Ali Albarghouthi – Muharram, Day of Ashura and Goal Setting

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary ©
The holy month of Obviously is recognized as the holy month for Islam, with the importance of fasting and avoiding negative behavior. The speakers emphasize the need to reward Allah for his support and reward him for his actions, and to avoid graduation and avoid graduation. They also discuss the importance of setting goals and learning from past successes to achieve personal growth and achieve the best of one's goals. The speakers stress the need to avoid graduation and avoid graduation, and encourage individuals to ask Allah for assistance.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla hamdulillah Santa Monica

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in sha Allah.

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In about a minute inshallah we'll be starting

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in the lab

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okay in sha Allah hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah He was sahbihi wa Salaam Salaam Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Allah azzawajal bless you all, and guide you to what he loves to pan out what the island keep us all safe from what he hates, in sha Allah, this is a special lecture about the virtues of Muharram Ashura, insha, Allah

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since the month is going to start in sha Allah, I believe tomorrow Allahu Allah. So, the month of Muharram is starting and we should talk about how to receive this month. What is special about the month of Muharram? What are its virtues, we'll be talking inshallah, also about the day of actual law, what is special about it, the history of that day, what to do on that day and what not to do on that day in sha Allah. And then we'll also be talking about the new Islamic here, in a sense, trying to imagine ourselves for the next year what will be what will we be doing, what our plans for it and how to plan inshallah for it. So to begin with, as it said, The month of Muharram in sha Allah is

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soon going to start

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and the month of Muharram is one of those months that are special in the Islamic calendar. Special for at least a couple of reasons. One, it is Sharon haraam is sacred month. So we actually will we were in those sacred months if they began with volta. Even the name itself right suggests like there's a cessation

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will Canada and then comes the month of Hajj, dude hedger and then mojarra. And they even the name will Hassan and Shahar that is haram that is sacred. Even the name of haram tells you that this is a sacred month. What does it mean that it's a sacred month? It's a special month where fighting is prohibited. Initiating fighting is haram. This was part of what the Arabs have inherited from the religion of Ibrahim alayhis salaam and Islam came and affirmed it that is initiating fighting is haram in it but what does that mean to us or for us and when you say okay country to a country army to army the candidate initiate fighting but what about us? Well, it is extra sacred.

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So a lot as it says in the Quran, fell out of the movie Hina and full circle member the secret months, do not commit and justice against yourselves committing injustice all together right at any time is haram is forbidden. When it comes to a place that is sacred, like imagine in a sin you know, wherever you are, is one thing, but a person who travels and they are in Mecca, okay? And they commit that same sin in Macau well that is different because you're supposed to fear a lot more and be closer to him more in Mecca. So is sin is Mecca in Makkah, which is a sacred spot is different and unlike a sin committed outside because this banner that Mecca is haram sacred so this month also

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is haram sacred in the sense that a sin in it is more serious.

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And in general we can say because it is you know, a special month we can say that at a bear that in it in general, in general, is extra special.

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Now for the hurun.

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The Prophet sallallahu wasallam said in addition to it being what Sharon harami sacred month, so we said don't commit and justice in that meaning that stay away from sin. Stay away from sin. Okay, extra there's an extra added emphasis

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on avoiding sin and upsetting Allah subhanho wa Taala. Right. But also in addition to that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam says of law to see me, bad Ramadan Shahada, la halmahera he says the best fasting after the month of Ramadan is the month of Allah, Allah Muharram the month of Allah the secret. This was the name, the name hora means, the month of Allah so we call it the month of Allah magian right a month of Allah means that this is a special month. And the fasting in it is the best fasting meaning voluntary fasting after the obligation which is in Ramadan. So right after Ramadan, if someone were to ask you what is the best time to fast in what month, you say it's the month of

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Muharram. So we're going to be in it in sha Allah. So it's an opportunity now for those of us who like to fast, too fast, or for those of us friends who will just simply want to revive their email and they want to be closer to Allah zildjian they want to earn more good deeds, that the best of fasting will happen in the month of Muharram. So it doesn't mean that you fast the whole month, Jani, it wasn't the habit of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam other than the month of Ramadan to fast an entire month. If you wish to fast all of Muharram you can go ahead but it doesn't mean fasting harder on that you should fast every single day in it, you can fast most of it if you want. Or we

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can say at least fast the following Mondays and Thursdays

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right and fast the 13th and the 14th and the 15th of that month, the middle of the month. So if you fast those and you find inshallah, that is an opportunity to be of those who fasted those last days and fasted them in how to run. And of course, we cannot forget the day of Ashura,

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which I should not means what the 10th so it's the 10th of Muharram.

