Ali Albarghouthi – Virtue Of Silence

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary ©
The importance of learning to speak confidently and not say anything to avoid causing harm is highlighted, as it can lead to unrest and behavior. The danger of silence in society is discussed, along with advice on being aware of one's actions and not giving out information until one's heart is clean. The importance of being quiet and listening to others is also emphasized, and the need for control and monitoring one's speech is emphasized. The speakers emphasize the importance of being selective in speaking and not overflaming people with small talk, and advise listeners to avoid speaking until they have all the information available. Finally, listeners should avoid words of disbelief and control their tongue for prayer and forgive opponents.
AI: Transcript ©
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was Sahabi. He was

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in hay al Hadi, Abu lahita Allah Wah Muhammad in SallAllahu, alayhi

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wa sallam Washa to her, wakulu be The A Team Walla Allah, Wakulla,

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Allah bad

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fakala Rasulullah, he SallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam. Man samatha

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he said Alayhi Salatu was Salam,

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the one who is silent will be saved

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very few words,

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but they explain, illuminate the path of salvation.

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Man samatana, if you are silent, you'll be saved.

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And this

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this ay Bada

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of silence

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is one that is seldom followed today.

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It is important to understand

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that it is Ay Bada and that is a skill, because in another Hadith,

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the prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam said, aquhata, abuni, Adam,

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afili Sani,

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most of the sins of the child of Adam are in his tongue.

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Most of the sins

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of the child of Adam come from his tongue.

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And he said In another Hadith, wahali akubunasa

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finari, alamena hirihim ilahasa idu al sinati him, what else

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throws people in hellfire on their faces, except what their tongues

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bring back the harvest of their tongues.

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So this tongue, this small instrument in our body, is so

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How come we have not learned how to restrain it?

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You see us on the one hand learning, not only learning, but

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paying money to learn how to talk.

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This is how you can conduct or pass an interview.

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You learn what to say.

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This is how you could be a better public speaker. This is how you

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can convince people. This is how you can win friends. This is how

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you could influence others to believe what you believe. So we

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actually pay money to learn how to talk, how to be eloquent, how to

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choose our words, but we don't learn how to be quiet. We don't

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learn how to be silent. We don't appreciate silence and what it

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brings to us,

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and we have no control over it, and we don't understand how

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catastrophic it could be, specially today, because the

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easiest thing today to turn on your phone, face your camera, and

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say whatever you want to say, whether you understand or not,

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whether you know or not, whether it's beneficial or not. You record

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it, you broadcast it,

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hundreds, 1000s, millions of people potentially could hear

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that, and you're responsible for it, and these things could cause

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tremendous harm. They could incite riots. They could cause the

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killing of other people. They could assassinate their

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reputation. You could do a lot of damage with your tongue,

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especially today, much more than at the time of the Prophet alayhi

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wa salatu wasalam. So if that tongue was dangerous, then it's

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much more dangerous now.

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And if you look at non Muslims in particular,

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you will see that they have lost

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Virtue of silence, the motivation is to talk and keep talking. If

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you have something to say, just say it, whether it's beneficial,

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whether you're ignorant or not, just keep talking. And the more

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that they talk, the more that they cause splits and friction in

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society, the more that they cause harm. They've lost the idea of

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But it is right there in the Quran, and it's right there in the

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son of the Prophet alayhi wa salatu. Was salam Allah says,

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Mahal fidomim, kaulin, ilalahi bonat, he says, Whatever thing he

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says he has a tied, watchful ready Angel, recording what he is

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saying. And if you understand that, that you are being recorded,

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and you'll have to answer for everything that you have said,

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You'll monitor what you say.

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Someone came to the Prophet alayhi salatu wasallam once, and he said,

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Ya rasulallah. He Ani. He

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says, our messenger of Allah advise me.

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Kala Awa talikudi, Sana.

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He says, Do you have control over your tongue?

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Qala wama Ali KU Ilam Ali klisani. He says, What would I have control

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over if I cannot control my tongue.

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says, Do not say with it, except what is good.

