Amir Junaid Muhadith – The Impact of Music on the Youth
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So we have until
and I could just give you a signal
when the 10 gets closed, but, unfortunately, it's
about 8:10, I think.
So about 15 minutes.
Assalamu alaikum.
We wanna welcome everyone to our event tonight.
We have with us our brother, Amir Mohaddid,
who will be talking about the impact of
After thanking Allah for bringing us all together,
I wanna say thank you to the community
for taking time to come to this event.
Thank you to our brother, Amir, for giving
our community time. Our brother, Michael, for helping
facilitate this event.
The many people who helped promote this event
so that we would make sure we would
get a good turnout,
and also the sisters for facilitating
and providing dinner, tonight and all the generous,
donors who helped in that effort. So So
alhamdulillah faith in everyone for coming.
The talk will go on right until the
bishop prayer, which is, which will make at
8:10. So we have 50 minutes and then
after that, we welcome you all to stay
for dinner.
Assalamu alaykum
wa rahmatullahi
wa barakatuh.
First and foremost,
Tabarak Allah, I want to thank
you brothers and sisters
who assembled this gathering.
For the prophet
said, if you don't thank the people, you
don't thank Allah.
It's been exactly maybe
maybe 11, maybe 12 years since the last
I've been in Minnesota.
So to see
a few familiar faces,
a lot of faces that were extremely young,
see a lot of, you know, brothers growing
It's just a, you know, beautiful thing to
see the Muslims
continue to strive upon that which is correct.
But the topic today
is a reminder
and an advice
because many of our youth
are falling into a culture
which I abandoned
the day I accepted
this blessed dean of Islam.
When Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala guided me to
and I discovered that Islam was the truth.
I immediately
everything that was in contradiction of that truth.
Many of you may have heard my story,
some of you may have not.
But I wanna utilize this time not to
just talk about myself or how I
came to this blessed dean, but I wanna
focus on the topic.
The topic is the discussion about the evils,
the evils and the misguidance of music.
Many of the youth today
many of you guys are like the first
generations of your family, the first generation in
your household here in America.
A lot of the parents
come from predominantly Muslim countries.
They have traditional customs and
traditions and culture,
and they try to instill this in the
hearts and the minds of their children.
But outside the home, many of the children
find themselves faced with another set of parents,
And that's all of the influences
outside of the home.
And it becomes a conflict between that which
the parents try to instill in your hearts
and your minds,
and the exposure of all the things that
contradict those teachings,
and one of those matters that's at the
is music.
the hip hop culture,
the lifestyle,
and all of the things
that conform
with this great evil.
For those of you who didn't know my
I spent over a decade in the music
I was successful at it,
and a lot of the things that I
deemed to be success
were really just
me being on a path that leads to
gradual destruction.
Meaning, coming from the ghettos of America,
we didn't have a lot of options.
We didn't
have a lot of choices.
It's either we were gonna
hustle in the street,
play a sport,
or try to make it big in the
music business.
So with minimal options, a lot of us
found ourselves chasing the same things.
But for me,
I tried to abandon the life of the
streets thinking that the music business was gonna
be better than that.
But I quickly started to find out that
the music business was only the streets on
It was only everything that was in the
streets multiplied.
So in all actuality, I never really escaped.
I got immersed into everything
that I thought
that I thought would contribute to success.
Although I was able to provide for my
family, I was able to help others and
do a lot of good things.
But I, myself, remained in that trap.
Trying to help others
the negativities
or the harsh realities that we face that
we're there in the ghetto.
I was able to provide those things to
help other people
excel or help other people avoid these things.
All at the price of me having to
stay immersed in a lifestyle
that consists of 24 hours of repetitive sinning.
Many of y'all know when you incorporate a
culture, you have to take everything that comes
with the culture. Right?
Many of you are Somali,
so you know you have a culture. You
speak a certain way. You use your hands
when you speak. You do a lot of
things. You're not just talking. It's more than
talking. It's a lot of things that come
with the culture.
The way you dress, the things you eat.
You gotta have it all. You can't just
have a little bit. Right?
So the same thing applies
to the hip hop culture.
You can't just listen to music without incorporating
all of the things that come with it.
You have to take it all.
And what happens with the youth, a lot
of you guys are misguided because you listen
to these songs, you look at the individuals
that singing these songs, you see the things
that they glorify and they sensationalize,
you think that this means
they're successful.
