Ali Albarghouthi – This is Love #27 If you love someone let them know #28 Give to Spread Love
![Ali Albarghouthi](
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The importance of practicing Hadith, a book on love, in protecting one's health and property is discussed. It is a gift that indicates love for someone, and individuals can use it to increase their chances of love. The speaker emphasizes the importance of giving love to others in public to avoid mistakes and risk mistakes, and the need to show love to others in public to avoid breaking the habit of giving pleasure. The importance of love is also discussed, including the transformation of society and the removal of diseases of the heart. gifts are seen as a way to build behavior and personal relationships, and it is crucial to find a passionate person for Islam.
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swindle your 100 He knows salatu salam ala Rasulillah ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam, ala Malema. myInfo no and foreigner Bhima Olympian was in Illman Rabbil Alameen
Allahumma in Isla de Chirico Shu Creek, WA hasni, a Beretta tick, and my bad.
So, we want sha Allah
tonight, again or today depending on when you're viewing this in sha Allah, especially if you're joining us online, we're going to be doing two Hadith.
And just like I said last time, if we're doing two Hadith at once, it doesn't mean that you need to do them at once. If you are viewing this later, he could split it, he could do one Hadith per week.
Whatever fits in sha Allah, your progression in the book and your development and absorption of knowledge and practice of it. So don't feel that you must actually do two Hadith at once. This is just for our purposes here. It's simply easier, but you can split it in sha Allah do Hadith 27 First stop, then go back think about it. Practice what you need to practice from the Hadith. Then come back and then do Hadith 28 with Nila xojo Then we'll do in sha Allah Now we're going to begin with Hadith number 27
and Hadith 27 here is when the messenger Rasul Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, either a hubba Raju or her who fell you have your who know who your hippo
either had borrowed Ruaha who fell your hero and know who your hippo he said la Salatu was Salam. If someone loves his brother, let him Let him know. Or he should let him know that he loves them. Tell him that you love them.
So this is a command from the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam. That is if you happen to love someone here at mentions of Raju, aha, the man is brother, but it's equally applicable to females, if you love sister loves another sister, or a brother loves another brother. He's saying La salatu salam, don't keep this to yourself, let them know that you will love them. And there's a benefit, obvious benefit to this hadith. But before we get into that, let's understand something a little bit bigger.
And that is something that we've repeated. I hope frequently that it should be well known, which is that Islam emphasizes the spread of love. In fact, we can call it an objective we can call it an imperative, a goal, a project, that Islam commands the spread of love. And you could see in this hadith, an instance where Allah azza wa jal and His Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam recommend, and they would love for you to spread that love all around.
And if you examine all the Sharia that's opposite the a non Muslim propaganda that religion somehow is about hate or Islam is about hate or the spread of hate. If you examine instances move further to Sharia instances of the Sharia, you will find that every command in the Sharia is about the spread of love and of course, the love of Allah zodion The love of the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam and then love on earth, all the commands of Shetty as served that purpose. And all the prohibitions of the Sharia are to safeguard the love
all of them.
Okay, especially if you don't take it in isolation, you take it in regard to the benefits under harms, you will see that there is an establishment of love and also protecting that love from anything that diminishes it. Now
loving someone for the sake of Allah xojo is a great gift.
Why is it a great gift? Like when you really have something like this that is a great gift? Why is it a great gift? First of all, that you would have someone who loves you, or do you have someone that you could love on Earth, this is a great gift. And we're going to come to this in sha Allah, Allah Allah mean, it's also a great gift because it indicates that you love Allah subhanho wa Taala that if you actually happen, and you have in your heart that ability that space to love someone for the sake of Allah azza wa jal what does that mean? Is that you love Allah so much that you could love someone for the sake of Allah xojo so loving Allah has a gift. Loving the believers is a gift
having loving you back is also a gift from Allah subhanho wa taala. So
Oh, it's an enema. And it's an AMA, you should thank Allah azza wa jal for it, you should appreciate it, you should work hard to get it just like any NEMA in life, right? Any NEMA in life, if you want to preserve it, you need to thank Allah for it, but work hard for it to continue to persist. And so
as the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam here is saying,
tell others that you love them, that act preserves that love and extends that love. And if you think about it,
kind of all of us need to hear that. Like we're living in a world and you can see the importance of this hadith. Especially today, always, always, always, but especially today, and why is it specially today? Because we live in a disconnected world today, we're disconnected from each other, we live a lonely existence. The more you modernize, the less that you have contact with people. Everything is automated. Everything is remote. So you're distant from people, and what are you distant from people, you're distant from lovers Well, distant from conversations, acknowledgement, emotions, feelings, you're dealing with machines, or you're by yourself all the time, loneliness, if not
already, it's an epidemic. People feel alone and lonely more than any time else. So when you actually
love someone, you're telling them that they're not alone. You're telling them that there is something good about them that deserves that love. You tell them that you're close to them, that you will assist them that you're their brothers. Yeah, that you're you're their brother or their sister. So you break that lonely existence for yourself and also for other people. And you increase their Eman. These are the benefits that we will talk about Bismillah as origin.
