Ali Albarghouthi – Manners of Seeking Knowledge – Part 5

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary © The importance of memorizing and pursuing knowledge is emphasized, along with the need for practice and repetition. The speakers emphasize the benefits of learning from people with good intentions and avoiding wasting time and reputation, as it is necessary for personal growth and personal development. The speakers also emphasize the importance of practicing self-study and avoiding confusion and misunderstandings, as it is necessary for personal growth and personal development. The speakers emphasize the need for people to understand the concept of "naughty days," as it relates to the idea that nothing is fixed and everything is adjustable, and a study on the impact of the coronavirus on people's lives has highlighted the need for personal health.
AI: Transcript ©
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Sonoma Rasulullah earlier, wasabi was seldom

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a MOBA do Hamdulillah, we are continuing with explanations and commentary about and on matters of seeking knowledge, how to pursue it, and what comes with it right in terms of intention and the process and also at the end product. So, today inshallah we'll be talking about the chapter or the title of the chapter is Phoebe diet is suddenly what country whatever TV? He says, the diet is sub, what do you begin with, is when you want to study something or memorize it, what do you want to begin with, and the amount and the sequence or the order of what you're going to study. But there are many other things and this chapter that go beyond really just the title. So the benefits that

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you'll find in this book are scattered. So we'll be something here and something there. So that chapters as they are organized, at least the titles concern doesn't tell you everything that is going to come in that chapter. So let's see, inshallah, what we'll be able to cover bit Nila as of today. So in the beginning, he said today at this sub, what is the beginning? Or how do you begin with a sub A sub clear, what he means by it is that amount that you first receive, in order to study and memorize. So the first thing, and that is why probably it is called a sub maybe this is a term that was in use or common during their time as sub

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in the dictionary, it doesn't refer to anything called a sub in relation to study and pursuit of knowledge in the dictionary. So maybe it's a particular term that they were using him or people around him to indicate what the thing that you first receive in that day or in that week, and you're going to memorize and study, so just hold us up. So he says in the beginning, he says should begin on Wednesday. But there is no evidence right as then in the footnotes, it says that there is really no evidence as to when you should start.

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In the week, what particular day you should start with when you might want to memorize something or when you want us to study it. So he began on a Wednesday or Thursday or Friday or a weekend. It's up to you. There's really no particular virtue or recommendation, but whatever works for you. So we decided to stop

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here. The next thing is going to be talking about is gradualism. And what do you begin with? He says, He scoring his collars and teachers and people that he knows he says Emily and Yoko Nakamura septilin moved at 100 huduma. You know, Doctor Who will add a T Martini risk? Why is he do Coolio mean kalama whatever in our interlocutor, you know, you can hold up to hopefully add a team or a team. He says that when you want to select something, and by the way, this benefits in trying to memorize the Quran even. But if you want to memorize a book, or you want to memorize verses of poetry, anything that you want to memorize, actually, it's useful throughout. It says when you want

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to begin and you want to select a portion that you want to memorize, that portion should be determined by what is that you'll be able to read it twice, and repeat it from memory, you look at it. And with focus, read it once, read it twice, and then repeat it from memory doesn't mean that you've completely memorized it. But after you reading it a couple of times, you can repeat it from memory. And then after that, you begin you continue to repeat and repeat and repeat and repeat until it is solid in your in your brain. But how do you choose what is that portion? He says that should be the determination. I can read it. Once I can read it twice close my eyes, I can repeat it means

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that you're pushing. Why is he saying this? Because he says if it is too long, you'll need to keep repeating it so many times because your mind can't grasp it yet. Your memory muscle has not been exercised enough to be able to grasp this. So you'll take it and you'll need to keep repeating it more than necessary. So that will become a habit of yours. And you may actually quit at the end because you're trying to grab more than you can actually digest. So he says how do you determine he says, Let it be that way. You read it two times, close your eyes, you can repeat that, then that's your portion. Then each day or each week or each month, you will add a little bit to it. You're add

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a little bit to it until you can maybe rather than the beginning you're able to grab just one line. After a few months maybe you can do two lines or three lines or four lines because now you are your ability to memorize has been enhanced.

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Right. And so he says a subtitle how to phone with the Corrado elf, he says a sub pool, that is the thing that you're going to memorize or study is a word, but the repetition is for 1000 times. So that's that kind of a saying. So the selection is small, but the repetition would be frequent. And you know, when he says 1000, doesn't necessarily mean 1000. But the more that you repeat, the more that you will be able to remember something so so for those who are specially with the haoran, trying to memorize the Koran, and each is at a different level, your age will play a factor, your concentration and focus will play a factor. But if you want to really, really remember, parts of the

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Quran that you memorize, those who teach the Koran say that you are repeated hundreds of times, hundreds of times. So you take this idea, and you memorize it, and you repeat it hundreds of times, whether it is today, or tomorrow or the day after. And the more that you repeat, the more solid it will be etched in your heart. So you'll never inshaAllah forget it later. So it's only with repetition, that you will be able to remember something very well. So that's what he's talking about. He says select something that is small, and repeat frequently until you memorize it. And maybe you will not get what maybe you're not going to memorize anything right? Maybe you are I'm

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people are not going to memorize anything. So understanding is also fundamental and he will talk about inshallah understanding shortly.

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And he says, if you want to select something that is what are you going to select to memorize, what are you going to select to study, something that is close to your level,

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to the level of understanding, not something that is very complicated and beyond you. And he says this is what our scholars or Misha used to tell us, he says For the beginners, they use to select short, simplified texts for the beginner to study. Because it is easier to create to your level to your level of understanding and comprehension. And you can memorize it more likely to memorize it that anything that is complicated, and you will be less bored if you study it. And finally, it is more common, and everybody has it. Okay. So this actually even works for selecting a book to read.

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The suppose for instance, you want to select the book in Sierra.

