Ammar Alshukry – Patience

Ammar Alshukry
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the importance of creating deeper relationships and creating positive environments in relation to one's behavior. They stress the need for people to consult with others and create a virtual background AI. The success of daily giving and virtual background AI is also highlighted. The speakers stress the importance of patient mental health and provide examples of challenging relationships due to COVID-19. The conversation shifts to discussing rewarding individuals and creating sub To Be patient.
AI: Transcript ©
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righty so Oh, oh radius and I'm liking what I'm going to let everyone welcome today and number nine of Ramadan 360 with a McGraw Institute. It's such a pleasure to be back with you all this is stir Hafsa once again you're one of your hosts I know I shocked you guys a little bit with our surprise hosts yesterday brother Ibrahim, I forgot to give you guys a heads up, inshallah you're gonna see some of the other talent in the other worlds but I hope that you enjoyed his hosting as well and that you're gonna enjoy the folks that you're going to see throughout the rest of these experiences. There's some amazing personalities that we're honored to be able to bring to you How's everyone

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doing for day number nine great to see some familiar names here seeing their salaams in the chat let me actually change the permissions so we can see your faces as well in Sharla a reminder as always to please enter the session and to edit your name on zoom with your location and your name as well. What I what someone taught me recently, which I hadn't implemented before is you can just reset your zoom

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like your settings to actually just change your name to add your location if you're not using it for other situations you can also do that and it will make your life easier so you don't have to keep editing for three years I've been doing it

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and you know who you are who taught me I can just you know swap that out haven't been enough while you can listen on what I have to do less Singapore, 5am Masha Allah, one of our hosts insha Allah is going to be from the Asian Pacific region as well looking forward to her coming in live from Oman when it was turned on when I moved to LA Samia from Ottawa. Ruhi Welcome back. Michelle. You know, it's so funny sometimes when you guys are noting down your gems, I write down the gem and the person that that's, you know, who wrote that who's shared the gem with us in the chat, and I've seen ruhiges name pop up a couple of times. Mashallah. Sakina welcome from Calgary. We've got Astra from

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Paris, Canada. We've got rugged of course from Florida on my screen as well. You got Shoukry agamid Orisha chef. Ah, welcome to my screen. Great to see you guys back again. I was bummed. That wasn't the one hosting when Mr. Carey was speaking mashallah, yesterday, so many great speakers during the Quran reflect serious session. That was amazing to hear. But hamdulillah It was nice to be in the chat with you guys instead of focusing on the screen and actually getting to benefit from the content a little bit more as well. Does that Kamala fit everybody. I hope that you guys have had we're hitting the first third of Ramadan almost being over tomorrow. Subhanallah I don't know where

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the time goes. Of course we're back

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With living by the book, our daily Ramadan programming with a Maghrib fourth year running and handling it and of course a mother by itself has been around for 22 years. Our goal always being to make Islam easy and accessible and providing you with authentic knowledge in a way that you can relate to and implement in your daily life. We're thrilled to have you join us time and time and again, through Ramadan, 360 and all the other programs that we have happening in Ramadan to be part of that experience with us. So does that gonna look fair to those who've been consistent? Some of you I think I've seen you every single day for the past nine days, Mashallah. And others you missed

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a day or two, but it's beautiful to have this community that's that that's built up every year. And hamdulillah we're we're honored to continue that tradition with you. Now I got a big announcement to make but I'm gonna get to that I'm gonna I know I have to go through a lot of a lot of announcements today and we have of course Shivamogga Shoukry joining us for today's topic for Ramadan 360 which is patience mashallah such amazing topics the last few days. Welcome, welcome. Welcome to samba, straight ham. Great to have you in this session. So Jay Kumar is joining us, he's going to have a blockbuster topic and there's quite a few little announcements and surprises that we have. For

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things that are upcoming today in sha Allah of course, with every session, we want to thank the amazing and wonderful organizations that partner with us to make this experience possible. In US we have H H rd, their URL is H R For slash a Maghrib. In Canada, it's Islamic Relief and in the UK is forgotten For slash on Muslim, please make sure that you're continuously keeping them near the eyes and helping them as much as you can. It's honestly I don't even consider it helping. I feel like this is our bare minimum duty at this point. Subhanallah with everything that's happening in the OMA and the comfort and the the ease even the most struggling of us,

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especially those living in the Western world has been we're almost like the 1% of the rest of the world. So please do make sure that you are doing consistently giving and consistently supporting. I don't want to spoil too many announcements or reminders so far, just like Kamala Harris's are firstly, and for the links to our amazing charity partners there in the chat, please keep them you know, in your eyes and please continuously give we also have them in the YouTube description in your BIOS as well. Of course, we also have a McRibs hedge program kicking off in sha Allah and I was just told literally like less than an hour ago that there is another opportunity for those who got those

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of you who have missed out on booking for Hajj this year, there was some technical glitches and they opened up some seats. So if you want to if you're still interested in going to Hajj this year, make sure you register your interest, the URL is forward slash slash hudge and there's a form that there that you can fill in and mashallah there's an amazing kind of support community there once you get once you register your interest. If you have any questions about what to expect and how to register and all the the happenings in Sharla for hedge, make sure that you do go to a for slash hedge to register your interest and they will take care of you for the rest of the

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process. There's only a couple of days to do this. It's kind of like a very short window that has opened up so if this has been a dive for you, may Allah make it may Allah make it easy for you and facilitate a hedge excepted hedge this year. I mean, yeah, robola mean, but definitely hop on to that link to find out more and we'll share that link in the chat here. But it's again, a forward slash hedge. Of course, Schiff Amar, you guys have seen a lot of him throughout Ramadan and Hamdulillah. He's the head or he's the the star of our YouTube series. Michelle, I've heard so much from him on the names of Allah. You've probably seen him throughout the imago role teaching many

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seminars one of his famous seminars on His Majesty the names of Allah, he teaches as well a mindful Salah which we launched last year, you've seen him on VEDA essentials with his series and doing amazing sessions and experiences for us throughout the years and we're excited for him to be back with us for our second week of Ramadan. 360 on today's topic, SR phenylene has dropped the link again to the YouTube series there in the chat make sure that you check them out each session launches at 3pm PST every day and I think I've delayed long enough or put off long enough our special announcement for today and that is that and Hamdulillah we finally have our one of our

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blockbuster webinars coming up in shot a lot let me actually make sure that you guys can see me we have our blockbuster webinars coming up this Saturday at 1pm e st so British folks it's at 4pm No no no sorry. It's 5pm I think your time and everybody else you'll have it can translate it for yourselves in sha Allah as well. The link to it as Ramadan three For slash webinar and I love this topic The topic is Oh you who believe it's a global Ramadan Summit. It's basically about every time that Allah subhanaw taala mentions the believers Oh you who believe in the Koran sometimes with command sometimes with warnings and but every time it's for our own good, so check it

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out, inshallah register your interest, RSVP so that you get the direct link and all the information. This is what the website looks like Ramadan, three forward slash webinar. And all you got to do is click register now and you will get linked up 13 of our instructors are going to be with us. They're always really like, you know, motivating. They push you through with a lot of short and impactful reminders. So it's always a really high

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represent I hope that you guys all register and and if you're here there's mashallah 300 something of you here on zoom on those 100 Something those on YouTube and 1000s who watch in the recordings mashallah, if you are here and make sure that you share that link Ramadan three forward slash webinar, it should be in your chat already here. Just copy paste that and share that with three people in your family, your friends circle, a group that you're active in somewhere that you're actually connected to something that's personal to you guys share that there and encourage everybody else to attend as well watch with folks watch with family in sha Allah so that everyone

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can benefit and we look forward to it. These webinars are always usually they give me like the kick that I need to amp up my eyes to feel closer to Allah subhanaw taala to to push forward especially when that dip comes in in those middle 10 days of Ramadan. So perfect timing Alhamdulillah for that as well. With that I know we always tend to encroach on a Saturday Mia's time and I don't want to do that. In sha Allah I want to bring on Shiva Mata Shoukry I've already given his introduction and I'm excited for the topic that he's covering the topic of patience on day number nine of Ramadan. threesixty Welcome back chef Omar as salaam alaikum wa Rahmatullah. How are you doing today?

