Ali Albarghouthi – The Disease and the Cure #32 We All Have Protective Angels
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Your children
because of money that you've earned because of what you're
doing or not doing. So that's the name. Are you worried about them?
You see how, when you have a new child, especially the first one,
you start being extra cautious with everything,
the food that you want to feed them, the water, the clothes, the
detergent, this and that, because you want to save them and you want
the best for them, so you try to protect them from anything that
could harm them.
Sin is the most harm full thing.
So if you bring it to your home, you are hurting your child, just
like if you're bringing bad food and you're feeding it to them.
So this is a Nirma that is present. You could lose it,
or something you're waiting for, and it's delayed and it's not
One of the things that you will need to do is say, am I disobeying
Allah azza wa jal, and that's the reason for that delay. And again,
not every delay happens because of sin, but ham Allah, he said
it's the NIA killer. Sin is the Nehemia killer. So you're waiting.
You want something to come to you from Allah Azzawajal. You want a
better job. You want to get married. See, a lot of people want
to get married.
You say, Well, I mean, it's not happening or it's delayed. I'm not
finding the right person, etc, etc, etc. One of the best ways
to get a spouse
is to obey Allah azza wa jal, fully, to obey Allah to kind of
have a checklist of what am I missing from my life when it comes
to my salah,
because he can really be okay with Allah azza wa jal and your Salah
is not fine. So my salah, my fasting, my zakah,
that I stay away from haram, that I do the obligations. How am I
with my parents? How am I with this, this, this, this. And when
you are closer to Allah Azzawajal, then your DUA is more likely to be
accepted, and the path of the blessings of Allah azza wa jal
will be unblocked. Now I do not promise you that if you do this,
it's 100% guarantee that you're gonna get everything that you want
in life. Life doesn't work like that, right? There are things in
life that you are simply not are gonna get because it's not
destined, but at least if it is destined, it's going to come, and
you're not blocking it.
And if it is not destined, Allah Azzawajal, because you are close
to him, will put satisfaction and contentment in your heart and will
give you something better than the thing that is not coming.
So you see, it's kind of a win win, you're not really losing.
So that is a very important medicine that you should use with
yourself, but also use with others. When that next life
doesn't terrify them, let this life terrify you. You're going to
lose. And Allah Azza,
so I thought to kind of it we need to emphasize this before we move
on and before we leave it. So anyone who wants something from
Allah Azza
la yonaluma in the lahibi not gonna get what Allah has and only
Allah has by disobeying Him.
So you want Allah to give it to you. Say, Ya Allah, help me with
this. Help me with that. Grant me this. How are you going to unlock
what Allah has, and only Allah has, nobody else does. How are you
going to unlock that by upsetting him? You say, Ya Allah, I'm going
to upset you by earning from haram, or by leaving my house
adorning myself with haram, and yet I want a husband,
right? How is this gonna work?
And even if you get what you want through disobeying Allah
Azzawajal, do you think there will be barakah in it.
You think about it,
some people think that they're smart,
So, yeah, I'll know how to cut corners and get what I want by
dishonesty, hypocrisy, disobedience. And you think you're
smart because you got it. You're gonna outsmart Allah, Azza, wa
jal, your own Allah
wahom, you're gonna try to fool Allah. You're being fooled. Do you
think that you're getting something good by disobeying
Allah? So it's important to keep that in mind. Allah knows your
heart and knows your intent and.
Knows all of your actions and knows what you hide and what you
So keep that in mind that if you want something from Allah
Azzawajal, obey Him. And though the path could seem longer, it is
the steadiest and safest of paths. A
us. He and then moves on, Rahima Allah. And he says, Woman, from
its punishment. And the consequences of sin is that it
distances you from your ally. And he is here going to start talking
about the angels,
and the angel being your companion and the angel being your ally, the
strongest ally. So he's saying it will distance you from your ally
and the most beneficial of Allah's creation to you,
and the one who gives you the best advice, and you will find
happiness in their proximity to you. Wa Al malakul muaq, be he,
and he is the angels who had been assigned to him.
So now we know that there is a devil that is assigned to you,
Karim, right now he's saying that there is also imalek that is
assigned to you,
right, who's with you?
So he says, sin. What does it do? He says it will distance that
Angel from you, watud ni min Hu adu Waho, and will bring your
enemy closest to you, the one who cheats you the most, the one who
harms you the most, and that is the shaytaan. So this sin has this
dual effect at the same time, because the angels and the devils
do not coexist at the same location, at the same time, with
the same person. If one is present, the other one is absent
or distant. So he says, if you are going to sin, one will leave and
one come close.