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And this is your first book that you're going to read. Now you can say to yourself, and because you know you're full of enthusiasm, and you aspire and you say I want to know everything. So you go and you select the longest book and see it all. So what is the longest most comprehensive book and Sierra, it says this particular book, and if it's translated to English, that's wonderful if it's in Arabic, is going to be in volumes. So this thing is in, let's say three volumes, three big volumes, or if not, it is in 1012 volumes is I want to read this. And that's the first exposure that you have to study of the Sierra. And you begin, what is likely to happen. When you begin with the first

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volume, will you finish it

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not likely I was going to happen is what you don't understand. Because complicated. There are too many details beyond you. And you will get tired and bored with it very quickly. Because what it has taken a very long time and they haven't even gone beyond maybe the pre revelation period, or even the jelly a period and you still haven't even gotten to the birth of rasuwa lice or a salamander is still talking about other things that you say, Oh my god, I need to know all of this. Too much information. Overwhelming you say that's not for me. So if you want to select a book, and that's your first, your introduction into a discipline, you're not going to begin with the most complicated

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and difficult one. It begins with something that is easy to understand, close to your level common especially if it's common in your area, you can go and ask people what is this mean? What does that mean? And it's more likely that you're going to finish it quickly. So, now you have a general comprehension and understanding of the life of a civilized person from beginning to end. Now, if you want to move on you can move on to something more complex, more detailed, but after you have read after you have understood and preferably after you have mastered the first book, so selection, what do you begin with matters significantly right? And he says we embedded it in you Allah tala subcode

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book de vida yada, he says he's part of the process that he's recommending. He says if you're memorizing something, after you re memorize it, verbally, you start writing it down. Because the more that you write it down, the more that you will remember it. So that's another tip. And people still till today do this. If you want to remember something very well. You remember it by rehearsing that thing verbally but then after you do that, you write it down. And the more that you write it down, the more that you will understand

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And he says also something very important here. He says it's not simply about rote memorization, just memorize. He says, Well, I had to learn with allamuchy. And if hameau He says, Do not write something that you do not understand. If you're memorizing something, don't write, and memorize what you do not understand. Because this is a waste of time. And you will inherit from that I kind of dullness in mind, as you're just reading. You're just repeating things that you do not understand. But you're just piling it on. He says that will that will develop a dullness in your mind, and also will waste your time as well. When Billy and you stay there for the firm. He said he should exert

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his effort put an effort into trying to understand what he's memorizing or if you're simply reading in trying to understand meaning take time to understand what you are reading, by contemplation, by repetition by questions for if what you are reading the portion that you're reading, or memorizing is short, and you repeat it often. And you contemplate and ponder what it means you'll understand, you will understand and hear, you know, in this sentence, he will tell you about the importance of memorization in relation to simply hearing something or listening to it, versus understanding it. So he says, Hey, for the harder Fany Hiram, in summary, reclaim, he says, memorizing two words, is

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better than listening to camera loads or two camera loads of books, just listening. That's one, it's good. But he says memorizing just two words, or let's say two sentences, it is better than just listening to a whole lot. And he says, We're fermo How to feigning and understanding towards or two lines is better than memorizing, to full camera loads, or a whole lot of books. So what is the most important here, memorization or understanding?

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Because he says here, right? He says that you memorize two lines? Or do you understand two lines, that's better than memorizing a whole lot. So you can memorize and memorize and memorize, but he says, If you understand a little is better than memorizing a lot. And if you memorize a little that is better than simply just listening to a lot. So here, eventually, we there is no contradiction between memorizing something and understanding it. And if you can memorize and understand that would be the best if you cannot do both, then should you memorize or Understand? Understand, because understanding is the superior thing. The whole thing, the whole reason why you hear, listen, attend,

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and try to memorize is to simply understand.

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So what is first of all, what is the benefit of memorization? Why is it that you should or try to memorize what benefit does it bring? Anyone can think of him?

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Not to forget, right not to forget, it's basically what one is that you can retrieve it whenever you want. You can retrieve it whenever you want. So I don't know if this had happened to you or not. But you sometimes you've heard the Hadith. And now you remember a portion of the heady verses What does the other portion say? What is the end of it, say, I forgot. If you've memorized it, you can retrieve it immediately. If you can retrieve it, what can you do with it, once you retrieve it, you'll understand what it's asking you to do.

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You can apply it. And also importantly, you can ponder upon it. You don't have to have your book all the time with you. You'd be in your car. And he'd be driving somewhere or walking somewhere and then that had teeth is in your head. And because it's in your head, you can quote it to yourself. And as you're recording to yourself, you're thinking about it because all of it is there and because all of it is there, you'll discover things in it that you will not able to discover if he did not memorize. So memorization has its place, it should not never be disregarded. That's why we memorize the Quran not simply just to read it in Salah. But because you can retrieve these ideas whenever you can. You

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can retrieve these ideas and ponder What do they mean? Rather than just simply go and look for it. This is from here. This is from there, this hadith familiar this hadith from there. So both are important, but understanding is the superior one.

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And he says

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if he if he if you compromise or if you disregard or you don't pay attention to understanding and you don't push yourself, it becomes a habit for you just to hear and not understand or to read and not understand. So he should never give up and he should

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ask a lot of jellyfish to head he should strive in asking a lot

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Virgil and beseech him and you know, plead with him, that Allah will grant him understanding because Allah as though Gil will answer that you are the one who asks him and will not disappoint the one who hopes from him subhana wa Tada. And this also tells you something really important.

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Sometimes Sometimes maybe we are born with by would mean we may not be the sharpest of people, we may not get things, right. Or some areas may be beyond us, I just simply don't understand this, whether it's a particular discipline in, in Islam, or in any any of the sciences, the present or any of the sciences, simply I just don't understand it, or this particular problem I don't understand. So now either we can say I give up an I surrender. Or I can say there's someone that I can ask and that is Allah zoji. And if you keep asking Allah for understanding for understanding for understanding a lot as odo will open the doors and will grant you that understanding that thing

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which was before mysterious unexplicable now becomes beaten Allah as a declare clarity is going to come from Allah xojo so one of the habits of Tamia Rahim Allah was that he would go outside, okay, outside his town, he says to the empty horrible right you know, there is just abandoned areas, and he would go there alone and he would prostrate to Allah azzawajal for extended times, asking Allah to teach him and yet Allah Teach me.

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Yeah, mufa hemosol a man for him Neha says yeah, Allah who made Sulaiman understand it, make me understand it, or Allah who taught Ibrahim Teach me

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teach me

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This is because there's for him, at his level, you reach an area where, okay, there's nothing Okay, he had heard what the other scholars have said, he has read it, contemplate and all of this, okay, but beyond now, either there is a new problem, or whatever he has read, okay, is not enough. There is something extra. So where do you go?