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Oh, shucks, I can't hear you. We see you nice and nice and clean with with that plant in the background. I don't know what that is a fern. We can't hear you just yet. I think we just connect audio and we'll be right back with that. Who was here for shift Omar's session on the second day of Ramadan. 360 who caught it I remember asking you guys earlier what your favorite sessions were and one of the first it was it was a tie between two sessions Jeff and Maura was one of them Me me me we oh we got we hear you Schiff said

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oh, we got you and then we lost you.

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Okay, well, we'll just let you reconnect in sha Allah awesome sighs we got Munir we got Janet mashallah most of you were here awesome stuff so it was there anyone who wasn't here? Maybe that's what I should have asked is that not offense? Alleged don't judge me you know me I am not okay. I have not a green thumb person that looked Fern like sorry shift. We can't hear you just yet. Shana from South Africa South Africa in the house Whoo. Mashallah.

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It's a it's a fiddle leaf fig tree. Okay, does that come up here? Amina Indiana for correcting me fiddle leaf fig tree

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Yes, we can hear you now. Schiff. We heard you We heard you haven't been clear. Is it good? Loud and clear on the Lilla

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already share so I we've gotten a little bit into your time so I want to jump into your topic of patience. But before we do so, we made a big announcement and hamdulillah for the webinar that we have Oh you who believe kicking off this Saturday. I know you're going to be joining us for it. Are you excited? Very excited. This is my excited face is it all right shake my ecstatic face um

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I'm very excited. I'm delighted you know it Oh, you who believe comes if I remember correctly, some 80 something times in the Quran. And they've been at basketball the line who said every time Allah subhanho data says yeah, you had a DNR who then you need to give it an attentive ear, because it's either a command that alasa kind of data is commanding you to do or it is a prohibition that ALLAH SubhanA data's prohibiting you from and so either way, it is an instruction that's going to come and what made the Companions different from every other generation that came after is that they would approach the Quran like a like a soldier approaches a bulletin board. Meaning they don't do it for

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international gymnastic into intellectual gymnastics. Rather, they don't do it because they're just curious about things. They don't they're not debating things randomly. They are approaching the Quran as a way to live their life. They read what the Quran says. And then they go do what the Quran says. They read with what it says and then they don't do what the Quran says to not do it like that. So that's going to be an exercise that we're going to be doing together and Charlotte that on Saturday, I'm looking forward to it in Charlotte and I looking forward to it as well. I saw the instructors I you know, I can see some of the topics of the verses that they've picked to highlight

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so I'm very excited to see the lessons that they pulled from them and the benefit that we all gain. Inshallah Sheikh let's jump into your session for today Bismillah it's a pleasure to have you back that's different from hola hola. Yeah, to hum de la sala salam ala Rasulillah everybody how y'all doing? Um the Isla de number something of Ramallah May Allah Subhana. Allah bless me, Nemo, says, Nemo, I don't know if I'm pronouncing your name, right. But we're assuming that it's like the fish. Obviously, once the fish movie came out, tell us that it just became about finding nemo y equals ceramah to la vida to everybody, swindles from Hans from France. Okay.

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Now that I've already ruined the beginning

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of summer, we're going to be talking about a subject and a sub is one of those qualities that is really considered to be a foundational quality. It's one of the greatest foundational quality that a person can have after Iman. In fact, the province of Allah do send them he says, that nobody has been given any alpha. Oh sack What asadmin as middle sock

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Nobody has been ever given a gift that is oh sad that is more comprehensive, that is more usable, that is more accessible. That is more

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that is that a person can go back to again and again and again like somebody. Now tell me quickly what does somebody mean?

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I need your translation of Saba ASAP.

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Number one, you got patience.

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Patience, patience, patience. Patience, resilience. Okay, endurance, very good. As you can see, the overwhelming translation was Patience, patience, patience, patience, patience. But Sabah is not just patients, Saba is actually a much bigger word than just patients, Saba is resilience, like some have said, some is perseverance. Saba is endurance, sobre is grit. Sobre is fortitude, all of these meanings. And the reason why that's important is because sometimes when we think of patients, we think of patients as being something that is is passive, or something is happening to you. And so you have to be patient, right? It's it's this almost like submissive quality, but actually

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resilience, endurance, perseverance, all of these are active. And so some of it is not just about things happening to you, but somebody is resilience and going towards your goals. And that's why there are three slices, there's no English term that evokes all this. Absolutely. So you have to use all of them right all of the time.

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And so,

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Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, He says in my office Cybil on the edge of ambulator his app that the size of your own will receive the reward without account and ALLAH SubhanA dialer says with a no but whenever Luanda Combi che mineral whole fuel during when I've submitted and why they will unfussy with Thammarat whether she has Siberian ALLAH SubhanA Dias as we will taste we will test you with a portion of fear and and grief

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and hunger where Julian went off * and wine and a loss of wealth and loss of of selves and some rot and fruits. Well, that's due to slavery in our last panel that says give glad tidings to the patient. So patience is this great attribute that Allah Subhana Allah loves and Imam Ahmed says, I saw patients in over 90 places in the Quran. So patients is mentioned in over 90 places in the Quran where Allah Subhana Allah commands, either for patients or that Allah subhanho data praises the people of patience or that ALLAH SubhanA data promises reward for the people of of southern Okay, and even me, I go back to saying patients patients, but it's slow, but it's such a comprehensive

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meaning. There's too much that we could say about someone, there's no way that I can cover anything in 30 minutes, but I will highlight just a few things that show all that data.

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No matter how thorough the line he says that if somebody was a person, it would be a perfect person. It would be illogical and Kadima, if somebody were to manifest in an individual who would be a perfect it would be a noble person, be a perfect person, because life is going to happen to all of us. But a person is able to endure the difficulties of life, and a person is able to ascend to the epitome and to the high qualities of life through southern.

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And I'll give you an example. And then I'll come back to this statement.

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Rasulullah sallallahu SNF says in the Hadith that was just shared in your email, well sort of lost a little idea send them says three things that I believe are a key to success. He says it helps Adam iron Folk was the NB La Huella is the province of Allah as the name says, focus on what benefits you and seek the help of Allah and don't give up. These three things. Seek focus on what benefits you is where a lot of people get lost, they don't know what benefits them. They focus on a lot of things they do a lot of things for just because it's good. But Stephen Covey in his book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, there's a line that I never forgot, he said, the enemy of the best is

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often the good. The enemy of the best is often the good meaning a lot of times the thing that is actually distracting you from being the best version of yourself are things that are not haram, but things that are just okay, things that are just good. And in fact, one of the snares of che Athan is that he distracts a person from a foul deal with doing an macdon he distracts you from doing the best thing that you can be doing with your time with things that are just good to be doing with your time. And so the province civil rights and it says focus on what benefits you what benefits me Ahmad is different than what benefit somebody else and so I might find my spirituality even Ramadan with

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reading the Quran another person may not find it and doing a lot of hot tubs they might find it in feeding people and so that person would they should be doing as they should be feeding people that Ramadan. They should be volunteering at the masjid some people that's where they find their greatest spirituality that is where they feel closest to Allah subhana dialer. I shouldn't judge them according to what I want to do and where I feel benefit

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If and they shouldn't judge me according to where they feel benefit, the province little lady said him says focus on what benefits you. And then he says, What's the NB LASIK, the help of Allah and then he says what I just don't give up. Once you figure it out what your goal is, then you have to endure, you have to continue you have to strive, you have to persevere you have to be resilient. And I have a challenge for you. And if you are able to, if you are able to find somebody, then you can come back into the Ramadan 360 group and or you can find me the next time I do a live inshallah died and you can say you were wrong, I found somebody, okay. I want you to find somebody who became

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incredibly successful in any field of human endeavor without having endurance.

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That's the challenge. Find somebody who built a company, find somebody who memorized the Quran, find somebody who became a successful athlete, find somebody who was able to succeed in any dream that they had, and they did not have to have soccer. You're not going to find it.

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You're not going to find it. Somebody's going to say, well, the British Royal Family, okay, other than the British Royal Family, somebody else?

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Okay, somebody who is able to build themselves up, how about that?

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Somebody who's able to build themselves up to do anything. And that's why I shuffle, it's been taking me and he says, no one has ever acquired anything of goodness, neither a Prophet or anybody less than them except through suck.

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Nobody has ever been able to acquire any goodness, neither a Prophet or anybody less than them except through solver. And that's why, you know, during COVID, a couple of years ago, we had Dr. Leonard Sachs, a famous child psychologist, he's written a lot of books. He gave a lecture to our community, the entire city of Houston in the Muslim community, he gave it on Zoom. And I don't forget what he said. He said, while we were looking and studying children, and seeing what is the trait that makes them successful in life later, is it their intelligence, is it their resources is that we found that the greatest factor is the discipline that they have learned by the age of 12.

