Ali Ataie – Muslims Misquoting Qur’anic Verse 262

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The speaker discusses the nuances in Arabic language that people need to understand, including interfaith and perennialist tafsir. They explain that the title "IT in the past" means "IT in the future" and that anyone who believes in Jesus will have a reward. The speaker also emphasizes that the title "IT in the future" means "IT in the future" and that anyone who believes in Jesus will have a reward.
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You know, I attend a lot of, you
know, gatherings, interfaith gatherings, whatnot.
A lot of times Muslims
will get up on stage and
give their own kind of personal
tafsir of the Quran. Right? It's very common,
for example, with verse
number 62.
So whoever whoever believes, those who believe, those
who are Jews and Christians,
those who are Sabians,
anyone who believes in Allah the last day
will have the reward. They shall not grieve
nor shall they fear.
So this verse is quoted a lot, like
interfaith audiences.
And people get the wrong idea that,
you know, we're a perennialist type of religion
that you can believe whatever you want and
you you have to go to Jenna. It
doesn't matter.
It's just a wrong understanding of the ayah,
Allah says,
This is in the past tense.
Whoever had already believed and became Muslim. That's
one way of looking at it. Or is
conditional statement,
whoever should become Muslim in the future.
Right? So there's nuances in Arabic
that people need to study,
and they should tap into what the actual
Mufasaileen actually say about the Quran. So this
is why the Sahaba and Tabi'in were actually
very cautious
about this type of tafsir.