So telling others that you love them spreads that love, which we said is an Islamic imperative and Islamic command. And it's a blessing and an act of worship.
Right. So if you listen to the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. Even if you say to yourself, it's really awkward. I'm not used to it, especially if you're male.
Right? Because female it'd be easier for them. Oh, I love you love you back. Okay. But for males, that's difficult. You don't hear that from males, right? I love you. Or I love you for Allah sake. But if you think about it, in terms of it being an act of worship, just like Salah just like Zukor just like fasting. And this is something that Allah loves and the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam had commanded and he loved, what would you do, you would do it? Right, you would do it. And if you do it, you are rewarded for it as an act of worship, you are blessed because of it. And then not and one of the clearest blessings is that this person will love you more than you will love them more
because now he knows that you love them. So there is a blessing in the akhira there are blessings in the dunya and it's an act of worship that Allah azza wa jal rewards for if you love Psalm one, then let them know that you love them. Now, how do you know
if you love someone for the sake of Allah?
You love someone for the sake of Allah, if the motive for that love is what is Who
is Allah zoot.
So you could love someone for a lot of reasons, right?
They are funny.
They like the same things that you like you have common interests. They have a nice personality, they're nice to you. There are a lot of reasons why you would love someone. But these are all personal. Right? What does it mean to love someone for the sake of Allah zodion Meaning you love Allah.
And then an extension of that is I love this person because of my love for Allah.
So they serve Allah or they honor Allah or they worship Allah subhanho wa Taala in such ways that I love them for that. And a sure sign of it is that the more pleasing they are to Allah, He loved them more. And the less pleasing they are to Allah, He loved them less. So that love will go up and down not based on my personal relationship with them. That's something that is separate it based on how pleasing or unpleasing the are to Allah, that's the difference. So if they commit a sin of the upset Allah, even they are the nicest to you, you will love them less. Because what is the ground for that love? Allah has Zoda not how, personally they're nice to you or not.
Okay. So that's why you find that the Sahaba of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. They could love absolute strangers.
For the sake of Allah and until they become dearer to them than their own families, and they could be distant from family members who oppose Allah as Odin, even though they could be their parents and their brothers and their children.
There is a personal attachment that doesn't go away. But there is love for Allah sake that supersedes that. So how do I know if I love someone for the sake of Allah xojo And if they Please Allah, you love them. If they please Allah more, you love them more if they displease Allah, you don't like them, if they display displays Allah even more you love them even less endless. That is how you know, and that is the measurement right here. So this is how you check
while you love someone for Allah sake. But if they disobey Allah and you still love them the same, and find excuses for them, and find love someone who is more obedient less than them, then you understand that we love and we hate based on personal connections and emotions, not based on Allah subhanho wa taala. So let's kind of chase away the fact that also the the notion that this is
awkward, or this is trivial. Second line, that
it doesn't matter whether I tell someone I love them or not. That's just too trivial. I can just ignore it. If it is trivial, why would the prophets OLALIA cillum Talk about it? Why would he take time to direct to recommend and to guide and say, Tell them
and as we will see, he did it Ali Salatu was Salam. So why would he take time to do it, and command it if it's trivial, so it's not trivial, awkward practice of Islam shouldn't be awkward. So you overcome your embarrassment. And say that for Allah sake, just so Allah rewards you, it doesn't matter what happens after but you want Allah's reward. So practice and it's a sunnah. So it needs to be practiced.
So some of the benefits of
this command, tell others that you love them. One,
you bring pleasure to that person. Okay? You bring happiness to them, when they know that somebody loves them. And maybe that is a sign that Allah loves them. So the two things happening here. Aren't you happy when you hear that someone loves you? Hey, I like you, I love you. So that pleases you. And that in itself, this roar, the happiness that you bring to a Muslim, that is one of the best things that Allah loves.
Of the Lula, Morello Habibollah family in Allah and we talked about that hadith Sorauren 232, who Allah calvia Muslim, have the best more beloved deeds to Allah azza wa jal is happiness that you bring to a Muslim. And there are multiple ways that you could do this, but one of them is to tell them what I love you. For Allah sake. So that makes them happy. For two reasons. One, someone likes me, right? So there's something about me that is likable.
And that cannot also defeat the whispers of the shaytaan the hokum can come to you and say, you're nothing you're worthless, you're this and you're that somebody comes and tells you I like you, I love you, then you understand there's something worthwhile about you and hamdulillah that's good. And if you take it, as we said, as a sign also that Allah may like you because somebody likes you for Allah's sake, then that also pleases you even more and more.
This will increase your iman and motivate you to be closer to Allah because somebody sees something in you.