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To go to the origin? That's why some of the contemporary volume as I've said, he said, Don't think that whatever you are reading from me or him, Allah, that everything that you read from him, is things that he read from previous scholars, he says, No, some of it is things that Allah had given to him. He's like, he's about the first not that he innovated No, but like in trying to understand this problem and to address it or look for evidence for it. He says, this is something that he went and asked Allah for. Allah gave him that understanding. So it's not that he was quoting somebody else. So that could happen, you know, to us on a smaller scale. I don't understand this thing. I

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don't understand this thing. You go and ask Allah zoa did, of course, there are people that you can ask, but maybe some area is difficult. So you go and ask a last digit for understanding and Allah will grant you that understanding. And that works, as I said, for any pursuit of knowledge, whether you're University College, you're specializing in anything and it's you find it difficult. ask Allah as origin for understanding.

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So he says, there are some verses of poetry here. Let's see insha Allah. So those verses are saying he says, serve knowledge, that service of one who is benefiting from it, and continue to study it and memorize it, etc, etc. If you memorize something, keep repeating it from a lip who then write it down. And when you are when it's firm, and you will feel safe, that it's not gonna run away from you, you really memorized it, add something new to it. And while also repeating the old and repeating the new together.

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The last two things that he said he says in contemporary illuma, on Sita, Hata, La La to Raja Raja hidden verbally, he says, If you withhold knowledge, right, you can forget it. If you have something and you hold it back, maybe because you're stingy, you don't want to share it with other people. You want to keep it to yourself. He says, You are gonna forget it until you will be seen as an ignorant fool. People will not recognize that you have anything because you had it. He didn't share it, you lost it. So more origins of Thea mattina, then you will begin to be punished on the Day of Judgment with with * and severe punishment because that knowledge that was needed you held back. So this

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is a reminder about not withholding knowledge when it is needed. If you know something, and somebody needs it, you don't let them know if you're not sure you don't share it. If somebody right next to you or around you is more knowledgeable than you. You don't have to advance and say I know I know let me say No, stay back and let they're more knowledgeable.

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Speak. But if you're in an area where you can speak the truth and you don't speak it, there might be and people need it and they continue in their ignorance because you withheld that information it may be it may be

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a fact that you withheld knowledge and how to be responsible for it.

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Then he mentioned something, Rahim Allah, He says, and this happens with your companions with your study mates, who live in agreement with a karate or menorah to Matata, ha, he says, the student of knowledge, he must also do what with his companions, without cara, meaning, study, together, review together, discuss together, when he says mo Navara. He doesn't mean debate, but a conversation back and forth about what do you think about this? What do you think about that? What's the evidence for this? What's the evidence against it. So that type of conversation enhances and sharpens your understanding of whatever you are studying, because you study and you think you understood, but now

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if you sit with your study, mate, and this applies, again, I am not going to keep reminding you, but any type of knowledge that you're taking it, once you study it, once you read that chapter, when you think you had it, you sit and you discuss it in more depth, or what why is it this way? And not that way? What's the evidence for this? And what's the evidence against it? What if we adopt a different position, what will be the evidence for it. So that will enhance because once you do this, you will go back to that material, and you will extract from it, what you've already have memorized, and you'll use it and if you use it, you will remember it. So if you use it that in this dynamic, lively

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way, you'll remember it right.

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But this should happen, he says, will insult you attenuate the unmold should this should take place while being just in soft. Just what any and patience with the mall and contemplation where the horizon is shadow a lot of and you know, avoid picking fights or quarreling with people and anger. Because when you discuss and converse and quote unquote, debate, you do this out of consultation, meaning that I want to learn from you and I want you to teach me so we are learning from each other. It's not that I want to defeat you or you want to defeat me. Well mucho tu enomatic una lista de Sala, meaning when I'm sitting and talking about a matter, and this could work with us, sometimes we

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I hear something and you hear something, did you hear that? This shift said this thing is hallel. This day, he said in this has haram and he began to talk. It shouldn't be a debate between you two.

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It shouldn't be an argument between you two, but it should be as he said, medacta. What did so and so say? What did the other person say? What did you hear about it? What did I hear about it so that we're consulting with each other to do what?

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To reach the truth to reach what Allah zody loves. And whatever his profits of a lot. He was homeless. So it's not a matter of winning, or losing, or my shift winning or you're losing. It's not about this. It's about a consultation, and a consultation. When it takes place. It should happen with what insaaf meaning justice. That is you should calm down and say, Okay, I want to discover the truth. I don't want to discover what I believe. Because I already know what I believe. I don't want to discover what I like, I already know what I like. And I don't want to argue on behalf of what I like.

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I want to argue on behalf of what is right. So I want to discover what is right. But if simply we are arguing for what we like there is no really no need to argue. Because you'd like something different than me right? So you're not going to choose what i like i eternally choose what I prefer. And you know, eternally choose what you prefer. What are we talking about? Why are we talking to each other, then I can convince you and you can't convince me. But if you're pursuing common grounds based on evidence, then yeah, you can and this is insaaf This is justice. And this is contemplation.

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So he said, in the cabinet near to human and mobile, hatha if you're arguing with someone and your intention is examle has mirakuru meaning you want to conquer your opponent or your study mate or this other person. You want to just conquer them and win an argument he says fell at the head. This is not hallel

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this is not Helen. We're in ma Hello, Derek. If you want to debate with someone that you want to win an argument, you can only have that intention. If you know that you're on the truth and they're on falsehood.

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That's the only proper intention or if you want to win, that is you're debating someone and you're upon the truth. You and you're sure of it. Sure, okay. It's not a matter of disagreement. Or Etihad. No, no, you're sure that you're on the truth and the other person is a complete error. You want to win because the truth is with you

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But at the same time, you don't want them right to be humiliated. You would rather as a chef, he had said that I would rather that he would preach the truth without me having to force it upon him.

