Ali Ataie – In the Peaceful Footsteps of Our Unlettered Prophet
![Ali Ataie](
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The speaker discusses the origins of Prophet's teachings and the importance of not caring for one's own people and the need for a-costless way to kill. He emphasizes the importance of protecting oneself and avoiding hedonism and irresponsibility. He also discusses the shaytan's actions and the shaytan's actions, advocating hedonism, irresponsibility, and the culture of death. The speaker emphasizes the importance of self-quarification, defend intellectuality, and stop trying to find allies among deviant social groups. He also discusses the use of the holy spirit in religion and protecting one's spiritual health, and the importance of protecting one's spiritual health in protecting one's spiritual health.
AI: Summary ©
At their phones,
watching inane videos
made by degenerate profligates.
And, kids don't even play outside anymore. At
least when I was a kid, we used
to get some physical exercise.
The prophet ili alaihi wasallam, he continues to
the same tradition, that avarice, extreme avarice will
This kind of insatiable
desire for wealth and power
and money,
or as they say, just do you. This
is what higher education has become. The aim,
the telos,
the objective now of higher education
and many of these colleges and universities is
It's not knowledge
and the method is protest.
It's not study.
So young people are becoming more ignorant, more
angry, and more ungrateful.
Now, Now the Prophet shalallahu alaihi wa sallam,
he expands on the meaning of Al Haraj
in another hadith.
In a hadith in Muslim,
This ajeeb hadith, when I first read this
hadith I didn't know what it meant. And
then I had a real life experience explaining
it to me. This is a true story.
I mentioned this in another masjid, and I
caught some flack for it. But but it's
okay. I'm used to being criticized.
That I gave a lecture one time in
a college in, the LA area.
the topic was basic
intro to Islam or something like that. And
I noticed they do a lot of non
Muslims there. And there was a there was
a man there, non Muslim, Turns out he
was Catholic.
He was sitting there. He was listening to
And I can tell from his visceral reactions
to what I was saying that he wasn't
agreeing with me a whole lot.
And at one point, he almost got up
and like he was gonna throw the chair
or something. His girlfriend or wife had to
calm him down. I don't know what I
was saying though. So, I was giving a
basic talk. But anyway,
I was talking about the mercy of Allah
towards the end of my talk.
And I recited the ayah,
Say, oh my slaves who have who have
transgressed against their own souls, never despair of
the mercy of Allah
And I noticed that this gentleman, he started
weeping profusely.
And then after the talk, we had sort
of an informal gathering on the stage just
to MSA, and this man was there. He
was listening. And I said, can I help
you? And he said, you know, I disagreed
with most of what you said in your
talk. I said, that's fine. But then he
said, you said something that struck my heart.
I said, what is that? And he said,
that verse you recited, never despair the mercy
of God.
I said, why did that strike, a chord
with you?
And he said, I have to confess,
I've killed many of your brothers.
I was in the military. This is what
he told me. I was in the military.
I've killed many of your brothers. Will God
forgive me?
And I said, well, you have to try
to make restitution as best as you can.
And there's something called Tawba. And according to
our theology, if one makes Tawba, Allah will
forgive. And he said, yeah. One makes Tawba,
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will forgive.
And he said, yeah. But it made him
feel better. But then he said, yeah. But
I I killed children.
So I said, why did you do that?
And he said, I was ordered to.
This is what he's telling me.
I was ordered
to. I said, so what? Why did you
do it? And then he lost his he
just said, I don't know. I don't know.
I don't know why I did it.
And, you know, people like this,
they commit suicide 23 times a day. People
go overseas and they fight these wars.
The person who's killing doesn't know why he's
doing the killing.
So my message is be a peacemaker.
The prophet Muhammad he
was invited to Medina because he was a
Allah says
Hold on to the the lifeline of Allah
and don't sec terracize.
And remember the nirma of Allah. Many of
the exegete say here that the nirma is
a reference to the prophet Muhammad
Remember the blessing of God when you were
enemies, the Aus and the Khazraj, they would
fight civil wars, endless civil wars, and they
called the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam to Madina
because he was a peacemaker.
And then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,
He put love in your hearts by means
of His nirmah,
by means of the prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi
wa sallam. And then you became brethren.
You were on the brink of falling into
the fire.
Then he saved you from that.
The prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam was a peacemaker.