So the one that benefits you the most leaves, and the one that
harms you the most comes close to you says, This is what you're
doing to yourself when you disobey. Allah Azza JAL, there's
an exchange, okay, and he'll tell you
what you lose when that happens. Khalifa in Al Abda, either as
Allah ha tabah Adam in UL Mala Kuber al Masya Hata in holla at he
says, because a person, when they disobey Allah Azza, an angel, will
be distant from him or move away from him in proportion to the
gravity of that Sin,
so much so that with one lie, he would
run away from him,
or be really far from him. With one lie.
So in proportion to that, or gravity of the sin,
the angel will distance himself from you, will run away from you.
And even with one lie. He said, Rahim Allah, there's a great
distance that you're gonna create between you and an angel that is
assigned to you. Hala wafiri, he has kind of adapted this from some
of the traditions. As far as Hadith, it is weak, but it's a
tradition either kata Bal Abdu, taba Adam in ul malaku, Milan
minata niri. He says, if a person lies, the angel will be distant
from him. The distance of a mile. A mile is as far as the eye can
see. Whatever that distance may be, as far as the eye could see.
He says, from the stench that he produces when he lies.
So this is not something perceptible, right? Like when you
lie. Do you smell something from yourself or people around you?
No, you don't smell it. But who smells it? This is the angel
Subhanallah, though, though at
one time, the Prophet alayhi wa salatu wasallam was what one is,
what was with one of his companions, or some of his
companions, and then a stench, or an awful smell,
blew by them,
and he said, salallahu alaihi wasallam, one of the hypocrites
have passed away.
One of the hypocrites have passed away. That hypocrisy, that
disbelief, eventually manifested as a stench that came out. And it
was what
Was perceived. They were aware of it. So yes, most of the time it
doesn't, but maybe sometimes, especially when it's really
heinous and the person is really bad, that could happen. But here
he said that the angel, when you lie, there's a stench to it that
he is repulsed by. So.
He leaves.
So he said, if an angel will create a distance between him and
you, because of one lie, what do you think is going to happen when
the crime is bigger?
Right? When do you think is going to happen when the crime is
bigger? Khalawa, khaliba Salaf, either rakiba, the karud, the Kara
ajatil, ardu, illallah, he wahara, batil, Mela, ikatu, Iraq, Bihar,
shakatili, ali, mamala, that's an example he's giving.
Again, another tradition that's saying when a male has *
with another male, he says the land will cry out to Allah, Azza,
and the angels will run to Allah, complaining about what they have
just seen
right from the gravity of that sin, that that sin right now is
right that sin now is celebrated. It's all love. No one should be
against love, etc, etc, etc,
and people are happy
when more of that spreads. But in reality, this is what is
happening, according to Allah, He says, the land itself cries to
Allah Azzawajal because of the gravity of that sin. And it's not
limited to that sin, but that sin
in particular is harmful. He says, the earth itself, the land itself,
cries to Allah and the angels, they run, they flee, Ya Allah, we
saw something horrendous, something terrible.
So if because of its spread in popularity, you think it is
nothing, think again,
because we don't judge by what people like and dislike. Like
today, it's okay. Tomorrow, it's not okay. So we just move with the
flow and what's wrong with it. Why is it that you don't see anything
wrong with it? Because people around you have gotten used to it.
Our judgment is divine judgment, right, right? Our judgment is
divine judgment. Allah tells us what is right in what is wrong,
not shifting consensus
or opinions.
So waqba u Salaf,
the Sama Duf. Salaf have said, either as bahala Abdu ibta Raul
malaku was shaytaan.
He says, When a person wakes up in the morning, the angel and the
shaytan, they race towards him.
Faye Dakar, Allah, because they want to see how is he going to
start his day?
So they race towards him. Khalif, if he remembers Allah, by taqbir
saying, Allahu, Akbar, Alhamdulillah, ILAHA, Allah,
meaning the Dhikr of ALLAH. So he starts with the Dhikr of Allah,
the angel will chase, chase away the shaytaan.
That's the beginning of the day. But if he begins with something
else, the angel departs, and the shaitan becomes his ally.