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The discipline discipline is another word for somebody, by the way, the discipline that they have learned by the age of 12, for them to be able to delay gratification of playing video games, so that they could study because they have work that they need to do or for them to delay the gratification of sleeping so that they could get up and exercise and participate in whatever extracurricular activities they have in school, for them to develop the discipline to do what they want to do now for the purpose of a greater reward later, that was the number one quality and you know, what do you call that we call that self. That's look.

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Nobody has been given any quality that is greater than some of the progress that aliveness and absence.

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And so now, you know, I have a an uncle of mine.

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He's, he was a general in Sudan. And he, you know, he has stories and all sorts of things. And, you know, he actually had, he reinvented himself a number of times, you know, you have some people martial arts about a lot. They have not just one career where they excelling, but they have multiple careers that they excel. And so he was in the army, and then he became in diplomacy. And then he became an other things, martial law. And every time he succeeded, and so I was recently with him a couple of a little while back, and he has his son who's older than me, who was running marathons, and he was doing the Ironman marathon, which I think is you run a marathon, and then you swim, like,

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I don't know how many miles and then you ride a bicycle at the end of it for however long I think you ride the bike first, and then you swim, and then you run. Somebody can correct me, okay?

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But then this, his is, he told me this man, he's got his own kids, but he does this because it's his passion. He runs the Ironman, this uncle of mine, he goes, and he attends and he watches. And he went, and he supported his son. And I'm like, I can understand if you're a kid, but you're, you're going out of your way to go and support your son at that particular age. And he said to me, he said, Yes, he said, You know, I'm more, I don't care about the time at all. What I care about, is that he completes it. And then he said to me, a phrase that I just loved. He said, I'll pull up for today. Zima what is the total but then he said, true strength is the strength of your of your resolve. It's

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your Azima and she resolved you know, you say UDID as Mimi and also he said, It's not the strength of your body. true strength is strength of resolve. If I can develop Saba, then I've developed one of the greatest qualities in my journey to Allah subhana wa Tada. And in my journey to the dunya you see it now. Ramadan. 360 starts at the beginning of the month. We all know Ramadan starts and it's hype. Everything is hype everybody starts, but who has the ability to last

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He has the ability to continue to seek knowledge, who has the ability every single day to not let life distract them from the goals that they declared for themselves that they set for themselves, you will see in a thorough way in the next four or five days how the attendance is going to draw from the beginning and then it's going to pick up at the end. But how how do you continue to exercise savour to continue when everybody else is dropping off, right? That is that quality that we're looking for. And so quality is three levels, somebody has three levels, the scholars mentioned the first level, and the lowest level is somewhere in a calamity, because you don't have the choice

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to change it or not sure you have a loved one who dies, you have no choice but to be patient, your lack of patience is not going to bring them back. If a person gets sick, their lack of patience is not going to heal themselves, right. And so all you have is the choice to be patient. That's number one. The second level of suffering is they say a subdural Annina mousou is sub refraining from since and that is a higher level. And so the scholar has mentioned for example, no claim he says that the sub or abusive while he was in the house of the wife of it as ease is greater than the sub abusive when he was cast into a well, he was he had someone in both circumstances, but his sober in the

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house of Aziz, when his wife is enticing him to Xena and he has the opportunity and he has the will or the freewill rather, to make a choice that will alter it.

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He has the opportunity to engage and he chooses not to engage. That is a higher level of suffering when you choose not to engage in sin. And then the third and the highest level is to have suburb and worshipping Allah Subhana Allah to have that resilience and that endurance in worshipping a lot. You know that person who comes to federate, and they've been coming to failure for 10 years. That takes some effort. Every single day, they're waking up every single day they're making will do rain, sleet, hail, snow, they're going to the masjid, that takes about and that is the highest level, the highest level, because the objective is to worship Allah Subhana Allah and so having the objective

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is not to refrain from sins, refraining from sins, sins are just have been made hold on because they impede in the worship of Allah subhana wa Tada. So the highest level of sovereign is that you have that angelic trait of continuity and worshiping Allah subhanaw taala.

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Now, I want to end with Sharla data and we just started but it's already coming to an end time flies when you're in Ramadan. 360s. And that would the same, the famous statement is Time flies on Ramadan, 360 we need this add on it on a t shirt at the airport. Okay, so

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a couple of scenarios were sober.

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Where solver is described in the format.

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Number one, it is when a person is being affected, when harm is being done to a person

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and that you repel that harm with that which is better. So Allah Subhana Allah says what else is so it has no to witness say it viability here is Allah says a good deed is not equal to ascend, repel with that which is greater, what will happen if you knew that ALLAH SubhanA data says, either let the pain go away, you know, who are the ones? Who will even I mean, Allah says, perhaps the one who between you and them is enmity will turn into a loving protector? Could you imagine that, that that person that you

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felt hated you or hated Islam hated the Muslim community, that horrible neighbor that whoever, whoever, eventually it may be that they turn into a loving protector.

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And Allah Subhana Allah says, Who am i You call her a lesbian or savato. But the only people who experience that transformation in the people around them are those who have patience and endurance. I want to send this message to every convert, who feels sad and grieved. They're making a thought by themselves right now. They're they're going to throw it by themselves, their family around them is mocking them because of their Islam. Or perhaps you're not a convert, but you are a practicing Muslim. You are a light alone amongst your family. They don't practice you're the only one and you find them to be so antagonistic towards Islam. You know what you have to have, you have to have

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something you have to endure, have silver.

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Perhaps they will turn into your loving protectors, you know, every single one of us I think, who grew this beard back in the day we have a story of how we were teased and how we were mocked. Shout out to my beard gang. Where's my beard again,

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of how we were marked by our parents and by our aunties and our uncles and everybody in the neighborhood and the community barbecues and all of that they monsters and the monsters and the monsters.

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But then you know what we did? We persevered and we persevered and we persevered and

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We persevere and we persevere.

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Allah Subhana Allah says, Yeah, your living room was the room to topple Allah and I led them to click on Allah says, Oh, you who believe, have supper and out some of other people, they're gonna mock, they're going to laugh, they're going to do that you just keep going, you outlast them, you'll outlast them eventually. Eventually they're going to be okay with your job. Eventually, they're going to be okay with your beard. Eventually they're going to be okay with your salon eventually. But Allah subhana data says, Well, my Yo La La La Nina sobre wama EULA Illa do have the knowledge. You saw the province of Elijah send them how the community around him those who hated him, they

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became his loving protectors. And of course, I always mentioned this but every time I mentioned this verse, I'm reminded of the champ Muhammad Ali Ibrahim, I would like to add it because he's the one who this verse in my lifetime, actually, it's before my lifetime, but you get what I'm saying. This actually, you're not gonna watch the videos I can see. This was a man who was hated. This was a man who was mocked. This was a man who was stripped of his title. This was a man who was belittled. This was a man who was threatened with with prison. He was the most hated man in America, but he continued to meet their animosity and their anger with goodness and charm and beauty and smiles and

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generosity. And so eventually what happened, it transformed.

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They transformed and he did not die before he was the most loved man in America.

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And that whenever people say the champ, they mean him. And whenever people say the greatest, they mean him. Well, my Europe pa Illa Liliana Saba, you have to have sovereign you have to have sovereign

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you know, you might have survived your hedge recently on a podcast.

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With chef on another night we did a podcast with Imam Suraj. Wilhite, we interviewed him last summer. He said he gave us the good news that his mother had accepted. It's not a mom survived his mother. Imam Suraj himself is probably in his 70s his mother's probably in her late 80s or early 90s. May Allah preserve them both.

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So the second thing I want you to know is suburb in Dawa suburban Dawa? Do you think that the man who was giving Dawa to America was not giving Dawa to his mom?

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Do you think that the man who was giving our all over the world was not grieved by the fact that his mom had not accepted, it's now in the 70s when he was doing it, or in the 80s when he was doing it, and in the 90s when he was doing it, and in the 2000s and 1000s and 10s and 2000 and 20s. And I give that word to my little brother for two months, and I'm upset and I'm like, subhanAllah, my brother just doesn't accept my data. You have to have sovereign data. You have to have somebody who am I ilinden The and the only people who experienced that are those who endure, you have to endure

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ALLAH SubhanA data, he says, What's better? Allah commands the prophets of Allah and instead of them have suffered like those who, who didn't ask me, the the prophets before we had southern. And so a third thing.

