lay down the foundation first. That you know, I don't think anyone has a dad like you the best that anyone could have the things you do for me incredible. And as always, Mashallah
tenderise anyhow, boy.
And then always one thing that, you know, I just need some, some money and just a little bit of money, no, pramoedya 100 pounds, 200 pounds.
So this is respect. And on a human level, we can appreciate how respect how praising and that show respect, you know, is a good thing.
How much more so when you're asking? Allah Subhana Allah, and what you're asking for is the greatest thing you could ever have in your life and that is guidance.
Nothing, nothing more valuable than guidances.
So you're asking Allah subhanaw taala. And before you ask you praise Allah, that teaches us when you're making the art to allow whatever you want from Allah. First start by praising Allah
in whatever language comes easiest to praise Allah, thank him for everything he has done for you. And then ask the last panel what what whatever you want. Okay. So, this is the special virtue of Surah Fatiha, that you begin an intimate conversation with Allah subhanaw taala when you decide to get in your Salah,
the next thing,
the numbering of Surah Fatiha.
How many verses in sort of 37 this is agreed upon by all the scholars of Islam. However, they differ as to what is the first verse? Is it Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen Have you heard of this before?
So someone's gonna said the first verse is Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Other scholars said no, it is Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. And then sirata levena and Anjali him is verse number six.
Right in the middle, Darlene is verse number seven and some of the must haves
that have different recitals. You will see the verse placement is different. Okay because of this.
But regardless, the scholars of Islam agreed that sort of Fatiha has seven verses
and also that whatever is between the pages of the report on the covers of the Quran is the word of Allah subhanaw taala so this difference is very minor. They also agreed that Bismillah R Rahman Rahim is part of what sort of
anyone know what is which sort of it is part of
sort of number? Yeah, you're gonna say Solomon, Mashallah surah number one verse four, a very delicious chocolate well verse No Do you know the source Do you know the verse?
No, hello so I've got to give it to you gotta get
in now, who means? Sulaiman in the who
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim verse number 30 in Surah number. Interesting now Shu Rahim Allah said that this verse in which Allah says indeed it is from Solomon, and indeed it reads, ie the letter of Solomon from the beginning. Bismillah R Rahman Rahim that the Sunnah of beginning something with the best Miller with a short way of saying Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim is coming from soleimani listener or some said Ibrahim al Islam, then this one I was lost of beginning something good with the best winner. And then it was revived once again when Allah subhanaw taala send the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with this put on.
So the best of Allah.
If we say this is verse number one, then of course we have to explain it. Yeah, we have to explain it. So for those that says would have had to have the first verses Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, we have to understand what the customer means. First of all, I keep saying Bismillah. And that is what they call an Arabic night where they take a well known phrase that is often said, and they shorten it down into a particular pattern. Okay, so Bismillah R Rahman Rahim, the short way of saying that is
Bismillah anyone know the short way of saying La hawla wala quwata illa Allah
help gonna help Allah, even when you hear it is you can kind of see the connection between the statement and the term that they are using. So they shorten it down to the best manner. That is what it means. Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim.
As for the meaning as for the meaning how do we use the translator we translated as In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the most compassionate, there's many translations for a manual regime. But technically this statements that Pamela has so much meaning, first of all, we know that it is the sooner to begin something good with the Bessemer whatever you begin with you begin with Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, if it is something good.
The second thing is that
what does it actually mean?
You say this to me?
In the name of Allah. Okay. And there's something implied here. What is implied is that you are saying, if you're reading the Quran, I am reading up through, I'm about to read in the name of Allah. Okay, if you are doing something else, like you're beginning to eat, do you say Bismillah, it would mean I am beginning to eat In the name of Allah. Or if you're beginning to pray, or something else giving a setup or giving Dawa, you would say, something implied which is about to do this, I'm about to do this.
In the Name of Allah, the bar in dismay, can be translated in two ways. Either can be trying to translate it as in the name of, or with the name of, there's a difference between the two. As for in the name of, then they say that the bar here is bow is the honor of seeking help. What is it, seeking? Help, okay, seeking help. So that's why you say, in the name, In the name of Allah, meaning, with his help in seeking his help,
is seeking so as for when the name of Allah it is the bar, they said is masaba of companionship. And what that means is you are seeking a closeness with Allah through his name. So you say With the name of Allah, as if you're saying, Allah, I want to be close to you. And I'm citing your name in order to be close to you. And if you reflect over that, that's quite amazing.
