Ali Albarghouthi – Zina Should Never Be OK
![Ali Albarghouthi](
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The transcript discusses the origins of the term "IT" and its significance in Islam, highlighting the importance of protecting one's secret and avoiding offense. It also touches on the flaws of traditional Islam, including its flaws and potential consequences. The segment then delves into the practice of "the" leading to destruction of the world and the impending judgment of the day, with speakers emphasizing the importance of protecting one's privacy and reputation and reformulating society to avoid offenses. The transcript also touches on the consequences of actions that lead to violence and negative behavior, such as the blizzards and the use of shaytan.
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Inna alhamdulillah nahmaduhu wa nasta'eeluhu wa nastaghfiruhu
wa na'udhu billahi min shururi anfusina wa
sayyi'ati a'malina man yahdihi allahu fala mudhilla
lah wa man yudhlil fala hadiya lah wa
ashhadu an la ilaha illa allahu wahdahu la
sharika lah wa anna muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh
sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa
sallam amma ba'du fa inna khayral hadithi kitabullahi
ta'ala wa khayral hadi hadi muhammadin sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam wa sharral umuri muhdathatuha wa
kulla muhdathatin bid'ah wa kulla bid'atin
dalalah wa kulla dalalatin finna amma ba'd When
you look at the world today, you will
notice that expectedly, a lot of sins have
become normal and one of those sins that
are so heinous yet are so normal is
the sin of zina, fornication and adultery and
because it is so normal, it is important
for us to remind ourselves of how heinous
it is and why heinous it is because
as Muslims, we cannot imagine that we are
immune from the ills, from the mistakes of
the larger society we're susceptible, very susceptible so
why is zina such a problem?
well, to begin with, because it contradicts iman
that is, you cannot be a Muslim, like
a really good Muslim you cannot have iman,
if you ever wish to have iman and
yet think that the practice of zina is
normal it cannot be a normal part of
your life you cannot look at it approvingly
even if you don't practice it and the
Prophet ﷺ said la yazni zani heina yazni
wa huwa mu'min he says the zani, the
one who commits zina when he commits it
or she commits it they do not this
while having iman there's a contradiction they do
not do this while having iman and another
hadith he said ﷺ clarifying what happens he
says when the person is committing zina iman
departs from him and it becomes, shades him
like a cloud leaves him and it's next
to him like a cloud so if he
stops, if he repents, it gets back and
when you look at the book of Allah
عز و جل when he lists the attributes
of the believers قَدْ أَفْلَحَ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ those of
iman are successful and he lists their attributes
he says وَالَّذِينَ هُمْ لِفُرُوجِهِمْ حَافِظُونَ they safeguard
their private parts إِنَّ الْإِنسَانَ خُلِقَهَا لُعَى in
the other sequence of ayahs that Allah describes
humanity as flawed there are some flaws in
it إِلَّا الْمُصَلِّينَ except those who pray and
then he lists their attributes similarly, an ayah
that talks about that they safeguard their private
parts and Allah عز و جل specifically addresses
the believers, male and female قُلْ لِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ يَغُضُّ
مِنْ أَبْصَارِهِمْ وَيَحْفَظُ فُرُوجَهُمْ tell the males, believing
males to lower their gaze and safeguard their
private parts and for the females, the مُؤْمِنَات
similarly, that they should lower their gaze and
safeguard their private parts وَلَا يُبْدِينَ زِينَتَهُنَّ he
adds to this let them not show their
adornment this is a barrier between you and
zina to protect your iman otherwise, you compromise
it and you lose it it doesn't stay
with you and if a person wants to
enter jannah he cannot be a fornicator, a
zani it's one of the greatest sins as
Allah عز و جل said in the Qur
'an وَالَّذِينَ لَا يَدْعُونَ مَعَ اللَّهِ إِلَهًا آخَرٌ
وَلَا يَقْتُلُونَ النَّفْسَ الَّتِي حَرَّمَ اللَّهُ إِلَّا بِالْحَقِّ
وَلَا يَزْنُونَ وَمَنْ يَفْعَلْ ذَلِكَ يَلْقَى أَثَامًا يُضَعَفْ
لَهُ الْعَذَابُ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ وَيَخْلُطْ فِيهِ مُهَانًا those
who do not invoke with Allah عز و
جل another deity and do not kill the
soul that Allah had made sacred, forbidden except
injustice and do not commit zina and the
one who does this will face the penalty
the punishment will be doubled for them on
the day of judgment and they will reside
in it forever and the Prophet صلى الله
عليه وسلم he recited this ayah when someone
asked him يا رسول الله what are the
biggest of sins he said that you would
make or consider a rival with Allah عز
و جل and he is the one who
created you then he asked him and then
what he said that you would kill your
son out of fear that they will eat
your food he says and then what he