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That's the difference. That's the Edit. You don't want to like, you know, humiliate someone. And sometimes it gets, you know, in our arguments, by the way, it's this is any argue every argument, even like domestic arguments, you think you're right, and the other person is wrong. And you keep to our you keep arguing, and what's the purpose of that argument? I want to what? When, and I want to prove that you are what? completely wrong, completely wrong, incomplete error, but that had that intention of humiliating the other person, right. It's not that you're not going to go unnoticed on the other person, that you're trying to sort of put me down and humiliate me and not leave me I

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mean, a way to say face to say, okay, you're strong, no, no, you were wrong, and you knew that you were wrong. And you're always going to be wrong, something like that, right. So you're not going to even leave me a chance at least to apologize. So say face. So the next time, I'm going to have an argument with you, I'm not going to be generous. If you did that to me, right? I'm not going to be generous, because I remember, even if not consciously, subconsciously, I remember this is how you talk to me. So I'm going to also do the same, you know, take out the same sort of argument and wave it against you try to also in an argument like this, and it will always be like that. But it

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shouldn't always be like this. You want to stay or speak in a way that will convince the other person without you having to force the truth upon them. If they reach it on their own, then it's more likely that they will adhere to it and hold on to it. If they reach it, because you force it upon them, they're not going to like it.

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So that's that's what he's talking about. And that is add up and that is wisdom. Right? Remember it in Shaolin? All types of arguments, we will forget it. Yes. But once you remember it, try to be gracious in any argument that you have. It's not like I want to defeat my opponent, no matter what it is, right?

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no, now, we'll skip this part. So I mean, the proper intention when you're discussing things with other people is not to win an argument but to reach the truth.

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And he says he's quoting somebody who says Mohammed Abu Yahya, yahia, Holla Holla, Ishikawa, hello, hello, Joe, Bob, he says Muhammad omega, if he's in an argument back and forth with someone, and somebody presents an argument and he cannot refute it, he has no reply to it. You have paluma exempt the hula azim he says whatever you have compelled me to believe or to confess seems to be compelling one a fee another he says and I will look into it will focus only on him and above every knowledgeable is a knowledgeable and who is the knowledgeable above all knowledgeable. Allah Zoda. Right? Well vocal quality element. And that is a beautiful thing to remember. That is, among humans

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on a human level, on a human level, you're you know something, but there will always be someone

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who will know more than you. Or who will come to you sometimes even younger than you sometimes may not know a whole lot than you. But in this particular thing, this small thing, he knows it, he remembered an idea you forgot, he understood the Hadeeth you did not understand right? Don't be you know, ashamed by it. That is nature. That is nature that you're not going to know everything. There's your son, your daughter, sometimes they're going to come your wife, your husband sometimes are gonna come and tell you something that you did not do. Don't dismiss them, acknowledge it, I did not know this. That's humility. And that will show them that you're actually are a full person.

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You are a fair person, because you acknowledge I did not know this. And people can tell the one who's pretending to know everything and he doesn't and the one who's actually humble enough to say, I know this, but I don't do that. So if they come to you with knowledge that you don't know, confess, I did not know this is a common law hire for that. So

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there will always be someone who knows what you do not know. And if you accustom yourself to this, you're not going to be so embarrassed, so angry when somebody tells you that you were wrong about this, because you expect that you're going to be what?

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Wrong. Sometime you are going to be wrong, right?

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What Phaedra man, okay.

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Yes, here, the top of page 46.

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So, expect this right expect that you're going to have this gap in information under

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Don't be angry. If someone tells you that Yeah, you don't, you've missed this, you made a mistake. And then on top of all of that, Allah zodat is the one who possesses all knowledge. And no single human being, no matter how long you learn. And even if you specialize in an area, you're not gonna know everything in it, and a lot as Odin is above us all, and he can grant an understanding to someone other than you even in your area of specialization. So there is no need for arrogance No matter how much, you know. And if you don't know something, what do you say to it?

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Ah, oh, la, la, la, la na, na, na na is famous, famous. It's not mentioned here, but it's famous about Malik Rahim Allah was someone came to him from Morocco. Okay, either andalas or Morocco, some of the very far. And this is, of course, a lot of elements took months, right months to travel to Malik in Medina, all the way from an endless Spain, or Morocco to go in. And he had a list of questions. And then he said to ask Malik Rahim, Allah, and to about half of them. Malik settler Allah. Nada. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Right? About half of them. So the man said is okay, what do I go and tell people? Right? It's like, people will say, Did you get

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actually go and ask them and you just find somebody in the middle? Right, then that's why half of them are you don't know. You don't know what what the answer is? Do you actually travel all the way there? How is it that I come to Malik? And half of them? He said, I don't know. What do I tell the people when I go back? Is that tell them? Malik said I don't know.

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says What is it? But Subhanallah? It takes a man to say this, isn't it? It really takes cement. If you are a child, and some of us upon a lot, there's always this child in a nice way. But it also not it's not so nice way to all of us are still some children. I don't want somebody to know that. I don't know. I'm just going to make something up. Right? Let me just make something up. Because I don't want people to say Oh, he didn't know this basic, very basic thing. What are they gonna say about me? But Malik Rahim, Allah knows that okay, if I say something, okay, I'm going to please this man, maybe when he goes, but then Allah has a widget, he's going to ask me You said about something

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that you did not know. I know. You gave them a federal without knowledge. What will you say? Who is going to save you? So this is the safety really is to say that Adam, and so you get used to it, inshallah we should get used to it more and more and more.

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I do not know.

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Practice it, actually, when you go home. So just say to yourself, right. I don't know until people think you're crazy. So? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Right. Until he actually gets used to it. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Right. on social media. Do people say I don't know. Now that the comment on everything, right? There's somebody really has said that you said, why is it that when whenever there is something you need to say something about everything, what it's politics, it's medicine, it's economics, it's whatever you always have an opinion about everything isn't like there's something that you don't know, just

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simply say, I don't know, that's not my field. I don't have enough information, but everything he comment about everything he says It can't be. I can't know everything. So don't comment on everything. So the same thing practicing I don't know, this is beyond me. I don't know, this is beyond me. And if you say I do not know you're safe. But if you say I you know, and you start saying something, are you responsible right now, before people of course, but also before Allah xojo. Right. So

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and he said, and he says, you know, the benefits he moves on and he says the benefit of these discussions and these debates with people with your study mates is larger or greater than simply repetition with by yourself. Because in it, there's understanding, repetition, and more. And he says, discussion, that an hour discussion is better than a month of repetition. But if that person, your study, mate, and we talked about friends before, and how you select them, but if your study mate, if your companion is munsif

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just Sally makabe of some nature, some nature means meaning that he's a good person.