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Sabah and that was the third thing and then I'll end with this because we can talk about Southern for a very long time.

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But suburb having suburb in the with the Muslim community, having suffered with the Muslim community.

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Allah subhana Dionysus was big enough second, my Lavina there Oh, no above and below fidelity will actually you read when I watch. This is also one of the QA people read this every Friday. Allah commands and he says and endure the company of those who call upon their Lord in the morning in the evening. You read doing our job. They're seeking districts endure their company. I tell people this all the time.

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But he says please cite surah if you know I did, sort of guff.

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I tell people this all the time.

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And that is you may not find and we'll be honest hear you might go to the masjid and you might you might not find it the most welcoming message.

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You might go and sit with some Muslims, you might be on a campus somewhere or you might be in a small town where you don't have 100 messages that you can hop from you've got your one message and that's your one message. You've got your community and that's your one community that's it.

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Allah subhanaw taala says endure the company of those who call upon their Lord in the morning in the evening, endure their company.

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But but but whenever I go to the messenger, there's so much drama, endure that drama, endure it

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they back by me endure it. Endure it was bad enough sick Amanda Deena do not have bombilla to endure the company of those who call upon their Lord in the morning in the evening. What I do Annika and women do not let their eye your eyes go beyond that. You have to develop resilience. You have to you have to develop software. And Allah commands it was Zulu mass Allah, Allah Allah has set it up. At times he could have he could have been in the company of the elite of Mecca. And Allah Subhana Allah Allah has commanded him to be in the company of the

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Have Nots, because they believe in Allah subhanaw taala, you might be able to walk in circles that are very, very special and very unique and very desirable. But Allah subhana data says, no, no, no to either Xena that hath dunya you want the adornment of this world? No, no endure the company of the believers endure the company of the believers. Don't let your eyes go beyond them, stick to their company, stick to their company. And so

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the last thing because it's not just about sticking to their company, but to endure inconvenience,

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to endure inconvenience. When you're interacting with your brothers and sisters, you are going to be inconvenience a lot. Okay, you're going to be inconvenienced a lot. And we live in a time and place where people never want to be inconvenience. We, we don't have patience for anything or anybody.

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But when you are always opting out of being in the service of people or helping people or being there for people, what you're doing is you're creating very, very shallow relationships. Very, very shallow relationships. And I want to end with this poem that I wrote this because it's Ramadan 360. And it's a good time for poems

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on the topic of inconvenience, as it relates to this issue of patients, and suffer.

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And it goes like this. People don't want to get married anymore. People don't invite each other over anymore. When was the last time you invited someone over to your house. There's a level of intimacy and vulnerability and inconvenience. That's it. And marriage is full of inconvenience and relationships are full of inconvenience and deep friendships where people are committed to each other, and carry each other's burdens and meet the tears of life together are inconvenient. It's just easier to swipe left or to share than to care. It's easier to just skim on the surface of everyone's existence, never to be inconvenience, but the cost of that superficiality, the cost of

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that superficiality is depth, and meaning and love. And those things are paid by a lifetime of inconvenience and sacrifices. And those that opt out of payments will get loneliness for free.

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And those that opt out of payment will get loneliness for free. And there's plenty of that to go around.

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When I exert solver in teaching, when I exert solver and being in the company of people, even when it's not convenient. For me, what I'm doing is that I am putting myself in a position to have relationships that are deeper with people.

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Connect with people in a more meaningful way.

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And over a lifetime, it will make my life more meaningful, my relationships more valuable. And Allah subhana data knows best.

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Giselle Kamala Harris Sheikh Omar Subhanallah powerful session what I can't forget is you shouting out the beard gang and looking at a sea of SR. Mashallah, but really, really great reminders. I know typically, we have some time for questions for folks about the topic of the talk. So today's talk is patience. While people are formulating their questions in sha Allah, okay, actually, I received several several already in my DMs you guys please if you're if you're creating your questions, please send them to me directly inshallah and direct messages because the chat is so quick, I will get lost with it well, while people are sending those over. So there's just one quick thing real

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quick. Yes, there is I was debating whether to share this. As you know, there's Allah subhanho data is Cebu, Allah is Cebu.

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He has that attribute of SUBUD.

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Even though it's not a name of Allah, debated about whether it's a name, but I haven't come across an authentic hadith of the prophet is that are that is being a name of Allah, but the province of the lightest and then he says, I had us but I didn't say Muhammad Allah, that there is no one who has more silver with harm that he has heard than Allah subhanho data, yet their own attitude whether they claim for him a child, and then he continues to give them Apphia he continues to give them out and he continues to give them it is a key because it's a driver. So look at the sight of Allah they're ascribing a child to Allah they're committing ship with Allah amount of data, and he

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continues to give them health and he continues to give them wealth. And so this is a beautiful attributes for us to adorn ourselves even when I receive that which is bad from people that I continue to show goodness to them. And before I forget one of the topics of the names of Allah and hamdulillah who here give me a thumbs up if you've been able to watch the YouTube series that we have so far.

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Nemo says me hamdulillah so great, where I'm hamdulillah very happy with with the production of this and you know, we put a lot of work into it. Um, did

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you just binge watched it yesterday? Excellent. So here I need a

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favor from you guys because we're trying to push this through the roof not because of me but because I love anybody who knows me knows that I love this topic and I want every Muslim in the world to know this topic. I want every person in the world to know who Allah subhanaw taala is so do me a favor go on to right now go on to the YouTube have a negative look at this last video like the video please inshallah Tada subscribe Sara says which see which which series? It's this Names of Allah series that's on here. We're going over a different name of ALLAH SubhanA died every single day. We shot it in a beautiful masjid so like the video please insha Allah Tada. Subscribe to his channel

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share it with other people let other people know about this series that's going on. In sha Allah to Allah we're trying to assess what message it was in the DeSoto house of peace in Dallas, Texas DeSoto out of peace I would love to shout them out all day because they really really made themselves very welcome for us Zamolo female last panel data reward is cool. But don't forget like subscribe helps us making me sound like a YouTuber now.

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Comment Do you forgot comment I can

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now turn on your post notifications I actually don't know how to do that. Do not click this later. This later on motive social media team like subscribe and share that's my the most important thing is that you share with your family members. Sarah says ring the notification bell

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notification squad Lanos best Alright, so what's up?

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Awesome sighs Zack, I'm a lucky shake. So I got a bunch of questions here in the chat. already. We did we plugged her in the very beginning of hamdulillah the last opportunity that people have to benefit inshallah this year on forge slash Hajj in sha Allah. So okay, I've lost the questions now because the chat was kind of going crazy. So let me just scroll up a little bit. The first question that I see is, I was wondering if you could advise how to have patience with people who have bad habits such as backbiting and talking about others, even if they're from the believers.

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that type of patients comes with the patience of engaging ALLAH SubhanA data says in Surah milkman

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Yagoona Optimus salah. What more Bill Maher Rofi. One Heidi moocow was Brahma Asaba Tina Dalek immunize me no more. He says, Oh, my son, command the good and forbid evil and endure have sub in what comes to you the other way. That is from the affairs of as middle more from affairs of recommitment. Again the same. We see this pairing of these two words again and again sub Azim Sabha and Azim that you have to have ribs resolve to have solver

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to have solver. And so in this case, when someone is backbiting that I have solver endure, in simply saying to them, You know what, we need to stop or you need to avoid this type of a conversation. If I have the ability to change it, then I have the ability to change it meaning that I simply I tell the person to stop.

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You can be creative, like I know some people, for example, sisters might be a little bit sensitive with regards to, you know, one correcting the other. So I know a group of sisters who they came up with code words, for example, whenever someone was backbiting they would use that code word. So they would say for example, Apple, Apple philosophy, everybody knows that it's backbiting and they need to change the topic, right? So if I can, for example, have them agree, I can have my family agree before on a code word, for example, where it becomes something that's fun, I gamify it in that way. Or if I have that type of authority with that person where I just say, We shouldn't talk about that,

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let's change the subject. Or if I be smart, and I don't have the ability to actually be so confrontational. And instead, I simply try to change the subject, I divert the subject as best as I can. All of those are different ways that a person can engage. And then if a person can't do any of that the province of allied is and m says Whoever sees them, gotta let them change it with their their hand if they can't let them change with their tongue. But if they can't let them change with their heart, that at the very least I don't engage in the conversation until they change to something else.