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That's the advice. But the response from that companion to

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the question of the Prophet Allah Ya salatu wasallam is very

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It's not just give me advice. I'm going to go with the Prophet alias

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salatu assalam. Wanted to know, are you ready for it? And look at

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the question, do you have control over your tongue,

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because you're supposed to,

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because who controlled it other than you?

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Do you have control? And the sahabi vehemently said, If I

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cannot control that, what else can I control?

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Then he said, Then don't say with it, except what is good.

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And subhanAllah today, if you were to ask us, do you have control

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over your tongue. What would we say? No, it controls me.

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Our Iman is tied to our tongue.

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He said, alayhi, Salatu was Salam mankina, Billah, he will yamilah,

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kulhahiran, Abu asmaath, he

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says, If you believe in Allah and in the last days, say what is good

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or Be quiet, be silent.

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So here you see a very explicit link between your iman and what

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you say.

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Your Iman needs to control it.

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And another Hadith, the Prophet alayhi wa Salatu was salaam said,

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la ist akimu Iman wa abdin Haya. It

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says a person's Iman will not be straight until his heart is

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and his heart will not be straight until his tongue is straight.

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And this hadith is important for those who say, Well, my tongue is

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pure. It doesn't matter what I do on the outside. Doesn't matter

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what I look at, doesn't matter what I miss, doesn't matter but

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what borders that I transgress, my heart is clean. He said, The

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Prophet sallallahu silam disagrees,

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because he is saying that if your tongue is crooked,

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then your heart is what crooked.

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Can't hide from this. If your tongue is crooked, if you lie,

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that's a crooked tongue. If you back bite, that's a crooked

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If you mock people, that's a crooked tongue, then your heart is

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crooked. I don't need to open your heart to find out what's in it.

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The Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam said, so you have a crooked

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heart, because if your heart was clean, your tongue would be clean.

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And if you want to clean your tongue, you clean your heart, and

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if you want to clean your heart, you clean your tongue, then your

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iman will be intact.

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So as a believer, silence is established by the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as a pursuit, as a goal.

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Someone was sitting in a gathering once, but he was quiet.

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Someone leaned and he said, Why don't you talk?

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And he said, Listen,

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I found that if I want to say something, it brings benefits and

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It's better and prudent and wiser not to engage in it.

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And if it's an unknown outcome, it may bring benefits and harm, but I

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can't calculate. I don't know what's going to bring. It's also

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safer not to say anything.

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And of course, he did not explain that if it brings more harm than

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benefit, of course, I need to avoid it, because this is

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So another person leaned in and he said, I see that he had dismissed

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75% of what people talk about.

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75% of what people talked about was dismissed by him, and that is

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what the scholars have said. Funny Akun khairan Abu Asmaa him say

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what is beneficial or be quiet. He said, only talk when you know what

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you're saying brings benefit more than harm. If you do not know,

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keep quiet if it brings more harm. Be quiet if you're going to say it

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in the wrong way to bring more harm. Be quiet and only speak when

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you know what you're saying is beneficial.

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That is Iman, and that is wisdom.

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That is wisdom.

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It was said Al hikmatu Ashra to Aza this Atul min have his son. He

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says, wisdom is made of 10 parts. Nine of them is silence. If you

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want to be wise, you be silent. Because when you're silent, you

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listen to what people are saying, you digest, you absorb your way

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the benefits and the harms, the merits and demerits of everything

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that goes through your ears into your mind, and then you select the

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best of it. And before you talk, you select the best of it, and

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then you speak by that you will be wise.

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Wakanua in min Ali San huara, akal beh, well. Muna, munafi Ku,

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listen, who Allah tarfe me. They said that the believer his heart

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is behind his tongue.

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What do they mean by that? They mean that whatever he wants to say

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something, it has to pass through the filter of his heart, he thinks

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about it, and then he decides, I will say it or not, and then he

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speaks. That's the believer,

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whereas the hypocrite, his tongue is in his mouth, whatever he feels

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like. He says,

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That's hypocrisy, that's foolishness,

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that's not wisdom,

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that's not resolve,

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that's infantile.