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What yakka will not one more dakara do not study with do not debate do not converse with Muta. nidrei, the most akima top top one who is stubborn? One who is when he debates, he seeks the opponents mistakes, right? So his intention is not right. And if he's presented evidence against his position, he rejects it. That's his nature. Because some people some of us have that nature. He says if he's has that nature, do not study with them, because you cannot steal unless that's the phrase you're going to steal his habits or you're going to inherit his habits from him. So the way that he is the way he

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argues that his intention is going to seep into you without knowledge. So he says, Don't make that person your companion will come with the idea and character is infectious. One major one or two more thira. And being next to a person, being his neighbor affects you.

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So this is, you know, even if you're not aware of it, it will affect you. So if that person is as according to him of unsound nature, you know, he's simply he doesn't, you know, he always wants to win, and he always wants to be right, and does not accept defeat, and will even subpanel law manufacturer evidence sometimes lie in order just to win is is not that's not a person that you should keep company of.

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Then he says, you know, Rahim, Allah, He says, at any moment shelf, the helium and huduma, and each other NASA Kula home, Adama, he says, aim of its condition is that if you serve it, he will make everybody else serve you.

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So if you serve in that it elevates you to such a level, that everybody else will serve you, but they'll serve you not because of you, of course, they'll serve you because of what are

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the items that you have with you, right? Because not because of you. There's nothing you know, extra special about you, that they should serve you for, but they serve you because of that element that they have you which tells you that that elevates there's knowledge, proper knowledge, it elevates, and people appreciate it. And people always need it and they seek it. So they'll serve the island. Now not that any student of knowledge should seek knowledge to be served.

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Oh, he should not seek it. Any I don't want like a person when I'm coming in, or if a person is an island. And I want to I don't want people opening the doors for me, or carrying my bag, or you know, putting a chair for me or all these signs of you know, respect, like, I should be served because if you're doing it to be served, and that is your reward in this dunya you're doing it for this. It shouldn't be done for that. So the acronym should attain a degree of humility or the seeker of knowledge, let's say, a degree of humility, that he's doing it to serve Allah azza wa jal to serve His prophets a lot to set them to serve this knowledge. And then people will also part of the you

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know, part of the nature of knowledge, people will try to serve Him as well. But try to detach as much as he can from their service so that he doesn't owe them anything right.

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And he know and then he says, Why embedded, it's all about me, and yonemoto amela He says, the students of knowledge, or a student, let's say, he should be contemplated all the time, in the subtleties of knowledge. And make this a habit. Because you will attain and understand the subtleties by contemplation, he says, the more that you contemplate, the more that you will understand. So meaning that if you're really serious about something like if you really studying it,

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once you study, once you study for an hour, once you study for two hours, later on, as you're walking, as you're doing something else, you'll be thinking about what you read, is think about it and keep thinking about it and keep contemplating it and trying to understand it on a deeper level, the more that you think, the more that you will understand, okay.

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And this should happen. He says love with them in a more contemplation is a necessity before you speak, so that what you ever use, say, will end up being accurate, final column, aka Sam, because speech is like an arrow, you must straighten it before you launch it. And then if that happens, it will hit the target, otherwise it will miss it. So he says you need to contemplate before you speak. And he says how that alone can be, especially the person of knowledge must contemplate. And think about whatever he's saying before he says it. And he says there to two verses of poetry. He says, Oh, see coffee and milk can only become certain. He says I recommend or I advise you.

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When you want to compose a speech that you do five things, if you are going to listen to that advisor who really cares about you not to feel unassailable. kalambaka who do not ignore the reason or the cause of your speech? And when you're going to say it to our walk the one k and k is the description of the words right what what what words are going to use to express your ideas. Welcome, how many words are you going to use? Well, McKenna and the place all of them. So is saying, When are you going to speak consider these five things first, while you're speaking

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and then the time in the spaces

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and then how much and the selection of the words this is if you if you consider all of this, then your speech is complete. So first, why am I speaking? Is there a reason for it?

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Is there a benefit behind it or not? And this is, by the way, the most neglected, neglected adverb, when speaking, is that, should I talk? Or is it better that I don't? And I know that right? We talk all the time. Right? That's the most activity that we're doing right? More than walking more. We're talking all the time. So sometimes this escapes us. So why is it that I'm talking but from time to time? It is good really, to pause and say, why is it that I'm going to say this, especially if I think that what I'm going to say may cause some problems, or may not be understood or sensitive. So should I speak or not? So way, the intention, consider the intention of why this is being said,

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after the intention is the time and the place.

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So whatever you're saying, maybe, okay, the intention is good, but this is not the time.

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Like, for instance, somebody who's really angry, we want to give him advice.

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He's not going to take it right now from you. So you can disregard the time. And so you know, I'm going to advise you right now.

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Well, you're not going to accept it. So you have to pick the time. Right? And the space. So somebody, for instance, you know, is speaking, it's a gathering and somebody is saying something, and he says something wrong. If you correct them in public, he may not accept that from you. Right. So space is important. So maybe after he is done as a family gathering, let's say after he is done after they're done, and everybody leaves, or you can take them to the side and say you said this thing but I think there's a massive mistake in it and could be corrected this way. And no, no offense or nothing. Yeah, you soften it, but the time and also this space, that's also very

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important and then how long, how long are you going to be talking and what the words what words are you going to insert and not insert so that you are understood right? And the selection of the words. So he says if you do all this, right, then your speech will be inshallah complete. We are gonna muster feed and feed me lol Katya holliman jameelah Shahs, and he says, and he tries to benefit at all times. And all conditions from everybody. Walkley, the hood, Mustapha America and he says, Take what is clear what is pure, and leave the turbot the cloudy whatever is contaminated. So, the first sentence here is what he says. Make it an intention of yours that whenever you find something

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useful, you absorb it and you take it Mr. fee them in Jamia in us. So whenever you are walking around whenever you're walking, okay? And you consider this to you can make this a principle in life, not just simply in studying. But in principle in life. When you wake up till you go to bed, everybody that you meet, will be able to teach you something everybody won't even meet, you will be able to teach you something, either in ways of how to act. Or sometimes if not how to act, they'll remind you this is how to behave this is that now not how to behave. Or somebody will share a piece of wisdom with you. They don't even have to be Muslim, but they can share a piece of wisdom with

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you. And you say yes, it is. Right. It's an Islam. It is right. So you take it and you apply it and you absorb it, and you spread it because it's beneficial. So whoever is able to benefit you take that benefit. don't restrict yourself. That's what he's saying Of course, right. And then he says also hold Mostafa de mercado take take what is clear what is pure, like if you're drinking water, let's say, okay, and this water is mixed, not oil. That's not a really good example. Okay, whatever. Like, there's there's food on a table, food on a table, and there's food on it or a portion of that food a plate or two. That's that's good food. That's delicious food and the other is not. It says

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take what's good and leave the rest.