So the beginning of the day matters. How do you start Do you
start it with salah? Do you start it with Vik? Do you start it with
wudhu? So when you do this, you're chasing away what
the shaytaan,
and you're embracing and being embraced by the angel of Allah
Azza, then the rest of your day is likely to be better. But of
course, you have to stay on guard. Can't just let go, fine, I'm
protected the rest of the day. No, you have to stay on guard, but at
least you started the right way.
So there's a dhikr, there's a dua once you wake up,
have to look for it, memorize it, or write it down.
So when you wake up, you read it until you memorized it,
because you want. The first thing you say when you wake up is
Allah's Name,
and before you go to sleep, we'll see this you want the last thing
that you want to say is Allah Azza the
beginning. And the conclusion is, Allah Azza,
then you're being aided and protected.
So he says, how
do you begin your day matters.
And if you feel that some of those days, your day is just not going
right. Go back to how you began
and the following day changed. The start of your day.
Put more of Allah Azza in it. Put more of the Quran in it, to set
you on the right course.
Then Ben.
The rest of the day will be better. So how you start?
Kala ala malakuya, karabu, Mina, Abdi, hatta, ya se al huqum o Tah
tua, ala Batula, he says, And the angel will continue. Meaning, if
you continue, the angel will continue to get closer to you
until the Dominion, until the power is his, not for the
shaytaan, but for the angel, meaning he has the greater power.
He's the one who's protecting you. He's the one who's guiding you.
Then the angel will be your ally, your protector, your helper during
your life and death and resurrection.
Right? So he says, As Allah azza wa jal had said in the Ladin Akkad
or abunala Hutu mustaqamu, those who will say, Allah is our Rab,
then they are straight, then the angels will keep descending upon
them. Do not be afraid or sad and receive the good news of Jannah
that you were promised. We are your allies in the dunya and in
the akhirah,
So those who say, what Arab bunala, that is the statement of
iman Allah azzajal, is our Rab thummasta, kamu, then they are
straight. This is interesting. They are straight once,
like, do you decide I'm going to be straight once
or every day, every day,
actually, every hour, right? That's istikhama, Edina mustachim,
guided through the straight path. Why am I asking for this if I am
already on the straight path? Because you could divert easily.
You could lose it. So you need to come back to it and keep coming
back to it and coming back to it. And so when you say Rabbul
allahumata Allah is our RAB and they are straight, meaning they're
continuously straight. They keep fighting and fighting and fighting
with the dunya around them, a dunya that is crooked.
They keep fighting to continue to be straight. You think that's
It isn't because you're fighting this entire world around you that
wants you to be crooked, that wants to destroy you, that wants
to strip you of Iman and conviction. But you keep fighting
against it, and you are straight, but you say, I am so weak and I'm
alone, and how much power do I have? Allah tells you that angels
keep descending upon them. He didn't say, 10 zlu, they just
descend. Te nazaloo. They keep descending and coming down
and strengthening them and supporting them, one time after
the other, one time after the other, one time after the other.
They don't let go, they don't stop
because they are becoming your helpers. And this is what they
say, No, don't be afraid. Don't be sad. We are your allies. Believe
in the promise of Allah that he had given to you, which is
paradise. We will be always there with you, supporting you.
And he said, and Allah also said, if you hear a book a little bit in
a Manu,
when ALLAH inspires and reveals to the angels, I am with you. So
support the believers.
Allah said to the angels
in Imam with you.
And it's really such a beautiful thing when you believe, when you
feel that Allah is with you,
because when you believe that you have someone like a strong
support, strong back, some something to lean on, you're
right? You're strong like you have a wealthy benefactor, you have a
politician, you have someone in the army, I don't know, whatever,
depending on what country you're in and your situation, but
a family member, if something happens, I can contact them. I'm
So because you have that you're strong. Doesn't matter how weak or
what weak or strong you personally are, your support is strong.
So when say, when you believe that Allah, as zawjal, is with you,
because you are with him, you are the strongest. Indi Ma, akum, I'm
with you. And if Allah is with you, who is stronger than you,
even if you're alone,
even if, seemingly those who oppose Allah, have all the
material power on earth. They have all the media and they do.
They have all the arms and they do.
They have all the tricks.
Up their sleeves, and they do.
And he say, How can I even prosper against all of this? What do you
Allah Azza,
if you have Allah, then they have nothing.
And then Allah says, In Nima akum, I'm with you. Fatima Amanu,
support and strengthen the believers. Support them.
