Amir Junaid Muhadith – My Life Before Islam

Amir Junaid Muhadith
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses his past as a bad boy and his past actions, emphasizing the importance of not leaving the state of hellfire and allowing anyone to enter the hellfire. He reminds young brothers and sisters to be mindful of their actions and to be grateful for the mercy and license of Allah. The importance of staying firm in worshipping the Prophet's teachings and setting a firm balance between dean and dunya to earn mercy is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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May the peace, blessings, and mercy of Allah

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be upon all of you. You are here

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with Islamnet, the one and only dawah organization

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in Norway, clearing up misconceptions

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about Islam.

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You are here with brother Amir Junaid Muhadid,

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formerly known as Loon from Buff that is

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Bad Boy Entertainment.

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And in this episode, we wanna talk about

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a little bit more about your previous lifestyle,

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contra this new lifestyle,

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what changes have you made, and how was

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it to go from

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that previous life

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to this life? Because the youth, they just

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wanna hear about the previous previous life and

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what you did as a bad boy, you

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know. So maybe we should just talk about

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that, Insha'Allah.

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brothers and sisters in Islam,

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a lot of you are familiar with me

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being Loong from Bad Boy Records, and a

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lot of y'all familiar with some of,

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you know, the ills that come with being

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in the music business.

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when I elaborate

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elaborate on my past,

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you know, lifestyle and the things that I've

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done, it's never to entertain you or ever

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to persuade you to follow in these in

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in these steps

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the lifestyle that I was living prior to

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was a very sinful lifestyle. I spent 24

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hours of my life,

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24 hours a day in a consistent

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cycle of sinning and doing things that were

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only setting me up for destruction,

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and dying in this state would have only

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landed me in the hellfire for an eternity.

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And this is a punishment

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that cannot be removed. This is a punishment

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that you cannot be forgiven for. This is

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a punishment that you cannot repent for once

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you enter

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the hellfire.

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So by Allah's mercy, I was guided into

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the fold of Islam.

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some of the things that I did,

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I'm never gonna be proud of. It's not

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something that I wear as a badge of

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honor or to show that, hey. Look at

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me. I was Jahil and Allah guided me.

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No. Every day, I try to implement and

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gratitude for Allah's mercy being bestowed upon me

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and guiding me into the fold of Islam.

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And a lot of,

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since I've been a Muslim in a short

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period of time, I've noticed that a lot

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of the Muslim youth who are striving to

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in some of these sinful acts that I

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used to commit without no knowledge,

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with no knowledge.

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And to know that you most of you

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who are born and raised Muslim and have

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a clear understanding

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of the punishment of the * fire,

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have the clear understanding

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of dying in the state of kufa, and

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have a clear understanding of dying in the

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state of sin without

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repenting for these sins.

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The punishment

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and the anger that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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has for those who fall into this state

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is beyond understanding. It's something that you cannot

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fathom in your mind.

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And a lot of times, you young brothers

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and sisters think just because you speak or

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the, the, you know,

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Muhammadun Rasoolallah,

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you believe that this statement is something that

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is gonna justify,

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you know, your actions or your bad deeds.

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And a lot of you young brothers and

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sisters believe that you can handle the hellfire.

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You know? A lot of y'all have this

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is because I'm Muslim. I'm born Muslim, and

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I believe, laila, halo, Muhammadu Rasulullah, I'm saved

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from the fire. Yes.

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But it does not make you exempt from

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the punishment of the hellfire.

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And in most cases, you can't even sit

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in a hot house in the summertime without

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the AC,

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without being bothered by that minuscule level of

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And when you think of the hellfire

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and spending just 5 minutes, 5 seconds

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in this fire that Allah

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has created for the disbelievers,

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that he has created to punish even the

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who commit sins

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against, you know, sin Allah

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and his beautiful religion, al Islam.

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I just wanna let you know as a

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reminder for myself, 1st and foremost, and for

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all you young brothers and sisters out there,

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be very mindful of the consequences

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of these deeds that I used to perform.

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Be cons be be be be mindful

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of, you know, the path

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that these bad deeds were leading me to.

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And be grateful, not only for your brother

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in Islam, but be grateful for yourself that

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala guided you to Islam

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as a as a as a mercy

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and as a means to safeguard yourself from

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the punishment of the * fire. And everyday

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that the Allah

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wakes me up

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and breathes air in my lungs and gives

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me another opportunity to worship him and him

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alone and associate no partners in any form

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or active Ibadah.

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This is a responsibility, and this is a

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nidmah from Allah. This is something

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that is is only given by his mercy.

