Alpha-Him Jobe – Family in Islam 12

Alpha-Him Jobe
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The speaker discusses the importance of providing family services and establishing proper deduction for children. They emphasize the need for investigation and proper deduction in Islam, and stress the importance of respecting and respecting parents' rights. The conversation also touches on the negative impact of marriage and the importance of having physical desires.

AI: Summary ©

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			So just my feelings now. We have to
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			put those on the back burner, as they
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			say, and take into consideration
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			what's more important.
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			it's this doesn't seem sensible
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			to keep saying, okay. I wanna move here
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			because this is better. This is better for
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			the family. Mhmm. But yet you have offspring
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			in different locality,
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			and they don't hardly see you or get
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			to know you. And you constantly you know,
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			this is not correct. Am I correct? Yes.
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			It's basically yes. It's a form of selfishness.
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			Mhmm. But then, yes, when you come back
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			to the family like that, they need family
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			services. You know, what is missing here is
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			we don't have family services
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			where people, you know, can go and get,
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			you know, proper,
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			you know, digestion and proper conduct to their
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			families. Because many people, they are just raising
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			their family the way they want. This is
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			why children are suffering, you know, particularly Muslim
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			children, because,
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			and and divorce is so rampant in the
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			Muslim society.
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			So the victim is the child, but still
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			we have to look,
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			back to the Muslim community.
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			It's not the real problem here. It's not
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			the father, neither the mother, but it's the
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			Muslim community
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			for not establishing
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			family services where people can go to get
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			better instructions
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			for how to raise children.
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			Having, you know,
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			distance is not a problem.
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			When the children, they are under puberty,
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			the first one who supposed to take care
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			of him is the mother.
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			The father have to support and have opening
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			doors for visiting.
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			But that doesn't mean that, they they he
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			must be very close to them. But they
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			have to open the visiting program
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			in the easiest way for the children and
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			for them, inshallah. But it's a problem. It's
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			not just matter of answering a question. It's
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			something we have to deal with. It's it's
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			a it's a problem.
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			Yes. It's a situation.
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			Yes. But for for today, we want to
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			change our names, we want to change deen
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			to know the deen, but we don't want
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			to change situations.
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			And I change and I think coming to
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			Islam is not changing the name, but it's
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			changing situations.
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			Inshallah. Okay. The another one?
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			Yeah. I have a question. Okay.
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			Still up? That is Okay. The the third
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			If we can't make it quick because of
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			the time.
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			The third question? Yes. Someone come? Right. Islam.
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			What the question is gonna ask about a
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			child that's being molested
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			by a father.
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			Yes. What is the,
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			the proper protocol
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			to deal with the father who molests his
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			his children as long as they? Again, we
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			have to have, you know, social services.
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			Because there are a lot of investigation
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			before you take any responsibility or any any
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			any any law or any act against that
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			There must be investigation. Says
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			in Quran.
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			If there's any corruption,
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			a cause
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			in the society,
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			they have to investigate first to get the
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			root of the problem
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			before you hurt the feelings of others through
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			So we have to be careful
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			because sometimes
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			the attitude of the father and what the
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			father is doing is coming out of Islam.
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			It's not just being a Muslim is enough
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			for him. He needs help. He's sick.
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			He's really sick. He is out of his
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			mind. That's why he's doing certain things in
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			the house. So sometimes,
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			before we deal with the the the depth
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			of power, the the the branches of the
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			situation by Muslim brothers go there and beat
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			him up, and there's no need for that.
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			They have to go back to the root
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			and try to bring it in a, you
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			know, right way. But it's a it's a
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			problem again that I think it's not something
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			we can't just answer.
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			Yes, you have more.
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			Yes. 1.
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			Somebody is trying to ask. Even more questions.
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			Yes. Okay. No more question, Abundillah. From here?
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			Please. From here. Yes.
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			Apart from giving this to the husband and
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			your wife Yes. Do
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			you have
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			any Islamic duties for the children to stand?
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			Islamic duties, yes. Children, they they they have
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			to what they call listen and obey. They
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			have those duties. They have, even even role
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			to play
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			when you come to like, education is their
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			duty. But going to school
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			is their duty to go to school. Because
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			if the parent pay the money, you have
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			to go to school.
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			And struggle for your education is your duty.
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			You are talking about duties of the children.
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			Listening to your parents
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			and humble. As you remember, I I told
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			you, you know, humble to them and and
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			lower your wings and all that is their
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			duties to do. It's the right. Like rights
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			and duties, they are just give and take.
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			The right is the duty of the opposite,
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			when the father is is giving and giving
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			shelter, giving help, the father have to have
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			the last word to say. We have to
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			respect the leadership of the father in the
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			So that is their duty. The duty to
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			respect, the duty to follow, duty to humiliate
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			themselves in front of their parents, to humble
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			them, to give them kindness and sympathy, and
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			all that is their duty. Yes. So in
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			essence, if,
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			they didn't feel in their due their duties
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			Yes. The children might Might feel their their
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			duties too. That's why when you give them
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			their rights, you get their your duties. But
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			if you don't give rights, don't ask for
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			your duties.
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			Which is today is the nature of the
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			children. They love their rights, but they don't
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			want to talk about their duties. Children, as
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			soon as you tell them what they're supposed
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			to do, they say, I don't know.
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			But they know how to even dial, you
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			know, 911 to put their parents in jail.
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			Children, they learn that today.
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			They learn what is child abuse and all
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			this kind of thing. But they don't learn
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			even what they call mother's abuse or father's
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			abuse because the system don't want to teach
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			them that. So it's very okay. From here.
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			I have once told a brother that,
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			that marriage wasn't bad. Based on my past
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			Islamic training. Mhmm. And I wanted to know
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			what makes marriage bad.
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			Because if you are married,
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			if you
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			you meet you have what they call physical
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			And physical desires, if you don't put it
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			in a halal way, maybe that will destroy
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			you to put it in a Haram way.
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			Then avoiding Haram way and put it in
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			the halal way, that is bad.
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			Allah commanded you to do halal
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			and commanded you to avoid doing haram.
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			When you protect yourself from haram, moving towards
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			halal is Ibad. That's why marriage is Ibad.
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			that getting even having
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			the physical contact with your wife is charity,
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			It's Ibadah.
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			Yes. Okay.
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			Now you mentioned earlier that beating the children
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			is a failure to communicate.
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			Yes. But I remember reading a hadith in
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			a party
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			that the Rasool Allah, salallahu alaihi wa sallam,
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			said that it is permissible to turn the
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			child over your knee. Yes. So what I'm
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			saying what I wanted to know is, what's
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			the balance point? The balance point is what
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			happened? It's Two particles. Oh, 2 particles? Okay.
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			Because you're also,
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			dealing when you're dealing with children Mhmm. In
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			which, let's say you have a single parent