Because the first letter of the Quran is what
bar and bar can have these two meanings here. And so the first letter of the Quran is defining our relationship with Allah Subhana Allah,
that Allah, we need you and we want to be with you.
That's the first message that we are being given in the Quran. You are a slave of Allah is the owner you need a lot of help. You need a lot of help. I
think my laptop needs some help runners. Oh,
you need a lot of help. And you need to be close to Allah subhanaw taala Yeah, this is defining your relationship with the last path Allah and then you choose one name of Allah. You choose one name of God, which name do you choose? A lot? Yeah. As opposed to any other name of allah soprano.
So you think In the name of Allah or With the name of Allah
and then you chosen the name of Allah.
Law, this word a lot. What do the Christians say when they stopped doing some of these sermons? Or their religious practices or rituals, what they begin with?
In the name of God?
In the name of Christ, yeah.
There's a longer version as
the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Yeah, when I go to Villa
Villa, this is the way they begin. This is their tradition.
And, as the McSherry said, the tradition of the ancient Arabs was Bismillah, while bismi, Allah reserved in the name of Latin erza, they infamous idols, named Ashura. hemella mentioned a point he took from Mohammed Abdullah, okay, the progressive thinker, but he said, this is a very good point, he said, Look, the Christians see what they see. And the Asian Arabs you should say what they say a lot then sends down the Bismillah.
And the bus mala refutes the idea of Trinity, and the idea of ship. How because Allah said, say, in the name of With the name of Allah, and Allah encapsulates the meaning of all of his names.
But the fact that it can't encapsulate all of his names, is giving a message that though God has many names, they all belong to the one a lot. And in that there's a refutation of the Trinity and shear and everything else. So you're saying in the name of God, no, the God, Allah, To Him belongs all of those beautiful names and attributes. Yeah, so Ignacio said this is this is a good point that he made. So in the name of Allah, or With the name of Allah, Allah, we mentioned now it contains, okay, the name it contains all of our last names. Yeah. So how would you translate that now? In the name, or with the name?
Or with or in every name of Allah? Islam? Because Allah refers to every single name of a Lost Planet Allah. So in a with every name of Allah, and what is implied in the beginning, I start reciting. So the full translation is now
I begin to recite in or with every single name of allah soprano.
See how much meaning there is there? One other thing before I'm gonna start a little activity and the activity is, what is the benefit in starting something good by saying Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Like what? spiritual benefit? What practical benefit does it have? And I'm going to ask you to turn to the person next to you discuss this but before I do,
the word Allah, the name Allah. It has its own root meaning to
an Ibis, about the amount that Anima has Cotabato, but he said that the name Allah implies
who will lead the Yella who couldn't shake? Well, yeah, Buddha who couldn't? He is the one that everything worships. And he is the one who every creation is enslaved to
what does it mean? The one who everything worships and the one who all creation is enslaved to
this is the meaning of Allah, the meaning of the word Allah and it also has a third meaning, which is the one who people turn to, in desperation.
The one who people turn to in desperation, you see how rich The world is. I mean, that gives somewhat spiritually but that doesn't mean that we're worshipping Allah. Allah is the one everyone when they are, when they are feeling down. When they are desperate. They turned to him
and everyone who should be worshipping Allah, him alone, the one who we should be enslaving ourselves to. Yeah, so now you get the the broad meaning of Bismillah. So the full translation is I begin to read in or with every single name of Allah subhanho wa Taala, the one who everything worships who everything is a slave to the one who people turn to in desperation
now, of two minutes, only to turn to the person next to you and to do this activity, have it here.
Okay, so I've given you some of the translation there again.
Why do we say that? What are the wisdoms and potential benefits behind
Sing it. Does this question makes sense? Yeah. Okay, after you have two minutes I will select people at random to ask what your thoughts are. Your time starts now. Please turn to the person next to those that are running. I'll come to them first. Yes. Okay, these two brothers over here. Right let's listen to our brothers. Yes
Okay, you say when you start you did yeah.
You'll have ease okay? So you're asking Allah for ease. Okay, very good. That makes sense because you know, the bar in Bismillah is to ask for help right? So if Allah helps you then the matter will become easy. Mashallah, but you already go on and I think you have to give it to a brother next.
inshallah Okay,
you guys
Oh, Shama. Did you get that yourself?