Right? somebody sees something worthwhile in you Masha Allah, you are pleasing to Allah, Masha, Allah, I love you for Allah sake, because I see that these good things in you see, see if somebody sees these things in me, then I'm going to try to do my best in sha Allah to multiply and increase all of that. So it inspires you
and increases your iman and increases your acts of a baddha your acts of righteousness because somebody came and recognize something good that is in you. It also cements the love that is between you and if everybody practices this then in the entire society.
When you tell him I love you, he's gonna love you back necessarily more than before, and you will be closer to each other, you'll cooperate, you'll worry about each other. So love spreads when you do this. And if the rest of society does this sincerely, then love spreads in the entire society and they will be stronger because they've shared their feelings. They said I love you for Allah sake or I love you and He loves you and He loves his neighbor and he loves this person and that person, then people know that they are loved. And society is better because of it.
And when that's the case, when you know that somebody loves you, you're more likely to accept their advice.
So if someone out of nowhere comes and tells you about something that is wrong with you behavior or attitude or belief, will you take it from them? There's some difficulty in that, although we should, but it's a bit difficult. Because there's a distance. And I don't know if that person is simply critical of me, I don't know if he likes me or not, I don't know if he's focusing on my faults and mistakes, because he's that type of person, I don't know. But if someone really likes you, he tells you, I love you. And now he's close to you, then some that person comes later. And he says, By the way, I want to give you this advice, once you take that from them, or be more likely to take that
from them. Because you believe that they are close to you, they want the best for you. Right. So telling a person that you love them, would enable you to give them advice.
Because they feel comfortable around you. And they know that you want the best for them. You're not after or chasing their mistakes, and wanting to disgrace them or attack them. And it's also a protection from the plots of the shaytaan.
If somebody comes and says, you know, this person is backbiting you, this person is attacking you, he whispers to you, or somebody comes bearing tales about you, to other people.
If there is love between you, you'll say no, that can't happen. I know this person, he loves me and I love them. So there is really love between people, you foil the plots of the shaytaan. And you don't listen to his whisper. And also it heals and protects from the diseases of the heart. When you know somebody actually loves you, you're less likely to be envious of them, you're less likely to be suspicious of them, you met less likely to miss that mirror to misjudge them, you're more likely to seek excuses for them.
All this happens, why because I like this person.
Think about it. Right? You'll be envious of someone if you're in competition with them. But if I'm not competing with them, because they really like me, and I'm going to be envious, you'll wish them the best.
So envy goes away.
Miss judgment, suspicion goes away, the stronger the love is. So that again for us the plots of the shaytaan. So we need to hear that from each other and we also need to break
that lonely existence that all of us are feeling today even though some people are around people, other people but they still feel alone.
So the motions have run dry and we need to revive that revive our emotional connections to Allah azza wa jal an emotional connection to each other by saying yes, I do love you. And I love you for the sake of Allah as
I'll share with you here. Few instance instances where the prophets Allah, Allah wa salam expressed love to Hadith on page 297 to 98. And then what do you say back when somebody says, I love you?
So the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam in the famous Hadith. He said once he held the hand of more Avila the Allahu Anhu when he said Yamo Wallahi in Nila or a book, he said he held more ad by the hand and he says oh, more ad by Allah Hi. Love you.
Okay. So of course, that's also an affectionate gesture holding someone by the hand. And you say by Allah and ye say, By Allah, that's emphasis. Now it's not just I love you, he says, By Allah, I love you.
So when other of the Allahu Anhu he says be AB unto me will lie in Nila or hymnbook
BRB, antoher omiana Your dear to me, then my father and my mother. Wallahi I also love you.
So that exchange prefaced what and advice from the Prophet alayhi salatu salam that follows which we know. So it says Yamo of all seek ALLAH to the inevitable equally Salah he says Yamo Al, I give you strong advice right? Do not leave saying after eat Salah Allahumma inni Allah the cricket or shoe Creek our personal liberty, your Allah assist me to remember you and to thank you and to worship you well.
So he at a Salatu was Salam could have just simply given that recommendation without the preface of I love you. Right. Still would have worked. But my little the Allahu Anhu would
forever remember this advice because in the beginning of it Rasul Allah, He himself said, I love you.
So this advice is coming from someone that loves you. Right? Just like when you speak to your child, and you say, I love you because of this, I want you to do this and that it's coming from love that I'm asking you to do this, that I took the time to give this advice. So I love you. So don't forget to say after eat salah, Allahumma inni and the critic our Shoukry co hosts neighboured Attic, your Allah assist me to remember you and to thank you and to worship you well, and that is one of the most beneficial do
that you could memorize and repeat.
Because you could want to
do these things. But if you're not assisted, could you do it?
And Subhan Allah and it's after eat salah, so that you declare to yourself and to Allah, this Salah could not have happened without Allah. Now I'm finished this, but what about the next one? And what is what about the in between? So the best dua is to ask Allah to assist you to do what Allah loves.
Right? And that's what you ask where by the way, you should connect it to the salah itself, when do you ask this?