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And you look today at how many people run their mouth

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and with it, ruin their lives and they ruin their families.

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He said Alayhi Salatu was Salam in a hadith

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in naradu, lakalamati, la you'll kill Aha

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yahui Be a finari severe in kharifa. He

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says a person will say a word or a sentence, does he pay no attention

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to but by which he will descend into hellfire the distance of 70

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I want you to contemplate the fact that he will not pay attention to

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Allah. He will say it and move on.

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It's not a big deal,

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but to Allah azza wa jal, it is. And he because he did not save his

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tongue, he did not guard what he is saying, he will fall in *

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fire 70 years.

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So this one person is angry and they renounce Iman, renounce

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faith. Speak against Allah azza wa jal. Speak against Islam when they

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renounce or attack something that Allah Azza has revealed, impugn

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it, put it down

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when they talk

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and they attack other people,

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especially when it's done collectively.

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He said Allah to assalam in a hadith in namin, Awa minasi,

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Raju lun Haja, rajulan, fahaja Kabila, 10 biases

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of the greatest crimes,

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or lies with Allah azza wa jal for someone to be insulted or put down

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by another. So in retaliation, he puts down and insults his whole

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The poets used to.

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Do this in Arabia,

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and we do it today.

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You have a bad experience with someone from another race, from

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another geography, from another nation, from another tribe, or you

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grew up with this. So everybody there is colored by the same

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brush. All of them are this? All of them are that just because one,

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two or three people have crossed you the one way, everybody's like

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that, and you whisper it to those who will agree with you, but you

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spread that disinformation. You spread that falsehood. The Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa said to them, what did he say about this? You're

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a great liar.

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And again, that is childish,

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because you know that you're

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And not everybody is like that. And even if it were to be true,

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what is the benefit of speaking like that?

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We simply just want to talk,

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and we have not learned the essence of check what you want to

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say before you say it.

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How many people ended their marriages? How many men rushed to

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divorce because they were angry and couldn't control their tongue.

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And once that happens, they come and they say, How do I fix this?

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You could have fixed this easily by being quiet.

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How many women provoke their husbands into divorcing them

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because of the way that they talk to them? How can I fix this if you

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just had learned to be quiet, silent, if you have just control

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over your tongue, then

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you would not be in that predicament.

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How many people speak about others

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backbiting, which is of the easiest sins today,

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and they don't restrain it, and no one corrects them. And you have to

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understand that these people, all of them, will be your opponents on

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the Day of Judgment,

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you're increasing the number of cases against you. When you meet

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Allah as a judge, you think it's going to just be easy. I just

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committed this and that sin, and then I'll pass but then you have

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50 100, 200-500-1000

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people are saying, Yeah, Allah, he said these things about us. Let

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him pay us back.

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And that is an ultimate stupidity

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by someone who wants to be saved on the day of judgment to increase

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his opponents before Allah, Azza wa jal,

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if you do not control your tongue, then you control nothing.

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So silence is a ibadah.

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If you know the truth, speak it. But otherwise be quiet and listen

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Abu Asmaa,

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Rabbi Alameen, Hamdan, kathiran, tayakan, fahimil, asmaati, omelda

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omel, she mean Shay in bad o Salli wa Sallim Allah, Rasulullah, WA

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alaihi wa ala Ali. He was a happy he wasallam bad. Silence was how

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the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam

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was, he was described as can tawila Santi Khalid, the Hadith UN

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they described them. Alayhi Salatu was Saddam as lengthy in his

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silence and seldom in his laughter. He seldom laughs. He

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smiles a lot,

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but he doesn't laugh, and

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when it comes to silence, he's often silent.

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What can you UK, through of your Hadith in a car. Cana, you through

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the raw Kailua.

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He used to remember Allah a lot, but engage in little idol talk, or

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none of it. Laho is useless talk.

