Ali Ataie – When Haters Paid Master Poet Hassan ibn Thabit to Write an Ugly Poem About the Prophet
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Speaker 1 describes a person named HassanGeneration Fabbid who was waiting at a certain road for the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam to pass by. When the Prophet arrives, Fabbid makes a statement about his people, saying they were waiting for him and write something about him. Fabbid describes himself as a diamond and everyone else is stones, while also mentioning that he is a great human being.
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When he came into the city of Medina,
some of the Munafiqeen,
they paid their one of their poets named
Hassan Ibn Fabbid. And they said to Hassan,
you know, when you see Mohammed,
write something about him, make fun of him,
ridicule him in a poem. So Hassan Ibn
Thabit, he was waiting by a certain road
for the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam to pass
by. And then the Prophet comes by and
Hassan, he takes one glance into his face.
One glance, one nafra into the face of
the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam. And then he
goes back to his people. And then they
said, Did you make a poem about him?
Did you write something?
He said, yes. He says, when I saw
his lights approaching, I had to cover my
eyes out of fear of losing my eyesight
from the beauty of his form. I could
scarcely look at him. A soul from light,
a body as if carved out of the
moon. Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam is a human
being, but he's not like other human beings.
He's a diamond and everyone else are stones.
He's a human being, but he's a great
human being.