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Beautiful second marker shift. My next question is, someone was just asking, Is it possible to develop sobor? If you're an impatient person, or if you don't have that practice in your life? Yeah, absolutely. You develop some of you develop discipline, you develop patients who develop resilience, you do all of these types of things. And so also loss of avoidance, and I'm just in the middle of a movie, in my head moved to Harlem, and Harlem is a type of suburb. He says that knowledge comes through practicing knowledge, seeking knowledge, and hidden forbearance, that, that sort of restraint when you're angry, it comes with practicing it. And so I've practice having somebody I try

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my best to delay gratification again and again, and again, a little bit more, a little bit more, a little bit more, until I have somebody and then of course, there's lots of stories of slavery and Allah's pattern and you can be inspired by the stories of the people who came before. And so one time it was sort of loss of a light and send them a man come to him the place that it may

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The meaning you can sort of see Lulu light is when the Prophet had distributed the spoils of war. And he said era Delia Mohammed we just only hammered for her the this Mattoon Merida Bihar, which Allah, He said, Because this distribution is a distribution through which the face of Allah is not intended, ie you're not being sincere. You're you are accusing the province of Elijah Sedna, of not being sincere. What kind of insane accusation is that? It's before and so the province of Elijah has ended up, he lowers his head.

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So offended, so angry. And then he raises his hand he said, may Allah Subhana Allah have mercy on Musa look at boozier be at fault. I mean, hadda for sub Musa was harmed with more than what this man just said. And he showed patients he showed patients. And so the idea here is that the province that ally sentiments being reminded and inspired by the patience of Musa to enact patients himself, right. And so having role models in patients, all of that helps as well. Beautiful. And

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sorry, I muted final question I can squeeze in is how do you know when to continue SABR and when to create more distance in certain relationships.

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Want to have somebody and when to create distance. I mean, Allah knows best, I don't know, I don't have like a metric for a person. But generally, if you find that you have the strength, to show that resilience, and that you are still a positive influence and presence in that person's life, then that is something that a person can

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continue to engage in. But if you feel like and the reason why is because this, these things are so vague, and they're so up to that person.

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But if you feel like this person's influence on you is negative and harming you and you consult with someone have knowledge, who you respect their knowledge and their type of ALLAH SubhanA data so that they're not encouraging you, for example, to break a relationship that is sacred. I don't know if this person is talking about their parents. I don't know if they're talking about their children. I don't know if they're talking about a friend. I don't know how distant or close this relationship is. So the idea here is that a person has to consult people around them who have Taqwa of Allah subhana data and have knowledge if they need to be specialists in mental health and let them be but

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let them also have knowledge and let them have Taqwa. Let them know the value of these relationships. And then based on that, based on that Shula, you can decide

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beautiful Xochimilco chef, that was an amazing session and an awesome q&a is amazing to have you back. And we'll see you a couple more times in Shaolin Ramadan 360, as well as in our upcoming webinar this Saturday, reminder again, if you guys missed it earlier that inshallah we're having a webinar at 1pm ESD on Oh, you who believe that every time that that vs mentioned in the Quran, or or, or or that there lessons that we learned from it 13 instructors, including Sheikh Omar Shipley with us then, Chef, before we leave, I know we've been playing this nice little video that you've created, that you really well summarized, the amazing work that Maghrib is doing through the daily

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giving campaign. And this is the first time that we've been able to facilitate that from the beginning of Ramadan. So we've been sharing that and him though, we've got a lot of folks who have already answered the call and who have supported us through daily giving. I just want to share my screen real quick. I think we're we're at 600 Something registrations for that so far. Can you speak to a little bit of why you think the only giving is important and why it's the easiest, one of the easiest ways that they can multiply their address. What is our goal? It's 647 is where we're at what our goal should be, I think should be at least 750 people, at least 50 I mean, we can do people here

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honestly, to be honest, I think we can do 750 For being realistic.

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Or ambitious. Oh, here's the thing.

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I'll tell you guys. I said someone said 1000 in the chat. I'll tell you guys, I need a hashtag team I show or team ESMA. Okay, team, I assure a team I smashed up the live news a bit. Sorry. I'll do live news a bit. I said sorry, because I was like, Man, I'm gonna about to take two minutes.

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I'll do live news a bit is the nephew of I shall be Alana. And he's the son of a smart, the daughter of Abu Bakr now, but what is obviously one of the most generous people, generous people who ever walked the face of the earth. So what do you think his daughters are going to be? Okay, his daughters are going to be the most generous people who ever walked the face of the earth. So I did live in his bed. He says I never saw anybody who was more generous than I shut my aunt and my mom. And both of their generosities were different. Both of their generosities are different. As for Aisha, she never used to leave anything. She never used to leave anything she would give it all

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away. And as for as much use to gather what she wanted until she had a large amounts and then she would distribute it but I should have done whatever would come in and out in and out in and out in and out so much so you know the story where she had gotten like a true something was brought to her by the incredible amount, an incredible amount of wealth and she distributed it all. And then before it's bought, and then her servants that day.

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are, you know,

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we don't even have anything left for our thought and I shall on the line. I told her she said if you had reminded me I would have done it. Okay. But everybody who said team Ayesha, everybody who seemed Ayesha and may Allah subhana data gathers with all of them agenda to name. I need you to make a donation to prove that your team action. That's the trick is that is the trick. I need you to make a donation so that you join Team Ayesha. Okay. That is the trick. Team Aisha. It's easy to just say your team is okay. But I need you to jump in and btw Manisha, but not only that, I want you to also go into your whatsapp groups. And I'm going to be the first person to do this when I get off this

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call to shut down I'm going to join all my whatsapp groups, my family WhatsApp groups and my friend WhatsApp groups that you know, we all we sit there and talk about whatever random stuff we're always talking about. I'm going to jump in and I'm going to tell them about this daily giving a chocolate data because if you inspire one person to give daily that's like you giving daily again, then you inspire another person. Right. Cool, cool. Zach gonna look at everybody. And let's, we'll all celebrate and shout out to Adam when we've crossed the finish line of 700. And shot alleges that Kamala Harris J for Mar that was Jeff Amato Shoukry and the topic of patience for day nine of

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Ramadan. 360 a lot of exciting announcements and reminders, you know, around that session as well. For those who've been missing it please keep up in the chat. We'll jump into telegram as well. Hopefully you guys have already signed up for the webinar.

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I just want to shout out

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I want to shout out I said yep. Because I thought he had a virtual background this whole time but then I see that it says the Maldives. Is this really your background? Oh my goodness Masha Allah Wallach Allah Allah robotic was in

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I thought that was a virtual background AI is watching the background Yeah. Oh, it is a virtual background okay, you're close here it is not like 3am

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Okay, Mashallah. But but it looks the Maldives doesn't look like that. Yeah, okay. Now loveless as you can see I got the beautiful background of houston texas and you can

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follow her he got hammered by that by that locations upon Allah, masha Allah it has brought the husband's been on screen for the entire I think for that for every single session so far Xena and we're counting we're noticing Mashallah. Alright guys now you guys have an opportunity to take this topic of patients I know a lot of people were DMing me and messaging these um, really, you know tough questions of the experiences the challenges that you guys are having with patients in your daily life reminder we have our cron reflect reminders always please make sure that we are reflecting you guys have been doing an amazing job yesterday session was my favorite by far. So

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we're looking forward to a lot more of that topic. A lot more those reflections coming through and you guys personalizing the topics and the message with each session. I know we have a stellar team yeah with us as salaam alaikum wa Rahmatullah estado de Mia Zubair, how are you doing this fine Tuesday. We're really concerned with Allah and hamdulillah I'm good I really enjoyed the session Mashallah. It was

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well packed. Mashallah, and a lot of luck, a lot of gems. Mashallah. MashAllah Omar is holistic understanding of patients much. Exactly, exactly. And I find Sheikh Omar has half benefit or obviously it's all benefit and then it's an Islamic entertainment as well. So it's quite a fun gathering and hamdulillah we're looking forward to continuing that with her and reflect Bismillah I'll pass it over to you let's jump right let's begin. I said I'm already gonna have to labor cattle everyone are with the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim wa Salatu was Salam o Allah Rasool the hill Karim. So today I want to begin with a story. I remember once I was at

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muster the number week, and a sister came up to me and she recognized me. And it was the first time she was actually meeting me in person.