When his city was attacked, he defended the
city. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says,
Fight those who are fighting you,
but don't go to extremes. Allah does not
love the extremists.
Permission is given to those who are being
wronged. Permission is given to those who fight
to fight because they have been wronged. He
defended his community
wal a'ali wasalam. The prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam
was not a violent man, but sometimes he
was a man of violence.
And there's a difference here, and we should
explain it. I would not characterize the prophet
salallahu alaihi wasalam by the adjective that he
was a violent man, but he did engage
in violence. In other words, sometimes
measured violence,
tempered by restraint is necessary
in order to create peace, but it should
be avoided at all costs. Allah
commands him,
If your enemy inclined towards peace, you must
incline towards peace
and put your trust in Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala. This was in Madinah.
This was when the prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam
was head of state. That's his responsibility.
In Makkatul Mukarama, he was he practiced method
was assertive non violence. He was absolutely non
violent, completely non violent, but assertively non violent.
He was a principal man. Some of the
urnama look at this, the the they divide
the life of the prophet salallahu alaihi wa
sallam into what they call Aisawi and Musawii,
or Christic and Mosaic periods. That in Mecca,
the prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam resembled Isa
alaihi wasallam, assertive non violence. In Madina, he
was like Musa alaihi wasallam. He would defend
the city
within humane rules of engagement.
The prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam was a voice
for the voiceless.
He he defended the weak.
One of the first things that he spoke
out against was female infanticide.
Specifically the killing of of little girls
or generally the killing of children by their
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says,
don't kill your parents, don't kill your children
out of out of fear of poverty.
This is still happening today on a massive
scale. You just use a different name, makes
us feel better,
removes the guilt.
It's framed as a right, as a hack.
This is my right, a reproductive
This is the hallmark of satanism.
According to satanic texts,
I've studied Satanism.
I'm a professor of comparative religion.
Nothing pleases the shaytan more
than the killing of children by their parents.
Nothing slakes the bloodlust
of shaitan more than the blood of children.
And Allah
is an untaqim.
He is the avenger.
Fear Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
When Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
says in the Quran that that little girl
that was buried alive, that was killed by
her parents, mother or father, what have you,
she's going to be asked for what crime
she was killed.
The governor of California signed a law just
UCs and CSUs. These are schools our children
go to.
UCs and CSUs required to provide abortion pills
to children
on demand,
free, no questions asked
So instead of cultivating a an environment
of virtue
and self restraint and responsibility,
one that values
human life, they're advocating hedonism,
and the culture of death.
This is satanic.
Wallahi, this is satanic. Can you imagine a
mother being asked
why did you why did you kill your
child? Why did you kill your daughter? Because
she was an inconvenience.
It inconvenienced me.
After all, I have to go to cheerleading
Hey, my body, my choice.
The credo of toxic femininity. If we're gonna
talk about tac toxic masculinity,
then we have to be balanced. Let's talk
about tax toxic femininity.
And good luck with that response
on the yomulkayam.
No. Not your
body. Not your body.
To Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala belongs the east
and the west.
That's a that's a euphemism.
That means that everything belongs to Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala. We don't own
This land is called lamb of tamilik, the
lamb of ownership.
Indeed, we belong to Allah.
We belong to Allah. We can't do anything
we want, everything we want. And to Allah
is our return.
If it's really your body, if you own
your body, then prevent your body from dying.
If you have full autonomy over your body,
prevent your own death.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala creates life and takes
He has power over all things.
I'll tell you an apocryphal story.
One of my teachers told me an apocryphal
story about Isa alaihis salam. That one time,
Isa alaihis salam was passing through a wasteland
with the Hawariyun.
And then he saw a human skull on
the ground,
and he stopped, and he kicked it with
his foot and he said,
Speak by the permission of Allah subhanahu wa
He said, ta identify yourselves to the to
my disciples. And the skull began to speak,
and the skull said, I was a king.
I was a king once. I was sitting
on my throne. I was holding my scepter.
I was clad in my purple robe. My
crown was on my head. I was surrounded
by my servants.
I was in my royal throne room, then
suddenly the angel of death appeared before me.
Oh, would that I have sought solitude with
my Lord.