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Now what is special about the 10th of Muharram

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when the prophets a lot he was in Islam was in Mecca. The people of Polish celebrated that day or commemorated that day, it was a special day for the people of Polish, they used to fast it

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they used to observe a fast there. And now when the prophets Allah, Allah migrated, okay to Medina, he also found that the Jews of Medina used to fast it.

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So it tells you that it is a day that is sort of steeped in symbolism and in history in significance. Even the non believers had an understanding that special day, the Mexicans and the Jews in Medina, they also use came too fast. So the prophet SAW his son and then asked the Jews, right, because there are people of the book. So supposedly, he should know what they're doing and he wanted to know why you were fasting this particular day. So they said, this is the day when Allah saved Moosa and his people and ground Pharaoh and his people. So most of fasted, and to think Allah has loaded and we fasted to thank Allah. So it's a, as they say, it's one of the days of laws, a

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yamo law that they were a lot as though the champions that believers and destroys their enemies, which is a destruction that they deserve, was long coming along to warn them about it. But they rebelled against them and continue to rebel and kill and corrupt until the punishment of Allah had to descend, to stop their corruption. So Musa alayhis salam, how did he thank Allah for this Namah

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Veneto, finally, to escape the yoke of slavery of when we strive to escape that the oppression of Pharaoh and to see with their own eyes, someone they could not believe could ever be defeated? me but I always thought he had this in them right that for our own is so mighty like today this this is really a lesson for all of us. Whenever you think that someone or something is too strong that it could never be defeated. They're against Allah, but nothing can defeat them.

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bento is for Allah had that they've been under slavery, they've been slaughtered, they've been subjugated, they've been harassed, and their spirits had been crushed. So they had this belief that what could defeat Pharaoh what could take Pharaoh out? So to see with their own eyes, the demise of their enemy, and that's why allies Legend says you know, part will lie and and part of the reason why Allah says kinetic energy can be bad and he says so we will will save your body after after Pharaoh dies. Allah says kinetic energy can be maddening. So we will see

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Save your body. You see, what does that mean a lot. zoa just saved the body of Pharaoh, it was thrown to the shore. So when we swap in with their own eyes, they could see and believe that Pharaoh is dead.

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Now of course, in addition to the satisfaction that that gives the oppressed when they see those that oppress them dead, finally dead finally punished. It so proves to them the might and power of Allah zildjian and it's the same thing. When we going too fast in sha Allah The day of Ashura? Yes, we want the reward from Allah as the agent but there is a lesson, a lesson of thanking Allah, for something that happened to Mossad is sent out, because it's relevant to you and me.

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It's relevant to you and me because the lesson of Ashura is an eternal lesson.

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It's an eternal lesson, the lesson where Allah supports those who call on Him, and trust him and rely on him. And he destroys those who oppose them, no matter how strong they think they are. And even though the believers are may sometimes may have to wait and then wait and wait. So Pamela, maybe you're a person at this moment. And this is one of the lessons of Ashura, maybe you are a person at this moment who is waiting,

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waiting for a sickness to go away,

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waiting, waiting to find a job, waiting, you know, for a problem with your family to be resolved for your kids to be better. You're waiting for something, and you're sad, you're depressed and waiting for that to go away. All of us are waiting, but obviously we're waiting. And many times, you know, they were about to lose their patience. And they would tell who Sally said, and we were harmed before you came to us or we were harmed after you came to us meaning what did you do? And this is their frustration targeting What did you do because we're still your prophet of Allah, and you're telling us all of the sin but still bad things are happening to us. And Musa alayhis salam, you

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know, says the stallion ob la he was beautiful. He says, Seek the assistance of Allah and be patient. So many times, many times when you see injustice, or when you see something that is happening to you, you really want to just give up and say nothing is gonna change. It's always going to be like this, I'm always going to be sad, I'm always going to be suffering or they're always going to be sick, I'm always going to be and you believe that this is going to be eternal, it's never gonna end. So I should not come as to say that no, every injustice ends and every suffering ends and every day is an it is going to be accepted in the way that Allah wants. For you and me,

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that's part of the lesson of Ashura, which is that when you're going too fast, you're not just simply fasting a day, you're fasting a day, where Allah azza wa jal revealed to his people his power and revealed his enemies his power.

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And so every other believer in Allah, who comes after has to look at Ashura as one of those pivotal days in this we just like what you remember the deal of bed, what allows us to champion the believers and the victory came to them, right, the victory came to them.

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And without it, you know, Subhana Allah, Eman, the believers would have been crushed, that you have Ashura is also a pivotal day of victory.

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So you thank Allah for it as Musa alayhis salam, and thank Allah for it. And you reflect on why. Okay, you're thanking Allah, because you want that lesson of actual law in you.

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As long as there is injustice, okay. We need to resist it. But who is about the only thing that they could do in resisting Pharaoh is what hold on to their email.

