Ali Ataie – Lies My History Teacher Taught Me America Was Founded as a Christian Nation
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During the colonial period in this country, only
of white people in this country, 15, 15,
identified with a certain church.
The vast, vast majority of them were Deists.
What does Deist mean? A deist in the
spirit of Plato and Aristotle
and the Neo Platonists is someone who believes
in an architect of the universe but that
the creator of the universe, but that this
creator does not have any personal relationship
with His creation.
He doesn't reveal scripture. He doesn't send messiahs.
He doesn't send prophets.
He has no relationship
with his creation. This is deism
And it's really an outgrowth of the 18th
century enlightenment movement as a reaction
against Christianity,
specifically against
Christianity. It's just a fact.
They were anti incarnation.
They were anti Trinitarian.
They were anti vicarious
Their theology was based on reason. So I
don't know what these people are talking about
when they say America was founded by a
Christian nation. Here's another fact for you.
None of the first six presidents of the
United States was an Orthodox Christian.
None of the first 6 Presidents United States
was an Orthodox Christian. You look at some
of them. George Washington was a Deist. He
rejected the deity of Christ, he would not
take holy communion.
John Adams was a Unitarian.
He did not believe in the trinity, the
deity of Christ, original sin, or vicarious atonement.
Jefferson was a deist and a Unitarian, anti
He once wrote a letter to Timothy Pickering
on his cabinet complaining about the,
what did he say? The incomprehensible
jargon of Trinitarian
As Those are his words.
He was anti Pauline, he said Paul corrupted
He said, And I don't agree with this
statement, I'm just giving you the facts. He
said, Christianity is the most perverted system ever
shown on man. That's his words, not my
words, I don't agree with it. I'm telling
you what Thomas Jefferson said.
Thomas Jefferson who's on the $20 bill. No,
the $2 bill.
This was his belief about America, about Christianity.
I certainly don't agree with it, but to
those who say this country was founded as
a Christian nation
implying that non Christians in this country are
somewhat less American than Christians is a total
We shouldn't buy into that.
Thomas Paine,
in 17/76
he wrote Common Sense, which paved the way
for the Declaration of Independence.
He says something similar to Thomas Jefferson, I
don't have time to go into it. The
US constitution
has no reference to God nor Jesus Christ.
The US
Constitution, one of the founding documents of this
transcribed or written upon the principle of separation
of church and
state. Article 6 section 3, no religious test
shall be required as a qualification
to any office or public trust under the
United States.
So while God nor Jesus Christ, peace be
upon him, are mentioned in the constitution,
religion is mentioned twice. That's one. And then
the first amendment, Congress shall make no law
respecting the establishment
of any type of religion.
Declaration of Independence,
three references to the deity.
An impersonal abstract
deist god, not the Christian god. He's called
Nature's God. He's called
He says, We're endowed by our Creator. He's
called the Supreme Judge of the World.
And finally, the Treaty of Tripoli in 17/97,
you can look up this stuff, you can
check Sheikh Wiki
for the meantime, but don't trust it too
much Sheikh Wikipedia,
right? But be careful about that, but look
this up you know there's good information the
Treaty of Tripoli
in 17/97
this is very interesting signed into law by
President John Adams
in 17/80,
17/97. I'm sorry, 17 97.
June 10, 17 97. This is what it
says in article 11 of the Treaty of
as the government of the US of America
is not in any sense
on the Christian nation
as it has in itself no character of
enmity against the laws,
religion, or tranquility
of Muslim men. Who are Muslim men? These
are Muslimine.
And as the said states never entered into
any way or act of hostility against the
Mohammedan nation, that's the Muslim Ummah, is declared
by the parties that no pretext
arising from religious opinions
shall ever produce
an interruption of the harmony existing between
the 2 nations.
How far we have fallen from the words
of the founding fathers.