Oh, would that I had sought a personal
with my Lord Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. I
took nothing of that from me. Look at
me now. We don't own anything.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
is the owner of all things. Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala is the owner. So we need
to be principled people. We need to forget
about this type of identity politics. We need
to defend ideas,
defend the tradition,
defend Allah and His Messenger,
defend the people of principle and faith.
We need to stop trying to find these
quote unquote allies among deviant power hungry
social groups whose beliefs and practices
are diametrically
to the Quran and the Sunnah.
Allah is sufficient. Allah and his messenger in
the community of believers.
Indeed, your true allies, if you wanna use
that term, your true friends are Allah and
his messenger in the community of believers.
Those who establish the prayer and give charity
while they bow down.
Whoever turns to Allah and his messenger in
the community of the believers, for indeed it
is the party of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
The party of Allah, that party that gives
victory to Allah and his messenger and to
the tradition.
This is the party that will gain victory.
I'm not talking about some political faction that's
co opted these terms in the Quran. I'm
talking about the spiritual party of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala. The people who gives Allah and
his messenger and the tradition.
The the the spiritual party of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
Give them victory. Allah says, give me victory.
I'll give you victory. How can you give
Allah victory? You give Allah priority in your
life. Life is too short to be a
sell out. Don't sell out your ethics, your
morality, your theology.
It is spiritually healthy to be self checking,
to be self auditing.
The Sahaba feared hypocrisy.
They feared nifaq.
Khayru Nasqarni,
the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said, best
the best people is my generation. The best
generate the best spiritual generation, the most highest
level of spirituality
are those closest to the prophet said, best
the best people is my generation. The best
spiritual generation, the most highest level of spirituality
are those closest to the prophet said, and
they fear hypocrisy.
They would constantly work on strengthening their iman,
strengthening their character. The prophet salallahu alaihi wa
sallam told one of his companions, Huayfa ibn
Yaman. He gave him a list of the
munafiqeen in Madina. He said, check check on
these people, tell me what they're doing. He
gave the list to him. He's the keeper
of the secrets of the messenger of Allah.
During the caliphate of Sayyidina Umar. Sayyidina Umar,
radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu wa Aruba. He came to
Hudayfa and he said,
am I on the list?
So I said, of course not.
You're Omar. He said, oh, come on.
Give it to me straight.
Am I on the list?
He said, of course not. You're Omar. This
is from the tawadur of Sayyidina Omar.
This is the beloved of Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala. The beloved of the messenger of Allah
salallahu alaihi wa sallam. A man who's buried
next to the prophet Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa
sallam. This man feared Nifaq, he was self
These are our examples.
Years ago, when I read
in the Quran,
how Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala describes the prayer
of the munafiqeen.
It scared me to death.
I was scared straight
because I had some of those qualities. What
does Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala say? When we
read these ayaat, stop putting ourselves in the
in the in the shoes of the hero
as it were. Maybe we have firanic tendencies.
Maybe we're going to read these things about
firan, maybe we see ourselves in those things.
We should self
When they stand to prayer, they're lazy suddenly.
A lot of zeal
when it comes to other issues.
When they're when they're working at their computer,
or when they're engaging in sin, people have
a lot of zeal, but suddenly stand up
for prayer, and they're lazy.
This is boring. They start yawning, looking at
their watch.
you're all you're all you yeah. You're all
to be seen of men, they have riya
when they stand to pray.
Oh, I'm just kind of doing this because
my father expects me to pray.
My wife expects me to pray. You know,
you know, I'm I'm here. Everyone's I just
pray, you know, let them know that I
It's called riya.
And they don't remember Allah except for a
little bit. What does it mean, dhikr, to
remember Allah? Does it mean that someone really
can forget Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala? The ulama
say here, this means to have regards for
When Allah says, fathkuruni al kirkum, remember me
so that I remember you, the meaning is,
have regard for me,
Put me first.
Prioritize me. Make your life theocentric
so that I might prioritize you and put
you at the center of my tofiel,
of my
But these people, they remember Allah a little
bit when it suits them and then they
forget about him, Meaning they disregard him when
it doesn't suit them.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says in the context
of describing hypocrisy.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says that,
there will be a day when Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala will resurrect all of them.
says, and they will swear
to you,
and they will and they will swear to
him as they swear to you. Just as
in Munaf 15, they used to swear to
the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, we're with
you, we're on your side, We submit to
you. We have taslim to you. They will
swear to Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Supposing that they have some standing.