Please pass it on to them. Mashallah, Mashallah tick, tick, tick, tick, tick.
The brother said that say louder to say louder.
Oh, you say Bismillah before action, it shows that you're doing it for the sake of Allah Subhana Allah, this is one benefit. It helps a person to try and evaluate why they are doing what they are doing. Yeah, by saying Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. It helps you to get a loss in your heart. Okay, who else at the back that?
Okay, I'm trying through it. Yeah.
Sorry, daddy.
A lot.
Okay, so the brother said that it helps you get into the right mood, before you're going to do what you're about to do. And you know, once upon law, this is this is what came into my mind as well, when I was reflecting over this. It helps a person get into the right frame of mind.
And getting into the right frame of mind is sometimes so important, isn't it? I mean, if we reflect about our workplaces, for example, now people don't have personal issues. Nor do they tell the people who have personal issues don't bring your personal issues to work? Yeah, keep it outside of work. Why because it spoils you in the working environment, your productivity, etc, etc. What they mean is when you come to work come to work in the right frame of mind. Yeah, and sometimes a person needs to have a procedure to get into the right frame of mind. Right And so part of you reflect over the Salah what is the procedure you have to go through before you to pray? Make will do yeah, and
will do has as part of the benefit to him right and one of the benefits is that it helps you get ready for the Salah. That's why they said about Mr. Modi allow that and when he will make will do is his face would change color, meaning he's now becoming
filled with all I'm about to go and stand before law making will do now. Do you see
this can be said about maniacs in the shittier? Okay, so when you say the best manner, it helps you get into the right frame of mind. I'm about to set foot on. Now let me clear my mind of all other worries that have in my head right now. Let me focus. And you know what brothers,
I'll give you just a small piece of advice. From my own experience.
Sometimes, if you get yourself into the right frame of mind, you can achieve a lot in a small amount of time. Yeah, in studies, for example, you want to study and you can spend one hour studying something or you can spend half that time.
One of the reasons why you'd be able to do the same in half the amount of time is because number one, you're doing it for the right reasons, the law sees that you are doing it for his sake, he makes it easy for you. But also part of it is being in the right frame of mind meaning you are focused. I'm just going to do this for half an hour. And I'm going to focus on this and this can be as such a big benefit even in for example relationships. You and your wife for example. You don't spend much time with your wife, wife is complaining. Okay, spend more time with you. They but when you do spend time
is her and WhatsApp. Yeah, her and telegram right her an Instagram. And she's like even though you hate with me, you know he was me. I
don't know if you're giving us up with you. So
If you were so caught up, I think about the process of setup.
In one time, the horse didn't have nine wives.
Nine wives. Yeah. And so Paula, they all loved him. And they all wanted he wanted more of his time than any of our wives want about. Right? But how the person manage manage to be with have nine wives.
One of the ways is that when he would spend time with them, he would spend quality time. And that meant that his attention was fully this. So even though it was a small amount of time, you would visit all of his wires between us and Madrid.
How many minutes would he do with one life? I mean,
half an hour, maximum, half an hour, but that half an hour, even though so pauwela is the the messenger of mankind.
He's a General of the Army. He's the head of state.
When he spends the half an hour with his wife, that's the only thing he's concerned about. And then they would say when the alarm goes off, it's like he doesn't even notice. So power loss. Yeah, doesn't even notice. So Mr. Narayan Rahim. Does my personal reflection helps you get in the right frame of mind. Anything else from this side? And you know the answers.
different answers.
You having a group discussion as you're
redefining peer activity?
Fine tension. Yep.
Okay, very good. Anything else? Yes.
Very good sense.
Very good.
Michelle, lots of watercolor. The brother said that with the best man Stein with the Best Spinner. It helps you realize that you know what, everything I do in my life, even down to my worldly actions
can be done for the sake of Allah. And if I do it for the sake of Allah, I will get reward. And so I can make my entire life an ocean of reward.
But I need to remind myself, because that's something very difficult to do.
But if I say Bismillah before I do what I do, it will help push me
to have that intention. Very good. last person that is at the back.
We've got a limit on chocolates, brother.
Yes, uncle? Yes.