Physically support them, mentally and emotionally. Support their
Iman. Support them against doubt, support them against the whispers
of shaytan in whatever way they need. Support thabitu Hum
make them steadfast and strong,
feed them,
teach them, strengthen them, answer their questions, guide
them, inspire them, protect them, make dua for them, all of it,
whatever comes to your mind of legitimate support, they will
and that is available so that no one feels that they are
defenseless or that they are alone. You are never alone,
because we're talking about Allah, who is always with you, and he has
signed an angel that is always with you if you choose for him to
be with you, because we said you can what. You can chase him away
if you want. But if you want him with you, He will be with you,
fayakul Melaku in Del moat. So the angel will say, at a time of
death, and this is a difficult time, he will say, latahazan,
don't be afraid. Don't be sad and expect what will please you and
make you happy with the bitu, hubil cowlift. And he will
strengthen him with a strong saying, the truthful saying, when
he needs is the needs it the most in this world and when he dies and
when he being questioned in the grave, Al qawubit,
with a bit Allahu Alain manubil, kolit Allah, will strengthen those
who have Iman with the established strong words. And this, these are
the words of iman, the words of la ilaha, illallah, Muhammad, Al
rasulallah, honesty and anything that is pleasing to Allah. It is
what a strong, heavy statement that establishes you
as a strong believer,
steadfast, unwavering,
undefeated, dawd
So anyone who has La ilaha illallah, anyone who is honest,
anyone who obeys Allah Azzawajal is established with all of this
with strength and prominence and defense against his enemies. So he
said they will come down with that
in his life when he's about to die and when he's being questioned in
the grave. Allah Azzawajal comes to your aid. So at those moment
again, you may say to yourself, Okay, I'm trying, but I'm not that
strong. I'm trying, but I'm afraid that at the moment of a test,
a moment of difficulty, I may kind of lose my footing. I may waver. I
may, May, May. Where he says no, if you are with Allah azza wa jal,
genuinely, he will come to your aid at that moment of difficulty.
He will support you at that moment of difficulty, he'll increase your
patience. He'll increase your conviction. He will bring people
to support you, or angels to support you. You will do what you
cannot do now. You can carry what you cannot carry now, but you have
to be genuinely now with Allah Azzawajal to be able what is not
be you're able to carry later on, but you have to be with him right
so that Muslims in better, mathematically, number wise, they
should not defeat their enemies
and and in following battles and after the Prophet sallallahu,
alayhi wa sallam, where the percentage or the ratio is more
than two to one or three to one or four to one, they're not supposed
to win those battles. But they win those battles, because if Allah is
with you, then you are on a winning streak, even if it looks
like you're losing, you're not losing, you're on a winning
streak. But you need to be with Allah as zojin,
and then the path of the unimaginable opens. Literally, the
unimaginable opens, right?
so he says, Felisa had an abdim in sukhbatil, Malaki Dahu.
He says, There is no better companionship to you than the
companionship of the angel.
Right? No better and.
More lasting than the companionship of the angel. He
says you're out. He is your ally when you're awake, when you're
asleep, when you're alive, when you're dead in your graveshati was
Abu huffy, hello. He is the one who will console you and comfort
you when you're alone, when you have no one around. He is the one
that will talk to you and comfort you.
So in a sense, subhanAllah, you're never really alone.
You're never alone, because Allah is always with you. And he says,
but also the angel, what does he do when there is vasha, disconnect
between you and people, you're feeling alienated, you're feeling
alone, you're feeling desolate.
He says, The angel will come and he will comfort you,
and He will converse with you, not
in an audible fashion,
but through your heart.
There's that comfort that will enter your heart,
and that is his presence talking to you through your
heart. WA Sahib, he's your companion when no one is around,
companion, meaning friend,
right, supporter, when no one is around, when Muhaddith sirihi, He
speaks to you privately.
He says he fends off your enemy, right?
And he protects you and assists you and promises you that good is
coming your way, and gives you that glad, tiding those good news
and urges him and pushes him to believe in the truth from Allah
Azza. So he
says, There's AR and
the following is a Hadith, and the following is Allah Alam,
Kala, sallAllahu, alaihi wasallam in a little bit. Ni Adam, Alam,
mahwari, shaytaani, lemah,
it says the angel has a lemma, has proximity, or has a touch or has
an influence upon the heart of the child of Adam and the shaytaan the
same as for the influence of the angel. It is a con Bilwa. It is it
is promising you that good things are coming and that you should
believe in the promise of Allah. Azza, meaning believe in Allah's
promise and expect the best.