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Just hold on to their email and say, what you believe is wrong. They could not find him was not allowed. They couldn't find him. They couldn't change whatever he had commanded. Whatever the he had instituted, they couldn't. They're completely without power. But they could resist him by what by holding on to their Eman and saying you're wrong, and we're right. Allah is right, and you're wrong. They just did that. So even when your weakest and you have injustice, and you can see the injustice the woman in the world today, I and you maybe are not able to change it, but the way that we change it, if you remember, when we talk in adapt, I'm talking about Islamic etiquette and manners, a given

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man and goodness forbidding evil and we say the lowest or the base, most basic level of changing

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corruption and injustice is with your heart.

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And then with your tongue, as long as you hold on to the truth, then you're changing it later. Sooner or later that thing is gonna go away. But we are defeated when we allow that injustice to become normal for us to accept it to accept false or deviation and say yeah, this is the way it is. When that

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happens then you and I are defeated. But when you say it's wrong, sooner or later by the will of the light goes away and that is what that is the lesson of

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Now, Ashura, as we said, I'll tell you about that reward if I shut up but just to continue the history so that people have

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porridge them Atkins, they knew it. They knew about Asheville and they said, they celebrate or they commemorated that day. The Jews of Medina they commemorated that day with fasting. So the Prophet sallallahu wasallam when he heard about the significance of Ashura, kind of Osama who Mr. anessa vcm He He fasted that day, and he commanded people to fast meaning Muslims, too fast it so in the beginning of Islam before Ramadan was made into an obligation, Ashura was the obligation. Ashura was funneled, everybody had to fast it. And there's a head Ethan muscle here that says that the people of Medina, they would also

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kind of encourage their kids to fast it, even though they have they're not. They're not, it's not obligate an obligation on them to fasted. They're still children, it could be like 567 and they say the way that they would encourage them to faster is that they would make toys for them. So whenever they're crying for food, they would have them playing with that toy until what it's the time to break their fast just to get them used for it. Right, just to distract them. But anyway, it's not an obligation on them of course, but on the adults it was an obligation until Ramadan comes and then after Ramadan, Ramadan is the obligation I showed up becomes what is Sunnah till today? Till today?

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So the Prophet sallallahu wasallam he said about it. You can feel to Senator Madea forgives the sins of the past year,

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forgives the sins of the past year, the day of autofill Of course, right? We talked about the day of autofill not too long ago, that day of alpha forgives the sins of what, two years past and coming.

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This ashuelot forgives the sins of what? the past year. Now Someone may say, Well, listen, I did arafa out of a forgives the past and the coming year Do I still need to do ashuelot? What is actually doing them? What do we say? First of all,

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the forgiveness that I have on offer will give depends on the strength or the sincerity of the fast. So maybe, you know the strength of my fast, wasn't really strong enough to forgive all past here and all of the coming year but most of it or some of it, I Schrott comes in complements whatever is missing.

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I shoot outcomes and forgives whatever is missing. And outcomes. The first thing that if I showed up you fast it and actually all your previous sins of the past year had been forgiven, I thought will be a good deed for you.

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So if you're asking yourself, what what if I don't have any bad deeds to Panama? Who doesn't? But what if I don't have any bad deeds? What should I get to do if you don't have any bad deeds, it turns into good deeds then.

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So anyway, you're not going to lose in Sharla, you're not going to lose with a lot as a surgeon what you never lose, so it forgives the sins of the past here. Now, there's a little bit more to the history of Ashura, because towards the end, so the prophets are listened and fasted that day.

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When he came to Medina, the first year, second year, third year and so on, so on, so on, comes to the end of his life, so it was sent them but so hard, or some of us have already come to him and they say, oh prophet of Allah. Well, the people of the book The Jews of Medina are fasting Ashura

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and they understood from the Prophet sallallahu wasallam that Muslims need to be distinct, especially in their Islamic practice. So he said, shall we not add to it another day so that our fast will be distinct and different?

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So he said some Allah audio synonym, yes, the next year in sha Allah will fest the ninth

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meaning what the ninth would that 10th but then that next year came and the prophets a lot he was send them was not a life.

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So the sooner then, the sooner what from that speech, from the same of the prophets of Allah Silla is too fast, the ninth and the 10th. Now if you are busy, if you can fast those two days, you can just fast the 10th and that's absolutely valid.

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Okay, no, it's not you don't need to or you don't have to fast the ninth. If you don't want faster,

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it is better. So we can say that they're the fastest one that they are levels. That best level is too fast, the ninth and the 10th. There's a weak Hadith that says ninth and 10th and 11th you can fast the 11th

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No but Heidi this week. But if you want to pay no one is stopping you just one extra day it happened a little bit. I mean, it's not bad. But what the Hadith really is, and mentions, the one that I mentioned is the ninth and the 10th. So first, the ninth and the 10th. Tessa and Ashura the ninth and 10th, if you can, if you can't, at least faster 10th insha. Allah forgives the past.

