Ammar Alshukry – 7 Things That Protect from The Punishment of the Grave

Ammar Alshukry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses various aspects of the Prophet's life, including protecting from punishment, good deeds, and death on the way to theeccaeccaecca. They also mention a daily habit of reciting surah prepation and a daily habit of reciting the book of the Soul.
AI: Transcript ©
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How do you protect yourself from the punishment

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of the grave?

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I'm going to mention seven things inshallah ta

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'ala protecting from the punishment of the grave.

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The first is a daily habit.

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Ibn al-Qayyim, he says in Kitab al

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-Ruh, when he mentions he has an entire

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section on the, he has a book called

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the Book of the Soul on things that

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protect from the punishment of the grave.

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And he says, this thing is of the

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most beneficial things that protect from the punishment

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of the grave.

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That every night before you go to sleep,

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that you reflect on your day and hold

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yourself accountable for the mistakes and sins that

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you committed.

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And then you commit to a sincere repentance

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between you and Allah.

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And so if that sleep turns into eternal

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slumber, then you've died upon repentance.

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And if they live to the next morning,

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they awaken with happiness and a chance at

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a new beginning.

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He says, this is the most beneficial sleep

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that a person can have.

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Every night before you go to sleep, you

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think about your sins, you repent from those

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sins, you commit to a new day.

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If you do that, then it's the most

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beneficial sleep.

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Number two.

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Tawheed, belief in Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta

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When the angels come and question you in

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the grave, that you say, my Lord is

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Allah, Islam is my religion, Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi

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Wasallam is my prophet.

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The more a person believes in that, lives

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in accordance to that in this dunya, the

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more they will be able to be able,

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they will be granted the tawfeeq to say

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that in the grave.

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يثبت الله الذين آمنوا بالقول الثابت في الحياة

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الدنيا وفي الآخرة Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta

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-A'la says, Allah will give those who

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believe steadfastness with the statement of truth in

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this life and in the next.

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So tawheed.

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Number three, good deeds.

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Good deeds protect.

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The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, when the

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deceased is placed in their grave, and they

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hear the movement of the sandals when the

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people depart from them, if they were a

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believer, then the prayer is at their head

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and fasting is at their right and zakah

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is at their left and good deeds like

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charity, the tithes of kinship and goodness to

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people is at their feet.

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And so when the azaab, when the punishment

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starts to approach that person from their head,

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the salah says there's no passage this way.

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And when it comes from the right, fasting

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says you can't pass.

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And then from their left, charity says you

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can't pass.

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And then from their feet, good deeds, charity,

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maintaining the tithes of kinship and goodness to

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people says you can't pass.

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That's number two or three?

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That's three.

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Number four is shahada, martyrdom.

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And the Prophet ﷺ, he mentioned six qualities

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that the shaheed has and one of them

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is that they're protected from the punishment of

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the grave.

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And so the sahaba asked, why is the

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shaheed protected from the punishment of the grave?

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And he says, كفى ببارقة السيوف فوق رأسه

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فتنة He said it is enough.

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The dazzling of swords over their head is

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enough of a fitna for them.

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They don't need to be tested in the

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Their test is on the battlefield.

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Then number four, that is number four, right?

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OK, so I want to just expand that

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notion of shaheed because the Prophet ﷺ, so

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this is number five.

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We're going to expand the notion of shaheed.

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The Prophet ﷺ said, who do you consider

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martyrs amongst you?

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The sahaba said, يا رسول الله, the one

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who's killed in the path of Allah is

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a martyr.

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The Prophet ﷺ said, then the martyrs of

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my ummah will be few.

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They said, then who are they, يا رسول

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He said, whoever is killed in the path

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of Allah is a martyr.

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And whoever dies in the path of Allah

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is a martyr.

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And whoever dies in a plague is a

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And whoever dies due to a stomach ailment

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is a martyr.

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And whoever drowns is a martyr.

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And we also have a number of other

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narrations that indicate that whoever dies because of

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burning is a martyr.

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And whoever dies صاحب الهدم, a person who

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a building collapses on them is a martyr.

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So all of these scenes that we're seeing

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play out in Gaza, they're all martyred according

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to the Prophet ﷺ.

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May Allah count them as the martyrs.

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Allahumma ameen.

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The only difference is that janazah is still

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prayed over them.

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The only one who janazah is not prayed

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for is the martyr of the battlefield.

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Everyone else, they may have the status of

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martyrs and there's others like the Prophet ﷺ

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says, من قتل دون ماله فهو شهيد ومن

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قتل دون أهله فهو شهيد That whoever dies

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defending their property is a shaheed.

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And whoever dies defending their family is a

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And whoever dies defending themselves is a shaheed.

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Whoever is killed defending themselves is a shaheed.

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Number six is dying on Friday, on the

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eve of Friday.

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Basically Thursday night.

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The Prophet ﷺ says there's no Muslim who

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dies on Friday or the eve of Friday

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except that Allah ﷻ protects them from the

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trials of the grave.

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The hadith is reported by al-Tirmidhi.

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And then we started with a daily habit

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and I'm going to end with a daily

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habit, which is the seventh, which is reciting

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surah al-Mulk.

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The Prophet ﷺ said surah Tabarak is the

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surah that protects from the punishment of the

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And he ﷺ also said a chapter that

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is 30 verses interceded on behalf of its

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reciter until they were forgiven.

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And it is Tabarak which is in the

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hand of al-Mulk from the Sahih al

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I am Allah ﷻ, that's all.

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