Ammar Alshukry – Jummah Khutbah 10-05-2024

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The speaker discusses the use of the Quran in the context of security and the potential for dangerous behavior from criminals. They also mention the use of negative language in the Bible, including the use of "the wicked" to signal disinterest in actions and references to actions like killing a Coptic man. The speaker emphasizes the importance of reading the Quran and reflecting on it to ensure everyone is aware of the danger.
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Guidance and his forgiveness that we seek refuge
in Allah from the evil of ourselves
and the whispering of our desires whom having
no partners, and that Muhammad
is his slave and his messenger,
We learn to make a request.
That is a request that you make
17 times a day.
And when you
Allah begins, this is the you are asking
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for guidance, you are
asking Allah for the straight path, and then
in the this Quran that has been revealed,
this book about which there is no doubt,
there's no mistakes, there's no flaws,
there is
when the scholars talk about
the concept of legislation,
they mentioned the abandonment
I want you to think of all of
the pressing matters,
our researching,
our positions
on whatever current affair is happening.
You know, right now,
specifically in the context of
what we're seeing in security,
and all of the passion, and all of
the discussions, and all of the position.
One of the things that this arena has
especially for young people, is the presence of
wicked people. It become displayed on in 4
The wickedness,
young people, this is the rude awakening
to the idea
that there are people that hate these of
of the believers,
that they learned in Sunday school, that they
learned in the seal of the
When you turn to the Quran,
you see so much.
And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala present to you
the signs.
We clarify for you the signs
that the path, Quran, you'll find it there.
And I wanna give a few short examples,
but the recitation of the Quran
for the barakah of the Quran, but that
when I'm guidance, and seeing what gems I
can pick up. Allah
you know, when Allah
that if not only were they to receive
a sign,
but if we were to lift, they would
say, our eyes have become bewitched.
Even if they were to ascend to the
heavens, and I
but again,
the landscape of Gaza.
A sister from in the nineties in Bosnia,
we would imagine that
if only they fear, they would undoubtedly come
and save us. The only thing
the world watching
another genocide,
the destruction of the messiahs of Bosnia in
the nineties.
And here she is realizing
that when people's hearts are turned off, Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala says,
It's not the
And so tyrants that's mentioned in the Quran,
when we speak about the wicked and one
of the greatest messengers,
an unconflict of good and evil, and the
need to refer back to the stories in
the different angles that that story
Could you imagine that? Fir'aun, for years, and
you did that thing that you did,
meaning you killed the Coptic man.
He says, I You've you've enslaved
the children of Israel.
You've enslaved my people, and you're here talking
to me, why was my mother so afraid
that I was You don't get to claim
to fix me
when you cause my baby.
By every child of privilege
who does not forget the bro By the
child who goes to the most prestigious of
but does not forget their brothers and sisters
whose only share of behind in a war
torn place caused by a proxy war by
the country that is now hosting them A
favor that you're accounting for me when you
cause destruction in my homeland in the first
And so those people to engage on behalf
of the broken, they are preceded in that
regard by a mighty Messenger of God.
He says to Musa
He says to him,
Musa alaihis salaam, he comes with him, The
children and harun, send with us the children
of Israel, and don't torture them. That's it.
What does Sura'un say when he receives that
clear message from Musa?
Musa didn't say any of that. Musa said,
I wanna leave your land with my distortion
of the reality
is something that you see the wicked do
in every time and place,
asking for my freedom. When Martin Luther King
said, let freedom ring from the mighty mountains
of New York mountainside, let freedom ring. And
yet we were never told
that when Martin was saying, let freedom people.
But that is the methodology of the wicked,
and you see it in the Quran, and
you see it play out in
For a person to engage the Quran, and
to be able to reflect on the Quran,
and to be able to see. Be a
reminder for my brothers and sisters that we
need to be a people who continue to
read the Quran, continue to reflect
the Quran.
your feet shoulder to shoulder, leave no gas?