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Here, if there is sort of some discrepancy about the beginning of the month, when did it exactly start or people disagree? The best thing to be in sha Allah life we're not really sure about when the man started is too fast both days.

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The 10th in our calendar and the 10th in some other people's economy in case

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we're wrong, and they're right or they're right, and we're wrong, whatever. Right. So in case that's the case, that's this situation, fast a couple of days, just to be sure. But when you're fasting that day, have in mind in sha Allah, what have in mind, that forgiveness of Allah for that past year, so you want that and have in mind in sha Allah, the lessons from Ashura are lessons from Ashura. So that try to kind of reviving yourself the patient's Think about it, that patients have been sort of aim and the tyranny of their enemy and that eventually, Eman defeats, tyranny and disbelief and corruption. It has to it always will. So sometimes we have internal rebellion,

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internal doubt, internal,

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in gratitude, internal to internal pain, even as a man defeats it.

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Okay, sometimes it will take time, sometimes it takes a lot of okay, but man defeats.

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is there anything else special about Muharram and Ashura that we should do or not do? Like? Is there any other data, there's nothing else that is mentioned. So when it comes to Muharram, nothing else is mentioned other than fasting. But if you want to do more than generally, that's good that 100 so you're not read more of the Quran, you want to do more decoding, you want to do more a Banda, you can do that, but none of this is prescribed specifically for mohalla. Okay, but you can do it in Sharla, especially as, especially if we fast, especially if you first because the day of fasting is a day of a bad That in itself. And you want to learn to accept it. And it's if if you're fasting

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Mondays and Thursdays, those are days where your actions are being taken to a lot as origin. So the more data you do, the better. So if you can do that at home to dinner, that's good. The same thing for Ashura other than fasting, nothing else is mentioned. If you if you read the Koran, if you read specific, if you read specific solar sun mentioned, so your regular evader, and maybe perhaps we assume in sha Allah, because it's a sacred month, and it's a special day, maybe we can say it's more blessed than a bad it is more blessed, but no specific evidence about that. Now, of course, I showed up,

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the people do some bit as in it, right? It's a bit of a Sue people sue them bit a bit as it ended as in mojarra. So of course, the famous one is when ashuelot turns into a day of mourning, and funeral processions. So you know, who does that right? mourning the death of a Hussein? What are the level?

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So of course, we say that this is what it are in Islam. This is a dynasty now. Because before it was saying about the lower annual, and even not to be thought it was killed, wasn't the United assassinated, right? And who's better?

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who's saying, It's obvious, right, who's better, and you're using it, although I use us the hobby.

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Hussein is not counted as a hobby, it is as a hobby. And even if ones 12211 wants to say that Hussein is this hobby,

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and he is far better, and the prophets artists, and it says in the head if you are Huma Pyromania, I mean who might not be thought of is better than his children has an interesting so he was killed and assassinated right.

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But we don't mourn him. We don't go on processions. We don't wait, we don't hit ourselves. We don't dress in black. We don't cry. Because this is not an Islamic custom. Not an Islamic practice of Man will be a lover and who was killed.

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Abu Omar will be alone and who was killed Abu Bakr wasn't Oh my god, Allah was killed we don't mourn them. Why? Because it's not an Islamic practice. It is haram to do this for your own family. For your own family. You know, if your spouse if your child if your parent dies, your it's haram for you to wait like this and hit yourself and dress in black. It's not allowed. You can be sad, natural sadness. But what is being done in the name of Hussein is a complete bid

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and two

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Coal to the tsunami also likes a lot to cinemas there should be no doubt in anybody's mind that if I'm here saying lovely alone and was alive, one of the first things that he will do is declare himself innocent of that practice says you're doing this for my sake. I'm innocent of that practice. I've never commanded you to do something like this. But subpanel other people who do it may Allah guide them. I mean, they live their emotions carry them, they let you know, their frustrations and some, some people manipulate them, their leaders, their religious leaders, there's undoubtedly they're manipulating them for the for worldly reasons. So panela so that is a bit that is a bit

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okay. And it's Haram, it's absolutely Haram, a counter visa is to treat Ashura like a day of celebration because some people and this is even you know, historic is not recent. Some people when they saw this video, they said, okay, we want to do the opposite. So they begin to cook special foods on Ashura

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on the Ashkelon doesn't deserve any special food. And that's not a way of celebrating that day. Okay? And because this is a religious day, when when you start making special dishes for that day, that dish becomes religious as well becomes part of that, that worship part of the bad part of that commemoration of Ashura. All we fast and we do these dishes, and that becomes religious too. So, eat your regular food, don't make special dishes, don't make like extra sweets. If whenever you fast you make these types of sweets then make them on Ashura. If you only want to make those sweets on Ashura, then no.