In what surah you know Fatiha, right. Yeah, can Budo er can stay hidden or Serato. Mister, that's what you asked every Raka and every Salah says We worship You. And we need your assistance guide us to the straight path. So this is any alethic Rekha helped me to continue remember you and to thank you and to worship you well, and if Allah answers to this dua because you're doing it after each salah, then you've won. So that's the importance of this, and it comes out of love. And that's what the prophets a lot he was hitting them said, but whose higher the profit or more of the Prophet? Did he consider it to be demeaning to go to Morocco who is below him in piety and say I love you know?
And that kind of is what humility, there is the Waldo in it.
Okay, he's older. He's better. He's the prophet, but he's the one who tells him I love you. Right.
Also in this is on page two to 98 He says Harada Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Yeoman arseven razza he says, one of one of those days the prophets, Allah Salam, he came out and he had dropped his head, maybe his head, maybe he had a headache.
So a lot he was sitting in color for tilaka who there are ill on sarwanam whom, so he is met by the children of the unsought and their servants. muhimbi will do Hill Ansari on may then they are not the dignitaries of the unsought they were not the most important people of the unsought. The chiefs and the elders of the unsought know, who are they, the children and the servants. So he said that a Salatu was Salam ala Levine fcba de Nila Hibou, Kumara, thane of Allah. It says, By I swear by the one who has my soul in his hand. I love you. He said it twice or three times, to the children and to the servants to tell you again that it's not about people of high status about people who have
power. No, no, this is love that is driven by love and driven by Allah azza wa jal. So he loved the children of the unsought and he loved the servants of the unsought. He tells them that, and so this is how love is it's not driven by what a return. I'm loving so that I would receive love and return I'm loving because I want a benefit of some sort in return. No, this is motivated by Allah azza wa jal and by what you feel towards other people.
And then the final Hadith here in this chapter, is, again, it's page 298. To Page 299. It says there was once a man next to the profits of a lot he was sent them, then a third pass by them, and the messenger Salallahu it and he said, Yatta, Sula. He was telling the prophet to rasool Allah, I love so and so. So the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam asked him, did you let him know that you love him? He said, No, he said, Go and let him know.
So that's the command of the Prophet go and let him know. So he says he caught up with him and he said, in the book if he lies, I love you for Allah see. Hello, I have baccala the bapta nila May the one that you love me for love you.
That's that's how you reciprocate that's how you reply.
Or Hibou Cafe Allah I love you for Allah sake. May Allah love you
Right. May Allah love you.
And that is better do ah
I because you're asking
for the best thing for him, you love me for Allah sake, may Allah love you. And if Allah loves you, then everything else loves you. And if Allah loves you, you've one
nothing to worry about after that. So consider Subhanallah the,
the initial kind of response and that the initial comment and the response, how both of them are beautiful. I love you for Allah sake, somebody's listening in here. I love you. And the response may Allah love you.
So here Subhanallah love is supposed to be spread. Everybody's supposed to love each other, they're supposed to let each others know. And also, love is always anchored in Allah azza wa jal. Allah is the One who gives it Allah is the one who spreads it and Allah Allah is the One who increases this love as you OBEY HIM subhanaw taala more and more. Right? So this is the Hadith which is Hadith number 27. And kind of behooves us all, when you take this hadith, not just simply to know about it. But to do two things, at least one is to ask yourself, Do I love people for the sake of Allah, if not, ask Allah for it. And then work on it so that you would start loving people simply for Allah
sake. When they're pleasing to Allah, you love them more.
When they're working for Allah sake, you love them more just for that. And the other thing is, if you love someone, you let them know.
And you make the basis of that love Allah subhanho wa taala. And of course, once you actually feel this, and once you announce it, it has its own responsibilities. Meaning that you take care of that person. You observe Allah's commands when it comes to them. You give them advice, you seek their benefits, you protect them from harm. That's an announcement that Allah azza wa jal has motivated me to love you. So you have to also
observe Allah's commands when it comes to that person.
Hadith 28 is a very short Hadith, but in the spirit also of this previous Hadith about spreading love.
In this hadith, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said to her due to her boo, he said, give presents to each other and you will love each other, to have to give presents to each other from the Hadiya. To have boo, you will love each other. So this is one of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam, a means of spreading love. And again, it's not trivial.
If he practiced it, if he talked about it, it's not trivial. And the objective is worth
spreading love. So again, it's another instance that proves that Allah azza wa jal loves the spread of love. And the prophets a lot he was LM loves it, and he commands it. Now,
what is the relationship between gifts and love?
So who likes to receive gifts? By the way?