Ah, Masha, lots of article. Ah, very good. I'm not gonna throw just in case that is one good throw is
it could also help protect a person from shape on. Yeah, from shape on.
You know, someone came up to me.
Two years ago.
They've started reading the Quran with translation they just started. And
they started the sort of Mohammed. Okay, let's go to Mohammed. I don't know if anyone has read the translate some sort of Mohammed. You know, another translation was sort of another name for that. Surah.
Surah. Al Qaeda? Yeah. The surah of fighting. Yeah, so the person they read the surah. And they said, you know, very harsh,
very harsh messages. So I thought Mohammed, everything is gonna be rosy and they realize any the sutra is about jihad
is very harsh. I mean, could you explain that to me, please? What's the message here? What's the meaning it they So you see, my brothers and sisters, we have to appreciate that we have.
We have diseases in our hearts. We have many different ideologies and preconceived ideas that have influenced and affected who we are and the way we think. And what that means is
shaytaan has a lot to play with. That's what it means. So when you try to do something good, like we didn't caught on with translation or learning about the Quran, she thought will come and he will whisper whisper things in your ears. Hang on a minute. That doesn't sound right. That sounds a bit dodgy. Is that what it means?
Yeah, shaitaan will come and he will
It was worse. And so you need to protect yourself. Yeah, and it's the other that kind of before we learn in ministry, it was clear. Some of the scholars also said that the best manner also helps in protecting the person from the whispers of shaitaan as well. Okay, very good. So Mashallah, look at this the rest of Allah. And that's only half of it.
There's only half of it. The second half is a Roman regime. Okay, and we'll explain that in greater detail later on. But just to finish it off together. Man, Rahim, both come from the root of Russia and the Russia means
you can translate as mercy and compassion, mercy and compassion. So you are ending off with two names of God. Both names of God are expressing how vast His mercy and compassion is. Yeah. So what's the connection between the first part of the customer and the second part of the
What is the connection?
is a callback.
Okay, about expressing his mercy. Uh huh.
How's that connected? The first part of this one law, which is to seek help?
In the name of Allah
thinking on the spot as he No, that's not close.
Okay, interesting. Final, and then we'll go for the answer.
Uh huh.
Okay, again, good attempt. However, it's something more than that. You see, when you're asking a lot for help? What do you think of the one who helps you in a time of need?
How is that person what is that person shown to you?
Yeah, so mercy to the arts got lots of powder to help you. And then you are addressing him by telling him expressing his mercy and His compassion towards his creation. And that fits very nicely together you're asking a lot for help and to be close to Allah and then you're telling a lot and you told us that you are merciful, full of mercy vast in your mercy. So please help me Yeah, please help me. So this is this is the best manner and this is fine a lot else to be said but we will keep it that inshallah. Now we will begin half explanation inshallah. hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. So called the other scholars, Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil. alameen is the first verse of the Quran As for
the best of Allah, they say it is the beginning of every surah in the Quran, except for the with surah a tober. Obara Yeah, it is the beginning of each surah apart from Surah Bharat. So, same with 31 it is not part of 30 how it is the introduction. It is like the first introductory verse to every single Surah Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. We can divide this into two parts. Alhamdulillah, adorable bellami who will take Alhamdulillah
now be the light Allah, Allah hand, hand means two things, it means thanks, and it means praise. In Arabic, they already have a word for praise and already have a word for things. The word for praise is Santa, or mud. The word for thanks is what? Sugar, sugar. Now you have to understand that these two are very different ideas. Yeah, you see a nice car. Okay, or, I don't know some nice food. Now. Everyone's become a foodie nowadays. So see some nice food? is a that looks nice. Yeah, that looks nice. are you thanking the food? Are you praising the food? you're praising? Right? you're praising? That's nice.
But the person who made the burger for you?
Yeah. You thank the person right? You Thank You give sugar center and sugar. Allah subhanaw taala fused both of those together inside one word and that is hampt. So the first thing you are saying to Allah is that
thanks and praise lilla the lamb in Linda is for if the sauce for that means your spirit.
Find it just for him. So praise and thanks is for you and you alone.