Why you have to be led?
The success
is what you were born with.
You were born with this blessed being of
Almost every single child in here has been
and conceived
and entered this world through the womb of
a believer.
Meaning, you came into existence
through the womb of a believer.
Meaning, you were born upon Tawhid, you were
born upon the understanding that the Quran with
the speech of Allah Azza Wajal.
You were born to understand the sunnah Muhammad
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
You were born to follow the methodology
of the companions radhiallahu and whom and those
that followed them in totality and faith.
These things were instilled in you from the
moment you started to walk, talk, open your
This was something that was already embedded in
And the parents,
they try extremely
hard to maintain this understanding
in your hearts and your heads.
But by living in the west,
many of you are faced with a lot
of distractions.
A lot of things that make you curious,
make you wanna explore
outside of the shelter
that's been provided for you by your parents.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala he made
being dutiful to the parents
right next to his right to be worshiped
So in order to establish this dutifulness to
the parents,
one has to first recognize
that which has been sacrificed
for you
to conduct yourself like upright,
righteous people.
Who follow and adhere to the book of
Allah and the sunnah Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
Many of you
have spent majority of childhood in madrasas,
studying the book of Allah, reciting the book
of Allah, memorizing the book of Allah.
And you know that there's no speech more
true within Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
And you know that there's nothing more beautiful
than the recitation of the Quran.
So how do we allow ourselves to be
inclined to something that is in complete opposition
of that which we know to be the
most truest and the most beautifulest speech?
This can only be from the shaytan.
In this business Ya'iqaan,
nothing good came from it.
Nothing good came from it then, and nothing
good will come from it now.
And from what I hear, the music today
is 10 times worse than the music before.
If you just look at the state of
the youth in America,
whether they're Muslim or non Muslim,
the murders have increased,
The violence have increased.
The discord and splitting amongst people have increased.
within the family has increased.
All of the things that the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wasallam warned us about.
And we will only continue to contribute to
these things if we abandon the security that
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has provided for us.
By abandoning the book of Allah
and the sunnah Muhammad salallahu alaihi wasalam.
This culture
is even destroying the woman amongst us.
In that business,
the less clothes a woman wore, the more
successful she was.
The less clothes that she wears, the more
successful she
is. Stuff for the lobby.
Not a single drop of modesty,
shyness, dignity, honor, or integrity
is possessed by any of the women
who are involved
in music
and the culture that follows it,
and they are the nurturers and cultivators of
our children,
And they will only nurture and cultivate the
children based upon that which they understand.
And if all they understand
is to exploit themselves
or project themselves of objects of affection,
then the children are doomed.
And for you young men,
who find yourself tranquilized
by this music
and this culture,
The more you immerse yourself in this stuff,
the more you lose
your masculinity,
you lose your integrity, you lose your honor,
you lose your dignity.
You lose self respect and respect for others,
because there's not a single song that you
could find on the radio that teaches you
these things.
So, obviously, you're listening to something that is
in complete opposition of which you know to
be better.
I spent the last 2 days at Heritage
STEM High School,
and I learned more about the youth
than I've learned in a very long time.
And, with Lai Adeem, I feel extremely sad
by the obstacles
and the things that you're exposed to today.
I don't know if in your heart you
know how serious this matter is.
Because being kids, we think everything is a
We think everything is about playing.
But because times are so much rougher, you're
forced to be adults much sooner.
You're forced to be a pay attention to
the things that's going around you,
and focusing on how
you can contribute to the embedment of yourself
and your community,
because y'all the next generation.
Your parents don't know nothing about social media.
They don't understand this stuff.
They don't understand anything about hip hop,
the culture, the lifestyle.
Your parents are not in the streets,
selling drugs, robbing, and killing people.
Y'all the ones out here, influenced by this
stuff, and falling into these traps.
Only to set yourself up for gradual destruction.
I spent a lot of years of my
life lost.
I spent a lot of years of my
having this emptiness
in my heart.
And I only found peace
and soulless
when I found Islam.
I had to experience
horrific things
in order to find guidance.
And to sit here today and look around
this room and know that every single one
of y'all were born are born upon guidance.
It was a favor from Allah. You didn't
have to work for it. You didn't have
to go through nothing.
Some of y'all choose to put yourself through
something for nothing.
Some of y'all choose to put yourself through
for nothing.