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You say, but it's just food. You say, yeah, it's food. But do you have to do it on that day? Why are you doing it on that day, do it the day after the day before? A week after or a week before if you really want to eat it, but why that day? Because what is really here is significant and I hope inshallah, that we understand that we don't want to change the experience of Ashura, so that it's unlike with the prophets, a lot of them used to do an experience would want it to look different.

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Right? Would you want to corrupt it for ourselves and our children so that when our children are growing, they think Ashura? Is this dish? It's not that dish. The way that we celebrated Ashura is this way, no, no, you celebrate it the way that profits a lot he was sent him celebrated that day. So don't associate with Ashura, something extra, that he's a lot he was in love did not do. So avoid the extremes. It's not a boy a day of mourning. It's not a day of a it's not a funeral day. It's not a day of sadness, the month of Muharram is not that month of sadness. And it's not also a day of celebration in the sense of what

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buying new clothes, making sweets, you know, celebrating it's not the celebration that we do is what we asked a lot of xojo for his forgiveness through fasting that day, and a by that that day, and we remember the significance of the day.

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So that's more how long, and that's Ashura. And that's what we're supposed to do in them. Now, let's talk about, then you hear the new Islamic here in Sha.

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Now, of course, if you you may know this, right, you may know this. Now, the Arabs, they didn't have a calendar, like the ones that we had, like we have to date, we didn't have a calendar. It said this year one, this is year two, this is year three, this is year four, the Arabs didn't have that. And early Islam, life of Mohammed Ali was in our Prophet at a Salatu was Salam and the life of Abu Bakar. While the Allah under there was no Islamic calendar, no Muslims or the Arabs, right. They used to date by significant events. So if they asked when was the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. born, they wouldn't say the year of

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the year 600. This that, or year one or year five, didn't have that? What do they say significant events, the year of the elephant. Three years before the day of elephant this happened five years after the day of the year of the elephant that happened significant events, so they did not have a calendar.

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Now, so when did that happen? When did it start with Omar Otto the Allahu anhu. For what? For administrative reasons, because now they're corresponding with non Muslims and the non Muslims, they have calendars. So they needed a way to be able to document the passage of time and to pride on the letters that they sent. It was sent on this particular day, this particular history so that they know when they're corresponding when they sent a letter and when to receive it. So for administrative regulatory purposes, what did they do? They said we need an Islamic calendar. No. Okay. When they said, What is your one?

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What is it when do When do we start? So there's just suggesting started to come in that day.

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Prophet sallahu wa sallam it was this it was that, but the significant event that the owner of the lavonne had chose and he accepted was the age of

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the hegemon, the migration of the prophets of the law, and he was sending him because it was such a pivotal event in Islamic history. But not only Islamic history, if you think about it in world history.

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Because, you know, we're talking about few people, a few people a number in Mecca. And when Allah azza wa jal allowed it and they decided, and he enabled them and they moved from Mecca to Medina, history changed.

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Just those few people who migrated from Mecca to Medina, they changed history, because now everybody is affected is related and knows about Islam. What is the event that changed all of that?

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And was a kind of a watershed moment, it was the the migration of the Prophet sallallahu it wasn't enough now, though, the migration

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to place his migration to place inorbit Oh, one but these choose to start with Muharram as far as you know, the preparations for it started for moharram imahara. So they decided that we'll start from Harlem as the beginning of the Islamic here, marking the hijra. right but the actual digital is in lobby and I was not not in Harlem is just getting ready for it was in Harlem. So that's why we have the Islamic calendar so

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does it have a religious significance and then we'll talk about setting goals or thinking about goals for the next year inshallah, but passage from doodle hedger to Mahara. Okay, as we pass finished with hedger today, get into my head on tomorrow. Is there a religious significance to it, religious virtue to it? No.

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That also is also important to keep in mind, there is no religious significance. It just like passing from the Canada to the hedger that passing from,

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you know, half of them suffer suffer

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from one month to the other. So there is no app to be read, because I've just heard you know that there is some some people think, oh, there is a new app for the passing year, and a new app for the coming year, there is no such law. And the prophets, Allah said, have never experienced going from their head to moharram in this way, where he says, oh, now a new New Year is coming. He never experienced it that way. The Muslims at the time of the prophets always sentiment Abu Bakr, they never thought of, or now we're ending your head, you're coming into a harem, this is a new year, never experienced it that way. So their passage of time, okay, that their experience with passage of

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time is unlike ours today. So there is no specific app for the old year or coming year. There's no specific Vic, there's no specific place that you visit, none of that is just as a set for administrative reasons. They said, Okay, we're calling this time block of time here, one. And this block of time used to so that we can What? Mark the days and the months and the years from this time to that time, this is why so it's not religiously significant.