Everybody, right. So why is that the case? Because there's a natural inclination in US fifth law that we love the dunya. And there's nothing wrong with that, like loving the dunya itself is not problematic. Excessive love of the dunya is the problem. Is that a problem? Is it a problem for you to have to love to have children
or to love to get married? Is that a problem? There are a part of the dunya on the so it's not loving the dunya that is the problem. It's an excessive attachment to it, or preferring it over or to the love of Allah azza wa jal and the commands of Allah, that's the problem. So here, as long as it's within limits, it's naturalised for us to love the dunya. That's one of the reasons why when somebody gives us gifts, we like them back, because we got some of the dunya and we like that, but it's also a doesn't stop there. It's also kindness and love. Somebody was thinking about you, somebody thought of you somebody liked you enough to take time to take money, which all of us like
money, we love money to take some of that money that everybody loves. And he says here take it but not in the form of money which is really crass but in the form of a gift that you can use that you can enjoy something that is beautiful, or that you need. Take it so all of us love kindness and all of us appreciate that love so gift is that expression to so there's benefit in gift giving to the one who gives them to the one who receives
so when I'm giving
gift, and not just simply benefiting the other person, it's helping me. So how is it helping me when I give gifts. So first the recipient feels loved.
So that's a given.
And they may receive something that they need.
So when I'm receiving a gift, maybe that is something that I need perfume,
Sivak dates,
so or something more expensive, but it's something that I can use and because I can use it, I find it really highly beneficial. So that helps. And that if it satisfies a need, then it brings pleasure to the person
the one who gives us a rewarded for practicing the Sunnah.
So again, just like the previous Hadith, giving gifts, with the right intention isn't as an act of a bad.
So it's a bad. And if you practice it as such, doesn't Allah reward you for it. So when you give a gift, then Allah rewards you for it. So it's an act of a burden. It's an act of following the Sunnah. And when you do it with the intention of spreading love, that's another good intention that you could add to that act. That makes it even more rewarding. You fight with it.
because we don't we like to receive not give, as human beings, that's the inclination give me but I don't want to give. But as with sadaqa, the more you give, the more generous that you become. And then you develop also the habit of thinking about others, not simply yourself, so that fights also selfishness. So you're always buying for yourself. And if you're always buying for yourself, you're always thinking about what yourself. But if you've want to buy a gift for someone, you start to think about other people, and what they're going through and what brings them pleasure, and could remove their hardship and what they may need. So now you're not just simply trapped into your own
mind, into your own body into your own needs. But now somebody else matters. And somebody else matters. And another person matters, depending on how many people you're going to give gifts to. So you expand this circle of concern, I knew not as selfish. And also, you're not stingy here $5 $10 $100 For that person, that's fine. As long as they're happy, as long as they are.
There's benefit as long as long as long so you fighting both stinginess, and also fighting selfishness.
And that also leads to more love and less friction. Because if I give somebody a gift, and they love me more for it,
and they be reciprocate, and they give me love and give me a gift, and I love them more for it, then we love each other more. And if that's the case, then society as a whole is better because of it. And our relationship, my relationship is better because of it. And it also fixes the heart and what it feels.
So you'll be angry with someone until they give you a gift. And that just removes that suspicion or that anger. You're
suspicious of someone or you misjudge them until they give you a gift. And now it just removes the pain and the ugliness that is in the heart. Because now you know, Oh, someone likes me and someone thought about me and thought of me. And so it's it does fix envy, suspicions stinginess. So the diseases of the heart are also erased or removed or decreased because of that act.
let me share with you instances where the prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam gave, and how that transformed people.
And then we'll ask an important question after it insha Allah. So so far, no, Maya, this is on page 301 C Well, 301 and then 302 and then 303.
So so far, no. Mija he said our Tanya Rasulullah Salallahu Salam, yo, yo, Nadine. We're in the hula abode will help the ADA yfm Hazara your aleni hatherleigh in the hula Hubbell Ha ha ha. So far, I have no Omiya who wasn't Muslim yet. He said the messenger SallAllahu wasallam gave me on the day of who named me he gave me wealth, he gave me money we'll understand soon what he gave him. And I he was the hate most hated person on though in the world to me, and he continued to give me until he became the most beloved to me.
So he said I hated him the most. So one was a polytheist and a leader among the polytheist
On the day of her nine, he said he gave me and He gave me so much that he moved from being the person I hate the most to the person that I loved the most. Okay. Now,
you want to understand how much he gave him at least salatu salam, how much he gave us off one. He said, There's one ERATION and Muslim. He says, Well, I thought rasool Allah haoma insofar as Omiya may attend Mina Nymi thermometric put them on me, I found Mamiya so he gives off one, ignore me Yeah, 100 livestock, animals, and then another 100 And then another 100 to give him 100. So think livestock mean a Nam, think of camels.
Think of sheep, and the next generation will tell you that. So give them 100 You know how much that is?
That is a lot of money. And then 100 And then 100. That's 300. That's how much he gave him. So he said,
I started to like him and to love Him because of that, how much he gave
the incident cause in a magazine walk, it kinda is explained in a bit more detail.
And there's at the end of it, a really nice comment from someone. It says your call to ANOVA. And maybe when the BU yacht or sofa holder name he says it was said
that he was within the company of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam as the prophet is inspecting the spoils of war from her name.