What we need from the youth today is
more leaders. We don't need more followers.
Followers can't make sound decisions for themselves.
Only leaders can.
Followers only follow what other people do.
And then in most cases, when you follow
yourself or follow someone and find yourself in
instead of accepting the responsibility, you'll turn around
and tell them on somebody else.
Following misguided
and following people who lead to misguided will
make you a coward.
Wallahi, I promise you, you'll be a coward.
Strength comes from leadership
and having the understanding
of the Quran and the sunnah of Muhammad
salallahu alayhi wasallam will make you a leader.
I just left Philadelphia,
maybe a couple weeks ago.
In Philadelphia, you can't tell the difference between
a Muslim or a non Muslim,
because all the non Muslims are imitating the
You walk around the city of Philadelphia, you
got non Muslims with beards bigger than mine,
pants over their ankles.
When I go to Philadelphia, I don't even
give people salaams. I just wait. I wait
till they salaam meet.
Every time I've it's been numerous times, I'm
salaam alaik. Nah, I ain't Muslim.
Not a born Muslim.
My cousin was somebody Muslim.
And if you look at the
the vastness and the size of the communities
that you frequent in,
there should be more people trying to be
like you instead of you trying to be
like them.
How could the Muslims have such an influence
on the predominantly
community to where they wanna dress like Muslims,
talk like Muslims. I'm talking about non Muslims
saying inshallah.
The influence is so strong.
In these past couple of days, just seeing
how much the communities here in Minnesota have
It breaks my heart to see that the
crimes and things that being committed will be
committed by the people who are supposed to
be leaders.
There's no reason why you should turn on
the news and see
no born
picture on the news involved with anything
other than calling the people to this blessed
being of Islam.
And we know the media not gonna cover
so that means you shouldn't even be on
the news.
There's no reason why your face shouldn't be
on the news for achieving some type of
greatness in school,
accomplishing something in the sport, or something of
that nature.
The faces of the young people in this
community should not be posted on a picture
or any type of news interview
revolved around any type of crime.
And worse than that, it shouldn't be a
crime against your own brother.
Many of y'all know I just spent 9
years in federal prison,
and I could tell you as Allah is
my witness, Wallahi Adeen, the Muslims are so
much stronger in the prison than they are
in the streets.
Because in prison, all we have is Islam
and all we have is our brotherhood. That's
all we have.
Everything else is against us.
So all we have is Islam, and all
we have is our brotherhood.
And we don't break that for nobody.
Don't you know in the prison system, when
the non Muslims have
I remember a police officer waking me up
at 2 o'clock in the morning to thank
I wanna thank you and your brothers, man,
because, you know, we was a little understaffed.
If y'all wouldn't have came, we don't know
what was gonna happen.
I'm on a yard with 25 100 inmates
and only by about 200 police.
How ain't gonna stop 2 1,000 inmates?
But when the Muslims are strong, people turn
to the Muslims for help. They turn to
the Muslims for advice.
They turn to the Muslims for
identity. They wanna look like us. They wanna
be like us. They wanna talk like us.
Another sad thing
is when the non Muslims
have a strong inclination for Islam, but they
look at the Muslims and say, why?
Why should I be Muslim?
He smoke. I smoke. What's the difference?
Why I need to worship Allah?
That the people that say they worship Allah,
they listen to music, they smoke, they drink,
they fornicate, they commit zenai, they do all
of this stuff. Why would I wanna be
Muslim? Why do I change my whole faith
when I don't see you doing nothing different
than what I already do?
This is why I'm so pleased that I
found Islam before I found the Muslims.
I found Islam before I found the Muslims.
I found Islam in a place that's not
that religious. I became Muslim in Abu Dhabi.
This is the tourist attraction of the world.
You could be anything and everything in Dubai.
I don't even know if you can hear
that, that, and anymore. Allah knows best.
This is how I know
I was truly guided by Allah subhanahu wa
No one spoke to me about Islam, no
one offered me to go to a conference,
no one said, Here, take this book, read
this book none of that.
I kept bumping into Islam.
I was traveling the world thinking about something
totally different, and I kept bumping into Islam.
And when it reached my heart, I knew
that everything else didn't matter,
and I accepted it.
When I look at how big your families
and when you congregate together to eat, just
do simple stuff like eat.
It's not like dinner for 5. It's like
dinner for 500.