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So we shouldn't make it religiously significant. Right? But maybe we'll Harlem it's also part of, you know, being influenced by others. So because others, you know, commemorate and celebrate and make such a big deal out of what

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the passing of the old year in the coming of the new year. So they make such a big deal that maybe we feel that we need to do something like that as well. But it's not religiously significant. So we shouldn't make it religiously significant. Now, should we congratulate people?

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The New Year is coming, should I say you know, could I want to be here Happy New Year something like this. Should I the allow Adam the appropriate response to this is that well, it's really not sooner because how could it be sooner? And as we said that the prophet SAW Selim did not experience it that way. There was no all the new year during this time, so it wasn't really as soon there wasn't something that we can call us sooner.

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But if someone congratulates you Okay, so fine, you can you can reply and say me, I love less this coming year for you and me and May Allah make it full of Baraka And may Allah save you so you can respond.

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But I do not recommend that you initiate and say hey, happy new year. So I don't recommend that you initiate it. Why because the prophets oddest enemies have never done it did this and this was actually the opinion of Mohammed Mohammed Rahim Allah what are the animal you know Mohammed Mohammed number about another another. Congratulation not about this particular thing, because they even even at the time of outnumbered they didn't even congratulate each other.

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For one they did not do that for Ramadan yes there's a precedence for it. There's a hadith that you can quote for aid yes there's the Sahaba used to say something but Ramadan rambled for some congratulations that are not in the sooner he say what he would say I mean as long as like at least permissible nothing wrong he'd say I would don't initiate but if somebody says something I'll reply

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I'm not initiate why he says I will not initiate I will not start because he said this not in the sooner so the same thing here don't go and say Happy New Year. This isn't even sounds odd right? When you said when you hear Happy New Year you don't say that but at the same time, right? If somebody comes you know and he says, cool I want to hire me Allah you know preserve you and keep the seriousness keep you safe and your family Don't say no Don't be so harsh you know and rude and say give another job do is fine. give another to me I'll bless you me allies origin keep you safe me Allah this this this that's fine inshallah.

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related to it. You hear people from time to time.

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Some people say Juma Baraka Juma Mubarak or Juma Baraka, the same thing right? And you ask yourself, how many Juma is that the prophets A lot of you send them like live

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through an experience in his life. How many drummers one after the other right so 10 years in Medina, count how many drummers? Is it ever recorded that the province audio send them right or any of the Sahaba and Juma would come to us say Jamal Baraka, congratulations, Jim as here, congratulations, your massive congratulations to every Juma drum is special. And he told us about what to do in it. Do this do this do this. But he didn't say congratulate. Right. So the same thing, right? You avoid that congratulation wise, some people need those penalties. What's wrong with it? What's wrong with it? He said, Well, he didn't do it. He didn't do it. Do you think? Do we know

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better? Isn't his son and his way the best? Because if you if you like, do something else, you're not doing the best. Even if you say well, what's wrong with it? We said well, it's not the best, at least, isn't it? Because his son has the best always like what he does and what he does not do intentionally. Because if if we should if he if we should have congratulated each other every Juma he would tell us you know what, you know what? This will increase love and will increase our appreciation for Juma. So whenever drama happens, make sure that you congratulate each other for drama, then we would know. But when he does not do it, we know that what the best is in not doing it

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the best isn't following his Sunnah in what he does in what and in what he does not do sallallahu wasallam. And this is really an important point. Now let's let's although and we talked about, you know, the new year being really not religiously significant, but it's just administratively significant. We still can use it as a point where we

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stop and review the past and plan for the future. We can use Ramadan for that. You can use Hajj for that, right? So you can do you can do your revision, Ramadan, Ramadan, or you can use multiple stations throughout the year and say to yourself, what have I done?

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And what do I want to do?

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So maybe it is one of those stations in life where we can stop and say, okay, year 414 41, that's the past year of digital 1441. How was it from last Muharram till now?

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What were the good things that I've done?

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What were the not so good things that I've done? My plans are that projects I will have wanted to do but did not or succeeded in doing. So sort of a take an inventory of your life all together.

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Okay, here who is the good and here's the bad, that's the review. Here's what I plan to do, but did not do and here's what I plan to do. But Alhamdulillah I did the success and the failures. And what this will help us to do insha Allah is with this review, maybe inshallah we can take the lessons and implement them in the next year. So that now the question is, what do you want to do in the next year?

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And I know Subhana Allah, maybe, or maybe I'm projecting or not a lot.

