Ali Ataie – What Jesus (PBUH) Thought Of This World
AI: Summary ©
AI: Transcript ©
So this is his teaching. Right? In our
Isa alaihis salaam,
he is
he's teaching them the deception of this world,
not to be fooled by this world.
So he says, the similitude of this world
is like a man lost at sea.
Right? He's lost. Imagine someone who's lost at
sea on a boat, and he says, he
starts taking handful after handful of seawater into
his mouth.
The more he drinks, the thirstier he gets
and then he dies from it.
This is the nature of the dunya.
He says, the nature of the dunya is
like an old haggard prostitute
who has to,
hide in alleyways,
and she sticks her hand out and it's
It's got rings and bracelets and so on
and so forth, and she waves men into
the alleyway.
And the men come and then she slaughters
such as the dunya.
And these are hadith in our in our
tradition. He says to his
disciples, he says,
so the disciples come to him and say,
how is it that you can walk on
water? And he said, bring me 3 objects.
And they said what? He said, gold, stones,
and dirt.
And they bring these 3 objects and he
says, put them here. And then he says
to the how are you, the disciples, what
do you say about these things?
And they said, the gold is better than
stones and stones are better than dirt. He
says, they're all the same to me.
If you can understand the secret of that,
you can walk on water. You can break
customary physics.
He was walking with his Hawariyun,
and he was walk like the prophet said,
he would actually walk behind the Sahaba. He
said, leave my back for the Malaika.
Right? So is is walking behind the how
are you? They're walking sort of in a
barren, like, wasteland. And they notice as the
disciples, they stop and they're looking at something,
and they start covering their their mouth like
this and their noses. It's like
And they look and it's a decomposing carcass
of a dog.
And they say, how revolting. And then Isa
alaihi salami looks at it and he says,
and he walks away.
How white are its teeth?
What does that mean?
It means that Isa alaihi salaam, he saw
the beauty. He managed to find something beautiful
even in this very, very ugly, nasty,
rotting thing.
Like in our tradition, we don't have this
idea of him attacking the Pharisees and things
like that.
Right? Probably something like that
inevitably happened because he would engage in debates.
No doubt.
But in our tradition, we have the Pharisees
walking by him and they start saying something
about him. They start saying something about his
his mother, Mariam alayhi salaam.
And then Isa alayhi salaam, he looks at
them and he just says,
and how are you? And they say, why
didn't you defend yourself?
And he said, a vessel only overflows its
It's like, I don't even I because they
were insulting him. You can imagine what they
were saying.
So it's that's not a civil debate.
On a debate, we'll debate, but they're insulting
me. And I don't have that in me.
I can't even do that.
So this this is the essence of his
And unfortunately, the essence of his teaching is
completely corrupted
for for the most part. I should say