It's upon Allah, enough for everybody to eat.
These are intimate moments
that a lot of y'all take for granted.
only have
4 children. That's most humbled.
My wife for 26 years. Muslim.
My grandmother Rahim Allah, she died July 91
years old. She took shahada before she died.
My grandfather, 96 years old, he took shahada
before he died.
But I got
numerous relatives
still living
a life of disbelief.
So dinner in my home is very small.
Very small meals, very small congregation of Muslims.
Y'all have things
that many people like myself, who reverted to
Islam, we won.
We looking for the cure,
and y'all looking for the disease.
It's crazy.
The only reason why I take these opportunities
to speak to the Muslims is because I
love the Muslims.
I love Islam.
I traded in all those fake phony friends
that y'all keep asking me about to be
here with you.
I've been home for a little over a
I could have over a quarter $1,000,000 just
for doing features on records for the many
people that ask me
to get on songs. What you doing? Since
you've been home, you're not in the studio
no more, you don't bath no more. No.
And I said, yes, I probably have a
half $1,000,000
in less than a year just for doing
songs with features.
My first trip to New York, Kanye flew
me to New York to visit my grandparents
in the private jet.
I I went and met with fabulous jaded
kids. Everybody all know me. I still know
But the difference is they respect the person
I became, and they don't try to encourage
me to be the person that I was.
So that means that whenever we affirm upon
what we believe,
people will respect that.
They'll try to learn from that,
and by Allah's permission, they'll probably try to
become that.
But if they see deficiency in you
or weakness in you,
they only gonna call to that weakness.
It's It's time to wake up, Yaikwon.
Your parents are getting old.
Some of your grandparents probably still ain't they're
probably not around.
May Allah have mercy on them.
But your parents are getting old.
Lot of y'all probably don't have jobs,
probably don't pay for your clothes, your food,
There's something where that happened to your parents,
and you've been wasting your time running around
trying to figure out how to be something
you're not,
you're gonna find yourself in a very,
dark place.
No mother loves more than a Muslim mother.
All mothers in general have a natural
inclination to their child,
But, only the Muslim woman knows how to
love in accordance to what's pleasing to Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala.
My mother was my sister, my grandmother raised
me, my mother was out on the street
with me.
Well, let me take that back. I was
in the street with her.
I smoked weed, my mother, hustle with my
mother. I did everything you do with your
siblings with my mother.
And it took for her drug addiction to
almost get me killed, well, me and I
had to sit down and have a talk,
once and for all.
And we made a pact.
If you stop getting high, I'll stop hustling.
And my mother been clean ever since.
I remember taking her to the bus station
to go to rehab, and I didn't sell
drugs no more. That's when I started taking
the music business serious because that was all
I knew.
But I promise you everything in my life
I take serious.
You only got one of these, man.
You only got one life. You only got
one father. You only got one mother. You
only got a lot of ones. You ain't
got a lot of options, man, when it
comes to certain things.
And you lose those one things.
Losing my grandmother was like losing my mother.
That's what raised me. The only father I
knew was my grandfather. My father wasn't around.
I don't think nobody in here sitting here
could tell me that their father abandoned you
from birth.
I don't think a lot of y'all could
tell me that your mother was addicted to
crack cocaine.
I don't think a lot of y'all could
tell me these stories.
So I say this to say, man, really
taking consideration
what evils come with the choices that you
Especially when it's revolved around music and the
culture that comes with it.
Because you gotta take it all
or take nothing at all.
Since I've been Muslim, a lot of y'all
ain't listening to radio in 13 years. I
don't know the name of none of these
rappers today.
All I know is about 25 liels. Liels
this 1, liels that 1, and liels I
don't know none of these dudes.
Funny thing is some of the youth y'all
know the difference. I don't know how you
know the difference. When I'm in a barbershop,
I hear this crazy stuff. I can't tell
the dude in the barbershop, you'll be turning
your music down. I had to fight everybody
in the barbershop. So this is the only
time I'm forced to listen to music.
But I'm in public places that I can't
control it. So when I say I never
listen to music, I don't press play.
It's a difference.
I'm not saying that I'm just, you know,
isolated from the whole world. I don't know.
No. No. I go to certain places and
I'm forced to listen to music.
I try to go to the gym early.
I try to beat the women at the
gym. I wanna I wanna get there before
they get there
because they ain't got no high
up. That's why I work outside, public parks.