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Maybe a lot of us have had a lot just out of energy. Just simply just drained. Okay with everything that is happening. So a lot of, you know, some bad news here some bad news or just feel drained, right? Well, maybe we need this more than ever. And it's just to get, you know, to grab a point in time and say, let's be excited about what's going to come tomorrow. What it's what the pub have the possibilities and the potential.

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For tomorrow, maybe I don't have to be a passive recipient for all the negativity that is coming my way. Maybe I can change that. Maybe I can plan something, maybe I can be excited about it. So what is this thing that is going to make me excited? What What plan do I have? Or is going to make me happy inshallah, and it's also pleasing to Allah xojo, when at least is not displeasing to Allah. So what is now the thing that you want to do for the next year? And I know it seems like it's something that is grand for like a whole year, how long? Till

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you say yes, develop kind of this, this broad plan. But now we're going to break it down into concrete steps that we will take inshallah, towards achieving our goals. So first of all, I mean, what is it that you want to do the things that you've always wanted to do, maybe you want it to pick up a skill, to learn something new, read more books, do more, a better memorize more of the Quran, but like just said, add that as a goal.

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But I just want to do this. And it could be something that you've always wanted to do, but you never got the opportunity to do it, or something that you've been doing, but you stopped and you'd like to restart again, something that's going to make you happy, something's gonna excite you, what is that thing? So if you can think about it, now, write it down, if you have if you have a notebook, write it down. So I'm going to write down this 1234 just to generate the excitement, okay, yes, I want the next year inshallah I will try for the next year, I want it to be even better. So what is it I want to do this, this, this this? What is it that I want to avoid? I want to quit this, I want to quit

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that I want to avoid this how long I want to avoid this bad habit. Put that down.

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And if that excites you, inshallah, then the handle of you we've done, we've taken the first step.

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Now, the next step is how can I achieve our make these objectives, concrete reality.

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So now we have to start about theory, start thinking about the first step towards achieving those ideals idea achieving those goals. And you will find is, you know, if you if you want inspiration,

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the life of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, why, whenever there was something great, that is going to happen the province always in a plan for it, including digital,

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and specifically digital, because that's the most relevant thing to us when we start or move into Muharram. Because we're reminded automatically with HR. So when the prophets old Cena migrated, he planted the steps, who's going to lead

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the animals that will be riding on feeding those animals? What will carry with us, who will guide us right, what route we will take, who, where we will camp in about fell right in the cave, who will supply the food, who will be the companion how we will go? All that was planned by the prophet sallallahu wasallam. So it's not simply, well, I'm just going to do this for Allah, just let's just leave. No, we want to do this for a long time. Now let's think about the means that will help us achieve the things that Allah loves. So there are some people out here who read 50 books a year 50? Well, it doesn't mean it doesn't happen by saying, I just simply want to read 50 books in the coming

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year, and just it's gonna just miraculously happen. No, it means that I'm going to plan for it. First, I'm excited about reading those books. Maybe you're going to be maybe you'll be a person who's going to read 50 books, who knows?

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But if you want to read books, let's take that as an example. What is that I have to select those books? Okay? And if you've never really read that, that many number of books don't start with 50. But let's say I let's say for instance, especially if you're a slow reader, 20 or 10.

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But you begin by what selecting those books, this is 1234 How do you select based on what I want to learn what I want to educate myself on. So if I want to know more about the Quran, then there will be a book about the Quran. I want to feel closer to the prophets. I send them there'll be a book about Hadith and a book about the Sierra. I want to understand Islamic history. There'll be a book about history. I want something that purifies my heart and deals with its diseases. There'll be a book about that. So I have a variety of books. There's a book about a specific skill or a specific historical period that I want to really know about, not necessarily Islamic, but educational. I'll

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pick that book. And now I plan my day. Each day. I'll read this many number of pages. By the end of the week. I'll be happy when I finished this, this this this? See put a plan where you're every day or every couple of days depending on what the objective is, every day

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every couple of days or every week, I'll come back and study what I've done, study what I've missed, study what I've accomplished, learn from it, and continue to work on it. But you need a plan. And you need to go back and revisit that plan and revisit your success and revisit also your failure and the causes for that failure for those setbacks and setbacks By the way, are necessary, because through setbacks, you will learn how to get ahead through the setbacks through the pain, through the frustration, you will learn more about yourself, you will increase your patience and increase your determination and you'll keep pushing you know, stronger ahead, inshallah. But you need those

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setbacks, you need those bad days, the bad days are not really bad, the bad days are there for you to teach you something about the coming day, and then tomorrow is going to be better, because I learned something in Sharla for it. So take the good days and take the bad days, but don't let the bad days Sully and contaminate the good days, let the good days push you forward and the bad days, they're gonna come gonna come on, be patient with them inshallah, but we will learn from them, and they will not ruin our lives inshallah. So think about it, what is it that you want to do? So set your goals, and I said, you need to always inshallah, there's a grand goal for the whole year maybe,

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or for six months, or for three months doesn't matter. But you have to take that grand goal and break it into concrete, smaller steps for this week, for tomorrow, for this month.