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But she had been one of my students from in one of the online programs, in which she studied that the seed of the entire Quran with me and hamdulillah and she shared with me that she was sitting in Masuda nubbly and you know how there's Halaqaat people are, you know, reciting Quran to to their teachers. So there was a group of sisters who were reciting Quran to a teacher. And she said she was just listening to them. And she was listening to one of the students who was reciting the idea was barely hook me robic, and be patient for the Command of your Lord.

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And she said, the student recited it again for a second time was bit ly hook me robic be patient over the Command of your Lord. And she recited it again whilst bit. Ly helped me robic be patient over the Command of your Lord. And she said every single time I heard this idea, I understood a different meaning. And she said this is because of an hamdulillah the course that she had taken with me

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which we go over the word for word meaning of the Quran. And this is true Wallace Bewdley hooked me Arabic, it looks like just three words, right? What's going to be patiently hooked me or command or big of your Lord. But it means so much more than just three words. It means be patient, because of the Command of your Lord. Meaning be patient, because your Lord has commanded you to be patient. It means Be patient over the Command of your Lord. Meaning be patient in adhering to what your Lord has commanded you to do. And it also means Be patient, until the commander of your Lord comes about meaning until he gives you what he has promised you. And she said, this is really struck her at that

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time, because she had recently lost her husband, and was going through, you know, imaginable grief, and a lot of pain. But she said that every single time that she heard this idea, it was like a, a, you know, a source of relief for her, and also a source of encouragement for her, that be patient, because this is what your Lord has decreed. Be patient, because your Lord has commanded you to be patient, and be patient until your Lord gives you what he has promised you Alhamdulillah for the blessing of the Quran Alhamdulillah for such beautiful teachings that Allah subhanaw taala has given us in his book and all of these teachings is the instruction to be patient. Now, when we look at the

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word sub sub is from sabara, which basically means to confine or detain something or someone All right. In any for example, if someone is jailed, someone is locked up, all right, that is what Subhadra any they have been withheld, they have been detained and sober is defined as Hubsan naps, it is to detain your self, okay? Meaning you prevent yourself from reaching the point of despair.

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You prevent yourself from reaching the point of panic.

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You prevent yourself from doing what is displeasing to Allah Zawada. All right, you detain yourself, you hold yourself back from quitting from losing it from behaving in a way that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada does not approve of. And somebody as we have learned is in the face of calamity. It is in doing what is right, right, endure and do what is right, even if it is difficult. And it is also in staying away from what is wrong. And sober, basically is telling yourself to hold on. All right, to bear the difficulty until the storm passes. One of the setup whenever he would be met by a trial, he would say this is just a cloud that will soon fade away. Think about it when a cloud appears in the

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sky when it comes in the sky. Does it stay there forever? It doesn't its nature is that it is going to go away either from the heat, right? Or with the wind, it's going to go it's not going to stay there forever. So this is what patience is basically about that sometimes things are not easy. It's not easy to pray, right? You know that it's not going to be easy to bear the consequences of you know, speaking the truth, right? It's it's not easy to fast. Fasting is also a form of patience. But you know, that whatever hardship you're experiencing right now, is not going to last forever. So you make yourself do what is right, do what is pleasing to Allah. Why, for the sake of Allah subhanaw

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Now, in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala commands us to have patience, he tells us is Biru Be patient, he tells us saw beautiful meaning urge each other to be patient. And he also tells us in another place was slobin that continue on impatience or exert yourself, make yourself Be patient. So this shows us that subject can be natural and in certain times, or for certain people, it can actually be acquired. It is something that they have to

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consciously strive towards. And you know, every person is different. It's possible that when it comes to certain types of challenges, you have a lot of patients by, for example, when it comes to fasting, it's it's not difficult for you, right? But when it comes to dealing with your children's tantrums, or their whining, all right, then that is extremely difficult for you. Every person is different. And the thing is that Allah subhanaw taala tests us in so many different ways, right? In fact, he tells us, that He is going to test you until he sees who is patient, right, who are those who strive in His way and who are not. Right. So Allah subhanaw taala tests us through different

01:05:54 --> 01:06:01

ways in order to bring out our patients. Now we see that in the Quran,

01:06:02 --> 01:06:16

it was mentioned earlier as well. I had said that Allah subhanaw taala mentions patients in 90 different places in the Quran. We see that in the Quran, first of all Allah's pannacotta tells us to be patient in different ways and over and over again.

01:06:17 --> 01:06:37

Secondly, we see that Allah subhanaw taala forbids us from the opposite of patients. So for example, Allah subhanaw taala tells us that letter he knew letters are no right, do not become weak, and do not be overcome by your sadness. Right, meaning Be patient.

01:06:39 --> 01:06:56

The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is told let us start jeweler who do not become impatient over them, meaning do not impatiently demand the punishment for these people. Then we see that in the Quran patient is described as the way of the messengers of Allah

01:06:57 --> 01:07:51

Phasmid Kamau sabara oluwo Lars Mina Rasul or prophets of Allah who understand and be patient just as the ocular Azzam among the messengers were patient. A YouTube already has Salam is described as in our agenda now who saw Beulah Allah subhanaw taala says that indeed, we found him to be patient, near Mullah Abdul, what an excellent slave he was, What an excellent worshiper, he was, that he was patient, and what was the patient's of a YouTube URL Usila. That he was tested for such a long time, in his body, through his wealth, through his family, through the society. Right. But throughout that test, he was patient how so? That he was never upset with Allah. And he continued to worship Allah.

01:07:52 --> 01:08:03

This is what patience is, that you continue to worship Allah, no matter what is happening and you don't get upset with Allah.

01:08:05 --> 01:08:52

Being patient, doesn't mean that you don't complain to Allah. Okay? Because a YouTuber already has sunnah did complain to Allah, He said, aneema Sunil Buru, that oh Lord, hardship has touched me. He did complain to Allah. Right. We learn about your Kubernetes syndrome. He said for several jhemini that I am going to observe a beautiful patients. And then what did he do in the mash go Bothy? Were Hosni Illa Allah, right he complained of his grief of his condition to who to Allah. What is contrary to patience, is to constantly complain to people.

01:08:53 --> 01:09:02

It is to complain to people this is what is contrary to patients that as if you are complaining to them about what Allah subhanaw taala has decreed for you.

01:09:03 --> 01:09:50

So in the Quran, we see that the prophets are praised for their patients their patients is is described at length. And then we see that in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala also tells us that success depends on patience, that those who are patient are the ones who are successful, any without patients there is no success. And Allah subhanaw taala also tells us about the reward of those who are patient, that their reward is double meaning they will be rewarded in this world and they will also be rewarded in the hereafter hola Erica, you don't have a draw home Marla tiny B mas sobre su two times they will be rewarded in this world and also in the Hereafter. And what is the reward in

01:09:50 --> 01:09:59

the hereafter? In the manual for sabudana Drambuie lady who said they will be given the reward without any measure. And one of the scholars explained this, that the reward of pay

01:10:00 --> 01:10:03

shunts is like water that is pouring forth.

01:10:04 --> 01:10:16

You know, for example, you go to a waterfall you see a waterfall. And what's happening? Water is just constantly, constantly falling down. Right? endlessly, never stopping.

01:10:18 --> 01:10:31

You know, for example, Niagara Falls, I've been there so many times, and every single time I call I wonder, so much water is falling, falling, falling, falling nonstop, and it's been falling since the last time I came

01:10:32 --> 01:10:52

Subhanallah how much water is that? constantly falling. So the reward of sub is like that it is continuous. It is endless. Why? Because when a person is observing patience, it feels like the hardship is endless.

01:10:53 --> 01:11:09

Right? It feels like this difficulty is never going to end. But when a person puts their trust in Allah, and they keep enduring, what happens within time that Allah subhanaw taala has decreed that hardship comes to an end.

01:11:11 --> 01:12:00

And when we see the Quran, we see that sober is mentioned with a lot of different virtues. Okay, and aren't even a bit more liberal theologian who said that the position of patients with regards to Eman is like the position of the head in relation to the body. Can you imagine a body without a head? If the head is cut off? Is that even a body? No, it's not a person is not alive. There can be no life in a body without its head. Right. Just like that. He said that there is no Eman without sub. This is how it necessary sub is for the believer. Now we see that in the Quran, Saba is sometimes paired with the Aqua.