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So that applies to human beings as well. That applies to human beings as well. It's not an invitation and we must qualify his statement. It's not an invitation to say, it doesn't matter who that person is. If he's 90%, wrong, and 10% Okay, just go to him and take that 10% Well, no, he's mostly wrong. That's we did like we said before, there's a problem was, there's a person he's, there's a problem with his data, should I go and learn from him? And we said that no better to avoid him. And it doesn't apply there holds most of our dhamaka take what is good from him and leave what is not because you may not be able to distinguish what is good and what is not plus, he could

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influence us so that what is that their moves to you.

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But if you are at such a stage, advanced stage where you know what's right and what's wrong

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and you are firm enough knowledge that whatever

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wrong thing that person has, you will know that it's wrong by evidence, and you are safe from it, then we may say, as an exception, yeah, cause muscle power damage, to take what is good and leave what is bad. But if you're not sure, or you're a beginner or an average Muslim, that does not apply. But if you find from someone, a non Muslim or a Muslim, and they give you good advice, or the model of good behavior, and the rest of their life is a mess, you're not going to say, I'm not going to take this from you, because the rest of your life is a mess. You know, you learn it, you take it. So somebody comes and gives you advice. And he says, Don't do this. The rest of his life, he's a

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singer, he's this and that, but that advice that he gave you is right. Are you supposed to reject this advice?

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No, you take it, you take it, and you don't make his lifestyle or his behavior or her or his faults, a sort of a an excuse to reject the truth that he had given to you. Okay, so this there, yes, it applies towards Mustapha or Dima Qaeda.

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And he says, Here he brings here is an example of somebody who had a servant who was staying with him, it's it's somebody else's servant. And he asked her to do or do you understand? Or did you hear something from your

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landlord or whatever right about because her landlord or her employer, let's say, was a Filipina, she says, No, except he used to repeat this particular phrase, she repeated it to him, and it benefited him. So here he brings this as an example of any he was able to learn from a servant, servant who was uneducated, but he just she had just heard something. And it happened to be that that particular thing that she heard, removed, a confusion that he had about a matter. So he says it can come from anywhere. And the benefit can come from anywhere. When he had a tailor. He says, that's why you see that.

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Too abusive. When he was asked, how did you attain knowledge? How did you become knowledgeable, he says Mr. capitalist defended him in a hat. I would never felt too arrogant to benefit from anybody. Well, never Hiltermann Lisa. And I was never stingy or miserly when it came to sharing knowledge. So he says, with both of these things I became knowledgeable with the first one is what Mustang capital, he says, I've never, I was never too proud to learn from someone.

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And that is, should be the attitude. And by the way, it's not an easy thing to develop and have.

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Okay, so something okay, sometimes the person you're learning from could be younger than you How can I learn from someone who's younger than me? And it's not easy. That's really not easy to do. Right? Or maybe you're very smart, very intelligent, but a lot as though it had given that other person an amount of knowledge that you do not have. So you're learning from someone that he is not as smart as us. That's also not that easy.

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But he says that, okay, here you have an option, either, I'm not going to learn this, and I'll remain ignorant. And that doesn't help me, does it hurt my option, you will just have too much self esteem. I'm not learning from so and so. The problem with this decision is that I remain ignorant, and not learning what that person is offering. But if I want to learn it and better myself, I'd be if I want to better myself, I better sit and be humble and learn it because once I learn it, I become better. And maybe perhaps I can even advance much more than that person, but at least I need them to teach it to me. So miss them Kathy says, I've never felt too proud to learn from anybody

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want to believe that and if somebody wants to learn from me,

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I'll always teach them

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and that is part of Chicago, NEMA. This is part of thanking Allah for that knowledge is that you share it and if you share this knowledge, what happens is that Allah blesses with you know,

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that Subhana Allah, this is like money, this is like money and like time, like money unlike time, like Zika. So we say that when you spend from Zika, what happens to your money?

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What happens? goes and increases Well, how come? How does it increase? A lot what's in it what there is Baraka in it. So although that your money mathematically is decreasing, but Baraka wise it is increasing, so Allah blesses it. Same thing with your time. You say that if I go and pray, okay to the men in the masjid, if I go to the halaqa, if I go to Juma, I'll have less time.

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I'll have less mathematically as true, isn't it? In reality, that's not true. Because when we know Baraka in the time, she'll end up doing things that will hurt you, or your time will be wasted. So you thinking I'm going to save you and if I don't go to gym, I'll save an hour or an hour and a half.

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So you don't go to gym or something will happen in that day or the next day, that will make you waste three and four hours. Because you did not pay. Yeah, there's there's a cut of your time. So there is a cut to your time. And that's your Salah, and this is a cut to your money. This is not always you know, mathematics. And there's a cat to your element, there's a cow, this enemies that you share it. And this is something you know, I mean, if you have not experienced it, try it as you learn and you are sharing it. Because you will find that the more that you speak, the more that a lot is going to give you insights and some things that you did not have before. This is what this

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was Hadeeth I thought I knew this. There's something new in it now that you just discovered or read. Why? Because you were teaching it.

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So that's what Apple uses. Rahim Allah said, this is how I became knowledgeable by sharing it with people and also learning it from anybody. And if not, I best famously was asked, how did you obtain knowledge? halaby listening. So all in what Calvin alcool. He says with an inquisitive tongue, this is how I gain knowledge with an inquisitive tongue and a comprehending heart.

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That is I asked a lot. I asked a lot.

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So he went around and he would ask this the hobby, that's the hobby, this person, that person. He kept asking and asking and asking but not just simply asking. He asks and he understands. That's why he will call it being a cool uncomprehending heart. So I understood what they were telling me. So that is striving. This is striving to learn and striving to understand. And he says, What in the massumi I thought it was a metaphor. He says, the students of knowledge, this is probably something that was common at his age. But he although he quote said he says he's a man in a world early on.