said that you will sleep with your neighbor's
wife commit zina with your neighbor's wife these
are the greatest of the greatest sins and
note how Allah عز و جل listed them
and how the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم
listed them it is shirk than killing someone
and then zina note and that is why
Imam Ahmed رحمه الله said لا أعلم بعد
قتل نفسي ذنب أعظم من الزينة because I
do not know of a sin greater than
zina after killing someone meaning killing someone is
absolutely awful and just leave that's a considerable
violation that Allah hates and everyone agrees that
it is heinous but he says right after
this the greater sin is zina and consider
disparity how people look at killing versus zina
how they reject one but they accept the
other how someone is ok or something like
that is ok and the other is not
and Imam Ahmed is saying you would be
the greatest sinful person if you are committing
zina you ask yourself why is that the
case because it is corrupting for self and
corrupting for society Ibn Qayyim رحمه الله he
said إن ظهور الزينة he says the widespread
practice of zina فيه خراب العالم ومن أشراط
الساعة he says the widespread practice of zina
signals two things the destruction of this world
and the impending approach of the day of
judgment as for the destruction of this world
he said عليه الصلاة والسلام قال وما ظهرت
الفاحشة في قوم حتى يعلنوا بها إلا ظهرت
فيهم الطواعين والأوجاع التي لم تكن في أسلافهم
he says if illegal sexual * is widespread
until it's public among the people is they
will experience plagues and pains that are novel
and new that people did not experience before
and he also said عليه الصلاة والسلام in
another hadith ما ظهر الربى والزينة في قرية
إلا استحل عذاب الله he says if riba
and zina is public and widespread in a
town, in a city they are inviting Allah's
punishment so think about the world that we
have today and the mess that we see
almost everywhere and you think about it where
is this all coming from and consider the
role of riba in the economy and in
everybody's life consider how widespread zina is until
nobody bats an eye when they see it
no one rejects it or speaks against it
when they see it and then think to
yourself what are we marching towards except a
destruction of humanity if this continues so it's
a destruction of this world and he also
said عليه الصلاة والسلام that when you start
seeing that then the day of judgment is
getting closer and closer because the day of
judgment will come when things are turned upside
down when right is wrong and wrong is
right so he said صلى الله عليه وسلم
إن من أشراط الساعة أن يقل العلم ويظهر
الجهل ويشرب الخمر ويكثر الزينة أو كما قال
عليه الصلاة والسلام it is from the signs
of the day of judgment is that knowledge
meaning Islamic knowledge will shrink and ignorance will
expand and alcohol will be drunk widely and
zina will be widespread and there's a connection
between all of these because when you don't
have knowledge when you're ignorant when you drink
more likely to commit these acts that Allah
عز و جل so much hates so how
can Allah عز و جل bless you as
an individual how can Allah عز و جل
bless a town or bless a country when
they allow this when they don't speak against
it say why is it a problem because
it will bring the punishment of Allah عز
و جل in the next life رسول الله
عليه الصلاة والسلام in a hadith he saw
the punishment of the zina of the fornicators
and the adulterers when he was with the
angels and they were showing him instances of
bliss and instances of punishment so he looked
at people كانوا في مثل التنور they're like
in an oven so he looked inside عليه
الصلاة والسلام he saw naked men and women
and then fire were lit under them and
they started to scream and wail so he
said ask the angel who are those and
he said هؤلاء الزنا those are the fornicators
the adulterers so think about being burned alive
in the next life and not only that
in another hadith he also said عليه الصلاة
والسلام فإذا أنا بقوم أشد شيء انتفاخا وأنتن
شيء ريحا كأن ريحهم المراحيض فقلت من هؤلاء
قال هؤلاء الزنا so he looked at people
and they have swelled up as much as
you can see or imagine and they were
stenchy rotten smelling as rotten as you can
imagine they smelled like a toilet so he
asked who are those and said those are
the fornicators and I want you to keep
something in mind that there's always a correspondence
between the punishment in the next life and
the reality and the offense of the people
who committed those offenses there's always a correspondence
why do they smell so bad I want
you to remember that smell every time you
go into a public restroom and you're revolted
by that smell what is the thing that
swells up and is rotten smells bad it's
what is rotten on the inside what is
corrupted on the inside that's the thing that
in this life when you look at it
you say it's gone bad you throw it
away so Allah azza wa jalla is telling
you that when you commit something like that
you are rotting on the inside you're going
bad even if you are celebrated even if
you are glamorized even if you are praised
it doesn't matter on the inside this is