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He would remember Allah a lot. If you were to sit next to him,

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sallAllahu, alayhi wa ali wasallam, you'd hear him

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remembering Allah a lot, often, but not useless talk. He would

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control his tongue,

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and Aisha described him. Alayhi Salatu was Salamu Kalam in Bayen

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in foslin, no Asha no Shah and yah. He

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speak Ali as Salatu was Salam. He was not verbose.

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He would speak in clear, definite words, if you wanted to count

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them, you can if you wanted.

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To memorize it, you can. He

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wouldn't just keep talking.

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But with that, he delivered the greatest message. Alayhi Salatu

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was Salam and produced the best of students and teachers. Alayhi

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Salatu was Salam because that is the essence of wisdom. The essence

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of wisdom is be selective in what you're saying, not to impress

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people with how funny you are, not to impress people with your

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exaggerations, with faking it until you make it. It's to be

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genuine, to be authentic and to be quiet and to listen and to process

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and then produce the best of what you have received. That's what it

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is today. When you

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are with your friends, you can easily lie to make them laugh, and

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you think there is nothing wrong with it. And the prophet Ali as

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Salatu was Salam, he said, Wailua, Allah, the Yak the bud NAS, he

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says, Woe to him. Woe to him. Woe to him, the one who lies to make

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people laugh.

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You lie, and you cannot trick them into believing something, or you

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prank them and you get them you're being funny, you're being smart.

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Prophet said, Woe to you.

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You cannot be a good Muslim. You cannot be a person of good

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character if that tongue is not controlled.

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And so we need to learn silence. And some of the early generation,

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though, this is acting is not a sunnah. The way that he controlled

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his tongue is that he took a pebble and he put it in his mouth

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and he wouldn't take it out, except for eating and sleeping

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just to control the movement of the tongue that. Now that's not a

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sunnah, but the idea behind it of restraining the tongue is valid

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because of numero the Allahu Anhu said, mashay unawa do Iraqi, sijin

00:21:55 --> 00:21:59

in milisan, nothing deserves lengthy imprisonment more than the

00:21:59 --> 00:22:05

tongue. Nothing, so yeah, we need to control it. How do I control

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it? He say, you control it by avoiding words of disbelief and

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things that anger. Allah Azzawajal,

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you avoid it by recognizing who you are, being humble, knowing

00:22:20 --> 00:22:23

that you do not know and not talking until you have all the

00:22:23 --> 00:22:25

information available

00:22:26 --> 00:22:30

today, especially when it comes to politics, but even when it comes

00:22:30 --> 00:22:35

to Grand issues that involve the Ummah, everybody has an opinion.

00:22:35 --> 00:22:40

Are all of us right? Are all of us well informed who is listening and

00:22:40 --> 00:22:44

who is talking? If we simply have the ignorant among us, and I

00:22:44 --> 00:22:49

include myself in that if we're just quiet and we listen, there'll

00:22:49 --> 00:22:53

be less noise around us, and then we can hear with greater clarity

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the truth where clouds the truth today is intentional or

00:22:58 --> 00:23:02

unintentional, obscuring of the truth by everybody talking,

00:23:03 --> 00:23:07

whether they understand or not, whether they need to talk or not

00:23:09 --> 00:23:10


00:23:11 --> 00:23:14

so you avoid the Haram and you don't engage in it.

00:23:16 --> 00:23:19

And he also said, alayhi wa salatu assalam. When someone came to ask

00:23:19 --> 00:23:22

him, he said, Ya Rasulullah. He says,

00:23:23 --> 00:23:27

oh, Messenger of Allah, advise me, but be brief.

00:23:28 --> 00:23:31

He said, either Punta Illa saw that if

00:23:33 --> 00:23:36

Asmaa me, mata atadi, rumin,

00:23:37 --> 00:23:40

Wajima, Al iya, Sammy, mafi adenas,

00:23:42 --> 00:23:45

look how beautiful this is. This is your prophet. Oh prophet of

00:23:45 --> 00:23:48

Allah, advise me and be brief. He says, When you stand up to pray,

00:23:50 --> 00:23:54

stand up as if you are bidding farewell to this world. This is

00:23:54 --> 00:23:55

the last thing that you're going to be doing.