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But maybe at his age was still there, or maybe close to it. He says that they used to call the student of knowledge or one common name for the students of knowledge is mattaponi. Matterhorn, what do you say about this? That is because of how frequently the students of knowledge would come to their teachers and say, What do you say about this? What do you say about this? What do you say about this? They started calling the students, what do you say about? Right? What do you say about? So the What do you say about are coming? And what do you say about are leaving? So that's what they're calling them? So that's another nickname that they used to give them? And that's because

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they were asking a lot of questions, right? So typically needs to be useful questions that they actually want to learn.

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And he says Abu hanifa he became a fucky. Bill Matata, how will moussaka Rafi dukane He says, By discussion, and by these types of debates in his shop, when he was a vendor, he was a garment merchant, Abu hanifa. So while he was in his shop, and he's selling, and he's buying, and there will be students around him, and he'll be talking about back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. And he says this is how he sharpened his skills, the students and his by these discussions. So while he was selling and buying, he was doing this, however, we have the your alum and say buy this, you know that it's possible that you can buy knowledge understanding with earning money, because this is

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what he used to do, he was earning money by selling in his shop, the same time he was learning, which tells you some how to love that. It may not be an obstacle. I mean, and you have technology today, right? That may help you. Like for instance, you know, if you're driving back and forth, and it's a long commute, or if you're doing the kind of job right where you can just put your headphones headphones in while you can just put a lecture right? Like a series of lectures and you can be listening to an explanation of books as as you're commuting by may take you hours or as you're working. So by the end of the week or the end of the month you finished a series of lectures on

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Hadeeth on Fifth or this or that whatever it is or a podcast but at least something that is useful. So by the end of it oh I did actually learn a lot while I'm what

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working Yeah, while I'm you know commuting. So I did both so he says you can combine and you know who is going to give you this insight?

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Allah xojo when you ask him yeah Allah I want to learn this well, how how? And maybe then you'll hear somebody say something that will open the door for you and you'll be able to use your time a little bit better. And Allah gives it to use but you should suppose to have an intention. So if you see sometimes that the door is closed, all the doors are closed, I can do this, I can do that. ask Allah to open the doors.

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It doesn't have to be I have to be in the University of Medina or the University of aura or in university of this, just to learn if you can, great, but if you can't, is all or none.

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Right? No, I can learn something right. I can learn

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Something right here and it also doesn't mean that only if I'm you know, I'm older doesn't matter what my dad has done for me. I just some reading the Koran waiting to die. That's right. Oh, now read and understand and apply because till the last breath, you can teach till the last breath you can guide till the last breath you can support the truth

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so you're never done you're never done you're never done until you're in the grave you're never done right? So keep that inshallah in mind that there is there always you can do things in addition to right if the opportunities are there.

00:55:41 --> 00:55:50

And he says so how to lasers or Elisa, there's a he he luckily all but then you get the allomi What the fuck off a node iacono of kahraman abuse of what

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he says if you're off sound, body and mind, you have no excuse to leave learning and

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meaning understanding Islam and learning Islam you have no excuse to leave that you're not going to be poorer than abusive, that is abusive was very poor. And that did not stop him from learning. So Pamela, it says that if a lot has to do that, given you a sound mind,

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you can understand and a sound body in and you're not sick, you're not infirm in a way that you know that stops you from

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or hinders your ability to read and understand somebody's sound mind. It says what's your excuse not to learn?

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There is no excuse.

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And he says well in Canada homeroom casier Okay, so if you have a lot of money, then good money is an mo for the good person. So if you're a good person, and you have a lot of money, use it well, because that will be an mo for you. And in seeking knowledge. And a scholar was asked how did you become a scholar, he says My father was rich. And he used to help other scholars and people have virtues he used to help them. And that enhanced because a lot because he was thanking Allah azzawajal for his number by for that amount of money by giving it to others. And he was respecting the scholars and helping them that helped me become a scholar myself. So this was the work of his

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father who wanted his son to be somebody. So he respected these collars and he gave money and he assisted them. It was like just giving scholarships today. So he assisted them. And by that Allah xojo blessed his son

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and he says he quotes Abu hanifa Rahim Allah and this is also something that is beautiful. We can add it to the part about asking Allah azza wa jal when the doors are closed, he says Abu hanifa he says in an email, Hamdi was sure was shook sarcolemma for him to all fit to clean rackmountable till hamdulillah. For me, he says, I was able to attain knowledge by praising and thanking Allah azza wa jal whenever I understand something and I'm guided to a wisdom and insight, I'll say Alhamdulillah so Allah increased my knowledge, and statue panela is something that is missing, is missing we because we don't recognize it sometimes. or forget to ask Allah azza wa jal for more by praising him

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and thanking him for it. He says every time you learn something, and actually receive it as an Atma, this is a new area. And you've just learned and it's to see if that should be an AMA. Okay, that should be an AMA. This is a Hadeeth. And you just learned it stiff see it, that is an AMA.

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And Russell lies a lot he was lm said in the headache, the meaning of it. He said he was asking the people who among you would like to go to about one, you know, a valley and take from it a camel or two loaded full camel or two and come back to his family without any burden without having to hurt anybody or being hurt who would like to do this? He says all of us. He says if any of you goes to a sharp prayer, and he learns an idea or two, it is better for him than those two camels.

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So those are, those are not the camels. Nemo, right? That is today, just translate it in a way that you'll understand it will be able to relate to it. What is it? What is the thing that you want? A new car, let's say for instance, somebody say, okay, would you like to be able to go to this dealership? And he has when you go in, he'll hand you the keys and you just drive back. You don't have to pay anything. And you know, I'm at home anything. What do you like that?

00:59:53 --> 00:59:59

I'd like that. Right? Yes. And I'm right. It's wonderful to have this. So Isn't this an AMA Oh yeah, that's an AMA. So we are

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lies a lot of us lm is saying that you coming to the masjid for Asia, or learning one a year or two. And what they mean is better that than that new car. So consider how he looked at NEMA sort of lalani he was alone, that this is better than that thing. So everything new that you hear you listen, and you understand, considered to be a NEMA from Allah zildjian. And if you start saying and hamdulillah

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you will appreciate it and hamdulillah you'll appreciate you'll find how, as Abu hanifa said, how the doors of knowledge also start opening for you because now you appreciate something that Allah loves. And you acknowledge that as in him as Allah keeps giving more of it to you and more of it to you and more of it to you. So hamdullah Shangri La, as well.