I try try to go somewhere, you know,
I try to feel a lot to the
best of my ability.
I know it's hard. I'm not blaming y'all
for falling into some of these traps.
But if you choose to go in those
directions, that's on you. You're gonna be held
accountable for it. But it's just something you
can't avoid.
You have to be mindful of the companions
that you keep too.
Because like I said, it only take 1
negligent Muslim in the community, and nobody following
That's all it take. One knucklehead.
Now he's so gangster.
But really, you don't know what no gangsters
is, man.
I just left for all the gangsters. I
was in prison for 9 years. I tell
you all the gangsters that they're in prison.
And if they did, they dead.
If they well, I just left, they dead.
So if you choose
to be anything remotely close to that,
Do you might as well prepare to live
in the bathroom for 20 years or land
the ground?
That's right. A cell was like living in
the bathroom.
Not the size of the station. I'm talking
about one of them bathrooms in a little
restaurant, one little small restaurant, a small bathroom,
a little sink. That's where you live.
There ain't no place for no human being.
I don't care what you did.
This is why you gotta love Islam. You
committed crime, you established the wudu, you go
You still, you go home, but you ain't
got no hand, but you, you know, you
lose your hand, but you go home. Right?
You don't wanna sit in no no no
for 10, 20 years,
and you know that
African Americans or people of color in general
y'all targets,
and you make yourself a target.
You make yourself a target. You on Instagram
doing this.
They zoom in, get the serial number on
that gun, find out it's stolen. Next thing
you know, they track you down. You got
people kicking in your door at 3 o'clock
in the morning. Your mother panicking, your father
panicking all because you want to take stupid
pictures with guns.
They end up in a federal prison for
10 years.
If you're looking at everything on social media,
what you think the federal government looking at?
But if they see you worshiping the law,
minding your business, staying out of trouble, they
ain't got no reason to bother you.
You know what I'm saying? They got a
They got a job to catch you, and
you got a job not to get caught.
But if you ain't doing nothing of anything
that's interesting to them, they won't bother you.
There's nothing in this country that says you
can't worship in the law.
tell me one law
that's been prescribed in this country that said
you can't worship the law.
They said you can't have a beard. They
said you can't wear a robe. They said
you can't wear a bay or a or
an or whatever. There's nothing in this country
that says that.
If the police is looking for somebody committed
crime, most likely he's got a tracksuit, a
hoodie, or something like that. They ain't looking
for the body we know foe.
They ain't buying around looking for the buying
of his own.
I just really want y'all to take this
serious because
music is one thing.
But I just left
like I said, and it's the murder capital
of the United States right now.
It has surpassed Chicago,
and most of the crimes is Muslims killing
Muslims killing Muslims.
We've watched some horrific things on the news
with non Muslims coming into the masjid and
shooting Muslims.
Could you imagine now if Philadelphia
got Muslims coming into masjid to kill a
You can't even imagine that. It don't even
make no sense.
That a Muslim can take another Muslim life
because of which side of town he live
What about Al Wala'a Wadd Bara'a?
What about loyalty and disassociation?
You can't have 2 allegiances.
You can't have allegiance to Allah and his
messenger, and have allegiance to a gang.
You can't have allegiance to Allah and his
messenger, and have allegiance to a block, or
a neighborhood.
Can you be a crip and a blood
at the same time?
You can't have 2 allegiances. You can only
have 1.
You can't be a Muslim, a gangster, and
a rapper.
You're gonna have to pick 1.
Because when you meet Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
you're gonna be one of them, not all
of them.
You can meet your lord as a believer,
you can meet him as a gangster, you
can meet him as a rapper,
a fast sick, or anything like that, zanny,
whatever you think is suitable for you, but
you're gonna be held accountable for it.
There's no way to escape
I would hate to leave this city
and hear a story of a Muslim harming
another Muslim or Muslim killing another
these things have been very, very heavy on
my heart.
I want you to understand as your brother
in Islam,
I'm here to advise you.
I'm here to warn you
that the end is near.
All we could do is rectify our own
affairs with Allah's permission.
We have to safeguard
our religion. We have to safeguard
our souls.
We have that's your responsibility.
Every single man in this
master right now
who is past the age of puberty,
you are an adult.
You might not pay bills. You might not
have the responsibilities
of your parents or other adults, but you
have to start now thinking like an adult.