If more rubbish had been he passed by a valley, both of them see passed by a valley. And it had in a cheap and camels and the shepherds and that valley was full.
That Valley was full of sheep and camels, and it's and their shepherds for agile was off one way or the other young guru, a source of one admirer did. And he kept staring at it, how much this valley has of sheep and camels, the prophet noticed. So he said, Jabba the ship, he says here about what you admire, what is in this valley? He said, Yes, he says, you have all
all of it and what is there all of it is yours. Take it. So So one said I shall do moto but we had enough so I had to learn to be why should you and Nico rasool Allah, it says, I testify that only the soul of a prophet could be comfortable, giving as much and I testify that You are the messenger of Allah.
Now that last part, you could consider among what is called della elua, the proofs of prophethood. Good to soft one, it proved to him that this person is a prophet of Allah.
Right? Now, a king, if he were to give something like this, it would not convince someone that that King is special. Why?
Because that King has a lot more.
A king himself loves money. If he gives you 100,000 It's only because he has millions back. Right? He's not gonna give you everything he has no king does this. Kings love wealth and money.
But when it comes to the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam, what does he have? He knows, what does he have next to nothing. Now, if he has possession of all of these animals, which costs a lot of money, and he think of each camel, maybe for today costing between five to 10,000, that's reasonable. Multiply that by how many camels were in that valley, we said, livestock 300, maybe half of them were camels, or 1/3 of them, were camels multiplied that by that number.
So if he's willing to give that much and not retain anything from himself, what kind of person is that?
It doesn't care about the dunya. He gives it all away. Who can have that type of heart and that type of soul? Someone who is not possessed by the dunya. And that's why he said, I testify only because he has never seen anything like this in his life. Is a testify only a prophet could do this not care about the dunya in the least, and give as much easily. So he became Muslim because of it.
as the next Hadith will confirm, was this a bribe? Let's ask. Was he like okay, I'm not going to accept Islam until I'm bribed to accept Islam wasn't a bribe.
And we'll understand in the next Hadith, why, but why was giving someone like self one important because the phone was attached to what? As a polytheist, who is not simply a Muslim yet? What is he attached to?
The dunya or the Akira
dunya is hot is with the dunya. That's why he was staring at those things. So if you satisfy that craving of his,
so he's no longer in need of the dunya. And he sees the actions of the prophets of Allah, Adi or Salam of how small the dunya is, he could move from the dunya to the Akira. It's a transition.
Here, you're attached to the dunya, take, take this 1000 Take this 100,000 Take it until you know that does not really matter. And we're not about the dunya. So when you satisfy that craving, you could move on from loving the dunya, too loving the AF era.
So it's not really a bribe, but a transformation, take what you need, but turn to Allah xojo. We're not about the dunya for about the next life. So this is how it doesn't matter to us. You want 100,000 Here, you want a million here. But then after we're not focused on the dunya, and he sees this, and he's changed because of it. And the following Hadith on page 303 confirms this. So a lot of judo Nydia and Hanuman Baynard, Emmeline, Falco, Iya, once a person came to the Prophet sallahu wa salam, and there was sheep between two mountains in the valley between them. So he asked the Prophet for that, he gave him all of it.
So he went back to his people, and he said, ously, moo, from Allah, He in no more than the yatta yatta and Maya, Holy fuck. He says, to his people, he said, except Islam,
he said, But whereby by Allah, Muhammad is giving the giving of someone who's not afraid of poverty.
He's giving, like someone who's not afraid of poverty, and as well the Allahu Anhu comments and he said, encounter radula lay you slim. Now you're either in the dunya is as somebody who would accept Islam, it would happen that somebody would accept Islam. And in the beginning of it, he would only want the dunya be interested in the dunya. But when he accepts Islam, he soon is transformed and Islam would be more beloved to him than the dunya. And what it contains. In the beginning, he is still a new Muslim, he loves the dunya. But he sees how Muslims give it away. And Islam transforms him until he becomes what a person like them, he doesn't care about the dunya anymore, he can give
it away like they give it away. So why did this man call back to his to his tribe to his people preaching Islam? Because again, he's never seen in his life, somebody gives much.
And someone who lives in this humble dwelling,
wearing these humble clothes, doesn't keep none of these things to himself doesn't want to be rich. And he's not afraid of poverty.
Can he imagine yourself living the type of life where you're not afraid of poverty anymore?
Never can you imagine it? And how much trust would you have in Allah as it and not to be afraid of it? Not to say to yourself, Okay, I'll give you half of it. But I'll keep half for the sake of my kids and not the sake of my families and the future and could be flake bleak and there's inflation and there is this and uncertainty and there is rent and there is payment and responsibilities know you're not afraid of poverty
means you know worried about it.
Because that does not happen unless you are someone exceptionally special. And he could only happen if you are what
a prophet of Allah has. And that's how the prophets Allah Allah He was selling them was able to capture people's hearts.