00:23:57 --> 00:24:00

And if you're going to speak, don't say something that you have

00:24:00 --> 00:24:02

to apologize for later,

00:24:04 --> 00:24:07

and despair of what people have in their hands.

00:24:09 --> 00:24:12

Don't long for it. Don't wish for it. What people have is theirs.

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It's not yours. You don't want anything from them. You don't need

00:24:16 --> 00:24:18

anything from them. You're going to die soon.

00:24:20 --> 00:24:24

So don't look at what they have when you want to pray. This is

00:24:24 --> 00:24:26

your last prayer. But in the middle, what did he say? If you're

00:24:26 --> 00:24:29

going to say something and later you think that you're going to

00:24:29 --> 00:24:32

have to apologize for it, don't say it. Don't lie.

00:24:37 --> 00:24:44

So if we simply follow the sun of the Prophet alayhi salatu

00:24:44 --> 00:24:44


00:24:46 --> 00:24:52

if we avoid unnecessary talk, if we engage in greater remembrance

00:24:52 --> 00:24:57

of Allah, Subhanahu wa, if we know that we cannot enter Jannah except

00:24:57 --> 00:24:59

by controlling our tongue, if we know that.

00:25:00 --> 00:25:03

That our hearts will be at peace, our minds will be at peace. When

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we are quieter, then we will do this. So this is a call for all of

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Control the tongue, control what it says, Let it produce the best

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of what you have, not the worst. Think before you talk

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and say a thing that will please you when you meet Allah subhanahu

00:25:21 --> 00:25:21

wa, and

00:25:23 --> 00:25:26

if you want to really control your tongue greet the Quran, and

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if you really want to control your tongue praise Allah subhanahu wa,

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then your tongue will be filled with what pleases Allah, and

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shaytan will have less control over it. Why Allah, Rabbin

00:25:40 --> 00:25:45

rahimin, to make us of those who save their tongue from sin and

00:25:45 --> 00:25:49

engage in what pleases you a Rameen. We ask you a rabbin to to

00:25:49 --> 00:25:53

make our tongues a vehicle for us to enter Jannah, not a vehicle for

00:25:53 --> 00:25:57

us to enter hellfire. Make us a rabbin of those who say the best

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and refrain from the worst. We ask you a rabbin to increase our Imaan

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and purify our hearts. We ask you to forgive us all of our sins and

00:26:06 --> 00:26:09

grant us a sincere repentance from the sins that have troubled us.

00:26:10 --> 00:26:13

Was ya rab al alame To make us of those who are guiding and guiding

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of others, of those who are guided and guiding of others. Ya rab al

00:26:17 --> 00:26:22

Alameen wala mean to bring relief to Muslims throughout this world,

00:26:22 --> 00:26:26

especially in Gaza and Palestine and the rest of the Muslim lands.

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Ya Rameen, Ya Allah, repel their enemies and their plots. Ya Allah,

00:26:30 --> 00:26:34

come to their aid. Ya Allah, come to their aid. Ya Allah, come to

00:26:34 --> 00:26:38

their aid. Ya Allah, bring quick relief to them, ya rahimeen, and

00:26:38 --> 00:26:41

bring us back all to the fold of Islam, to the fault of the son of

00:26:41 --> 00:26:44

the Prophet Aliyah, Salatu was Salam so that we become worthy of

00:26:44 --> 00:27:02

your victory Our hamara, Amin, Allahumma, ama wa sallam, when Abu

00:27:02 --> 00:27:06

kamin, sharima, stamin, hubdu, Muhammad, sallAllahu, alayhi wa

00:27:06 --> 00:27:13

sallam, Allah mean rabbal. Alameen. Allah mean hafiq. Ali

00:27:13 --> 00:27:20

Sana Hu ILA Min hayribal, Alameen Allah, amalayan, fauna, rahimeen

00:27:20 --> 00:27:22

ya Hayo, ya Hayo muy bior matika nastarith,

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