Amjad Tarsin – 2024-12-11 – The Umma of the Prophet Muhammad

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The transcript describes a group of people holding a rally against the removal of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. They express their desire to bring the throne from Yemen to the region of Bookasah, using the example of Sayyidina volume one
the throne from Yemen to the region of Bookasah, and encourage people to visit the gathering. They also mention the importance of being aware of the opportunity to earn rewards from the presence of the Prophet and receive their bounty.
the throne from Yemen to the region of Bookasah, and encourage people to visit the gathering. They also mention the importance of being aware of the opportunity to earn rewards from the presence of the Prophet and receive their bounty.
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Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Aalameen.
Alhamduliwaa fee ni'ma huwa yukaa fee maazeeda.
Wa Sallalahu Waasallam ala Sayyidina Muhammadin khatim al
-anbiyaa wa imam al-mursaleen wa ala alihi
wa as'habihi ajma'een.
Allahumma alimna maa yunfa'una wa nfa'na
bima'lamtana wa zidna'ilman ya kareem.
Rabbi shraah li sadri wa yassir li amri
waĜlil uqdedatin min lisani yafqahu qawli.
And someone once asked our teacher, Sayyid al
-Habib Umar, about the miracle that took place
with one of the followers and one of
the companions of Prophet Suleyman alayhi as-salam.
And as we know, Prophet Suleyman alayhi as
-salam, Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la
gave him a dominion and a kingdom that
no one after him outwardly ever had.
And when he asked, who will bring me
the throne of the Queen of Sheba?
Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la mentions
the story in the Quran, that a Ifrit
from the jinn, a very powerful type of
jinn said, I will get her throne and
bring it before you, before you leave this
And then Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A
'la tells us that someone who was blessed
with knowledge and this was one of the
human beings, one of the awliya, one of
the righteous servants of Allah, he said, I'll
bring you her throne before you blink your
And Sayyidina Suleyman alayhi as-salam saw her
throne before him.
So someone had asked our teacher, Sayyid al
-Habib Umar, they said, if the karama, if
the miracle that one of the followers of
Prophet Suleyman alayhi as-salam did was bring
the queen of Sheba's throne from Yemen to
Palestine in the blink of an eye, what
can one of the awliya from the ummah
of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
And Sayyid al-Habib Umar, he said, he
can take a person's heart to Allah.
One of the awliya from the ummah of
the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam can
take a person's heart to Allah.
That the awliya can bring the throne from
Palestine, from Yemen to Palestine, these awliya, they
can take your heart to Allah Subh'anaHu
Wa Ta-A'la.
And we have to recognize that when we're
in these gatherings, may Allah Subh'anaHu Wa
Ta-A'la give us the full blessing
of these gatherings and give us reverence for
these gatherings, that there is a special type
of giving that Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta
-A'la has reserved for the ummah of
the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
None of us has done anything to deserve
None of us has done anything to earn
This is purely from the grace of Allah
Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la.
So we want to be aware and mindful
of the opportunity that we have and the
gifts that we've been given by being from
the ummah of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam, by being connected to these gatherings
and being connected to a series of great
imams, generation after generation, all the way back
to the messenger of Allah Sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, the best of creation.
So when we come here and in our
day-to-day lives, we have to ask
ourselves, what is it that we aspire to?
What is it that we're seeking from Allah
Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la?
What is it that we want from Allah
because the doors of his giving are open
in a way that has never been given
to any previous prophetic community by the blessing
of our Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
So a reminder to myself and all of
you that we should raise our aspirations.
We should seek great things from Allah Subh
'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la and one of
the greatest ways that we can seek those
things from him and one of the greatest
ways that we can prepare our hearts for
Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la's treasuries
to be open for us is by attending
these gatherings with adab, by attending these gatherings
with sincerity and good manners.
May Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la
give us that connection and open our hearts
and bless us with what he blesses, his
most beloved among his creation.
Wa sallallahu ta'ala ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa
ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'een walhamdulillahi rabbil
alameen wa al'afu minh