01:12:01 --> 01:12:19

All right, what interests Bureau what a taco if you're a patient, and you have Taqwa. Because you need both. You need somebody to bear the hurt. And you need Taqwa the consciousness of Allah in order to respond properly.

01:12:21 --> 01:13:08

Right? So sometimes we think that just be patient, just bear just bear Just bear it. Don't say anything. No, sub. It's not just that, you know, be quiet. And don't say anything. You need suburb. And you also need the Aqua de quoi in responding properly to those who are hurting you. Sometimes we see that somebody has mentioned with the word coal, and this is so beautiful Alladhina Suburu while obey him yet our calluna those who are patient and on their Lord, they put their trust. What's the relationship between patients and Tawakkol? The thing is that a person can only have sub if they have the workload on Allah.

01:13:09 --> 01:13:28

Right? Why else would you endure? Right? Why else would you bear hardship and difficulty? Because he you know that you have a Lord who knows what you're going through. And and he will make this difficulty come to an end and he will reward you.

01:13:29 --> 01:13:48

So without Tawakkol Sobor is impossible. Sometimes you see somebody has mentioned with jihad, some Majah who was Suburu. Why? Because Jihad striving in the way of Allah, it requires a whole lot of patience. Sometimes we see somebody's mentioned with sugar with gratitude.

01:13:49 --> 01:13:54

Because they're basically like two sides of the same coin. Right?

01:13:56 --> 01:14:15

Shaka, you are focused on Allah, you are grateful for the fact that Allah is always giving you and Sobor why? Because you have a Lord who cares about you, who forgives you, who provides for you, who rewards you. So why would you not have patience for his sake?

01:14:16 --> 01:14:37

Then we see that somebody has mentioned with forgiveness, while I'm on sabara will offer whoever is patient and forgives because again, if you don't have patience, you can't forgive. It's mentioned with good deeds in the Ladino Suburu waarmee la sala had except for those who are patient and who do good deeds because if you don't have patience, you can't do good.

01:14:39 --> 01:14:46

Four times in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala tells us that Allah is Ma Sabreen he is with those who are patient.

01:14:47 --> 01:14:52

Any when a person is is patient, they're not alone.

01:14:53 --> 01:14:59

They don't have to fend for themselves. They have not been abandoned. No, they have actually received the help of Allah. This is why

01:15:00 --> 01:15:17

sober is actually our own was there a no the summary was salah. If a person is able to be patient in a situation it means they have the help of Allah. And if they're not being patient in a situation that means they don't have the help of Allah. Allah is with those who are patient, not with those who are impatient.

01:15:18 --> 01:15:30

Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran that he loves your hibel Sabeti there is good news. Well, Bashir sabihin, good news of reward, good news of relief for those who are patient.

01:15:31 --> 01:15:56

And are Madonna Abdullah RZ said that whenever Allah provides one of his servants with with a blessing, and then he takes it away from him, and gives him patients instead, surely, the compensation is better than the blessing which has been taken away. Meaning the subject that you observe is better than the blessing that you lost.

01:15:58 --> 01:16:04

And another thing is the last thing I want to mention is that Sobor is only with the help of Allah.

01:16:06 --> 01:16:51

It is only with the help of Allah wa SPID wama sub ruca Ilhabela anyone Allah gives you tofield when Allah assists you, and it means that it can only be for the sake of Allah when somebody has done right, right, what any, it is done for the sake of Allah, your patient, because of Allah because of the fact that He has commanded you to be patient because you're looking forward to the reward that he has promised you. Only then can you continue to have patience. Only then can you endure, may Allah subhanaw taala grant us autofill now let let's hear from you. And remember, please keep your reflections short try to keep them within 30 seconds because I do want to hear from everybody who

01:16:51 --> 01:16:58

raises their hand so try to keep it to the point brief. Inshallah Are you

01:17:07 --> 01:17:09

are you I see that you're unmuted but we just can't hear you yet.

01:17:12 --> 01:17:21

Salaam Can you hear us? Okay, we can't hear you just yet. If you can just sort out your mic inshallah. And we'll jump to the next person in line. In the meantime, Sister Samia, go right ahead

01:17:32 --> 01:17:33

was it for me?

01:17:35 --> 01:17:41

We can hear you now Samia, go ahead. Alright, so my question was, like you slowly come first of all,

01:17:42 --> 01:17:44

thank you for such an amazing

01:17:46 --> 01:17:48

and amazing reminder on sobor.

01:17:49 --> 01:18:08

My question was when you said that you complain, to complain only to a loss of pantherella with what you are facing? And what has decreased upon you, instead of people had? Could you elaborate more on that? Because this is your

01:18:11 --> 01:18:15

child? This is the only question I'm going to take this time for reflections. All right.

01:18:16 --> 01:18:18

But since you've mentioned the question, I'm going to take it

01:18:19 --> 01:18:24

to complain to Allah is to call upon Him for help.

01:18:25 --> 01:18:49

It is to present your week your weakness, your your desperation before him. All right. It is not to say Oh Allah, why did you decree this for me? And Oh Allah, this is unfair. Oh Allah, why me? No, this is not proper complaining to Allah. Proper complaining to Allah is to present your condition before him in order to ask him for help. All right.

01:18:50 --> 01:19:12

complaining to people is to constantly be whining. Constantly be like, you know, I'm now my head's hurting. And I had such a horrible day and this is unfair, and this is not nice. You become a very negative person, like this. And this is the opposite of patients.

01:19:13 --> 01:19:18

All right. So it's okay it's good to complain to Allah, but not to people.

01:19:19 --> 01:19:35

This doesn't mean that you can't ever share with people what the you know, the difficulties that you're experiencing, you can but within proper boundaries, and always for a reason. If you want their advice you want their help, something like that on Java.

01:19:37 --> 01:19:48

Reflection. Let's try it again. Go ahead. Well, you can hear me Yep, I'll handle family consistent Tamia. It's a pleasure being able to speak to you

01:19:50 --> 01:19:51

with Allah.

01:19:53 --> 01:19:57

Masha Allah my daughter recently started to tell him Oh Quran course in

01:19:58 --> 01:20:00

February the beginning of

01:20:00 --> 01:20:07

February in Mississauga. We live in Scarborough. And I made a resolve to drive there every day for the course.

01:20:09 --> 01:20:23

Go and sit with her as a listener, Mashallah. And so we started that. And it wasn't until maybe, and I was going to join as well, after the first day I said I was going to join as myself. So after the first week

01:20:25 --> 01:20:28

I got into a car accident. SubhanAllah.

01:20:29 --> 01:20:37

But, you know, I thought that I was I reacted, okay. But in hindsight like, sorry.

01:20:39 --> 01:21:15

My favorite. My favorite idea is, do you think that you will not be tested when people were testing before you from angebote? Right, so I knew that and that, and the one that it says you will be tested with fear, and grief and hunger and all of these. So I thought that would be from the patient, people who says, in Melilla, who were in LA Raju, oh, Allah recompense me for my affliction, and replace it for me with something that is better, because this is something that I say for minor things a lot. You know, like, when you're leaving out the house, you say these things. So I say it a lot. But in this case, where I got into the car accident, I didn't actually say this.

01:21:15 --> 01:21:17

Well, I didn't, I thought it is but anyways,

01:21:18 --> 01:21:34

I thought I would say it. And for the couple of two weeks when I'm dealing with the insurance company, and you know, the other people that you have to deal with, when you get into a car accident, I didn't see these things I didn't I didn't have the suburb that I could have had.

01:21:35 --> 01:22:21

And now that I've been listening to this Maghrib Ramadan 360 And, you know, learning more, I realized that this was a test from Allah, and that I, I may have failed the test and the initial thing, but if I continue to be patient, and hope for good for Allah, that inshallah there will be higher at the end, Inshallah, and the thing is at the moment, you realize that, you know, maybe your response was not the, you know, with sobor, right? The moment you realize, that is when you turn to Allah, seeking His forgiveness, don't ever, you know, tell yourself that Oh, I failed this test. I'm such a bad person. And you know, I, I miss such a, you know, such a great opportunity.

01:22:22 --> 01:22:27

In the Quran, we learn about the old earliest salaam, how when he realized

01:22:28 --> 01:23:06

a mistake of his, he had luck here and what an up, he fell into the core, and he turned back to Allah. So when you realize that, Oh, I was not patient, I should have been patient, then you can start being patient from that point onwards, and you'll seek Allah's Paranthropus forgiveness for the mistake that you made. Were human beings, after all, right? And it's not possible for us to always, always be perfectly patient. So when you realize that you're being impatient, that is the time when you start changing your response, inshallah.