Now before we leave, let's just mention a couple of things about gift giving.
giving gifts needs to be righteous for the right reasons. And Allah azza wa jal directed his Prophet sallallahu wasallam in the Quran surah till this year, early on in Islam, when he said wala term known to stick there and one of the interpretations of that idea is do not give a favor or give a gift requiring or expecting something more in return, Tim noon Adelman is to give the stack the meaning do you want to get more from that? And that is a type of gift giving that is not righteous? Because it not being done for Allah azza wa jal is not being done for the benefit of the other person is being done for what? I want more from you. So I'm doing you a favor because I'm expecting
something from you in the future you owe me. Is that for Allah?
No. So sometimes a person can give a gift out of what out of
you know, showing off here I can afford this. Let me show you how much I can give you. I can give a gift because I want something back from you. So I want you to
Oh, me, so I'll ask you later, or I want a better gift from you.
Right? So here, I'm expecting more from you, or at least something of equal value. And if not, I'll be what? upset because he didn't give me anything back. That's not righteous giving. Also, you could give because of embarrassment and social obligations. And I'm not saying you shouldn't observe social obligations. But if you are coerced into giving, that's not righteous, why you need to give them why? Because I need to, or I'm giving him because I need to.
That's not a complete good intention. Maybe there are some social obligations, but also could you give them because you want to give because you want to benefit them because of love. Because it's a sunnah. Then it will be a righteous act, not just simply because oh, they're getting married, they're graduating, they're leaving, so I have to give them something, and you give it not only reluctantly, but with resentment, I have to, I'm wasting my money. That that's not righteous. The Prophet alayhi salam when he said to how to the hub, when meaning it should be for Allah, and it should be for love and shouldn't be for the benefit of the other person, and should be without
expectations. Give and who will reward you?
Allah as to not that human being.
Right, not that human being. Also,
don't belittle any gift, whether you are receiving or giving.
And that's also part of
the ADEPT of receiving gifts and giving gifts. If you're only going to give expensive gifts, you won't give often, right?
If we're only going to give expensive things you're not going to give often because he can really afford it.
And it's hard to develop a habit of giving,
especially that we have this stinginess, you know, baked into us. It's hard to develop that habit if you're going to give gifts occasionally, not frequently. So that does not really remedy the soul.
So that's about giving but also about receiving some of us will receive some gift who said this? How much did it cost $5 $10. That much, not much of anything. So you look down on it because of how much it cost. You don't consider the act as a bother. You don't really consider the emotions behind it and that that person was practicing what they can. Maybe this is the best that they could afford. At least the thought of you
know, the dub is as he said, at his Salatu was Salam ala Anissa, Al Muslim Atilla Khurana Jara, Tunisia erotica, while fierce in Russia. He says all Muslim woman, a woman should not look down on a gift she receives from her woman neighbor, even if it were a sheep's hoof.
Okay, which has almost nothing
attached to it, a hoof is the least that you can get from that animal from machine. But he says even if you receive that, don't look down on it.
Don't look down on it in terms of what giving it and receiving it.
So no matter what you have, even if it's just a little bit, giveaway,
give it as a gift. And even if you receive that, be thankful that they actually practice this a Buddha. And they practice the Sunnah. And don't look down on it. And they say, why is it that he la Salatu was Salam one of the reasons at least, he said, Don't look down on it is because if you're going to just simply saved and save and save to give a gift you're not going to give.
You're not going to give. But if you cannot accustom yourself to give whatever you have whatever is in your hand, as little as it is. You know, as he said, Salatu was Salam In another Hadith that if you're cooking,
increase kind of the water in the broth so that you could share this with your neighbor. So you have this habit of sharing all the time. That develops into a habit either.
But you can only practice it if you practice it frequently. So that's why he said la Salatu was Salam do not belittle it, and also from the
the edip of gift giving, is he said Alayhi Salatu was I mean, he this is a practice can Jakob rule Hadiya or you see what other Yeah, he used to accept gifts and gift presents in return. So he will accept it and give back, accept and give back. And that's also a good add up to keep in mind, not simply out of social obligation, simply because I could be criticized for it. You could just receive a gift and that'd be it. But here there is an adverb in it, which is what as he pleased you, you please him as he practiced
sooner you practice it as if there was an act of a bad day you reciprocate that act of a baddha. And also in a sense, so you don't owe people by You don't owe people everybody is equal. But it's also important to, he made me feel good, I'm going to make them feel good, he gave me something that I need, I'll give them something that he needs you gave me something that I really use and I'm giving them something that they could really use right? So that's an edible also in gift giving. And that will be insha Allah both of these things that will be your project and we're gonna give you projects right? But that are going to be insha Allah your project for the coming week. So you gotta have to
find someone Okay, and I'm excluding myself from all of this you don't just do that with me. Find someone that you're going to tell them I love you. Now me somebody else. Okay. Find someone that you going to tell them I love you. And then also find someone that you could give them a gift especially especially someone around you again not me somebody else tell them here's a gift why how just just for the sake of Allah was So practice this right? So not going to cost you telling someone that you love them free. Right? And the gift you can Cabot whatever way you want $5 $10 Whatever, but at least find that person. At least you say to yourself, I heard the Hadith. And I did what
I applied it
because stays with you. Right stays with you and for you in the law as I heard the Hadith and I applied it. So what's your project now? You're going to do what one was the first that tell the person that you love them? Right? Okay. preferably someone you didn't tell them before. So someone new and then the next the second find someone and give them a gift and that's it.
