Amjad Tarsin – AllahS Praise Of His Messenger In Revelation

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The transcript discusses the importance of the Prophet Muhammad's actions and characteristics in shaping the world, as well as his motto, which is "The beginning of the life and birth of the Prophet." The segment also touches on the physical traits and character traits of the Prophet's actions, including his covenant with Allah and stance on peace and blessings. The importance of gathering for the Mahdi's peace and blessings be upon him until the day of judgment, and the holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy.
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Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah alladhi hadana li hadha wa ma
kunna linahtadya lawla an hadana allah wa sallallahu
wasallam ala sayyidina muhammadin muftahiba bi rahmatillah adada
ma fi ilman la salatan wa salaman daimayni
bidawami mulki allah wa ala alihi wa sahbihi
wa man walah Allahumma alimna ma yanfa'una
wa nfa'na bima allamtana wa zidna ilman
ya kareem Rabbish rahli sadri wa yassir li
amri wahlul uqdatan min lisani yafqahu qawli Just
some reflections on the shimmering light, this poem
around the life and birth of the Prophet
Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa alihi wa sahbihi wasallam
We have been commenting on some of the
lines, but it's been a couple of years
But coming back to that, we'll look at
two lines at the beginning of chapter 3
where the author talks about the exalted and
distinct rank of the Prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi
wa alihi wa sahbihi wasallam And when we
talk about the Messenger of Allah and we
talk about how Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
has honored him and made him unique and
elevated his rank salawatullahi wa salamuhu alayh It's
an indication of how clear Allah has made
the path of guidance for us That at
the end of time Allah jalla jalaluh sent
the greatest of all the Prophets and Messengers
with the greatest number of miracles and signs
and proofs so that the greatest number of
people could be guided The author says, Allah
mentioned his attributes, that of the Prophet Muhammad
salallahu alayhi wasallam in the revealed books clearly
described And every single revealed book mentioned the
Prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi wasallam the coming of
the great Prophet, the coming of the Prophet
of the end times and talked about some
of his character traits and some of his
physical traits as well salallahu alayhi wasallam so
that people of the book, whatever remained of
guidance that those people would be able to
tell others Yes, this is the one described
in the revealed books of the Prophets and
Messengers of before And Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala tells us this Those to whom we
gave the scripture recognize him to be a
true Prophet as they recognize their own children
If your child is playing and there's a
bunch of other children playing you'll be able
to recognize your own child because of their
mannerisms because of how intimately you know them
The same is true of the Prophet Muhammad
salallahu alayhi wasallam They could recognize him from
afar And many of those who were sincere
immediately said that Immediately when the Prophet salallahu
alayhi wasallam came to Medina the head rabbi
of Medina said, this is not the face
of a liar, I believe I bear witness
that there is no god but Allah and
I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger
of Allah Then Allah tells us of this
significant covenant that all of the Prophets and
Messengers took He took the covenant from the
Prophets when he said, I have given you
the most excellent wisdom And Allah tells us
in the Quran Remember
when Allah made a covenant with the Prophets
All of the Prophets and Messengers before coming
into this world Before meeting the Prophet Muhammad
salallahu alayhi wasallam They all took a covenant
with Allah that if they were to meet
him, they would follow him Remember when Allah
made a covenant with the Prophets saying Now
that I have given you the book and
wisdom If there comes to you a messenger
confirming what you have You must believe in
him and support him Then Allah added, do
you affirm this covenant and accept this commitment?
They said, yes we do Then Allah said,
bear witness and I too am a witness
Imam Ibn Kathir, he says, who is the
Allah says, the messenger here The messenger is
Muhammad The seal of Prophets, Allah's peace and
blessings be upon him Continuously upon him until
the day of judgment That
if he was met in any time He
is the greatest Imam Who in whatever time
he appeared It would be an obligation to
obey him And he is the foremost of
all the Prophets And this is why he
was their Imam on the night of the
Isra When they gathered at Masjid Al-Aqsa
in Jerusalem May Allah purify it and free
Masjid Al-Aqsa So people can worship Allah
as he revealed and commanded Also he is
the intercessor on the day of gathering When
coming before the Lord to begin the judgment
And this is the praiseworthy station Which belongs
only to him That even the prophets and
messengers of great resolve bypass Until it concludes
with him as the representative It
distinctly belongs to him And this is why
we gather And one of the main reasons
Why we read about the life and the
character of the Prophet But we often refer
to this blessed gathering as the Mawlid Because
when the messenger of Allah was born And
his spirit entered into this world Something at
the level of the cosmos shifted and changed
And you see the stories of the prophets
and messengers Their births in the Quran The
birth of Prophet Musa Alayhi Salaam The birth
of Prophet Isa Alayhi Salaam and so forth
That Allah tells us of some of the
miracles that took place at their birth And
those miracles, scholars say, were actually localized In
other words, people who were in that location
Witnessed the miracles of their birth But the
miracles at the birth of the Prophet Musa
Alayhi Salaam Were at the cosmic level That
there were things happening in the planetary realms,
the stars There were things at great distances
Time and space itself was transformed The Prophet
Musa Alayhi Salaam said that the moon In
one hadith, the moon was brought close to
him And that his mother could see the
palaces of Sham Which are at a great
distance away Everything changed with the coming of
his light Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam So the question
we have to ask ourselves And particularly as
those who attend these gatherings And really want
to connect to our messenger And be true
in our love and commitment to him Sallallahu
Alayhi Wasallam If Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
gave us guidance and knowledge And made the
signs so clear And the mission and the
message of the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam So
important and immense How can we not share
this with others?
How can we not go into the world?
When we go to the grocery store, when
we go to work, when we go to
school When we interact with every human being
At the very least we should intend in
our hearts That the light of Iman that
came with the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam
Upon whom the Qur'an was revealed It
shines to those around us That at some
level we intend with Allah If it's not
through our words Then it has to be
with the mute eloquence of our state And
definitely with our dua and our character That
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala opens people's eyes
to the truth And allows them to connect
with this final message Sent by the creator
of the heavens and the earth And he
sent his greatest beloved Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam As
our guide and our teacher And our prophet
and messenger May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
increase us in reverence And allow us to
be true representatives and reflections Of his beauty
and his light and his character And his
guidance Salawatullahi Wasalamu Alayhi Ameen Ya Rabbal Alameen
Wa Sallallahu Wasallam Ala Sayyidina Muhammad Wa Ala
Alihi Wa Sahbihi Ajma'een Walhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen