Amjad Tarsin – The Journey of the Heart

Amjad Tarsin
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The speaker discusses the importance of preparing for gifts and not just seeking forgiveness. They also mention a prophetic statement about seeking forgiveness and encourage listeners to be aware of the power of the spiritual breasts. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of waking the heart to realize the benefits of the spiritual war and offers suggestions for transformative changes in one's life.

AI: Summary ©

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			In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious,
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			the Most Merciful.
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			All praise is due to Allah, the Lord
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			of the worlds.
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			And peace and blessings be upon our master
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			Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets and the
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			Imam of the Messengers.
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			The one who was sent as a mercy
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			to the worlds, and upon his good family
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			and his noble companions.
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			And upon those who followed them with kindness
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			and guidance until the Day of Judgment.
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			And we are obliged to be with them
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			and among them by your mercy, O Most
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			Allahumma a'limna ma yanfa'una, wa anfa
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			'na bima'allamtana, wa zidna ilman ya kareem.
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			Rabbi ishrah li sadri, wa yassir li amri,
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			wa ahlul uqdatan min lisani, yafqahun qawli.
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			The Prophet ﷺ, starting in the sacred month
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			of Rajab, he would begin making the dua,
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			Allahumma barik lana fi Rajab wa Sha'ban,
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			wa ballighna Ramadan.
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			O Allah, bless us in the months of
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			Rajab and Sha'ban and allow us to
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			reach the month of Ramadan.
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			And there are many lessons in this prophetic
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			dua, but one of the things that it
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			teaches us is that we have to prepare
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			in advance for the gifts that Allah subhanahu
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			wa ta'ala gives.
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			And the spiritual breezes that come in the
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			most blessed month of Ramadan.
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			And scholars recommend in the month of Rajab
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			that we should engage in abundant istighfar.
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			That we should ask Allah subhanahu wa ta
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			'ala for forgiveness frequently.
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			Naturally from the last Ramadan to this point,
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			we've made a lot of mistakes.
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			The heart becomes veiled, it becomes covered in
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			And we need to polish and really reset
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			our state with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
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			and realign ourselves with Allah jalla jalaluh.
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			And Habib Ahmed bin Zayn al-Habshi, he
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			has a beautiful treatise where he talks about
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			But one of the things that he mentions
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			that's really unique, is he talks not just
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			about seeking forgiveness, but he talks about how
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			you motivate the heart to want to seek
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			Some of us are so spiritually numb that
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			we might not even really feel that remorse.
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			We might not necessarily feel the inclination to
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			really turn back to Allah subhanahu wa ta
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			'ala with the entirety of our being.
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			So we need to be awoken.
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			We need to be reminded.
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			And he says that a person, the first
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			thing he mentions to motivate the heart to
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			be aware of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
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			is to frequently sit with religious scholars who
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			invite to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala through
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			their states and their words.
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			To sit with people of Allah whose very
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			state awakens you.
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			The state of the people around you is
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			It's pulling you in whatever direction they're inclining
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			So the people of Allah, if you're in
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			their company, it pulls you in the direction
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			of seeking Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
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			And then he also mentions reflecting abundantly on
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			That this Ramadan that's approaching, if we even
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			live to see it, may Allah subhanahu wa
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			ta'ala allow us to reach it.
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			But this Ramadan that's approaching, if Allah allows
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			us to experience it, could very well be
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			our last.
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			One of the things, it's just a natural
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			thing when you live in the world and
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			then you see people passing away.
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			People that you knew, people younger than you,
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			relatives, friends.
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			There's many people that we know.
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			Each one of us probably knows someone close
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			to them who's passed away.
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			And that, I remember subhanAllah, just having children
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			and seeing how quickly your children develop and
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			You want to hang on to a moment
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			and it's gone.
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			Before you can fully relish and cherish that
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			And it teaches you about the temporary nature
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			of the dunya.
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			That is a reminder that should awaken our
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			That should allow us to realize we are
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			traveling on this path to meet Allah subhanahu
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			wa ta'ala.
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			And then he also mentions that we should
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			be broken before Allah.
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			That we should call upon Allah with humility
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			and brokenness.
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			And recognizing our neediness.
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			Recognizing our mistakes.
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			That we have nothing to present before our
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			And that all of these things soften the
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			And when the heart becomes soft, then we
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			can really make transformative change in our lives.
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			May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow light
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			to enter into our hearts.
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			May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow us
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			to benefit the greatest benefit in this sacred
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			month of Rajab.
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			And that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gives
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			us a sincere repentance that is true and
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			genuine from the very core of our being.
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			And may He allow us to reap the
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			benefits of Sha'ban.
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			And may Allah give us a great opening
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			in the month of Ramadan.
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			An opening in the Qur'an.
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			An opening in our worship and devotion and
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			And a stronger connection to our Lord jalla
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			Wa salallahu wasalam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala
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			alihi wa sahbihi ajma'een.
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			Walhamdulillahi rabbil alameen.
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			Wal'afu minakum.