how Allah sees you and this is how
you smell so Allah azza wa jalla turns
that into a reality in the next life
so when you look at azani or azania
don't be attracted to what Allah azza wa
jalla says in reality they smell like a
toilet in reality they are rotten like a
toilet do you want to be close to
something like that do you want to bring
that into your body into your mind into
your bed and then expect Allah azza wa
jalla to bless you and honor you it
is a serious offense and it contradicts iman
and it brings the anger of Allah azza
wa jalla and also it will destroy your
love if you're committing zina because you say
I'm in love with so and so rest
assured that once you bring the shaytan into
your companionship your relationship you are poisoning that
love if you really honor that person if
you really love that person if you really
want them to be your wife, your husband
the love of your life do not bring
the shaytan in your midst because you are
going to lose them and they are going
to lose you your love for them and
their love for you will turn into hatred
because the shaytan will poison every aspect of
your life bring the shaytan into your food
he will take it away from you into
your money will take barakah away from you
then into a relationship and he will take
it away from you you want to love
them love them the way that Allah azza
wa jalla will continue to bless that love
don't think that your choices are better than
Allah's guidance أقول خولي هذا وأستغفر الله لي
ولكم فاستغفروه الحمد
لله رب العالمين حمدا كثيرا طيبا مباركا فيه
وأصلي وأسلم على رسوله محمد صلى الله عليه
وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم so you say how
do we protect ourselves from it and there
are things that we have to do as
individuals and there are things that need to
be reformed in society structural things in society
to incentivize people to marry early rather than
choose zina as an alternative the first thing
that you should do is not simply be
motivated by self-interest but look at the
common good and love for others what you
love for yourself once a man came to
the prophet young man came to the prophet
عليه الصلاة والسلام and he said يا رسول
الله اعذن لي بالزنا he says oh prophet
of Allah give me permission to practice zina
so the sahaba were angry with that type
of request and he said no let him
be and he says come close then he
had a brief conversation with him قال أتحبه
لأمك أتحبه لأختك أتحبه لبنتك أتحبه لعمتك أتحبه
لخالتك فكان يقول لا والله يا رسول الله
لا أحبه لأمي لا أحبه لبنتي لا أحبه
لأختي لا أحبه لعمتي لا أحبه لخالتي قال
فكذلك الناس لا يحبونه لأمهاتهم وبناتهم وأخواتهم وعماتهم
وخالاتهم he asked him do you want to
practice zina it's okay would you love something
like that to happen to your mother he
says no prophet of Allah never not to
my mother to your daughter if you had
a daughter he says no prophet of Allah
never not to my daughter he says to
your sister he says no prophet of Allah
not to your maternal aunt to your paternal
aunt he says no prophet of Allah no
he says similarly no one likes this for
their mothers for their daughters for their wives
for their aunts for their sisters so if
you're going to commit zina with a lady
think that she is the mother of so
and so the daughter of so and so
the sister of so and so the aunt
of so and so why do you want
to do that to her where is the
love and where is the respect where is
the honor so don't just look at your
raging desire but look at what you're doing
to her what you're destroying in her what
you're destroying in him then he said alayhis
salatu was salam Allahumma khfir dhanba wa tahhir
qalba wa hassin farja falam ya'ud yaltafito
ila shay'in min dhalik then he made
dua for him alayhis salatu was salam he
put his hand on him and he said
ya Allah forgive his sin purify and cleanse
his heart and protect his private parts so
that man afterwards never paid attention to that
type of desire that type of request and
that is a dua that you could do
for yourself remember it, seek it, memorize it
for your children Allahumma khfir dhanba wa tahhir
qalba wa hassin farja keep making dua for
yourself so that Allah azza wa jalla will
take that desire from you and send you
to what he loves subhanahu wa ta'ala
also a way to protect yourself from it
is to know that things develop in stages
shaytan is not gonna trap you in zina
immediately but will take you step by step
to it and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam said
in the hadith al aynani zinahum an nazar
he says the eyes commit zina and their
zina is that illicit look and the ears
when they listen to something illicitly that invites
to zina that's also their zina and the
tongue when it speaks inviting to zina illicit
talk that's also the zina of the tongue
and the hands that illicit touch that's their
zina and the feet walking to it that
is their zina walqalbu yahwa wa yatamanna and
the heart wishes and longs and the private
part either accepts this or rejects it confirms
it or denies it these are the steps
so you don't want your private part to