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you know,

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when I was, you know, guided to Islam

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and understand in totality

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the beauty and benefit and the reward that

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comes with worship and the law, I was

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quickly able to abstain

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from every negative act. I was able to

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abstain from every major sin I used to

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commit. I was quickly able to detach myself

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from some of the most detrimental

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aspects of the dunya,

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only to seize the opportunity

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of worshiping

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the law

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and staying firm, inshallah, to Allah on the

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right path, in the path of the prophet,

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know, saying and and and but stay on

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the path of the Quran and the sunnah

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by way of the understanding

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of the companions of the messenger of Allah,

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. And once this understanding

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was established with me, I held on tight

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to it. I tried every day, you know,

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and I strive harder and harder every day

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to try to stay firm upon this understanding,

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because this is the straight path. This is

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the only means of earning the mercy of

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on the day of Yom Kuyama when we

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are all resurrected and have to stand accounted

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for our good and bad deeds. So, you

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may Allah

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keep all of us firm

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upon what is correct. May Allah

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you know, grant us success,

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and and grant us the opportunity to die

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in the state of Tawhid, to die in

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the state of Islam,

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and not to fall short from this victory

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that Allah has promised to believers.

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You know, he promised us, you know, by

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his mercy to enter his his his paradise

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and and and endure pleasure upon pleasure.

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So there's nothing

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that can substitute this. There is no other

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alternative that can get you there. It's a

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hadith for the prophet, he said,

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if you are held up and enter in

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the gates of Jannah, your lineage will not

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get you there any faster. So do not

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lean on the fact that you were born

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Muslim, born in the Arab country, born in

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the predominate Muslim, you know what I'm saying,

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or, you know,

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anywhere that, you know, establishes

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your your birthright of being a Muslim. This

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does not make you exempt exempt for falling

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into the state of kufa. It does not

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make you exempt from the punishment of the

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* fire. And this is something that is

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a common upon every Muslim, whether you're born

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Muslim or reverted to Islam, is to stay

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And yet and your worship to Allah and

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stay away from what Allah prohibited, and hasten

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to what Allah has made permissible.

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And Allah knows best.

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For that beautiful answer.

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I think that will be the last episode.

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would you like to say some final words

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to our brothers and sisters in Norway?

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Or just say how you feel in Norway?

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Do you like this country, or what do

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you think of Oslo?

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I always like to generalize

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my my advice to all the youth around

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the world because, you

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know, I've

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definitely received great hospitality and a very warm

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embrace from the brothers and sisters in Norway.

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you know, by Allah's permission, I've been able

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to, you know, encounter this same warm embrace

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from all the young brothers and sisters around

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the world. And all I wanna do is

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urge you to definitely

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never give up studying the religion of Islam.

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Just because

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Islam may be a birthright, maybe because, you

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know, you were born Muslim, you feel the

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urge to neglect

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or seeking knowledge of Islam. This is something

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that is is

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is is incumbent and and very much recommended

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for us

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to to to stay firm in our studies

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of our religion. Because Islam is not a

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it's not a it's not a fashion statement.

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Islam is not something that, you know, you

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just wear on your sleeve and don't wear

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on your heart. You know? Islam is something

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that we have to edge in our hearts

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as if we edge, you know, words into

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stone. Whether you wash them, you know what

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I'm saying? Wipe across them.

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This does not, you know, remove from a

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stone. So this is what we need to

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edge in our hearts is, you know, firmness

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upon Tawhid, the understanding of Tawhid, the understanding

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of singling out Allah to Allah, all acts

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of worship. We need to edge in our

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you know, the Quran.

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We need to constantly read and understand and

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learn the book of Allah in order to

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learn who our Lord is. We also need

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to implement to the best of our ability,

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the sunnah, the prophet, sallam, and his companions.

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And we need to stay firm upon these

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things no matter what we do, whether you're

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studying in a university,

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whether your time is being preoccupied with work,

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or whatever the case may be. Always try

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to establish that that firm balance between dean

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and dunya, because you do not want your

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life to consist

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of more dunya than dean.

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So, definitely, I urge all of you from

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around the world,

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bury yourself in those books.

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Keep, you know, keep keep your,

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you know, yourself busy with reading, understanding, and

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memorizing Quran.

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Reading, and understanding, and memorizing tawhid.

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Understanding the seven conditions of layla haylallah,

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you know,

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3 fundamental principles of Islam. All these basic

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fundamental principles of Islam is

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is is key to building the foundation

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of your understanding of the religion.

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Because this is not something

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