01:23:07 --> 01:23:18

And just so that Alhamdulillah let's give other people a chance as well, Inshallah, there's six people who raise their hand so Inshallah, thank you appreciate your reflection.

01:23:19 --> 01:23:32

Oh, sorry. Gotta go in order. Sorry, I just gotta go in order inshallah. The next person who's in line that we have is an S, please raise your hand and shall if you want to be added to the to the order of those who are reflecting NS go right ahead and unmute yourself. Bismillah.

01:23:37 --> 01:23:39

Someone may not be aware of what's out there.

01:23:40 --> 01:23:44

Can you hear me? Yes. Salam aleikum. This is Nadine speaking.

01:23:45 --> 01:24:00

I was I sometimes seem to confuse patience and forbearance. So I was thinking that maybe it would be good to have a clarification on that the difference between patients and for parents.

01:24:03 --> 01:24:12

Look, they're similar All right, because when you have patients only then will you

01:24:13 --> 01:24:21

be calm and composed in the way that you respond right or that you choose not to respond. So they are related.

01:24:23 --> 01:24:33

Next person, I remember reflections, not questions. I synthesized in 30 seconds or less if we can manage it inshallah Orisha go right ahead. This Mina

01:24:36 --> 01:24:38

a Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

01:24:40 --> 01:24:48

Oh, when you said that patience comes with debacle. So I related to you at that point.

01:24:49 --> 01:24:59

I have an experience like as we are humans, we have create like, when you do something and you get reward for that thing, you then know that you're going to do

01:25:00 --> 01:25:51

This same thing next time, and you're going to get that reward. Right? So I have that experience with myself, whatever I want my life, whether it's a small thing or a big thing, whether it's a useful, you know, the reusable things or anything I just really wanted to have, I just have somewhere on that, like, I have experienced a lot of times in my life, whatever I wanted, I just ask Allah, that all I want this, and I just had so bright that. So it's, it's amazing, it's magical that we didn't, you know, it's not you know, it's timeless, yeah, within a month or a year, I mean, the I got that thing. So, next time I had that debacle for that, like, if I just want something I will ask

01:25:51 --> 01:26:09

Allah Oh Allah, I need this I have an eye on something. I just wanted this. And I just got that like I have that trade and mess of this correct is stalking myself I've just built in myself. So just sokola I am very grateful for that. Welcome.

01:26:12 --> 01:26:14

Fast next we've got four here already had for here

01:26:21 --> 01:26:26

um, when you talked about patient it and telco I thought of who

01:26:27 --> 01:27:05

that individual to take an example where our profits, there was the most patients that were the most, you know, individuals who have experienced everything. And then the second individual that came to my head, and my mind was my mother. And the way I looked at it is our generations right now is, for example, marriage, if you look at it, people are like, Hey, I give up, I can deal with this individual, I'm done, I'm walking out of this manner. Whereas if you look at your parents, your grandparents, no matter how much they struggled with their marriages, they stayed with it. They had Telecom, they had patients, and they had they kept on asking Allah to keep them patient with the new

01:27:05 --> 01:27:41

deal they were with. So I keep thinking, and I keep seeing, like the way our parents have been together. Because whether it was for us, whether it's for themselves, it gives me an opportunity to we think, am I going to walk out just because of an argument just because I'm feeling like it? Or am I going to stick around and stay and see what comes out of it. So that patients see that my mother really teaches me a strong, like, you know, stay patient, stay, you know, true to who you are. ask Allah for guidance and all of that. So that was my intake on this. Thank you.

01:27:43 --> 01:27:47

You beautiful reflection. Next we have sister Rachmat from Nigeria go right ahead.

01:27:50 --> 01:27:51

Salam O

01:27:54 --> 01:27:54


01:27:57 --> 01:28:06

I'm a student of alHuda as well. So when I heard the verse was to you know, discovery was salah. At the time,

01:28:08 --> 01:28:53

I was having a lot of hardships, I was having anxiety and things like that. So when what I grasped from the seer, when I heard it was just be patient, be patient, be patient. So whenever I was having panic attacks or anything like that, I would deal with a patient and immediately go and pray. And and hamdulillah when I got over that phase of my life with anxiety, and my went to another state, where my mom joined al Qaeda, and I went to a third class, and they were doing the same verse, but at the time my headspace was more in fixing my salah and tafsir when they were talking,

01:28:54 --> 01:29:11

what I got at that time, was how if I wanted to attain a shoo in my salah, then I needed to seek help from Allah to be patient with my salah. So that's what resonated with me from this

01:29:12 --> 01:29:59

Zakka Hydra merkabah vehicle Xochimilco recommend the next person we have in line is Iet. Aziz Inshallah, please go ahead and mute yourself Inshallah, let's make this the last reflection. Sanjay Kumar, thank you so much for this session. I just wanted to say so, in the beginning of 2021, I wanted to move abroad for my studies, but it wasn't possible because of COVID. And I was really disheartened about the situation. And then, but my parents had listed me that I pray a lot and have several. So I did exactly the same thing and played and within a year I got selected for an exchange program, and I got to travel abroad. So that just in

01:30:00 --> 01:30:11

She used my faith and increased my Eman and believe in having severe all the time because I can the Hydra. Thank you so much for sharing.

01:30:12 --> 01:30:45

Alright, so I will conclude over here for today. So go ahead, it is like a locker it was salad Samia and all of you, we're all learning how to be as effective with this as possible I pulled out my little stopwatch timer, and it was trying to time y'all as well that's what I do because someone else had a suggestion to to practice before you share your reflection because it's easy to get into the emotion of it and then to have a hard time to figure out how long you're taking but just that kind of luck here we're getting better and better and thank you to everybody who shared today and who didn't get a chance to share please do raise your hand again for tomorrow for Ark or on reflect

01:30:45 --> 01:31:13

this is the kind of a muscle that we're building and an experience that we're trying to make sure that you guys are kind of getting comfortable with as well inshallah so just like welfare to all of you for your patients today and throughout these sessions with with the fellow reflectors and hamdulillah and with us as well. With that said, we had a lot of announcements earlier today hopefully you got caught all of them. I know there's gonna be a lot of links does that come with your first lien for holding it down in the chat for the links? Mashallah, so we have Give daily, I hope that you guys have got that memorize mashallah, by now, we are

01:31:13 --> 01:31:48

now at 657 donors. So let's hit 700 In sha Allah. Like chef Omar said, I just curated some messages for my family group chat and for my friend chats, please do send those messages out and share in the same breath, the amug of YouTube series for the names of Allah Inshallah, this year if you benefited. If there's a specific name or specific video that really stuck out for you. Please share that with others. And I figured out how to do the post notification notifications today as well. So like subscribe, comment, post notifications, all that fun stuff to the Maghrib YouTube channel and follow up with this series. We launch videos every single day at 3pm PST. Also, I just want to give

01:31:48 --> 01:32:24

you guys a heads up in sha Allah this Thursday, every term long we do a 10 day Grand Challenge where we up our our dish we then we citation skills together and we spend some time with the Quran with our beloved teacher, Imam was Sharif so look forward to that starting this Thursday at 1pm ESD. I think it'll probably be on forward slash challenge will be the link below share that here and on telegram as well. Register yourselves if you're in Ramadan 360. Hopefully they'll add you automatically as well. But just mark your calendar for Thursday at 1pm PST for the first session for that. If you have any questions. If you're still new to this series or you're getting confused

01:32:24 --> 01:32:55

about some of the logistics and some of the links, please let us know. Send us an email or send us a message on telegram and we'll take care of you inshallah. It's been amazing to spend day number nine with Chef Omar who said that Jamia and yourselves and we'll see you guys in Charlotte someone's asking when's the next coup the coup is on the weekend. So look out for it on the weekends, on Saturday or Sunday inshallah and of course this Saturday we have the webinars we'll probably do this Sunday in sha Allah, the links to WhatsApp to the charity partners everything is in there in the in the chat. We'll see you guys tomorrow in sha Allah for day number 10 of Ramadan 360 And tomorrow we

01:32:55 --> 01:33:09

have back with us the instructor that started off the experience shifts that a man Hani is going to be talking about the topic of leadership, so it's gonna be an amazing session. We look forward to that for now. Take care Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe and s&m Anakin what happens Allah He already got

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