Allie Goder – Our Love for the Masjid Lockdown

Allie Goder
AI: Summary ©
The importance of the holy month of Islam is highlighted, where witness actions determine their own status and actions can determine their own status. The strong bond with their brother and sister is also emphasized, and the importance of not being satisfied with Christian greetings and actions is discussed. The definition of a true Muslim is discussed, and the restriction of attending Masajid has been partially lifted, but many may take advantage of it. It is encouraged to take full advantage of the situation and not allow their differences to cause them to lose their respect for each other.
AI: Transcript ©
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Dear respected brothers and sisters in Islam,

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Assalamu alaikum

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We praise

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and we glory for Allah

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who send peace

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and blessings and salutations

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upon our beloved prophet,

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Nabi Muhammad.

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As Muslims, as believers,

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there is absolutely no question

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that we

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dearly love

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the Masajid,

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the houses of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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It is in fact

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a sign of our iman and a sign

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of our Islam

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that we love the Masjid,

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says Nadeem Muhammad

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But when you see

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a person

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frequenting the masjid,

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contributing to maintaining the masjid,

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then you can give a testimony, you can

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that that person has iman.

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1 of the categories

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1 of the 7 categories

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of people

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will find themselves

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under the shade

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of the arish of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,

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and the rest of mankind

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will be suffering

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and in a state of panic and trauma

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on the day of

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qiyama. 7 categories

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of people

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will find themselves under the shade of Allah

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a day

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when there will be no shade except the

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shade given by Allah and his.

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One of those categories is

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A man who

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when he exits the Masjid,

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his heart remains behind.

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That is how much his heart loves the

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The body exits but the heart remains behind

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waiting for the body to return and then

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connect again with the body, SubhanAllah.

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So our hearts are in the masjid

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patiently waiting for our bodies to return.

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That is how much we love the masjid.

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A hadith

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reported by Abdullah ibn Umar

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he says,

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He says, I saw the messenger of Allah

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making power

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around the Kaaba.

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Before we proceed with this hadith,

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we've said that we love the Masjid,

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every Masjid on the face of this earth.

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more than any other Masjid

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on the face of this earth,

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we love 3 masjids

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more than any other masjid

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in order of preference.

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In 3rd place,

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we love

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Baytul Maqdis.

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In 2nd place, we love Majidul Nagawi.

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And in 1st place,

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the location on this earth that is the

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most sacred location

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is Beitul Haram

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that houses the Kaaba,

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the most sacred place on the face of

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this earth,

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and that holds first place in our hearts

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in terms of love for the masjid.

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So continuing with the hadith,

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since Abdullah ibn Umar radiAllahu ta'ala that he

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saw the Messenger of Allah making move around

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the Kaaba.

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the messenger of Allah was saying as he

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was making on the Kaaba,

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addressing the Kaaba saying to it, how pure

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you are?

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And how pure is your fragrance.

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And how great you are.

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And how great is your sanctity.

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And then the prophet of Allah continues and

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say and says,

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by the one who

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the soul of Muhammad

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is in his hands, meaning by Allah

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the sanctity of a believer,

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of a Muslim, of a believer

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is greater by Allah

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in sanctity

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minqi, than you, and you the Kaaba, SubhanAllah.

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So as sacred as the Kaaba is,

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every single Muslim

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is greater in sanctity than the Kaaba.

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the wealth of a believer.

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The life of a believer.

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And that we have none no thoughts and

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no assumptions

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about a believer except that which is good,

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Allahu Akbar.

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my dear brother and sister in Islam,

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Jannah is at stake.

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Our Jannah hangs in the balance

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if our iman is lacking

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in a certain aspect.

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Nabi Muhammad

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Again, the same words by the one whom

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my soul is in his hands.

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you will never enter Jannah. You will not

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be able to enter Jannah

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and until you

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have proper and complete

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And you cannot have proper and complete iman.

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Unless and until

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you truly and genuinely

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love each other. SubhanAllah.

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Take a moment, process this.

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That your iman

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cannot be complete

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if you genuinely

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if you do not have genuine love in

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your heart for your next Muslim brother or

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And if you don't have the genuine love,

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then it means your iman is lacking

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and if your iman is lacking, that will

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compromise and delay

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your entrance into Jannah. Allahu Mafadda. May Allah

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save us.

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And then the prophet of Allah continues and

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Shall I not indicate to you

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indicate to you a matter, a thing.

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That if you do this thing,

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you will

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love each other. You will develop and foster

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this genuine love for each other.

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And what is that thing?

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Afshus salaam beinakum,

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the salaam.

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The greeting of salaam, the universal

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Islamic greeting of Assalamu Alaikum.

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Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi

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spread this salaam amongst each other

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and this will foster

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love. It will cause the love to grow

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and strengthen amongst you, oh, believers, Subhanu wa.

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And this greeting is so important

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that Allah deals with the specifics of this

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greeting in the Quran

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where Allah says in Surah 2

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An Nisa,

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verse number 86,

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that when you are greeted with a greeting.

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You are greeted with a greeting.

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Then you respond to that greeting

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with better.

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So if someone says to you,

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then you endeavor and strive to respond with

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Oh, oh,

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the very least,

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return the exact same greeting, SubhanAllah.

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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takes account

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and reckoning of every little thing. So even

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that greeting subhanAllah

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will be accounted for and reckoned for on

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the day of qiyama,

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whether you or not you responded

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with the same or better, or whether your

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greeting was lacking, subhanAllah.