It is for you and you alone. And you have really flicked over that power law, you know, at the end of the day, this people help each other out, okay? People do nice things for each other, you can see nice things, okay? So you can praise things. And you can give thanks to people, but ally saying hang on praise and thanks, is actually only for a lot. How do we reconcile between these two things? You can thank someone right? And you can pray somewhere. But Alhamdulillah means thanks. And praise is actually only due to Allah and Allah alone. How do we understand this? Who can help us to understand this? What are we saying it? Is there a contradiction? No, there's no contradiction. So how do we
understand this?
Is the question makes sense. By the way?
What do you think?
Yes. Okay.
That he was just removed.
The new gratitude.
Sense Very good, very good. The brother said that when somebody helps you, you appreciate their help, but you recognize that they are a means
because the one who gave him that capacity to help you was a loss of power, no doubt. And so ultimately, though, you thank a person and the person who said Whoever doesn't thank people does no thank Allah, you realize that actually, Allah is the one who sent me that hope through this person. Yeah. And praise, you can praise things and say things are nice, okay, things are beautiful, etc, etc. But the same idea applies How did they become beautiful? How do they become nice? along the path as a source of beauty, right? But more than that,
is a noun, okay? This is the last thing we'll say in this verse inshallah. And haven't is a noun.
And a noun is different to a verb. The verb version is a schema, do a schema do a law.
And the way you translate that is, I praise a lot, versus the noun version, which is praise and thanks,
is for Allah.
So one is praise and thanks for Allah. The verb version is I praise a lot. Which one did Allah Subhana choose in the Quran?
the noun version.
And I'm gonna give you two pieces of information, which will help you to understand the significance behind why this one instead of this one, what is the difference between a noun and a verb? One of the key differences between a noun and a verb is that the noun is not caged by time, but as the is so when you say he read, okay, read is in what tense past or present? past right? So he read means that happened in the past reads, that is the present, or the future, right? Yeah. So it's caged, it happened then it didn't happen in the past and happening now what happened in the past and happening now is case by time as for a noun, the word book, and now, it is always a book in the past, and the
present in the future, it will always be a book. It's not caged by time. Understand that when? The second is that when you have a verb, you need a doula, isn't it? If I said eight, what question comes to your mind?
Hmm, who ate right who ate? If I said read? Same question who read? Okay, but a noun? Does it need a doula? Isn't it doesn't need to do a book. You don't need a doula for the book. The book is makes sense. Why so as for a verb, you need a doula. a verb is doula dependent. And noun is doula independent.
So with these two pieces of information, what do you think? Why is it better to say Alhamdulillah noun form instead of saying, I'm a doula. I praise a lot.
What was the difference between the two like, why is the noun version chosen but the verb isn't? Isn't
You close
okay we go on at the back What about the left you're giving opportunities and everyone else isn't
always belongs to online or martial arts of article is what do you mean by that? What do you mean by the praise belongs to Allah?
Since earning Yes.
And how is that fitting with the noun verb?
Very good question.
Yes, if you said the verb version let us explain what the brother said was the version it would mean you praise Allah I praise Allah. Okay. So praises due to giving is being given to Allah when now Alhamdulillah means praise is always before long.
past present future is not time bound. Yeah, always due to Allah subhanaw taala
very good. That's one there's another key answer though.
This is a verse. This is a lesson you're giving no show.
Anything else?
Everything praise Allah.
That is true. But the connection between that and this is not clear.
Yes, sir. Here in the corner.
was up.
Oh, okay, this even closer.
You only praise Allah.
What do we say about the verb it is dua.
dependent, a noun is dua independent. So when you say that praise is due to Allah, it means that even if there was no one praising Allah, he still deserves praise.
Even if you don't praise Allah, He deserves praise. As a matter of fact, whether you acknowledged that atheist person or not, a lot deserves all praise. And that is why we use a lot of other use the noun version, and hamdulillah. As a matter of fact, All praise is due to Allah subhanaw taala. Even if you miserable person cannot recognize that and cannot do that yourself. It is goes to Allah as a matter of fact, and your panel will end with one reflection, he'll look at the way sort of the hair begins and the way ends. It begins with recognize, God deserves all praise. And all thanks. Meaning all the blessings in your life, recognize where they came from, and show God that you recognize them
by giving thanks and look at the way sort of fattier ends, what is it? What is mentioned right at the end? What type of people?
Yes, people that have gone astray.
People have gone astray. Can you see some connection there?