But as for the influence or the touch of the shaytan in your
heart, it is a Shari watagdi Woon bihaq, meaning disbelieve in
Allah's promise and expect the worst.
So he's telling you that you are going to feel that influence of
the angel or the shaytaan in your heart. He will touch it.
He will push it. He
said, Well, how do I know he says, What are you feeling?
If your heart is being pushed towards sin,
then what is happening? Is it an angel?
No? Shaytaan is kind of playing with your heart. If you feel
alienation distance from Allah's promises, even an extent of, is it
even true? Maybe, but maybe not.
Who's playing with your heart?
now some people don't realize this, and they start thinking, Oh,
that is me,
but that's not you.
Is every evil thought that comes into your mind. You no you have to
distinguish between the two, and it's a calamity when you're unable
to distinguish, because some non Muslims, and maybe Muslims,
whatever comes to your mind, to their mind, you say, maybe that is
and they just opened the door for it, and it just leads them into
destruction, perversion.
It can't be the case, right then, it cannot be the case.
So, no, you have to know a shaytaan rajim. This is not true.
This is false. That's not me, that someone talking to me, that's the
shaitan. That's the influence of the shaitan. So if you believe
that, if you feel that distance from Allah, distance from his
promise, or this is never going to work, dua is not going to work.
Salah is not going to work, stuff like that, that's the influence of
the shaytaan. And if once you detect it, then you know what to
But then you have what you have the influence of
the angel. And what
is the influence of the angel? You find yourself inclined towards
ibadah. Inclines towards Allah, believing in His promise, devout,
humble. You feel that you want to cry. You feel that you want to do
All you feel that if you do something, Allah will reward you,
Allah for it. That's a push from the angel. So praise Allah Azza
for it. So the Hadith tells you there is a Lamma. There's an
influence like actually, you could feel it of the angel and of the
shaitan, Halawa, Idah, purul, melaki, meal, Abdi, tak lama,
Allah, Lisa Ani, he
says, When the angel is very close to someone, he'll speak on his
right? And
I want everybody inshaAllah without pointing it out, pay
attention to me. InshaAllah, leave what is in your hands.
so from the adab of sitting in a halakah, is that your eyes are on
me. Okay, you're not occupied with something else. Inshallah, we got
that Inshallah,
so if I see it again, I'll point you out inshaAllah.
So he says, if the angel is close to a servant or to a person,
he's very close to you to kill them. Ali San, he'll speak on your
meaning he'll inspire you to say the truth
doesn't mean that you get possessed by an angel and you
become an angel, and everything that you say is just an angelic
No, that's not true. That's not what is meant here. What is meant
is what so close that he will put words on your tongue. He will
guide you. That's part of the guidance that you deserve.
But it's also a favor from Allah Azza, meaning you did something to
get it. But it's a favor
from Allah Azza, kalawa, alqah al Alisa, Ani hilkaw la Sade, and he
will make him speak the truth,
something that is perceptive, something that is right, something
that is beneficial, Khala. But if he's distant from him, and the
shaitan is close to him, he will speak on his tongue, and he will
make him speak falsehood and obscenities.
So if you find yourself right, speaking in obscenity,
liking it, spreading it.
Shaitan, speaking on your tongue,
you have become an agent of the shaytaan, because that's what he
Hatta, your rajulu yet Ali San il malakwa, Raju, Lam Alaihi, Sani,
shaytan, you will see that any that a person when he speaks, it's
as if the angel is speaking, and another when he speaks, as if the
shaytaan is speaking
Allahu. Hadith, he in the Sakina tauntali, Sanya Omar,
he says in the Hadith, the Sahaba, kalath, they would say, and this
is authentic Kuna Nara and na sakinata, Tom tikwa Ali, Sanya,
Omar. We used to believe or see that Sakina, tranquility speaks on
the tongue of Umar.
And this Sakina could be one of the creations of Allah Azzawajal,
or could be an angel
a Sakinah. Could be wana, the creations of Allah Azzawajal. That
if it speaks on the tongue of Umar, means he speaks with
with Sakina, with the truth.
But we have also another Hadith, Prophet alayhi salatu wasallam,
that describes Umar as a Muhaddith.
And if there's any muhaddath in my ummah, it is Umar.
If there is someone who is
in my ummah, it is Umar, and what is muhaddath mean? Means that the
angels, the angel, talks to his heart, so he speaks. He doesn't
hear anything,
right? That's to the Prophet, alayhi, salatu wasallam, that
would be revelation, wahi,
but he speaks to His heart,
and though so Umar Radi Allahu Anhu speaks the truth.