commit the ultimate zina well guess what our
eyes commit zina this is the zina of
the eyes the zina of the ears the
zina of the hands the zina of the
feet the zina of the tongue if you
cleanse yourself of that type of zina it's
impossible for you to commit the ultimate zina
so the prophet a.s. was giving you
the steps that the shaytan will take put
a barrier between you and what angers Allah
azza wa jal don't put yourself in situations
that are compromising that invite the shaytan never
be alone with a woman never be alone
if you are a female with a man
don't let the shaytan be the third among
you don't bring down the barriers that exist
between you and a member of the opposite
* especially at school at work when you
commingle when you intermix and you start talking
casually about mundane things then sharing jokes then
talking about your day and slowly but assuredly
slowly what's gonna happen is that you're gonna
develop attractions to her and she to you
and the shaytan revels in all of this
keep the barrier between you and the sister
up between you and the brother up speak
sparingly as much as you need and nothing
else and don't be fosa don't be inviting
you don't have to share what happened with
you this day or that day talk to
other men if you are male talk to
other females if you are female but fear
Allah azza wa jal don't let this assault
you and ruin your relationships so if we
do this and we then recommend and encourage
everyone to get married as soon as they
can marry early marry early convince your son
convince your daughter to marry early they don't
have to wait until they graduate from school
until they get a job you don't understand
or maybe you do but you forgot how
difficult it is for them and the level
of temptation that they are facing out there
and how they are gonna be brainwashed into
committing that sin and then not even considering
it a sin anymore you wanna protect your
children marry early convince them of the merits
of marriage let them grow up together let
them graduate together let them build a life
together because if you don't do this you
may reach a stage where not only do
they not wanna marry they cannot even marry
anymore so if we do this despite that
societal pressure despite the structure despite the trend
if we do this then we can resist
and all of us are supposed to resist
all of us are supposed to resist you
should consider yourself in the resistance to uphold
what Allah loves is not easy to follow
the sunnah of Muhammad a.s.w. is
not easy to be sincere in this role
today is not easy but you're part of
that resistance you I'm talking about somebody else
I'm talking about you you're part of that
resistance and we are relying after Allah a
.s.w. on you because if you are
weak, I'm weak and if I'm weak, you're
weak so we ask you by Allah a
.s.w. be strong for his sake and
don't commit that sin stop and ask Allah
for the halal we ask Allah a.s
.w. to grant us iffah to grant us
chastity to grant us the halal and make
it sufficient for us we ask Allah a
.s.w. to practice for all types of
zina ya Allah we ask you that you
protect us from all types of zina and
all sin that you hate ya arham al
rahimin we ask you ya rabbal alameen to
make halal beloved to us and make haram
distasteful to us we ask you ya rabbal
alameen to cleanse our hearts to forgive our
sins and safeguard our private parts we ask
you ya rabbal alameen to make us of
those who love you more than they love
themselves of those who love Muhammad a.s
.w. more than they love any other human
we ask you ya rabbal alameen to forgive
us our sins that would we know about
and that what we forgot we ask you
ya rabbal alameen to grant us a sincere
repentance from all major sins and to forgive
us all minor sins ya arham al rahimin
we ask you ya rabbal alameen to send
your immediate relief upon Muslims all over the
world especially ya rabbal alameen in Gaza especially
in Palestine especially in Bilad al-Salam especially
in Sudan and in every other country or
corner that we may not know about we
ask you ya rabbal alameen to protect them
and safeguard them and reconcile their hearts and
give them victory against their enemy ya rabbal
alameen Allahumma ansur ahla ghazzata ala man adahum
rabbal alameen Allahumma ansur ahla ghazzata ala man
adahum rabbal alameen Allahumma ansur ahla ghazzata ala
man adahum rabbal alameen Allahumma abtil kayda adowihim
Allahumma arina fihim yawman aswadan fa innahum la
yu'jizunak Allahumma takabbal qatla qatla al mu'mineena
hunaka shuhadaa aindaka ya rabbal alameen Allahumma takabbal
qatlaahum shuhada Allahumma ra'ayna aytaamahum wa arami
lahum Allahumma at'imhum wa asqihim Allahumma at
'imhum wa asqihim wakun ma'ahum wa la
takun alayhim Allahumma ansur hum wa la tansur
alayhim Allahumma ankur lahum wa la tamkur bihim
rabbal alameen Allahumma atihim nasrun muazzara waj'alna
mimman nasarahum wa lam yakhthulhum ya rabbal alameen
Allahumma atina aljannata wa maqarraba ilayhaa min qawlin
wa amal wa aizna minannari wa maqarraba ilayhaa
min qawlin wa amal wa aqeem alsalah