You have to start making decisions that you
can live with.
If your father ain't no gangster, you ain't
no gangster. Cut it out.
My father was a gangster.
My mother was a gangster. My grandfather,
I come from generations of that,
and the lord chose me.
He didn't choose them.
Your parents
left a country to give you a better
You know it.
They left to give you a better life.
They're your greatest allies,
and nobody else
gonna love you like your parents.
I promise you.
Prison is like the closest thing to being
You'll realize who's really in your corner, after
the first 3, 4, 5 years go by.
You understand?
The letters don't come the same.
Phone calls you make, the list gets small.
And when you did, you did. We even
gotta discuss that. Y'all know what the outcome
of that.
But the question is how you die.
I ask Allah, subhanahu, what the eye to
protect us from all things evil that he
I ask Allah to protect us from ourselves,
the evil of ourselves.
I ask the Lord to keep us firm
upon the path of that which is pleasing
to him.
I ask the Lord, subhanahu wa ta'ala, to
increase us in that which is good in
this life and the next.
May the Lord, increase
us, Yiquan, in that which is good in
this life and the next.
May Allah increase us in dutifulness
to our parents.
May Allah increase us in loving our brothers,
loving for our brothers what we love for
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala protect the sanctity,
the honor, the dignity
of our brothers and sisters in Islam.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala protect the mothers
the mothers, the wives,
daughters, and sisters.
Protect our women.
The prophet said
every man is a shepherd and every shepherd
responsible for their flock.
Y'all all have responsibilities.
Just because you're young,
just because you don't pay bills, just because
you don't pay taxes, you don't buy no
food, you don't buy your clothes, it don't
mean you don't have responsibilities.
Don't waste time.
Do not waste time
because you're not gonna get it back.
Whatever you have the ability to do today,
do it today. Don't wait till tomorrow, don't
wait the next week. Don't wait till you
50 to start praying your sunnah. Don't do
all that.
Start now.
Because you got the ability to do it.
If you could spend an hour on TikTok,
you could pray all your sons,
And consult the leaders of your community.
Speak to the iman.
Stop calling Shaikh Google in the Twitter and
Instagram. I mean, that's your Shaikh mail. Like,
I I just call Google every time. I
just Google everything. Y'all need to ask the
man no questions. You don't ask your parents
no question. Y'all go straight to Google.
Y'all go who I at. Y'all won't even
go to I call an or call an
app. You'll Google I at.
I app. Stuff for the law.
This how complacent we become and how dependent
we become on social media, and we abandon
the resources that we have in our own
in our own community.
We all we got.
We gotta learn how to love each other.
We gotta learn how to support each other.
We gotta learn how to aid each other.
If you see your brother going astray,
pull him up.
Pull him to the side.
We didn't play that in prison. We didn't
allow our brothers to go off the deep
We pulled him up.
When the brother got out of pocket, we
put him on a Sahaba program. You know
what the Sahaba program was? You will have
a companion with you everywhere you go. That's
right. When you go to commissary, this brother
going with you. You would never get to
gamble again.
Smoke but nothing. Somebody here with you all
the time. You go to the bathroom, there'll
be somebody standing there.
Are you finished? I'm going out of that
You go to work out, you gotta come
work out with me.
You wanna eat, you wanna chow, brother's going
with you.
You don't wanna be babysitting.
But if it's gonna happen, you'd rather be
your brother. Right?
Rather be a brother than a police officer,
a correction officer, rather be your brother.
Yeah. You come on. What you what you
doing over here? You see it, brother? Come
on. Let's go. Get in the car. What
you mean? Get in the car, man. I
ain't playing with you. Get in the car.
I dragged you. I get in the car.
You stay right here. I'm going with your
father. No. I'm gonna get my
come on. Get in the car. Y'all gotta
be like that with each other.
Stop being,
like you know, be gentle with each other,
but don't be soft, man.
Don't let your brother go. You know what
I'm saying? Don't let him get himself no
problems like that, man. I gotta pull each
other up. That's what men do.
Don't be a silent devil. Don't keep remaining
silent, and then he will keep going. I
gotta pull each other up. If you want
good for him or you want good for
him, then you gotta tell him you want
good for him.
Don't go tell somebody else,
but now you're back biting them.
You tell them.
Don't get no little and start talking about
the problem. Go get the problem, man.
May I know y'all for the sake of