Fair insha Allah let me know in sha Allah if you have questions.
And these do not kind of
these are not all the matters related to give 10 gift giving, but there's some of them Inshallah, there's more.
Okay, so we'll see inshallah there's any. Okay, so we have one question here.
So, okay, that's a good question. Are we allowed to say that I love you for the sake of Allah to a non Muharram, which we truly mean is that we love the person for Allah sake. It is not for other motive, but just for Allah. No, it's preferable that you don't. So a female to a male or a male to a female. And you tell them I love you. For Allah sake. No, you don't do that. Because it could be misconstrued. It could change from
noble sincere expression into something that is not right. So just to close the door for the whispers of the shaytaan. Just make dua for that person. But either it is between the Muharram the map for one who's Muharram or male with male or female with female. So Zakum Allah here for that question. It's important to know that inshallah
Okay, anyone on the other side? No? Sister said there is. Okay.
We'll give you a minute. Insha Allah.
Oh, okay. Go ahead.
is there a particular reason that you have in mind for not accepting? I'll repeat the question, do you have any particular reason or just
okay, just big is too expensive. Okay. And kind of you feel that you will be indebted to that person and you won't be able to
leave? So the question here is that
is it? Do we have to accept every gift that we receive? Or can we decline that gift, so as to what could be a possible reason to decline the gift instead, maybe it's too excessive, too expensive. So you feel that you don't need it?
Maybe you will be indebted to that person. So first, let's say that the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam once he said,
the meaning of what he said he says, I'm about not to accept any gifts except from such and such and such. Because he la Salatu was Salam because he being kind of the focal point in the center of attention. He would receive gifts, but then some who would give gifts they would give them for give it for Lt.
motives they would give, to get back, give to get back. So it wasn't sincere. It wasn't right. It wasn't again righteous. So that's why he said la Salatu was Salam. He says I'm about to limit accepting gifts, except from this tribe, or this tribe or these people, because he knows that when they give the really gift for giving, and not for anything else, so a person
is giving for the wrong reasons. You could follow the Sunnah or the act of the prophets a lot he was send them and not accept a gift, if it's for bad reasons. So there's something bad, you don't have to accept it right. Of course, if the gift is haram, you reject it. But if it's not given for the right reasons, and is going to trouble you or burden you embarrass you in some sort, and
rejecting it is better than accepting it, then you can reject it, right and not take it at the same time. Just keep in mind that when you do this, you're likely to offend that person.
So just think about the benefits and the harm, and then you ultimately have to decide, and by the way, sometimes you can, if, let's say just simply, if the only problem is that the gift is too expensive, you could give it and then to accept it and re gift it like give it take it and give it to somebody else if you don't want to use it. So let's say for instance is something that you don't want to use in your life because it's too too extravagant. And you don't want to live that type of life you could take it and then give it to somebody else. And you find the you know example of that in the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam he would give a gift he doesn't want to use it he
gives it to Omar let's say and then Omar gives it to his brother so there's this re gifting right that takes place
know so if you get gifts at Hall and from work at holidays and
the holidays of the Christmas season, right? So you give that the you receive that you're allowed to take them, you're allowed to take them and then what you do with them is up to you. You can just take it or if you feel it's better for you to read gift, then we gift it especially what especially if you start feeling that I'm gonna like this season because of all the gifts I'm receiving. So next year, I'm going to look forward to Christmas and you are now excited about Christmas just because I'm gonna get something free right? So if you feel I don't want to have those feelings so you get it and give it away receipt accepted and give it away right
okay, connected to what you asked about can we give during other religion festival seasons? No. Seek you can accept their gifts but not give them gifts during their festivals during their holidays. So they're celebrating something not Islamic and they give you something something that has not been slaughtered for their gods right or blessed for their gods that's something like that. You cannot eat it you cannot consume it because that's religious consecrated for the worship of other than Allah azza wa jal but we're talking about what something that is worldly during their season. You're allowed to accept it, but not give gifts. It's okay so okay, can I give them gifts later? Yeah, you
can. So later on right after that season after after after that season, on eat, first aid second aid Ramadan, take the opportunity and give them a gift during your holidays don't your special time show.
Okay, then Okay, anyone else shall on this is to site
and brother side good.
Should we conclude. Okay, so Subhanak law behind a shadow ally. And as to who wrote about they could handle our bill Allah means cinema