And Omar was known to being very perceptive,
like he would see a person,
and he say, I think that he is such and such. There's no evidence
to suggest this.
I think that he is such and such. Turns out that he is such and
right? Where did he get that?
There's nothing innate. That's not a power that Umar has. No one has
that power, but that is a gift from Allah has zojin. And so that
the angel speaks on the tongue of Umar, a.
This is what he's saying, right?
What can I do? Yes? Maul, kelimata, saliha.
Mean a Raju is solid. He fire. Ali Sanni, kailan, Malik,
he says. And a person would hear a good word from someone, and he
would say, in reply to it, only an angel put this on your tongue,
or he would hear the opposite of it, a wicked statement. And you
say, the shaytaan put this on your tongue.
And this really need here to pause a bit and learn something from it,
several things from it.
Second of all, first of all, realize that the shaitan and the
angel could speak on your own tongue.
So if you are pious, if you're close to Allah, Azza wa jal, if
you have Iman, maybe you're speaking the truth, and that truth
is from an angel.
You say one thing, and it just mends a relationship. You say one
thing and it consoles the person so much. It takes away their
sorrow. It comforts them. It makes them leave a sin or love Allah
Azzawajal, or, or, or meaning, there's a lot of benefit in it.
There is tremendous reward in it. Who put it on your tongue? It's
not you,
it's an angel,
So that's an Emma from Allah Azzawajal.
And you sometimes could notice this from yourself, maybe or maybe
not, but at least you've said something and it was very
And the opposite is true.
You will sometimes say things
during hated exchange, when your iman is really low,
when the shaitan somehow has control over you see something so
terrible, so wicked, you shouldn't say it.
And you later on, you know that you should not say it. Who put it
on your tongue? I said the shaitan dragged you into it.
So both are a possibility this tongue, the shaytaan is writing
it, or the angel is writing it, the same person could experience
So here you have to control your tongue when your iman is low,
and you know that the shaytaan could use it against you and
against anybody. One word can break in relationship. One word
can break in friendship. One word
you may not be ever be able to apologize for it. One
so you could break
a person, their reputation, their heart, their ego, whatever you
could break it, and you can never take it back.
So if you want to speak the truth, say the truth. Be honest. Say the
truth. And be close to Allah so the angel is aiding you,
and don't be close to the shaytaan, so that the shaytaan is
using you against yourself and against others. So that's the
first thing I wanted to say about
it. Second.
I don't want when someone hears about how Ummah radiallahu anhu
was, or that the angel could speak on your tongue to think that the
prize for their taqwa, is this meaning they want to be close to
Allah to get this.
Did Allah promise you that this is going to happen to you if you are
obedient to Him?
Because sometimes this is could be very attractive. The supernatural
compensations for taqwa, oh, I want him. I want the angel kind of
to speak on my tongue, and then the shaitan will know this from
you. Oh, his intent is not. Allah azza wa jal. He wants favors. He
wants miracles. He wants supernatural activities around
him. I'll give him something.
I I'll give him something. So he will tell you the shaytaan is
going to come from the shaytaan. It's not going to come from the
angel. He'll put words on your tongue, and they will seem
right? Just like a magician, it'll seem perceptive. And then you say
to yourself, masha Allah, I'm such a good person. He's like, look how
look how insightful I am. I know about this. I know about this.
I've always able to fix this and this and this. I must be very
close to Allah. As zojana shaytaan get says, I got him.
This is what he wanted. I got him. He can't tell the difference.
His intention is not Allah. He wants these gifts. Fine. I'll give
it to him, and then he plays with you.
Your Taqwa is to get you where
Jannah not to get you worldly favors. So maybe, maybe you'll be
very close to Allah, and you're hardly the eloquent person. You
don't have firasa. You.
Have insight. You don't have these things. It doesn't matter. Don't
look for them.
Don't look for them. Don't anticipate
and if they happen to be meaning you speak and you speak the truth,
and you're speaking well, and you're helping people. Don't
admire yourself,
because who's the one who enabled this and facilitated that,
as an angel, Allah gave it, but it's a form an angel. It's a gift.
It's not yours.
That's important, right? It's not yours. So don't admire yourself,
because as it was given to you, it could be taken away, right? So no
self admiration,
no self glory,
if Allah decides to give it to you, Alhamdulillah, but it is for
the service of others, for the help of others. It's not for you
to look at yourself and say, Oh, how beautiful am I.