It is, as if we are being told
that the right step to take towards God in the beginning is the step of praise and gratitude.
And those that ended up misguided they fail to do this.
And to patent laws reflecting our times with the emergence of so called atheists, I say so called atheists, because there there is no such thing of atheism.
explained that maybe another time.
How, what is the connection here? When you ask an atheist or person who claims to be an atheist, about God, what kind of things do they say about God? They deny, they deny God with reasons what type of reasons
was that? What do you say?
emotional? Okay, we'll come back to that one. What are the things you say about God? Hmm.
You can't decide what religion
because you don't actually say any of these things, to be honest.
That's it. They say why is they even in the vote? Why are they disabled people in the world? Why is the injustice etc, etc. These are the reasons right? And all of these reasons. You know what they reflect, they reflect that that person doesn't know how to deal with misfortune. when bad things happen, they don't know how to digest that. What that
makes them do is think bad thoughts about God? those bad thoughts about God make them reject what the will of God. But what is the core? What is the root is they do not know how to see misfortune in the world.
Can you see the difference the link here, we're being told recognize that All praise is due to Allah and make sure to Allah all you have. And if you fail to do this, you will end up misguided and in our time we see misguided people like these. They cannot bring themselves to praise God or to recognize a lot of blessings in their lives. All they can see is misfortune.
And what we will learn is that the last verse where Allah Subhana speaks about the two categories of misguided people that they encompass all the spectrum of misguided people that ever came and will ever come.
Yeah, ever came I will ever come. And inshallah, this brings us to the end of this this particular load and stuff, we will go to Willig. What is up no hidden. We have five minutes for questions. Sisters can ask questions. How do they ask questions? They the right, can they text through the
Okay, the sister of a nun? If she can make herself known to the sisters there? Write down your question Sharma. And the sister will pass them through to us. Yes, questions.
Okay, the whole context, everything starts with the submission.
The meaning of the publisher of submission.
The submission,
the submission comes in later on. In the in the heart of the Surah iaca nabooda. Yeah, the idea of very bad of enslavement of submission. And we'll come there. And there's a there's a ton of great wisdom in that message that you just said, coming in that place. Yeah. And we'll come to that in Sharla. Yes.
Yeah, definitely.
Which is most of us.
Taiwan, you will not get the benefit. Yeah, you may get the benefit of just Baraka. Yeah. From a loss of power, through His mercy, that even though this person doesn't understand what he's saying, it doesn't mean what he's saying the fact that he says it will give him some bark and what he does, yeah, so even the scholars mentioned this, that this is one of the reasons of the bestseller is to get Buttercup through the name of the last panel done. But the real benefit comes from the heart that is prison. And in order for a heart to be present, it needs to know what it is saying. And that's why it's so important to to ask, What What does it mean? What's the richness behind the
meaning and what is the benefit round the meaning and you know, these things are meant to give us the understanding of the meaning.
Any more questions?
is best one is
when you are talking about Bismillah R Rahman Rahim you could just say the best one I think they understand and then Is this a shortened? Sir?
No, it can. This To be honest, has no English equivalent of the word not okay.
You don't like an acronym. acronym is not the same thing. But acronym is the same idea. Yeah, many different words. Take the first letter and make another word.
The first of all is not is not from the Quran, basic terminology. So it's just for to make use of saying a well known phrase, which is a bit long over and over again.
So the first that is about is Tiana. And that will be translated as In the name of Allah. And the second one is about oma Sahaba accompaniment, and that will be translated as With the name of Allah.
Okay, sisters have any questions, no questions. understand everything
or long? To be honest, I don't know. Allah knows best Allah knows was it's a very long, meticulous issue. And to be honest, I don't see much benefit for someone like me to go into that level because I'm not qualified to understand that Allah knows best.
Okay, yes
they yes is to do with the camera yeah to do with the Quran. So, some of the most valuable you know, they the scholars of the mother chose they own their or which they made the main reading of the product. So, this is going back in history you know helps analysis was not most common in some places. So, another PR would be chosen and that would impact the effect that will impact even
the series will sometimes because variations withdraw and sometimes you see that in the fifth Yeah, so some some the chef etc. The muslin out loud Hannity's don't say out loud
to be honest,
I'm not sure I can't say for sure because i like i said i haven't looked into probate.
Okay brothers finish. Okay.
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