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Okay, and those smaller goals will feed into that great goal. So if a person for instance,

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wants to memorize the Quran, or wants to read summarized Sahil Bukhari, you can look at this whole book, or look at the whole Quran and say, when will I ever be able to do this? Well, it's very intimidating when you look at the whole thing and say, I want to do all of this. But it's not intimidating. When you say, I want to read from summarized 35 pages every day, that's it. five pages every day, but every day,

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every day. And before you know it Subhanallah, you'll gain momentum, you will gain patience, you'll gain stamina. And maybe those five pages will turn into 10 pages without you having to push yourself. But in time, you look at yourself and you say I finished half of the book.

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If I've just kept staring at the book and saying when will I ever finish it? When will I ever finish it, you'll never finish it but 10 pages five days, every day, you'll say, Oh, I finished half the book. And it wasn't that difficult. It just needed what a little bit of commitment, a little bit of commitment. So find the time you'll be able to commit and devote to your objectives. When you wake up, okay? When there's not a lot of disturbances, when before you go to bed, okay, if you're not too sleepy, or when I'm in my office, when I at my university, or when I'm whenever but you have this time is valuable time when I'm taking the bus, heading home or going back.

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Take that time that precious time those 10 minutes, 15 minutes, half an hour where your mind is clear and your heart is clear. And you can give time to your goals to whatever you want to do. And give it a little bit every day in sha Allah and you'll find that you're going to achieve a lot and you have you will inspire you in sha Allah to do even more because you'll be confident that you can do more. And before you know it, as we said, you finish the whole book. And you look at this book and say Al Hamdulillah, Allah helped me finish it. And so it is with everything else, we just need to break the habit.

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You may say to yourself,

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I'm I'm not a reader, I don't read.

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I'm not good at this, whatever that I can't, I can't learn a new language. I can't learn how to I'm not tech savvy. I'm not you can you can set these obstacles. You can say you say I can't, I can't, I can't. But if you say to yourself, I can be the left Muslim because maybe in India I can. And what I'm going to try to do in sha Allah is simply what is Metallica. So what I'm going to try to do in sha Allah is take few steps every day, we're going to die in sha Allah to try that. So I think I've done among others here. So I think that's my cue inshallah to finish. So, let's do that in sha Allah. This is the new year, new year coming. We said not religiously significant in the sense that

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we need to celebrate it religiously. But as we said, it's a point

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where we can transition

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and increase our enthusiasm, recommit ourselves to our goals, ask Allah for assistance, and that's something that I forgot to mention. Plan and be dedicated and

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Try as I said, break it into smaller steps. But ask Allah for assistance. ask Allah for assistance, Allah I want to be able to accomplish this and this and this. So every day, ask Allah for it every day, ask Allah for it every day ask Allah for it. And the habit that we have of not not doing something and not being able to do something, the more that we keep doing it, our habits will change. And you'll pick up better and newer habits you will have a habit of reading you'll have a habit of being close to the heart and you'll have a habit of praying you'll have a habit of fasting whenever you want to have a habit of being the Lazarus surgeon if a lot you know wants it for you

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and it is for you alone will give you that habit. So we ask a lot as a surgeon, or but I mean, to bless and forgive past here in the coming year. And any year that's gonna follow, we ask Allah azza wa jal to make the coming year always every coming year, every coming month and every coming week, better than the one had that had passed. As a law as derivative to be give us all of our past mistakes. Allah help us to fast the day of ashuelot for your sake, forgive us our past sins, rescued out of banana mean, to forgive us all of our mistakes and all of our shortcomings, teaches the lessons of martial art and to give us patience, so that we know that we're the man and with you by

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our side, we can overcome everything by as you have a bad anime to help us plan for the next year. The plan for the best year possible. Give us the best of goals and the best of ability and means to follow those goals and to rely on you and achieving these goals. Yeah, but I mean, and make that for your sake, not in any way that will displeased you last year. But I mean to make us all of the people of gender at the highest levels of gender, those who love you and your love back, and those who love your Prophet sallallahu wasallam and are near him on the day of judgment and in heaven. Bless your heart It means to bless us and protect us from all evil. Bless us and our families in the

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form of Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam de la jolla for listening and in sha Allah, we will see you in a lot of Al Ameen on Friday or Friday we're going to have the q&a for the heart therapy. If you're not part of that you can you can always join to chill it's free. But if not, then on Saturday inshallah we're going to continue the series of Islamic etiquette bieden inaudible al Ameen, again Giacomo haoma and will tell you some kind of law of hantek eyeshadow La La La

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La Paz Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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