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And that is

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why this is one of the acts of

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worship where

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a sunnah

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is actually more rewarded

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than the 4th.

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The sunnah being to greet first and the

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4th being to respond.

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And says Nabi Muhammad

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The one who always greets first that is

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his habit or her habit, such a person

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will be saved and free from kibber, from

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arrogance and pride, SubhanAllah.

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But the question the big question is,

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how true are we to this greeting?

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Is this greeting we are greeting each other,

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but is it bringing about this genuine love?

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Yes or no is the big question.

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How true are we to this greeting?

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Where are these words coming from? These words,

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peace be upon you. Because what are we

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actually saying to our Muslim brother, to our

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Muslim sister when we say Assalamu Alaikum?

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We are,

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in essence, saying to

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our Muslim brother or sister

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that I give you a guarantee

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from my side, as far as it is

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within my control,

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no harm is going to reach you

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from me, not from my lips,

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not from my hands, not from my thoughts.

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again, you ask yourself,

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how true am I

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to those words when I offer those words

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to my Muslim brother and sister. Assalamu alaikum.

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And that will depend on whether this actually

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brings about this love or not, SubhanAllah.

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And this is the very definition of a

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Al Muslim.

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A true believer. The definition of a believer

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is the one who the rest of the

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Muslims are safe

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from any potential harm of his hands and

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his tongue.

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So now bringing this into context.

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We spoke about the Masjid, our love for

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the Masjid.

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We spoke about

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how as sacred as the Masjid is,

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but every single believer

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is more sacred than the Masjid and even

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the Kaaba Allahu Akbar

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So bringing this all into context,

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we have

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for more than 2 months been

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deprived from attending

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the Masajid,

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and that or those 2 months actually coincided

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with the month of Ramadan, a month in

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which we frequent the masjid even more, SubhanAllah.

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So it was indeed

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a tremendous

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And may this be an encouragement and a

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wake up call for us

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that those of us who perhaps

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have not taken a full advantage

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of the masajid

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when we were able to freely go

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at any time for all the okat for

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and we did not take full advantage of

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May it be a wake up call? May

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we seek Allah's forgiveness

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for not having attended the masjid as often

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as we could have and should have

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and may we make the intention here and

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now InshaAllah.

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Firstly, make du'a that Allah brings back that

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of having the freedom of going to the

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masjid at any time

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and then when Allah does bring back that

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freedom inshallah, that niyama,

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that we make intention that we're going to

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improve our attendance

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of the salawat

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and not that once the masajid are open

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again, it's back to normal That for the

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5 times farotsala, we only have 1 one

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and a half or 2 safs and the

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balance of the masjid is empty. Subhanahu wa.

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And for those

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who have been attending the masajid,

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taking full advantage,

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you will always have those people who they

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are like the pillars of the masajid.

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Whenever you go, they are always there. When

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you pull up with your car, the car

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is there in the parking lot and you

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always see them there, subhanAllah. It's guaranteed that

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if I go to Masjid, buta fulla and

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buta so and so, he's definitely going to

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be there. For those, subhanAllah,

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instead of their physical bodies not being in

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the Masjid,

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they earn the exact same reward

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of having performed salah in the masjid in

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Jannah'a, Subhanahu wa'ala.

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Coming back to putting this all into context.

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So now

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we've all heard and we all are now

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that the restriction has been partially lifted.

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We are now

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being given the

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right of way

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to attend the masajid

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for congregational prayer for Jumaa

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with certain restrictions and certain measures in place.

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The reality is

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many masajid are going to take advantage,

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and they're going to return back to the

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for Yumara,

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for the 5 times daily solar.

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And there are going to be many other

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who have taken the decision

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that they are going to delay

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the reopening of the Masjid

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given the current situation,

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given the nature of the virus that we

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are currently,

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dealing with and struggling with,

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and they've taken the decision to delay the

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opening of the Masajid.

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Difference of opinion is the nature of insan.

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The Sahaba

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differed with regards to the words of Rasoolullah,

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what it had meant.

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The greatest of scholars,

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Imams of the former Dahi

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biffed with each other on

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on many issues

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and some of them were students of the

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but the difference

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was always in a dignified and respectful manner,

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Subhanahu wa'ala.

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And so here again,

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we find ourselves differing

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on the matter of returning or not returning.

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No matter what opinion you hold, I'll humbly

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love you are within your right.

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The most important thing is that we do

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not allow our differences

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to cause us

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to lose our respect for each other,

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to cause us not to act in a

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dignified manner,

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to cause to be the cause of compromising

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our love for each other

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which will then inevitably compromise

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the completion of our iman, which will compromise

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our entering Jannah,

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So let us not allow

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Shilpan who has now been unfitted.

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It does not allow Shilpan to take advantage

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of this situation,

00:17:21 --> 00:17:23

to take advantage of our love for the

00:17:23 --> 00:17:26

masjid to cause us to compromise our iman

00:17:26 --> 00:17:27

and our love for each other and thus

00:17:27 --> 00:17:29

compromise our Jannah.

00:17:29 --> 00:17:30


00:17:32 --> 00:17:34

I refer you back to the very first

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or of the first hadith that we mentioned

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and that is

00:17:39 --> 00:17:41

that the sanctity

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of a believer

00:17:44 --> 00:17:48

and that you think nothing of your fellow

00:17:48 --> 00:17:50

Muslim brother and believer except good,

00:17:51 --> 00:17:53

that that is more sacred

00:17:53 --> 00:17:55

than even the Kaaba.

00:17:55 --> 00:17:56


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May Allah, guard and protect us.

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