Ali Ataie – Can We Use Surah Al Isra to Understand What’s Happening in Palestine
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The Quran's ability to predict future events and use the Paragon is highlighted. The prophecy of the caliphate, which is the future, is discussed, along with references to the word "AP" in the Paragon. The speaker also discusses the afterlife of Jesus and the idea that he will destroy the Jews and make them waiters, with the ultimate plan being to destroy the Jews and make them Muslim.
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So this is something amazing here.
So I want to sort of revisit
some of these
Suraj al Islam in light of modern historical
And the reason is because
this will really demonstrate the Quran's ability to
accurately predict future events.
And there's some students here that
who got this part yesterday in the homologetics
And by the way, this is not my
personal enthusiasm.
I'm not qualified to give to this year.
You have to have mastered something 12, 13.
Even Juzayaka'at Visa. It's like 15
sacred sciences
in order to give your opinion about something
in the Quran.
So this is a gesture of modern karma
in light of recent history.
Like those who have traditional training,
the various requisite disciplines.
So the Quran's semantical polyvalence
allows for multiple correct interpretations.
Other words, the Quran's ability to communicate
meaning at different levels.
Okay. So Surat Al Isra is also called
Surat Al Isra'i.
So listen to what Allah says.
We'll just look at the first 8 verses
and then verse 104, and then we'll be
done until
From the Nile of Mosque in Mecca to
the Al Aqsa Mosque, master of Aqsa in
His precincts, we did bless in order to
show them some of our signs.
Indeed, he is hearing and seeing.
We gave Moses a revelation
and made it a guidance for the children
of Israel stating, do not take other than
me at the disposal of your affairs.
Oh, progeny of those whom he carried in
the ark.
Indeed, he Noah was a grateful servant.
And we decreed for the children of Israel
in the revelation.
So this could be in the the aforementioned
keytar, the Torah, or some will, I must
say, in the lower, Machtoth,
in the preserved tablet.
You will certainly cause re corruption in the
earth twice,
and you will become extremely arrogant,
while in a state of political power. Right?
So Urdu means to be in power.
So the promise of the first of the
2 came to pass.
Alright. So like the end of the first
we sent against you our servants of great
who ravaged your homes.
That was a promise fulfilled.
So the end
means this is in the past.
This is done.
This is something that happened in the past.
There's no doubt about
So the Qur'an mentioned here.
So when Nani Israel came into power with
David 1000 BCE,
When did they lose power?
What what was the end of their
It was 586
The Babylonians attacked the southern kingdom of Judah.
They killed the last Davidic king.
They cut off David, basically.
Everyone was brought into captivity in Babylon.
And they entered the homes of the Israelites,
just like the Quran says.
They pulled people out that were sort of
the more sort of influential people, and they
took him as prisoner to Babylon.
Now this verse, number 6
This verse,
according to several exegetes,
the kitah changes here.
So now Allah
is addressing the Muslims
in the form of a prophecy.
This is the is the future.
Then we'll give you, oh Muslims, the upper
hand over them
and aid you with wealth and offspring, make
you greater in number. This is a prophecy
because Bani Israel will never greater than number
than anybody.
We'll give you power over them, over Bani
Jerusalem was conquered
shortly after during the caliphate
during the caliphate, see number 1, and
the Muslims, they conquered the Babylonian lands, the
Persian lands,
the Byzantine lands.
And then
Allah says to the Muslims,
you do well, then you do well for
Then when the promise of the final of
the 2 Uruh
will come to pass, this is the future,
they, meaning the Jews, will disgrace you,
humiliate you.
And don't enter the Al Aqsa Mosque.
What is Al Masjidah here? Well what was
the last mention of the mosque? The word
masjid, what was the last mention?
What's the reference? That's the rule.
And they'll enter the acts of mosque like
they did during the first time, during their
ruling, during their first
uluwa. And they, meaning the Jews, landing Esarim,
will destroy with utter destruction.
Perhaps perhaps your Lord will have mercy on
you. So here, Asa in Arabic is called
Right? It's a fear. It's a verb of
of hope.
Right? In other words, this will happen.
Okay. God will have mercy on it on
the Muslims. But it's going to be after
after some tests.
Right. In the same
So so Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is saying
in the prophet,
in the night make Tahajjud. It's an addition
for you. Perhaps your Lord will raise you
to praise for a new station.
And he has an Al Nahrul.
This is and he calls him hope.
But if you return to sin,
we will return to punishment.
You know, after the kaswat or hood.
Some of them said, what how did this
It's a response from Allah
This is from yourselves,
and we made * of confinement for the
disbelievers. Strong warning to future generations.
So I think about this. How much have
the Palestinians suffered
for the injustices committed
by others?
How much of the people of Gaza in
particular suffered for the injustices
committed by others? They inherited the consequences
of the bad decisions of non Muslims,
of course, but also Muslims.
Bad decisions.
Bad alliances,
Arab nationalism,
Turkish nationalism,
disunity, rebelling against the caliphate,
making alliances
with the Gafar,
Young Turks Revolution,
McMahon Hussein correspondence.
But the victory will come. It's the promise
of Allah
It's not gonna be easy. Perhaps your lord
will have mercy on you. But if you
return to sin, we will return to our
Now towards the end of the Surah remember
how we said these Surah's? They They have
this kind of
circular theme.
Towards the end of the Surah, we have
this phrase again, wa'atul afira.
And some of the renomists say, it's talking
about the afterlife.
But in light of what we know here,
there's no reason to say that this is
talking about the afterlife.
And we said to the children of Israel
after that, dwell in the earth
in diaspora.
Right? And when the promise of the final
of the 2 of Ur will come to
we will bring you to the Holy Land
as a mixed assembly.
So the Jews from all over the world
will flood into the Holy Land. This is
the modern Zionist movement.
This is the second Urdu.
This is the major indication of their second
in the earth.
Then what will they do?
According to the Quran,
they will oppress the Muslims.
And they will enter Mas'ud Al Aqsa,
and they will
absolutely destroy
And it seems that these sort of
well, anyway, we won't get to that one.
It is, like
so from this is my finisher.
So from our perspective,
eventually the pseudo messiah, the mashiach Dajjal, will
Isa alaihis salam,
the true Messiah,
will reemerge.
Isa alaihis salam will defeat the pseudo Messiah
and punish the Ahid Hitaab, you know, they're
in the holy land, but also guide many
of them.
So Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will gather them
there as a lafifa, a mixed assembly. All
Ashkenazi Jews, Sephardic Jews,
Mizrahi Jews,
Gather them there as a mixed assembly for
Isai alaihi sallam to call them to Islam.
And eventually,
every Jew and Christian will become Muslim before
the death of Israel.
This is what the Quran says.
And the pronoun here according to most of
the exudates is referring to Isa alaihis salam.
There is none of the people in the
book that will be beaten him before his
So very interesting.
You see the Quran,
it never ceases to be a relevant text.