A third thing
if this is true with the believers,
that the shaitan can use their tongue
to speak and spread his falsehood.
How true is that about the non believers?
It's dominant.
I don't mean by that to say that every word that a non Muslim says
is false. That's not true,
that every statement that a non Muslim has comes from the shaytaan
that's not true. They sometimes have wisdom, right? They sometimes
speak the truth. They sometimes they take noble positions. You
have to admit that that is there. And sometimes you could learn from
right? Yeah,
but what dominates overall, because they're not close to Allah
Azzawajal, is
it the shaitan to speak? On their tongues,
especially those who are sinning,
and their sin is excessive and repeated.
So when they write stories, novels, books and what have you,
how much of that is on the tongue of the shaitan.
And again, notice, I'm not telling you everything,
but I'm telling you when the shaitan possesses a person
dominates their life, a lot of what they're saying comes and is
inspired by the shaitan. So when they write these fiction stories
that you read, I'm not saying they're haram, but I'm just
telling you to be alert
when you when they write even their nonfiction, when they
produce movies,
when the lyricists who produce music,
what are these lyrics coming from? Where is this inspiration coming
An angel
or the shaitan? What words are you listening to? What is feeding your
heart? What is changing your mind? A
I'm not exaggerating, am I?
When politicians speak,
who's inspiring this when they lie and you know that they're lying
and you're baffled that they could lie, and they're so bad at it,
who's speaking,
Shaytaan is speaking.
So I want you to be aware that in most of what you see in the world
today, if you were just to remove the curtain and the shaytaan
talking, and
again, it's not an exaggeration.
As a Muslim, you should be aware of all of this, all this
all of these things are they're pushing on you. All of that
a lot of it, most of it, is being inspired by shaitan.
So you have to understand how much of a pushback we need to have in
order to overcome this. And the first is to decolonize your mind,
because our minds are occupied.
Our minds are occupied by the narrative of the shaitan,
by the wishes of the shaitan, by the reality of the shaitan, but
what you see around you is not real.
What you see around you is all fake. It's not just news that is
fake. News is fake, right? Advertisement is fake. Celebrities
are fake. If.
Fame is fake. Politicians are fake, structures are fake.
Everything is fake, and behind it is shaitaan.
Is that extreme?
No, I don't really think so. But only when you know this will you
be able to change it. And if you don't know it, you become part of
it. You can't be part of it. That's shaita,
right? So,
so again, I'm not saying everything that they have is
absolutely wrong. No, I'm not saying this, but I'm saying a lot
of it. A lot of it is
so he says, for malaku,
yotifi, kalbil, Haqq, Al qihi Ali San. He says, this angel will
inspire the truth in your heart and tongue, and the devil will do
the opposite, inspire falsehood in your heart and in your tongue. And
he says, so the punishment of sin is that it will distance you from
Allah, Subhanahu wa and from the angel, and for being close to him,
and will bring your enemy closer to you,
it says, to the extent that the angel will defend you, that is if
are close to Allah, Azza wa jal, and the angel is close to you that
the angel will defend you and reply if you are insulted,
the insults of the foolish. So it brings here a hadith,
and it is sahih, and this is Allahu Alam Abu Bakr, or Radi
Allahu Anhu. It says, When there were two men next
to the Prophet salallahu, alayhi wa sallam, and one of them was
insulting or attacking the other, and the other one was quiet, and
that is Abu Bakr radiallahu anhu. He was quiet. He didn't reply with
a word.
And then after few more insults, few more put downs, he started to
kind of reply. And the Prophet sallallahu sallam, stood up and
left. So this man rushed after the Prophet alayhi salatu. Was salam.
He said, Oh, Prophet of Allah, when I just started to reply some
of what he was saying to me, you stood up and left. Why did you
leave? He said, while you were quiet and I was sitting, there was
an angel replying on your behalf, defending you, giving it back to
him, right? Phil, but when you started your own personal replies,
the shaytaan came, and I was not going to stay sit with a place
that the shaytaan is in. So I love
and so Subhan Allah, and I want to kind of stop here to give some
time for the questions SubhanAllah. The thing here is,
you will may view that silence as weakness.