Kathy Bourne. Indeed, they are liars.
They always knew what they were doing
in their conscience.
The word conscience is a good word. Khan
means with and
science means knowledge. They have knowledge of what
they're doing.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala describes the Munafiqeen in
another ayah in the Quran.
When they meet the believers, they say we
But when they meet their with their and
their own and the many of the exegetes
say here that the meeting here is from
the ins, from human beings.
When they meet with their little secret groups,
they say, we're with you.
We were just joking around with those guys,
those believers.
We're just kinda jesting with them.
For it caused them to forget to disregard
the dhikr of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. They
disregard it. They discount it. One of the
names of the Quran is a dhikr.
par excellence is the Quran.
People who disregard,
people who,
who mock the Quran.
I know people who identify as Muslim and
quote unquote progressive,
who literally laughed at the Quran.
I've seen it with my own eyes many,
many times.
Oh, my people, indeed, they have taken this
Quran as foolish nonsense.
This is happening.
Allah describes
these people who have been overwhelmed by shayton.
These people who
have forgotten or discounted the figure of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala. They are the party of
They are the party of shaytan.
Indeed, the party of Shaytan are those who
are losers. It was a Muslim once who
emailed me and said
I have relative who's running for public office.
Can you advertise them on your social media
platforms? I said, I don't have social media.
But I have a lot of teachers that
have a very large presence.
But just one thing, what what are his
what are his stances on abortion and *?
What are his stances on abortion and *?
And they said, well, pro choice. And they
said, well, pro choice. And they believe in
non traditional marriage.
Is that you want to vote for Shaytan
or which
one? Yeah. We fun we laugh because it's
ironic. That's right. But it's not comedically funny.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says one time in
the Quran
that the prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam is uswatunhasanah.
He's a beautiful example. He says it one
time. Allah
says at least 15 times in the Quran
about Satan,
shaytan. He's a clear and open enemy to
It's not a joke.
Clear and open enemy. There's a Catholic theologian
who said, the greatest trick that Shaitan ever
pulled was
was was tricking the masses that he didn't
exist, was convincing the world that he didn't
We should take this seriously. Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala doesn't mince words. He's mentioning this 15
times in the Quran. There's a reason for
When you say, well, at least he's Muslim,
this person who's running for public office.
Yeah. But a Muslim should know about the
Maqasid of the sacred law. These are principles.
They should abide by our principles. There are
Christians who abide with them.
There are Christians who believe in freedom of
religion, freedom of life,
of intellect, freedom of wealth and property,
freedom of lineage. Why can't we? We should
really align ourselves with devout people, with devout
members of Ahl al Khitab.
These are people of faith.
These are people of Maqasid. These are people
of principle. These are people Abrahamic morality. If
you're gonna make alliances, make alliances with people
who fear Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and come
together as a united front
to stand against deviance who want to who
want to implement
incredible types of curriculum. 1st graders reading a
book called My Princess Boy.
This is a very popular book. 1st graders
read this book.
I get emails.
Muslim child, 7 years old, is reading a
book called My Princess Boy, promoting delusion, mental
illness, cross dressing in children. So cross dressing
in children.
Those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, they
will be brought low. They are abased.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, it is already
that my messengers and I will be victorious.
Allah is omnipotent
and He is great.
You will not find a people who believe
in Allah and His Messenger,
who love those who oppose Allah and his
Even if they're even if they be their
O Abna'ahum
or their children.
O Ikhwanahum
or their brothers. O Ashirahum
or their tribe.
It's not about identity,
tribe, and clan,
and cultures. It's about ideas.
Defend our ideas. Good ideas.
Moral ideas.
One time in the masjid these 2 brothers
were arguing, is my country is better than
your country? They turned out from the same
country. Oh, my province is better than your
province. They're from the same province.
Oh, my side of the neighborhood,
my side of the neighborhood better than your
neighborhood. They're from the same neighborhood. My street's
better than nursery. We have less gutters.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has inscribed upon their
hearts faith,
and he has helped them with a spirit
from him. In the ulama say, one of
the meanings of here is the Quran itself.
He helps them with the Quran, revelation.
This is the party of Allah subhanahu wa
Indeed, the party of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,
these are the ones who will prosper. These
are the ones who will prosper. May Allah
make us
from the prosperous ones.