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And he says,

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we embody and you still need to be sure he believes and he will, you know, he should continue to thank Allah azzawajal by tongue by heart by body, and understand that understanding and comprehending something, realizing the wisdom in the Quran. And the Sunnah, is from Allah as origin. So he asks this hidayah from Allah, and keeps asking him to keep guiding him. And that also breeds humility in the in the heart of the student of knowledge, or any secret of knowledge. That is, if you're able to understand something, there is kind of a superiority that you feel because you understood something that others did not understand. Have you feel that I understood it, but nobody

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here understood it, I just finished a book, nobody finished it, I finished the course nobody here finished it. So you begin to feel superior to everybody else, because I have more than they do. But he's telling you that your understanding is not your own effort is not a product of your own effort, Who gave it to you a lot as origin. And he did not give it to yourself. Just basically, first of all, just the ability to understand it. And if you have more of it than other people, is simply a gift that Allah gave to you.

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He not he did not enhance it yourself is just a gift that Allah had given to you. Also having the peace of mind to be able to study something and understand it and finish it. That's also a gift from Allah xojo to you. So don't take these gifts from Allah and think because of them, you're better than other people. And he says, No, you're always dependent on Allah, to keep teaching you. And if Allah wants, he can erase your memory, right? That thing that you've learned, that all could be erased, or Allah could raise other people above you, more worthy and more deserving.

01:02:40 --> 01:03:18

So think that whatever you learn, is a gift. And if you want to learn more, you need to keep asking Allah to continue to keep giving you and that you are under Allah's mercy, if he takes that gift away, you're not going to be able to learn, you're not going to be able to teach, you're not going to be able to understand anything that can be a blocker between you and understanding. So the more that you learn, the more that you should be humble. And if you find that you're learning things that are making you arrogant, then you're as we said before, you either are learning learning the wrong thing, or you are learning it the wrong way.

01:03:20 --> 01:03:42

Either you are learning the wrong thing. You're not supposed to be learning this at this moment. Or you're learning it the wrong way. You're taking something but forgetting other things that should come with it. So with, let's say with also with oral Hadith, or masala Hadith, or with the basis of a theory that you should always, always, always understand and study with them at the

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at the end or softness of the heart, to keep your heart soft, and you keep your character fresh. So you need to learn both at the same time. And if you find that your character is going down, and you're your heart is getting hard, then you need to stop and go and study both of those two disciplines because something is missing from your personality and from your knowledge, because the more that you know, you're supposed to actually become more humble, not more arrogant, because that defeats the entire purpose of learning. So he says, Rahim Allah He says, and this is maybe we'll make this the last insha Allah and we'll stop.

01:04:24 --> 01:04:59

He says federal help. He says the people of truth that people should know and Gemma, they sought the truth. And they went after the truth from Allah as origin. So a lot because of it, he guided them and protected them from error. But the people of error the people of misguidance they admired their own opinions and their own minds, and they sought any went after the truth from other human beings. They desired it from other human beings. And they desired it from their own minds. And the mind is or has its limits.

01:05:00 --> 01:05:39

It cannot comprehend everything, just like your your sight cannot see everything. So because of their reliance on their minds and other people, they were obstructed from reaching the truth. So they were misguided and they misguided others. So here he was pointing to a fundamental difference between the people of truth and the people of falsehood. The people of truth, understand their limitations. And the people of truth, understand that really, their guidance is from Allah as though it is. So they always depend on Allah And as for him to guide them, so because they trusted him relied upon Him, they continue to, Allah continues to guide them, and protect them from error. So

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before they want to say something before they want to write, before they want to conclude something, they will pray istikhara, they'll ask Allah will guide me Is this right? Or is this wrong? And as as they say it, and after they say it, they're paying attention to what if I'm wrong, and if they find that they are wrong, they'll correct it. So they're not attached to their own selves, and they're not attached to what they said they're attached to Allah zildjian. And they're always looking for what is the truth, knowing that I may miss it. Right? I may miss it. But Allah never misses it. So I keep asking Allah to guide me. And if I once I discovered that I made a mistake, I'll go back and

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say I made a mistake. But the people have falsities saying that, to the contrary, they don't trust a laws origin. They're not asking for guidance from him, not from the sources that are anonymous. And they don't do that. They go to external sources, different sources, they go to philosophy, they go to other sources. And also they rely on their own minds. And they believe that their minds can teach them everything and can understand everything.

01:06:47 --> 01:06:54

And that happens till today. And he says, Your mind is limited, right? And what's the example he gave your mind is limited? Like, what?

01:06:56 --> 01:07:13

Your eyes so your eyes are unable to see everything. And even sometimes when it sees something. Turns out there was a mistake, right? I thought I thought I, it was you over there, right? No, oh, no, it wasn't you, somebody who looked like you, but it wasn't you. So your eyes can make a mistake.

01:07:15 --> 01:07:27

And so like that, your mind can make a mistake. So you cannot trust your eyes completely meaning 100% and everything that you see, but you need your mind also, to

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calibrate to judge to temper whatever you see and corrected. So you need your mind. You see you do that sometimes you look at something and you say, No, this can't be true, right? This can be true, it is your mind informing your eyes, that what you're saying is inaccurate. And either one of them will win either your eyes will confirm no it is true or the other Your mind will say no, no, I was right.

01:07:51 --> 01:07:59

But I saw what I thought was I saw is a mistake. So your mind is always trying to correct your site and site also sometimes will correct your mind.

01:08:00 --> 01:08:39

But there are things that exist beyond your eyes and beyond your mind. And this is what allows those gifts. So if you rely simply on them, you've relied on a limited fallible source, if you rely on Allah azzawajal and then yes, your eyes and yes your mind but always in combat and in connection to Allah Zoda then you relied on an infallible source, and it doesn't mean that you always always 100% be right, that's impossible. All of us are human beings. But the more that you ask Allah xojo the more right you will be, so you will be more right than wrong. This is so this isn't Sharla what we want.

01:08:40 --> 01:08:50

The chapter is not done but we'll continue inshallah with this given that as next week, give you inshallah few minutes for questions if you have any,

01:08:51 --> 01:08:54

or for getting ready for a show, whatever it is.

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