And subhanAllah, it says amazing how the Prophet, sallAllahu,
sadnam, is so transformative. We don't really give him credit or
appreciate how transformative he is,
human instincts will tell you what? If somebody insults, you
insult him back, right? Says one word bad. You say 10, right. Are
you weak? Are you a wimp? What are you
can't defend yourself. Can't defend this. Can't defend so if
you follow that logic, and the shaitan will do what he'll blow
into it until you read in the face
and you want to punch him, see, and you think this is normal,
because everybody acts like this, and nobody challenges it. Here you
have the Prophet alayhi wa Salatu was Saddam sitting a prophet, not
a prophet, only the prophet the best of the he's sitting, and the
sahabi is quiet and the prophet is not intervening.
That was in weakness, that is strength.
And though you may not aware of it, but the angel will be
defending you. He said, You're this and this, and he will say,
No, he is not this. You're more worthy of it.
You're the son of this, son of that. You're lying, and Allah will
punish you for it. And so the angel is defending you. So that
silence is strength,
that silence is the presence of angels, that silence is
And so when you started to defend yourself, though it is
permissible, but this is going to lead to a conflict, to an
argument. So he says, No, the shaytaan is present. The Prophet
saw him going to leave, and he leaves to teach a lesson,
So we didn't finish this, right? We didn't finish this about the
angels. I just want to, also
want to give some time inshallah for questions, because our time is
limited, and
tackle some of the questions we had.
Last week inshallah. So
many know inshallah. If you have questions, just raise your hand.
We have some more
Article, when
before that's always the case that whenever you do something good,
that brings in the angel closer to you. Inshallah,
so according
to what is in
my mind, some of the feature I call like money speech is, Should
I turn money that when I see so much the man will
go away when we need money?
so money is what you make of it. Money, for a lot of people, is a
fitna, but
money could also be a man also. It also depends on what you do with
it. So you ask Allah Azza to protect you from its harm,
so that you love Allah more than you love it, and you use it to
please Allah rather than to displease him.
So if you see money, money could go either way. And the Prophet saw
them, called it in the Hadith khair, and praised it in some
Hadith and criticized it in some other Hadith, depending on what it
does to the soul. So is it? Is it a fitna, it's both, depending on
the person who is receiving.
Let me, Allah, just address some of the
see, we don't have time for all of this, but, Inshallah, I'll be
quick. So talking about Zina and its punishment in sha Allah, this
is coming in sha Allah says one person wants us to talk about it.
It's coming in sha Allah, how do you
seek knowledge in a post sent post secondary student. How do you seek
The best way of Allahu Alam is to join a structured program online
or locally, because that will keep you disciplined. Inshallah, keep
you motivated. You'll have tests, you'll have
feedback from your teacher. You'll have opportunities to ask and then
receive questions. So if there is something structured, then that
would be the best, especially if you don't have a lot of
motivation, especially as the other questioner said, you've
reached a point and you feel stuck. So something that is
structured would be very helpful. If you can't do this, then find a
group locally and try to study a book together. Try at least to
read it like in a book club together. You'll keep yourself
motivated. If there's a series online, follow that series online
and learn from it and ask questions, hopefully the inshallah
that will help. And when I say a structured program, I don't mean
that you
need to finish the entire program, but at least take one course or
two or three or five and cover the basics, and then you could move
from that inshallah and to other books.
And how do you stay steadfast in seeking knowledge, making dua,
structured program, having friends around you who will help you, and
trying to push yourself by limiting or scheduling what you
want to study each day and making it fun and kind of moving on
between different subjects so that you don't get bored to Allah Adam,
one more question or two more questions, because They want us to
make dua. Inshallah, go ahead a
said, so is it hard to bring or regain the proximity of the angel
after he may have distanced himself from you because of his
sin? No, it's not, and the simplest way to do it is to
repent. And if you repent from a sin, it goes away. So repent and
do something good, and he comes back, and he comes closer. And
repentance needs to be in accordance with the sin. The
greater sin needs greater repentance, and the smaller sin,
smaller repentance would be sufficient. Last
you do speak for yourself? Yes. So okay, that's good. When we're
saying that angel speaks on your tongue, the shaytaan speaks on
your tongue. We don't seek but as I said, they don't possess you,
and I'm possess you. Mean what that they they take into.
Control of all of your faculties and all of your speech. They don't
do that, but some words, some phrases, that's what happens,
right inshallah. So because of the Adhan Inshallah, you need to stop,
but inshallah will continue in Allah. Azza wa jal next week, at
the same time, Zach Mullah SubhanaHu wa as you are getting
ready. Inshallah, with that, we ask Allah azza wa jal to help the
sister who's asking for dua me, Allah as.